Visual Arts Center 2015 EXHIBITION SCHEDULE The National Art Exhibition 2014 Judge’s Award Camaro Red by Melissa Nece 210 Maud Street Punta Gorda FL 33950 941.639.8810 across from Fishermen’s Village updated 8-13-2014 2015 FIRST FEDERAL EXHIBIT SCHEDULE EXHIBIT Art of Photography Life through the Lens RECEIVING Fri, Jan 2 9am-noon AWARDS RECEPTION REMOVAL PUBLIC VIEWING EXHIBIT CODES VIEWING CODE Thurs, Jan 8 7-8:30pm Fri, Jan 23 9am-noon Wind and Wheels Fri, Jan 23 Representing Motion Caused by 9am-noon Wind or Wheels Thurs, Jan 29 7-8:30pm Fri, Feb 20 9am-noon Visual Arts Center Student Show Tue, Mar 3 For VAC Students, Classes or 9am-noon Workshops, from 2014 to Now Thurs, Mar 12 7-8:30pm Fri, Mar 13 9 am-noon Mar 5-12 A, F, O Winner’s Circle Fri, Mar 13 Art Council of Southwest Florida Fri, Mar 20 7:00pm Mon, Mar 30 Mar 14-28 D Elementary Art Exhibit Tues, Mar 31 Sat, Apr 11 1-3:00 pm Sat, Apr 11 Middle/High School Art Exhibit Mon, Apr 13 Thur, April 23 5:30 pm Thurs, April 23 PrimaVera … it’s Spring! Fresh & New Fri, Apr 24 9am-noon Thurs, Apr 30 7-8:30pm Fri, May 22 9am-noon Charlotte Academy Fri, May 22 Thurs, May 28 4:00-5:30pm Mon, June 1 May 25-30 D In the Wild Wildlife, Wildflowers, the Mystery of Mother Nature Mon, June 1 9am-noon Thurs, June 11 7-8:30 pm Fri, June 26 9am-noon June 3-25 A, F, O America Celebrates Anything Americana Fri, June 26 9am-noon Thurs, July 2 7-8:30pm Fri, July 17 9am-noon June 29 – July 16 A, F, O Surf, Sand & Shells Off to the Beach! Fri, July 17 9am-noon Thurs, July 23 7-8:30pm Fri, Aug 14 9am-noon July 20 – Aug 13 A, B, F, N, O Taking the Scenic Route Travel Memories Fri, Sept 4 9am-noon Thurs, Sept 10 7-8:30pm Fri, Oct 9 9am-noon Sept 8 – Oct 8 A, F, O Color Bold, Bright, and Beautiful Fri, Oct 9 9am-noon Wed, Oct 14 7-8:30pm Fri, Nov 6 9am-noon Oct 12 – Nov 5 A. F, O Harvest of Art Pick of the Crop: Bring in Your Best Fri, Nov 6 9am-noon Thurs, Nov 12 7-8:30pm Fri, Dec 4 9am-noon Nov 9 – Dec 3 J, O, P Generations A Time, A Person, An Event Fri, Dec 4 9am-noon Thurs, Dec 10 7-8:30pm Wed, Dec 30 9am-noon December 7-29 A, F, O Jan 5-22 A, G, O Jan 26 — Feb 19 F, J, O Apr 1-11 D Public Schools Apr 14-23 D Public Schools Apr 27 – May 21 A, O, P GUIDE TO EXHIBIT CODES A Judged Exhibit: All work that meets the criteria of the exhibit is accepted. B Only one exhibit (late summer show) permits the entry of copies of other artist’s or photographer’s works. These copies, rendered as studies, will be judged on execution and be eligible for an award of technical merit. The original artist must be acknowledged on the face of the work. D The Visual Arts Center is hosting this event or renting space to another group or organization. All regulations, times, fees and prizes are specified in their prospectus and supersedes any stated here. F Exhibit is open to all media. G Exhibit is open to either traditional or digital photography. J Juried Exhibit: A judge views the art received and may eliminate entries prior to hanging. Entry fees are nonrefundable. Eliminated work must be picked up the same/next day after being contacted. N This exhibit permits the entry of work previously entered into other Visual Arts Center exhibits, PROVIDED the work did not receive an award. O These exhibits are open to Visual Arts Center members and non-members. P Exhibit is open to all 2-dimensional media. PLEASE NOTE: * There is a 30% commission on all show sales. * Goff Gallery exhibited art work may be shown in other shows. * The Bowles Portrait Award may be earned at any of the Visual Arts Center Exhibitions provided that the portrait is a 2-dimensional, fine art presentation of a person’s (or persons’) face, or face and figure, that has been created through the use of direct hand skills. Thus, a photograph, computer-generated work, or sculpture would not be eligible for this award. This award, provided through the William and Suzanne Bowles Endowment for Portrait Excellence, is to encourage and recognize portrait artistry and individual portrait artists. If you have suggestions for improving our exhibitions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Visual Arts Center in person, by mail, phone (941.639.8810), or e-mail ( The Visual Arts Center is pleased to invite you to enter your works of art in our exhibitions for the 2015 season. The Board of Directors and the Exhibit Committee make every endeavor to provide a quality space and to promote the shows to the public. The above schedule may change—always check each show’s prospectus for receiving/removal/reception dates, prize information, accepted work changes or any other updates. Prospectus for each exhibit is usually available one month in advance, online and at the Visual Arts Center front desk. GALLERY & GIFT SHOP HOURS September—May June—August Monday through Friday Saturday Monday through Friday 9am-4pm 10am-2pm 10am-2pm INSTRUCTIONS & POLICIES FOR EXHIBITING IN FIRST FEDERAL GALLERY ALL WORK Receiving and removal times are between 9am and noon, unless otherwise stated. Must have artist’s name, phone number, price and title of work on reverse of entry. A maximum of three entries per show. Must be completely original. Must be completed within the last two years. Must be ready to display/hang per our requirements. The Visual Arts Center will not be responsible for works damaged through faulty display preparation by the artist. Artwork not properly ready for display will not be accepted. See VAC EXHIBITION DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS (insert), also available online and at the front desk. Must not have been previously exhibited at the Visual Arts Center (except artwork displayed in the National Art Exhibition, Visual Arts Center Student Show and/or in Goff Gallery group shows). The Visual Arts Center cannot provide storage; you will be assessed a $10/day storage fee if work is not picked up. Must not be removed prior to the completion of the exhibit unless sold and removed by purchaser; artist may provide a replacement. ORIGINALITY Only original works may be submitted to our shows (except one summer show). This means that the subject of the entry must be a concept entirely developed by the submitting artist and executed by his/her own hand. Duplications of another’s photography or art, whether by machine or paint, is considered copyright infringement and may not hang in the Visual Arts Center’s regular exhibits. Entries found to be duplications, as defined above, will be excluded from the show and any awards revoked with no return of entry fees. PLEASE BE ADVISED The Visual Arts Center reserves the right to make any changes in any of the above information and accepts no responsibility for undue inconvenience inadvertently caused by such changes or any error contained herein. PROSPECTUS Available approximately one month prior to each show, online and at the Visual Arts Center front desk. EXHIBIT COMMITTEE Do you have an interest in hanging, researching prospective jurors, policy issues, theme and scheduling? We can always use the input and help. Please contact us. VISUAL ARTS CENTER 210 Maud Street • Punta Gorda, FL 33950 • 941.639.8810 • Across from Fishermen’s Village
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