•y^ PAINTERS and POTTERS ROBT. L JONES IS CANDIDATE FOR DIST. JUDGE SKETCHING TRIP. SUNDAY The Painters and Pottersrwill have a sketching trip to Mount Charleston on Sunday, July 13. Signs win be posted along the road to direct those attending to the area selected for sketching. Anyone needing transportation is invited to call Warren Frank or Donna Friedmann is Boulder City. HUFFORD — lor — DISTRICT..JUDGE Department No. 4 (Paid PoKHcal Adv.) ROBERT E. JONES Th* hotel. '"0^^ Jack Benny GISELE MacKENZIE AT THfe STAGE BAR Dick Contino Gene Mumford & The Titans The Musical Pages & Joe Loco 5 Fred Estrada DU 2*8(120 SHOW l^MES 8:15 and Midnight III mis If mixifli pitniic tisti iii siAGE BAI • f yoo haven't se«n the fabulous FLAMINGO Robert E. Jones, a practicing attorney in La^ Vegas since 1945, and Clark County District Attorney from January 1947 to January 1950, yesterday filed as a candidate for District Judge Department Four. Jones came to Las Vegas in 1942 as a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation worlcing for J. Edgar Hoover in this area, in connection with our national defense, until the closing months of World War II. He resigned from the F.B.I, in December 1945 to enter law practice in Las Vegas and was elected to the office of District Atorney in the 1946 election. He is a member of the Elks Lodge, a member and past Lt. Governor of the Kiwanis Club, and has been active in Red Cross, Boy Scouts, and many other civic organizations. He is presently counsel for a number of public agencies including the Clark County Housing Authority, Clark County Fair Board and County Sanitation District. Jones resides with his wife and five children at 1301 Comstock Drive. His daughter, Pauline, is a sophomore at the University of Utah. Another daughter, Jerie, is a senior at Rancho high school while the other 3 children;are enrolled in the Las Vegas elementary schools. Cummings Files Candidacy For Lt. Governor v^u hovnn t s»'pn LAS VEGAS ^ \ ^ • / /. HANK PENNY & SUE THOMPSON JOHNNY UKUELE & Kis Hawaiians Continuous Entertainment from 1:15 p.m. to 5:45 a.m. NEV/tR/V MINfty^UM or COVER CHARGE —AMPLE'^REE PARKING— • You are invited to open a city ledger account at the Golden Nuaqet Restaurant Today ^LBEK iilUGGET L G A M B L I MG HALL OOWHTOWN -, lAi VCOAS I COVER THE DESERT By MERT rNGHAM Have you ever wandered along the shores of Lake Mead iust after the lake has reached its peak for the year, and examined the material found along the shore? A vast quantity of drift material will be deposited on the shores this year as we are experiencing the largest runoff from the Colorado in many years. Examine the twigs, and you will notice that many branches and twigs have been gnawed through. Beavers are responsible for this. j_ Driftwood Cove at the head of Iceberg Canyon is aptly nam pd because of the abundance of wood piled on its shores By wind and water currents and a receding lake level. Here, and in other niches along the river and lake one can discover the remains of anything that will float. An old pontoon, is a reminder of a bridge which washed out upstream at Phantom Ranch. The wrecked hull of a boat is a grim reminder of a tragic accident. Other things you will notice are planks of various sizes and shape, saw-cut longs, hand-hewn beams and logs from old cabins and bridges, railroad ties, wooden boxes and crates, a piece of a bed headboard and a chest of drawers, an oar. pine cones, barrel staves, and fire-charred logs. All of these things have several features in common: the comers and ends have been "broomed" and rounded off by the constant and continuous rvoundinig and wearing action as they bumped and sn-aped against rocks while they moved down stream. The wooden items have all been bleached to an ashy color, and most pieces, upon drying, are light in weight as compared to size. Beach combing is a facinating hobby. It has been followed along tlie shores of oceans, seas and large lakes ever since the exi'tenoe of man. TRY IT! You'll be surprised at the treasures you may find. CHILDREN TAKE PART IN BAPTISMAL RITES WADE RAY "5" JIG ApAMS DIXIE LAND BAND HENDERSON HOME NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 10, 195« PHIL CUMMiNGS Phil Cumimr.gs, • Las Vegas businessman and civic Jeader has filed his declaration of can• didacy for the post of i«t^Gov. of the State of Nevada. j A resident of Clark County for the past 20 years, he has I been active in the Jaycees, the j, American Legion, VFW and i Elks and. has been active in I legislative work on behalf of these organizations. He is a vet I eran of Wond War II, having served with the U. S. Navy. Cummings operates a car loading, crane and rigging firm in Las Vegas. He has been actively engaged as a committee man in Democratic politics in Clark County for many years. '^Hi^nty three children of the LDS Churth particioated in baptismal rites for 270 names of 'fcpaspd ncr^ons at the St. George LDS Temple on Wednesday June 25. in accordance to a custom of the church. The children were accompan icd to St. George by Mrs. Adell Empey, president of the Pri Jack atid Nell Sutphin. DonaTcTaTnl-Tia-Rae Gibbons and Phyllis Lloyd. The group enjoyed a picnic lunch in the St. George park before going to the Temple. Children participating were Linda Burton, Alberta Crapsey, Billie Empey, Mary Louise Empey, Christine Farnsworth, Susan Farnsworth, LaDawn Gib bons, Karla Keiffer, Sherry Neilsen, La Verne Potter, Au dine Reber, Donna York. Penny Smith, Carole Duffin, Gwendo lin Mae Robinson, Michael Angelo. Randy Burton. David Jenkins, Frederick Jenkins, Kenneth Keiffer, Robert Neilsen, Nolan Reber and Richard York. JACK E-NTRATTER Pres« ROSEMARY CLOONEY Ride COOL with MARK IV Auto Air Condftioning WW%nA/^^«AAAA^rtA/V%^#WVW AUTHORIZE-D SALES AND SERVICE WILL JORDAN and THE SANDMEN —Auto Body—FenderPainting Firestonv Tires Sporting Goods—Skiis Fishing Equipment Bait —Water Dogs The Exciting Texas G>paGirls ANTONIO MORELLI AND HIS MUSIC created and staged by Jack Entratfer — choreography by Bob Gilbert and Renne Stuwart tumes by Mme. Berthe — jewels by Coro — orchestrations by Antonio Morelli cos- BOATS Mercury Outboard Motors FOR RESERVATIONS CALL DUDLEY 2-7100 Auth. Sale* & Service •?'..+> SERVICE MOTORS AND MARINE SUPPLIES RICHFIELD PRODUCTS 916 NEVADA HI-WAY BOULDER CITY D. W. GOLDSMITH JOINS AMERICAN POTASH STAFF W. L. TAYLOIt IS NEW STAUFFER SALES MGR. Darid W. dtoldsmith. former. ly a supervisor with Kaiser Aluminum at Chalmette, Louisiana, has joined the Henderson staff of American Potash and Chemical Corporation as Advisory Engineer, it was announced by Henry S. Curtis, Plant Man ager. A graduate of the, University of Texas in Chemical Engineer, ine. Goldsmith has had fifteen yiears' exp«-ience in various ph ases of chemical plant opera tion and engineering with Kais er and The Potash Company of America. He served in the U. S. Navy from 1944 to 1946, and Wyman L. Taylor has b e F a appointed Western Sales Manager, Industrial Chemicals Divi sion. Stauffer Chemical Co. effective July 1st. Mr. Taylor. prior to his promotion, was Administrative Assistant to the vice president. Pacific Coast. A graduate of the University of California in chemical engineering, Mr. Taylor joined Stauffer in 1946 and has had broad —. —— . i on his discharge held the rank of Ensign. \ The Goldsmiths and their 4 children arelmaking their home in Boulder City. experience in selling both i#E^ culture and iodustrul clicai » cals. In his new position, Mr. Tuflor will malce his headquaitMB at San Francisco. He will be iB charge of Stauffer's induatilat chemical sales in the nine ein states. »«'»i<Thp Want Ads UK MAMIE BUILDS MEN! fit TOU* tOCAl .t/teEodt^VV/^i / Leave your cares and car at home. Relax all the way, to and from your "LA." holiday! It's a lot easier on you and your budget, too! DAILY STREAMLINER "CITY OF LAS VEGAS" Fr** buffat meals Naw Pub Lounga Comfortabla Coachas UWM CIMIA lESEtT \\%M^/^^ ^in person r^" * AMERICA'S NO. 1 TV *' * PERSONALITY IN HIS • *^ ^t LAS VEGAS ^ * APPEARANCE I ** I SUtnVAN ?&*! AKPCCITING CAVALCADE OF STARS fci X •Sr* TOP COMEDY REVUE I The Kirby Stone Four * k** i • > I DONN ARDEN DONN ARDBI DANCERS Jay Marshall ^ ^ \ Professor Backwards^ ^ Ricky Lane \ Yelvel * * The Morlidors * Denise Darcel ^ * ¥ * Julia Meade * Carol Burnett * Sallie Blair \ ART JOHNSON SNGINO MASTER or MF08AAAUTIB eAKLION BAYES AND ORCHESIRA Iwl DAMCINO WARRS POOlSiOE^^IGHTlY.VUS-10130 P.M. OANCMOUNMUM traas 7€REATAaS •*i<ili<i 4.4b LADY UKKUNMCEw^ SKY ROOM L0UN6i « CAIDBtt' SHOW TIMES: 8:15 P.M. and 12 MidnigM RESERVATIONS DU 2-6000
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