2015 ESSENDON ROYALS REGISTRATION FORM PLAYER INFORMATION SURNAME: FIRST NAME: GENDER: DATE OF BIRTH: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: MOTHERS NAME: POST CODE: MOTHERS MOBILE: MOTHER EMAIL: FATHERS NAME: FATHERS MOBILE: FATHERS EMAIL: FOOTBALL FEDERATION VICTORIA CODE OF BEHAVIOUR The FFV has a code of Behaviour governing all players, parents and spectators; a copy of which is attached. We, the undersigned, have read the FFV Code of Behaviour and agree to abide by this code. Failure to abide by the code may also result in suspension of Club membership Parents are responsible for all fines incurred by their child with regard to breaking the above Code of Behaviour. PARENT/GAURDIAN SIGNITURE PARENT/GAURDIAN SIGNITURE MEDICAL CONSENT AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION These details will only be used in an emergency if the Club is unable to contact the parent/guardian. EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME: (OTHER THAN PARENT) RELASHIONSHIP TO PLAYER: PHONE NO: (H) MOBILE: MEDICARE NUMBER: AMBULANCE MEMBERSHIP NO: EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS (EG ASTHMA, ALLERGIES) ** Please supply an asthma or anaphylaxis plan if appropriate ** MEDICATION DETAILS: I agree that in the event of an emergency where the parent/guardian or emergency contact cannot be contacted that the club may authorise a responsible adult to seek competent medical attention on behalf of my child. SIGNITURE: RELASHIONSHIP TO PLAYER: DUTIES AND VOLUNTEERS Each family will be required to perform a number of duties for their team/s throughout the season such as providing oranges, canteen/BBQ duties and match day officials. We are always looking for assistance at the club – please indicate if you can assist with any of the below: Coaching □ Assisting with Coaching □ Team Management □ Events □ Fundraising □ Sponsorship □ CLUB USE ONLY PAYMENT RECEIVED: Y / N AMOUNT: $ PAYMENT TYPE: CASH / CHEQUE PLAYERS PROOF OF AGE RECEIVED YES / NO DATE: Any queries regarding this form please contact the club President at michaelloyalroyal@gmail.com
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