The Attingham Trust 6th -15th September 2015 ROYAL COLLECTION STUDIES THE ATTINGHAM TRUST FOR THE STUDY OF HISTORIC HOUSES AND COLLECTIONS ENROLMENT AND FEES In 2015 The Attingham Trust will run three other courses: FULL DETAILS AND APPLICATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM WWW. ATTINGHAMTRUST. ORG THE ATTINGHAM STUDY PROGRAMME is concerned with the study of country houses and collections. A residential course, it is held annually, either in Britain or often abroad. In June 2015 the Study Programme will be based in the Czech Republic. R COLLECTION STUDIES is an intensive residential course based at Cumberland Lodge in the centre of Windsor Great Park.This former Royal residence is now a well equipped and comfortable conference centre. Applications from the United States: Forms are available from the website or from Cheryl Hageman, Administrative Director, American Friends of Attingham, 307 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1201, New York, NY 10001, USA. Email: THE 64th ATTINGHAM SUMMER SCHOOL will take place in July.The course is an intensive 18-day residential study programme which provides members with the chance to visit some 25 historic houses in three separate areas of Britain.The visits, accompanied by expert tutors, are complemented by daily lectures and seminars. The School runs from 6th - 15th September. It is open to all. In selecting for the 30 places available, priority is given to those with some specialised knowledge of British architecture, history, or the fine and decorative arts. The programme is very comprehensive and physically strenuous. Applications from Britain, Europe & all other countries: Forms are available from the website or from Sara Heaton, Administrator, 18 First Street, London, SW3 2LD. E-mail: FRENCH EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY STUDIES is offered for the third time in October at the Wallace Collection with intense object-based study, handling sessions and a look at behind-the-scenes conservation. For further details of all Attingham Trust courses please refer to or contact Rebecca Parker : or for American Friends of Attingham, Cheryl Hageman: OYAL For the cost of the 10-day School, please refer to the website. The fee includes accommodation, meals, tuition, admissions, guide-books, and travel by private coach. SCHOLARSHIP assistance is available whenever possible and in exceptional cases full scholarships are given. Applicants will be asked to supply a short statement of financial need. All candidates will be asked to submit a statement giving reasons why they wish to attend, and two letters of reference. The acceptance of completed applications closes on 15th February 2015, and all candidates will be notified by 31st March 2015. Full payment of fees will be due by 31st May 2015. Participants are strongly advised to insure against cancellation as no refunds can be made once a place has been confirmed. ROYAL COLLECTION STUDIES R OYA L stablished in 1996, ROYAL COLLECTION STUDIES is an annual course organised on behalf of Royal Collection Trust by The Attingham Trust, which has run successful summer schools since 1952. Based near Windsor it studies the patronage and collecting of the Kings and Queens of England from the 15th century onwards. The teaching includes lectures and tutorials, as well as visits to both the occupied and unoccupied palaces in and around London. Since the school is held when the Royal Family is not in residence, WINDSOR C ASTLE forms the central theme. Regular visits are also made to study the architecture and contents of other palaces, generally outside normal opening hours. E CHAIRMAN John Lewis, OBE DIRECTOR Giles Waterfield, FSA ADMINISTRATOR Sara Heaton ADVISORY COUNCIL Rufus Bird Charlotte Manley, LVO, OBE Jonathan Marsden, CVO Jemima Rellie Desmond Shawe-Taylor, LVO Annabel Westman, FSA Dr Lucy Worsley, FRHS T H E AT T I N G H A M T R U S T I S REGISTERED AS A N E D U C AT I O N A L C H A R I TA B L E T R U S T N O. 2 6 2 8 1 9 w w w. a t t i n g h a m t r u s t . o r g C o v e r I m a g e : P a u l S a n d b y, Windsor Castle from the Eton Shore R o y a l C o l l e c t i o n Tr u s t ©Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2014 C O L L E C T I O N A N D PAT R O N A G E I N 6 t h - 1 5 t h S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 5 The teaching is organised on broadly chronological principles, developing an understanding of the changing function and character of the Royal Collection through a study of the monarchs responsible for its creation. Comparisons are made with other European court cultures. The school looks at architecture, British and European decorative arts, paintings and works on paper, concentrating on the individual strengths of each period. The course is intended primarily for those professionally engaged in relevant work. Members of past programmes have been drawn from all over the world. Some scholarship assistance is available. The School begins at ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL and studies its association with the Order of the B R I TA I N Garter. At HAMPTON COURT, the Tudor and Stuart apartments are studied in depth. KENSINGTON PALACE gives an insight into the patronage of William and Mary and their immediate successors.The exuberant patronage of George IV takes the school to the State Apartments of WINDSOR and to BUCKINGHAM PALACE, where many early 19th-century interiors and their furnishings survive. Study of the later 19th century is concentrated at Windsor and illustrates the involvement in artistic and practical affairs of Victoria and Prince Albert. Lecturers and tutors include the staff of Royal Collection Trust and Historic Royal Palaces, and other specialists. The Course Director is Giles Waterfield.
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