our Catalog for 2014-2015

2014 – 2015
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Since 1979
You will recognize your own path
when you come upon it, because you
will suddenly have all the energy and
imagination you will ever need.
You are about to embark upon an
exciting journey. From the first step
through the door to the graduation
ceremony, Santa Fe School of Massage
students find themselves on a journey
of discovery. Attending SFSOM
provides a path to a new career, and
it also offers an invitation to a way of
life, both personally and professionally. It is an opportunity to be transformed by the warmth and generosity
of human touch … to deepen your
understanding of the human body …
to immerse yourself in Santa Fe’s
invigorating and healing environment.
We invite you to study with us here
in the enchanting land of New Mexico!
— Barbara Sher
Table of Contents
Why Massage Therapy?
Choosing a Massage School
Learning About Santa Fe School of Massage
Massage and Bodywork Programs
Program and Educational Objectives
Massage Therapy Certification Overview
Massage Therapy Certification Curriculum
Bodywork Courses
Related Massage and Healing Arts
Professional Development
Lab and Clinical Practicum
Continuing Education
Courses for Professional Bodyworkers
and Advanced Trainings
Take the Next Step
Location and Facilities
Student Body and Class Size
Staff and Faculty
Full-Time and Part-Time Schedules
Tuition and Fees
Applying to the Santa Fe School of Massage
Application Form
Student Services and Financial Aid
Massage Licensure and School Approvals
Graphics by Charles Bayly
Copyright 2013 Santa Fe School of Massage, LLC. All rights reserved.
In New Mexico, the milagro
is a small talisman offered
to a saint as a request for a
miracle. The hand-and-heart
milagro represents our
belief in the amazing
capacity of the human
body, heart, and mind to
transform and know
wholeness. As a school of
massage, touch is our
doorway to this world
of miracles.
Our Vision
Our Mission
We believe it is an honor to touch another
human being and that touch is essential
for human health and well-being. In this
spirit, we train people to bring conscious
and expert touch to the world, through
the highest quality and most innovative
bodywork education available.
The Santa Fe School of Massage, formerly known as the Scherer Institute
of Natural Healing, has been a leader in the field of bodywork
education since 1979. Like a healthy tree, we draw upon our roots, tradition and lineage for wisdom and stability and, in turn, send new growth
skyward with a dedication to bring innovative, fresh and effective
approaches to bodywork. We offer this dedication to students, graduates,
bodyworkers and the community through our training programs, outreach
and student clinics. We actualize our vision by combining holistic principles
and technical training in a supportive environment.
We begin with a creative curriculum that integrates proven bodywork
techniques and theory with a unique intuitive and presence-centered
approach. Our faculty of experienced and highly trained teachers, all
successful in their respective fields, share their knowledge and insight with
Concrete skills are the beginning of bodywork expertise, and SFSOM
provides a grounded, technical foundation in massage theory and
practice, including skills in Swedish massage, postural analysis and
connective tissue bodywork. Courses in energetic bodywork help students
deepen their sensitivity and subtle awareness. We also provide an
excellent introduction to the entrepreneurial world of the bodyworker
with business and ethics training. With rigorous training in anatomy
and patho-physiology, the school promotes academic excellence. Students
achieve exceptionally high pass rates on the nationally accepted exams,
the NCE and MBLEx.
We are dedicated to creating a sanctuary for the growth of self-knowledge,
presence and compassion. Faculty and staff support students with wisdom
and encouragement, and are committed to empowering each student to
develop their unique, creative healing potential. Class size is small, facilitating
individual attention and close group connection. This encourages deep
integration and sustainability in students by supporting personal growth,
self-awareness, receptivity, and responsibility.
Why Massage Therapy?
Choosing a Massage School
We live in a world where massage is
valued more than ever. The caring and
skilled touch of a massage therapist
promotes relaxation and reduces
stress, key ingredients for health and
well-being. As a profession, massage
therapy is rapidly expanding, and the
U.S. Department of Labor expects
employment for massage therapists
to increase at an above average rate
as the benefits of massage become
well-known. SFSOM graduates can
be found all over the world serving
a wide variety of populations in many
settings, including spas, medical
settings, and private practices.
As you research this growing profession of massage
therapy, we suggest you take time to write down
some of your personal and professional goals. List
what you would like to see in a massage school,
whether it is for basic certification or advanced
training. Next, think about the practical aspects
of attending school for a period of time, such as
housing, financial, and scheduling needs. Our
admissions staff is prepared to work with you as
you go through the process of discovering how to
realize your personal and professional goals through
massage training.
Learning About SFSOM
As an established school of massage
and advanced bodywork, Santa Fe
School of Massage is committed to
providing innovative and evolving
programs that give professionals
the highly tuned education needed
for the world of modern bodywork.
Continuing education courses and
advanced trainings are offered for
therapists who seek specialization
within the bodywork field. Complementary medical services and
energy based modalities are among
the many exciting offerings from
There are many ways to learn about SFSOM.
The website provides current information for
all open houses, courses, and free introductory
sample massage classes. Facebook also offers
fun and interesting updates about massage and
SFSOM graduates around the globe. Students
and graduates are happy to share their direct
experiences with prospective students. If you are
in town, you can tour the school and sign up for
a free complimentary massage. If you are not able
to visit the campus, you may be referred to a
graduate in your local area for a “SFSOM massage.”
You can always speak personally with the
administrative staff and owners of the school.
As an independent school, we are committed to
maintaining personal contact with each student
to ensure the highest quality experience.
As a medical student,
I can say that I learned
as much at this school
about promoting health
as I have in three years
of medical school. The
faculty and staff have
created a respectful,
happy, and healthy
learning environment
that will encourage you
to create your own path
in massage. You won’t
regret coming here.
— Adam Hunninghake
graduate 2006
Chicago, IL
May the work
of your hands be
a sign of gratitude
and reverence to
the human condition.
— Mahatma Gandhi
When we touch
one thing with
deep awareness,
we touch
— Thich Nhat Hanh
I was actively searching for a massage
school when I went to my 10th high
school reunion and saw this beautiful,
glowing woman. I asked her what she
had and could I get any of it! She said
she had gone to the Santa Fe School
of Massage in New Mexico.
I was hooked and enrolled for the next full time class. I was looking
for a school that was addressing the health and wellness of the
practitioner. I felt any school could teach me the strokes, but only
this school was interested in graduating healthy healers. Thanks to
that fateful meeting, my life has grown to the proportions I always
dreamed of.
— Andrea Fiset Ullom, graduate 1999
NTM Instructor 2004–2010
Santa Fe, NM
Massage and Bodywork Programs
Programs and Educational Objectives
The 700-hour Massage Therapy Certification program offers a comprehensive education, preparing students for productive careers in massage
and bodywork. The core bodywork courses offer a strong foundation in a
full-spectrum approach to massage: from Healing Quality of Touch and
intuitive awareness, to Nurturing Therapeutic Massage, to Integrative
Deep Tissue Bodywork. A strong academic focus is presented in Anatomy,
Physiology, and related sciences. The Clinical Practicum and Professional
Development courses pave the way for successful careers after graduation.
Upon completion of the program, students receive a diploma in massage
Students may attend courses for additional diploma hours throughout
their training. Courses are offered at times that do not interfere with
program coursework. Tuition is added to the total fees due for the core
program and is billed at the same rate as program tuition.
We believe a massage career entails growth
and exposure to new and emerging
modalities. Santa Fe School of Massage
serves the educational needs of graduates
and other professional bodyworkers
through Continuing Education courses
and Advanced Trainings. SFSOM is
dedicated to offering inspiring and up-todate curricula to enrich the practices of
professional massage therapists.
Massage Therapy Certification Program:
All full-time and part-time massage therapy certification programs offer
700 hours of well-crafted massage training. This program conveys a coherent,
congruent sense of the body and the massage process. By gradually building
on the skills gained in each core bodywork course, with anatomy and
physiology paralleling the entire process, students build a strong experiential
core of massage approaches integrated with a working knowledge of the body’s
systems. An over-arching emphasis is placed on students learning to bring
a deeper presence into their hands, helping them to develop sensitivity in
their work. Energetic modalities are offered to integrate the subtle aspects of
human anatomy, while adjunct bodywork courses and supplemental elective
courses add helpful tools and techniques designed for more specific
applications, such as basic Medical Massage and Reflexology.
Since it is natural to develop self-knowledge through this educational process,
we also provide courses that help translate that knowledge into professional
skills for the massage practitioner. Such courses are woven throughout the
program and include Communication Skills, Professional Development and
Self-Care, Ethics, and Business Skills.
By the time students pass the core Nurturing Therapeutic Massage course,
they are ready to offer full-body massages for the public in student clinic.
This low-cost clinic gives students valuable professional experience in a safe
and supervised environment. It is here that we see students blossoming into
competent massage therapists. From the subtle energetic to the deepest
musculoskeletal tissues, students are able to demonstrate a “full-spectrum” approach to bodywork in their own unique, creative style.
SFSOM will change your life for the better, in ways you never expected.
I learned everything I came here to learn, and so much more.
Not only did the people at the school teach me to be the best
massage therapist I can be, they taught me how to be the best
person I can be.
— Lane Collins, graduate 2010, North Carolina
— Sarah Rogers, M.D., graduate 2010, Santa Fe, NM
Massage Therapy Certification Program:
The curriculum is designed to honor the whole person and to value
the inter-relatedness of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
aspects of being.
Bodywork Classes
SFSOM students are trained in several core modalities to provide a
sensitive and therapeutic repertoire upon which to build professional
The Healing Quality of Touch
Integrative Deep Tissue Bodywork
This course introduces hands-on bodywork and lays the foundation for
other modalities by focusing on the healing quality of touch through
presence and connection. Students are trained to relax and cultivate
awareness in the process of giving massage. This encourages therapists to
trust their hands and develop the ability to listen and respond to the body.
The enhanced sense of presence also fosters an atmosphere of safety for
clients. The Healing Quality of Touch provides the basis for a grounded,
healing touch in any massage.
Myofascial therapy and deep tissue massage are core components of
the SFSOM Curriculum. Drawing from Structural Integration theory
and sensitive approaches to working deeply in soft tissue, Integrative Deep
Tissue Bodywork provides an understanding of the body’s unified structure,
while facilitating an increased awareness of the body’s organic choices and
innate wisdom. This effective approach for working deeply in muscle and
connective tissue is especially beneficial when attending to specific injuries
and postural patterns. The class and its clinics incorporate critical thinking
strategies and treatment plans for common conditions. Students practice
an integrated therapeutic application of all previously learned bodywork
approaches as they learn to create unique, individual sessions.
Nurturing Therapeutic Massage
Students learn to give and receive a full body massage in this unique
and refined training. The Nurturing Therapeutic Massage style is a variation of Swedish massage, using standard techniques including effleurage,
tapotement, petrissage, etc. Simultaneously, students are trained in the
qualities of sensitivity and nurturance to powerfully awaken and enhance
the therapeutic process. Through exercises in heightened sensory awareness
and mindfulness, students consciously develop their abilities and bring
them more fully into their bodywork. Anatomy and Kinesiology are
a major component in the training and contribute to a deep working
knowledge of the therapeutic aspects of massage. Ethics and hygiene
training also form an integral part of professional development at this
phase of the curriculum.
Energetic Modalities
The Santa Fe School of Massage supports the practice of a variety of energetic
modalities. Craniosacral, Polarity Therapy, Shiatsu, and Subtle Body courses
provide introductions to a variety of energetic approaches. In Craniosacral
Therapy, students become aware of subtle flows of the cranio-sacral rhythm.
Polarity Therapy explores the dynamic electro-magnetic energy field of the
body to support pain relief and healing. Shiatsu introduces students to
Oriental acupressure to bring balance to the entire body. The Subtle Body
class supports the development of intuition in bodywork and incorporates the
subtle anatomy of the aura and chakras into the healing context.
My classmates and I
spent time learning
about the wonders of
the human body, steeping in the plethora of
assorted perspectives
on healing, questioning
our own assumptions
about physicality and
ourselves into
empowered healers.
This is not just a school
where you will become
an anatomy whiz and
internalize textbooks;
everyone emerges
from it into a new and
improved version of
— Lara Bache
graduate 2011
Santa Fe, NM
Related Massage and Healing Arts
The sciences explore the intricate workings of the
structure and function of the human body and how
it performs life processes in health and disease. These
subjects are approached with curiosity and in the
spirit of learning a new language.
Medical Massage
Human Anatomy, Kinesiology,
Physiology, and Pathology
Chair Massage and Outreach Prep
The emphasis in Anatomy and Kinesiology is on the
musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and connective tissue
systems and their movement patterns. Patho-physiology
covers the healthy systems of the body and their
normal functions, and explains indications and
contraindications of different pathologies that may
be encountered in a massage practice, including cancer and lymphedema risk. Presentation of the material
is by lecture, demonstration, discussions, audio-visual
aids and hands-on practice. A solid foundation in these
subjects enables a massage therapist to make appropriate decisions regarding a client’s treatment needs.
In this course, students continue to explore specific approaches and procedures
for working with clients who have acute or chronic injuries or conditions.
Therapeutic massage, cross-fiber friction, and Trigger Point are utilized to
address the physiology of trauma, injury and physical ailments.
Chair massage provides an opportunity for clients to experience touch
while clothed in a public or professional office setting. It is also an
effective marketing tool to acquire new clients and bring them to a table
practice. This seated massage emphasizes applied Nurturing Therapeutic
Massage approaches, acupressure, and facilitated stretches.
Foot Reflexology
Foot Reflexology identifies “reflex” points in the feet, which correspond to
other areas in the body in order to help with increased circulation, relaxation,
and release of tensions.
Trauma and the Body
This course explores the emerging biological model of trauma and its
implications for massage therapy. Topics covered include the impact of trauma
on the nervous system, and basic principles and ethics of practicing massage
with clients who have experienced trauma.
Naturopathic remedies such as hot and cold compresses, herbal wraps, and foot
baths are gentle yet powerful water therapies that can be incorporated into a
…science is confirming what we know in our hearts; that, as psychiatrist
James Gordon put it, massage is medicine.
— George Howe Colt
This school
emphasizes how to
touch with presence
and grace. This quality
of touch has continued to allow for
transformation in my
work as well as in my
everyday life.
— Jenna Docekal
graduate 2010
Santa Fe, NM
Attending Santa Fe
School of Massage
was one of the best
investments I have
made. Within six
months of graduating, I had made more
money than I spent on
— Kim Robinson
graduate 2012
La Madera, NM
Professional Development
Lab and Clinical Practicum
Our courses in Ethics, Professional Development,
Communication Skills, and Business Skills contribute to
increased awareness of self and how we relate with others.
Personal growth is a natural component of the program
as students learn more about themselves, and come to
understand the importance of self-reflection in the
process of becoming a massage therapist.
Practice Lab
Students begin their Practice Lab in the first weeks of school. These
required hands-on sessions, in which the students practice massage techniques
they learned in class, are held in addition to scheduled class time. They take
place at the school with a Registered Massage Therapy Instructor (RMTI)
present to give feed-back as needed at the time.
Professional Development
Students explore ethics, boundaries, self-care, hygiene,
licensure, and other relevant issues pertaining to the
massage profession. Somatic Awareness and movement
are integrated into the bodywork curriculum and create
a kinesthetic and experiential context for exploring
through the body. We emphasize attention to body
mechanics through supervision and somatic awareness.
Business Skills
Students learn how to work and promote themselves
successfully in a variety of areas including private practice,
spas, and other types of massage venues. Topics include
working with budgets, designing brochures and business
cards, and researching laws and regulations.
Communication Skills
In this course, students develop and expand their interpersonal communication skills and explore issues
about boundaries and safety. We use the group
experience as an important and integral part of the
training, supporting students to cultivate compassion
and awareness.
Clinical Practicum and Community Outreach
After completing the Nurturing Therapeutic Massage course, students begin
their Clinical Practicum where they work with the public on a professional basis. The knowledge and personal development a student gains through
Clinical Practicum provide a solid foundation upon which to build competency and a successful, gratifying career. Included in the Practicum is an outreach
component. Students choose to work with populations of clients that interest
them, such as the elderly or people living with HIV. Others attend sports or
community service events to work with people who may not usually receive
The energy at your
school as I walked in
the door was just
what I have been
searching for—an
energy full of life
and vigor, eager to
embrace others in
learning and life.
—Veronica Hernandez
Continuing Education
student 2008
Courses for Professional
Healing Presence Intuitive Studies – 100 hours
with Cathy Black, MA
Continuing Education
This training is for students and professional bodyworkers who wish to
deepen their experience and understanding of intuition and the power of
deep presence in their touch.
These workshops provide innovative and stimulating
courses for professional massage therapists. Over
many years SFSOM has offered seminars that cover
an eclectic and dynamic range of topics, including
Thai Massage, Ethics, Manual Lymphatic Drainage,
Aromatherapy, and many others. Some courses
offered in the Advanced Trainings may also be taken
as individual workshops for Continuing Education.
A current selection of Continuing Education workshops may be found on the website.
Advanced Trainings
SFSOM offers a variety of innovative trainings that
allow professional bodywork practitioners to specialize
in additional healing arts modalities. These trainings
are offered primarily to professional bodyworkers,
though some subjects are available for massage students
or non-bodywork professionals. If you are interested in
learning more about any of these trainings, please check
our website or call the office for current dates and fees.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Training
with Scott Zamurut, RCST
Phase One: Foundational Training – 196 hours
Phase Two: Certification Training – 168 hours
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Training focuses on a root set of principles and clinical applications for energy healing; the term “biodynamic”
in a craniosacral context denotes “the bio-energy of wellness. This training
emphasizes practitioner skills of perception and palpation, in both physical
and energetic anatomy - the territory of healing.
Hakomi for Bodyworkers – 140 hours
with Morgan Holford, LPC, MsT
Hakomi is a body-centered psychotherapy that supports the client’s ability
to connect with and move between the somatic and language/meaning
aspects of experience through mindful awareness. Hakomi for Bodyworkers
is an adaptation that teaches bodyworkers from many different modalities
basic Hakomi skills for integrating the client’s somatic experience with other
dimensions within the ethical scope of bodywork practice.
Zen Shiatsu - 100 hours
with Lauri Genesio, LMT, RMTI #S-0353
This course covers Five Element Theory, the classical Meridians, and the dynamic between kyo (deep
underlying need) and jitsu (external action to balance) in the body and energetic system. We explore
an intuitive shiatsu approach to restoring the body’s
innate healing abilities.
Neuromuscular Therapy Training – 100 hours
with Kathleen Lesh Smith, LMT, RMTI #I-0459, CNMT
This training provides the experienced practitioner with practical, effective
myofascial and trigger point techniques while working with posture and
specific injury.
Associate Polarity Practitioner Program – 155 hours
with Shanna Marsh-Martinez, MA, BCPP, RPED
Polarity Therapy is based on the Human Energy Field and recognizes energy as
the underlying factor of wellness. Polarity Therapy works with the pathways
of energy movement, assisting the return of its free flowing nature.
Reflexology – 150 hours
with Jim Williams, B.Ed, MAR
This Reflexology Certification Program prepares
students to take their place as professionals in the
field of reflexology. The certification specifically
emphasizes the therapeutic and holistic nature of
This school provided me
with a strong, everlasting
foundation of knowledge.
This gift has given me
the confidence to
develop my own
individual style of
preventative, corrective,
and specific injury
bodywork, with an
emphasis on pain
— Mauro Jaramillo
graduate 1997
Orthopedic Massage
Instructor 2010-2012
Deep Massage: The Lauterstein Method I and II
with David Lauterstein, BA, LMT, MTI, Cert. ZB
Deep Massage explores a new philosophy and practice of massage, an
approach to touch therapy that affects clients deeply, not necessarily with
more pressure, but with a more profound and vital connection.
Zero Balancing I
® – 25 hours
with David Lauterstein, BA, LMT, MTI, Cert. ZB
Zero Balancing addresses physical structure and energy simultaneously. It
aligns the deepest anatomical layers of the body - focusing especially on the
skeletal system, while enhancing and balancing energy flow.
Oncology Massage
SFSOM is also proud to host the Peregrine Institute
of Oncology Massage Training. Peregrine provides a
300-Hour Oncology Massage Certification.
Simply put, this experience
transformed my life.
Never before had I been able
to make such a connection
with others, or myself. It was
here that I discovered my
individuality together with my
connectedness. Thank you
for all that you have shared
and given to me.
— Anne Schneiter
graduate 1999
Louisville, KY
Massage is a sacred act. The
Santa Fe area and the Santa
Fe School of Massage provide
an atmosphere in which
students can touch
that which is holy in
themselves and others.
— Gayle MacDonald
author of
Medicine Hands:
Massage for People
Living with Cancer
Location and Facilities
Student Body and Class Size
Santa Fe, the “City of Holy Faith,” lies
at an elevation of 7000 feet in the Sangre
de Cristo Mountains in the beautiful high
desert of Northern New Mexico. SFSOM
students find inspiration and support in
Santa Fe, a community steeped in the
tradition of the healing arts. Those pursuing the fullest potential of their bodywork
education could not ask for a better location.
Students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, ages and lifestyles
attend the Santa Fe School of Massage. Since 1979, we have had students
from every continent, except Antarctica! Some students are fresh out of
college with training in fine arts, literature, business, and other areas of expertise. Others have experienced life changes, or wish to engage in a new career.
Our building is easy to find and is conveniently located on a public bus route and
bike lane. The spacious, light-filled main
classroom accommodates 22 students plus
teachers comfortably, while our second
classroom is perfect for smaller classes,
continuing education workshops and student
clinics. Students enjoy free time in a spacious
lounge, complete with kitchen, while
browsing through books from the school
library. There is ample parking with restaurants and shopping nearby.
We enjoy the diversity of our student population because of the qualities
they inspire: curiosity, understanding, and acceptance. When we train diverse
individuals, the work extends into diverse communities. In this way, our shared
passion for massage, and the healing process spreads around the globe.
With a maximum class size of 22 students, the learning process is enhanced
by the personal attention and support each individual receives. Our teacher/
student ratio is 3–4 teachers and assistants supervising 7–11 pairs of students
during bodywork classes.
The smaller class size not only allowed me more personal
attention from the instructors, but it also helped me to create deeper
relationships with my classmates in a truly
supportive environment.
— Charles Bayly, graduate 2008, El Rito, NM
Staff and Faculty
Administrative Staff
Our administrative staff and instructors are dedicated to the Santa Fe School
of Massage. Many of them are graduates themselves! This well-honed
team of highly qualified faculty is passionate about teaching. Their diverse
interdisciplinary backgrounds and education weave a wide spectrum of
beliefs and practices into the curriculum. At the same time, they are unified
in their embrace of the school’s vision and its principles, both in theory and
practice. Visit our website to view our staff photos and bios.
Keith Spear, BA – Owner, Academic Skills
Cathy Black, MA – Owner, Subtle Body, Healing Presence Intuitive Studies
Lonnie Howard, MA – Director, Professional Development
Amber Gurule’, LMT, RMTI #S-0486 – Administrative Assistant
Caitlin Nanfito, LMT – Admissions, Outreach Coordinator
Bodywork Staff
Mauro Rivera, LMT, RMTI, #S-0396 – Healing Quality of Touch,
Clinic Supervision
Maureen Bish, LMT, RMTI, #S-0104 – Nurturing Therapeutic Massage,
Medical Massage, Clinic Supervision
Channing Huser, LMT, RMTI #S-0407 – Nurturing Therapeutic Massage,
Introduction to Craniosacral
Kim Gibbs, LMT, RMTI #S-0446 – Integrative Deep Tissue Bodywork,
Chair Massage
Amber Gurule’, LMT, RMTI #S-0486 – Clinic Supervision
Samantha (River) Fleischman, LMT, RMTI #S-0491 – Shiatsu
Keith Douglas Blair, BA, LMT, RMTI # S-0290 – Foot Reflexology, Polarity
Farice Rezabek, BS, LMT, RMTI #S-0279 – Hydrotherapy
Emilie Brough, DOM, LMT, RMTI #S-0414 – Cancer and Massage
Academic Staff
Jay Scherer, School Founder
Both staff and faculty support the learning process in our students on all
levels. We have created a very structured program with clear guidelines, within which there is flexibility to honor the personal process of each student.
Our academic and bodywork hands-on finals are held to the highest standards
by all faculty members, and we continuously evaluate and refine the curriculum
to meet the growing needs of the profession. We want to evoke our students’
inspiration and expanded awareness. We want their experience here to be
Kathleen Lesh Smith, LMT, RMTI #I-0459, CNMT – Anatomy and
Kinesiology, Neuromuscular Therapy
Maria Barcelona, BS, RN, MA – Patho-Physiology
Theresa Fallon, LMT MA #9546 – Business
Leonora Lorenzo, LMSW – Trauma and the Body, Communication Skill
Greg Smith, LMT #6619 – The Healing Journey
SFSOM provides a challenging curriculum infused with personal and
spiritual growth opportunities. It was truly one of the most enriching
experiences of my life. — Maggie Austin, graduate 2013, Santa Fe, NM
t he
The moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too. All sorts of things
occur to help one that would never otherwise
have occurred. A whole stream of events issues
from the decision, raising in one’s favor all
manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings
and material assistance, which no one could
have dreamed would have come their way.
— William H. Murray, Scottish Explorer
Massage Therapy Certification Program:
Full-time and Part-time Schedules
Applying for Massage Therapy
Certification Programs
Massage Therapy Certification programs begin in the spring and fall.
Full-time and Part-time schedules are offered at these times, and all
programs consist of seven hundred hours of our well-crafted massage
therapy training. Additional diploma hours are offered at times that do not
interfere with full or part-time schedules.
Once you have decided which program to attend, fill out the attached
application form and send the necessary information to our admissions
department. Upon receipt of your application, we will review it and then
schedule an interview with you. If you are accepted, you will complete the
enrollment process by signing the enrollment contract and paying the $500
deposit. You are on your way to becoming a massage therapist!
Full-time programs last six months and are held Monday-Thursday from
9am–5pm. The Part-time certification program is 11 months long and is
offered on nights and weekends: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from
6–9pm, and alternating weekends from 9am–6pm. All supervised Practice
Labs and Clinic Practicum, about 105 hours total, are conducted at the
school. Lab and Clinic times are made available on Monday and Wednesday
evenings, and Fridays during the day.
In order to receive a diploma, students must fulfill all attendance requirements. In the case of extenuating circumstances, our administration will
work with individuals to help them complete their educational requirements.
Please contact our admissions office for specific policies.
During the application process, we support students in assessing their ability
to make the personal and financial commitment to this new career and
lifestyle. Our expectation of our students is that they will bring their deepest
presence and commitment to learning and personal growth. The nature of
our program requires that they be willing to work responsibly with us in
creating a cooperative, dynamic learning environment. Applicants must be
18 years of age or over, and have a high school diploma or equivalent. If you
are in a recovery program, we ask that you have one year of sobriety before
applying. For detailed policies students should refer to the student manual
and enrollment contract.
Tuition and Fees
700-Hour Massage Therapy Certification program - Full or Part-Time
$8000 plus tax. Additional expenses include books, plus sheets and oil for
practice lab and clinic.
Advanced Trainings and Continuing Education
Please check our website or call our office for course tuition.
Substantial Early Bird Discounts apply for
all programs and most continuing education
courses. Please check our website or consult
our office for exact start dates and tuition information.
Student therapist in outreach program
Massage Licensure
SFSOM’s massage therapy certification programs
fulfill the hours for licensure required by New
Mexico and most other state examining boards.
Through providing more extensive electives we may be
able to meet individual licensing needs. Prior to applying
to our school, we request any prospective student
to check with her/his own State, County and City to
determine current licensing or ordinance requirements.
Student Services
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is available through various means, including SFSOM
Payment Plans, and Work-Study and Scholarships to students who qualify.
Please contact the office to receive a financial aid packet.
Placement services
We refer graduates to job opportunities in our local area and in various
parts of the US whenever possible. SFSOM often hosts a clinic where new
graduates may begin working as soon as they qualify.
We support incoming students to find housing through our housing bulletin
board, community networking, and by connecting incoming students with
outgoing students who will be moving. Please contact our staff if you need
help with housing.
The Santa Fe School of Massage welcomes all applicants, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, creed, national and ethnic origin, and/or sexual orientation. Santa Fe School of
Massage reserves the right at its sole discretion to refuse admission to an applicant or to terminate
their participation if it is determined that the applicant has misrepresented his or herself or omitted
significant information as requested on the application.
The Santa Fe School of Massage is approved by the NM
Massage Therapy Board—Registered Massage School
#1. Our graduates are well prepared to sit for the
“National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage
and Bodywork” (NCE), or the “Massage and Bodywork Licensure Exam” (MBLEx). Please direct any New
Mexico licensing questions to NM Massage Therapy
Board, www.rld.state.nm.us or 2550 Cerrillos Rd, Santa
Fe, NM 87505, 505-476-4870.
School Approvals
The Santa Fe School of Massage, LLC is:
• Registered Massage Therapy School (#1) with the
New Mexico Massage Therapy Board.
• School member of the AMTA and ABMP.
• Approved by the National Certification Board for
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as
a continuing education Approved Provider
• A SEVIS-approved School, authorized by the
federal government to accept M-1 visa class
non-immigrant students.
• Approved to train veterans under provisions of
Section 3676, Chpt. 36, Title 38, United States Code
The Santa Fe School
of Massage is a place
that has succeeded in
becoming truly holistic,
where theory and practice, body and mind,
individual and
community are woven
— Dr. Max Schupbach
The Process Work
Center of Portland
Opening my mind,
heart and soul to
such a beautiful
gift changed my life
forever. I was able to
do this while working
full time and raising
two beautiful girls
with my husband’s
support. Don’t let
anything hold you
back from your
dreams! — Patricia M. Salazar
graduate part-time
program 2009
Espanola, NM
Santa Fe School of Massage
formerly known as
Scherer Institute of Natural Healing
Mailing Address:
PO Box 5737
Santa Fe, NM 87502-5737
Physical Address:
1091-A Siler Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
toll free – 866-505-2006
fax 505-982-1825
We lovingly dedicate this catalog to Dr. Jay Scherer,
a naturopathic physician who founded the school
in 1979. He knew the power of touch could heal
and facilitate wholeness. Dr. Scherer passed away in
1990, and we are privileged to carry on the spirit of
his work. We also thank all of the teachers throughout the years whose diverse talents have enlivened
and nourished this school.
Printed December 1, 2013