EVENTS 2014/2015 - The Kensington Society

Monday, 9 February 2015, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Monday, 27 October 2014, 6:30 to 8:00 pm
NOISE: One person’s music is another
person’s noise
E VENTS 2014/2015
Your name:
A panel discussion with noise experts from a
representative from RBKC’s Environmental Health
team will discuss what is noise, when it is a nuisance
and what can be done to control it.
Kensington Town Hall
Small Hall
Hornton Street W8 7NX
KS members free; non-members £5
The Other Middle East: Lecture and photographic
presentation by Richard Wilding
Casual observers in the West may think they know the
Middle East, through stop-overs in Dubai or the
disturbing news reports and images coming out of Iraq and
Syria. But the reality is much more complex. Through his
photographs of two particularly unique regions - Saudi
Arabia and Iraqi Kurdistan, Richard Wilding shows that
the architecture, archaeology and costumes of these
ancient cultures reveal more colour and diversity than the
stereotypical impressions of sand, sheikhs and
Email for reminders:
Co-hosted with The Mansoojat Foundation and Gulan
promoting Kurdish culture.
Non-members names:
Leighton House Museum
12 Holland Park Road W14 8LZ
Return this tear-off booking form to:
The Kensington Society, 23 St James’s Gardens
LONDON W11 4RE by post or by email to Payments can
be made by bank transfer to sort code 20-47-34
account 70519138 or PayPal or by cheque.
No refunds can be made once booked and please
note the dates in your diary. No tickets will be
issued. Email only reminders will be sent a
week before the event.
Registered Charity No. 267778
Monday, 24 November 2014, 6:30 for 7:00 pm
‘Bette Davis on the Edge’: Private performance
of a new play by Christine St John
It’s 4:30 am on 31 October 1962 and Bette Davis is
awaiting reviews of her latest film ‘Whatever
Happened to Baby Jane’. She reflects on her entire
Brompton Oratory
St Joseph’s Hall
Brompton Road SW7 2RP
Wine reception following the performance.
KS members £10; non-members £15
Wine reception in the Arab Hall following the lecture.
KS members and non-members £15
Wednesday, 11 March 2015, 6:30 for 7:00 pm
Information Age Science Museum:
An exclusive tour of the Science Museum’s new
permanent gallery, ‘Information Age’, with
Tilly Blyth, the lead curator of the gallery and
Keeper of Technologies and Engineering.
Science Museum Exhibition Road SW7 2DD
Wine reception in the Patrons’ Room in the Smith
Centre, the Science Museum.
KS members £15; non-members £20
Tuesday, 28 April 2015, 6:30 for 7:00 pm
Annual General Meeting of
The Kensington Society
The Rt Hon Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill Gate
and AGM: Lord Carnwath is a British Supreme Court
judge and is a resident of RBKC. Prior to his
appointment as a High Court judge in 1994 he practised
in parliamentary law, planning and local government.
Monday, 7 September 2015, 2:15 pm for 2.30 pm
Brompton Cemetery and Catacombs
A walking tour of Brompton Cemetery:
Robert Stephenson will host a private tour of the
Grade I listed park and gardens of the Brompton
The Mayor, Councillor Maighread Condon-Simmonds,
has invited the members to join her afterwards in the
Mayor’s Parlour.
The Cemetery is the only cemetery owned by the
Crown and one of London's Magnificent Seven historic
cemeteries, which were designed in the mid 1800s to
provide public recreation as well as burial space for a
rapidly increasing London population.
The Great Hall of Kensington Town Hall
Hornton Street W8 7NX
Meet at the north gate off Old Brompton Road
(Near West Brompton tube station)
Members wine reception in the Mayor’s Parlour.
Wine reception afterwards in the Chapel.
KS members £15; non-members £20
Wednesday, 8 July 2015, 6:15 for 6:30 pm
Historic Pubs walkabout with Dale Ingram,
Planning For Pubs and heritage consultant
Walking tour of pubs of Portobello and beyond
with two stops for refreshment.
Please wear comfortable walking shoes and indicate
when booking whether you prefer beer or red or white
house wine.
Monday, 2 November 2015, 5:30 to 7:45 pm
Linley Sambourne House Private Tour
Private tour of the Edward Linley Sambourne
house in the heart of Kensington lived the Punch
cartoonist and his family. Given to the Royal Borough
in 1989, it is one of the rare insights into life in
Kensington in the Victorian era.
Meet in front of The Earl of Lonsdale
277-281 Westbourne Grove W11 2QA
18 Stafford Terrace W8 7BH
Numbers are limited so sign up early.
KS members £20; non-members £25
Wine reception in the house following the tour.
Numbers limited so sign up early.
KS members £20; non-members £25
Save the date
of places
Total £
Monday, 27 October 2014
Members free; non-members £5
Monday, 24 November 2014
Bette Davis on the Edge
Members £10; non-members £15
Monday, 9 February 2015
The Other Middle East
Members and non-members £15
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Information Age
Members £15; non-members £20
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
AGM and Lord Carnwath
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Historic Pubs:
Drinks order:...…………………
Members £20; non-members £25
Monday, 7 September 2015
Brompton Cemetery
Members £15; non-members £20
Monday, 2 November 2015
Linley Sambourne House
Members £20; non-members £25