Farmington 3E January 30 & 31

Saving Lives through a Coordinated
Response to a Hostile Event–
January 30th and 31st, 2015
Friday: 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday: 730 a.m. - 430 p.m.
* required to attend both days
The first thirty minutes can be a critical time to evacuate the
injured and save lives. Using the most advanced techniques in
medical, tactical and rapid incident management, this 1½ day
training will give participants the practical skills needed to respond to
hostile events including post blast and active shooter incidents.
Funded by:
Target Audience:
Limited to a multidisciplinary group of Fire, EMS, and Law
Enforcement responders from organizations and
jurisdictions within Minnesota with preference to those
from Dakota County.
Leadership and trainers from the area who may be
involved in or planning for the response to an event
that involves post blast explosives or an active
shooter event.
Regional experts from the Military, SWAT, Emergency Management,
Bomb Squad, Police, Fire/Rescue and EMS
Location: Farmington, MN
Friday, January 30, Boeckman Middle School , 800 Denmark Avenue
Saturday, January 31, Boeckman Middle School , 800 Denmark Avenue
FEMA Course MN-005-RESP
P.O.S.T Board Approved –12 hours
E-Mail Martha Ziese (
with your name, agency, current position,
address, phone and email
Free of charge to the target audience that is
covered under grant funding.
Lunch and refreshments included on Saturday.
This class includes both classroom
and hands-on instruction
Ron Robinson, MESB ......................... 612.860.1257
Jonathan Bundt, Lead Instructor ........ 952.922.0422
Limited Number of seats. Participation selection will
be done to ensure proper balance and representation
of public safety disciplines and other program criteria.
Confirmations will be sent to those enrolled.
Registrations may close before deadline.