Organizational Manual No. 2 Organizational Information for PQ 2015 Exhibitors September 2014 1 Content: 1. Introduction 2. PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces 1. PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces - Instructions 1. Introduction 2. Reservation of Spaces 3. Payment of the Space 4. Construction, Installation, Deconstruction 5. Transportation 6. Insurance and Security 7. Sound Regulations 8. Live Events in Expositions 2. PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces - Technical Specifications 1. Introduction 2. List of PQ‘15 Exhibition Spaces 3. General Technical Specifications 4. General Technical Specifications for the Installation 5. List of PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces with Specifications (Appendix No 2) 3. Other Organizational Information 1. Contract 2. Accommodation 3. Catalogue 4. Descriptions 5. Registration and Entry Regulations 6. Author’s rights and copyrights 7. Sale of Curators’ Publications 8. Press and Promotion 4. PQ 2015 Deadlines 5. Contacts Appendixes: Please find all appendixes to this document here. 1. Map of PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces 2. List of PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces with Specifications 3. Preliminary Plans of PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces 4. Photo gallery of PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces 5. Fees for PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces 2 1. Introduction It is time to rethink theatre as ‘the last human venue’ – a place where living people have living connections and where large groups of people come to share realities: narratives and experiences as well as potential possibilities: fiction and fantasy. Prague Quadrennial 2015 aims to revisit the power of theatre and imaginary and to discover the powers and responsibilities of scenography that use, yet exceed the theatrical. PQ ‘15 aims to explore scenography as SharedSpace – space that influences (designs) relationships between people, space that provides room for relating, and more than anything space that provides a place for sharing – ideas, stories, and social responsibilities. PQ ‘15 aims to discover invisible scenographies – environments that influence us deeply even though they are intangible – by proposing Music Weather and Politics as the main themes for the Section of Countries and Regions. PQ ‘15 will happen in multiple venues in the very center of Prague, and invites visitors to think locally (exploring the specifics of the local) in connection with the city, both when working on presentations from their country and when exhibiting in the specific places in Prague. The full Artistic Concept of PQ’15 can be found in the Call for Applications for Countries and Regions. Organizers, please note that PQ ‘15 is inclusive and offers more projects for curators of individual countries’ representation. List of expositions/projects that country Curators can participate in: Section of Countries and Regions Music – detailed brief Weather – detailed brief Politics – detailed brief Student Section SpaceLab student projects Workshops Street Performances Disk Performances Space Exhibition Objects Exhibition Makers Exhibition Tribes Exhibition 3 Important information on individual expositions/projects: NEW Please note that deadline for applications for the Makers, Objects and Tribes Exhibitions as well as for SpaceLab – Disk and Street Performances is October 31, 2014. Find all necessary information and contacts on exhibitions/projects on PQ website. Please note that SpaceLab, the Space Exhibition, the Object Exhibition, the Makers Exhibition, the Tribes Exhibition and PQ Talks are curated. Commissioners and curators responsible have the right to choose, accept or refuse entries. The Music Weather Politics Commissioners (Section of Countries and Regions) do not have the right to refuse entries. Their briefs have inspirational purpose and the Commissioners will have a consulting and supervising role. Detailed information on the Section of Countries and Regions and the Student Section can be found in the Call for Applications for Countries and Regions (p. 12-17) NEW Please note that the Space Exhibition has a special exhibition design concept and its own specific rules, terms and conditions for participation, and that it will be spatially limited. The exhibition design concept and specific organizational information for the Space Exhibition are stated in the special Organizational Manual for the Space Exhibition that can be found on the PQ website. Please note that Countries’ Curators should send drawings, descriptions and types of exhibition units for the Space Exhibition to the PQ Organizers by September 30, 2014. NEW Each exhibition in the Student Section in Bethlehem Chapel Lapidarium will be located in a separate exhibition box provided by the PQ Organizers. If the Curator of the Student Section does not want to use the exhibition box, he/she has to discuss this first with the PQ Organizers (until September 30, 2014). Own constructions are not allowed. Depending on placing of the exhibition box within the whole exhibition space, exhibitors can be allowed to use some extra space around the box but they have to discuss such intention with the PQ Organizers first (until September 30, 2014). Please find the design documentation of exhibition boxes on PQ website. Specific information on the rules and conditions for Makers, Objects, Tribes and SpaceLab student projects can be found in the call for applications for each of these projects ( Important organizational information: Each participating country is responsible for the organizational, financial and artistic aspects of their own expositions in the PQ. The country Curator coordinates his/her country’s representation in the individual sections, and is responsible for negotiating all matters concerning the country’s participation with the PQ Organizers. All of the presented work should be no older than 6 years (except if the curatorial concept and theme make this necessary). 4 All exhibitions and projects are eligible for awards. In case your exhibition is shown at a venue outside of the area of PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces we cannot guarantee that the jury will be able to see and evaluate such an exhibition. Please read carefully the Statute and Concept of PQ’15, which contains the full artistic and organizational conditions for participation. Please also note that within the SharedSpace 2013-16 projects we have planned possible touring of the individual expositions from all sections and projects, mainly around Europe. Some of the expositions from PQ 2011 were exhibited elsewhere after the PQ. This has inspired us to provide a network of possibilities for the expositions’ continued life. Some of the organizational partners of the SharedSpace project have the space and finances to show some of the expositions from the Section of Countries and Regions and other PQ exhibitions in their countries. For this reason, you should think about the possibility of designing your exposition in such a way so that it (or at least parts of it) can be transported and re-installed. 5 2. PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces 2.1. PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces – Instructions 2.1.1. Introduction PQ ’15 moves into the very heart of Prague – the central area between the National Theatre and the Old Town Square. The series of spaces that PQ ’15 will occupy includes two baroque palaces, a former monastery building, St. Anne’s Church, the 19th-century building near Old Town Square where Franz Kafka was born, the basement of a house from the Middle Ages, a theatre academy, a unique gallery from the 19th century, the spaces of City Gallery Prague, and many more. The Section of Countries and Regions will be divided into multiple venues (several country exhibitions each allowing for visitors to have a short walk to clear their minds in between exhibitions. Student events and the Student Section as well as the Objects, Makers and Space exhibitions will also occupy individual spaces in the center of Prague (please see 2.2.2. List of PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces). We ask the Country curators to take into account the specific exhibition sites for individual expositions and projects when working on their presentation. Please note that each space has its own spatial, technical, and production rules for installation, so be careful when choosing your spaces. Please try to design your expositions to fit the space – traditional panel exhibitions are not suitable in all spaces. 2.1.2. Reservation of Exhibition Spaces NEW Final plans of the exposition spaces including information about allocation of all countries in the Section of Countries and Regions and the Student Section will be available on the PQ website at the end of September 2014. Countries’ Curators are required to provide the PQ Organizers with the theme chosen for their exposition (Music, Weather, or Politics), with the title and description of their exhibit, and to provide the PQ Organizer with visualization/sketches and possibly photos of their exposition as well as with the ground plan including all necessary details with dimensions (objects, screens, etc.) by September 30, 2014. In the Space, Makers and Objects Exhibitions, the space is assigned by the Exhibition Commissioner and PQ Organizers. 2.1.3. Payment of the Space In the Section of Countries and Regions and the Student Section, the PQ Organizer will provide exhibition space up to 20 m2 to all participating countries for the basic fee 200 Euro for entire space and whole period of construction, exhibition and deconstruction. For exhibition spaces larger than 20m2, the fee will be 120 Euro per 1 m2 above the basic space of 20 m2 for the whole period of construction, exhibition and deconstruction. 6 The fees for space include standard electricity input, free registration for Curators of the exhibition (max 2 persons, upon the approval of the PQ Organizer in advance), free registration for performers/speakers who are part of daily live events within the country’s exposition (upon the list of artists approved by the PQ Organizer in advance), 5 free daily tickets for each team, 1 pc of Catalogue for free and free entrance for technical team of each country during construction and deconstruction period only (upon the list of the team approved by the PQ Organizer in advance). The payment will be required by March 31, 2015 upon Invoice that will be sent from PQ Organizers in March 2015. The total fee for each specific exhibition space is marked in the Appendix No. 5 Fees for Exhibition Spaces. Exhibition spaces for the Space, Makers and Objects Exhibitions are offered free of charge. 2.1.4. Construction, Installation, Deconstruction We provided you with detailed plans and other technical information pertaining to your selected exhibition space in the Section of Countries and Regions and the Student Section by June 30, 2014. You should provide us with the ground plan of your exposition, with an indication of entrances (if you are preparing a closed exposition), and all other necessary details with dimension (objects, screens etc.) by the end of September 2014. Please include sketches and/or photos of your exposition. The country Curators are requested to consider the following three aspects when designing their exposition: the main theme of their exposition, its installation, and its contextual aspects. The individual Curators in the Section of Countries and Regions will choose one of the themes – Music Weather Politics (a combination of themes is also allowed). The Curators are also encouraged to take into account the specific site of their expositions and projects when working on their presentations, due to the architectural and historical specifics of the individual venues where the PQ will take place. The construction and installation of the expositions is organized and realized by the country Curators. If you are interested, you may order and use the services or equipment and materials provided by the official PQ construction company. We will provide you with their contact information and a list of recommended suppliers by November 2014. Most of the exhibition spaces are separate rooms except for the Church of St. Anne and the Bethlehem Chapel – Lapidarium and few larger rooms that will be separated into two exhibition spaces (please see the Plans of PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces in Appendix No 3). Please note that there will be no dividing walls built between your exposition space and the neighboring exposition. If building a dividing wall, you are required to design the outer walls of your exposition at your own expense and communicate with your neighboring countries to cooperate on designing the borders between your expositions. Please inform the PQ Organizer about such activity by September 30, 2014 at the latest. As some exposition spaces are walk-through, the passageway must be kept clear and has to be at least 120 cm wide. Mandatory entrances and passageways marked in the plans have to be respected. If your exhibition has more than one entrance and you wish to close the optional one, first you have to discuss this with the PQ Organizer and with your neighboring 7 exhibition. Please inform the PQ Organizer about such activity by September 30, 2014 at the latest. Installation work may not begin before 8 a.m. on June 13, 2015 and should finish before 8 p.m. on June 16. The dismantling of the exhibitions cannot begin before 8 a.m. on June 29, 2015. Please note that all exhibits must remain fully intact until the PQ Exhibition has officially ended. Disturbing or tearing down an exhibit or any part of an exhibit prior to the closing hour of the PQ Exhibition may result in a financial penalty from the PQ Organizers. We highly recommend you that your exhibitions will be accessible for handicapped. 2.1.5. Transportation In order to facilitate the organizational and technical issues associated with customs formalities and the transportation of PQ exhibits, we provide official PQ transportation services for handling all issues related to the transportation of exhibits. This company will be the only one officially allowed with access to PQ Exhibition Spaces. The transportation company will also provide storage spaces during the transportation. Contact information, instructions, and prices will be announced in November 2014. All PQ Exhibition Spaces are in Prague’s Old Town. Transportation in this area is very limited in terms of both scale and hours. 2.1.6. Insurance and Security We strongly recommend insurance for all exhibits in all sections and exhibitions. It is therefore necessary that you sign an insurance contract with your insurance company. Security The PQ 2015 Organizers will use a security agency and/or an electronic night security system to monitor the security of all PQ 2015 Exhibition Spaces. The security guards have the right to control the entry and exit of all PQ visitors and exhibitors. Insurance The extent of insurance provided by the PQ Organizers will be announced in March 2015. Generally, during the PQ exhibits will be insured against damage and destruction caused by natural hazards, and will also be insured against theft and vandalism. Exhibitors are obliged to take into account the nature and value of their exhibit and to secure it accordingly. Any exhibit components and electronic equipment that have not been properly secured will not be covered by the PQ insurance. Valuable exhibition pieces and electronic equipment should be firmly attached within the exhibit. The exhibits’ insurance begins the moment they are accepted into the PQ 2015 Exhibition Spaces. Exhibits ARE NOT INSURED by the PQ Organizers during their transport. 8 2.1.7. Sound Regulations The use of sound design, both in the exhibition sections and in other projects, is highly encouraged and recommended. However, the inclusion of any sound in an exhibit must be undertaken responsibly and should not in any way interfere with other sound designs or exhibits that may be part of the PQ. a. Use of sound inside of the exhibition, with the sound being reproduced alongside videos, photographs or other still images etc. - the use of headphones is highly recommended, especially when there are multiple displays with multiple sound sources within a single exhibit. This is important in order to prevent sound from intruding upon other exhibits and thus diluting the sonic message intended for these other displays. This will also prevent sound from other exhibits imposing upon your display. - If loudspeakers are to be used, then these should be placed in suitably soundproofed booths. - the volume of sound in any exhibit must be sensibly controlled; the PQ Organizers reserve the right to modify the sound level of any equipment if the volume interferes with other exhibits, presentations, or events. b. Use of sound design as a part of an exhibition/installation that is audible outside of the exposition or that is a necessary part of the installation itself - the country Curator is obliged to announce the use of any such sound design to the PQ Organizers. Please send a clear and detailed description, and if possible a sound sample, to the PQ Organizers. In such cases, the final sound design must be approved by the PQ Organizers, who will try to find the best space in which to locate such an exhibit. It is therefore recommended to consider all possible implications before reserving your exhibition space. If the sound volume during the exhibition is found unsuitable or if it unfairly imposes upon other exhibits, then the PQ Organizers reserve the right to modify the volume. NEW When having aloud sound in the exhibition (with no headphones), each country can use an aloud sound only for 1 hour a day in total (for example 1 hour straight or 6x10 minutes a day etc.). Individual countries’ expositions are not allowed to disturb neighboring expositions. Each country takes responsibility for not following the sound regulations and disturbing other expositions. Please consult with the PQ team ( about the sound design elements of your exposition. 2.1.8. Live Events in Expositions Live events in the expositions, such as talks, workshops, performances and interactive installations, as well as cocktail parties (‘Days of Countries and Regions’) are welcome as long as they are connected to the concept of the exhibition. All events must take place only inside the individual countries’ expositions and are not allowed to disturb neighboring expositions. Please note that there are strict sound rules for the noise coming out of the expositions 9 (please see 2.1.8 Sound Regulations). Countries’ Curators should inform the PQ Organizers about all such activities by February 28, 2015 (an application form will be available late 2014). Please be informed that live events in expositions will be made public by PQ within PQ online program (not in the PQ official printed program). We recommend that you promote your live events within your exposition stand as well. If you will not inform us about live events in your exposition within the above mentioned deadline, the information will not be made public within the PQ online program. All live events must be approved by the PQ team. Where needed, catering services for live events will be provided by the official catering company. Contact information and a price list will be announced in April 2015. 2.2. PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces – Technical Specifications 2.2.1. Introduction Almost all of the exhibition spaces are registered historical landmarks. Please note that in view of the nature of the various exhibition spaces, installation will be more difficult in terms of delivery access to the various exhibition spaces. Especially for larger and heavier items, deliveries will be significantly more complicated. The historical buildings do not possess elevators, and there are also limitations resulting from narrow corridors and stairwells. We thus recommend using light installations or installations that are easily taken apart into smaller pieces. Please note that each space has its own spatial, technical, and production rules for installation, so be careful when choosing your spaces. Please try to design your expositions to fit the space – traditional panel exhibitions are not suitable in all spaces. 2.2.2. List of PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces: A = Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace (Section of Countries and Regions) B = Clam-Gallas Palace (Section of Countries and Regions and the Space Exhibition) C = Prague Crossroads / Church of St. Anne (Section of Countries and Regions) D = Gallery at Bethlehem Chapel (the Makers Exhibition) E = CTU – Bethlehem Chapel – Lapidarium (Student Section) F = Topič Salon (Section of Countries and Regions) G = Kafka’s House (Section of Countries and Regions and the Student Section) Please see Appendix No. 2 for a detailed description of each Exhibition Space, Appendix No. 3 for plans of each space, and Appendix No. 4 for a Photo gallery of PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces. 2.2.3. General Technical Specifications for all PQ Exhibition Spaces The general technical specifications are as follows: 10 the maximum floor load in most of exhibition spaces is 200 kg/m2, exceptions are Clam- Gallas palace where maximum floor load is 125kg/m2 and Colloredo-Mansfeld palace 3rd floor where maximum floor load is 150kg/m2. Please see Appendix No. 2 for detailed information; dust-producing installation work such as wood cutting, planing, sanding, drilling, etc. is allowed only with effective dust exhaustion and must be consulted with the PQ Organizers in advance; steel structures whose surface is not coated must be isolated from the flooring; when using self-adhesive tapes (esp. carpet tapes) on the flooring, paper tape should be used as an underlayer. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO: hang objects on the ceiling or the walls, even use of adhesive gum for posters; hammer or screw into the flooring; place sand, soil or grass on the flooring (not even if protected by sheets of plastic); varnish, paint or spray on the walls or floors; smoke anywhere in the building or use an open fire; use water or any other liquid in contact with any part of the Exhibition Space. NEW Cover or remove markings of emergency exits a fire escape plans or fireextinguishers. 2.2.4. General Technical Specifications for the Installation for all PQ Exhibition Spaces Exhibition Spaces are marked with numbers and letters according to their location; The height of the exhibit differs in each Exhibition Space, even in each space. Please see the plans and List of PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces with Specifications for specific details (ceiling height of each exhibition space). The height of the exhibit should be at least 0.5 m shorter than actual ceiling height. All the hanging objects (chandeliers, lamps etc.) must be respected. If any exhibition is walk-through, the passageway has to be at least 120 cm wide. Entrances and passageways marked in the plans have to be respected. If your exhibition has more than one entrance and you wish to close one of them, you have to discuss this first with PQ Organizer and with your neighbouring exhibition as well. In most of the PQ’ 15 Exhibition Spaces the electrical input for each exhibition room is 2 kW/230 V (exceptions are Bethlehem Chapel – Lapidarium and the Topič salon – please see Appendix No. 2 for detailed information). The fee for the standard electricity input is included in the fee for the exhibition space. If you need a greater input, you will have to order this service and indicate this information in the plan. The use of any other special electrical appliances must be discussed with the PQ Organizer well in advance. If you have other electricity requests or demands for your exhibit, such as the use of special electrical equipment or you need greater input, this requires the consent of the PQ Organizers. Please consult this matter with the PQ Organizers and include these details in your exhibit plan. NEW All locations are equipped with electrical outlets type CEE7 standard sheet XVII / IEC884-1 European plug, CEE 7/16 "Europlug" EN50075. Please note the different 11 standards of sockets and voltage in different countries and have the adapter prepared if necessary. Access to most of the spaces is very difficult. Almost none of the exhibition spaces have elevators, meaning that exhibition materials must be delivered manually, using stairways only (usually quite narrow). Internet connection will be provided in all exhibition spaces (wi-fi). Air-conditioning is not installed in most of the spaces. You are kindly asked to provide us with a ground plan of your exhibit including all necessary details with dimensions (objects, screens, etc.) by September 30, 2014. 2.2.5. List of PQ’15 Exhibition Spaces with Specifications – Please see Appendix No. 2 3. Other Organizational Information 3.1. Contract The contract between each country (represented by the responsible institution/country’s Curator) and the PQ Organizers specifying all the conditions for participating in the PQ 2015 will be sent to all Exhibitors by January 31, 2015. The contract must be signed by the Exhibitor and sent back to the PQ office before March 1, 2015. If the contract is not signed the Exhibitor will not be provided with an exhibition space. 3.2. Accommodation In order to facilitate the accommodation needs of PQ guests, visitors and participants, we will ensure that the accommodation agency will provide you with a good range of hotels, pensions, and hostels available in Prague. Detailed information and contacts will be announced in November, 2014. The selected accommodation agency will provide you with more details about accommodation in various hotel categories, as well as additional information about other activities you may wish to partake in outside the activities of the PQ, including sightseeing tours in and out of Prague. 3.3. Catalogue An important aspect of the PQ is the Catalogue that accompanies the event. Each Curator will be provided with the address, password and detailed instructions in October 2014 and will have access to the on-line data entry form that can be filled in and updated at any time until the end of January 2015. The curator of each country and section guarantees the validity of the completed information. The curators are responsible for the accuracy of the text (spelling, dates, etc.) and information supplied for the catalogue. The PQ Organizers reserve the right to edit the text according to the needs of the catalogue. The participant gives the PQ Organizers the right to publish the received information and 12 pictures in printed and electronic format in the PQ 2015 catalogue as well as in other materials related to the Prague Quadrennial. 3.4. Descriptions Descriptions of country’s name Each country Curator is obliged to ensure a visible description of their exhibits in each section and exhibition with the name of the country in the original, English and Czech languages. Descriptions of the exhibits Each country Curator is also obliged to ensure the visible descriptions of all exhibits in all exhibitions of his/her country in all sections in English and Czech languages. Exhibits that are not indicated with the descriptions cannot be judged by the International Jury. Translations into Czech language will be provided by the PQ Organizers. Exhibits can also be indicated with descriptions in the original language. The description should be indicated in the following format: Name and Surname of the Artist (in bold) – Name and Surname of the Author of the Play (Work, Project): Title of the Play (Work, Project), Year of Premiere, Theatre/Institution, Place/City of performance E.g. Josef Svoboda: Alfred Radok – Laterna Magika I, 1967, Expo 58, Bruxelles The English descriptions should be sent electronically in MS Word and PDF file to the email address: by April 1, 2015. We will send you back the Czech translations in PDF file by April 30, 2015. 3.5. Registration and Entry Regulations Entrance to all PQ exhibition spaces during the PQ 2015 will be provided only with a PQ 2015 Registration card or valid ticket. Further information about the registration system and fees will be announced in January 2015. Staff required for the installation of the expositions (mechanics, electricians, etc.) do not need to register. They will be provided with a special entrance card valid only for the mantling and dismantling of the expositions. In order to secure a smooth installation process, you will be asked to send us a complete list of installation staff in advance. Participants who are mantling and dismantling the expositions and are also registered and have paid for the PQ registration card will be provided with their registration card from the beginning and therefore do not need the special installation entrance card. This registration card will also allow them entrance during the installation. Each country Curator will be provided with a free Registration Card for entire duration of PQ 2015. 13 3.6. Author’s rights and copyrights All Exhibitors are obligated to secure all author’s rights and copyrights for all exhibited components (photographs, video materials, film materials, music, designs, etc.) that will be on display during the PQ 2015 and in all sections of the PQ 2015, and guarantees that the PQ Organizers will not be held responsible for any claims made by any third parties. The Exhibitor authorizes the PQ Organizer with the right to photograph and document (in the form of video, audio or any other form of digital recording, etc.) the exhibition and its individual components for purposes of documenting the PQ 2015, for the use in future publications (either printed or electronic) prepared by the PQ Organizers in connection with the promotion of the PQ 15 Exhibition and for the future promotional purposes of the Prague Quadrennial as a whole (either in printed or electronic form or in organized exhibitions). The Exhibitor provides the PQ Organizer with the rights to the photographs and video recordings of the exhibit (or any part of it) for the Czech Republic and the rest of the world without any financial compensation. 3.7. Sale of Curators’ Publications The PQ Bookshop will offer the Curators the opportunity to sell a catalogue or other publication to accompany their exhibit. The conditions will be announced in March 2015. 3.8. Press and Promotion In order to present PQ accordingly to the media, we would like to ask countries’ Curators for their cooperation on the international promotion of the Prague Quadrennial in all participating countries. The PQ’s international PR team is now reviving contacts from previous years and we are looking for as many media contacts in your country as possible in order to spread information about PQ 2015. We are looking for contacts to media people in your country, including not only theatre media, but also fine art, visual art, culture in general, etc. The help of countries’ Curators and their teams is greatly appreciated. Furthermore, we would be glad if we could present the Prague Quadrennial and its concept and program for 2015 at any of your conferences/meetings/festivals or other events organized in your participating countries. The possibilities range from leaflets and handouts to live talks and interactive presentations. Ms. Eva Riebová ( is available for any contacts, questions, and ideas how to spread the word about PQ internationally. She will be distributing the press releases, photos, videos, leaflets and will give hand with organizing presentations of PQ´15 abroad. You can find the official PQ logo (as well as rules on how to use it) on the PQ website here. Countries´ Curators will be contacted by PQ PR Manager Eva Riebová individually by the end of September 2014 in order to see how PQ´15 could be additionally presented in each participating country. 14 4. PQ 2015 Deadlines 2014 pg. 30 September 2014 30 September 2014 30 September 2014 October 2014 31 October 2014 28 November 2014 November 2014 November 2014 November 2014 Countries’ Curators - Deadline for announcing the theme of their exhibits and for providing the PQ Organizers with a ground plan indicating entrances and electric sockets, incl. sketches and/or photos Countries’ Curators should send drawings, descriptions and types of exhibition units for the Space Exhibition NEW Final deadline for countries exhibiting in public space to provide PQ Organizers with all requested information regarding their exhibition in public space PQ will announce information about the Catalogue - password and instructions for the online data entry form, access to the Catalogue’s online data entry form will be opened Deadline for applications for the Makers, Objects and Tribes Exhibitions as well as for SpaceLab – Disk and Street Performances PQ will announce the results of the selections to Makers, Objects, Tribes and Space Exhibitions as well as SpaceLab – Disk and Street Performances PQ will announce the list of recommended suppliers PQ will announce detailed information and contacts for official accomodation agency PQ will announce information about the transportation of PQ exhibits and customs formalities 2015 7, 12 12 7 12 8 pg. January 2015 31 31 January 2015 January 2015 28 1 February 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 1 March 2015 31 March 2015 April 2015 PQ will announce information about the registration system and fees Countries’ Curators - Deadline for completing the Catalogue’s online data entry form PQ will send contracts to all exhibiting countries Countries’ Curators should inform the PQ Organizers about Live Events in their expositions programs including the Days of Countries and Regions PQ will announce information about the conditions of the PQ Bookshop Extent of insurance provided by the PQ Organizers will be announced Countries’ Curators must send the signed contract to the PQ Organizers PQ will send the Invoice for payment of additional space to the countries’ Curators Countries’ Curators – Payment of the space fee according to the invoice sent by the PQ Organizers PQ will announce the official PQ catering company 1 30 13 16 17 1828 22 29 April 2015 April 2015 June 2015 8 a.m. June 2015 8 p.m. June 2015 Countries’ Curators - Deadline for sending English descriptions of the exhibits to the PQ Organizers PQ will send Czech translations of the English exhibit descriptions to the Curators Countries’ Curators - the installation of exhibits begins Countries’ Curators - End of installation PQ 2015 Official Opening June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 8 a.m. 13th Prague Quadrennial NEW Awards Ceremony Countries’ Curators - the dismantling of exhibitions begins 15 13 12 12 10 14 8 12 7 7 10 13 13 8 8 8 5. Contacts Prague Quadrennial c/o Arts & Theatre Institute Celetna 17 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic Phone: +420 224 809 102 Fax +420 224 809 225 E-mail: Sodja Zupanc Lotker, Artistic Director Daniela Pařízková, Executive Director Marcela Straková, PQ 2015 Executive Director Alice Doleželová, Chief Coordinator Jan Mocek, Program Coordinator Karina Kotulková, Exhibition Coordinator Michal Zborník, Head of Production Michaela Buriánková, Assistant of Production Anna Hořejší, SpaceLab Project Manager Eva Riebová, PR Manager Eva Holečková, PR Manager Kateřina Krusová, Documentation Manager Petra Josefina Lubojacki, Assistant Nikola Matějková, Assistant For all questions and inquires, contact Alice Doleželová, Chief Coordinator. For all questions concerning Exhibition Spaces and technical information, contact Michal Zborník, Head of Production. For all questions concerning artistic and curatorial content, concepts, and programs, contact Sodja Zupanc Lotker, Artistic Director. 16
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