BENEFICE OF WINSLOW WITH GREAT HORWOOD AND ADDINGTON WINSLOW – St. Laurence Church Rector Please contact one of the Church Wardens below for any enquiries or email for redirection to a Warden. Churchwardens Mrs Barbara Capstick 714592 Mr Graham Bowe 714678 St Laurence web site: GREAT HORWOOD - St. James' Church Churchwardens Mr David Brazier 714712 Mrs June Margerrison 714554 St James’ web site: Churchwarden Church Secretary St Mary’s web site ADDINGTON - St. Mary's Church Mr Robert Cronk 713813 BENEFICE NEWS SHEET St Laurence Winslow; St James’ Great Horwood with Singleborough; St Mary’s Addington Sunday 21st December 4th Sunday of Advent 8am Holy Communion BCP Winslow 10am All Age Sung Eucharist with Winslow Musical Nativity “Angel Express” 4pm Service of 9 Lessons and Carols Addington 6pm Service of 9 Lessons and Carols Great Horwood 6.30pm Service of 9 Lessons and Carols Winslow Wednesday 24th December 3pm A Musical Nativity “Angel Express” 4pm Christingle 5pm Christingle 11.30am Midnight Mass 11.30am Midnight Sung Eucharist Christmas Eve Winslow Great Horwood Winslow Winslow Great Horwood Thursday 25th December 10am Christmas Family Communion 10.30am Christmas Family Communion Christmas Day Winslow Great Horwood Sunday 28th December 1 st Sunday of Christmas 9.30am Benefice Holy Communion with Winslow Hymns Please note: Items for the Pew Sheet need to be emailed FAO Sue Davies by 12 noon Tuesday for the Sunday of that week. Photography in Church - General Guidance: please do not take photographs or videos during any act of worship unless permission has first been granted by the Incumbent/Churchwardens. Sunday 4th January 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am All Age Sung Eucharist for Epiphany 11am Epiphany Communion The Epiphany Winslow Winslow Great Horwood The next pew sheet will be on the 4th January, please let me have any notices by the 30th December. Many thanks. sue THE EPIPHANY Sunday 4th January St Laurence Church 10am - All Age Sung Eucharist Great Horwood 11am Epiphany Communion Come and join us and hear about the journey of the Three Wise Men – what they brought and what they took away! In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage….When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure-chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2) CHRISTMAS WITH CANTORES Monday 29th December 7pm. St Laurence Church Varied programme with mulled wine and mince pies during interval. Retiring collection in aid of St Laurence Church and Kit Cat Club. Do you have any CDS/DVD’S you no longer want – Derry would love to take them off your hands. Please bring them to St Laurence Church and place in the box at the back. Winslow Benefice Children’s Society Support Group Turn an orange into life- saving support! Come and help us make Christingles for the Service at 5pm on Christmas Eve. Monday 22nd December St. Laurence Room from 10am All welcome Please bring any remaining Children's Society boxes and children's Christingle candle boxes to the Crib Service at 3pm or the Christingle at 5pm on Christmas Eve BENEFICE PRAYERS - The Benefice Churches of St Laurence, St James’ and St Mary’s We pray for all three communities of Winslow, Great Horwood and Addington. As part of Churches Together, we join with St Albans Chapel (RC) and the Winslow Christian Fellowship to pray for: From the Memorial Book: Terence Yearley, Douglas Soffe, Howard Wilcox, Rose Abery, Francis Holding, Florence Scott, Ruth Hall and Daphne Nicholls. The appointment of a new Minister for our Benefice Those affected by severe conflict, the agencies involved, the politicians and armed services.
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