children's resources By Grant Maynard Welcome to the Lent Event Children's Resources 2014 The clear-eyed wisdom of a child “That’s not fair!” You wouldn’t have to spend long in a classroom, playground or even a backyard before hearing a child make this important assertion. Children have a keen sense of justice and are very willing to pursue it. This pursuit certainly applies to schoolyard and backyard politics but it also extends well beyond. When issues of global injustice are plainly reported to children, their response is most often compassionate, creative and generous. Children seem to come wired for justice and sadly we often unlearn this passion as we grow to be adults. Perhaps our role, as adults, is to “call out” their in-built desire for justice and help it to flourish. These resources are designed to assist you in this wonderful role. They esteem the God-given compassion of our children and endeavor to explore, inform and engage this concern across a range of global issues. You won’t find explicit teaching aimed at prompting a compassionate response. Too often, we adults make the mistake of trying to “teach compassion”. Teaching compassion, rather than calling it out, runs the real risk of peddling guilt. And guilt is not a healthy basis for action. What you will find in these resources are simple, creative and engaging activities that encourage children to further develop and inform their compassion. We also want to esteem the capacity of the children in our midst to understand. The children in our schools, homes and church communities are well able to appreciate, grapple and engage with simple, and more complex, causes and effects of poverty. More than that, we often find that children are streaks ahead of us “grown-ups” in passion, understanding and readiness to act on issues of justice. So our starting point for these resources is one of strength. We respect our children’s compassion and their capacity to understand the issues that affect our brothers and sisters who live with poverty. We have also made some assumptions about those of you who will coordinate and use these resources: 1.You are busy: We have made the resources simple, with little preparation and few materials required. 2.You are creative: We have employed a range of creative strategies to explore global issues and the work of UnitingWorld’s partners. 3.You lead a unique bunch of children: We have made the resources flexible with regard to age, ability, group size and liveliness. We encourage you to further adapt the materials to your group’s particular needs. 4.You operate in a unique context: Perhaps your group meets in a hall or a small room or outside. We have tried to make the resources adaptable for differing spaces and time frames. We are deeply grateful that you have decided to accompany your children in grappling with issues that are so close to God’s heart and we pray His rich blessing on you and your children in the season of Lent. 2 Lent Event Resource Overview The Lent Event Children’s Resources are organised under the following headings: Projects in Focus Outlines the themes and projects in focus for each week of Lent. Each week introduces the general theme and program area that UnitingWorld Relief and Development works in, and the rationale for doing so. See the links for more information about the projects in focus. Heads Up! A snapshot introduction for each country featured in the resource. These are designed to give leaders and children a very short orientation to the country or area that the session will be focusing on. Tune In Based on true stories, these fictionalised accounts were written to be used during the service before the children begin their Lent Event session. The stories will have most potency if told in a memorable way. Choosing a good storyteller, having a story mat or even having the whole church come and sit together will all help create a vivid storytelling atmosphere. Please note that whilst the stories are based on true stories the names of places and people have been changed. Warm Up Activities to begin thinking about the topic. These curious games are designed to encourage interaction, movement and also some thinking about the main idea of the session. Find Out This is the main activity of the session. Each one is designed to stimulate new and creative thinking about the key issues of the topic. The activities employ storytelling, problem-solving, cooking and drama to engage the featured issues. Act Out These suggestions give practical opportunities to build on the things learned. Children’s Resources 3 Week One - Introduction What is poverty and what is it like to live in poverty overseas? Is it really different from our lives in Australia? In the year 2000, leaders from 189 countries came up with eight goals to help us frame the way we see and respond to global poverty. These goals are called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and focus on reducing poverty and hunger, child mortality and the spread of disease, and improving education and gender equality. The MDGs help us see that poverty is multi-dimensional: it isn’t just about not having money, or not having a toilet, or not being able to read. Yes, people living in poverty often lack access to basic services, but the causes of poverty are deeper than that. Poverty has to do with where you are born, where you live, whether you were born a boy or a girl, whether you’ve had an education or not...and so on! Over the next six weeks during Lent we’re going to be talking more about poverty. We’re going to talk about why some people have access to education and health and why some people don’t. We’re going to talk about the main challenges that people living in poverty face and how they can be overcome. Perhaps best of all – we’re going to talk about what everyday life looks like for people living in poverty. We hope you’ll realise we’re not so different after all. Heads Up! - Planet Earth Population: 7.1 billion (2013 estimate) The planet Earth is one of the most spectacularly beautiful places in the solar system and it supports a dizzying abundance of life… including just over seven billion humans. These humans live in an amazing range of locations, with a vast spectrum of cultures and languages and, for the most part, in harmony with one another. Sadly, despite Earth’s abundant capacity, many of the humans who live here are not able to adequately meet their most basic needs. For example, around 852 million humans are hungry1. There are global efforts afoot, like the Millennium Development Goals, to address issues like providing vital education, healthcare, nutrition and water to humans living everywhere. And UnitingWorld works with local organisations through Church Partners in countries throughout the Pacific, Asia and parts of Africa to effectively combat poverty. 1 4 Lent Event Tune In - Pumped I stood at the pump with an empty jerry can waiting for a turn to spin the handle and fill my container. It was not difficult to wait – in fact, it was a joy. All around me in the queue songs were being sung, stories told, mischief made and news debated. It was hard work to walk for, pump out, lift up and carry home precious drinking water, but the company of friends made this hard work much lighter. For a year our family lived in Africa at a project supported by UnitingWorld that is working hard to support vulnerable children. We joined the frequent forays to the pump for clean drinking water. Most times of the day a procession of people was heading to or from the pump with wheelbarrows, buckets and bottles. It was an all-ages activity: tiny tots carrying juice bottles through to mothers balancing heavy plastic barrels. Fetching water in this community was completely normal and had become a daily time for us to catch up, hang out and have a laugh. To be honest though, we were not always keen to gather our own water – it was often a drudge that took time and frequently I plodded joylessly from the pump to our home. Clean water, however, is something you cannot live without so difficulties will be overcome, distances will be covered and other work will be put down to get our water. In this snapshot of a perfectly ordinary task, repeated in most places by many ordinary citizens in our world every day, is a picture of poverty. Poverty is really simple…and really complex! The following example of poverty is really quite simple: if you don’t have enough of something vital, like clean water, you’ll pause all other activities to go and find some. This means life’s other important tasks get interrupted – tasks like schooling, childcare and farming. This is unfair because globally we have the resources to do something about it. More than unfair, poverty is also at odds with the Kingdom vision that Jesus spoke about, lived out and died for. Poverty is complex in this way – most often poverty is caused by a real tangle of issues. It is rarely a single factor, like access to safe water, which causes the sort of poverty that prevents communities from thriving. Communities around the world grapple with conflict, poor healthcare, lack of power, corruption and access to basic services. Causes of poverty overlap and amplify their effects. Even though untangling poverty can be slow and complicated, it is a most basic activity of the Kingdom. Jesus talked about and demonstrated, holistic transformation for all forms of poverty. All of us, children and adults, who follow Christ are invited to join His mission of hope. Over the next six weeks our children will be exploring our world’s need for transformation and some practical ways to do it. They will be engaging with the vital work of UnitingWorld in bringing hopeful, lasting change through genuine partnerships to our brothers and sisters who live in developing nations. Immediately following today’s Gospel reading that depicts Jesus’ temptation, he goes to Nazareth where he spells out his mission: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.” (Jesus reading from Isaiah in Luke 4) Children’s Resources 5 Warm Up - Tangle Poverty usually results from a range of extraordinary factors that enmesh to limit the opportunities of ordinary people. This simple, maddening exercise will help to illustrate the entangled issues that keep our brothers and sisters poor. 1.Have children form a circle and then shuffle in until they are standing shoulder to shoulder. Tell children that they are about to tie a crazy knot that should be possible to undo but will require flexibility, teamwork and a healthy dose of patience. 2.Invite the children to hold out their left hand. They should hold the hand (gently but firmly) of someone on the opposite side of the circle. Next they should do the same with their right. 3.At this point you should have an untidy tumbleweed of children. Invite the children to carefully untangle the knot by stepping over, climbing through, inching around the others. The children shouldn’t break their handholds unless they get on an impossible angle Find Out - In Tents! If you are thinking of the causes of global poverty, you might not immediately think of a tent. In this activity, however, the pitching of a tent makes a useful illustration of the causes, types and effects of poverty. For this exercise, a secure tent represents a safe, happy and healthy family somewhere in the world. To demonstrate the effects of poverty, this activity will show the sort of calamity that comes from uncontrollable setbacks during the pitch. This will allow your children to see the way that poverty limits opportunities, disempowers families and causes conflict. It should provoke some curly questions. It should also be a hoot! You will need… A tent that can be pitched inside. Instructions for pitching the tent (these can be fake!) ‘Distraction’ Cards [Handout 1] cut up and glued together 6 Lent Event – at which point they can release and rejoin. With almost every knot it is possible to end up in a single circle holding hands. Occasionally, you’ll end up with either two inter-linked circles or a pile of children laughing on the floor. Feel free to abandon a tricky knot and start over. Feel free also to repeat the feat if your group is having fun. 4.Whatever the outcome of your tangle it can illustrate an important fact: poverty is normally a tangle of circumstances that are slow and difficult (but ultimately possible) to unravel. Ask the children: • What sort of things do we all need to live a full life? • If we couldn’t get enough of one of these (e.g. clean water) how might it affect other parts of our lives? • How was our tangled knot like trying to tackle poverty? 1.‘In Tents’ will be more poignant and run more smoothly with just a little preparation: • Choose some adults or older children who can easily pitch the tent and who will also ‘play up’ to the humour of the exercise. • Invite the tent pitchers to ‘play along’ with the distractions. • Have a practice run at pitching the tent 2.Ask your children to form a circle around the packed and rolled tent. Tell your group: Let’s imagine that this tent represents a life for a family. A tent that is well pitched – secure, clean and spacious – represents a healthy, happy life for the family. A tent that is poorly pitched, however, one that has bits missing and is saggy, represents a family that is failing to thrive – neither happy nor healthy. There’s every chance that the tent will be pitched well but sometimes things happen that affect how it turns out…for the tent and also for the family. 3.Tell the children that they are about to see the tent get pitched but as it goes up they may play the part of a ‘distraction’. If they are given a ‘distraction’ card they should read the card out, turn it over and do the action. 4.Invite the tent pitchers to begin work. It would be great if they looked seriously at the instructions for the tent before setting to work. 5.Give the ‘distraction’ cards to children periodically as the tent is being erected. It will be up to you as to the best times to hand out another card. Children may act on their own or they may feel more bold acting in pairs. Here’s a list of the Distractions on the cards: • This family doesn’t have enough money for day-to-day needs – take a pole away. • This family didn’t have access to education – take the instructions away. • The water this family drank often made them sick – tie one of the tent pitcher’s shoes together. • This family lives in an area that is prone to floods – flap the tent when they try to secure it. • Not everyone treats this family very kindly – say unhelpful comments like ‘I don’t think that looks right’ or ‘are you sure you know what you’re doing?’ • Sometimes this family gets picked on by their government – tell them to move to a different spot to pitch. 6.Just after the last ‘distraction’ invite the tent pitchers to stop. Tell the children that the exercise is over and ask what sort of situation the tent represents for a family. This may lead to a wider discussion. You could ask some questions like: • Was there one thing that prevented this tent from being pitched well? • Did any of the distractions combine to make things worse for the tent? • What could have helped to build a more secure tent? • How do you think this might be like real life for people living in poor communities? 7.You could also ask the tent pitchers: • How did it feel to be distracted from your main task of pitching the tent? • How do you think this might be similar to life for poor families around the world? • Were there ways that the distractions made you stronger or more determined? 8.While your children are doing the next activity ask your tent pitchers to have a second go at pitching the tent (this time without distractions). When they have finished, invite your children to think of ways that the tent might represent a healthier, happy life for a family. ACT OUT You will need: Paper (A3 would be ideal) and pens. Following your discussion of poverty today it would be fitting to help your children write a prayer for the world. One way to do this is to create a form of ‘encircling prayer’. Your children may have heard the Genesis reading in church today about The Fall. The seeds of poverty are, sadly, within this story. As a hopeful, glorious corrective to the despair of The Fall, Jesus says; “I have come in order that you might have life life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). In prayer, this tension between a full life and the pain of poverty can be drawn: 1.Invite children to draw a large circle. Inside the circle they should write or draw the things that would give ‘life in all its fullness’ to people around the world (e.g. clean water, opportunities, education, love). Outside the circle the children can write or draw all those things that stop people around the world from enjoying ‘life in all its fullness’ (e.g. war, corruption, dirty water, lack of food). 2.As the children are writing, invite them to check on the progress of the tent pitchers! 3.Once complete the prayers can be shared by the children. Simply displaying them or sharing them as a group is a form of prayer. Alternatively, you could invite your children to sit in a circle and take turns to say something from their encircling prayer. The whole group could repeat: “Circle them, O God” after each statement. Children’s Resources 7 Week Two Because everyone deserves... a healthy life Project in focus: Midwife Training in South Sudan The relationship between poverty and poor health is like a cycle: poverty increases the chances of poor health and poor health in turn traps communities in poverty. It’s a cycle that’s hard to break. Healthcare can be expensive and families often have to make difficult decisions about whether they spend their money on healthcare or food for their children. And people who live in remote or marginalised communities often don’t have access to the healthcare that could save their lives. UnitingWorld works with church partners around the world to provide access to quality healthcare by establishing health centres and mobile clinics in remote villages, and by training workers to provide medical care. In South Sudan, for example, where women in remote, traditional villages often die or suffer health problems during pregnancy and childbirth, UnitingWorld supports a school that is training midwives. Midwives are able to care for women during their pregnancy, help them give birth safely and provide advice about how to care for newborn babies – even in the most remote areas. You can read more here: Heads Up! - South Sudan Population: 11,090,104 (July 2013 est.) South Sudan is currently the world’s ‘newest’ country. There was a terrible war in Sudan for around twenty years and when the war recently ended, South Sudan was able to form its own country. Even though it gained independence from Sudan in July 2011 there are still some serious problems for this young nation. Lack of access to water, continued fighting and very few hospitals and trained medical staff are some of the most worrying troubles for South Sudan. UnitingWorld is supporting pregnant mothers in South Sudan by training local midwives. These midwives provide crucial care to mothers and babies – they give advice during pregnancy, support during birth and they help care for newborns. Now in the areas where Uniting World’s partners work, the youngest members of the world’s youngest nation are getting the care they need to thrive. 8 Lent Event Tune In - Flat Out The minibus lurched sideways to avoid the rock, only to drop jarringly into a pothole. Dust rained down from the ceiling. Barnabas’ neck wobbled in unison with the bus. He stared out at the shimmering waves of heat haze lifting off the plain, and was lost in thought. Barnabas was nestled in between a sack of maize and his heavily pregnant sister Teresa. The bus that had eight seats now had eighteen passengers. Barnabas felt a sickly mixture of excitement and responsibility, pride and fear. His family had chosen him to accompany Teresa to the health clinic in Gogrial for her final check-up. Now the day had come and he hoped he could help keep his sister and her precious cargo safe on their journey. Barnabas was now eight years old. This was his first ride in a minibus. He loved the feeling of hurtling through lands that he usually saw at walking pace. Being a considerate brother, Barnabas nudged his sister and offered her the last of his drinking water. She looked hot and it was all he could do to help. Before she had drained the bottle, the minibus shuddered to a stop next to a towering baobab tree. Teresa spilt some of the water on the seat in front. The driver barked the name of the stop and the sliding door was opened. Recognising the name, Barnabas tapped the passenger in front of him so that he and Teresa could get out. Stepping out of the van, Barnabas and Teresa looked along the walking track that led to the clinic. Barnabas didn’t even pause. Although they had a long way to walk, he was determined that they should visit the clinic today. He wanted his sister to receive the very best care that could be found. His determination came partly because he loved his sister and partly because Barnabas knew that his own mother had died just after he was born. Barnabas figured that if Teresa could get the right sort of care, she wouldn’t be in danger like his mother had been. In what seemed like an instant to Barnabas, the details of the clinic slowly came back into focus. Then he heard the gentle laughter. More than a dozen ladies – pregnant mothers, nurses and volunteers – had formed a circle around Barnabas, waiting for him to wake from his faint. Now that he had opened his eyes, a friendly peal of relieved laughter rippled around the group. To others looking on, it may have looked and sounded like a flock of chickens admiring a new chick. Now Barnabas felt sick. He must not allow himself to feel sick. He sat shyly under the colourful poster while Teresa went in to speak with the midwives. Even as they travelled home in the minibus that night Barnabas was not exactly sure why he had fainted. Was it lack of water? The long walk? Or perhaps the weight of responsibility had caused it. It didn’t matter now. Bumping around in his seat, wedged between Teresa and a basket of chickens, Barnabas felt warm with pride. Teresa had received the care she needed, the care his mother could never have had, and he had helped. After a stifling trudge they reached the little maternity clinic at the edge of Gogrial. Barnabas walked into the crowded clinic ahead of Teresa and was surprised to find a stuffy room, filled with young women, some of them as heavily pregnant as his sister. As Barnabas looked around for a seat for his sister he spied one right under a colourful poster showing the stages of pregnancy and labor. Suddenly, the poster swirled and blurred and the seat beneath it drifted away. Right there in the clinic, Barnabas fainted. Children’s Resources 9 Warm Up - Healthy Helmet Heads Healthcare is a complex and vital issue for any community. A good way for children to start thinking about health is to think of all the things that help them stay healthy. This game should kick start that thinking. You will need: Two bicycle helmets (and hairnets if you are concerned about headlice!) Health Cards [Handout 2] Blu-Tak 1.Tell children that it is great to be healthy and that in most parts of Australia we can get great access to the people and things that help to keep us healthy. 2.Ask your children to suggest a few things that we do or have to stay healthy (e.g. healthy food, safe medicines, trained doctors). 3.Invite two volunteers to come out the front and put on the helmets. Tell the children that good healthcare is like a good helmet – it can help protect us from sickness and disease. There are things we have access to that act like shields to keep us healthy. 4.Now invite the children to play a game, similar to Celebrity Heads, where you stick a card with something that helps keep us healthy [Handout 2] onto the front of each of the helmets and the volunteers try to guess what it is. 5.The helmet wearers will try to guess the word stuck on their helmet by asking questions to the rest of the group. They must only ask questions that can be answered with “Yes” or “No”. For example, “Am I a person?”. 6.If a helmet wearer asks a question and gets a “Yes” they can ask another. They may keep asking questions until they get a “No”. When they get a “No” the other helmet wearer gets a turn. 7.The first helmet wearer to correctly guess their health word wins. You may allow the winner to stay standing and invite another challenger to wear the helmet. 8.It might be merciful to do a practice round with the leaders before giving the children a go. At the end of the game remind the children that we all want to stay healthy so: • What sort of things do we do or have to stay healthy? • Do these things always work? What do we do if we become sick? • What would happen if we took away just one of our shields like clean water, enough food or medicine? What differences would that make? • Why might a newborn baby or a pregnant mother need more healthcare than other people? What extra care might they need? • In the story of Barnabas and Teresa, how was the clinic a shield? 10 Lent Event Find Out - Roll Role Play To think more deeply about healthcare your group could play this simple simulation game. This game uses sanitation and hygiene as a theme but could equally apply to maternal health or nutrition. You will need: 1 Die 1 Roll of toilet paper 1.Invite students to form a circle and tell them that you are about to play a game to show how easily an infection can spread in a community and how important good healthcare is. It is a sad fact that around the world, sicknesses like diarrhoea (that occur when children drink unsafe water) are responsible for many deaths. Of course diarrhoea is preventable and most often treatable, but not everyone has access to safe water and good healthcare. 2.Ask the children to imagine that somehow they have drunk some unclean water. Some children will be unaffected but some may become quite sick. To see how everyone fares, you will take turns rolling the die. With each roll of the die you may be given some pieces of toilet paper. You will be told at the end what your pile of toilet paper means about your health. 3.Play the die rolling game for about five rounds. Ask the children to count up how many sheets of toilet paper they now have. Each number on the die has a different result. If you roll: 1 = 1 piece of toilet paper 2 = 2 pieces of toilet paper 3 = 3 pieces of toilet paper 4 or 5 = you miss a turn 6 = 6 pieces of toilet paper 4.Tell the children that you will now “diagnose” their imaginary sickness: Sheets of Toilet Paper Less than 5 Between 5 and 15 Over 15 Diagnosis You feel grotty. You have an unsettled stomach. It is unpleasant but not dangerous. Be very careful to wash your hands well with soap and water to help prevent others from getting sick. You feel terrible. You have a serious case of diarrhoea. If you can drink clean water and get some rehydration mixture you will recover well. You are very ill and in danger of dehydration. You really need to visit a healthcare centre to receive rehydration treatment. At this point be ready for some over-acted scenes of imaginary sickness. 5.This game has one last step. Tell the children that you did not mention where everyone drank the unclean water. If you are sick in most places in Australia you can get good healthcare. If you were living somewhere like South Sudan in Africa, however, it might not be so straightforward. Children’s Resources 11 6.Ask those children with five or more sheets of toilet paper to make one last roll of the die. This roll will decide where you are and how you get treatment. Ask children to sit in groups according to the number they roll. Once everyone has had a turn read their treatment options: Number Rolled Treatment Options 1 or 2 You live in Australia and your chances of recovery are excellent. You have access to good medicine, clean water, a safe toilet, rehydration fluids and if necessary, a well-equipped hospital. 3 or 4 You live in South Sudan and your chances of recovery are good. There is a health clinic not far from your village so if you fail to recover at home you could get some medicine and advice there. 5 or 6 You live in South Sudan far from any healthcare facilities. You may well recover from this illness if you can get access to clean water but it will be difficult. Your chances of recovery aren’t as good as the others. 7.This would be a good time to discuss the ‘fairness’ of living in a developing country like South Sudan where healthcare options are limited. Being able to stay healthy shouldn’t be like rolling a die. Everyone deserves a healthy life. 9. Here are a few starting questions: 8.In today’s readings is the wonderful truth: ‘For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved’ John 3:17 (NIV). It would be great to share this passage with your children and unpack what it might mean for healthcare around the world. • Jesus is no longer visibly with us so who is able to continue his good saving work? • What sorts of things in the world need to be ‘saved’? • Where do we see Jesus ‘saving’ something or someone? Act Out - Bathroom Signs Basic healthcare is an area where we should try to foster ‘hopeful concern’ amongst our children. Much has been done to improve healthcare for the world’s most vulnerable and UnitingWorld’s healthcare initiatives in South Sudan are simply some of the reasons we have to be hopeful. At the same time, it is deeply concerning that we live in a global community that continues to allow needless, preventable, treatable illnesses and complications to claim the lives of people in places like South Sudan. One way to foster this ‘hopeful concern’ is to invite your children to create some signs for their bathroom at home. The water from this tap is safe to drink. How wonderful! Next to the tap: The water from this tap is safe to drink. How wonderful! Above the toilet roll holder: As you sit here, please feel free to pray for people around the world who don’t have such a clean, flushable miracle of a toilet. 12 Lent Event Week THREE Because everyone deserves... to be included Project in focus: Partnering Women for Change We know that God values all people equally. We also know that God creates every person with talents, gifts and dreams for the future. But many people who live in poverty around the world today face barriers which hold them back from participating in all aspects of life. These barriers include living with a disability, your gender or even your age. 80% of people living with disabilities today live in developing countries and are often unable to access basic services such as education and healthcare and are often excluded from employment and activities. Likewise, in many parts of the world today girls are less likely to go to school. Women face discrimination and have fewer opportunities to engage in economic and political life. All across the Pacific women are central to family and community and are active within the local church. But women also face many challenges, including lack of access to economic resources, a limited role in community decision-making and vulnerabilities to gender-based violence. In Kiribati UnitingWorld and the Women’s Fellowship are focusing on training women, primarily from remote islands, in business skills. Women of all ages participate in training and are then encouraged and supported to organise small-scale workshops with women in their own communities, sharing skills and learning on a larger scale. You can read more here: Heads Up! Kiribati Population: 103 248 (July 2013 estimate.) Pronounced “KIRR-i-bas”, Kiribati is a Pacific nation made up of 32 coral atolls. With a total population of just over 103,000 Kiribati straddles both the Equator and the International Date Line. Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati, is about halfway between Australia and Hawaii. Kiribati could seem like a Pacific paradise (and it is!) but it also has some serious problems. Kiribati is one of the poorest nations on the planet and is likely to be the first country in the world to lose all of its land to the effects of climate change.1 There are concerted efforts being made to address both climate change and poverty in Kiribati. MAP TO COME UnitingWorld is empowering local women in Kiribati to be better trained in business skills. This training helps them develop and grow small businesses. Just as important, the training enables women’s important voices to be heard in their communities. 1 Children’s Resources 13 Tune In - A Battered Red Bucket Marie half ran, half fell along the grassy track toward the bore, slapping big leaves out of the way. Immediately behind Marie, a battered red bucket, attached to her shoulder with a blue rope, happily drummed and danced along the path. Behind the bucket was Tessie, Marie’s best friend, giggling and striving to keep up. Behind her was the girls’ village - a sprinkling of neatly thatched homes dwarfed by the palm trees. Marie and Tessie tore past the little health clinic where a line of people sat hunched on a bench waiting to talk to the nurse. to wind up the rope that carried a metal container from the well below. They carefully filled their buckets to the brim. “Ko na mauri!” greeted Marie as she sped past. “Mauri!” came the reply. As they waited Tessie and Marie chatted, splashed the boys, cleaned their buckets and sang quietly. When their turn came, Tessie helped Marie to fill her bucket. It was normal for children to help each other but Marie needed a little extra. Marie’s left arm was not like her right one. It was stunted and a little twisted. It had always been this way and normally Marie didn’t even think about it. But it did make it hard to fill her bucket. Tessie strained to lift the bucket up onto Marie’s head. As the bucket came to rest on her head a sudden slop sent a stream of cool water down the back of her dress. She and Tessie laughed and headed for home. Marie rounded the last bend before the well and jumped down to take her place at the end of the line of children waiting to fill their own battered buckets with clean water. Marie and Tessie had run all the way from home to the well as soon as they had swapped their school bags for buckets. Still, their short legs had not carried them as quickly as the big children from the village so they had to wait their turn. At the head of the line two boys stepped onto the rock platform built beside the well. Here they could turn the handle All children on the island had to be strong but Marie liked to think she was even stronger. She had to make this trip to the well and back again three times every day and she could hold her heavy bucket with only one hand. It made her feel a bit proud. There were some children who teased her about her arm - some whispered when they thought she couldn’t hear and some openly pointed and laughed. Marie felt hurt by the whispering and the pointing, but she also hoped it was helping her to become stronger in another way. “Mauri!” came the reply. Marie and Tessie tore past the school where the biggest boys and girls were still sweeping the classrooms and dusting the old blackboard. Soon they would be heading home and beginning their afternoon chores. The girls’ bare feet thumped the ground as they passed. “Ko na mauri!” puffed Tessie as she sped past. 14 Lent Event Warm Up - Touch Car NB – Your children’s group may include a member with a disability. Discernment and sensitivity will be required in the way you include them. You will know best as to whether they would like a chance to chat about living with their disability or whether they would prefer to stay quiet. To help your group start thinking about living with a disability it may be good to experience a temporary loss of a sense – in this case sight. Before you begin, invite your children to come up with a list of disabilities they know people are living with. You will need… Blindfolds Masking Tape (optional) 1.Set up a simple maze using rearranged furniture or masking tape paths. 2.Invite pairs to line up at the start of the maze. One partner will be the ‘driver’ and the other will be a blind car. The aim will be to navigate through the maze without crashing. 3.The blindfolded partner will be the ‘car’. The partner who is the ‘driver’ will control the ‘car’ using touch. The ‘driver’ cannot control the ‘car’ using speech. Instead, if the ‘driver’ wants the ‘car’ to go forward they should touch the ‘car’ between their shoulder blades. If they want the ‘car’ to go left they should touch the left shoulder blade. To go right, they touch the right shoulder blade. If the ‘driver’ wants the car to stop they simply stop touching the car. 4.Once the controls are explained, give each partnership a chance to navigate the maze. You could have time trials or give points for the most accurate trip or simply give everyone a go. Of course, the partners will be keen to swap roles. 5.After everyone has had a go, have a quick chat about how it felt to lose sight and trust the ‘driver’. Ask what was difficult about the task or what was required to navigate safely. You could relate this to the rest of life and ask what sort of assistance is required for people with impaired sight or other disabilities. Finally, ask the group if there may be any extra challenges for people living with disabilities in poorer communities. This would be an appropriate point to reflect a little on today’s Gospel reading with your group. In John 4: 5-42 Jesus beautifully restores a woman’s faith by carefully revealing truth to her. To do this, Jesus acted in a way that seemed like madness to his friends. The person he spoke to was a woman and a foreigner. Even though speaking to her was not thought to be respectable, Jesus was able to transform the woman’s life and, in turn, she inspired many people to follow Jesus. Similarly, in the Pacific, Uniting World’s church partner is assisting women from many Pacific Islands to have a voice in their community. In other places, UnitingWorld works to make sure people with a disability are included. Girls and women and people with disabilities face big challenges, but it’s important we see them as Jesus sees them – strong, capable and very important in the Kingdom of God. • Invite your group to think of the group and individuals that your church currently works with, serves and welcomes. Are there some “unexpected” people in this list? Are there people on the list that people outside the list might find surprising? • Now ask your group to make a second list. Try to make a list of people who your church could work with (e.g. refugees, homeless people, people with disabilities). Encourage your group to be bold. If Jesus served in a risky way it may inspire us to do the same. • When you’ve finished the list consider sharing it with the rest of the church! Other questions you could ask: • How do you think Marie would like people to see her situation? • Does including people with disabilities transform their lives? How? Children’s Resources 15 Warm Up - Boys are stronger? Today’s session centres on the need to include everyone in community activities. Globally there are still worrying gaps in many communities that exclude people with disabilities and also women and girls from essential community activities like education, decision-making and employment. This Warm Up seeks to explore the various views of gender and inclusion that exist in your group. This activity uses a technique, often called an ‘Oxford debate’, where people show their opinion by standing on a line between Agree and Disagree. 1.Assign one end of the room to be ‘Strongly Agree’ and the other to be ‘Strongly Disagree’. Tell your group that you are going to make a statement and they should stand where their opinion is. Help them to understand that they can stand in the middle if they are Unsure (or Don’t Care!) and can show how much they agree or disagree by moving further along the line. It would be helpful to have a few fun rounds first. 2.Make a statement like: ‘Red is the best colour’ or ‘School should run on Saturday and Sunday and the rest of the week should be like a holiday’. Give the members of your group time to decide where to stand. Encourage them to show what they think rather than simply sticking with friends’ opinions. 3. Once the children understand the idea, say each of the statements below and allow everyone to find their spot on the continuum. • It’s more important for a girl to learn to do housework than for a boy • Girls and boys are different but they should be treated equally • Around the world women work harder than men • Boys are stronger than girls • Around the world, more girls are able to go to school than ever before 4. For each statement, take some time to explore the opinions within your group. You can point out trends (e.g. ‘Wow, everyone agrees on that’ or ‘Look all the boys are at that end!’) or respectfully ask some children to explain why they are standing in a particular spot. It is worth asking your group to respect other opinions, even when they don’t agree, to help avoid insults and put-downs. 16 Lent Event 5. When you have tried each of the statements out you can tell your group that around the world, steady progress has been made towards equal access for boys and girls to education. This is fantastic news but there is still plenty of work to be done to make life fairer for women and girls. According to the United Nations 2013 Millennium Development Goals Report, girls around the world still don’t get a fair chance to finish high school: “Poverty is the main cause of unequal access to education, particularly for girls of secondaryschool age. Women and girls in many parts of the world are forced to spend many hours fetching water, and girls often do not attend school because of a lack of decent sanitation facilities [toilets]. Child marriage and violence against girls are also significant barriers to education. Girls with disabilities are also less likely to go to school. If they get pregnant, many girls drop out of schools” ACT OUT One way to foster a better understanding of the millions of children who live with a disability is to simply experience a voluntary disability. Encourage the children in your group to try to do a routine task during the week with a ‘disability’. Here are a couple of suggestions: 1.Evening meals – try eating an evening meal with a disability. A blindfold, earplugs or leaving an arm inside your shirt may make the meal seem quite different. 2.Getting ready for school – school preparation can be frenzied as it is, but a disability may make it even busier. Try using only one leg or wearing a blindfold. Invite your children to report back next week on the challenges, failures and triumphs of their voluntary disability. Find Out - Village Snapshot The following activity is loosely based on Augusto Boal’s ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ techniques. One of the things Boal became famous for was doing away with the audience and inviting all participants to become ‘spectactors’. By ‘stepping into’ a snapshot from village life in Kiribati, children can deeply appreciate the joy and difficulty of being a child living in this remote Pacific community… 1.Invite children to sort themselves into pairs. Allow a short time for each partnership to re-tell Marie’s story to each other as a way of tuning in for the activity. Ask the group what sorts of tasks the children in the story were engaged in. 2.Tell the children that, together you are going reconstruct a snapshot of the busy water gathering outside the village. To make a good picture the children will take turns being either a ‘sculptor’ or the ‘clay’ – making a person from the story of the well in Kiribati. 3.Ask pairs to decide who will be ‘sculptor’ and who will be the ‘clay’. Advice for ‘sculptors’: • Decide on an interesting pose and (gently) move your clay into the exact pose you are aiming for. Tell your partner which character from the story you are trying to mould them into. • Once your ‘clay’ has the stance you are after, politely ask your ‘clay’ to take on the facial expression of the character you have in mind. You can ask them to show a certain emotion (happiness, boredom, worry) or you can make specific instructions (for example: “Open your mouth a little more”, “Turn your eyes that way”). Advice for ‘clay’: • Try to follow the guidance of your ‘sculptor’. If they are making a pose that is not possible for you to keep for more than 10 seconds, let them know. Once your ‘sculptor’ is happy with your pose try to keep absolutely still. You’ll look fantastic. • Try hard to think about your facial expression and how it might look. It is hard to maintain a frozen facial expression - choosing a spot on the wall to stare at might help. 4.Once the ‘sculptors’ have been given time to complete their masterpieces have a quick exhibition! At this point you will need to take on the part of the ‘director’. Ask the ‘sculptors’ to position their ‘clay’ in a spare space in the room. Let the clay know that you will give them a count of three to get into position then you will say “CLICK!” (like a camera) and they should freeze. They should remain frozen for about ten seconds to give the ‘sculptors’ a chance to look around the room. After the ten seconds ask the ‘clay’ to relax. Tell the clay that they are about to become ‘sculptors’ and that they should try hard to remember their exact pose. 5.Repeat this process after swapping the ‘clay’ and ‘sculptors’, including the exhibition. 6.Now your job as ‘director’ gets really interesting. Ask all the children to stand in front of you and give them the same instructions as for the exhibitions. Once all the ‘clay’ has relaxed tell the children that you are going to move them around the space to form one big frozen snap shot of the village. Carefully, construct a picture moving the children into position. Once you are content that you have made a realistic picture use the: “1…2…3…CLICK! ...1…2…3…Relax” instruction to try out your snapshot. Make minor adjustments as necessary. 7.This is where the Village Snapshot really comes alive for your group. Now that you have an impressive image, invite the children to think of a single sound or word they could make as their character in the snapshot. It may be a laugh or a groan or “Hey!” Let the children know that they will reform their frozen image but this time, for one second, it will come alive! Replay the snapshot but this time as director use an instruction like: “1…2…3…CLICK! ...1…2…3…Alive! And CLICK!...1…2…3…Relax.” The whole performance will last about ten seconds but may well give your group a vivid idea of life in a small Pacific village. 8.Once you have performed your snapshot, invite your children to reflect on what it was like to play a character from a village in Kiribati. Ask them also what it was like to be surrounded by the other characters. It may also be interesting to ask what they felt at the moment that the image came to life. 9.If your group is feeling bold and if time allows it would be wonderful to present your living picture to the rest of the church. Explain a little of the process, then wow the congregation with a one second visit to a village in Kiribati! Children’s Resources 17 Week Four Because everyone deserves... an education Project in focus: Education in North India Although there are more children enrolled in primary school throughout the world than ever before, many children are still not getting an uninterrupted education. Some children work to supplement the family income, and girls are almost always less likely to go to school. In rural areas it may be too far or too unsafe for young children to walk to school – if there is one! UnitingWorld sees the important relationship between increased education and overcoming poverty. We work with local church partners in a number of countries to make sure all children are able to access education, paving the way for the rest of their lives. This means increased literacy rates, more children learning instead of working and girls getting equal access to opportunities. In North India the Government has stated that every child has a right to receive a primary education, but things are not so clear-cut on the ground. Many children are still excluded because of poverty or because of their ‘caste’. The Uniting Church in Australia’s partner the Church of North India is determined to change this. A community driven project identifies and supports school dropouts from poor communities to re-enroll in school, offers children from disadvantaged families tutoring and nutrition support, and works with the community to increase their awareness of their rights to health and education. You can read more here: Heads Up! India Population: 1,220,800,359 (July 2013 est.) India is a wonderfully bewildering country. It has a huge range of people groups, wildlife, cuisines, religions and histories. In fact, there are lots of HUGE things about India. It has a huge population (1.2 billion), it is hugely diverse (14 official languages) and it is the biggest democracy on the planet. India also faces some huge challenges. Poverty has long been a deep concern in India. With such a massive population and limited access to clean water, safe toilets and good nutrition, India is still fighting and in many ways winning, an epic battle over poverty. There is no doubt that a good education is one of the best ways to escape poverty. In North India, UnitingWorld’s partner is working to support children from poor communities to succeed at school. From assistance in enrolment, to having nutritious food and providing tutoring, the Church of North India is giving children a fighting chance to flourish at school and in turn, have more opportunities in life. 18 Lent Event Tune In - Work Held Up Ravinder smiled to herself in the dim room. On the floor around her lamp-lit desk, sleeping brothers, sisters and cousins sighed and squirmed. It was hot. It was late. Ravinder was so tired. She still had plenty of homework to do but she didn’t mind at all. Today, during class the teacher had held up Ravinder’s maths work. It was bliss to see the teacher hold her page of maths above her head: “Look at this, all of you! Ravinder has only been in our class for two months and already she is solving these difficult sums!” said Mrs Singh. “Well done Ravinder – your hard work is impressive…and it’s paying off!” Ravinder started smiling right then in her crowded classroom and she was still smiling now. If she could continue to do well at school she would make her family proud, she would get a good job - she may even become a teacher herself! Not long ago Ravinder could only watch the children from her village head off to school. She could only wonder what they got up to all day. She could only wish to join them. Instead of following the others to school, Ravinder helped her mother with her job cleaning the house of their landlord. Often Ravinder would pause in between sweeping to see the school children in their neat red uniforms walking and chattering on their way past. It was now two months since Ravinder’s family had agreed that she too could have a red uniform and go to school. She felt completely thrilled to have such an opportunity and she tried her very hardest to impress Mrs. Singh and to honour her family’s trust in her. As Ravinder completed her homework and smiled and remembered, she was suddenly jerked back to the present. Her father began coughing. This was no niggly cough. This was a chest-rattling gurgle that woke her family and worried Ravinder. She quickly hopped up from her table and scooped some water out of the bucket by the door. Carefully, she picked her way back though the sleepy maze of children to where her father lay. Between fits of coughing, Ravinder tried to spoon water into his mouth. His skin was hot to touch and his breathing came in snatches. Ravinder wished for him to be well again. She wanted her father to be strong, to be able to work again, to be able to care for the family’s goats and their garden. Ravinder realised that tomorrow, as the oldest child, she would have to herd the goats to the market instead of her father. She would have to miss school to find buyers for their goats. Some days there were things to do that took her away from lessons: because without her help, her family could not survive. As Ravinder looked down at her father and thought about the goats, she wondered if Mrs Singh would ever hold up her maths work again. Children’s Resources 19 Warm Up - Indian Recipe There are some delicious ways to learn about the importance of education – making Mango Lassi is one of them. In this warm up the children will be invited to make and enjoy a North Indian treat. The catch is, only half the group will have instructions in English. By giving the other half of the group instructions in Hindi, you will have a great chance to start thinking about how vital education is! 1. Before your children arrive, set up two identical stations where they can construct Mango Lassi. It’s best not to have the ingredients all measured and ready to go. The more measuring and chopping and slopping the children can do, the more meaningful the debrief will be. 2. When your children arrive, divide them into two groups and tell them they’ll be making Mango Lassi. Mango Lassi is a delicious and refreshing drink that is enjoyed all over the world. The recipe was first developed in North India – where Ravinder comes from! 3. Give one group the English recipe for ‘Mango Lassi’ [Handout 3] and the other group the Hindi version [Handout 4]. Assign an adult to work with each group. 4. The children should be given an opportunity to wash their hands before beginning. The group with the English instructions should easily be able to work through the recipe. The group with the Hindi version can either try to guess the recipe, or wait until the other group has finished and ask for assistance. 5. Take time to share and enjoy the Mango Lassi (this step is very important!). 6. Ask the group who followed the Hindi recipe how hard they found the task without instructions they could read. This could lead to a discussion around the difficulties of illiteracy: • What if you couldn’t read anything (road signs, medicine instructions, books)? • What sorts of things in life would become hard? • What would you miss out on? • How would you feel if most of the children your age could read and you couldn’t? • Should everyone be allowed to go to school? • Why do you think some children don’t get a chance? • What sort of life opportunities will Ravinder have now she is going to school? 20 Lent Event For each station you will need: A blender Glasses Spoons Mango (fresh, tinned or pulp) Plain yoghurt (or vanilla) Cream Cardamom powder (not essential but helpful for the exercise) Rosewater (as for cardamom powder) Sugar Find Out - Delicate Balance Delicate Balance is designed to help the children in your group understand some of the time and work pressures that make schooling difficult for many children around the world. A simple illustration of ‘a day in the life’ using different coloured water may help their understanding. This is not at all to peddle guilt, but it may give children a new way to think about how they use time in a day. What you will need: Plastic cups Five different colours of food dye (if you can’t get five different colours simply combine a drop of two different colours that will mix. (Red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green) A 1.25 litre bottle for each person 1.In pairs, give children five clear plastic cups. In the bottom of each cup should be two drops of the five different colours of food dye (e.g. one cup with red, one with green etc). Give each pair a 1.25 litre bottle half full of water. 2.Explain that you want to use coloured water to represent the time they spend on different tasks for the day. Ask them to pick a very ordinary Thursday and think about how much time they spend at school, sleeping, playing, eating and doing jobs. When everyone has had a good think, tell them that the water they have represents 24 hours on an ordinary Thursday. Each coloured dye represents a different activity. Display your categories clearly so that everyone can see. For example: Red = School Green = Sleep Yellow = Play Blue = Eating Purple = Jobs 3.Give your group a chance to ask a few clarifying questions and then invite one of the partners in each group to remove the lid from their bottles and start pouring. It is worth having some extra materials ready to use in case a child makes an error or doesn’t quite understand the task. 4.Once everyone has used their water, invite everyone to take a look around at the other displays. What do they notice? Invite everyone to make some (respectful) observations about trends or exceptions. 5.Next, distribute another set of cups and bottles. This time ask the other partner to try to represent Ravinder’s day. It won’t be exact but from the story try to show how Ravinder’s day is split into the various activities. Once again ask if there are any similarities or differences to the first group. Also, ask if there are similarities or differences between the groups of ‘Ravinder Cups’ (e.g. one group thought she got less sleep than jobs whilst another group thought she had more jobs than school). To assist your children to make reasonable predictions about Ravinder’s day we have included some details on the next page. If you disclose just some of these details (according to how much assistance your group needs) it may help inform their decisions. It may also be possible to disclose different parts of the day to different groups so that when your children share their ideas a more complete picture is made: Children’s Resources 21 Activity Percentage of the day Eating Play Sleeping Jobs School 10% Ravinder eats only two meals per day. In the morning she has a cup of tea before heading to school. She has a meal in the middle of the day and also in the evening. 5% Ravinder does enjoy chatting to her friends and family but it is normally while she is at school or doing jobs. Ravinder loves cricket and sometimes she gets to bowl against the other children in her village. 25% Between late homework and early chores Ravinder gets some wellearned sleep. Most nights she sleeps six hours. 30% Ravinder rises early to fetch water, light the cooking fire and tend the garden. She helps her mother with cleaning and cooking and her father with the goats. Sometimes she cares for her younger family members and sometimes she goes with her mother to help with her paid cleaning job. 30% School starts early (8am) with some cleaning duties and an assembly. Ravinder finishes school at 3.30pm. 6.Now to begin to appreciate Ravinder’s difficult choices, read the following scenarios and ask children to adjust their water to show what changed. For example, groups may have to decide whether to take some water out of sleep to put into jobs or out of play to put into school. This is likely to throw the colour coding out the window but that is part of the point! What if on this particular Thursday: • Ravinder’s mother insists she help her with house cleaning because the landlord is demanding more work than her mother can do? • Ravinder is selected to tutor younger children after school? Instead of heading home at 3.30pm with the other children she is to stay at school to provide extra lessons for the infants until 5pm. • Ravinder’s family’s goats had to be taken to the market at midday, right in the middle of the school day, and her father had fallen ill? If there is no money from the goats, there will be no money for food that month. 22 Lent Event Explanation 7.Talk about the sorts of choices Ravinder would have to make and how they may affect her life. 8.This would be a great time to talk about the Gospel reading from today. In John 9:1-41 a blind man is healed. Jesus really sets the man free. The healed man says: “The man called Jesus made some mud, rubbed it on my eyes, and told me to go to Siloam and wash my face. So I went, and as soon as I washed, I could see.” This is dramatic and will change the man’s life forever. You could ask your group: In what ways will the healed man’s life be changed? Similarly, how will Ravinder’s life likely to be different for having the chance to go to school? The UnitingWorld partner in North India supports children to go to school in a number of ways. What sort of similarity is there between their work and the miraculous work of Jesus? Act Out - Flat friend goes to school Here are two practical suggestions for acting on the issues explored in today’s session: 1.Give children a card and allow them access to textas that match the cups used in today’s session. On one side of the card invite the children to write something they would like to change about the way they use time. For example, they could write about wanting to get their daily jobs (purple texta) completed more quickly to leave time for other things. On the other side of the card they could write a prayer for Ravinder (and children like her) using the same colour code. For example, they could write that they pray Ravinder gets more sleep (green texta). 2. One very direct action would be to have your church help to fund the schooling of a child in North India. In North India it costs $24 to provide a child with a uniform and books, note-books and pens. And $4 a month provides a child with regular nutritional support. It is important to point out to your congregation that the UnitingWorld project in North India supports the rights of education through advocacy, providing access to extra tuition and enrolment assistance. That said, providing support for the ‘raw materials’ of schooling does really help. To make a tangible link, trace around one of the children in your group and cut out the body shape. Display the ‘flat friend’ in your church and invite the congregation to help raise money to support his or her education. As the money is raised have the children colour in the ‘flat friend’ like a thermometer. When you have raised the amount your children are happy with, send the money and your ‘flat friend’ to: Uniting World PO Box A2266 Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia Children’s Resources 23 Week FIVE Because everyone deserves... to have opportunities Project in focus: Economic and social empowerment in Maluku, Indonesia Like people in Australia, people living in developing countries have many different skills and abilities. But often factors outside their control mean they don’t have the same opportunities to earn an income, look after their families and plan for the future. Poverty is heightened when people are not able to participate in the decisions that affect their lives. People are excluded because of where they live, their religion, their gender or their culture. All these factors reduce their access to education, employment opportunities and healthcare. UnitingWorld works with our partners to make sure people participate in the decisions that affect their lives and can access the resources they need to take part in all aspects of life. In Maluku, Indonesia, where conflict has deeply impacted community life, UnitingWorld is working with our partner church, carrying out workshops in towns that focus on training women in business and leadership skills. As women from a range of religious and cultural backgrounds meet in small groups, they learn business skills and discover the role they have to play in community leadership and as cultivators of peace. You can read more here: Heads Up! Indonesia Population: 251,160,124 (July 2013 estimate) Indonesia is one of Australia’s closest neighbours and has the fourth largest population in the world. Indonesia is made up of thousands of islands (17,508 to be exact) that are grouped into provinces. One of these provinces is Maluku. The Maluku Islands were once known worldwide as the Spice Islands and are famous for being the native home of prized spices such as nutmeg, mace and cloves. In fact, these three spices originated in Maluku and are now important flavours in many delicious global recipes. More recently, Maluku has become known globally, not for beautiful spices, but for ugly conflicts. Between 1999 and 2003 deadly clashes occurred between Muslims and Christians. MAP TO COME Peace has now returned to Maluku but keeping peace is hard work and repairing damage takes a long time. One proven technique to build peace is to work together for a common good. UnitingWorld, through its partner in Maluku, is helping to train women from a range of religious and cultural backgrounds to learn business and leadership skills. The skills they learn from these workshops and the wisdom they learn from each other are strengthening the fragile peace of Maluku. 24 Lent Event Tune In - Smoke Izak slung his bag over his shoulder and plodded out of the school compound to the corner where Florence, his little sister, was waiting for him. Florence was hopping from foot to foot and happy to see him. It was now late in the afternoon and ahead of him, Izak saw a great higgledy piggledy line of children walking down the main track back to their homes. Izak was in no real hurry – it was hot, school was over and he knew there were many jobs waiting for him at home. Together, Izak and Florence ambled down the dusty path towards their home. Izak had heard many stories from the terrible time when there were riots in Ambon – when aunties and uncles had been killed and when cousins and friends, even his own mother, had been badly hurt. He was too young to remember the terrible riots himself but the signs of that trouble, the scars, were all around. Right now, as they walked past a long row of burnt-out houses, Izak quietly shuddered, remembering the story he was told about the deliberate fires here. Once, these places had been people’s homes. Now they were sad, blackened shells. Izak started walking just a little quicker. Florence pointed to a group of students in the distance. It wasn’t possible to hear what they were saying but even from here, Florence could see them suddenly waving their arms and talking excitedly. The flurry of excitement then moved its way down the line towards Izak and Florence. An important story was being told and retold. Something serious must be happening, Izak thought. When he looked up, above the heads of the students, he saw a single column of black smoke rising from his village. Izak didn’t hesitate. He grasped Florence’s hand and started jogging for home. As they ran, he caught snatches of the story. There had been shouting. Someone had heard screaming. There had been a loud bang. Izak felt his chest tighten. He looked at Florence. She was running with her face upturned, trying to read his face for signs of trouble. Izak said nothing but sped up. With gravel crunching under their feet, Izak and Florence reached the edge of their village. They could both smell smoke and sense the panic in the air. As Izak sprinted around the last corner into his street he sucked in a quick breath and slapped his hand over his mouth. Smoke was billowing out of his family home! Frozen to the spot, Izak’s mind flicked through all the terrible explanations for a fire in his own house. As he looked more intently he could see a group of people on the street outside his home. Tightening his grip on Florence’s hand he started running again. Izak recognized some of the people on the street. He saw his own mother and her friends from her women’s group. Izak knew that the women’s group wasn’t respected by everyone in the village. Not everyone was happy to see Muslims and Christians working so closely together. The women were coughing, pointing and doubling over…and laughing! Laughing? Izak and Florence ran right up to their mother and held her shaking hands. It took some time to untangle the story. With tears running down her face, Izak’s mother told how one of the mothers had brought a brand new kerosene stove to use for frying bananas at the market. She had wanted to demonstrate how it worked but the oil had become too hot. The new stove worked too well, and had caught on fire. Izak’s mother had tried to put the fire out by throwing a bowl of water at the flames. Instead of putting the fire out, the water turned the burning oil into a fireball that had singed her hair and sent smoke spewing through the whole house. Fumbling in the smoke, one of the women had turned the stove off and everyone burst out of the house laughing as hard as they were coughing. This fire had not turned their house into a shell. This fire had hurt no one and nothing. This fire was a real accident, even a funny one. Izak felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was not expecting a peaceful explosion but he was very grateful for it. He shuffled his feet and laughed with Florence and the ladies in the street. Children’s Resources 25 Warm Up - The delicious aroma of peace In Proverbs 27:9 it says: “Perfume and fragrant oils make you feel happier, but trouble shatters your peace of mind”. This ancient truth can be explored in our homes and around the world. Today’s activity seeks to engage your group’s minds and senses by showcasing the spices that have made Maluku famous. Using some simple ingredients each member of your group can create their own ‘Spice Island Air Freshener’ Jar. You will need: Jars (500ml if you can find them) Oranges Spices – Cinnamon Quills, Cloves, Nutmeg, Star Anise Knives Cutting Boards 4. See the box below for simple steps to create a Spice Island Air Freshener Jar. 5. As you are making the jars be sure to take time with each ingredient and allow children to experience its distinctive smell and feel. 6. You may like to design and make labels for your jars that feature the text from Proverbs 27:9. Alternatively, you could use the labels from Handout 5. Labels [Handout 5] Ingredients 1. It would be great to make a Spice Island Air Freshener in advance so you can have it simmering during this session (if you have the facility for ‘simmering’). See the box to the right for directions. 2. Start by telling your children that the Maluku Islands have been famous for hundreds of years for the spices that grow there. Long ago, sailors would risk their lives and travel right around the world to buy these spices. More recently there have been terrible clashes on the islands between Christians and Muslims. There has been peace for the last ten years and it is worth celebrating the wonderful spicy aromas that originate in Maluku as well as the aroma of peace. 3. Give each child a jar and then follow the directions below to create an air freshener jar. If the children prepare the jars with you, they can take them home to use. The jars can be safely stored in the fridge for up to two weeks and can be used a couple of times. 26 Lent Event (Ingredients listed per jar. Multiply for the quantity you will need) • 1 orange • 2 cinnamon quills (or 2 tsp ground cinnamon) • 2 tsp whole cloves • 1 whole nutmeg (or 1 tbsp ground nutmeg) • 1 star anise (optional) • Water to cover Directions • Chop orange into thick chunks • Place all ingredients into jar • Fill remaining space in jar with water • Add a lid to the jar Find Out - Down to Business The UnitingWorld project in Maluku assists women to start and grow small businesses. Small groups of women gather to share resources, skills and stories. These meetings strengthen their businesses as well as the community. This activity seeks to emulate a little of the entrepreneurial spark that exists in these meetings. You will need… Handout 6 Pencils and/or textas Whiteboard or butcher’s paper Camera (optional) 1. Tell your children what a great job they did creating their spice jars. 2. Ask your children to imagine what it would be like to turn their spice jars into a business – making and selling different delicious fragrances. In fact, you could go a step further and ask them to imagine what it would be like if they had to make a business from their spice jars; because it was the only source of income their family had. To help develop a ‘business plan’ for your spice jars divide into two groups. Each group can explore a different part of starting a business: • Makers: This group will think of all the equipment and supplies needed to start a business. They will try to make lists for ingredients, equipment and spaces to work. This would be an appropriate point to reflect a little on today’s Gospel reading with your group. In John 4: 5-42 Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the dead. When Jesus knew Lazarus had died he said: “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I will go and wake him up” (John 11:11). This shows a little of Jesus’ amazing view of life. He saw that seemingly impossible situations could be transformed. You could ask: • Marketers: This group will think of who to sell your product to and how. They will decide what the product should look like and how it should be advertised. 3. Give each group a copy of Handout 6 and a handful of textas. Tell each group that they can have an imaginary budget of $50 for each group to help start the business. Handout 6 gives some starting points for thinking up business ideas. Give each group some space and time to develop their ideas. 4. Bring the group back together and combine the information they have dreamt up to create an advertisement for their brand new product. If you have time you could mock up an advert on a whiteboard or butcher’s paper (thank heavens for butchers and their paper!). If you have even more time you could try to create and film an advert for TV or the internet. 5. As a way of debriefing this session you could ask: • What was hard about trying to turn your craft into a business? • What did you enjoy about it? • What is risky about trying to earn all of your money from a new business? •Why do you think Jesus was able to see death as only sleep? •How do you think people in Maluku have overcome the conflict of their past? •It what ways is ‘life’ triumphing over ‘death’ in Maluku? Children’s Resources 27 Week six Because everyone deserves... their voice to be heard Project in focus: Advocacy and peacebuilding in Papua New Guinea UnitingWorld values the voices of all people in the development process, regardless of their social status, gender or age. We recognise the importance of participation and consultation in making sure the communities we work with have a say about what they need and what will benefit them in the future. One area where this is particularly important is where community development projects work alongside large scale resource development projects like mining. Some examples of large-scale resource development initiatives are found in our nearest neighbor, Papua New Guinea. To make sure everyone benefits from projects like these and to reduce possible tension between ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ it is important that dialogue between local communities, resource developers and government takes place. UnitingWorld is working in partnership with the United Church in Papua New Guinea to ensure community awareness raising takes place, a wide range of perspectives are heard and local communities benefit in a sustainable way, even beyond the lifespan of the project. Heads Up! - Papua New Guinea Population: 6,431,902 (July 2013 estimate.) Papua New Guinea is another of Australia’s closest neighbours and what a fascinating neighbour it is! With over 840 different languages, Papua New Guinea remains one of the least explored areas on the planet. Sometimes new plant and animal species are discovered in Papua New Guinea’s remote regions and it’s likely that there are many more that remain undiscovered. Papua New Guinea’s people hail from a kaleidoscope of amazing cultures and many of them maintain lifestyles that are as ancient as they are intriguing. Our neighbours also have some real problems to grapple with. Health for pregnant mothers, access to safe water, reducing violence and tackling HIV/AIDS are some difficult challenges for Papua New Guinea to overcome. UnitingWorld is working to support communities in Papua New Guinea who are affected by the arrival of developers. Large-scale resource development, like mines, can bring much needed opportunities to communities in Papua New Guinea but they can also bring conflict and trouble. UnitingWorld, through its partner in Papua New Guinea, is working to improve communication between community members, developers and the Papua New Guinea government. 28 Lent Event Tune In Taking Turns Warm Up Cat and Mouse Samson ran along the riverbank holding the vine tightly. He put on a burst of speed until he felt the vine being pulled from his arms as it became tense. He tucked up his legs and flew out, high over the surface of the river before letting go of the vine. For a short moment he was flying up, up before curling into a tight ball and plunging into the river with a satisfying splash. When he surfaced he saw the ten impressed faces of the boys from his village. It felt good to fly off the vine but it also felt good to make his friends smile. This simple tag game will help to show that when there is conflict no one can rest. It will also get everyone moving and interacting. There was one thing missing…in fact, there were about six things missing. Samson used to play with mates from both of the twin villages of Pimaga and Orokana. Now it was only the boys from his own village, Pimaga that came to play here with him. Samson really missed the other boys and he didn’t quite understand why the boys from Orokana were only allowed down here when the Pimaga boys had gone home. He did understand that it had something to do with ‘The Rig’. 3.The ‘mouse’ may increase his/her chances of evading the ‘cat’ by linking arms with one of the pairs dotted around the room. As soon as the mouse links arms with one person in the new pair, the other child in the pair becomes the new ‘mouse’ and scampers off. ‘The Rig’, a tall, tall machine that sucked gas from under the ground, was built about a year ago. At first, when people from his village got more money, more jobs and a new health clinic, Samson thought ‘The Rig’ was a wonderful thing. Soon, however, he also saw the trouble it was bringing. People from other villages felt left out, workers fought over jobs, extra people bought up all the food at the shops and the queues at the local health clinic were getting much longer. Then one night, Samson’s own father tried to stop a fight between the workers of Pimaga and the unemployed men from Orokana. Samson’s dad was hit and, although his broken leg would eventually mend, Samson wondered if the rift between Pimaga and Orokana would ever heal in the same way. Now, as he prepared for another jump with the vine, his father was lying uncomfortably in the village clinic. Samson wondered if Pimaga would have needed a new clinic if there weren’t so many injured men to fill it. It was now Samson’s next turn on the vine. After this splash, which was even bigger than the first, Samson stood dripping on the bank and waved to his admiring friends. Then he turned a full circle, still waving to the forest. Even though his friends from Orokana were not with him, Samson knew they’d be watching from a distance somewhere amongst the trees. One day, he hoped, they’d come back and play closely enough for him to be able to splash their smiling faces! 1.Ask children to form pairs and to stand with their partner in a free space. Each pair should link arms. 2.Choose one of the pairs and ask one partner to be the ‘cat’ and the other to be the ‘mouse’. When the game starts the ‘cat’ should chase the ‘mouse’, trying to tag him/her. If the ‘cat’ manages to catch the ‘mouse’ their roles reverse and the chase continues. All the other linked pairs should stand still and watch the ‘cat’ and ‘mouse’. 4.The game can continue like this for some time or you may like to add this twist…If the ‘mouse’ links arms the opposite partner becomes a ‘dog’ and chases the ‘cat’. 5.When everyone has had a healthy chase you could ask: • Was the mouse ever able to rest in the game? Was the cat able to rest? Why? • What would happen to the mouse if he/she rested? • Did the pairs also have to stay alert and ready for action? • This was only a game but what if there was always a conflict in our community. In what way would this be like our ‘Cat and Mouse’ game? Children’s Resources 29 Find Out - Tiny Village Any major change in a community can bring conflict. This activity simulates some of the tensions and also some of the benefits that can arrive with major development. With your children, you will build two villages and then imagine what might happen when a major project arrives and sets up right beside one of them. What you will need: As many LEGO toys as you can lay your hands on! Copies of Handout 7 1.Preparation: The idea of this session is to build two villages and then simulate some major changes. A little preparation may help: i)The construction phase could take a long time so you could help move things along by making some buildings in advance (or even better, allow some children to build them). ii)The arrival of the drilling rig and the installation of a new school are two significant moments in the simulation. If you were to build (and then hide) a largish tower and a box-shaped building - that should do the trick. iii) It would be great if every child had a Lego figure to use in the simulation. If you cannot find enough figures perhaps the children could be invited to bring one with them. 2.Divide your group into two smaller groups. Tell both groups that they are going to make a village for each group (Village A and Village B). You could brainstorm all the buildings they might need to construct (homes, school, health clinic, shops) and even name your villages. Tell your group that the villages you are building are set in a remote location, far from roads and electricity. This should influence the structures they include. 3.Allow your children to spend some time building. If space allows, it would be ideal to have the two villages about three metres apart. 4.Once construction is underway invite your children to place their Lego figure somewhere in the village. Tell them that their figure is a member of their village. 30 Lent Event Ask them to think about who their figure is and what their role might be in the village. 5.Use Handout 7 to capture what each child’s figure is thinking and feeling at this point. Feelings can be expressed on the face and thoughts can be written or drawn in the thought bubbles. Invite the children to record their ideas and feelings on the handout and then resume building. 6.Whilst the building is still happening, place the drilling rig between the two villages but much closer to Village A. Read the following: “Valuable gas has been found beneath the ground between the two villages. Ever since Xcav8 (a mining company) made the discovery of this gas, there have been many people with white skin, who speak a different language, busily clearing ground and building the rig you now see. The white people have brought many changes to village life – especially in Village A. Xcav8 has now supplied Village A with electricity, a new school and has employed many of the villagers.” [Place the new school in Village A. Pick a few of the villagers from Village A and re-assign them to the drilling rig]. 7.Invite children to use Handout 7 to capture the thoughts and feelings of their figure at this point in the story. 8.Allow building to continue and try to observe any changes that may occur now that Village A is operating in a new situation. 9.After a short time constructing, interrupt the builders with a final message: The drilling rig has definitely brought some great benefits to Village A but it has also brought some trouble. People in Village B feel left out of these benefits and things are now tense between the villages. More than that, Village A now have many people flocking to live in their village so that they can work on Xcav8’s rig. More people would be ok, but it has happened so suddenly that the school and clinic are now overcrowded, drinking water is getting scarce and sickness is far more common and more serious. 10.For a final time, invite the children to capture the thoughts and feelings of their figure. 11.Tell the children that the Tiny Village story has now finished and gather them together as one group. Debrief the story with the children by sharing the information on Handout 7. Children who built Village A might partner up with someone from Village B. 12. To help the reflection you could ask: • What were some benefits that the rig brought to Village A? What were some of the problems? • What did the rig do to the relationship between Village A and Village B? You could ask your group: •What sort of injuries does Isaiah predict that Jesus will suffer? Were his predictions right? •Why do you think Jesus was treated so poorly? •What was Jesus’ attitude to the terrible treatment he received? •How did Jesus say we should treat people who hate us? How hard is it to do what he said? •How should we pray for innocent people around the world who get caught up in conflict? • Overall do you think the arrival of the rig was a good thing for the villages? Why or why not? • What things would people need to be careful to do to keep a good relationship between the villages? • Xcav8 brought electricity, employment and a school. Do you think they needed to bring anything else to the villages? To help your children think about the way innocent people can get caught up in conflicts that can flare up in communities, it may help to think about the Old Testament reading for today. In looking ahead to Jesus’ life Isaiah wrote (from the perspective of Jesus): “I bared my back to those who beat me. I did not stop them when they insulted me, when they pulled out the hairs of my beard and spit in my face.But their insults cannot hurt me because the Sovereign LORD gives me help. I brace myself to endure them. I know that I will not be disgraced, for God is near, and he will prove me innocent.” (Isaiah 50:6-8) ACT OUT Kids to be Peacemakers It’s not always easy to be a peacemaker. Ask your children if they would be willing to act as peacemakers in their own lives – and invite them to discuss what sort of skills it would take to be a peacemaker. Perhaps suggest they look at good listening skills, giving both sides a chance to talk, and encouraging people to consider what compromises may be possible. You could also discuss whether this process becomes more difficult when a lot of people are involved, and how discussions can be set up so all people get a chance to have their say. If time is tight, encourage the children to go home and talk to their parents about how they could promote peace within their own families and friendship groups. Children’s Resources 31 Week Hando 1 ut ONE Distraction Cards Read Act This family doesn’t have enough money for day-to-day needs Take a pole away This family didn’t have access to education Take the instructions away The water this family drank often made them sick Tie one of the tent pitcher’s shoes together This family lives in an area that is prone to floods Flap the tent when they try to secure it Not everyone treats this family very kindly Say unhelpful things like: “I don’t think that looks right” “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Sometimes this family gets picked on by their government Tell them to move to a different spot to pitch Week Hando 2 ut TWO Healthy Helmet Heads Hospital Clean Water Safe Toilets Seatbelts Clean Hands Good Food Trained Midwife Immunisations Doctor CLEAN AIR Week Hando 4 ut THREE Mango Lassi Serves: 2-3 Ingredients opped mango • 2 cups of fresh ch opped pieces or tinned ch whole mango mangoes or even a ick yoghurt • 2 cups chilled th Instructions powder • ½ tsp cardamom • 1 tsp rose water d • Sugar as require . es and chop them 1. Peel the mango • 2 tbsp cream mixer, puree 2. In a blender or ith sugar. the mangoes w cream, chilled yoghurt, 3. Now add the om powder and remove cardam rose water. minute r or mixer for 1 4. Run the blende d the urt is smooth an or until the yogh ghurt. well with the yo es ix m lp pu go man d serve. i into glasses an ss La go an M ur 5. Po istency, slightly thin cons a t an w u yo If 6. water while add some milk or n also add ice blending. You ca ding. cubes while blen Week Hando 4 ut FOUR Mango Lassi (HINDI VERSION) Handout 6 – Mango Lassi Recipe (Hindi version) आम की लस्सी फलों का राजा आम जिसमें अनेकों गुण हैं। आम का सबसे बड़ा गुण तो यही है कि यह बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट और आकर्षक फल है। दूसरी बात ये कि इसमें विटामिन सी प्रचुर मात्रा में होता है जिससे हमारा शरीर स्वस्थ रहता है। आम में पोटैशियम और बीटा कैरोटीन भी पाया जाता है। आम के गूदे में जो रेशा होता है वह न केवल हाज़मे के लिए लाभकारी है बल्कि ये कोलेस्ट्रॉल भी घटाता है और कैंसर की बीमारी भी रोकता है। इस समय दुनियां में आम की सैकड़ों प्रजातियां हैं। जब आम में इतने सारे गुण हों तो कौन नहीं इसे खाना चाहेगा। आइए हम आपको बताते हैं आम की लस्सी बनाने का तरीका। कितने लोगों के लिए: 4 प्रयुक्त की जाने वाली सामग्री 1 आम, 1 टे.स्पून चीनी, 1 कप दही, 2-3 केसर, एक चुटकी हरी इलायची पाउडर बनाने की विधि आम का गूदा निकालकर उसे मिक्सी में अच्छी तरह पीस लें। इसे एक बाउल में रख लें। अब उसी मिक्सी में दही, चीनी और वर्फ के टुकड़े डाल कर उसे अच्छी तरह पीस लें। अब इसमें पीसे हुए आम को डालकर फिर से सबसे कम स्पीड पर आधे मिनट के लिए मिक्सी चला लें। अब इसमें एक चुटकी इलायची पाउडर डाल कर अच्छी तरह मिला लें। इसे केसर से सजा कर ठंडा ही सर्व करें। Spice Islands Air Freshener Jar Labels Week Hando 5 ut Five Spice Islands Air Freshener “Perfume and fragrant oils make you feel happier, but trouble shatters your peace of mind” Proverbs 27:9 Directions Store this jar in the fridge until needed. To use - Place the contents of the jar in a saucepan and simmer on the stovetop to create an incredible aroma in your home. Top up with water as evaporation occurs. The concoction may be re-used 2-3 times. Spice Islands Air Freshener “Perfume and fragrant oils make you feel happier, but trouble shatters your peace of mind” Proverbs 27:9 Directions Store this jar in the fridge until needed. To use - Place the contents of the jar in a saucepan and simmer on the stovetop to create an incredible aroma in your home. Top up with water as evaporation occurs. The concoction may be re-used 2-3 times. Week Hando 5 ut SIX Down To Business Maker Starting Points… • What equipment will you need? • What ingredients will you need? How many supplies will you need to start out? • Where will you make the jars? • How many people will you need to employ? • Where can you get your equipment and ingredients? • What different fragrances could you make? Marketer Starting Points… • How much will you charge for your jars? • What sort of people will you try to sell them to? • What should you call your product? • What should the label look like? • How will you advertise your product? • What different fragrances could you make? Tiny Villagers LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorise or endorse this resource. We Han ek 6 do SEVEN ut Acknowledgements Population and other statistics from: Mango Lassi Recipe based on Some Warm Up games inspired by: Permission to reproduce this booklet UnitingWorld is keen to make this Children’s Resource widely available and permission is granted to reproduce and transmit this material, provided UnitingWorld is acknowledged as the resource originator. Lent Event resources can be downloaded free of charge from PO Box A2266, Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia T 02 8267 4267 ABN 16 939 630 947
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