2015 Registration Forms

Rocky View Rage Football
Player Eligibility Declaration Form
I/We, the parents (guardians) of _____________________________________ (the Player), a minor, hereby declare
that the information provided to Rage Minor Football Association below is true, accurate and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. Please check one box, or specify other where indicated.
1. Age
 Pee Wee (Players must be 12 years of age or younger in the calendar year of participation in the CPWFL).
 Bantam (maximum of 15 years old as of December 31st of the calendar year of which they play, attending
grade 9 or lower grades)
2. School
Bow Valley High School
Cochrane High School
Westbrook School
Mitford Middle School
Ecole Manachaban Middle School
Bearspaw School
Cochrane Christian Academy
Elizabeth Barrett Elementary School
Glenbow Elementary School
RVS Community Learning Centre
St. Timothy's School (or designated Catholic school)
Other, please specify: ____________________________________________________
3. Grade
 Grade 7
 Grade 9
 Grade 8
 Other, please specify (e.g. home schooled) ___________
By signing below, I understand that any information given falsely or withheld could affect my eligibility to play
minor football for the Rocky View Rage, in the Central Football League and Minor Football at the Alberta
Provincial Tournaments. Players not meeting eligibility requirements cannot play football for Rage.
Parent or Guardian (print)
Parent or Guardian (print)
Form F02-000 Player Eligibility Declaration Form
For Rage President Only:
© 2015. Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
Age Verified
School Verified
Grade Verified
Eligible to Play
Rage Minor Football
Registration Checklist
To complete your registration, please fill in and provide the following to the team manager:
1. Registration Form (F02-002)
2. Content & Release Form (F02-003)
3. Medical Form (F02-004)
4. Media Release Form (F02-005)
5. Player / Coach / Parent Contract (F02-006)
6. Copy of your player’s Birth Certificate
7. Payment (cheques made payable to Rage Football )
Cheque #1
Cheques #2/3 Volunteer Levy – Two cheques of $100 dollars – one dated September
1st and the other dated October 1st. Returned if volunteer commitment is met.
Cheque #4
Equipment deposit ($250 dated November 30th) payment; returned after
equipment is returned within 10 days of the end of the season.
Cheque #5
Football registration fee – Check Form F02-002 (more if after June 30th)
(Optional) $100 Rage Booster – Receive Rage T-Shirts.
8. Once we receive your registration, you will receive an invitation to TeamSnap™, an online team
management tool we will be using this season. Please accept this invitation and update your
information as soon as possible as this will be the primary way the team will communicate off
the field. Teamsnap will be used to keep track of who has turned in forms, when practices and
games are and who will be at each event.
9. Registration packages can be given to any coach, please contact us.
10. Mail in your registration forms at:
Rage Minor Football
P.O. Box 722
Cochrane, AB T4C 1A8
11. If you have any questions contact us at (403) 618-9905 or at info@rageminorfootball.com
Thanks for joining us in football this season.
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Rocky View Rage Football
Registration Form - 2015 Season
You are registering for Rage Football to play on the team checked below in the 2015 season.
You will also become a member of the Rage Minor Football Association and have one vote at the AGM.
1. Level of Football that you are registering for:
 Pee Wee (Players must be 12 years of age or younger in the calendar year of participation in the CPWFL).
 Bantam (maximum of 15 years old as of December 31st of the calendar year of which they play, attending
grade 9 or lower grades)
2. Player Information
Player Name: __________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): __________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________ Postal Code: _____________
Home Phone: ___________________________
Primary Email Address: __________________________________________
Alberta Health Care Number: ______________________________________
3. Contact Information
Father’s Name: ______________________________ Cell # _________________________
Father’s email: _______________________________
Mother’s Name: ______________________________ Cell # ________________________
Mother’s email: _______________________________
Alternate Contact: ______________________________ Relationship: ______________
Home #: __________________________Cell # ____________________________
4. Payment Information
Up to five (5) cheques could be required (made out to Rage Football):
1. Registration Fee: $375 (Pee Wee) or $450 (Bantam)
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Must be received and dated no later than June 30th, 2015.
After June 30th, 2015 fees are $400 (Pee Wee) and $475 (Bantam).
2. Spring Camp Fee: $75
Both Pee Wee and Bantam camp (per league rules) will end on June 15th.
Spring Camp is mandatory for all athletes at Pee Wee and Bantam levels at St. Timothy’s High School field.
This is to allow the teams to participate in Central Football League exhibition games in June 2015.
o If you paid $150 for Spring Camp, registration fee is $75 less.
3. Equipment deposit:
A $250 cheque dated November 30th is required; destroyed when equipment is returned.
4. Volunteer Levy: (Two $100 cheques for the season)
A $100 cheque dated September 1st, 2015. This cheque will be cashed if you have not fulfilled a volunteer
commitment for Rage Minor Football.
A $100 cheque dated October 1st, 2015. This cheque will be cashed if you have not fulfilled a volunteer
commitment before the season is finished; includes year-end banquet. These cheques are destroyed when
the volunteer commitment has been fulfilled.
If you’re not interested in volunteering, check here _____ /; make payable Sept. 1st, 2015.
Only one pair of volunteer levy cheques needed per family.
By signing this registration form I acknowledge that football played on this team is governed by Football Canada,
Football Alberta and Central Football League. The philosophy of each level of play is consistent with the philosophy
of minor football in Alberta and Western Canada. This is a competitive rather than a recreational league, but winning
is not the only or primary measurement of performance. As much as possible and reasonable, players will be given
an opportunity to experience positions on offense, defence and special teams however positioning of players will be
made by based on skill, experience, attention & enthusiasm.
There will be no refunds after June 30th, 2015*, with the exception of an injury and/or a doctor’s note, regardless of
receipt date. See Refund Policy on the website at: www.rageminorfootball.com.
Parent or Guardian Signature
Parent Name (please print)
Parent or Guardian Signature
Parent Name (please print)
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Rocky View Rage Football
Consent & Release Form
I/We, the parents (guardians) of ________________________ (the Player), a minor, hereby acknowledge that the Player
will be playing full-contact tackle football which carries inherent risks and dangers.
I/We consent to the Player's participation in such activity and any and all of the activities of the Rage Minor Football
Association (the Association) including practices, games, fundraising activities and other events and agree to assume all
risks and hazards involved in and arising out of such activities or the transportation to and from such activities.
I/We further acknowledge that the Player ceases to be under the supervision of the coaching staff at the end of practices,
home games, or when the team has reached the home field following an away game.
I/We hereby release the Association and all persons or associated groups assisting in the carrying out of the Association's
objectives (including, but not limited to the Leagues, organizers, representatives, sponsors, board members, coaches,
officials or other volunteers) from any and all liability for any injury or damages whatsoever arising from the Player’s
participation in this football program.
Further I/we agree to hold and save harmless the Association, and the persons or associated groups as listed above,
forever from any loss, costs or damage and from any claims, demands, suits, actions or causes of actions resulting from
the Player's participation in any or all of the activities of the Association.
I/We expressly agree that this Consent and Release form is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law
and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall notwithstanding continue to full legal force
and effect.
Parent or Guardian (print)
Parent or Guardian (print)
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Rocky View Rage Football
Medical & Treatment Consent Form
PLAYER NAME: ____________________________________________________________
Please circle the appropriate response below pertaining to your athlete.
No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No -------------No --------------
No -------------No -------------No -------------No --------------
Previous history of concussions
Fainting episodes during exercise
Wears glasses
Are the lenses shatterproof?
Wears contact lenses
Hearing problem
Wears braces or other dental apparel
Trouble breathing during exercise
Heart condition
Has had an illness lasting more than one week in the past year
Wears a medic alert bracelet or necklace
Does your child have any health problems that would interfere with
participating on a football team?
Surgery in the last year?
Has been in the hospital in the last year
Has had injuries requiring medical attention in the past year.
Presently injured.
Please give details below if you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions
(Use separate sheet if necessary):
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Recent injuries:
Any information not already covered:
Note. Any medical conditions or physical injury problems should be checked by your physician before
participating in football related activities.
I understand it is my responsibility to keep the team management advised of any change in the above
information as soon as possible.
I understand that in the event no one can be contacted, team management will take my child to the hospital
or medical clinic if deemed necessary.
I hereby authorize the trainer and/or coaching staff to undertake examination, investigation and necessary
treatment of my child.
I also authorize release of information to appropriate people (coach, physician, etc.) as deemed necessary.
Parent or Guardian (print)
Parent or Guardian (print)
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Rocky View Rage Football
Consent to Medical Treatment Form
I/We, the parents (guardians) of ________________________, a minor, do voluntarily consent to the administration of
such medical treatment deemed necessary or advised either by the team trainer(s) under the practices of standard First
Aid or by any licensed medical doctor for treatment of any injuries which may arise out of, or be connected with
participation in football activities with the Rage Minor Football Association.
I/We also understand that the trainers are not responsible for medical advice outside of their training or that their advice
does not replace that of a licensed medical doctor.
Parent or Guardian (print)
Parent or Guardian (print)
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Rocky View Rage Football
Media Release Form
In order to facilitate the functioning of the Rage Football Teams, images and personal information of a player
may be used in various methods. Public uses are listed below:
Use of player’s name, grade, age, or image (while on or off the field) for purposes of publicizing or archiving
Rage Football events or the recognition of players, either through the media or on the Rage Minor website
(www.rageminorfootball.com) Announcing of the player’s name at games Publishing the player’s name and
number on a roster for the spectators at games The taking and distributing of team and individual photos with
personal information for team mementos (e.g., football cards)
I/We, the parents (guardians) of ________________________ (the Player), a minor,
give consent
do NOT give consent
to the use of the player’s personal information and image as described above.
If you wish to restrict the use of the personal information or player’s image, ensure you have checked “do NOT
give consent” above. Please ensure the Team Manager is advised of your concerns.
Note: Rage Minor Football Association has no control over media who cover public events (e.g., games) on their
own. However, we will make every effort to respect the parents’ wishes by informing the media of specific
Parent or Guardian (print)
Parent or Guardian (print)
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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Rocky View Rage Football
Player / Coach / Parent Contract
1. Attendance – I will attend all practices and games. If I will be absent for a practice or game, I will let the coaching
staff know.
2. Respect – I will show respect for coaches, volunteers, officials and my fellow players.
3. Fundraising – I will assist in fundraising, as the football program relies on fundraising money to survive.
Whenever dealing with monies related to fundraising, I will hand in all money I collect and/or hand in all
fundraising property I do not sell.
4. Playing Time – Playing time is based on your performance at practice. Our program will balance the goals of
winning games and developing player skills during our games. Coaches are committed to ensuring that 80% of this
“play time” will be on an equal practice-time playing field.
5. Injury – Volunteers and trainers are not medical professionals. Any player injured on or off the field of play, and
requiring medical attention must present a note from a physician before being eligible to practice or play again.
6. Team Fees – All fees must be paid at the beginning of the season, and refunds are as per the Refund Policy on
the website at: www.rageminorfootball.com.
7. Policies and Procedures – I will follow the policies and procedures of the Rage Football. Student athletes are
representatives and ambassadors of the Rage Minor Football Association. Student athletes are expected to provide
strong examples of leadership and citizenship on and off the field of play. If a student athlete does not conduct him
or herself in an appropriate manner, the privilege of participation may be suspended or revoked by a coach. Players
are also expected to dress at the discretion of their coach for home or away games. All plays, playbooks and
strategies will be kept confidential. Lastly, I am responsible for the care of my equipment.
By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understand this contract. I agree that any failure to abide by this
contract may have consequences including expulsion from the team. I understand that as a member of Rage
Football I am an ambassador for the team and the organization.
Parent or Guardian (print)
Parent or Guardian (print)
Form F02-001 Player Registration
© 2015 Rage Minor Football. All Rights Reserved.
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