collection 2014-2015 History & Craftmanship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Papillon, Posa & Lille table 18 Melissa & Versailles table 22 Jacob, Thomas, Christy & Herbert table 24 Jim & Maine table 28 Joe & Lille table 32 John & Maine table 36 Edward & Henry 38 Paul & Helsinki table 42 Pablo & Miro table 44 Marco 46 Melissa & Versailles rectangular table 48 Chester & victor 50 Sydney 52 Living. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Yoko Sofa 58 Butterfly 60 Joe Lounge 66 Cordoba 72 James Deluxe & Victor 76 Tokyo 78 Sydney XL 80 Francis 84 Sleeping & Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Palermo bed 88 Pookie & Mini Sydney 90 Nevada Headboard 92 Linen baskets 94 Outdoor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Gigi 98 Deauville 102 Nice & Nîmes table 110 Monte Carlo 112 St. Tropez 114 Product overview INDOOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Product overview OUTDOOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Index It is not wicker. It is Lloyd Loom! The history of woven paper furniture, by Vincent Sheppard 2 · vincent sheppard · our story A well kept secret Attractive and zeitgeist spring to mind – undoubtedly one of the first things to strike you when you look at a Lloyd Loom armchair. But you might not suspect there is a rich history behind these sofas and chairs. And yet, the roots of the Lloyd Loom chair go back to 1917! But that’s not all... Lloyd Loom furniture carries a well-kept secret. These refined, but extremely solid, stylish and comfortable chairs are made from plain Kraft paper! Yes, paper. So never say “wicker chair” to a Lloyd Loom – that would be doing it a disservice. Actually Lloyd Loom is the name given to the method and technique of weaving paper and steel on a textile weaving loom. The key to the success of Lloyd Loom or “Woven Paper” furniture can be laid at the door of the American entrepreneur and inventor Marshall Burns Lloyd. 1917 Marshall Burns Lloyd invented an entirely new paper weave, now called “Lloyd Loom” collection 2014 - 2015 ·3 The invention of Lloyd Loom Weave Wicker strollers and prams were one of Marshall’s development areas and although they were very popular in the beginning of the 20th century, they were also slow to produce and thus expensive. Furthermore, the rattan wicker would break now and again and wasn’t exactly a soft and comfortable material, especially for strollers. Marshall Burns Lloyd set out to create a weave which was not only stronger than rattan, but also looked better and had a much softer feel to it, to make the material very tactile. Finally, after various experiments the solution was arrived at by twisting and winding paper, known as Kraft Paper, around a fine steel wire. These paper-wrapped wires were then woven on a special weaving loom resulting in a fine regular and solid paper weave. Marshall called his invention “Lloyd loom weave”. This extremely strong yet flexible material allowed the skilled craftspeople to shape the loom over the pram frames and so producing a smooth and attractive finish. With this new technique production times on prams tumbled and all the negative qualities disappeared, leading Marshall to immediately recognise the possibilities of his invention for furniture production. 1922 A London merchant, William Lusty, applied for the UK patent. 1919 First Lloyd Loom objects were baby carriages. 4 · vincent sheppard · our story The rise of Lloyd Loom furniture In 1921, Marshall B. Lloyd sold his patent to an English furniture manufacturer, which started to use Lloyd Loom in an original manner to create a collection of typical English furniture. The characteristic Lloyd Loom chairs were soon all the rage in Europe, too. At the height of its popularity, in the 1930s, Lloyd Loom furniture could be found in hotels, restaurants and tea rooms, as well as aboard zeppelins, cruise liners and at the tennis venues of Wimbledon and Roland Garros. 1929 The Royal box of Twickenham rugby stadium was furnished with Lloyd Loom chairs from 1929 to1988. 1935 Interior view of the airship R100 furnished with extra wide Lloyd Loom seats to allow passengers to sit in comfort whilst wearing their overcoats, as airships were poorly heated. collection 2014 - 2015 ·5 Vintage products In the years that followed the characteristic Lloyd Loom chairs never lost their appeal and the iconic furniture remained popular among people ‘in the know’. In England, Lloyd Loom furniture often turns up for sale at fine auctions. Even after decades of daily use, the lacquered strong woven paper retains its fine appearance, and it has made this furniture to collector’s items. 1940 Disaster struck, the end of the first large scale Lloyd Loom furniture manufacture. 6 · vincent sheppard · our story 1956 Marilyn Monroe with husband Arthur Miller, July 1956 on a Lloyd Loom chair in London Airport. collection 2014 - 2015 ·7 Picking up the thread In 1992 the Belgian company Vincent Sheppard decided to pick up the thread of this remarkable tradition and craftsmanship. Vincent Sheppard created a dazzling collection of contemporary furniture that blended classic lines with elegant innovation. The success is immense. Not wanting to take half measures the company strived to control not only the design of the furniture but also the entire production process. By setting up a private production facility in Cirebon, Indonesia, Vincent Sheppard eventually became one of the very few vertically integrated Lloyd Loom manufacturers. 1995 Vincent Sheppard builds a Lloyd Loom factory in Cirebon, Indonesia. 1992 Establishment of an import business of Lloyd Loom furniture. 2002 Development of an outdoor collection produced with special treated Lloyd Loom. collection 2014 - 2015 ·9 Hand made furniture In the fully owned production facility in Cirebon, Indonesia, more than 300 skilled workers hand make the furniture. Indonesia is the natural home of rattan and the Cirebon area has a celebrated tradition of hand making furniture with rattan. The origin of all raw materials is controlled which enabled VS to attain the FSC label in 2013. Characteristic for the Vincent Sheppard philosophy is that both the chair frames and the Lloyd Loom weave are produced in-house! Attention to detail is emphasized throughout the entire production process resulting in an exceptionally high level of quality. Remember, each piece of furniture is handmade. 2006 The production plant in Indonesia is extended to occupy over 20,000sqm with a skilled workforce of 390 people and 3 state of the art weaving machines. 2010 Vincent Sheppard opens an upholstery workshop. All Vincent Sheppard Deluxe chairs are upholstered using the time honoured skills and finest materials. 12 · vincent sheppard · our story The legacy of woven paper furniture Vincent Sheppard continues to stay true to the tradition of Lloyd Loom by continuously reinterpreting the legacy of woven paper furniture. It has been said that Vincent Sheppard reinvented Lloyd Loom by introducing imaginative designs that combine tradition and modernity. Through the years Vincent Sheppard has become a distinctively global brand. Today you will find Vincent Sheppard furniture in restaurants and hotels from Hong Kong to Hawaii, Sri Lanka to the South Pacific, Portugal to Poland, GB to Greece, Switzerland to Sweden, Belgium to Bahrain and the golf clubs of France, Morocco, Portugal and numerous other locations. Whether for dining or lounging, for indoors or outdoors: with each piece of Vincent Sheppard craftsmanship, the legacy of woven paper furniture lives on. 2013 Vincent Sheppard is certified by the Forest Sterwardship Council, a symbol of environmental, social and economic sustainability. A great reward for our efforts in creating comfortable, stylish and eco-friendly furniture! 2011 Rattan is making a comeback. Vincent Sheppard creates new elegant rattan seating, combining craftsmanship, modern design and legendary seating comfort. 2014 Launch of 2 new brands Vincent’s garden for outdoor living and our experimental collection Atelier n/7. collection 2014 - 2015 · 13 Indoor quality Legendary seating comfort. Available in 25 standard colors or in any RAL color. Lloyd Loom weave is made from Kraft paper woven around a steel wire. Ages beautifully. Lloyd Loom weave exists since 1917 and is strong and durable. Easy to clean with a moist towel. The weave is smooth and does not scratch or snag clothing. 14 NL: Met kraftpapier omwikkelde metaalkern zorgt voor sterkte en veerkracht. • Lloyd Loom weefsel bestaat sinds 1917 en is stevig en duurzaam. • Gemakkelijk te reinigen met vochtige doek. • Krast niet of hapert niet aan kledij. • Legendarisch zitcomfort. • Verkrijgbaar in 25 standaard kleuren of elk RAL kleur. • Krijgt mooie patine door gebruik. D: Metal seele mit Kraftpapier umwickelt für Dauerhaftigkeit und Widerstand. • Lloyd Loom Gewebe besteht seit 1917 und ist kräftig und beständig. • Einfach zu reinigen mit feuchtem Tuch. • Glattes, gleichmässiges Gewebe, macht keine Kratzer und beschädigt keine Kleidung. • Legendäres Sitzcomfort. • Erhältlich in 25 Farben. • Bekommt eine schöne Patina durch Gebrauch. FR: Noyau métallique avec revêtement en papier Kraft assure résistance et résilience. • Le tressage Lloyd Loom, connu pour sa solidité et sa résistance, existe depuis 1917. • Facile à entretenir (nettoyage à l’aide d’un chiffon humide). • Lisse, ce tissage n’érafle et ne provoque nullement d’accrocs aux vêtements. • Assise de comfort légendaire. • Large choix de 25 couleurs standards ou chaque couler RAL. • Se patine harmonieusement à l’usage. ES: Núcleo de metal creado con papel kraft que garantiza una fuerte flexibilidad. • La fibra Lloyd Loom existe desde el año 1917 y es resistente y duradera. • Fácil limpiar con un paño húmedo. • Es flexible, no araña ni provoca desperfectos en la tela. • Comodidad legendaria. • Disponible en 25 atractivos colores. • El uso le confiere una bonita pátina. · vincent sheppard · our loom Outdoor quality Heat, shine and weatherproof. Smooth, even Lloyd Loom weave will not crack, bend, or deform. Does not scratch or snag clothing. Treated for outdoor and indoor use. Finish is easy to touch-up or repaint. Easy maintenance: clean with a moist towel. Rigid ultralight aluminium frames. Treated weave for moisture resistance. NL: Sterk maar uiterst licht aluminium kader. • De afwerking is makkelijk bij te werken of te herschilderen. • Krast niet of hapert niet aan kledij. • Hitte-, zon- en weersbestendig. • Is soepel, barst, buigt noch vervormt. • Aluminium voeteinden met nylon beschermdoppen. • Met vezel omwikkelde metaalkern voor sterkte en veerkracht. • Ontworpen voor gebruik zowel binnen als buiten. • Gemakkelijk te onderhouden (met vochtige doek). • Behandelde loom voor vochtresistentie. FR: Structure en aluminium rigide ultra légère. • Une finition simple à retoucher ou repeindre. • N’érafle et ne provoque nullement d’accrocs aux vêtements. • Résistant à la chaleur, à la décoloration et aux intempéries. • Lisse, ce tressage ne fissure pas, ne se plie pas et ne se déforme pas. • Embouts de pieds aluminium posés sur galets en nylon. • Noyau métallique avec revêtement en fibre assurant résistance et résilience. Conçu pour application extérieure ou intérieure. • Facilité d’entretien (nettoyage à l’aide d’un chiffon humide). • Traitement résistant aux moisissure. D: Stabiles leichtes Alu Getsell. • Die Verarbeitung ist leicht zu überarbeiten oder neu anzustreichen. • Macht kein Kratzer und beschädigt keine Kleidung. • Beständig gegen Wärme, Sonne und schlechte Witterung. • Glattes, gleichmäßiges Gewebe läßt sich nicht knacken, beugen oder verformen. • Alu Verarbeitung an den Füßenden mit ‘Nylon Gliders’. • Metal Seele mit Fasern umwickelt fur Dauerhaftigkeit und Widerstand. • Gestalltet fur Außen und Innengebrauch. • Pflegeleicht (abwischen mit feuchtem Tuch). • Behandelt gegen Feuchtwiderstand. ES: Bastidor de aluminio, fuerte pero muy ligero. • El acabado es fácil modificar o repintar. • No araña ni provoca desperfectos en la tela. • Resistente al calor, al sol y a climas adversos. • Es flexible; no se rompa, no se dobla ni se deforma. • Extremos de las patas de aluminio con protección de nylon. • Núcleo de metal creado con fibra que garantiza fuerza y flexibilidad. • Diseñado para ser utilizado tanto en interiores como al aire libre. • Fácil mantener (con un paño húmedo). • Cinta tratada para que resiste la humedad. collection 2014 - 2015 · 15 dining Posa 18 · vincent sheppard · dining Papillon & Lille Table collection 2014 - 2015 · 19 Posa Bar Stool 20 · vincent sheppard · dining Papillon Bar Stool “ Life is like wine, getting better with age.” collection 2014 - 2015 · 21 MELISSA Melissa & Versailles Table 22 · vincent sheppard · dining collection 2014 - 2015 · 23 Jacob, Thomas, Christy & Herbert Table 24 · vincent sheppard · dining kind blaast soep collection 2014 - 2015 · 25 christy, thomas & jacob Lloyd Loom rhymes of course with youth and light-heartedness. These three models combine unpretentious playfullness with a noble and distinguished tradition. Jacob Christy CH E57 26 · vincent sheppard · dining 87 cm 57 cm 47 cm 46 cm DC E24 Thomas 89 cm 53 cm 46 cm 42 cm DC E25 87 cm 57 cm 46 cm 49 cm Christy & Berlin Table collection 2014 - 2015 · 27 28 · vincent sheppard · dining Jim & Maine Table collection 2014 - 2015 · 29 Joe 30 · vincent sheppard · contract Herdade da Malhadinha Nova Alentejo, Portugal Malhadinha Nova is a typical family farming estate located in the heart of the Alentejo. Guided by the dedication and passion of the new owners, the abandoned lands were transformed into a property capable of bringing forth traditional regional products of the highest quality. Wine, the pillar of Mediterranean civilization and culture, is the central theme at Malhadinha. collection 2014 - 2015 · 31 Joe Counter Stool BS E01 85 cm 52 cm 52 cm 67 cm Joe Bar Stool BS E02 98 cm 52 cm 52 cm 80 cm 82 cm 57 cm 62 cm 46 cm 72 cm 63 cm 73 cm 45 cm Joe CH E38 friends Lazy Joe CH E39 Joe Cocoon CH E59 89 cm 83 cm 98 cm 41 cm Joe Lounge CH E41 32 · vincent sheppard · dining 94 cm 98 cm 115 cm 45 cm Joe collection 2014 - 2015 · 33 Joe Counter Stool 34 · vincent sheppard · dining Joe “ A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” Tom Wilson collection 2014 - 2015 · 35 John & Maine Table 36 · vincent sheppard · dining collection 2014 - 2015 · 37 EDWARD The beauty of the Edward lays in its honest simplicity. Its comfort is meanwhile legendary. Henry Edward CH B01 85 cm 56 cm 46 cm 46 cm 95 cm 59 cm 45 cm 46 cm Edward HB CH B04 99 cm 51 cm 43 cm 67 cm Edward Bar Stool bs b02 38 · vincent sheppard · dining 85 cm 61 cm 68 cm 55 cm 46 cm 95 cm 64 cm 68 cm 55 cm 46 cm Henry HB Edward Counter Stool bs b02/1 CH B02 113 cm 51 cm CH B08 Richard Counter Stool bs b01/1 67 cm 36 cm 37 cm 67 cm Richard Bar Stool 43 cm 81 cm BS B01 80 cm 36 cm 37 cm 80 cm Edward Counter Stool collection 2014 - 2015 · 39 BLUE WATERS RESORT Antigua On the northeast corner of Antigua, where the Caribbean Sea laps against the shore, you will find Blue Waters Resort. This resort is the idyllic tropical paradise which every person dreams about. Over the years, Blue Waters Resort has earned an enviable reputation as being one of the Caribbean’s finest resorts. In the Palm restaurant there is in the morning a relaxed Caribbean café atmosphere, perfect for those who want to get their day off to a brilliant start. Enjoy breakfast on the terrace adjacent to the restaurant as the sun shines down. As night falls the Palm Restaurant takes on a more refined feel, bestowing the restaurant with a sophisticated atmosphere as you dine under a star speckled sky. 40 · vincent sheppard · contract Edward & Henry collection 2014 - 2015 · 41 Paul & Helsinki Table 42 · vincent sheppard · dining collection 2014 - 2015 · 43 Pablo & Miro Table 44 · vincent sheppard · dining Pablo OA collection 2014 - 2015 · 45 Marco 46 · vincent sheppard · dining MARCO With its powerfully designed wave, the Marco brings a totally new dimension to Lloyd Loom. Surprising comfort combined with understated elegance. Marco DC E21 91 cm 58 cm 46 cm 46 cm 91 cm 59 cm 68 cm 53 cm 46 cm Marco OA DC E22 Claudia Bar Stool BS B03 111 cm 52 cm 43 cm 81 cm Claudia Counter Stool BS B03/1 97 cm 52 cm 43 cm 67 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 47 Melissa & Versailles Table 48 · vincent sheppard · dining collection 2014 - 2015 · 49 Chester & victor The Chester and Victor chairs are inspired by the 1930’s and the classic Lloyd Loom style, providing the original seating comfort and elegance. Chester CH C03 50 · vincent sheppard · dining Victor 83 cm 59 cm 68 cm 58 cm 46 cm CH C20 86 cm 65 cm 67 cm 68 cm 46 cm Chester collection 2014 - 2015 · 51 Melbourne DC E19 93 cm 59 cm 47 cm 46 cm 86 cm 60 cm 67 cm 65 cm 47 cm 87 cm 65 cm 67 cm 70 cm 46 cm Sydney CH E02 friends Sydney XL CH E10 Sydney Sofa TS E11 52 · vincent sheppard · dining 88 cm 68 cm 67 cm 137 cm 45 cm Sydney collection 2014 - 2015 · 53 Sydney 54 · vincent sheppard · contract Australasia Manchester A stylish but laid back slice of modern Australian life, down-under in Manchester. Australasia’s modern cuisine combines Pacific Rim flavours underpinned by European cooking tradition, a blend of Indonesian, Southeast Asian influences and Australia’s strong ties with Japan also help determine the taste and style. Australasia has been nominated for Restaurant of the Year and Bar of the Year in this year’s Manchester Food and Drink Festival Awards, the most prestigious food and drink awards in the region. collection 2014 - 2015 · 55 Living Yoko “ Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” 58 · vincent sheppard · living Yoko & Rozy Table collection 2014 - 2015 · 59 Butterfly & Rondo 60 · vincent sheppard · living collection 2014 - 2015 · 61 Butterfly Wing Chair 62 · vincent sheppard · living BUTTERFLY The Butterfly collection has everything it takes to produce a good feeling: gracious shapes and amazing seating comfort. More than enough to fall in love with! Butterfly CH E31 Butterfly Wing Chair CH E54 104 cm 85 cm 61 cm Butterfly XL 91 cm 62 cm 68 cm 59 cm 47 cm Butterfly Lounge XL 72 cm 43 cm CH E50 94 cm 86 cm 62 cm CH E49 95 cm 68 cm 70 cm 70 cm 46 cm Butterfly Lounge Sofa 75 cm 45 cm TS E35 92 cm 86 cm 63 cm 160 cm 44 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 63 Southern Ocean Lodge Kangaroo Island Southern Ocean Lodge is Australia’s first true luxury lodge, offering an unique and exclusive travel experience on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. Floating atop a secluded cliff on a rugged stretch of coast, the lodge commands peerless views of the wild Southern Ocean and pristine Kangaroo Island wilderness. Sensitive, intimate and sophisticated, Southern Ocean Lodge is a sanctuary of refined comfort and luxe, Kangaroo Island style. 64 · vincent sheppard · contract George Apostolidis Butterfly collection 2014 - 2015 · 65 Butterfly 66 · vincent sheppard · living Joe Lounge collection 2014 - 2015 · 67 Lazy Joe & Rondo 68 · vincent sheppard · living collection 2014 - 2015 · 69 Joe Cocoon 70 · vincent sheppard · living JOE The lightness of the (metal) frame and the precise curves of the Loom seating grant the Joe chair with a lavish contemporary grace and exquisite comfort, cherished by todays bon vivants. Lazy Joe CH E39 72 cm 63 cm 73 cm 45 cm Joe Cocoon CH E59 89 cm 83 cm 98 cm 41 cm Joe Lounge CH E41 94 cm 98 cm 115 cm 45 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 71 Cordoba & Cordoba Footrest Cordoba 72 · vincent sheppard · living collection 2014 - 2015 · 73 Cordoba The timeless yet clean-cut lines in contrast with the natural exuberance of the material, make of the Cordoba line a sparkling highlight of elegant design and contemporary feeling Cordoba Chair CH E19 81 cm 73 cm 67 cm Cordoba Lounge Chair 70 cm 44 cm Cordoba Lounge Sofa 2,5S TS E28 74 · vincent sheppard · living 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 167 cm 46 cm CH E30 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 76 cm 46 cm Cordoba Lounge Sofa 3S TS E29 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 200 cm 46 cm Cordoba Chair & Cordoba Footrest collection 2014 - 2015 · 75 James Deluxe 76 · vincent sheppard · living Victor XL “ Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Mark Twain collection 2014 - 2015 · 77 “ All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney Tokyo CH E05 72 cm 66 cm 72 cm 61 cm 42 cm Tokyo Deluxe CH E12 78 · vincent sheppard · living 73 cm 66 cm 73 cm 63 cm 43 cm Tokyo & Tokyo Deluxe collection 2014 - 2015 · 79 Sydney XL Deluxe & Rozy Table 80 · vincent sheppard · living SYDNEY a striking masterpiece of efficient design, that breathes cosiness, comfort and beauty. Either as a dining chair or as a lounge chair, the Sydney feels perfect in every interior. Sydney XL Deluxe CH E13 Sydney XL 89 cm 65 cm 68 cm 69 cm 47 cm 86 cm 60 cm 67 cm 65 cm 47 cm Sydney CH E02 CH E10 87 cm 65 cm 67 cm 70 cm 46 cm Sydney Sofa TS E11 88 cm 68 cm 67 cm 137 cm 45 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 81 THE PENINSULA Hong Kong Opened in 1928, The Peninsula Hong Kong offers 5-star service and old world charm on the edge of Victoria Harbour in Tsim Sha Tsui. In the hotel there is a Roman-style indoor pool, a 12,000 square feet spa and 9 award-winning restaurants and bars. Zanghellini & Holt Associates were appointed to bring a refreshed sense of colonial glamour and style to one of these 9 restaurants, the iconic Verandah Restaurant. The restaurant was extended to include a spectacular new buffet and private dining area and a cosy cafe area for high. 82 · vincent sheppard · contract Photo: Redha Bensalem Sydney collection 2014 - 2015 · 83 FRANCIS A crackling open fire, a good book and a glass of wine within arm’s length… it’s all you need to wind down after the action-packed work week. Anna CH E27 84 · vincent sheppard · living Francis 99 cm 66 cm 69 cm 58 cm 46 cm CH E28 Francis 2S 95 cm 89 cm 62 70 cm 44 cm ts e30 95 cm 89 cm 62 cm 160 cm 46 cm Francis collection 2014 - 2015 · 85 Sleeping & Accessories Lazy Joe, Cube & Palermo Bed 88 · vincent sheppard · sleeping collection 2014 - 2015 · 89 Pookie 90 · vincent sheppard · accessories Tokyo & Tokyo Deluxe pookie What’s experienced in the craddle, lasts till the tomb. Your little prince or princess will simply adore this Lloyd Loom kid’s throne. Not only its lightness, its seating comfort and its elegance is a delight, the strength of the material withstands all their games. Mini Sydney KC C04 62 cm 40 cm 46 cm Pookie 51 cm 28 cm KC C01 53 cm 47 cm 42 cm 28 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 91 Nevada Headboard & Pong Night Table Nevada What a relief to follow your dreams in the sophisticated and graceful luxury of a Lloyd Loom bedroom. 92 · vincent sheppard · sleeping Nevada Tokyo & Pong & Tokyo NightDeluxe Table collection 2014 - 2015 · 93 Kubo Linen Basket 94 · vincent sheppard · accessories Laura Linen Basket “ There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.” Conrad Hall collection 2014 - 2015 · 95 96 · vincent sheppard · outdoor Outdoor collection 2014 - 2015 · 97 98 · vincent sheppard · outdoor Gigi Lounge collection 2014 - 2015 · 99 GIGI A scent of lavender and old English roses or the soft whisper from waving gramineae, Gigi brings charm and comfort on every terrace and in every garden. Gigi GC G09 82 cm 57 cm 62 cm 46 cm Gigi Cocoon GC G14 89 cm 83 cm 98 cm 41 cm Gigi Lounge GC G13 100 · vincent sheppard · outdoor 94 cm 98 cm 115 cm 45 cm Gigi collection 2014 - 2015 · 101 Gigi Lounge 102 · vincent sheppard · outdoor Deauville Lounger collection 2014 - 2015 · 103 Gigi Lounge Deauville The timeless yet clean-cut lines in contrast with the natural exuberance of the material, make of the Deauville line a sparkling highlight of elegant design and contemporary feeling. Deauville Dining Chair GC G22 79 cm 62 cm 67 cm 59 cm 46 cm Deauville Chair GC G21 79 cm 69 cm Deauville Sofa 68 cm 42 cm Deauville Lounge Chair GC G24 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 76 cm 46 cm Deauville Lounge Sofa 3s GC G33 104 · vincent sheppard · outdoor 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 200 cm 46 cm GC G30 80 cm 68,5 cm 145 cm 42 cm Deauville Lounge Sofa 2s GC G32 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 146 cm 46 cm Deauville Lounger GC G20 90 cm 192 cm 50 cm 75 cm 32 cm Deauville Dining Chair collection 2014 - 2015 · 105 Deauville Lounge Sofa & Deauville Sofa Table 106 · vincent sheppard · outdoor collection 2014 - 2015 · 107 Deauville Lounge 108 · vincent sheppard · contract Grand-Hôtel du Cap-Ferrat Saint-Jean Cap-Ferrat This outstanding resort nestled by the sea at the tip of Cap Ferrat enjoys panoramic views across 7 hectares of unspoiled natural surroundings. The hotel is situated between Nice and Monaco and welcomes its guests in the utmost luxury and sophistication. Nicole Kidman is amongst others, one of the famous guests of the hotel. All suites are tastefully decorated by interior designer Pierre-Yves Rochon, with elegant and modern furnishings where you will feel instantly at home. collection collection 2014 2014 - 2015 - 2015 · 109 · 109 Nice & Nîmes Table “ Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.” Charlotte Whitton 110 · vincent sheppard · outdoor collection 2014 - 2015 · 111 Monte Carlo GC G04 82 cm 70 cm 71 cm 68 cm 45 cm 90 cm 62 cm 66 cm 56 cm 46 cm Nice GC G02 Ste. Maxime GC G05 112 · vincent sheppard · outdoor 85 cm 62 cm 67 cm 56 cm 46 cm Monte Carlo & Avignon Table collection 2014 - 2015 · 113 St. Tropez 114 · vincent sheppard · outdoor St. Tropez If you have ever been to Saint-Tropez, then you might understand the luxury and delicacy, the elegant and generous design of this chair. If not, you’ll just enjoy its comfort. St. Tropez GC G01 86 cm 58 cm 67 cm 64 cm 46 cm 93 cm 56 cm 47 cm 46 cm Monaco GC G07 collection 2014 - 2015 · 115 Product overview indoor 116 · vincent sheppard · accessories Laura Linen Basket Snow Sparkle Snow wash Broken white Oyster Cord White wash PA 03 Taupe Nacré Black wash PA 82 Aqua Grey wash Quartz grey Dark grey wash Black Caramel Walnut Clear Burgundy China Red Bronze Grège Espresso Acajou Wengé PA 20 PA 33 PA 90 PA 08 PA 06 PA 22 GENEVA FB 22 Caleido beige PA 94 PA 23 PA 86 PA 93 PA 01 PA 31 PA 13 PA 36 PA 96 PA 80 PA 32 PA 04 or simply choose your own RAL color FG 11 Moon White FG 22 Sandstone PA 26 PA 84 PA 07 PA 09 CALEIDO PA 10 FB 33 Caleido flax FG 33 Silvergrey FG 44 Grey FG 66 Havana FG 77 Paprika FL 22 Dark leather FL 33 Black leather Leather FL 11 Clear leather FL 66 Taupe leather collection 2014 - 2015 · 117 dining Joe* CH E38 p.32 82 cm 57 cm Joe Counter Stool* BS E01 85 cm 52 cm 62 cm 46 cm 118 98 cm 52 cm CH E43 p.28 Pablo 84 cm 59 cm 45 cm 46 cm CH E51 81 cm 54 cm 52 cm 46 cm p.44 86 cm 57 cm 44 cm 47 cm 86 cm 57 cm 67 cm 52 cm 47 cm p.34 52 cm 67 cm John** CH E56 Joe Bar Stool* BS E02 Jim** 52 cm 80 cm · vincent sheppard · dining collection p.36 Pablo OA CH E52 p.45 * Available with frame in shiny chrome, brushed nickel or powder coated black finish **Available with frame in shiny chrome or brushed nickel finish Butterfly CH E31 Papillon 91 cm 62 cm 68 cm 59 cm 47 cm 87 cm 57 cm 47 cm 46 cm Christy CH E57 p.24 CH M14 p.19 87 cm 60 cm 58 cm 46 cm 87 cm 54 cm 47 cm 46 cm Posa DC M04 p.18 Papillon Bar Stool BS M05 116 cm 49 cm Posa Bar Stool BS M06 81 cm 37 cm p.21 42 cm 81 cm p.20 44 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 119 dining Richard Bar Stool BS B01 Edward CH B01 Edward HB 85 cm 56 cm 46 cm 46 cm CH B04 80 cm 36 cm 37 cm 80 cm Richard Counter Stool 95 cm 59 cm 45 cm 46 cm BS B01/1 67 cm 36 cm 37 cm 67 cm Edward Bar Stool bs b02 Henry CH B02 120 Henry HB 85 cm 61 cm 68 cm 55 cm 47 cm · vincent sheppard · dining collection CH B08 95 cm 64 cm 68 cm 55 cm 47 cm 113 cm 51 cm 43 cm 81 cm Edward Counter Stool p.39 BS B02/1 99 cm 51 cm 43 cm 67 cm Melbourne DC E19 Louis 93 cm 59 cm Sydney CH E02 86 cm 60 cm 67 cm 47 cm 46 cm DC C08 p.53 Sylvia 65 cm 47 cm CH C19 Emile 96 cm 58 cm 47 cm 46 cm DC M02 84 cm 52 cm Paul 93 cm 63 cm 66 cm 64 cm 47 cm DC M01 47 cm 46 cm p.42 88 cm 56 cm 43 cm 46 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 121 dining Jacob DC E24 p.24 89 cm 53 cm Thomas DC E25 122 87 cm 57 cm Chester 42 cm 46 cm CH C03 p.24 Victor 46 cm 46 cm CH C20 · vincent sheppard · dining collection p.51 83 cm 59 cm 68 cm 58 cm 46 cm Emma DC E15 98 cm 60 cm 48 cm 46 cm 99 cm 66 cm 69 cm 58 cm 46 cm Anna 86 cm 65 cm 67 cm 68 cm 46 cm CH E27 Marco DC E21 p.46 91 cm 58 cm 46 cm 46 cm BS B03 111 cm 52 cm Melissa 43 cm 81 cm DC M03 p.22 90 cm 57 cm 46 cm 46 cm Claudia Counter Stool Marco OA DC E22 Claudia Bar Stool 91 cm 59 cm 68 cm 53 cm 46 cm BS B03/1 97 cm 52 cm 43 cm 67 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 123 Versailles table 125 x 190 Versailles Oval p.22 125 x 250 77 cm TA B34 125 cm 190 cm 100 x 160 Versailles Rectangular p.48 125 x 310 65 cm + 2 x 60cm 100 x 220 76 cm TA B46 100 cm 160 cm 100 x 280 65 cm + 2 x 60cm NL Kwaliteit massief eiken blad / onderstel in geschilderd hout Afwerking VA 901 geolied en VA 900 gevernist met matte lak Onderhoud Schoonmaken met een mengeling van water en een milde zeep. De geoliede tafel (VA 901) 1 à 2 maal per jaar behandelen met een onderhoudsolie voor parket om ze tegen vlekken te beschermen. FR Qualité plateau en chêne massif / piètement en bois peint FINITION VA 901 huilée et VA 900 vernis mat Entretien Nettoyer à l’aide d’une douce solution liquide composée d’eau et de savon naturel. Traiter la table huilée (VA 901) 1 à 2 fois par an avec une huile d’entretien pour parquet afin de protéger le bois contre les tâches. VA 900 VA 901 en Quality solid oak top / base in painted wood Finish VA 901 oiled and VA 900 matt varnish Maintenance Clean with a mild solution of water and natural soap. The oiled table (VA 901) should be treated with a maintenance oil for wood floors 1 or 2 times a year to protect the wood against staining. D Qualität massive Eiche ENDVerarbeitung VA 901 geölt und VA 900 ultra matter Wasserlack PFLEGE Mit einer sanften Lösung von Wasser und natürlicher Seife reinigen. Der geölte Tisch sollte 1 bis 2 mal pro Jahr mit einem Pflegeöl für Parkett behandelt werden, um das Holz gegen Flecke zu schützen. 124 · vincent sheppard · dining collection herbert table 23 cm 8 cm Herbert Table TA B62 TA B63 76 cm 76 cm p.24 90 cm 90 cm 220 cm 260 cm 70 cm 70 cm NL Kwaliteit massief eiken onderstel / blad in constructie van massief hout Afwerking gevernist met ultra matte lak op waterbasis (OA 11) Onderhoud schoonmaken met een mengeling van water en een milde zeep FR Qualité piètement en chêne massif / plateau en composition de bois massif Finition vernis ultra mat à base d’eau (OA 11) Entretien nettoyer à l’aide d’une douce solution liquide composée d’eau et de savon naturel EN Quality solid oak structure / top in solid wood construction Finish ultra matt water based varnish (OA 11) Maintenance clean with a mild solution of water and natural soap. D Qualität Beine Eiche massiv / Tischplatte Eiche Massivholzanleimer ENDVerarbeitung ultra matter Wasserlack (OA 11) PFLEGE Mit einer sanften Lösung von Wasser und natürlicher Seife reinigen collection 2014 - 2015 · 125 miro table OR 10 cm 17 cm Miro Table TA B53 TA B54 TA B55 p.44 76 cm 76 cm 76 cm 100 cm 100 cm 100 cm 200 cm 220 cm 240 cm 71 cm 71 cm 71 cm NL Kwaliteit onderstel in vernikkeld staal / blad in eiken fineer Afwerking gevernist met ultra matte lak op waterbasis Onderhoud schoonmaken met een mengeling van water en een milde zeep OA 11 NATURAL VARNISH FR Qualité piètement acier nickel / plateau en bois plaqué chêne Finition vernis ultra mat à base d’eau Entretien nettoyer à l’aide d’une douce solution liquide composée d’eau et de savon naturel EN Quality base in nickeled steel / top in veneer oak Finish ultra matt water based varnish Maintenance clean with a mild solution of water and natural soap. D Qualität Gestell in vernickeltes Stahl / Tischplatte in Eiche-Furnier ENDVerarbeitung ultra matter Wasserlack PFLEGE Mit einer sanften Lösung von Wasser und natürlicher Seife reinigen 126 · vincent sheppard · dining collection MAINE table 100 x 200 100 x 250 Maine Table TA B61 78 cm 100 x 300 p.36 100 cm 200 cm 67 cm + 2 x 50cm NL Kwaliteit massieve eik Afwerking geolied Onderhoud Schoonmaken met een mengeling van water en een milde zeep. De geoliede tafel 1 à 2 maal per jaar behandelen met een onderhoudsolie voor parket om ze tegen vlekken te beschermen. FR Qualité chêne massif Finition huilée Entretien Nettoyer à l’aide d’une douce solution liquide composée d’eau et de savon naturel. Traiter la OA 07 smoked oak table huilée 1 à 2 fois par an avec une huile d’entretien pour parquet afin de protéger le bois contre les tâches. EN Quality solid oak Finish oiled Maintenance Clean with a mild solution of water and natural soap. The oiled table should be treated OA 13 NATURAL OAk OIL with a maintenance oil for wood floors 1 or 2 times a year to protect the wood against staining. D Qualität massive Eiche ENDVerarbeitung geölt PFLEGE Mit einer sanften Lösung von Wasser und natürlicher Seife reinigen. Der geölte Tisch sollte 1 bis 2 mal pro Jahr mit einem Pflegeöl für Parkett behandelt werden, um das Holz gegen Flecke zu schützen. collection 2014 - 2015 · 127 helsinki table TA B32 105 x 201 TA B32 105 x 263 TA B32 105 x 316 TA B45 90 x 170 TA B45 90 x 223 TA B45 90 x 276 Helsinki TA B32 p.42 78 cm 105 cm 210 cm 67 cm 78 cm 90 cm 170 cm 67 cm + 2 x 53cm TA B45 + 2 x 53cm NL Kwaliteit massieve eik Afwerking geolied Onderhoud Schoonmaken met een mengeling van water en een milde zeep. De geoliede tafel 1 à 2 maal per jaar behandelen met een onderhoudsolie voor parket om ze tegen vlekken te beschermen. FR Qualité chêne massif Finition huilée Entretien Nettoyer à l’aide d’une douce solution liquide composée d’eau et de savon naturel. Traiter la OA 07 smoked oak table huilée 1 à 2 fois par an avec une huile d’entretien pour parquet afin de protéger le bois contre les tâches. EN Quality solid oak Finish oiled Maintenance Clean with a mild solution of water and natural soap. The oiled table should be treated with a maintenance oil for wood floors 1 or 2 times a year to protect the wood against staining. OA 13 NATURAL OAk OIL 128 D Qualität massive Eiche ENDVerarbeitung geölt PFLEGE Mit einer sanften Lösung von Wasser und natürlicher Seife reinigen. Der geölte Tisch sollte 1 bis 2 mal pro Jahr mit einem Pflegeöl für Parkett behandelt werden, um das Holz gegen Flecke zu schützen. · vincent sheppard · dining collection berlin table Berlin Table TA B58 TA B60 TA B59 76 cm Ø 120 cm 76 cm 90 cm 76 cm 100 cm p.27 160 cm 200 cm 67 cm 67 cm 67 cm NL Kwaliteit gerecycleerde teak met FSC label AFWERKING gevernist met matte lak op waterbasis Onderhoud schoonmaken met een mengeling van water en een milde zeep FR QUALITE teck recyclé certifié par le label FSC FINITION vernis mat à base d’eau ENTRETIEN nettoyer à l’aide d’une douce solution liquide composée d’eau et de savon naturel en QUALITY recycled teak with FSC label FINISH ultra matt water based varnish MAINTENANCE clean with a mild solution of water and natural soap. D QUALITÄT recycled Teak mit FSC Label ENDVERARBEITUNG matter Wasserlack PFLEGE Mit einer sanften Lösung von Wasser und natürlicher Seife reinigen collection 2014 - 2015 · 129 lille table 8 cm 120 Ø 120 x 170 Lille TA B47 120 x 220 p.19 76 cm Ø 120 cm + 2 x 50cm NL Kwaliteit massieve eik Afwerking geolied Onderhoud Schoonmaken met een mengeling van water en een milde zeep. De geoliede tafel 1 à 2 maal per jaar behandelen met een onderhoudsolie voor parket om ze tegen vlekken te beschermen. FR Qualité chêne massif Finition huilée Entretien Nettoyer à l’aide d’une douce solution liquide composée d’eau et de savon naturel. Traiter la OA 07 smoked oak table huilée 1 à 2 fois par an avec une huile d’entretien pour parquet afin de protéger le bois contre les tâches. EN Quality solid oak Finish oiled Maintenance Clean with a mild solution of water and natural soap. The oiled table should be treated with a maintenance oil for wood floors 1 or 2 times a year to protect the wood against staining. OA 13 NATURAL OAk OIL 130 D Qualität massive Eiche ENDVerarbeitung geölt PFLEGE Mit einer sanften Lösung von Wasser und natürlicher Seife reinigen. Der geölte Tisch sollte 1 bis 2 mal pro Jahr mit einem Pflegeöl für Parkett behandelt werden, um das Holz gegen Flecke zu schützen. · vincent sheppard · dining collection acCessories Brooklyn 60 CT C05 55 cm 60 cm Cube CT C06 Brooklyn 130 60 cm p.88 42 cm 40 cm 40 cm Ping Pong CT C07 CT C10 40 cm 70 cm 130 cm Brooklyn TV2 CT TV2 35 cm 45 cm 150 cm Brooklyn Console 51 cm 40 cm 37 cm 40 cm 53 cm CT C14 86 cm 34 cm 130 cm 42 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 131 acCessories Rozy Table S 42 cm Rondo 60 Oak Top CT C20 CT C19 132 50 cm GT R01: Black Top CT R01: Oak Top Rondo 60 39 cm Ø 60 cm Rondo 75 Oak Top Rozy Table M p.59 49 cm p.60 34 cm Ø 75 cm · vincent sheppard · accessories collection CT C16 32 cm p.60 39 cm Ø 60 cm Rondo 75 CT C17 111 cm p.59 73 cm Rondo CT C12 GT R02: Black Top CT R02: Oak Top p.61 42 cm Ø 38 cm Jersey 34 cm Ø 75 cm TA C02 60 cm Ø 60 cm living Butterfly CH E31 Butterfly XL 91 cm 62 cm 68 cm 59 cm 47 cm Butterfly Lounge XL CH E50 94 cm 86 cm 62 cm p.60 75 cm 45 cm Butterfly Lounge Sofa TS E35 92 cm 86 cm 63 cm 160 cm 44 cm CH E49 95 cm 68 cm 70 cm Butterfly Wing Chair CH E54 104 cm 85 cm 61 cm Victor XL CH C21 p.60 70 cm 46 cm p.62 72 cm 43 cm p.77 83 cm 61 cm 64 cm 73 cm 47 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 133 living Lazy Joe* CH E39 Joe Cocoon* CH E59 89 cm 83 cm Joe Lounge* CH E41 134 94 cm 98 cm · vincent sheppard · living collection p.70 98 cm 41 cm p.67 115 cm 45 cm p.68 72 cm 63 cm 73 cm 43 cm Joe Cocoon Deluxe* CH E61 89 cm 83 cm 98 cm 41 cm Joe Lounge Deluxe* CH E62 94 cm 98 cm 115 cm 45 cm * Available with frame in shiny chrome, brushed nickel or powder coated black finish Cordoba Footrest FR E17 44 cm 53 cm p.72 57 cm Cordoba Chair CH E19 81 cm 73 cm 67 cm p.72 70 cm 44 cm Cordoba Lounge Sofa 2,5S TS E28 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm Francis Footrest p.85 42 cm 61 cm 62 cm FR E18 CH E30 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 76 cm 46 cm Cordoba Lounge Sofa 3S 167 cm 46 cm TS E29 Francis CH E28 Cordoba Lounge Chair p.85 95 cm 89 cm 62 70 cm 44 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 200 cm 46 cm 95 cm 89 cm 62 cm 160 cm 46 cm Francis 2S ts e30 collection 2014 - 2015 · 135 living William CH B03 William Lounge 79 cm 70 cm 60 cm 63 cm 42 cm Sydney CH E02 136 · vincent sheppard · living collection 85 cm 83 cm 61 cm 72 cm 45 cm 87 cm 65 cm 67 cm 70 cm 46 cm Sydney XL 86 cm 60 cm 67 cm Sydney XL Deluxe CH E13 CH B10 89 cm 65 cm 68 cm 65 cm 47 cm p.80 69 cm 47 cm CH E10 Sydney Sofa TS E11 88 cm 68 cm 67 cm 137 cm 45 cm Tokyo CH E05 p.78 72 cm 66 cm 72 cm 61 cm 42 cm James CH B21 CH E12 73 cm 66 cm 73 cm James Deluxe 84 cm 64 cm 65 cm 68 cm 45 cm 70 cm 80 cm 170 cm 40 cm Yoko TS E36 Tokyo Deluxe CH B31 84 cm 64 cm 65 cm p.79 63 cm 43 cm p.76 68 cm 45 cm p.58 collection 2014 - 2015 · 137 sleeping Palermo Bed BE P10 BE P12 BE P14 BE P15 BE P16 BE P18 BE P20 w w w w w w w p.88 100 cm 120 cm 140 cm 150 cm 160 cm 180 cm 200 cm l 200 cm l 200 cm l 200 cm l 200 cm l 200 cm l 200 cm l 200 cm h h h h h h h 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm 90 cm Nevada Headboard BH B32 BH B12 BH B22 w 174 cm w 184 cm w 204 cm p.93 h 95 cm h 95 cm h 95 cm d 7,5 cm bed size 150 cm d 7,5 cm bed size 160 cm d 7,5 cm bed size 180 cm Luca Headboard BH B03 BH B33 BH B13 BH B23 138 50 cm 98 cm 158 cm 168 cm 188 cm h h h h 92 cm 92 cm 92 cm 92 cm d d d d 7,5 cm 7,5 cm 7,5 cm 7,5 cm Ping Pong Pong Night Table CT C11 w w w w 53 cm · vincent sheppard · sleeping collection 40 cm CT C07 51 cm 37 cm 53 cm 42 cm 40 cm 40 cm bed size bed size bed size bed size 90 cm 150 cm 160 cm 180 cm accessories Kubo Linen Basket lb c21 64 cm 30 cm p.94 51 cm Clara Mirror MI c03 80 cm Laura Linen Basket lb c11 p.95 61 cm Ø 45 cm Mini Sydney 100 cm KC C04 62 cm 40 cm 46 cm Recto Case lb c03 45 cm 42 cm 92 cm 53 cm 47 cm 42 cm 28 cm Pookie 51 cm 28 cm KC C01 p.90 collection 2014 - 2015 · 139 Product overview outdoor Snow Cord Taupe outdoor PA 20B outdoor PA 82B outdoor PA 84B Nacré Quartz grey Broken white outdoor PA 23B SUNBRELLA outdoor PA 86B outdoor PA 26B FS 66 Canvas FS 77 Sand FS 22 Spa stripes FS 55 Cloudy grey FS 11 Spa FS 99 Dark smoke FS 88 London stone All colours shown here are as close to the actual colours as the printing process allows. Swatches can be supplied on request. collection 2014 - 2015 · 141 outdoor Gigi GC G09 p.101 82 cm 57 cm Monte Carlo GC G04 82 cm 70 cm 71 cm 62 cm 46 cm GC G14 68 cm 45 cm GC G02 Deauville Lounger 142 · vincent sheppard · outdoor collection 89 cm 83 cm Nice p.113 GC G20 Gigi Lounge Gigi Cocoon 90 cm 192 cm 50 cm p.103 75 cm 32 cm 56 cm 46 cm GC G05 Deauville Side Table GT G20 115 cm 45 cm Ste. Maxime p.110 90 cm 62 cm 66 cm 94 cm 98 cm GC G13 98 cm 41 cm p.99 40 cm 60 cm 85 cm 62 cm 67 cm 56 cm 46 cm Deauville Sofa Table 60 cm GT G09 45 cm 60 cm p.107 106 cm Deauville Footrest GC G29 42 cm 53 cm Deauville Chair p.107 56 cm 79 cm 69 cm GC G21 Deauville Lounge Chair GC G24 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm 76 cm 46 cm Deauville Lounge Sofa 2S GC G32 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm p.107 146 cm 46 cm Deauville Dining Chair p.105 68 cm 42 cm GC G22 79 cm 62 cm 67 cm 59 cm 46 cm Deauville Sofa GC G30 80 cm 68,5 cm 145 cm 42 cm Deauville Lounge Sofa 3S GC G33 81 cm 89 cm 68 cm p.106 200 cm 46 cm collection 2014 - 2015 · 143 Monaco GC G07 GC G01 144 93 cm 56 cm St. Tropez 86 cm 58 cm 67 cm 47 cm 46 cm Nîmes Ø 110 64 cm 46 cm p.114 · vincent sheppard · outdoor collection GT G10 GT G12 GT G01 76 cm Avignon ø 110 cm p.110 76 cm ø 130 cm 60 cm ø 60 cm p.113 Nîmes 100x100 GT G11 Nîmes Ø 130 GT G13 76 cm 100 cm 76 cm 100 cm 100 cm Nîmes 100x200 200 cm v.u. Vincent Sheppard n.v. , Industriepark 5, 8587 Spiere | Vormgeving: HAPPYDESIGN.BE | This catalogue as well as all pictures, names, texts and products reproduced therein are protected by intellectual property laws. Any reproduction of this catalogue or any part of it without Vincent Sheppard’s prior written consent is prohibited. The designs of Vincent Sheppard are protected by copyright and / or design rights. Vincent Sheppard is a registered trademark. Any infringement on Vincent Sheppard’s intellectual property will lead to prosecution or other legal action. outdoor Vincent Sheppard Headquarters Industriepark 5 8587 Spiere Belgium Tel.: +32 56 46 11 11 Fax: +32 56 46 11 12 Vincent Sheppard Asia Jl. Kemang Selatan Raya 151 Jakarta 12560 Indonesia Tel.: +62 21 781 23 72 coming soon 1 · vincent sheppard · fabrics
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