Introducing The List MOBILE Now you can get The List To Go! Search for the products and services you need with the new Mobile version of The List! Add it to your home screen from: or simply scan the QR code below: Table of Contents Industry.....................Page 2 Horizontal..................Page 6 Services...................Page 12 The List from The Partner Channel® is your tool for finding the solutions available from Microsoft Dynamics® Partners. Review the various industry, horizontal, and service offerings available and you may just find exactly what you’ve been looking for! The List is unique in that it shares only those solutions and services that work with the Microsoft Dynamics product line. We want you to spend time using the solution, not looking for it. If you have a product or service that you would like included on The List, please contact NOTE: The Partner Channel and Dynamic Communities offers no expressed or implied warranty or guarantee for any of the products included in this directory. Support and quality assurance of these software products and services are solely the responsibility of each Microsoft Dynamics Partner. *Due to the nature of the “classified” format used for The List, Microsoft Dynamics brand guidelines may not have been followed. We encourage Partners NOT to follow the example we are setting! Industry Agriculture Datahaven for Dynamics 757-222-2000 Datahaven for Dynamics Datahaven is the only scanning, OCR, and workflow solution natively embedded—not simply integrated—throughout the Microsoft Dynamics user experience and available to non-Dynamics users from Microsoft Outlook. Commodity Trades INDUSTRY Total Dynamics Solutions, LLC Scalable Data Systems commodity-trading-module • 425-931-9972 Commodity Trading Complete solution for Commodity Trading companies. Key Features: Contracts, Bulk Logistics, Allocations, Risk Management – Position, ForEx, Futures Hedging, Mark to Market Reports, Track Costs and Accruals. Scalable Data Systems commodity-trading-module • 425-931-9972 Commodity Trading Complete solution for Commodity Trading companies. Key Features: Contracts, Bulk Logistics, Allocations, Risk Management – Position, ForEx, Futures Hedging, Mark to Market Reports, Track Costs and Accruals. 877-855-8860 CPG Toolkit for Your Entire Organization • NO User/Seat Licensing Costs • Item & Customer Profitability • Multiple Scenario Analysis • Variance Reporting • Top-down/Bottom-up planning by skew, cust, category etc. Apparel/Footwear Consumer Packaged Goods Cross Industry Solution Sunrise Technologies • 336-722-6741 Apparel & Footwear Template Extends the native apparel and footwear functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Order Matrix, Season Codes, Color/ Size/Configuration Scales, Customer Ship-To/Mark-For Addresses, Master Production Orders. Business Systems Integrators 866-871-2097 EDI BSI provides superior EDI solutions for AX & GP, both on-premise & SaaS. Automotive Data Masons Software CuroGens, Inc. • 317-815-8120 Vehicle Management System for Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 VMS provides a comprehensive solution for automotive manufacturing companies that works from order placement over VIN/HIN assignment in production to sales/service and managing dealer networks. Data Masons Software • 866-575-1631 Vantage Point EDI for Dynamics Data Masons helps companies leverage EDI into a competitive advantage by providing tight integration with Dynamics, without customizations. Chemials Horizons International 866-949-9504 ext. 811 Quality Essentials Suite Quality Mgt. System offers decimal precision, cert. of analysis, non-conformance, material holds, reporting, data export. Integrated to Dynamics, Horizons Manufacturing, also non-integrated application avail. KEY: 2 Axapta Great Plains • 866-575-1631 Vantage Point EDI for Dynamics Data Masons helps companies leverage EDI into a competitive advantage by providing tight integration with Dynamics, without customizations. Flintfox International Limited • 844-876-4276 TPM for Dynamics Suite Flintfox solutions provide a single, integrated platform to manage all trade promotion activity, from client relationships to the financial execution; streamlining information and managing complex pricing with ease. RockySoft 970-493-0868 ext. 105 Inventory Management and Supply Chain Planning Pack Light Supply Chain Mgmt SuiteForecasting, Inventory Mgmt, Purchase Order Planning, Vendor Lead Time Mgmt, Retail Store Planning and S&OP. Navision WINTER 2015 | THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link, Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Master Data Centralization For Dynamics AX Arbela's Master Data Centralization for Dynamics AX manages product, customer, vendor, employees, and COA master data and their fields across multiple companies for better shared services. Gain from our experience! Ariett • 781-826-1120 Enterprise Purchasing & Expense/ Azure Cloud/On Premise Requisition, PO Mgmt., AP Invoice Automation, Travel/Expense Reporting. AssureSign LLC • 407-670-0400 AssureSign Electronic Signature Software Integrated cloud or on-premise enterprise class Electronic Signatures. Business Systems Integrators 866-871-2097 EDI BSI provides superior EDI solutions for AX & GP, both on-premise & SaaS. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Greenshades Software 888-255-3815 ext. 2 NEW: Greenshades Year End Forms With electronic distribution, print to blank paper and full automated mailing services, thousands of Greenshades clients make creation, distribution and electronic filing of 1099, W-2 and 1095-C forms hassle free. Higher Logic • 202-360-4402 NEW: Connected Community The leading cloud-based community platform used by organizations worldwide to bring people together in secure communities designed to ignite knowledge sharing, drive content creation and solve problems. Isis, Inc. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard User Auditing, Network Monitoring & Network Admin for ALL businesses. Liaison Software Corp Concur • 425-590-5020 Travel Expense and Invoice Management Integrated travel expense and invoice software for Microsoft Dynamics. Solomon docSTAR • 888-docSTAR eclipse Smart AP Automation Solution Auto route & approve invoices with Intelligent Data Capture recognition. 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger EDD Batch email, fax, print, archive Invoices, Statements, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders to customers, vendors, sales. Attach supporting documentation. Use existing reports (GP report writer, SSRS, Crystal). PaperSave • 877-727-3799 PaperSave PaperSave is a complete document management, electronic workflow and invoice automation solution, Certified for Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL, AX, & CRM. Point of Sale Isis, Inc. Paramount Technologies Perceptive Software https://www.perceptivesoftware. com/products/perceptive-interact/ application-integration/microsoftdynamics-ax.html • 800-941-7460 NEW: Perceptive Software Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX brings integrated document capture and retrieval technology to the AX environment. Locate relevant content quickly and easily based on a customerdefined folder hierarchy. ReQlogic • 734-302-2316 ReQlogic ReQlogic is a browser-based employee productivity suite providing solutions for eProcurement, requisitions, vendor invoices, time & expense, and advanced workflow. Equipment Dealers Scalable Data Systems • 425-931-9972 Enterprise Asset Management Maintain operations and ensure crucial assets are not offline. Features: Scheduling, Failure Mgmnt, Warranty, Downtime and Maintenance Analysis. Equipment Rental and Leasing SYCOR GmbH +49 551 490 2491 NEW: Sycor.Rental AX 2012 solution for individual & bulk rentals, trade of mobile goods. Full rental life cycle with key features: graphical scheduling, transport mgmt., service & maintenance, fleet mgmt., flexible billing methods, BI. Finance/Banking AssureSign LLC • 407-670-0400 AssureSign Electronic Signature Software Integrated cloud or on-premise enterprise class Electronic Signatures. KEY: Axapta Great Plains • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard PG will allow your institution to meet the stringent regulations and auditing guidelines including Sarbanes Oxley, FINRA and more. Perceptive Software https://www.perceptivesoftware. com/products/perceptive-interact/ application-integration/microsoftdynamics-ax.html • 800-941-7460 NEW: Perceptive Software Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX brings integrated document capture and retrieval technology to the AX environment. Locate relevant content quickly and easily based on a customerdefined folder hierarchy. Fleet Management Blue Horseshoe 317-573-2583 Supply Chain Suite for Dynamics AX Unlike other solutions, Supply Chain Suite embeds industry-specific functionality directly into the business layer of Dynamic AX’s architecture. Increase revenue, profit margins and asset utilization. InterDyn BMI • 866-264-3249 ERP4Health® Financial Management Software powered by Microsoft Dynamics. Business Systems Integrators • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard PG will allow your healthcare organization to meet the stringent HIPAA auditing needs across your entire organization. You can also help to eliminate risk of malpractice litigation by recording your user's actions. 866-871-2097 EDI BSI provides superior EDI solutions for AX & GP, both on-premise & SaaS. Horizons International SYCOR GmbH +49 551 490 2491 NEW: Sycor.Fleet AX 2012 solution for fleet management. Key features: graph. scheduling, transport mgmt., service & maintenance, vehicle data mgmt., vehicle history (costs, repairs, damage), BI & reporting, flexible billing methods. 866-949-9504 ext. 811 Quality Essentials Suite Quality Mgt. System offers decimal precision, cert. of analysis, non-conformance, material holds, reporting, data export. Integrated to Dynamics, Horizons Manufacturing, also non-integrated application avail. Food and Beverage Metafile Information Systems, Inc. Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. • 507-286-9232 MetaViewer Paperless ERP for Microsoft Dynamics Enhance your AX, GP, NAV & SL solutions by adding integrated scanning, OCR, eInvoicing, workflow, and AP/AR Automation. Appolis • 612-343-0404 WithoutWire™ Warehouse Appolis WithoutWire™ Warehouse Management Solution provides fully integrated traceable lot tracked inventory for Manufacturers and Distributors. RockySoft 970-493-0868 ext. 105 Inventory Management and Supply Chain Planning Pack Light Supply Chain Mgmt SuiteForecasting, Inventory Mgmt, Purchase Order Planning, Vendor Lead Time Mgmt, Retail Store Planning and S&OP. Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Technologies Our specialties can align with all your industry-specific and evolving business needs. With minimum customizations, we tailor Dynamics AX to effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency. Gain from our experience! ASC Software • 937-429-1428 ASCTrac Award winning, scalable, Warehouse Management Solutions (WMS) designed to support the demanding requirements of Distribution, Manufacturing and 3PL operations, covering the entire Supply Chain cycle. Navision Solomon Scalable Data Systems commodity-trading-module • 425-931-9972 Commodity Trading Complete solution for Commodity Trading companies. Key Features: Contracts, Bulk Logistics, Allocations, Risk Management – Position, ForEx, Futures Hedging, Mark to Market Reports, Track Costs and Accruals. Government Isis, Inc. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard User Auditing, Network Monitoring & Network Admin for ALL businesses. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Isis, Inc. Kronos Incorporated • 800-225-1561 Workforce Central® Suite Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics to completely automate the essential timekeeping, human resources and financial processes. Paramount Technologies 800-725-4408 WorkPlace for Healthcare Drive down costs, control purchases and manage your materials. Supports single and multi-site facilities. Integrate Requisition through Invoice Automation and Inventory processes. Record items using barcode scanners. Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Vertical Solutions, Inc. • 513-891-7997 VServiceManagement Enterprise field service CfMD: Asset Mgmt., Contracts/Warranty, Dispatch & Mobility. High Tech and Electronics Experlogix, Inc. 805-504-9729 ext. 712 Experlogix CPQ (Configure Price Quote) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM & ERP Experlogix CPQ solutions meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace by simplifying the process of selling customized products, accelerating proposal development times and increasing quote-to-order ratios. Point of Sale THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM | WINTER 2015 3 INDUSTRY 800-725-4408 WorkPlace eProcurement Solutions for Requisition, Purchasing & Invoice Automation. Options include PunchOut, Check Request, Budget Compliance, RFQ, Requisition, PO Generation, Receiving, Invoice Matching & Vendor Contract Compliance. Healthcare INDUSTRY QBD Systems • 800-743-9003 Universal PLM Integration Integration w/ PLM s/w incl. Agile, Arena, Aras, Solidworks EPDM & more. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Trade and Pricing Adv Trade extends pricing capabilities to include complex pricing structures, extends billing, billing schedules and revenue recognition of complex transactions. Contracts can be generated and managed easily. Home Furnishings Sunrise Technologies • 336-722-6741 Microsoft Dynamics AX for Home Furnishings Sunrise provides expertise in managing the complex home furnishings supply chain: container assembly and tracking, product families and sets, item master flexibility, product configuration, and mobile order entry. Industrial Equipment Experlogix, Inc. 805-504-9729 ext. 712 Experlogix CPQ (Configure Price Quote) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM & ERP Experlogix CPQ solutions meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace by simplifying the process of selling customized products, accelerating proposal development times and increasing quote-to-order ratios. mcaConnect • 866-622-0669 Microsoft Dynamics AX for Industrial Equipment Manufacturers Leveraging a clear manufacturing industry focus, mcaConnect provides innovative Dynamics AX solutions and services for mid-market and enterprisesize manufacturers, enabling clients to achieve competitive supremacy. Scalable Data Systems • 425-931-9972 Enterprise Asset Management Maintain operations and ensure crucial assets are not offline. Features: Scheduling, Failure Mgmnt, Warranty, Downtime and Maintenance Analysis. Vertical Solutions, Inc. • 513-891-7997 VServiceManagement Enterprise field service CfMD: Asset Mgmt., Contracts/Warranty, Dispatch & Mobility. KEY: 4 Axapta Great Plains Insurance AssureSign LLC • 407-670-0400 AssureSign Electronic Signature Software Integrated cloud or on-premise enterprise class Electronic Signatures. Lean Manufacturing mcaConnect • 866-622-0669 Areteium from mcaConnect Our Lean Enterprise solution bridges the gap between ERP and Lean. Backed by our breakthrough Lean toolkit, Areteium, we enable clients to make data-driven decisions to improve processes and enhance profitability. Life Sciences Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. Perceptive Software /products/perceptive-interact/ application-integration/microsoftdynamics-ax.html • 800-941-7460 NEW: Perceptive Software Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX brings integrated document capture and retrieval technology to the AX environment. Locate relevant content quickly and easily based on a customerdefined folder hierarchy. Maintenance Management eRPortal Software Group LLC 413-233-5404 eRPortal CMMS Software Suite The eRPortal Software Group provides high performance, web-enabled, Asset Management, Maintenance Management, and Materials Tracking software solutions for managing strategic assets and operations. Scalable Data Systems • 425-931-9972 Enterprise Asset Management Maintain operations and ensure crucial assets are not offline. Features: Scheduling, Failure Mgmnt, Warranty, Downtime and Maintenance Analysis. Manufacturing Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. Navision WINTER 2015 | THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM Solomon Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Technologies Our specialties can align with all your industry-specific and evolving business needs. With minimum customizations, we tailor Dynamics AX to effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency. Gain from our experience! Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. ASC Software • 937-429-1428 ASCTrac Award winning, scalable Warehouse Management Solutions & MFG operations. docSTAR • 888-docSTAR eclipse Smart AP Automation Solution Auto route & approve invoices with Intelligent Data Capture recognition. eNSYNC Solutions, Inc. • 913-647-8640 ScanWorkX for Dynamics AX Extend Dynamics AX to nearly any mobile device. More than 75 standard DAX functions with and without barcoding. Custom transactions available. Experlogix, Inc. 805-504-9729 ext. 712 Experlogix CPQ (Configure Price Quote) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM & ERP Experlogix CPQ solutions meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace by simplifying the process of selling customized products, accelerating proposal development times and increasing quote-to-order ratios. HighJump Software 800-328-3271 ext. 2201 EDI and WMS Solutions from Highjump EDI and Warehouse Management Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics that streamline the flow of inventory & information from supplier to store shelf. Our adaptable solutions manage the needs of 14,000+ global customers. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Kronos Incorporated • 800-225-1561 Workforce Central® Suite Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics to completely automate the essential timekeeping, human resources and financial processes. Liaison Software Corp 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger EDD Batch email, fax, print, archive Invoices, Statements, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders to customers, vendors, sales. Attach supporting documentation. Use existing reports (GP report writer, SSRS, Crystal). Metafile Information Systems, Inc. • 507-286-9232 MetaViewer Paperless ERP for Microsoft Dynamics Enhance your AX, GP, NAV & SL solutions by adding integrated scanning, OCR, eInvoicing, workflow, and AP/AR Automation. RF-SMART • 904-399-8500 RF-SMART Data Collection #1 brand of mobile solutions for AX warehousing, manufacturing, & retail inventory control. "Your Supply Chain: Mobile. Accurate. Real time." Scalable Data Systems advanced-production-scheduling-module 425-931-9972 Advanced Production Scheduling Review and adjust Prod. Schedule from the Gantt Chart. Key Features: Dashboard View, Additional sort sequences, Reroute to alt. work centers. Scalable Data Systems products/commodity-procurementfor-manufacturing • 425-931-9972 Procurement for Manufacturing Procurement of raw materials for manufacturing with integrated MRP. Key Features: Contracts, Bulk Logistics, Allocations, Risk Management – Position, ForEx, Futures Hedging, Track Costs and Accruals. Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Point of Sale ASC Software • 937-429-1428 ASCTrac Award winning, scalable, Warehouse Management Solutions (WMS) designed to support the demanding requirements of Distribution, Manufacturing and 3PL operations, covering the entire Supply Chain cycle. Vertical Solutions, Inc. Concur • 425-590-5020 Travel Expense and Invoice Management Integrated travel expense and invoice software for Microsoft Dynamics. • 513-891-7997 VServiceManagement Enterprise field service CfMD: Asset Mgmt., Contracts/Warranty, Dispatch & Mobility. Media and Entertainment KORE Software • 480-240-5662 KORE ProSports™ More teams in the NFL, MLB, NBA & NHL use KORE than any other software. CRM for sponsorships, ticket sales, premium seating & media trafficking. Non-Profit Organizations Paramount Technologies 800-725-4408 WorkPlace for Non-Profits Requisition & Expense with GL Distribution, Encumbrance & Audit Trails. Horizons International 866-949-9504 ext. 811 Quality Essentials Suite Quality Mgt. System offers decimal precision, cert. of analysis, non-conformance, material holds, reporting, data export. Integrated to Dynamics, Horizons Manufacturing, also non-integrated application avail. Retail Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Technologies Our specialties can align with all your industry-specific and evolving business needs. With minimum customizations, we tailor Dynamics AX to effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency. Gain from our experience! Sierra Workforce Solutions Avalara, Inc. • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Oil and Gas 877-780-4848 Avalara for Sales Tax Automation Automate and eliminate the complexity of sales tax management with Avalara. A cloud-based sales and use tax calculation, exemption certificate management, filing and remittance solution for Microsoft Dynamics. HighJump Software mcaConnect • 877-244-6980 AX4energy Oil & Gas Solutions AX4energy provides a package of software and services designed for Oilfield Services companies and Downstream/ Upstream operations. Includes Upstream Exploration & Production and Joint Venture Accounting. Pharmaceuticals Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. KEY: Axapta Great Plains 800-328-3271 ext. 2201 EDI and WMS Solutions from Highjump EDI and Warehouse Management Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics that streamline the flow of inventory & information from supplier to store shelf. Our adaptable solutions manage the needs of 14,000+ global customers. Kronos Incorporated • 800-225-1561 Workforce Central®Suite Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics to completely automate the essential timekeeping, human resources and financial processes. Navision Solomon Software Manufacturers • 507-286-9232 MetaViewer Paperless ERP for Microsoft Dynamics Enhance your AX, GP, NAV & SL solutions by adding integrated scanning, OCR, eInvoicing, workflow, and AP/AR Automation. NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Credit Cards PCI validated CC solution native to AX and Retail for AX. We integrate to 13+ processors. Take payments in SO, AR or Projects. Tokenization is available. Process CC in multiple countries. Handle complex transactions. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Trade and Pricing Adv Trade extends pricing capabilities to include complex pricing structures, extends billing, billing schedules and revenue recognition of complex transactions. Contracts can be generated and managed easily. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Credit Cards for Retail Adv. CC for Retail allows you to process credit cards in retail environments and directly integrate into AX. PCI validated CC solution native to AX. Red Maple has many processor options for CC for Retail. Transportation Metafile Information Systems, Inc. Total Dynamics Solutions, LLC NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. Warehouse Management 877-855-8860 Retail Toolkit for Your Entire Organization • NO User/Seat Licensing Costs • Integrated Store/Merch Planning • Ticket/item/employee detail • Corporate & Store level P&Ls • Inventory analytics/optimization • Product life-cycle management Appolis • 612-343-0404 WithoutWire™ Warehouse Appolis WithoutWire™ Warehouse Management Solution provides fully integrated traceable lot tracked inventory for Manufacturers and Distributors. Software Concur • 425-590-5020 Travel Expense and Invoice Management Integrated travel expense and invoice software for Microsoft Dynamics. Corporate Services • 800-293-6822 TrakQuip and RTMS Software Solutions Whether you own, rent, or utilize equipment, TrakQuip & RTMS make it easy to track & manage your assets, automate routine business operations, & produce excellent financial information to accurately run your business. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System ASC Software • 937-429-1428 ASCTrac Award winning, scalable, Warehouse Management Solutions (WMS) designed to support the demanding requirements of Distribution, Manufacturing and 3PL operations, covering the entire Supply Chain cycle. eNSYNC Solutions, Inc. • 913-647-8640 ScanWorkX for Dynamics AX Extend Dynamics AX to nearly any mobile device. More than 75 standard DAX functions with and without barcoding. Custom transactions available. Point of Sale THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM | WINTER 2015 5 INDUSTRY Sunrise Technologies • 336-722-6741 Microsoft Dynamics AX for Manufacturing Deep expertise in supply chain implementations. Get a tier 1, omni-channel, global solution for the lowest cost on the market, backed by Sunrise Global Support. Wholesale Trade: Durable Goods HighJump Software 800-328-3271 ext. 2201 EDI and WMS Solutions from Highjump EDI and Warehouse Management Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics that streamline the flow of inventory & information from supplier to store shelf. Our adaptable solutions manage the needs of 14,000+ global customers. MT Mobility 641-753-5999 ext. 151 NEW: MT Mobility Mobile WMS integrating iOS app & rugged iOS device to extend Dynamics. NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. Sologlobe 514-938-4562 ext. 206 NEW: Sologlobe Tier-1 Warehouse Management & Manufacturing Execution for complete inventory control and operational efficiency. Our web based solution is scalable & highly flexible with seamless integration using Web Services. Tasklet Factory +45 96 354 500 Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX Mobile WMS is a user-friendly Mobile Warehouse Management solution with on/offline mode that integrate out-ofthe-box with Dynamics AX. Data Masons Software • 866-575-1631 Vantage Point EDI for Dynamics Data Masons helps companies leverage EDI into a competitive advantage by providing tight integration with Dynamics, without customizations. Flintfox International Limited • 844-876-4276 TPM for Dynamics Suite Flintfox solutions provide a single, integrated platform to manage all trade promotion activity, from client relationships to the financial execution; streamlining information and managing complex pricing with ease. RockySoft 970-493-0868 ext. 105 Inventory Management and Supply Chain Planning Pack Light Supply Chain Mgmt SuiteForecasting, Inventory Mgmt, Purchase Order Planning, Vendor Lead Time Mgmt, Retail Store Planning and S&OP. Scalable Data Systems landed-cost-module • 425-931-9972 Landed Cost Manage Multiple Vendors/PO's as a shipment to improve efficiency/visibility. Key features: Accruals, Auto Cost Allocation, in transit costing. Wholesale Trade: Non-durable Goods Scalable Data Systems landed-cost-module • 425-931-9972 Landed Cost Manage Multiple Vendors/PO's as a shipment to improve efficiency/visibility. Key features: Accruals, Auto Cost Allocation, in transit costing. HORIZONTAL Horizontal Accounting Perceptive Software /products/perceptive-interact/ application-integration/microsoftdynamics-ax.html • 800-941-7460 NEW: Perceptive Software Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX brings integrated document capture and retrieval technology to the AX environment. Locate relevant content quickly and easily based on a customerdefined folder hierarchy. Analytics Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Technologies Our specialties can align with all your industry-specific and evolving business needs. With minimum customizations, we tailor Dynamics AX to effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency. Gain from our experience! Kronos Incorporated • 800-225-1561 Workforce Central® Suite Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics to completely automate the essential timekeeping, human resources and financial processes. Asset Maintenance/MRO/ EAM Barcode Data Collection eRPortal Software Group LLC 413-233-5404 eRPortal CMMS Software Suite The eRPortal Software Group provides high performance, web-enabled, Asset Management, Maintenance Management, and Materials Tracking software solutions for managing strategic assets and operations. Vertical Solutions, Inc. • 513-891-7997 VServiceManagement Enterprise field service CfMD: Asset Mgmt., Contracts/Warranty, Dispatch & Mobility. eNSYNC Solutions, Inc. • 913-647-8640 ScanWorkX for Dynamics AX Extend Dynamics AX to nearly any mobile device. More than 75 standard DAX functions with and without barcoding. Custom transactions available. RF-SMART • 904-399-8500 RF-SMART Data Collection #1 brand of mobile solutions for AX warehousing, manufacturing, & retail inventory control. "Your Supply Chain: Mobile. Accurate. Real time." Budgeting Backup & Recovery Isis, Inc. deFacto Global, Inc. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard PG will backup your PCs and Servers across your entire organization. 203-894-1789 ext. 221 deFacto Performance Management Premier “All-in-One” Dynamics Financial & Operational Budgeting, Forecasting, Consolidation, Analysis and Reporting, Excel/Web-based. Powerful, Affordable. Perceptive Software /products/perceptive-interact/applicationintegration/microsoftdynamics-ax.html 800-941-7460 NEW: Perceptive Software Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX brings integrated document capture and retrieval technology to the AX environment. Locate relevant content quickly and easily based on a customerdefined folder hierarchy. Total Dynamics Solutions, LLC 877-855-8860 Budgeting & Planning ToolKit for Your Entire Organization • NO User/Seat Licensing Costs • Financial & Sales Planning • Procurement Planning • Trade Management • Secure input, consolidation, and Versioning; top-down/bottom-up Business Intelligence Client Strategy Group • 216-524-2574 Dynamics AX Done Right! CSG has proven expertise in: AX Performance Tuning, Business Intelligence, and AX 2012 Upgrades. KEY: 6 Axapta Great Plains Navision WINTER 2015 | THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM Solomon Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Point of Sale deFacto Global, Inc. 203-894-1789 ext. 221 deFacto Performance Management Premier “All-in-One” Dynamics Financial & Operational Budgeting, Forecasting, Consolidation, Analysis and Reporting, Excel/Web-based. Powerful, Affordable. \ Halo Business Intelligence • 888-300-0219 Halo Business Intelligence Any source, data quality, rapidly deploy, predict, collaborate & mobile. Sunrise Technologies • 336-722-6741 Sunrise BI Put data to work anytime, on any device, anywhere; enabling companies to make decisions and take action, empowering users beyond BI. Provides mobile, analytics, and extension/completion of transactional systems. docSTAR • 888-docSTAR eclipse Smart AP Automation Solution Auto route & approve invoices with Intelligent Data Capture recognition. Metafile Information Systems, Inc. • 507-286-9232 MetaViewer Paperless ERP for Microsoft Dynamics Enhance your AX, GP, NAV & SL solutions by adding integrated scanning, OCR, eInvoicing, workflow, and AP/AR Automation. Perceptive Software products/perceptive-interact/ application-integration/microsoftdynamics-ax.html • 800-941-7460 NEW: Perceptive Software Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX Interact for Microsoft Dynamics AX brings integrated document capture and retrieval technology to the AX environment. Locate relevant content quickly and easily based on a customerdefined folder hierarchy. Check Printing Liaison Software Corp Total Dynamics Solutions, LLC MHC Software, Inc. 877-855-8860 Business Intelligence Plus Toolkit for Your Entire Organization • NO User/Seat Licensing Costs • Dynamic Cubes (GL/Profit/&More) • Web-based Reporting • Dashboards • Admin Tools: Security/Scenarios/ Hierarchy/ & More 952-882-3341 Document Express Accounts Payable & Payroll MICR Check Printing MICR checks print to blank stock from standard Dynamics output. Ideal for unique customizations- print virtually any data available in Dynamics on checks. Digitized signatures, positive pay, secure remote printing. Collaboration Platform ZAP • 415-889-5740 ZAP Business Intelligence ZAP provides 'Buy, Not Build' business intelligence for companies using Microsoft Dynamics AX, CRM and NAV. With 1000+ pre-packaged analytics, our BI deployments are rapid and deliver immediate business outcomes. Business Process Management Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. KEY: Axapta Great Plains Cost Accounting Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Commissions Adv Commissions is flexible and handles complex commissions. Commissions can be calculated based on many criteria and can be paid at invoice, upon payment or periodically. It can be used in SO, Projects, AR & AP. Corporate Renaissance Group Credit Card/Check Processing Compliance Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management doc-link electronic document solutions support compliance mandates. Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Security Manager Arbela Security Manager allows you to focus on your business and not your technology needs. On average, our customers have gained 90% efficiency in managing and auditing processes. Gain from our experience! Navision Ariett • 781-826-1120 Enterprise Travel & Expense Reporting/Azure Cloud/On Premise Multiple Credit Card Integrations, Approval, Reconciliation & Receipts. Gorilla Expense Greenshades Software • 877-973-6737 Gorilla Expense The Gorilla Expense T&E solution includes mobile apps, corporate & personal credit card import, project accounting expenses, multi-currency, VAT/ GST features, policy setup & '1-click' integration to GP, NAV, SL & AX 888-255-3815 ext. 2 NEW: Greenshades Year End Forms With electronic distribution, print to blank paper and full automated mailing services, thousands of Greenshades clients make creation, distribution and electronic filing of 1099, W-2 and 1095-C forms hassle free. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Credit Cards PCI validated CC solution native to AX and Retail for AX. We integrate to 13+ processors. Take payments in SO, AR or Projects. Tokenization is available. Process CC in multiple countries. Handle complex transactions. Greenshades Software 888-255-3815 ext. 2 Greenshades Payroll Tax Products Simplify and automate payroll tax requirements. Whether you have employees in one state or all 50, we help make filing and payment requirements easy and worry free with our Tax Filing Center and Payroll Tax Service. Isis, Inc. Higher Logic • 202-360-4402 NEW: Connected Community The leading cloud-based community platform used by organizations worldwide to bring people together in secure communities designed to ignite knowledge sharing, drive content creation and solve problems. • 613-232-4295 Cost Allocator Perform multi-level account allocations using 1 of 4 methods: percentage values, fixed amounts, cost drivers/measures, or account balance. Integrates with Dynamics, other ERP solutions or as a stand-alone system. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard PG will allow your institution to meet the stringent regulations and auditing guidelines including Sarbanes Oxley, FINRA and more. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Credit Cards for Retail Adv. CC for Retail allows you to process credit cards in retail environments and directly integrate into AX. PCI validated CC solution native to AX. Red Maple has many processor options for CC for Retail. Customer Relationship Management Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. eBridge Connections 800-755-6921 eBridge for CRM Cloud solution for seamless integration of customer & opportunity data. Solomon Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Point of Sale THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM | WINTER 2015 7 HORIZONTAL 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger DD Batch email password protected Direct Deposit Statements to Employees. Commissions Experlogix, Inc. 805-504-9729 ext. 712 Experlogix CPQ (Configure Price Quote) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM & ERP Experlogix CPQ solutions meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace by simplifying the process of selling customized products, accelerating proposal development times and increasing quote-to-order ratios. mcaConnect • 866-622-0669 CRM We are a global leader in delivering Dynamics CRM/XRM solutions. Our success is exemplified by multiple Microsoft Partner of the Year awards and numerous customer success stories. Data Integration eBridge Connections 800-755-6921 eBridge Integration Solution The leading cloud integration platform for EDI, eCommerce & CRM systems. NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. RockySoft 970-493-0868 ext. 105 Inventory Management and Supply Chain Planning Pack Light Supply Chain Mgmt SuiteForecasting, Inventory Mgmt, Purchase Order Planning, Vendor Lead Time Mgmt, Retail Store Planning and S&OP. Scalable Data Systems landed-cost-module • 425-931-9972 Landed Cost Manage Multiple Vendors/PO's as a shipment to improve efficiency/visibility. Key features: Accruals, Auto Cost Allocation, in transit costing. HORIZONTAL Distribution Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Technologies Our specialties can align with all your industry-specific and evolving business needs. With minimum customizations, we tailor Dynamics AX to effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency. Gain from our experience! ASC Software • 937-429-1428 ASCTrac Award winning, scalable Warehouse Management Solutions & MFG operations. Blue Horseshoe 317-573-2583 Supply Chain Suite for Dynamics AX Unlike other solutions, Supply Chain Suite embeds industry-specific functionality directly into the business layer of Dynamic AX’s architecture. Increase revenue, profit margins and asset utilization. KEY: 8 Axapta Great Plains Sologlobe 514-938-4562 ext. 206 NEW: Sologlobe Tier-1 Warehouse Management & Manufacturing Execution for complete inventory control and operational efficiency. Our web based solution is scalable & highly flexible with seamless integration using Web Services. Document Management Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. Ariett • 781-826-1120 Enterprise AP Document Management/Azure Cloud/On Premise Azure Cloud Document Service for AP invoice no touch processing. Navision WINTER 2015 | THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM Solomon MHC Software, Inc. CuroGens, Inc. • 317-815-8120 SharePoint Document Connector for Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 SharePoint Document Connector for Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 is a customized solution that enables companies to merge the best features of Microsoft SharePoint seamlessly with Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012. Datahaven for Dynamics 757-222-2000 Datahaven for Dynamics Datahaven is the only scanning, OCR, and workflow solution natively embedded—not simply integrated—throughout the Microsoft Dynamics user experience and available to non-Dynamics users from Microsoft Outlook. 952-882-3341 MHC Image Express Electronically archive vendor invoices, HRdocs, POs & more. Automated document entry. Retrieve documents from Dynamics screens or web browser. Retrieve related documents with a single click. Workflow & Report imaging PaperSave • 877-727-3799 PaperSave PaperSave is a complete document management, electronic workflow and invoice automation solution, Certified for Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL, AX, & CRM. E-commerce Avalara, Inc. docSTAR • 888-docSTAR eclipse Smart AP Automation Solution Auto route & approve invoices with Intelligent Data Capture recognition. Esker Inc • 800-368-5283 Document Process Automation Addressing processes like accounts payable, accounts receivable, and sales order processing, Esker solutions enable companies to automate the reception, processing and sending of documents with one platform. 877-780-4848 Avalara for Sales Tax Automation Automate and eliminate the complexity of sales tax management with Avalara. A cloud-based sales and use tax calculation, exemption certificate management, filing and remittance solution for Microsoft Dynamics. Computer Pundits Corporation • 888-786-3487 eCommerce21® Patented B2B and B2C database driven eCommerce, fully integrated with Dynamics, for automated production of Web Storefront with intuitive navigation, SEO and full Shopping Cart for easier sales from your website. Liaison Software Corp eBridge Connections 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger EDD Batch email, fax, print, archive Invoices, Statements, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders to customers, vendors, sales. Attach supporting documentation. Use existing reports (GP report writer, SSRS, Crystal). 800-755-6921 eBridge for eCommerce Cloud integration with 20+ eCommerce platforms eg. Magento, Amazon, eBay. Metafile Information Systems, Inc. • 507-286-9232 MetaViewer Paperless ERP for Microsoft Dynamics Enhance your AX, GP, NAV & SL solutions by adding integrated scanning, OCR, eInvoicing, workflow, and AP/AR Automation. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System k-eCommerce 855-k-eCommerce k-eCommerce Integrated B2B, B2C & Sales Portal websites deployed on premise or in a PCI Certified cloud. Built-in CMS, SEO, multilingual / multicurrency capabilities & responsive web design to support mobile & tablet devices. Point of Sale EDI AIM Computer Solutions, Inc. • 586-439-0300 AIM Vision AutoSys EDI, AIAG barcode labels, Demand Mgmt, Release Acctg., MMOG-LE/TS16949. Business Systems Integrators 866-871-2097 EDI BSI provides superior EDI solutions for AX & GP, both on-premise & SaaS. Data Masons Software • 866-575-1631 Vantage Point EDI for Dynamics Data Masons helps companies leverage EDI into a competitive advantage by providing tight integration with Dynamics, without customizations. eBridge Connections HighJump Software 800-328-3271 ext. 2201 EDI and WMS Solutions from Highjump EDI and Warehouse Management Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics that streamline the flow of inventory & information from supplier to store shelf. Our adaptable solutions manage the needs of 14,000+ global customers. Scalable Data Systems products/electronic-documentinterchange • 425-931-9972 EDI Streamline communications between customers/vendors. Key Features: Auto transfer between parties, Orders, Invoices, ASN’s & Multi location. Electronic Document Delivery (Email)/Faxing Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. KEY: Axapta Great Plains Paramount Technologies 800-725-4408 WorkPlace Expense Web-based Travel Request and Expense entry. Mobile expense and receipt capture with integration to AP and Projects. Liaison Software Corp 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger EDD Batch email, fax, print, archive Invoices, Statements, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders to customers, vendors, sales. Attach supporting documentation. Use existing reports (GP report writer, SSRS, Crystal). Electronic Signatures AssureSign LLC • 407-670-0400 AssureSign Electronic Signature Software Integrated cloud or on-premise enterprise class Electronic Signatures. Expense Solutions Ariett • 781-826-1120 Enterprise Travel & Expense Reporting/Azure Cloud/On Premise Mobile, Travel Requests, CC Integration, w/ Policy Mgmt., & Receipts. ReQlogic • 734-302-2316 ReQlogic Expense Management ReQlogic’s Expense Management module enables employees to enter expense reports using a browser or phone interface, or Import expense transactions from a bank or credit card account. Real time integration. Field Service Management FieldConnect, Inc. • 949-428-1540 FieldConnect Mobile Workforce Solutions FieldConnect produces web-enabled tools for mobile field service automation. Work orders, timesheets, dispatch boards, quoting tools and customer portals integrate directly with Dynamics for maximum efficiency. FieldOne Systems Concur • 425-590-5020 Travel Expense and Invoice Management Integrated travel expense and invoice software for Microsoft Dynamics. • 201-252-8900 FieldOne Sky An end-to-end platform supporting all phases of field service management including routing and scheduling, work process automation, communications, and business intelligence with support for any mobile device. Vertical Solutions, Inc. Gorilla Expense 877-973-6737 Gorilla Expense The Gorilla Expense T&E solution includes mobile apps, corporate & personal credit card import, project accounting expenses, multi-currency, VAT/GST features, policy setup & '1-click' integration to GP, NAV, SL & AX. Navision Solomon • 513-891-7997 VServiceManagement Enterprise field service CfMD: Asset Mgmt., Contracts/Warranty, Dispatch & Mobility. HR Management Corporate Renaissance Group 877-711-0367 emPerform Award-winning employee performance management for Microsoft Dynamics GP & AX HR. Online performance reviews, 360° assessments, goal management, succession planning, pay-for-performance, reporting & social feedback. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Kronos Incorporated • 800-225-1561 Workforce Central® Suite Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics to completely automate the essential timekeeping, human resources and financial processes. Paychex • 800-939-2462 myStaffingPro Applicant Tracking System Recruiting software to qualify applicants, track jobs, and select hires. Inventory Management Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. ASC Software • 937-429-1428 ASCTrac Award winning, scalable Warehouse Management Solutions & MFG operations. Cutwater 800-564-8806 (AIM) Advanced Inventory Manager Reporting categories to allow users to gain insight into the cost and efficiency of current stocks. Reports also track order history and analyze and monitor purchasing trends across vendors and product groups. eNSYNC Solutions, Inc. • 913-647-8640 ScanWorkX for Dynamics AX Extend Dynamics AX to nearly any mobile device. More than 75 standard DAX functions with and without barcoding. Custom transactions available. RockySoft 970-493-0868 ext. 105 Inventory Management and Supply Chain Planning Pack Light Supply Chain Mgmt SuiteForecasting, Inventory Mgmt, Purchase Order Planning, Vendor Lead Time Mgmt, Retail Store Planning and S&OP. Invoicing Enhancement Concur • 425-590-5020 Travel Expense and Invoice Management Integrated travel expense and invoice software for Microsoft Dynamics. Point of Sale THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM | WINTER 2015 9 HORIZONTAL 800-755-6921 eBridge for EDI Cloud EDI solution, no transaction fees, 1000+ trading partners. Datahaven for Dynamics 757-222-2000 Datahaven for Dynamics Datahaven is the only scanning, OCR, and workflow solution natively embedded—not simply integrated—throughout the Microsoft Dynamics user experience and available to non-Dynamics users from Microsoft Outlook. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Trade and Pricing Adv Trade extends pricing capabilities to include complex pricing structures, extends billing, billing schedules and revenue recognition of complex transactions. Contracts can be generated and managed easily. Job Costing Scalable Data Systems workforce-planning • 425-931-9972 Shift & Roster Management Design and implement rosters to meet complex requirements of 24/7 operations. Key Features: Roster Positions, Shift Calendar, Sub Contractors. Scalable Data Systems workforce-planning • 425-931-9972 Timesheet - Labor Costing Management Allow real time visibility of costs to current projects. Key Features: Payroll Integration, Workflow Approvals, Total hours or start/end times. HORIZONTAL Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Manufacturing Enhancement eNSYNC Solutions, Inc. • 913-647-8640 ScanWorkX for Dynamics AX Extend Dynamics AX to nearly any mobile device. More than 75 standard DAX functions with and without barcoding. Custom transactions available. Horizons International Payables Enhancement Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. Ariett • 781-826-1120 Enterprise AP Invoice Automation/ Azure Cloud/On Premise Document Management w/Intercompany, 1099, New Vendor Management. Concur • 425-590-5020 Travel Expense and Invoice Management Integrated travel expense and invoice software for Microsoft Dynamics. Esker Inc • 800-368-5283 Document Process Automation Addressing processes like accounts payable, accounts receivable, and sales order processing, Esker solutions enable companies to automate the reception, processing and sending of documents with one platform. Pricing 888-255-3815 ext. 2 NEW: Greenshades Year End Forms With electronic distribution, print to blank paper and full automated mailing services, thousands of Greenshades clients make creation, distribution and electronic filing of 1099, W-2 and 1095-C forms hassle free. Flintfox International Limited • 844-876-4276 TPM for Dynamics Suite Flintfox solutions provide a single, integrated platform to manage all trade promotion activity, from client relationships to the financial execution; streamlining information and managing complex pricing with ease. Procurement Management Greenshades Software 888-255-3815 ext. 2 Greenshades Payroll Tax Products Simplify and automate payroll tax requirements. Whether you have employees in one state or all 50, we help make filing and payment requirements easy and worry free with our Tax Filing Center and Payroll Tax Service. Liaison Software Corp 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger DD Batch email password protected Direct Deposit Statements to Employees. Ariett • 781-826-1120 Enterprise Purchasing & Expense/ Azure Cloud/On Premise Complete Requisition to PO to Receiving & AP invoice & Expense Reporting Liaison Software Corp 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger EFT Batch email & fax EFT Remittances to Vendors pref. Archive internal copy. 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger EFT Batch email & fax EFT Remittances to Vendors pref. Archive internal copy. 952-882-3341 Electronic Direct Deposit Delivery Email direct deposits to employees rather than printing/distributing. Password protected PDF attachments are emailed to employee. Fast ROI. 800-725-4408 WorkPlace eProcurement Solutions for Requisition, Purchasing & Invoice Automation. Options include PunchOut, Check Request, Budget Compliance, RFQ, Requisition, PO Generation, Receiving, Invoice Matching & Vendor Contract Compliance. MHC Software, Inc. Paramount Technologies Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Master Data Centralization For Dynamics AX Arbela's Master Data Centralization for Dynamics AX manages product, customer, vendor, employees, and COA master data and their fields across multiple companies for better shared services. Gain from our experience! http://www.paramounttechnologies. com/Solution_InvoiceAutomation.aspx 800-725-4408 WorkPlace AP Invoice Automation Enforce spend management and approvals for PO and non-PO Invoices. 10 Greenshades Software Paramount Technologies Multi-Entity Management Great Plains Payroll Enhancement Experlogix, Inc. 805-504-9729 ext. 712 Experlogix CPQ (Configure Price Quote) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM & ERP Experlogix CPQ solutions meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace by simplifying the process of selling customized products, accelerating proposal development times and increasing quote-to-order ratios. MHC Software, Inc. 952-882-3341 Electronic Payment Notifications Email and/or fax remittance advices to vendors rather than printing and mailing. System also can be used for employee reimbursements. Huge cost and time savings. Fast ROI. Axapta ReQlogic • 734-302-2316 ReQlogic ReQlogic is a browser-based employee productivity suite providing solutions for eProcurement, requisitions, vendor invoices, time & expense, and advanced workflow. Liaison Software Corp 866-949-9504 ext. 811 Quality Essentials Suite Quality Mgt. System offers decimal precision, cert. of analysis, non-conformance, material holds, reporting, data export. Integrated to Dynamics, Horizons Manufacturing, also non-integrated application avail. KEY: Portals Navision WINTER 2015 | THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM Solomon Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Purchase Rebates Purchase Rebates tracks your rebates receivable. Rebates can be triggered and calculated on many criteria. Rebates can be calculated per invoice or over time. Promotional rebates can be calculated as well. Point of Sale Purchase Order Processing Enhancement ReQlogic • 734-302-2316 ReQlogic ReQlogic is a browser-based employee productivity suite providing solutions for eProcurement, requisitions, vendor invoices, time & expense, and advanced workflow. Product Lifecycle Management QBD Systems • 800-743-9003 Universal PLM Integration Integration w/ PLM s/w incl. Agile, Arena, Aras, Solidworks EPDM & more. Production Planning Scalable Data Systems advanced-production-schedulingmodule • 425-931-9972 Advanced Production Scheduling Review and adjust Prod. Schedule from the Gantt Chart. Key Features: Dashboard View, Additional sort sequences, Reroute to alt. work centers. Productivity Isis, Inc. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard Audit your users and ensure they are productive in their work. Locate inefficiencies and take proactive steps to increase productivity. Ariett • 781-826-1120 Enterprise Purchasing & Expense/ Azure Cloud/On Premise Complete Requisition to PO to Receiving & AP invoice & Expense Reporting. Paramount Technologies 800-725-4408 WorkPlace Requisition and Purchasing Includes PunchOut, Check Request, Budget Compliance, RFQ, Requisition, PO Generation, Receiving, Invoice Matching & Vendor Contract Compliance. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Purchase Rebates Purchase Rebates tracks your rebates receivable. Rebates can be triggered and calculated on many criteria. Rebates can be calculated per invoice or over time. Promotional rebates can be calculated as well. Scalable Data Systems workforce-planning • 425-931-9972 Timesheet - Labor Costing Management Allow real time visibility of costs to current projects. Key Features: Payroll Integration, Workflow Approvals, Total hours or start/end times. KEY: Axapta Great Plains Adra Match +44 207 868 5171 RECEIVABLES - Payment Matching Software Receivables handles complex incoming payments your ERP system can't match. By using three information sources - the payment file, open invoices and the customer register - the system matches all incoming payments. Adra Match • +44 207 868 5171 ACCOUNTS – Transaction Matching Software Accounts is a software solution that replaces cumbersome spreadsheets and error-prone manual reconciliations with a rules driven, automated solution for all types of transaction matching. Reporting Quality Control Project Accounting Scalable Data Systems workforce-planning • 425-931-9972 Shift & Roster Management Design and implement rosters to meet complex requirements of 24/7 operations. Key Features: Roster Positions, Shift Calendar, Sub Contractors. Adra Match +44 207 868 5171 BALANCER - Balance Sheet Reconciliation Software Balancer allows you to replace cumbersome spreadsheets and error-prone manual tasks with a full real-time overview of the entire balance sheet reconciliation process. Free up time and close faster with Balancer. Horizons International 866-949-9504 ext. 811 Quality Essentials Suite Quality Mgt. System offers decimal precision, cert. of analysis, non-conformance, material holds, reporting, data export. Integrated to Dynamics, Horizons Manufacturing, also non-integrated application avail. Navision Solomon Experlogix, Inc. 805-504-9729 ext. 712 Experlogix CPQ (Configure Price Quote) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM & ERP Experlogix CPQ solutions meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace by simplifying the process of selling customized products, accelerating proposal development times and increasing quote-to-order ratios. Liaison Software Corp 800-811-4618 ext. 201 Liaison Messenger EDD Batch email, fax, print, archive Invoices, Statements, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders to customers, vendors, sales. Attach supporting documentation. Use existing reports (GP report writer, SSRS, Crystal). Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Trade and Pricing Adv Trade extends pricing capabilities to include complex pricing structures, extends billing, billing schedules and revenue recognition of complex transactions. Contracts can be generated and managed easily. Security Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Security Manager Arbela Security Manager allows you to focus on your business and not your technology needs. On average, our customers have gained 90% efficiency in managing and auditing processes. Gain from our experience! deFacto Global, Inc. Isis, Inc. 203-894-1789 ext. 221 deFacto Performance Management Premier “All-in-One” Dynamics Financial & Operational Budgeting, Forecasting, Consolidation, Analysis and Reporting, Excel/Web-based. Powerful, Affordable. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard PG will allow your business to better secure your users & network. Sales Order Processing Enhancement Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Shipping/Manifesting Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Master Data Centralization For Dynamics AX Arbela's Master Data Centralization for Dynamics AX manages product, customer, vendor, employees, and COA master data and their fields across multiple companies for better shared services. Gain from our experience! Point of Sale THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM | WINTER 2015 11 HORIZONTAL Scalable Data Systems products/commodity-procurementfor-manufacturing • 425-931-9972 Procurement for Manufacturing Procurement of raw materials for manufacturing with integrated MRP. Key Features: Contracts, Bulk Logistics, Allocations, Risk Management – Position, ForEx, Futures Hedging, Track Costs and Accruals. Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. Reconciliation Workflow / Notifications Altec 800-997-9921 ext. 1255 doc-link Integrated Document Management Capture, workflow, output & archive w/doc-link, Doc. Mgmt. for Dynamics. Datahaven for Dynamics 757-222-2000 Datahaven for Dynamics Datahaven is the only scanning, OCR, and workflow solution natively embedded—not simply integrated—throughout the Microsoft Dynamics user experience and available to non-Dynamics users from Microsoft Outlook. docSTAR • 888-docSTAR eclipse Smart AP Automation Solution Auto route & approve invoices with Intelligent Data Capture recognition. Metafile Information Systems, Inc. Esker Inc • 800-368-5283 Document Process Automation Addressing processes like accounts payable, accounts receivable, and sales order processing, Esker solutions enable companies to automate the reception, processing and sending of documents with one platform. • 507-286-9232 MetaViewer Paperless ERP for Microsoft Dynamics Enhance your AX, GP, NAV & SL solutions by adding integrated scanning, OCR, eInvoicing, workflow, and AP/AR Automation. MHC Software, Inc. Integrity Data 217-732-3737 ext. 0203 U-LINC®, Powered By Integrity Data Workflow and notifications anytime, anywhere in Microsoft Dynamics. Works seamlessly within and across your existing system, is flexible and easy to use, improving organizational performance. 952-882-3341 MHC Workflow Easily route documents needing approval- invoices, HR docs, etc. electronically. Ensures they are not lost, stalled or misplaced. PaperSave • 877-727-3799 PaperSave PaperSave is a complete document management, electronic workflow and invoice automation solution, Certified for Microsoft Dynamics GP, SL, AX, & CRM. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Workflow Email Client Adv. Workflow Email Client allows you to approve, reject or redirect workflows from mobile devices that use Microsoft Exchange Server without having to launch AX. Red Maple's Adv. Workflow is required. Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Advanced Workflow Adv Workflow enables workflows to launch automatically on defined criteria or events. Includes 50+ predefined Types (2012)/Templates (2009) to expedite rollouts. New records can be locked during approval process. Services Application Service Provider/Hosting MG Technology Group partner-program/ • 866-350-9310 Dedicated Dynamics ERP Hosting Services - 99.999% SLA, SSAE16 11+ years experience, you own the customer relationship, 100% US support. Myappsanywhere SERVICES 888-636-HOST Premier Cloud Computing Provider Myappsanywhere provides a complete go-to-market integrated cloud solution delivering 99.999% uptime, customizations, no minimums and secure storage in its privately-owned SSAE 16 Type 2 data center facilities. KEY: 12 Axapta Great Plains RoseASP • 858-794-9403 RoseASP Hosted Microsoft Dynamics on Azure/ Private/Hybrid Cloud Solutions. Comprehensive pricing model for SPLA or Subscription Licensing with financially backed uptime guarantee. SSAE-16 audited data centers/SOX compliance. WatServ 866-531-2598 ext. 2311 Hosting and Cloud Computing for Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM WatServ is one of North America's largest, most experienced providers of Cloud Computing services for Dynamics AX, NAV, GP, SL & CRM. Cloud Computing Data Resolution, LLC • 877-878-9108 ERP Clouds Data Resolution is dedicated to delivering private ERP cloud services branded as the partners brand. We keep all of our cloud customers optimized & working 24 hours a day, worldwide for the last 11 years. Navision WINTER 2015 | THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM Solomon HR & Payroll Implementation & Consulting Reviora • 813-344-1600 Cloud ERP hosting Cloud hosting for Dynamics ERP/CRM. Enterprise-class delivery. WatServ 866-531-2598 ext. 2311 Hosting and Cloud Computing for Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM WatServ is one of North America's largest, most experienced providers of Cloud Computing services for Dynamics AX, NAV, GP, SL & CRM. Custom Development NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Implementation Services Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. Client Strategy Group • 216-524-2574 Dynamics AX Done Right! CSG has proven expertise in: AX Performance Tuning, Business Intelligence, and AX 2012 Upgrades. Point of Sale NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. Supply Chain Management Tax Data Masons Software • 866-575-1631 Vantage Point EDI for Dynamics Data Masons helps companies leverage EDI into a competitive advantage by providing tight integration with Dynamics, without customizations. HighJump Software Arbela Technologies • 949-291-4777 Arbela Technologies Our specialties can align with all your industry-specific and evolving business needs. With minimum customizations, we tailor Dynamics AX to effectively reduce costs and improve efficiency. Gain from our experience! Arkieva • 302-738-9215 (APS) Advanced Planning and Scheduling An integrated solution set that fully supports an organization’s Sales and Operations Planning needs. Modules include Demand & Supply Planner, S&OP, Single & Multi-Echelon Inventory Analyzer and Finite Scheduler. Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. ASC Software • 937-429-1428 ASCTrac Award winning, scalable, Warehouse Management Solutions (WMS) designed to support the demanding requirements of Distribution, Manufacturing and 3PL operations, covering the entire Supply Chain cycle. 800-328-3271 ext. 2201 EDI and WMS Solutions from Highjump EDI and Warehouse Management Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics that streamline the flow of inventory & information from supplier to store shelf. Our adaptable solutions manage the needs of 14,000+ global customers. NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. RockySoft 970-493-0868 ext. 105 Inventory Management and Supply Chain Planning Pack Light Supply Chain Mgmt SuiteForecasting, Inventory Mgmt, Purchase Order Planning, Vendor Lead Time Mgmt, Retail Store Planning and S&OP. Scalable Data Systems landed-cost-module • 425-931-9972 Landed Cost Manage Multiple Vendors/PO's as a shipment to improve efficiency/visibility. Key features: Accruals, Auto Cost Allocation, in transit costing. System Enhancement Avalara, Inc. 877-780-4848 Avalara for Sales Tax Automation Automate and eliminate the complexity of sales tax management with Avalara. A cloud-based sales and use tax calculation, exemption certificate management, filing and remittance solution for Microsoft Dynamics. Greenshades Software 888-255-3815 ext. 2 NEW: Greenshades Year End Forms With electronic distribution, print to blank paper and full automated mailing services, thousands of Greenshades clients make creation, distribution and electronic filing of 1099, W-2 and 1095-C forms hassle free. Greenshades Software 888-255-3815 ext. 2 Greenshades Payroll Tax Products Simplify and automate payroll tax requirements. Whether you have employees in one state or all 50, we help make filing and payment requirements easy and worry free with our Tax Filing Center and Payroll Tax Service. Vertex SMB 855-221-5885 Vertex SMB Cloud-based, fully automated sales & use tax calculation and returns solution for Microsoft Dynamics with pay-asyou-go pricing. Time and Attendance Isis, Inc. KEY: Axapta Great Plains System and Network Management Isis, Inc. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard User Auditing, Network Monitoring & Network Admin for ALL businesses. Navision Solomon Scalable Data Systems workforce-planning • 425-931-9972 Shift & Roster Management Design and implement rosters to meet complex requirements of 24/7 operations. Key Features: Roster Positions, Shift Calendar, Sub Contractors. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Trade Promotion Management Flintfox International Limited • 844-876-4276 TPM for Dynamics Suite Flintfox solutions provide a single, integrated platform to manage all trade promotion activity, from client relationships to the financial execution; streamlining information and managing complex pricing with ease. Travel Expense Management Gorilla Expense • 877-973-6737 Gorilla Expense The Gorilla Expense T&E solution includes mobile apps, corporate & personal credit card import, project accounting expenses, multi-currency, VAT/GST features, policy setup & '1-click' integration to GP, NAV, SL & AX Warranty and Claims Management Red Maple • 972-980-6963 Red Maple's Warranty Management Red Maple Warranty Management allows companies to automatically track the purchase and sales of items from vendor to distributor to end user. Generated claims can be tracked and managed. Vertical Solutions, Inc. • 513-891-7997 VServiceManagement Enterprise field service CfMD: Asset Mgmt., Contracts/Warranty, Dispatch & Mobility. Point of Sale THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM | WINTER 2015 13 SERVICES Blue Horseshoe 317-573-2583 Supply Chain Suite for Dynamics AX Unlike other solutions, Supply Chain Suite embeds industry-specific functionality directly into the business layer of Dynamic AX’s architecture. Increase revenue, profit margins and asset utilization. • 804-762-4200 Praetorian Guard User Auditing, Network Monitoring & Network Admin for ALL businesses. Kronos Incorporated • 800-225-1561 Workforce Central® Suite Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics to completely automate the essential timekeeping, human resources and financial processes. Scalable Data Systems workforce-planning • 425-931-9972 Timesheet - Labor Costing Management Allow real time visibility of costs to current projects. Key Features: Payroll Integration, Workflow Approvals, Total hours or start/end times. NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. Sierra Workforce Solutions • 800-822-0973 Sierra Workforce Solutions Time & labor management solutions optimizing productivity and data integration for payroll, HR & job costing using biometrics, badge, WEB or PC based time clocks. Includes employee manager self service. Managed Services Marketing Planning & Services Looking Glass Marketing 614-453-5927 Cost-effective Marketing Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics Partners Award-winning outsourced marketing services including lead generation, nurture marketing, email marketing, web design/SEO, content development. The Partner Marketing Group 605-574-9432 Microsoft Approved Vendor for Dynamics Marketing Consulting From strategic marketing plan development to the critical daily execution, this Microsoft experienced team can help fill your sales pipeline. SERVICES Tornado Marketing, Inc. 608-213-0377 Marketing Consulting Tornado Marketing offers high-impact, highly effective marketing consulting. 10+ years in the channel. Websites. SEO. Copywriting. 14 Axapta Great Plains Dynamic Communities 877-324-8880 Microsoft Dynamics User Groups - AXUG, CRMUG, GPUG, NAVUG The User Groups are independent communities that empower Microsoft Dynamics users to connect, learn and share experiences to improve their use of and ROI on their solution. User & Partner memberships are available. ERP Software Blog • 888-800-0999 NEW: ERP Software Blog/ CRM Software Blog Group blog sites for VAR/ISV partners to increase SEO, web traffic,leads. OnDemand Trials mcaConnect • 866-622-0669 Managed Services for AX mcaConnect customers utilize our industry experts to maximize resources and AX ROI. Our proactive and disciplined approach makes processes repeatable and predictable. Includes AO, Optimization, and Reporting. KEY: Member Organizations RoseASP • 855-ERP-CLOUD ERP Cloud Trials Test drive preconfigured Microsoft Dynamics industry specific demo environments with integrated ISV solutions built for the web. goERPcloud trials help users understand the power of Dynamics and the cloud. Vertex SMB 855-221-5885 Vertex SMB Cloud-based, fully automated sales & use tax calculation and returns solution for Microsoft Dynamics with pay-asyou-go pricing. SharePoint Development Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. Social Media The Partner Marketing Group 732-237-8795 Butterfly Publisher Join Dynamics partners on Butterfly, a publishing & lead capture platform that makes your social, blog & newsletter marketing more effective! Strategic Services Partner Support Service mcaConnect • 866-622-0669 mcaConnect Strategic Services Strategic Services allow our clients to strategically leverage technology to achieve competitive supremacy. Offerings include: business transformation, Lean/manufacturing excellence, and Strategic BI services. Plumbline Consulting, LLC. Training 419-581-2300 Partner Support Services Leverage our Partner Support Services, including Support, Custom Development & Implementation Assistance to expand your offerings. 25+ yrs. Sales Tax Management Service Client Strategy Group • 216-524-2574 Dynamics AX Done Right! CSG has proven expertise in: AX Performance Tuning, Business Intelligence, and AX 2012 Upgrades. CuroGens, Inc. • 317-815-8120 Dynamics AX Upgrade Assessor for Microsoft Dynamics® AX In just minutes, Dynamics AX Upgrade Assessor for Microsoft Dynamics® AX will estimate costs for your company to upgrade to the most recent version of Microsoft Dynamics® AX, including the latest cumulative update. InterDyn BMI • 866-264-3249 InterDyn BMI Microsoft Gold Certified provider of services and upgrades since 1985. Writing/Documentation Services The Partner Marketing Group 605-574-9432 Blogs, Case Studies, Infographics, Websites Use 'content marketing' to build your brand and drive prospects into your sales pipeline. NMB Solutions • 800-563-1007 NEW: Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Integration for UPS and FedEx Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Multi Carrier Parcel and LTL Shipping Solution Integration: The NMB Solution Module is written using standard Dynamics AX objects and is designed to allow easy interaction with FedEx, DHL and UPS. Upgrades Avalara, Inc. 877-780-4848 Avalara for Sales Tax Automation Automate and eliminate the complexity of sales tax management with Avalara. A cloud-based sales and use tax calculation, exemption certificate management, filing and remittance solution for Microsoft Dynamics. Navision WINTER 2015 | THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM Solomon Armanino 925-790-2600 Armanino A Gold Certified ERP/CRM Partner, we provide award-winning implementation and support for Dynamics to meet your industry-specific needs. Customer Relationship Management Retail Management System Point of Sale Get Your Hands On The List To Go! Add the List: Mobile from www.thelistmobile. com to keep an up-to-date list of Microsoft Dynamics products and services in your pocket anywhere you go. KEY: Axapta Great Plains Navision Solomon Customer Relationship Management Search by company name, keyword, or filter by Microsoft Dynamics product line to find the products you need. Retail Management System Point of Sale THEPARTNERCHANNEL.COM | WINTER 2015 15
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