Your energ y provider yesterday, today and tomorrow. NEWSLETTER Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative December 2014 Winter is on the Way: Be Alert for Peak Alerts W inter is coming upon us, and with that comes the time for peak alerts for cooperative members. A peak alert is likely to occur on colder days during the winter months. On these days, the demand for electricity is highest, which also brings the need to conserve energy use whenever possible. The level of demand determines a large portion of the cooperative’s energy costs during this time. Reducing or delaying your electrical usage during a peak alert helps lower this cost. The key is to reduce your consumption between the hours of 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. on these coldest winter days. This helps Chippewa Valley Electric save on our wholesale power bill, and this savings is passed along to the members. By turning off unneeded lighting and appliances, you can help us save a substantial amount. On these days, the peak-alert messages will be broadcasted on the following stations: • WAXX 104.5 FM • WAYY 790 AM • WECL 92.9 FM • WIAL 94.1 FM In addition you may visit and select Load Control Information (at the top right side of the webpage) to find the up-to-date information regarding the status of the load control. Whether you hear the peak-alert message or not, please help us control our costs by reducing the amount of electricity you use during these winter evenings between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Pay, View & Manage your Account Online with Bill4U V isit Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative’s website,, to conveniently and securely pay your electric bill online. Go paperless! It’s convenient, free, and simple to use. Plus, it helps conserve our natural resources. First-time users will need to have their full account number (example: 1234.000) handy. You will need your account number to create your Bill4U account. Pay by credit/debit card or set up your account to be billed automatically each month on the billing due date. To stop receiving a paper bill, select the Paperless option within the Paperless Statements menu tab. You will receive an email informing you that your statement is ready to be viewed. Smart Phone App is Now Available! Enjoy the convenience of accessing your account whenever you choose. You can view past billing statements, review usage graphs and manage your account with your smart phone. Visit the iTunes store to download the iPhone app or the Google Play Store to download the Android app. Search for Bill4U and then select the Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative Bill4U Payment App to download to your smart phone. Now you can Chippewa Valley Electr access your CVEC electric account wherever you go! Powering Your Future 317 S. 8th St. Cornell, Bundle Up for Winter Storms A re you ready for winter’s cold grasp? Snow and ice are inevitable when dealing with winter storms, but being prepared can make a world of difference. Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative (CVEC) recommends the following tips to help you prepare for wintery blasts. Winterize Your Home Winter storms wreak havoc on your home. By winterizing your living space, you’ll be prepared for extreme cold and hazardous conditions. • Remember to maintain and inspect heating equipment and chimneys every year to ensure they’re working safely and properly. • Caulk and weather strip doors and windows to make the most of your heating system. • Freezing temperatures often cause water pipes to burst. Remember to insulate pipes with insulation or newspapers and plastic. Allow faucets to drip during extreme cold to avoid frozen pipes. • Consider installing storm windows for better insulation. You can also cover windows with plastic (from the inside) to keep the cold out. • Make sure everyone in your family knows where the home’s fire extinguisher is located and how to use it properly. House fires occur more frequently during winter months, as people tend to use alternative heating methods that may not be safe. Prepare a Winter Survival Kit Severe winter storms often bring heavy accumulation of ice and snow, which can lead to downed power lines and extended outages. CVEC crews will work hard to restore power, but having a winter survival kit on hand is a smart idea. and insurance policies are also good to have on hand. • Other items: Keep a first aid kit, blankets, flashlight, battery-powered radio, and extra batteries handy. Stay Warm and Safe If an outage occurs, plan for an alternate heating source. A fireplace, propane space heater, or woodburning stove would be sufficient. Fuel and woodburning heating sources should always be vented; make sure carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working properly. Be extremely cautious when using alternate heating sources. If you use a portable generator during an outage, make sure it is placed outside the home for proper ventilation. Be careful not to overload the generator. Use appropriate extension cords that can handle the electric load. Follow these tips, and your family will stay warm in the event of a power outage. Abby Berry writes on consumer and cooperative affairs for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the service organization for the nation’s 900-plus electric cooperatives. CVEC Rebate Reminder Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative wants to remind its members that there are a variety of rebates available with the purchase of qualifying energy efficient products. Rebates are in place through December 31, 2014, or until funds, by incentive or in total, are depleted. Please submit rebate requirements as soon as possible to ensure that you can take advantage of our rebate program. Rebate forms and information are available online at or contact our office at 715-239-6800 or 1-800-300-6800. • Food: Store food that does not require cooking, such as canned goods, crackers, dehydrated meats, and dried fruit. Keep a large supply of water on hand. recommends five gallons per person. A PPLIAN CES • Identification: Keep all forms of identification handy, such as driver’s licenses, photo IDs, and Social Security cards. Bank account information Residential Farm State Commercial Zip Code Industrial Account Date Institution/Governm REBATE INFORMATIO N (Please fill in shaded boxes for a Quantity r tor Air Conditioner Quantity x Rebate Must be ENERGY STAR appliance $25 Must be ENERGY STAR appliance $25 Must be ENERGY STAR appliance Appliance Recyc Recycling – Freezer Recycling ‐ Refrigera Recycling ‐ Window Total: ling Freezer must be in w orking order. Freeze and fully disposed of following federal, s r must be removed from service tate, and local laws. Refrigerator must be in working order. R efrigerator must be removed from service and fully disp osed of following fed eral, state, and local Window air conditio laws. ner must be in work must be removed from service and fully ing order. Window air conditioner disposed of followin and local laws. g federal, state, Approved Not approved – Re ason: I certify the rebates requested are for eq uipment purchased in 2014. Cooperative Represe ntative: $25 $25 $25 Our office will be closed December 24 & 25 and January 1 for the holidays. CFL Lamp Minimum 5 watts LED Technology Security Lighting Occupancy Sensor s ) Replacement only Heat Pump ‐ Air Source & MiniSplit Heat Pump ‐ Commercial Air Source & P THPs $5/sign $3/lamp $15/fixture $5/each $15/fixture $6/lamp/ fixture per fixture: Enter nbr of bulbs es: Enter nbr of fixtur in quantity field to the right $4/bulb/ tures x nbr of bulbs/fixture & enter Multiply nbr of fix per fixture: fixture Enter nbr of bulbs es: the right Enter nbr of fixtur n quantity field to s/fixture & enter i tures x nbr of bulb e Amount Requested: Multiply nbr of fix Halide Pulse Start Metal T5 Fixture T8 Fixture (Replacement only) $3/lamp $5/fixture Total Rebat $ on: Not Approved‐Reas Approved in 2014. uipment purchased requested are for eq I certify the rebates ntative: Cooperative represe OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Size: If under 1 ton, round to nearest ¼ ton; If over 1 ton, round to nearest ½ ton Phone SEER 15 or greater or EER 12.5 or greate r SEER 16 or greater or EER 13.5 or greate r EER 11 or greater $60/ton $80/ton $40/ton $150/ton Heat Pump ‐ Geothermal ECM Blower Motor AFUE of new furnace: Other New furnace with ECM blower motor AHRI certificate number: $150/ton Total Rebate Amount Requested: OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Not Approved ‐ Reason: I certify the rebates requested are for equipment purchased and/or in stalled in 2014. Cooperative representative: Date: Yes Total rebate issued: $ $ Total rebate issued: Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 575 Cornell, Wisconsin 54732 (715) 239-6800 or 1-800-300-6800 CVEC is an equal opportunity provider and employer. $300/ton $35/unit SEER or EER value (not required for Geothermal Heat Pumps): Is central air conditioning present?: Enter the following required information for ECM Blowe r Motors: Total: Size x Quantity x Rebate $40/ton Heat Pumps SEER 14 or greater, HSPF 7.7 or greater, or EER 11 or greater EER 11 or greater Enter the following required information for Air Conditi oners & Heat Pumps: Manufacturer or brand name: Model Number: ) Quantity Rebate Air Conditioners SEER 14 or greater or EER 11.5 or greate r Central AC & Ductless MiniSplit $1/lamp Total: Quantity x Rebate Other Total rebate issued: Account Date Member Signature Industrial Institution/Government Other: Zip s for all items for which you are requesting a rebate Central AC & Ductless MiniSplit Rebate nt) Minimum 15 watt Commercial Specifications Commercial AC & PTACs LED Lamp tive communication only. State Farm Central AC & Ductless MiniSplit ing a rebate) Quantity Enter wattage: (Energy Star, CFL or LED Fixture hardwired) nment Institution/Gover r email: n) Email Residential Equipment Other: CFL’s & LED’s ted Industrial ndescent equivale Email addresses will be used for coopera Rebate for: Phone Information Specifications and Required ot 60 watt incandescent equivalent Greater than or equal to 60 watt (n Enter wattage: $25 ntation to: CVEC, P.O. Box 575 Cornell, WI 54732 o Member Signature Less than 60 watt (not 60 watt inca $25 CUSTOMER INFORMATION (Please fill out entire sectio Member Name Address City REBATE INFORMATION (Please fill in shaded boxe only. tive communication be used for coopera for which you are request shaded boxes for all items Equipment CFL Lamp LED Exit Sign Account Date Zip Commercial Farm (Please fill in REBATE INFORMATION Total Rebate Amount Reques Peace and joy from Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative! Email addresses will OFFICE USE ONLY Date: Residential State Rebate for: Rebate 2014 Energy Efficiency Rebate Form TING THIS FORM ( Please read) Rebate not to exceed cost of high efficiency equipment. Installed equipment must be on cooperative's lines. M Please allow up to two months for rebate to be credited on your bill. Rebates are in place through December 31, 2014 or untilust be a new purchase in 2014. funds are depleted. Please submit all requirements lis with completed form. ted below (in red) Submit the documentation l isted below no later than 6 m 2015. Members are encouraged to submit as soon as po onths after purchase or installation. Also, submit no later than January 2, ssible to ensure rebate. This Rebate Form A copy of your receipt or in voice for each item purchased Submit required docume CUSTOMER INFORMAT Address City Other: ing a rebate) Specifications tation to: CV t entire section) ION (Please fill ou Email Member Name Must be ENERGY STAR appliance Dehumidifier Refrigerator Room Air Conditione Phone Member Signature ent ENERGY STAR Appliances Clothes Washer ll items for which you are request Equipment • Medication: Be sure to refill all prescriptions in the event of a major power outage. Submit required documen Email ELIGIBILITY AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLE LIGHTING Address City Rebate for: HVAC 2014 Energy Eff iciency Rebate Form ELIGIBILITY AND INSTRUCTION Rebate not to exceed cost of h S FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM (Please read) Installed equipment must be igh efficiency equipment or cost of recycling. Form Please allow up to two month on cooperative's lines. Rebates are in place th Equipment must be purchased or recycled in 201 Efficiency Rebate 2014 Energy Please submit all requiremen s for rebate to be credited on your bill. Appliarough December 31, 2014 or until funds are dep 4. leted. Visit to vts listed below (in red) with completed rebate fo nces must be a new purchase. rm. Submit the documentation liserify ENERGY STAR rating. ted below no later than 6 month G THIS FORM (Please read) o be credited on your bill. 2015. Members are encouraged s after purchase or recycling. Al CTIONS FOR COMPLETIN p to two months for rebate t to submit as soon as possible to so, submit no later than January ELIGIBILITY AND INSTRU This Rebate Form or unit. Please allow u ensure rebate. 2, exceed cost of bulb, fixture, ust be a new purchase. n red) with completed form. A copy of your r Rebate not to requirements listed below (i eceipt or invoice for each item pu st be purchased in 2014. M ENERGY STAR la e's lines. Please submit all leted. bers rchased Equipment mu on cooperativ 2, 2015. Mem bel for each item purchased ment must be For recycled app ubmit no later than January , 2014, or until funds are dep Installed equip liances, include receipt for each place through December 31 later than 6 months after purchase. Also, s Submit required documentat item showing unit is in working o Rebates are in ion to: CVEC, P.O. Box 575 C cumentation listed below no le to ensure rebate. rder Submit the do ornell, WI 54732 or email: cve soon as possib are encouraged to submit as rm CUSTOMER INFORMATIO m purchased This Rebate Fo N (Please fill out entire section) Member Name receipt or invoice for each ite 575 Cornell, WI 54732 or email: cvec A copy of your EC, P.O. Box No
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