Piedmont College Educator Renewal Conference Saturday, March 14, 2015 "Subverting the Dominant Paradigm: Creative Instruction in the Age of Accountability" The Piedmont College Third Annual Educator Renewal Conference serves as a forum for both current and former students, as well as faculty from the schools of Education and Arts and Sciences, to share information on innovative, effective and authentic practices and research in education. PERC provides renewing experiences for educators at all levels. This year, we’re including a new strand for school counselors. We have established the theme for the 2015 conference as "Subverting the Dominant Paradigm: Creative Instruction in the Age of Accountability We seek a wide variety of presentations that support creativity, collaboration and critical thinking from practitioners, administrators, researchers, alumni, students and faculty. You are invited to submit a proposal and to participate in the program, Saturday, March 14, 2015. DEADLINE FOR PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: January 7, 2015 NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: January 30, 2015 NOTIFICATION OF SESSION TIME: February 20, 2015 11-‐5-‐2014 This form is "typewriter-enabled." When opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader, one can "type" on the form by first clicking on the typewriter icon, then positioning the cursor in the area on the form where typing is to begin. Please provide the following PRINCIPAL PRESENTER contact information: First Name Last Name Middle Initial Organization Address City State Zip Code Work Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) Home Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) FAX (xxx-xxx-xxxx) E-mail CO-PRESENTER 1 contact information (if applicable): First Name Last Name Middle Initial Organization Address Type Street Address Address (cont.) City State Zip/Postal Code Work Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) Home Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) FAX (xxx-xxx-xxxx) E-mail 11-‐5-‐2014 CO-PRESENTER 2 contact information (if applicable): First Name Last Name Middle Initial Organization Address Type Street Address Address (cont.) City State Zip/Postal Code Work Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) Home Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) FAX (xxx-xxx-xxxx) E-mail ADDITIONAL CO-PRESENTERS: If you have more than three presenters, please use this space to type in their names and addresses (if addresses are the same as other presenters, you may just indicate so). 11-‐5-‐2014 PREFERRED PRESENTATION TYPE: Please note that your preference will be considered, but strand leaders will make final selections regarding presentation type and length. __ Workshop (60 minutes) __ Make-it/take it (60 minutes) __ Group/Panel Discussion (60 minutes) __ Roundtable or Poster Presentation PREFERRED PRESENTATION STYLE: (Workshop, make-it, take-it, discussion group/panel discussion, etc.) TOPIC/ TITLE OF PRESENTATION: BRIEF DESCRIPTION FOR PROGRAM: Please provide a brief (approximately 60-word) description for the conference program. In your description, please indicate your intended audience (i.e., early childhood, elementary, middle school, secondary) and level of the material you will present (i.e., introductory, intermediate, advanced, all levels). LEARNING OUTCOMES: Please provide a bulleted list of what participants will learn from this session. 11-‐5-‐2014 PROPOSAL: What is the purpose of the presentation (why is this important and who is the target audience)? What are you planning to do? What are the practical applications (how can your results/strategies be used by others)? Please type (up to 500 words) or attach separate sheet. 11-‐5-‐2014 EQUIPMENT NEEDS: Notes: • • A screen will be set up in each presentation room and rooms will be set theater-style. You are welcome to bring your own equipment, however Piedmont College will not be responsible for any personal equipment used for presentations. Overhead Projector LCD Projector DVD/VHS Player - requires LCD Projector Flip Chart Other: SPECIAL NEEDS: Please indicate if you have any special needs or requests. THANK YOU! Please submit your proposal on or before January 7, 2015 Questions or For More Information: mailto:PERC@piedmont.edu 11-‐5-‐2014
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