EXHIBITOR MANUAL 8th – 11th June 2015 Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Contents Exhibition Timetable Exhibition Contacts General Information Accommodation Admission to Exhibition Advertising in the Focus 2015 Conference Handbook Audio Visual Services Car Parking Catering General Catering Stands Cleaning Delivery Procedure Electrical Services Employment of Labour Email Banner Emergency Procedures Exhibition Drinks Reception Exhibitor Proforma Exhibition Tickets Exhibitor Badges Floor Covering Freight Forwarding Furniture Hire Insurance Internet Access Music & Sound On-site Handling Public Address System Removal of Exhibits Security Shell Scheme and Stand Specification Smoking Policy Travel Information Venue Appendices Appendix 1– Focus 2015 Handbook Entry Guidelines Appendix 2– Focus 2015 Exhibition Ticket Order Form Appendix 3– Focus 2015 Exhibitor Proforma Appendix 4– Focus 2015 Trainee Question Form Appendix 5– AV Service Booking Form Appendix 6– GES Ltd Electrical Order Form Appendix 7– GES Ltd Logistics Form Appendix 8– GES Ltd Furniture Hire Form Appendix 9– GES Ltd Name Board Order Form Appendix 10– GES Ltd Shell Scheme Extras Order Form and Grid Plan Appendix 11 – GES Ltd Payment & Credit Card Charge Authorisation Form Appendix 12 – Exhibition Floor Plan 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 EXHIBITION TIMETABLE Exhibition Build All stands will be provided with shell scheme, unless space only is specifically requested. The shell th scheme will be constructed on Monday 8 June 2015 from 0700-1300 hours. Exhibitors and their contractors will have access to the hall to dress stands from 1300-1900 hours. No access will be granted before 1300 hours unless you have requested a space only stand. th Monday 8 June 2015 0800 – 1900 hours Stand Deliveries 1100 – 1900 hours Space only Construction 1300 – 1900 hours Shell Scheme Stand Decoration and Dressing th All stand dressing must be complete by 1900 hours on Monday 8 June 2015. Opening Hours th Tuesday 9 June 0945–1900 hours th Wednesday 10 June 0945–1700 hours th Thursday 11 June 0945–1430 hours The exhibition hall will be open from 0900 hours each day for exhibitors to carry out maintenance work to stands. All work must be complete prior to the exhibition opening. Breakdown th Thursday 11 June 1430–1900 hours Breakdown of stands prior to the exhibition closing is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Power will be switched off immediately after the close of the exhibition. 3 Exhibition Contacts Conference Secretariat Meeting Makers Ltd Contact: Sharleen Geddes Block 4, Unit 4, Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow G20 0SP Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk Catering Wales Millennium Centre Contact: Maciej Chmielewski Wales Millennium Centre Bute Place Cardiff CF10 5AL Tel: 029 2063 4661 Email: maciej@wmc.org.uk Electrical Services Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry CV6 6PA Tel: +44 (0) 2476 380 362 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 380 409 Email: electrics@ges.com Freight Forwarding / On Site Handling Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd Unit 27-29, Exhibition Way NEC Birmingham B40 1PA Tel: +44 (0) 121 782 4433 Fax : +44 (0) 121 782 4545 Email: event.logistics@ges.com Furniture Hire Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd ServiCentre Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA Tel: +44 (0) 2476 380 180 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 380 221 Email: customerservice@ges.com 4 Nameboards Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd Contact: Andrew Waters-Peach Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA Tel: +44 (0) 2476 380 064 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 380 427 Email: awaterspeach@ges.com Shell Scheme Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd ServiCentre Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA Tel: +44 (0) 2476 380 180 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 380 220 Email: customerservice@ges.com Venue Wales Millennium Centre Contact: Maciej Chmielewski Wales Millennium Centre Bute Place Cardiff CF10 5AL Tel: 029 2063 4661 Email: maciej@wmc.org.uk 5 General Information ACCOMMODATION Accommodation can be booked through the online accommodation booking system on the congress website. Please visit: http://www.focus-acb.org.uk/ For any queries, please contact Joanne Paterson of Meeting Makers by email joanne@meetingmakers.co.uk or by telephone on +44 (0) 141 945 6880. ADMISSION TO THE EXHIBITION For general admission times please see the timetable. Exhibitors requiring access outside these times require the permission of the organiser. Please contact Sharleen Geddes of Meeting Makers by email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk. ADVERTISING IN THE FOCUS 2015 HANDBOOK The conference handbook contains a comprehensive guide, including information on the full scientific programme, the social programme and the exhibition directory. The handbook is issued to all delegates, visitors and speakers who attend Focus 2015. To receive a detailed rate sheet and reserve advertising space, please contact Sue Ojakowa on sue@prcassoc.co.uk or call on 020 8337 3749. If you would like to advertise, the closing date for booking is Monday 13th April 2015. AUDIO-VISUAL SERVICES For the hire of audio-visual equipment, please contact the venue. An AV Service Booking Form is attached. CAR PARKING Discounted parking is available close to the venue. Pierhead Street Multi Storey Car Park Capacity 1237 | Open 24 hours Pierhead Street CF10 4PH How it Works: -Enter Pierhead Street Multi Storey Car Park; collect your Coin Chip from the entrance machine. -Present your Coin Chip for validation at the Ticket Desk at the Centre. No time restriction valid for 24h 6 -On returning to the car park, place your Coin Chip in the payment machine as normal (£3.60 to be paid). -Retain your reissued Coin Chip for use in the barrier when you drive out CATERING – GENERAL There will be lunch stations set up in the exhibition hall, serving tea, coffee and lunch for the delegates at the allotted times. One complimentary lunch is offered per 6 sqm stand booked. If you would like to order additional lunch for your stand staff, please complete and return the Conference Lunch Ticket Order Form to the conference secretariat. These tickets will be redeemable at the appointed lunch stations. The Conference Dinner Ticket Order Form is also attached. Please return this to the conference secretariat by the deadline date to pre-order your tickets. Spaces are limited, therefore pre-ordering is advised. The conference th dinner will be held at the National Museum Cardiff on Wednesday 10 June 2015. The conference dinner is a great networking opportunity for exhibitors. Exhibition Reception If you would like to offer food or drink to delegates from your stand during the Exhibition Reception, this must be ordered via the venue. Exhibitors are forbidden from taking their own supplies into the exhibition. CATERING – STAND Stand catering, such as additional drinks and snacks, can be ordered via the venue. Exhibitors may pre-order a wide range of food and beverages either for stand staff or for entertaining clients. Please note that all orders must be placed in advance of the exhibition and the in-house caterers have the sole right to supply all food and beverage consumed on site. CLEANING The exhibition area will be cleaned each evening by the venue. The cleaning of individual stands is at the responsibility of the exhibitor. DELIVERY PROCEDURES th Deliveries are not permitted before Friday 5 June 2015. Please ensure that all materials are appropriately labeled with your company name, the event name, date of the event and stand number. If this is not arranged, deliveries may be turned away. All deliveries should be labeled: FAO: Maciej Chmielewski FOCUS 2015 Exhibition th th (8 -11 June 2015) Stand Name / Number: Content: Stage Door Wales Millennium Centre Bute Place Cardiff CF10 5AL For information on deliveries of unusual items with special requirements, please contact Maciej Chmielewski on 029 2063 4661 or maciej@wmc.org.uk. 7 Delivery during build-up and breakdown Please read this section carefully and ensure that your transportation department and/or shippers are aware of the procedures. Location: Wales Millennium Centre Stage Door Bute Place Cardiff CF10 5AL Delivery Entrance: Stage Door On your arrival please stop at the gate. The Wales Millennium Centre security personnel will direct you to designated loading bay. The loading bay has been design to receive deliveries via artic lories, therefore there is a gap between ground level and the stage, see below. Exhibitors who plan to make deliveries in a van may have to lift items manually to the stage level. Loading Bay specification for large deliveries: High: 600mm (2 feet) 600mm (60cm; 2 feet) Outside area 8 Exhibition Areas Loading Bay x 5 Loading and unloading is operated on a fair first come first served basis. To avoid congestion and unnecessary delays, immediately after the unloading, vehicles should be removed from the loading/unloading area. Unfortunately there are no storage facilities available on-site and packing materials MUST NOT be stored within the exhibition areas. GES Ltd should be contacted by exhibitors who require storage facilities built during the meeting. Exhibits and stand materials can only be delivered and unpacked at times when the public are not admitted to the hall. Delivery during exhibition open days Deliveries may be made before the exhibition opens, between 0900 and 0945 hours. Vehicles must be removed from the loading area immediately or may be towed away. Regulations do not permit the change of exhibits (including raw materials and disposal of scrap) during the open hours of the exhibition. Any exhibitor wishing to bring in, or remove, equipment during the run of the exhibition must apply to the organisers for permission to do so, in order that appropriate arrangements can be made. Please ensure that a representative from your stand is available to receive any goods delivered. For security reasons, the organisers are unable to accept deliveries on behalf of exhibitors. All goods and packages should be clearly labelled as instructed on page 7. The on-site Handling Company GES Ltd can receive deliveries on your behalf and will charge accordingly. Please refer to the section on Freight Forwarding. 9 Breakdown Procedures th Breakdown time is from 1430–1900 hours on Thursday 11 June 2015. Breakdown of stands prior to the exhibition closing is strictly prohibited. Power will be switched off immediately after the close of the exhibition. In order to ensure everybody leaves the building quickly and safely, please follow the procedures listed below. NB: For the first hour of breakdown, cars and light vans will be given priority, in order to clear the halls quickly and allow better lorry access. 1. 2. To avoid congestion and unnecessary delays vehicles should be removed from the loading area immediately after loading, Exhibitors must make arrangements for the removal of portable or easily removable items of value from the stand as soon as possible, but on no account may exhibitors start to dismantle or remove exhibits from their stand before the close of the Exhibition. ELECTRICAL SERVICES As detailed in the Sponsorship Brochure the following electrical package is provided: one electrical socket per 6sqm stand booked. *Please note that no lighting is provided within the package. The officially appointed electrical contractor approved by the organiser must install all the electrical work. If you require additional electrical services and lighting then please complete the Electrical Order Form to the address below. Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry CV6 6PA Tel: +44 (0) 2476 380 362 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 380 409 Email: electrics@ges.com No flashing lights or signs will be permitted, but sequence-lit displays may be used subject to the approval of the Organisers. The Organisers reserve the right to disconnect the electrical supply to any installation, which in the opinion of the Electrical Engineers is dangerous or likely to cause annoyance to visitors or exhibitors. Please note all electrical supplies will be switched off after the close of the exhibition each day. If you require 24-hour supply, please book this in advance. EMAIL BANNER A jpeg Focus 2015 email banner will be sent to you from the Conference Secretariat. The jpeg can be easily inserted into the body of your emails relating to Focus 2015. This can be used on all correspondence between you and your clients. EMPLOYMENT OF LABOUR The Organiser is not able to supply labour for the handling of goods and other items. Exhibitors should arrange with the lifting contractor, shipping and forwarding agent or stand fitting contractor for this service and should not employ any casual labour offered in the hall. The exhibitor should not make payments to labour staff to secure preferential treatment and is asked to report immediately to the Organiser any employee soliciting money for services rendered. 10 In the interest of the Exhibition as a whole, which must be the primary concern at all times, the Organiser’s decision on any dispute concerning labour being employed must be taken as final. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Wales Millennium Centre has a fire detection device covering all Zones within the Centre, linked to the detection system is PAVA (Public Address Voice Alarm). If an activation should occur the PAVA will broadcast 1 of the 2 following messages. 1…An incident has been detected please standby for further announcements, on hearing this announcement you should be ready to evacuate the Centre. 2…An incident has been detected please leave by the nearest exit (if safe to do so). 3…Fire Assembly point is located outside next to Pierhead building. 4…Entry back into the Centre is not permitted until the All Clear has been given. 5…In the event of a False Activation with no PAVA activation, Security will broadcast the following message “Attention please, Attention please this is a Wales Millennium Centre Building announcement, the fire alarm activation is a false alarm please stand down”. Contact Number: Security Control Room 02920 636398 Medical Emergencies In the event of urgent medical assistance being required, contact any member of staff at Wales Millennium Centre. Lost Property Any lost property found will be passed to the main reception desk located within the venue. EXHIBITION DRINKS RECEPTION th There will be a drinks reception in the exhibition hall from 1745 to 1900 hours on the evening of Tuesday 9 June 2015. Food and drink will be available, providing an opportunity for delegates to have extended time to peruse the exhibition. EXHIBITOR PROFORMA An Exhibitor Proforma is enclosed, which should be completed and returned to the Focus Secretariat no later th than 11 May 2015. The proforma will allow exhibitors to provide the names of staff working on the stands for th their admission badges. Exhibitor badges can be collected from Monday 8 June 2015 from the conference registration desk. If the Exhibitor Proforma is not completed and returned to the Focus Secretariat then there may be a delay receiving your badges. EXHIBITION TICKETS Exhibition tickets are available for exhibiting companies to pass on to clients who may wish to visit the Focus 2015 exhibition. The ticket allows those who are not registered Focus delegates to attend the exhibition only, free of charge. Please complete the Exhibition Ticket Order Form attached to pre-order exhibition tickets for distributing to your clients. A pdf version of the ticket will be emailed to you from the Conference Secretariat. This can be emailed on to your clients. To gain entry to the exhibition, the form inside the ticket must be completed and returned to the Focus 2015 Registration Desk. 11 EXHIBITOR BADGES All exhibitors, contractors, staff and visitors will require a badge to access the exhibition halls, during build-up, breakdown and open days. Each exhibiting company will be given staff name badges for stand staff to be used th during the meeting. Badges can be collected from the registration desk from Monday 8 June 2015. Please use the Exhibitors’ Proforma attached to provide the names of staff attending. Contractors and staff involved in setup will be issued with badges for build up and breakdown, contractors can provide names directly to the Focus Secretariat if necessary. FLOOR COVERING The flooring of the exhibition hall consists of a royal blue carpet. Additional floor covering will not be required. If you would like to order your own carpeting, please complete and return the Carpet Order Form to GES Ltd. FREIGHT FORWARDING The following company can provide a freight forwarding service to and from the Exhibition. Please complete the attached GES Ltd Logistics Form. Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd Unit 27-29, Exhibition Way NEC Birmingham B40 1PA Tel: +44 (0) 121 782 4433 Fax : +44 (0) 121 782 4545 Email: event.logistics@ges.com International Freight Forwarding Overseas exhibitors, or their UK Representatives, are advised to make early contact with GES Ltd to co-ordinate their shipping arrangements at the above address. By road, all exhibits should be consigned carriage paid to the Exhibitor at their stand in the Exhibition Hall. The destination of each item should be clearly indicated with the company name and stand number and exhibition name. It is important that the Exhibitor’s name and stand number be painted or stencilled on all sides of packing cases. Exhibitors must ensure that a member of staff is available to accept delivery, as the Organisers cannot make any payment in respect of carriage on their behalf. Customs Exhibitors requiring up to date Customs information and assistance with temporary importation formalities should contact GES Ltd directly. Handling and Unpacking Exhibitors are reminded that cartage vehicles will bring their goods to the venue and Exhibitors must make arrangements with the lifting contractor (see On-site Handling) for unloading and depositing of exhibits on the stand. NO EXCESS STOCK AND LITERATURE, OR PACKING CASES MAY BE STORED ON, AROUND OR BEHIND STANDS. 12 FURNITURE HIRE The following company has been appointed the official furniture hire contractor, and will supply stand furniture if required. Prices quoted are inclusive of delivery to and removal from exhibitors’ stands. A full brochure and order form can be downloaded from their website http://ges.com/us/home or orders can be placed using the hard copy booking form attached Furniture and Floor Covering Form. Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd ServiCentre Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA Tel: +44 (0) 2476 380 180 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 380 221 Email: customerservice@ges.com INSURANCE Whilst every reasonable precaution is taken, the Organisers expressly decline responsibility for any loss or damage which may befall the person or property of the Exhibitor or his agent from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors are required to take out appropriate insurance, especially third party liability. It remains the Exhibitors’ full responsibility to insure themselves appropriately. Insurance can be provided by the following company, please contact them direct for a quotation: Hiscox Event Insurance Contact: Marion Rankin Hiscox UK 22 Cleveden Gardens Glasgow G12 0PT Tel: +44 (0)141 339 7260 Mobile: +44 (0)781 801 3265 Email: marion.rankin@hiscox.com www.hiscox.co.uk/events/mrankin INTERNET ACCESS A username and password for wireless internet access can be collected from the Registration Desk. Wifi access is offered complimentary. If you would like a hard wire connection, please complete the AV Service Order Form and return it to Maciej Chmielewski at Maciej@wmc.org.uk. 13 MUSIC & SOUND PRS Licenses All exhibitors who wish to play music on their stand including the use of any mechanical or electronic devices for playing music (record, CD, tape, video) and live performances of music please contact the Focus 2015 Secretariat who can arrange a licence. PPL Licenses The Phonographic Rights Society requires exhibitors who propose to use audio or visual equipment (TV, videos, CDs, cassettes or other electronic means) for the purpose of playing sound recordings or showing films or other forms of visual image, to acquire a PPL License. Please contact PPL direct if you have any specific queries: PHONOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE LTD 1 Upper James Street London W1F 9DE Tel: +44 (0) 20 7534 1070 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7534 1111 Email: ppmb@ppluk.com Music Videos – if you are intending to play a music video on your stand, you will require an additional license from Video Performance Ltd. ON-SITE HANDLING The following company has been appointed as the sole on-site handling contractor to the Exhibition. Based on information supplied by the exhibitors, GES Ltd will produce a time schedule for the installation of heavy exhibits and will advise exhibitors on all matters relating to shipping, transportation, and entry gate to be used. You are reminded that only the appointed lifting contractor is permitted to operate forklift trucks and other lifting equipment at Wales Millennium Centre. Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd Unit 27-29, Exhibition Way NEC Birmingham B40 1PA Tel: +44 (0) 121 782 4433 Fax : +44 (0) 121 782 4545 Email: event.logistics@ges.com PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM During the open period the Public Address System is for use by the Organisers for official announcements only. Any announcement requests should be directed to the Focus 2015 Secretariat at the registration desk. Announcements will not be made when presentations are taking place in the hall. REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS th Exhibitors must arrange for the removal of exhibits after 1430 hours on Thursday 11 June 2015. Any exhibitor who is unable to remove personal effects should contact the Conference Secretariat. 14 SECURITY A security service will operate within the venue throughout the tenancy, but neither the organisers nor Wales Millennium Centre can be held responsible for any loss or damage to exhibitor’s property. As well as taking out adequate insurance, exhibitors should instruct their personnel not to leave their stands with exhibits unattended at any time when the exhibition is open, whether during the installation, open or dismantling periods. Briefcases, laptops and mobile telephones are particularly vulnerable – safeguard them at all times. Portable items should be secured overnight and removed immediately after the exhibition closes when the risk of loss or damage is at its greatest. In the event of loss or damage, exhibitors should report immediately to the organiser with details of the loss or damage sustained with timings and a description of articles etc. SHELL SCHEME AND STAND SPECIFICATION GES Ltd has been appointed official shell scheme contractor to the exhibition. Please direct any queries relative to the shell scheme to the Focus 2015 Secretariat. Corner stands will be built with 2 open sides and adjoining stands will be built with a central wall unless otherwise specified to the stand contractor. All shell scheme enquiries should be directed to Meeting Makers. Edge Shell Scheme System PLEASE NOTE THAT BLACK SHELL SCHEME WILL BE PROVIDED Basic Shell Scheme constructed from the Edge system, consisting of aluminium metalwork, black foamex infill panels, ceiling beams, with one 1200x250mm name board on all open sides detailing company name and stand number. 15 Partitions Black wall panels 2500mm high (including top and bottom aluminium rails). Aluminium posts at 992mm centre (946mm x 2340 to inside of poles). Where sizes of stand are built of part metres, extra posts would occur. Floor Covering The hall will be carpeted with blue willow cord carpeting. Fascia The fascia will be black with white lettering stating the Company Name and Stand Number to each open side. Please complete the “Name Board Order Form” and return to GES Ltd. If you do not return this form to GES Ltd before the deadline, your company Nameboard will read as per the conference confirmation booking form. SHELL SCHEME STAND REGULATIONS All interior stand fittings must be contained within the shell stand structure and not exceed 2.5m in height. If you are building within the shell scheme please contact the organisers for accurate dimensions. When planning the interior of the stand, the exhibitors should take into account the following stand building regulations: 1. 2. 3. The organiser will be responsible for the official identification and numbering of the stand, please see Name Board Order Form. Under no circumstances must the wall panels be punctured. Should this occur, the contractor will invoke an extra charge. Fixing may be double sided tabs, Velcro hook and loop or similar. Optional Extras – Details of additional stand fitting’s designed to be integral within the stand structure, are enclosed together with order forms to assist you in planning your stand. Complete the online order form and return to GES Ltd by the deadline date. No painting is allowed within the shell scheme. SMOKING POLICY There is a no smoking policy within Wales Millennium Centre. TRAVEL INFORMATION Here is some useful information on how to get to the venue. Arriving by bus For information contact: www. Traveline-cymru.org.uk Tel: 0871 200 22 Useful Links www.cardiffbus.com Arriving by train First Great Western run services between West Wales and London Paddington, stopping at Cardiff Central. www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk There is a shuttle service (Cardiff Baycar, service No 6) running from Cardiff Central station, which takes just 8 minutes to arrive outside Wales Millennium Centre. The Baycar runs every 10 mins. Exit to the rear of the station, and cross the car park to the bus stop, in front of by the British Gas building. Please note exact change is required for this bus service, currently £1.80 single or £3.70 for a 'Day to Go' ticket. www.cardiffbus.com/baycar.shtml Alternatively, if you prefer to book your train ticket through to Cardiff Bay, please change in Cardiff Central, going to Platform 6 for any train to Cardiff Queen St, crossing to Platform 4 for train to Cardiff Bay (every 12 minutes) which takes 4 minutes max. 16 Arriva Trains Wales Tel 0845 606 1660 www.arrivatrainswales.co.uk CrossCountry runs services to Cardiff from the Midlands, the South West, Manchester and the North East. Visit crosscountrytrains.co.uk for further information and to buy tickets (there's no booking fee and if you buy an Advance ticket you can print your tickets at home and select your own seat). crosscountrytrains.co.uk/ National Rail Enquires Tel 08457 48 49 50 www.nationalrail.co.uk Arriving by plane Cardiff Airport http://www.cardiff-airport.com/ Bristol Airport http://www.bristolairport.co.uk/ If you have any difficulties getting to the venue, please ring 029 2063 4700. VENUE Wales Millennium Centre Bute Place Cardiff CF10 5AL https://www.wmc.org.uk/ 17 APPENDICES Focus 2015 Handbook Entry Guidelines to be returned by 1 March 2015 Focus 2015 Exhibition Ticket Order Form to be returned by 11 May 2015 Focus 2015 Exhibitor Proforma to be returned by 11 May 2015 Focus 2015 Trainee Question Form to be returned by 11 May 2015 • AV Service Booking Form to be returned by 15 May 2015 • GES Ltd Electrical Order Form to be returned by 15 May 2015 GES Ltd Logistics Form to be returned by 8 May 2015 • GES Ltd Furniture Hire Form to be returned by 15 May 2015 • GES Ltd Name Board Order Form to be returned by 15 May 2015 • GES Ltd Shell Scheme Extras Order Form and Grid Plan to be returned by 15 May 2015 GES Ltd Payment & Credit Card Charge Authorisation Form Exhibition Floor Plan 18 WEBSITE AND HANDBOOK PROFILES Detailed below are the specifications for the Focus 2015 Handbook company entries. Company profiles will also be published on the Focus website. Please note the appropriate word length and guidelines below. The Handbook Editor will edit any submissions that exceed the specified word length. Submission deadline: 1 March 2015 Any submissions returned beyond this date will not be printed in the conference handbook. EXHIBITORS COMPANY NAME: COPY LENGTH: 100 WORDS CONTACT NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: WEB ADDRESS/LINK: SOCIAL MEDIA LINK: COMMERCIAL PARTNERS Commercial partners will receive an additional 100 words entry. COMPANY NAME: LOGO AS A JPEG OR TIFF: COPY LENGTH: 100 WORDS CONTACT NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: WEB ADDRESS: 19 EXHIBITION TICKET ORDER FORM Hard copy exhibition tickets are available for exhibitors to pass on to clients who may wish to visit the exhibition. The ticket allows those who are not registered Focus delegates to attend the exhibition only, free of charge. A PDF version of the ticket will be sent to the main contact. Company Name: Contact Name: Company Address: Tel: E-mail: Number of Exhibition Tickets Required: ______ Please return this completed form to: Focus 2015 Secretariat Sharleen Geddes C/O Meeting Makers Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow G20 0SP Tel: 0141 945 6880 Fax: 0141 945 6899 E-mail: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk Please return this form by 11 May 2015 20 EXHIBITORS’ PROFORMA Company Name Contact Name Address Telephone Email Please complete and return to the address below by 11 May 2015. One Free Registration included per 6 sqm. Exhibition Staff Please name all stand staff to be present during the exhibition. Please email any additional names and details to the conference Secretariat. 1. ______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ 8. _______________________________________ The main contact will be sent a separate registration link in order to register staff or guests for these complimentary places via the conference website. CONFERENCE LUNCH TICKET ORDER FORM Exhibition rates include for one free lunch per 6sqm stand booked. Please complete this form if you would like to order additional lunches. Lunch tickets will be redeemable at catering outlets within the exhibition hall. Number of tickets _________ at £14.40 (Inc vat) per ticket, per day Total Cost: £ _________ (Inc vat) □ If you wish to pay by credit card please tick the box and you will be sent a link to enter your credit card details into the on-line system. □ Cheques should be made payable to the ACB, please tick if applicable □ Please Invoice Signature: Date: Please advise us of any dietary requirements: 21 CONFERENCE DINNER TICKET ORDER FORM Number of tickets _________ at £60.00 (Inc vat) per ticket Total Cost: £ _________ (Inc vat) □ If you wish to pay by credit card please tick the box and you will be sent a link to enter your credit card details into the on-line system. □ Cheques should be made payable to the ACB, please tick if applicable □ Please Invoice Signature: Please advise us of any dietary requirements: Date: Please return these forms by 11 May 2015. Sharleen Geddes Conference Secretariat C/o Meeting Makers Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow, G20 0SP Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk 22 TRAINEE QUESTION FORM Please provide a scientifically based question about a product, service or technique from your company that you wish to highlight at the Focus 2015 exhibition which will then be compiled into a “questionnaire” that the junior members will be asked to complete by attending the exhibition. th A prize for the best response will be awarded (and consumed) at the conference dinner on Wednesday 10 June 2015. You can make the question as easy or challenging as you wish. The main point is they will need to come onto your stand to ask you questions to find the answer! Please turn by 11 May 2015 Company Name: Name of Person Submitting the Question: Question: Answer: 23
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