Page 1 of 5 Ref:-CGM/MII/ELEC/OT-100/2014-15 Dt:26.12.2014 TENDER NOTICE (TWO COVER SYSTEM) SEALED TENDERS in the prescribed tender document in a single cover consisting of two inner sealed covers as Technical cover (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) superscribing tender reference, description of work and part number are invited from those who satisfy the prescribed Pre-Qualification Requirements by the CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER/M-II & EXPN, Second Mine Administrative office building, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, Mandarakuppam, Neyveli 607802 for the following work in Mine- II. The tender document (not-transferable) may be obtained from the office of the DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER/TECH/MINE-II upto 15.30 hours on all working days on payment of the cost of tender documents in any of the following forms (1) Demand Draft payable at Neyveli and (2) Banker's Cheque / Banker's Pay Order from local banks only. The Demand Draft, Banker's Cheque and Banker's Pay Order should be drawn in favour of the Director/Finance, NLC Limited, Neyveli payable at NEYVELI. No other mode of payment will be accepted. If the documents are required by post, Rs.50/-(Rupees fifty only) shall have to be paid extra towards postage and incidental charges. Alternatively, the tenderer can also use the tender documents downloaded from website; However the cost of tender documents shall be sent along with the offer in Technical Cover (Part-I) in any of the mode of payment prescribed (1) & (2) above. If the cost of tender document is not enclosed in Part - I Cover, the offer will summarily be rejected. Technical cover (Part I) should contain EMD, Duly signed Tender document (Part-I), documentary evidence for pre-qualification requirements. Commercial terms and other conditions, if any should be indicated in Technical cover (Part-I). Otherwise it will be construed that the tender conditions are accepted as such. Any bid without EMD and proper documentary evidence for Pre-qualification Requirements will not be considered for further evaluation. Original documents shall be submitted on demand for verification. Price cover (Part II) should contain duly signed Tender schedule (Part-II) with rate quoted. Technical cover (Part I) only will be opened on the due date and time shown below. The date and time of opening of Price cover (Part II) shall be intimated only to the tenderers qualified in Technical Cover (Part-I). Page 2 of 5 Ref:-CGM/MII/ELEC/OT-100/2014-15 SL. TENDER NO. NO 1 NAME OF THE WORK PRE QUALIF. VALUE RS IN LAKHS EMD RS. COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT RS. CGM/MII/ELE C/OT100/2014-15 Sap Schedule No:80100916 Mine-II-ElecNon-AMC-Non 1.55 10,000.00 800.00 Short term-Unforeseen Electrical works in Electrical Lighting division Mine II during 2014-15. Period of Completion :8 Months from the Date of handing over the site. Last date and time for sale of tender documents :19.01.2015 upto 15.30 Hrs Last date and time for receipt of tender :20.01.2015 upto 15.00 Hrs Date and time of opening of Technical cover(Part-I):20.01.2015 15.30 Hrs.onwards PRE-QUALIFICATIONS:PRE-QUALIFICATION 1)The tenderer shall possess valid electrical contractor's license grade EB or higher issued by the competent authority. Xerox copy of the license book shall be enclosed along with the Tender. Original license book shall be furnished for verification when called for. The electrical license shall be a valid one as on the date of tender opening. If the license is due for renewal, the same should have been sent to Electrical Licensing Board for renewal and the tenderer shall submit documentary evidence as a proof of the same, otherwise the offer shall be liable for rejection. In the case of tenderer, in possession of Electrical license issued by other states, the license shall have the endorsement of Tamil Nadu Electrical Licensing Board. 2)The tenderer should have satisfactorily carried out any electrical work for a value not less than Rs.1,55,000.00 in a single agreement, in their own name, in any Govt. / Quasi-Government / Public Sector undertaking / Public limited company, with in the last five years as on the original scheduled date of part-I tender opening. 3)Documentary evidence in the form of copy of work order or agreement and the completion certificate issued by the competent authority for having executed the work to the required Pre-qualification value should be enclosed along with the Technical Cover (part-I), failing which the offer shall be liable for rejection. NOTE:1.The sealed covers shall be opened in this office in the presence of the tenderers or their authorised representative (with authorization letter) who may be present. 2.The Corporation reserves the right to reject ANY / ALL the tender(s) received without assigning any reasons. The corporation also reserves the right to split-up the work into convenient portions and allot them to different contractors. 3.The Corporation also reserves the right to increase / decrease any of the quantities mentioned in the tender schedule. Page 3 of 5 Ref:-CGM/MII/ELEC/OT-100/2014-15 4.NLC is not responsible for delay in transit / loss of tender documents and any other correspondence sent / received by post. 5.Quotations are to be valid for THREE MONTHS from the date of opening of Technical Cover (Part I). However if any extension of validity is called for, the bidder shall extend the same. 6.EMD, furnished in the form of Bank Guarantee, should be valid for FOUR MONTHS from the date of opening of Technical Cover (Part-I). 7.Late tenders will not be entertained. 8.Tender without valid EMD will be summarily rejected. The tenders submitted without EMD in the prescribed manner or in any other manner or short in amount or any adjustment with any pending payment shall be summarily rejected. 9.Detailed specifications and other details/ instructions are given in tender documents. 10.If the date of opening fixed already for tender is declared as holiday for NLC Limited due to any reason , tender will be opened at the same time on the following working day. 11.The tenderer should posses the code number assigned by the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Trichy. If not, they should get the number assigned within a week of award of contract. Otherwise their contract will be liable for termination as well as payment due, if any, will be withheld. 12.The Contractor has to supply all the equipments to their workmen free of cost. safety and protective 13.The contractor should take insurance under " Group insurance scheme" for the workers under his control which will cover not only fatal accident, but also injuries which may or may not result in partial or permanent disablement. "THE FIRST AND PART BILL WILL BE PASSED ONLY AFTER PRODUCING THE GROUP INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE ENTIRE CONTRACT PERIOD". 14.The tenderer should hold a valid licence from competent authority under the Contract Labour (Regulations & Abolition) Act and documentary evidence should be produced at the time of scrutiny of tenders. In respect of tenderers, who have not carried out any work in NLC but happen to be successful tenderer should give an undertaking that they will produce licence within FORTY-FIVE days from the date of LOI, failing which their contract will be terminated. "In addition, the contractor shall maintain Registers, Returns etc., as required statutorily and shall submit the same when called for by Labour Enforcing Authority". "THE SECOND BILL WILL BE PASSED ONLY AFTER PRODUCING THE VALID LABOUR LICENCE ". 15.If any unregistered contractor comes out to be a successful tenderer, they may consider getting himself / themselves registered in NLC under relevant class. 16.If the tenderer is a partnership firm and if there is any reconstitution of the partnership, the same should be intimated to NLC immediately. Otherwise the contract will be liable for termination at the risk and costs of the Tenderer. If any partnership firm gets qualified based on the work Page 4 of 5 Ref:-CGM/MII/ELEC/OT-100/2014-15 experience of one of the partners, the firm, if awarded with the work, shall give an undertaking before signing the agreement confirming that till the completion of the awarded work, the concerned partner will not leave the firm. Otherwise the EMD / SD will be encashed and the LOI will be revoked. 17.The Performance certificates and other documents related to pre-qualification furnished by the tenderer along with the bid are liable to verification on authenticity. If any of the above certificates / documents are found to be forged / bogus, his / their offer will be summarily rejected. In addition, the EMD furnished by him / them will be forfeited and he / they will be debarred. 18.The Tender documents purchased shall not be transferable and the amount remitted towards cost of Tender document shall not on any account be refunded under any circumstances. 19.The address of the tenderer shall be indicated on the left hand bottom of the sealed envelope (in all the three covers) clearly. 20.Due to administrative reasons, if the tender (Part-I Cover) could not be opened on the scheduled date, the revised date of opening will be intimated later to those who have responded. 21.Work order / Agreement copy is not sufficient. Copy of the work completion certificate must be enclosed. Original certificate / documents has to be produced if demanded. 22.Unilateral revision or withdrawal of offer by the bidder within the subsistence of the validity period of offer shall not be permitted. Violation of this condition shall result in rejection of the bid without notice,besides forfeiture of EMD / Bid Guarantee as the case may be.In addition to the above such bidder shall also be debarred either permanently or for a fixed period, at the discretion of NLC from participating in any of the NLC's tender. 23.Tenderers who are downloading the tender documents from website are advised to visit the website frequently, for noting the corrigendum , if any, issued subsequently with regard to above tenders, till the last date for sale of tender documents. 24.The firms registered with NSIC are exempted from furnishing Bid Guarantee, Cost of Tender Documents provided that such small scale units are registered under single point registration scheme of NSIC and are valid on the scheduled date of tender opening and the product range mentioned in the certificate is the same or similar to this tender requirements. The NSIC copies duly attested by any Notary Public (or) Gazetted officers (or) Practicing Chartered Accountant with seal and date shall only be accepted. 25.If it happens to be a single tender on the scheduled date of tender opening, NLC reserves its right either to open the Single tender or to extend the date of tender opening or to go for re-tender. The decision of NLC in this regard is final and binding on the Bidders. In case of extension of date of tender opening or the decision is to go for re-tender, the bidder/tenderer, is at liberty to withdraw his offer and resubmit afresh on or before the re-scheduled date of tender opening, otherwise his original offer already submitted will be opened on the rescheduled date of tender opening. Page 5 of 5 Ref:-CGM/MII/ELEC/OT-100/2014-15 CHEIF MANAGER/TECH/MINE-II To
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