Edmonton Minor Soccer Association Indoor 2014 – 2015 Season Coach/Manager Handbook U10 – U18 Teams Only -1- Table of Contents Scoring Games on the EMSA Website & Incomplete Game Sheets ........................................ Page 3 How to Score Games on the EMSA Website ................................................................................. Page 4 Referee Liaison Armband Program ................................................................................................ Page 5 Correspondence Liaisons ..................................................................................................................... Page 6 Rescheduling of Games ....................................................................................................................... Page 6 Correspondence to Teams from the EMSA Office ....................................................................... Page 6 Multiple Round Schedules .................................................................................................................. Page 6 EMSA Contact Information ................................................................................................................ Page 7 Bench Parents ........................................................................................................................................ Page 8 Referee Issues & Feedback ................................................................................................................. Page 8 Personal Field Bookings & Gym Practices ..................................................................................... Page 8 Red Cards & Suspension Notifications ............................................................................................. Page 8 Cyber Harassment ................................................................................................................................ Page 8 Facility Passes ......................................................................................................................................... Page 9 Facility Locations ................................................................................................................................... Page 9 Number of Players Registered/Dressed .......................................................................................... Page 9 Trialist/Guest Players ............................................................................................................................ Page 10 Late Arrivals and Failure to Show ................................................................................................... Page 10 Game Length & Time Outs ................................................................................................................ Page 11 Player and Coach Cards ..................................................................................................................... Page 11 Equipment/Casts/Splints/Jewelry ...................................................................................................... Page 12 Team Officials on the Coaching Bench ........................................................................................... Page 13 Tie Breaking Procedures ..................................................................................................................... Page 13 Registration Violations/Discipline ...................................................................................................... Page 15 Violations on Game Regulations ...................................................................................................... Page 16 Player Discipline .................................................................................................................................... Page 16 Team Officials Discipline ..................................................................................................................... Page 18 Violations of Suspension ...................................................................................................................... Page 19 Discipline Procedure ............................................................................................................................. Page 20 Protests of Game Results..................................................................................................................... Page 20 Appeal Procedures ............................................................................................................................... Page 20 Post Season Information ..................................................................................................................... Page 21 Post Season Commitment Forms ..................................................................................................... Page 21 Indoor City Finals/Inter Cities/Provincial Dates ........................................................................... Page 21 Player Transfers/Registrations ........................................................................................................... Page 21 Codes of Conduct .................................................................................................................................. Page 22 Spectator Responsibility ...................................................................................................................... Page 23 Sample Trialist Form for Photocopying.......................................................................................... Page 24 Sample Game Sheet ............................................................................................................................ Page 25 -2- Scoring Games on the Website & Incomplete Game Sheet Admin Fees U10 to U18 only (U6 & U8 do not keep score or have game sheets) You must choose the coach, assistant coach or manager who is listed on your ASA roster form to be the EMSA website scorekeeper for your team. It is the HOME TEAM’S responsibility to enter the game scores on the EMSA website the next business day after the game or a $75.00 admin fee will be issued to the head coach. Game Sheets will be handed into the EMSA office by your referee. Please ensure you are filling out your game sheets entirely. Note that there is a $50.00 administration fee that will be issued to the head coach of the team if the game sheet is not entirely filled out. You must ensure the following items are fully filled out or your game sheet will be considered incomplete: Game Sheet of (Team Name) Date, Time & Field Circle your Age Group, Gender and write your tier or group letter in the space provided Home Team & Away Team Names All Coaches/Managers names that are present & card numbers if applicable (coach/manager cards are required for those age groups/divisions that require players cards) Referee Liaison Name – this is mandatory for all games and all age groups and levels if you do not have a ref liaison you will forfeit your game automatically. Bench parent if applicable (must be same gender as team). Any coach or manager must sign the game sheet in the box provided prior to game start Player’s Jersey Numbers Player’s full first and last names NO INITIALS Player Card Numbers (if applicable) Trialists First & Last Names (permission forms must accompany game sheets when handed in by the referee) -3- How to Score Games on the EMSA Website HOME TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SCORING THE GAME ON THE EMSA WEBSITE. Please note that the scorekeeper must be a coach, assistant coach or manager who is listed and registered on your ASA roster. *If you are a returning coach from a previous season you will use your same email and same password from that season to log in and score games on line. If you encounter any issues please send an email to shaunas@emsamain.com *If you are a new coach and new to the My Soccer Office system, please send an email to Shauna Smith at shaunas@emsamain.com with your team name, age group, gender, tier and the email address you would like to use for the season. Shauna will email you back with a temporary login password which you will change once you log in for the first time. Step 1: Go to www.emsamain.com Step 2: Click on “Coach Login” which is located towards the top of the page. Step 3: Enter your email address and password. Step 4: Click on login. Step 5: Click on your team name on the left side of the page. Step 6: Go to the bottom of the page and click on tab that says “schedule”. Step 7: Click on the game that you would like to score. Step 8: Go to the top of the schedule window and you will see a tab that says “set score”. Click on “set score and the game score box will appear. Step 9: Set the scores in the boxes by using the arrows. When that is done click on set score (green check mark, this will save the score). Step 10: The set score box to confirm the scores will appear just check yes to continue. *Once a game has been scored, you cannot revise it. If there is an issue please contact the EMSA office and we will get it fixed for you. -4- Referee Liaison Program It is mandatory for every team (U10 - U18) to provide a referee liaison for every league game. The liaison can be a different person each game and can be anyone with the exception of the coach or assistant coach. The name of the referee liaison MUST be marked in the area provided on the game sheet. The liaison must sit in the stands with the spectators and wear the identifying neck lanyard. The team has a 15 minute grace period in which to provide a liaison or they will default the game. Please ensure the ref liaison name is marked on the game sheet. Background: Referee abuse and harassment by spectators and coaches is the main reason why referees, particularly those in their early teens, drop out of the development program resulting in severe shortages of officials at all levels. This unacceptable behavior must be addressed as a priority particularly if soccer is to have an adequate supply of referees. All teams participating in the U10-U18 age groups must designate an individual (does not have to be the same person for each game) at each game (home and away) to act as a referee liaison. The referee liaison of each team shall be a person who is not the coach or assistant coach and their main role will be to act as a deterrent to possible acts of misbehaviour by spectators or team officials. The referee liaison will also be available to the referee should a request to do so be made or if a potential problem exists. Description of duties: Please wear the identifying neck lanyard provided by your team. This lanyard will be given to the person who picks up the EMSA schedule. If the referee requires your assistance he will identify you by the lanyard. Place yourself in the middle of the spectator stands at the Soccer Centre. Monitor the behaviour of your teams’ parents and spectators. Quickly diffuse potential problems before they arise by either being visible or calmly speaking with the individual(s) involved. Deal with, and act on, inappropriate comments, gestures and/or general unsporting behaviour directed at referees, players or any other individual by your teams’ spectators or coaches but please avoid getting into a confrontation. Submit a brief report in writing to the EMSA office of any incident that you feel that EMSA should be aware of involving inappropriate behaviour by ANY individual. Based on any official report, EMSA will conduct an investigation into the incident and act accordingly. -5- Correspondence Liaisons We are advising all coaches, assistant coaches and managers that they will be the acting correspondence liaisons for their team. They will be responsible for communications between the EMSA office and the team. communications can include, but are not limited to suspensions, complaints, league play, etc. Such Please note that only these individuals will have the authority to contact the EMSA office directly either through a phone call or email. Any other contact from parents, players, etc. will not be responded to. We will also accept correspondence from any referee liaison for the team. Rescheduling of Games Rescheduling of games for the indoor season is NOT permitted for any reason. You are required to play all games as scheduled. If you do not show for your game the game will be defaulted. Teams had the opportunity prior to the season beginning to submit any tournament requests to be taken into account. If a team has to travel a great distance and fails to travel to their scheduled game due to extremely poor road conditions as advised by the local police/RCMP, the game will be brought up for review by the EMSA Discipline Committee. The Committee will make the decision whether the game will be defaulted or replayed. Please send an email to your League Director to advise of the missed game that same day (Premier teams please email angelad@emsamain.com & Community teams please email abent@emsamain.com). Correspondence to Teams from the EMSA Office All communications/correspondence from the EMSA office will be sent out in email form. It is the team’s responsibility to ensure that they check their email regularly for information sent from the EMSA office. Please be sure to keep us informed of the most up to date email information for your team. If you are planning on heading away on holidays without email access, please ensure you let them EMSA office know of an alternate email contact until your return. Multiple Round Schedule If you have multiple rounds for your grouping, the next round schedules will be posted on the website as soon as they are ready. It is YOUR responsibility to download your schedule as they will not be emailed out to you. Please do not call the office for your schedule prior to them being posted on the internet. Please give us time to confirm stats and create the new schedules. -6- Edmonton Minor Soccer Association Contact Information Office Location: 6520 Roper Road Edmonton, AB T6B 3K8 Phone: 780.413-EMSA (3672) Fax: 780.490.1652 General Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm (subject to change) EMSA OFFICE STAFF EMSA EXECUTIVE Humberto Aspillaga– General Manager humbertoa@emsamain.com 780.413.3672 ext. 223 Mario Charpentier – EMSA President president@emsamain.com Angela DiCesare – Premier & Mini League Director angelad@emsamain.com 780.413.3672 ext. 222 Phil L’Heureux – EMSA Vice President phlh@telus.net Kathy Droeske – EMSA Treasurer sdroeske@shaw.ca Shauna Smith – EMSA Records Manager and Registrar shaunas@emsamain.com 780.413.3672 ext. 228 Kevan Peterson – EMSA Executive kbp.prez@gmail.com Antony Bent – Discipline & Community League Director abent@emsamain.com 780.413.3672 ext. 225 Phil L’Heureux phlh@telus.net Leonora Newel – Office Administrator leonoran@emsamain.com 780.413.3672 ext. 232 Diana Clark dclark.4@shaw.ca EMSA REFEREE AND TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Ed Charpentier 780.405.8960 (cell) technicaldir@emsamain.com EMSA DISCIPLINE DIRECTOR EMSA PREMIER DIRECTOR *For a complete listing of the EMSA Board of Directors as well as Zone Office Contacts visit the EMSA website. SOCCER CENTRE CONTROL/ADMISSIONS DESK CONTACTS West Centre: 780.944.4092 East Centre: 780.413.4125 ext. 232 South Centre: 780.490.0158 -7- Bench Parents All teams are required to have someone on their bench that is of the same gender as the players. If none of the coaching/manager staff are the same gender you will be required to have a ‘bench parent’ come onto the bench with your team. This person’s name needs to be written down on the game sheet in the appropriate space provided. They do NOT require an EMSA I.D. card but they will be required to show a form of I.D. to the referee such as a driver’s license. This person MUST be the same gender as the team. This person will also be included in the total 4 maximum officials allowed on the bench. Referee Issues & Feedback If you have any feedback, questions or concerns regarding the referee of your game, please contact our Referee Director, Ed Charpentier via email at technicaldir@emsamain.com or 780.405.8960. Personal Field Bookings & Gym Practices Edmonton Soccer Facilities takes care of all bookings for the Edmonton Indoor Soccer Centres. If you wish to book/rent a field please contact them directly at 780.413.4125 ext. 1 or bookings@esaf.com Your Zone handles all of your gym practice bookings. Please contact them directly if you have any questions regarding your practice times. Red Cards & Suspension Notifications When a red card is issued to your player or a team official is ejected from the game, you will receive an email notice advising you of the details & length of the suspension. Please keep in mind that the EMSA office staff DO NOT have the authority to change a suspension. What the referee wrote on the game sheet is what that person will be suspended for according to our rules & regulations. If you do not agree, you may appeal the decision to our Discipline Committee. All Red Cards are an automatic one game suspension. Coaches are responsible for ensuring their player does not play until they hear from the EMSA office. Cyber Harassment EMSA has zero tolerance for cyber bullying. Any EMSA player/players, team official or EMSA official/director/staff using a public medium to harass, intimidate or threaten other EMSA player/players, team official, EMSA official/director/staff will be subject to discipline by the EMSA Discipline Committee. -8- Facility Passes U6, U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 & U18 players are admitted for free. Therefore only 3 passes will be given out for use by the team officials. If you have more than three team officials on your team, you will need to purchase the extra passes yourself from Facilities at full price. EMSA will only supply three total per team. EMSA has NO EXTRA PASSES. Additional passes, if required, can be purchased through the Edmonton Soccer Association Facilities at the key room in each building. If you lose your passes you must purchase your replacement passes through facilities at full price. EMSA will not be responsible for lost or stolen cards. Parents & spectators are responsible for purchasing their own passes through the Edmonton Soccer Facilities at full price. Facility Locations Fields 1 – 4: Fields 5 – 8: Fields 9 – 12: Fields 13 – 14: Edmonton Soccer Centre West 17415 – 106A Avenue Edmonton Soccer Centre East 12720 Victoria Trail Edmonton Soccer Centre South 6520 Roper Road Trans Alta Tri Leisure Centre 221 Jennifer Heil Way – Spruce Grove Number of Players Registered/Dressed Teams are limited to a maximum number of players whom they can have registered & dressed at any one time during the season according to the following schedule: PLAYERS REGISTERED & DRESSED U6, U8 U10, U12 U14 , U16, U18 - 14 Players - 16 Players - 20 Players -9- Guest Players/Trialists ► Trialists do not require player cards. ► A trialist form must be filled out and must be given to the referee prior to the game and submitted along with the game sheets to the EMSA office. TRIALIST RULES & REGULATIONS For regular league play, any EMSA registered player may play in a higher Tier (in the same age category) or higher age category. THE MOVEMENT MUST OCCUR WITHIN THE SAME ZONE (example West Zone to West Zone or North Zone to North Zone. You cannot have a North Zone player as a trialist on a West Zone team). A written permission letter is also acceptable in place of this form. All information must be included in the letter. Prior written approval of the Coach or Team Designate of the team for which the player is registered must be obtained. The written approval (trialist form) must be surrendered to the referee at the start of the game or prior to the start of the second half if the trialist arrives late. The following conditions must also be met: a. No more than a total of three (3) such players can be recruited for any one (1) game. For Community Teams, trialist players cannot be used to increase the current roster size of the team (you cannot exceed the number of players you have currently registered on your ASA form – you can only replace players that are missing). For Premier teams, the EMSA Board has given special dispensation for this season only to allow Premier teams to use trialists up to the maximum roster size permitted as stated in rule 304.0. However, the maximum of three per game still applies as do all of the other regulations. The intent of this special dispensation is to allow Community players to experience play in the Premier League to see if it may be a possible fit for them. Using these trialists should not greatly reduce the amount of playing time for your regular registered team players. b. The player(s) will be noted as ‘trialist’ on the game sheet (there is a section for this located on the bottom of the game sheet). c. A player can be used as a trialist for a maximum of five (5) games per team. d. No EMSA player may play on an EIYSA team as a trialist at any time. No EIYSA player shall play on an EMSA team as a trialist at any time with the exception that EIYSA players may play on an EMSA team as a trialist in tournament play. e. Teams from out of district who are participating in the EMSA program are permitted to use trialists from their parent organizations/zone/district as long as they are an ASA registered player for that season; they are from a lower division or lower age category; and the use of the trialists does not violate any EMSA or ASA rules. f. Tier I & II players are ineligible as trialists on all community teams and Tier III teams of the same age group. However, Tier I & II players can play as a trialist on a Tier III team of an older age group provided all other conditions of the Trialist are followed. Example: A U14 Tier I or II player can play as a trialist on a U16 Tier III team. g. Players who are currently serving a suspension from EMSA or ASA are ineligible as trialists. PLEASE NOTE: Trialists are not permitted in Provincial Competitions. If additional players are needed for Provincials, they must be duly registered prior to the Player Transfer Deadline for your Tier. Late Arrivals and Failure to Show 1. A team will not be considered present if there are fewer than four (4), registered players present at game time. 2. A team not showing at the scheduled kickoff time will forfeit the game provided that the 10 minute grace period has elapsed. The opposing team in attendance is not compelled to wait beyond the ten (10) minutes grace period and may choose to use the remaining time allotted of the fifty-five - 10 - (55) minutes for the game as practice or exhibition time. The prompt team will be awarded three (3) points and five (5) goals by the League Director. 3. The prompt team must have the game sheet completed and presented to the game official. 4. No player shall be permitted to participate if he/she has not arrived on the field before the end of the half time period. 5. If both teams fail to show the game will go down as not played and will not be rescheduled. Game Length & Time Outs 1. Games shall consist of two (2) equal halves of twenty five (25) minutes. Teams are entitled to up to three (3) minutes interval time as per the referee’s discretion. 2. Each of the two teams playing is permitted a maximum of one minute of the game as a time out. This can be requested to the referee at any stoppage of play. The clock will stop during this one minute and the one minute will be counted down according to the time kept by the referee in the game official’s box. This one minute cannot be divided into separate time outs and may not be exchanged among teams. Player and Coach Cards 1. All players, playing U10/U12 City Wide, Tier 1, 2 & 3, Premier A & B and U16/U18 Community will be required to have player identification cards. These cards shall be made available for presentation to the referee prior to kickoff (by each individual player so, that the game official may compare the picture to the player and the game sheet), and for inspection by the opposing Team Officers or the League Director if so requested. 2. Players in those Divisions where player cards are mandatory who are without Player Identification Cards at game time may play that game, however their card must be presented to the game official before the end of the game. If for some reason the player card is not available then the player & or team will be subject to discipline by the EMSA Discipline Committee and a default loss. 3. For those age groups where player cards are required, and those players are playing up as trialist, those players do not require a card to participate, but a trialist form from the player’s original coach must be presented to the referee prior to kickoff and kept with the game sheet for submission to the League Director. 4. It is mandatory for all registered team officials (i.e. coach, assistant coach and manager) of all U10/U12 City Wide, Tier 1, 2 & 3, Premier A & B and all U16 & U18 teams to have a coach identification card from EMSA. This card must be presented to the game officials by each individual team official so that the game officials may compare the picture to the coach and the game sheet. No other forms of identification will be accepted. You will not be permitted on the bench if you do not have your card. If no team official can produce an EMSA I.D. card by the game’s completion, the match shall be forfeited by that team and a loss of 5-0 reported. If a team is aware that at the start of the game that they will not be able to produce at least one of their EMSA I.D. team official cards then the game shall be forfeited. The match may commence as a friendly at the referee’s discretion. Note: Bench parents are required to have photo identification in the form of a driver’s license or passport. 5. If a team knows in advance that they will not be able to have a registered team official on the bench with an EMSA I.D. card for a game, they must obtain a written permission letter from the EMSA League Director allowing the substitute coach(es) to take the team official’s place on the bench. This permission letter must be handed to the referee and will be kept for submission to the EMSA office along with the white copies of the game sheets. - 11 - 6. If a team cannot supply player cards before the end of the game, they can in place of the cards supply high quality copies of the player cards instead. The copied player cards will be submitted with the game sheets to EMSA, who will in turn check the player cards supplied with the actual player cards on record. If a falsification is discovered by EMSA in the review of the copied player cards then the team officials will be automatically suspended, administered a fee and the game will be recorded as a default. All games played under these infringements shall count as a loss and five (5) goals and three (3) points shall be awarded to the opposing team unless the opposing team has already won the game with a greater goal difference then five (5), where then the score would remain the same. Either way the team that failed to supply player cards will be charged a $50 administrative fee. Photocopied substitutes will only be permitted twice during a season. You cannot provide a photocopy if just one or a few of your players are missing their cards; it must be the entire team. Please note that there is a $20 surcharge on any replacement card made for a player/coach/manager who has already received a card that has not expired. Equipment/Casts/Splints/Jewellery 1. Indoor style shoes or runners are the only permissible footwear to be worn by the players. Referees shall have the final say as to what constitutes dangerous equipment which must be removed in order for play to be allowed. 2. In any case, no player wearing a splint or cast will be permitted to play. Those players who wear a knee or ankle brace will be permitted to play provided the brace does not have the potential to injure others. This will be at the discretion of the game official. 3. Players refusing to remove any type of jewellery at the request of the referee, including all external body piercing(s), will not be permitted to play. Taping is not permitted. 4. The home team shall supply equipment for the game as specified below: A. Game ball: Age Group U-14, U-16, U-18 U-10, U-12 U- 6, U- 8 Ball Size 5 Size 4 Size 3 - 12 - Team Officials on the Coaching Bench 1. In EMSA League play up to 4 (four) team officials are allowed on the bench, one of which must be the same gender as the team. Please note that Provincial Competition and some Tournaments only allow 3 (three). In these cases teams must adhere to that particular competition’s rules. 2. If you do not have a registered team official who is the same gender as the team you will be required to have a bench parent/bench attendant who must be the same gender as the team. This bench attendant will be included in the maximum 4 officials permitted on the bench. 3. Bench attendants/bench parents do not require an EMSA coaching card (but require a piece of photo I.D.). Tie Breaking Procedures The following tie breaking rules are those used by the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association only. Where there is more than one team at the end of a round which has accumulated the same number of total points within their group, a tie breaking formula is required in order to determine the team with the higher standing. The following formulas should assist you in determining the higher ranking teams: If there are TWO (2) teams with the same amount of points : Short Version : 1. Head to Head Game(s) 2. Total Goal Differential 3. Least Goals Scored 4. Penalty Kicks scheduled by the League Director Long Version : Step # 1. The winner of the game(s) between the two teams concerned will determine the higher ranking team. If the two teams are still tied then proceed to step #2 of the EMSA tie breaking formula. Step # 2. The goal difference will be determined by subtracting the total number of goals scored against each of the two teams from the total goals scored by each of the two teams. It is not only the goals scored against each other, but the goals scored against all other teams in the group as well as the goals scored against them by all teams within the group that should be counted. The team with the greater goal difference of the two with the equal number of points will be declared the team with the higher standing. If this breaks the tie, nothing further is required. If this does not break the tie, proceed to step #3. Step # 3. - 13 - The team which has the fewest goals scored against them from all games within their group will attain the higher ranking. If this breaks the tie, nothing further is required. If this does not break the tie, proceed to step #4. Step # 4 If steps 1, 2 or 3 fail to break the tie, both teams shall meet, as scheduled by the League Director or league organizer to proceed into penalty shots in order to break the tie. If there are THREE OR MORE (3+) teams with the same amount of points: Short Version 1. Total Goal Differential 2. Least Goals Scored 3. Penalty Kicks scheduled by the League Director Long Version : Step #1. The goal difference will be determined by subtracting the total number of goals scored against each of the teams from the total goals scored by each of the teams. It is not only the goals scored against each other, but the goals scored against all other teams within the group as well as the goals scored against them by all teams within the group that should be counted. The team with the greater goal difference of all with the equal number of points will be declared the team with the higher standing. If this breaks the tie, and only one higher ranking team is required, nothing further is required. If this produces a highest ranking team and others are required, that one higher ranking team is removed now from the formula and given the highest possible ranking in their group. If another higher ranking team is required (example: a next place team), Then this step (#1) should be used to determine that next ranking team. (The next highest goal difference by a team). If the teams are tied in goal difference as well as points and this formula does not break the tie, then proceed to step 2. Step #2. The team with the lowest number of goals scored against them by all other teams will be awarded the higher ranking. If this does not determine a higher ranking team, then proceed to step 3. Step #3. If steps 1 or 2 fail to break the tie, all teams shall meet, as scheduled by the League Director or league organizer to proceed into a single round robin of penalty shots in order to break the tie. - 14 - Registration Violations/Discipline Suspensions of team officers, players, etc, will be served for the full duration. Suspensions may include non participation in all specific aspects of soccer until the full term of the suspension is served (this may include coaching, refereeing, playing, etc). 1. Failure to provide upon request the player card of a player who participates in a game. Then the following will apply: (unless special written permission is given by the EMSA Office on official stationary), the team officer shall be suspended for one (1) game, the opposing team will be awarded five goals and three points. A second such offense will result in the indefinite suspension of the team officer pending a hearing of the Discipline/Violations Committee as well as three points and five goals awarded to the opposing team for each game. 2. Where rules are broken in the following cases: A. Failure to note ‘trialist’ or to properly associate numbers with players, when all other regulations are satisfied, or B. Failure to provide upon request the Team registration Form, when all other regulations are satisfied, or, C. The proper authorization, in the form of a letter of acknowledgment and release forms, for trialists and imports is not provided at game time, and all other registrations are met, then the following will apply: the Team Officer shall be reprimanded. A second such infraction, in the same season, shall result in the suspension of the Team Officer pending a hearing of the Discipline/Violations Committee. 3. Where rules are broken in the following cases: A. B. C. D. E. F. More imports are used than allowed, or ineligible imports are used, or More trialists are used then allowed, or ineligible trialists are used or, Overage players are used, or non-registered players or suspended players are used, or more players are dressed then permitted, A player participates without his/her player’s card (U10 and U12 City-Wide, Premier or U16/U18) Then the following will apply: All games played under these infringements shall count as a loss and five (5) goals and three (3) points shall be awarded to the opposing team unless the opposing team has already won the game with a greater goal difference then five (5), where then the score would remain the same. The Coach shall be suspended for ONE (1) game. Any other occurrence in the same season shall also result in the indefinite suspension of the Coach, pending a hearing of the Discipline / Violations Committee. (INDOOR: The officer shall be indefinitely suspended pending a hearing of the Discipline/Violations Committee at which time an administration fee may be assessed, or further suspensions awarded. 4. Incomplete game sheets or game sheets not submitted within 24 hours will be subject to a $50 administration fee. - 15 - 5. The Edmonton Minor Soccer Association City-Wide Outdoor / Indoor League will mandate the update of scores within 48 business hours and charge teams who do not comply, a $75 administration fee. Violations on Game Regulations 1. The refusal to complete a game by one team, regardless of the amount of the game that has been completed, shall result in a hearing before the EMSA Discipline/Violations Committee by both team’s officials presented at the game. At that hearing, the Discipline Committee will decide the outcome of the game and any subsequent disciplinary actions. Failure to turn over the game sheet to the League Director will result in the loss of points associated with that game. 2. Where members of the same team or both teams engage in violent conduct before, during or after the game (e.g.: brawling), both teams shall be immediately suspended pending a hearing of the Discipline/Violations Committee. 3. Where EMSA registered players and/or team officers of a non participating team disrupt the playing of a game sanctioned by the EMSA - those players, team officers and the team as a whole shall be suspended pending a hearing of the EMSA Discipline/Violations Committee. 4. Players and team officials ejected from the game must leave the field of play. Players box, penalty box, spectators area are also considered a part of the field of play. 5. Violation of 401.5 (wearing jerseys and not removing them except in the designated team dressing room) will result in the one (1) game suspension of the offending player(s). A second such offense will result in a suspension and the player requiring to attend a hearing on this offense held by the Discipline Committee. Player Discipline 1. Punishment for cautionary offenses such as: A. B. C. D. E. Entering or leaving the field of play without the referee's consent, or Dissent directed towards the referee, or Persistent infringement of the laws of the game, or Encroachment of free kicks, or Unsportsmanlike conduct, Then the following will apply: the issuance of a caution (yellow card) by the attending referee. A second caution (yellow card) in the same game of one individual will result in that participant being ejected from the game. In addition, that person will be suspended for one (1) game. Single cautions issued to the same person in two consecutive games shall result in a one game suspension. Any caution issued following the serving of the suspension will be counted as a first caution. 2. Punishment for offenses leading to a persons ejection for: (Please note that all suspensions are automatic & will apply to your next consecutive game.) A. Spitting at anyone other than a game official will result in a minimum eight game suspension. Any subsequent altercation will result in a Season’s Suspension. - 16 - B. Foul, Abusive, Offensive or Insulting Remarks/Language NOT directed at the game official(s), the following will apply: Event First Offence Second Offence Third Offence Racial Remarks Punishment 2 Game Suspension 4 Game Suspension Indefinite suspension pending EMSA Discipline Hearing. First Offence – Minimum 4 game suspension. Second Offence – Min. 8 Game suspension C. Foul or abusive language and/or gestures directed at game officials and individuals identified as EMSA/Zone Board of Directors and EMSA/Zone staff will result in a MINIMUM 4 game suspension. Any subsequent altercation will result in an EMSA discipline hearing. D. Insulting or offensive gestures will result in a minimum 2 game suspension. Any subsequent altercation will result in a minimum 4 game suspension. E. Serious Foul Play the following will apply: (Minimum Suspensions) Offence First Offence Dangerous Tackle/Tackle from Behind 2 Game Susp Charging 2 Game Susp Pushing 2 Game Susp 3 Game Susp Boarding* Gesture or attempt to hit or kick 2 Game Susp. Throw an object in the direction of an opponent 2 Game Susp. Other Extenuating Circumstances EMSA Hearing Second Offence 4 Game Susp 4 Game Susp. 4 Game Susp. 6 Game Susp. 4 Game Susp. 4 Game Susp. EMSA Hearing *Boarding: First Offence – 3 Game Susp.; Second Offence – 6 Game Susp.; Third Offence – Indefinite Susp. and an EMSA discipline hearing.” . F. Violent Conduct – The following will apply: (Minimum Suspensions) Offence Strike Anyone Excluding the Referee Punch Anyone Excluding the Referee Elbow Anyone Excluding the Referee Kneeing Anyone Excluding the Referee Push with intent to injure Throw an object that contacts an opponent Kick Anyone Excluding the Referee Bite/Scratch/Gouge/Spit First Offence 4 Game Susp 4 Game Susp 4 Games Susp 4 Game Susp 2 Game Susp 4 Game Susp 6 Game Susp EMSA Hearing Second Offence 8 Game Susp 8 Game Susp 8 Game Susp 8 Game Susp 4 Game Susp 8 Game Susp 10 Game Susp EMSA Hearing - 17 - Fighting Head Butt Anyone Excluding the Referee Other Extenuating Circumstances G. H. I. J. K. 6 Game Susp 8 Game Susp EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing Intentional Hand Ball will result in a 1 game suspension. Threatening anyone other than the game official will result in a Minimum 4 game suspension. Illegally stopping an opponent’s break away will result in a 1 game suspension. Returning to the field of play after an ejection will lead to an automatic discipline hearing. Dissent towards a referee will result in a minimum 1 game suspension. IMPORTANT Any offence not listed herein is the discretion of the EMSA Discipline Director. All suspensions are listed as MINIMUM suspensions. Suspensions must be served in full & over the course of consecutive games. Suspensions where games could be served after regular league play will be referred to the EMSA Discipline Committee for deliberation. Suspensions are automatic. All coaches & players have the right of appeal. While all coaches, players and parents have the right of appeal, official appeals can only be filed by the team correspondence liaisons. One game suspensions cannot be appealed Punishment for offenses leading to a person’s ejection for: 3. Abusive conduct towards, spitting at, harassing, threatening, attempting to make physical contact or making physical contact with any game official(s), prior to, during or after the game the following will apply: the immediate and indefinite suspension of the person(s) involved and referral to the Alberta Soccer Association for a discipline hearing. 4. Punishment for offenses leading to a person’s ejection for failing to comply with the rules of the game not otherwise described in section 504, will result in a minimum one (1) game suspension. A second ejection in the same season for this same offense will result in a minimum four (4) game suspensions and immediate referral to the EMSA Discipline/Violations Director. Team Official Discipline ( Co a c h e s , M a n g e r s , e t c .) 1. Punishment for ABUSING GAME OFFICIALS through: A. Dissent, then the following will apply: a warning to three games suspension, and the possibility of an administration fee or performance bond. B. Abusive Conduct over and above dissent, or C. The Failure to assist the Game Official in maintaining discipline on, or about the field, then the following will apply: a minimum four (4) game suspension. Subsequent offenses shall result in - 18 - the Team Officer(s) indefinite suspension pending a hearing of the Discipline/Violations Committee which may result in a possible administration fee and/or performance bond. D. Abusive conduct towards, spitting at, harassing, threatening, attempting to make physical contact or making physical contact with any game official(s), prior to, during or after the game Then the following will apply: the immediate and indefinite suspension of the Team Officer(s) involved and direct referral to the Alberta Soccer Association. E. Punishment for Misconduct's reported by Game Officials to the League Director and not otherwise covered in the preceding paragraphs shall be considered upon the immediate referral of the matter to the EMSA Discipline/Violations Director. F. Coaching Offenses - The following will apply: (Minimum Suspensions) Offence Dissent Leading To A Match Ejection Other Extenuating Circumstances Foul or Abusive Language directed AT a game official * Foul or Abusive Language NOT directed AT a game official Insulting or Offensive Gestures Insulting or Offensive Gestures directed AT a game official Playing an ineligible / illegal trialist and /or player Playing a suspended player Returning to the field of play following an ejection Persistent Game Day Violations (as per League Director's Report) Willfully abandoning a match (i.e. no player cards, dissatisfaction with the quality of refereeing, etc) Other Extenuating Circumstances First Offence Warning – 3 game susp 2 Game Susp 4 Game Susp 1 Game Susp 2 Game Susp 4 Game Susp 1 Game Susp EMSA Hearing 2 Game Susp Warning Second Offence 3 Game Susp. 3 Game Susp EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing 2 Game Susp EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing EMSA Hearing 1 Game Susp. EMSA Hearing Violations of Suspension Any person(s) violating a suspension must be referred immediately to the EMSA Discipline/ Violations Chairman for further action. Violating a suspension could result in a one (1) year suspension. - 19 - Discipline Procedure 1. All violations shall be noted on the game sheet and turned over to the League Director. Suspensions are AUTOMATIC and Team Officials shall be responsible for heading the suspension whether or not they have been officially informed by the EMSA office or Discipline / Violations Director. The Discipline Coordinator shall confirm the suspension, in writing and /or by telephone, stating the reason of the suspension and its duration. Written notification must be completed on an EMSA Disciplinary Form. 2. Any attempt to alter the conditions of the suspension by the Team Officers must be made in the form of an APPEAL submitted to the EMSA Discipline/Violations Director (EMSA office). There are no appeals for one (1) game suspensions and for cautionary offenses (i.e. appeals for single yellow cards). Protests of Game Results 1. Protests of game results must be submitted in writing to the Competitions/League Director within twenty four (24) hours of the game’s completion. They must be accompanied with a payment of cash or money order payable to EMSA in the amount of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). The EMSA protest fee shall be refunded IF the protest is successful based on the grounds it was made on.” 2. Protests questioning points of facts /referee’s point of view will not be considered. Appeal Procedures Appeals of decisions shall be submitted in writing to the EMSA Discipline Director (EMSA Office) within forty-eight (48) hours of notification of the decision (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) and shall be accompanied by a payment (cash or money order – or certified cheques) made payable to EMSA in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00). The EMSA appeal fees shall be refunded if the party is completely exonerated. - 20 - Post Season Information Post Season Information will be posted on the EMSA website as soon as it becomes available. Teams are responsible for informing themselves of the post season play information for their division. Post Season Commitment Forms All Community teams from U10 – U18 will be required to fill out and submit a post season commitment form (handed out with your schedule) to indicate whether or not your team will advance to the appropriate post season competition should they qualify. Note that Out of District guest teams cannot qualify for any Provincial competition through EMSA. However their Community teams are welcome to participate in Community City Finals and Inter Cities should they qualify and submit a post season commitment form. Deadline for form submission is: Monday, January 5th, 2015. It is mandatory for all Premier teams (Tier 1, 2, 3, Premier A & B) to attend the post season competition they qualify for so therefore there is no form for Premier teams to fill out. U10 – U18 Community Indoor City Finals Indoor City Finals Competition will be held on February 21 & 22, 2015. Season medals and post season advancement to Provincials or Calgary/Edmonton Inter Cities Championship will be determined from this competition. Inter Cities and Provincial Dates Indoor Inter Cities (Edmonton vs Calgary) will be held on March 7th and 8th, 2015 (U12 – U18 Community). Girls competition will be held in Edmonton and Boys teams will travel to Calgary. Indoor Provincials will be held March 13th – 15th, 2015. Locations will be determined by ASA. Player Transfers, Registrations, etc. Please start the transfer/registration process with your home Zone office/registrar. Should you require assistance please contact the EMSA office. Player transfer deadline is February 12th, 2015. - 21 - Codes of Conduct & Others Coach / Volunteer Code of Conduct Coach / Volunteer Responsibilities: To remember that you are an ambassador for the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association [EMSA], your Zone, and your Community, as such, carry oneself with respect, dignity and pride. To accept and work within all parameters set forth by the EMSA. To act in accordance with the Aims and Objectives set forth by EMSA. To demonstrate a commitment to a role chosen (coach, assistant coach, team manager, etc.). To act in accordance with all EMSA Bylaws Rules, Regulations and Policies. To carry out one’s duties and responsibilities in a manner exhibiting the utmost professionalism, dignity and respect. To respect and honor the EMSA Codes of Conduct. To carry out one’s responsibilities efficiently, accurately and to the best of one’s ability. To be accountable for the behavior of one’s team (if affiliated to one) including all its coaches, players and parents. To be accountable for all team-related activities including the accurate completion and timely submission of game sheets, the proper registration of players, the proper use of trialist players and the meeting of all league imposed deadlines. To respect the authority and dignity of ALL EMSA game officials including game referees, Board of Directors, staff and other volunteers. To comply with any mandates handed down, including all player / coach suspensions. To treat all EMSA Board of Directors, staff, fellow volunteers / coaches, players and parents with the utmost dignity and respect. Coaches' Code Soccer is a game for happiness The laws of soccer should be regarded as mutual agreements, the spirit or letter of which no one should try to avoid or break Visiting teams and spectators are honored guests No advantages except those of superior skill should be sought Official and opponents should be treated and regarded as honest in intention Official decisions should be accepted without looking angry no matter how unfair they may seem Winning is desirable, but winning at any cost defeats the purpose of the game Losing can be a triumph when the team has given it's best The ideal is the greatest good to the greatest number In soccer, as in life, do unto others as you would have them do unto you - 22 - Players' Code Play the game for the game's sake Be generous when you win Be gracious when you lose Be fair always, no matter what the cost Obey the Laws of the Game Work for the good of the team Accept the decisions of the Officials with good grace Believe in the honesty of your opponents Conduct yourself with honour and dignity Honestly and wholeheartedly applaud the efforts of you teammates and opponents Parents' Code Children have more need for example than criticisms. Make athletic participation for your child and other a positive experience. Attempt to relieve pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside influences. Be kind to your child's coach and officials. The coach is a volunteer giving personal time and money to provide a recreational activity for your child. The coach is providing a valuable community service, often without regard other than the personal satisfaction of having served their community. The opponents are necessary friends. Without them your child could not participate meaningfully. Applaud good plays by your team and by members of the opposing team. Spectator Responsibility Please remember teams are responsible and will be held accountable for the behaviour of their spectators/parents. - 23 - SAMPLE FORM – Photocopy to 8 ½x11 size. Additional full size copies can be found on the EMSA website. Edmonton Minor Soccer Association TRIALIST FORM **** THIS TRIALIST FORM MUST ACCOMPANY ALL GAME SHEETS TO THE EMSA OFFICE. IF YOUR TRIALIST HAS PERMISSION TO PLAY MORE THAN ONE GAME YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE PHOTOCOPIES OF THE TRIALIST FORM TO SUBMIT WITH EACH GAME’S SHEETS.****** Trialists do not require player cards. This form must be given to the referee prior to the game and submitted along with the game sheets to the EMSA office. A written permission letter is also acceptable in place of this form. All information below must be included in the letter. All fields below must be filled out entirely. For regular league play, any registered player may play in a higher Tier (in the same age category) or higher age category. THE MOVEMENT MUST OCCUR WITHIN THE SAME ZONE (example West Zone to West Zone or North Zone to North Zone. You cannot have a North Zone player as a trialist on a West Zone team). Prior written approval of the Coach or Team Designate of the team for which the player is registered must be obtained. The following conditions must also be met: a. No more than a total of three (3) such players can be recruited for any one (1) game. For Community Teams, trialist players cannot be used to increase the current roster size of the team (you cannot exceed the number of players you have currently registered on your ASA form – you can only replace players that are missing). For Premier teams, the EMSA Board has given special dispensation for this season only to allow Premier teams to use trialists up to the maximum roster size permitted as stated in rule 304.0. However, the maximum of three per game still applies as do all of the other regulations. The intent of this special dispensation is to allow Community players to experience play in the Premier League to see if it may be a possible fit for them. Using these trialists should not greatly reduce the amount of playing time for your regular registered team players. b. The player(s) will be noted as ‘trialist’ on the game sheet (there is a section for this located on the bottom of the game sheet). c. A player can be used a trialist for a maximum of five (5) games per team. d. No player may play on an EIYSA team as a trialist. No EIYSA player shall play on an EMSA team as a trialist. This rule applies to regular league, post season competition, and all tournament games. e. Teams from out of district who are participating in the EMSA program are permitted to use trialists from their parent organizations/zone/district as long as they are an ASA registered player for that season; they are from a lower division or lower age category; and the use of the trialists does not violate any EMSA or ASA rules f. Tier I & II players are ineligible as trialists on all community teams and Tier III teams of the same age group. However, Tier I & II players can play as a trialist on a Tier III team of an older age group provided all other conditions of the Trialist are followed. Example: A U14 Tier I or II player can play as a trialist on a U16 Tier III team. g. Players who are currently serving a suspension from EMSA or ASA are ineligible as trialists. Player’s First & Last Name: Team Name that player is CURRENTLY REGISTERED with: Team’s Age Group, Gender & Tier that player is CURRENTLY registered with: Coach Name of team that player is CURRENTLY registered with: Team Name that player is playing as a trialist for: Team’s Age Group, Gender & Tier that player is playing as a trialist for: List all dates that player has permission to play as a trialist for with the above team: Please indicate with a check mark which number of times this game is for this player. 1st time ____ 2nd time ____ 3rd time ____ 4th time ____ 5th time ____ By signing below, the team official/designate of the team that the player is currently registered with has given permission for the above player to play as a trialist on the above mentioned team. By signing below the team official/designate of the team the player is playing as a trialist for recognizes all trialist rules & regulations above: Coach/Team Designate of team player is currently registered with: _____________________________________ Coach/Team Designate of team that player is playing as a trialist for: ___________________________________ - 24 - SAMPLE GAME SHEET: see boxes indicating what needs to be filled out on your game sheet in order for it to be considered complete to avoid the admin fee issued to the head coach. EMSA INDOOR LEAGUE GAME SHEET THE REFEREE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TURNING IN THEEnsure WHITE COPIES OF THE GAME SHEETS TO THE FACILITIES STAFF. your team name is marked here. THE HOME TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR POSTING GAME SCORES ON THE EMSA WEBSITE BY THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. Game Sheet of (Team Name): Insert field number here ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Insert the time of game here Insert the date of game here Date: _________________________________________Time:_________________ Field: _________________________________ AGE: U10 U12 Circle age group U14 U16 U18 Gender: Boys HOME TEAM ______________________________________ Home Team Name Circle gender SCORE Coach. Write your division or Division/Group/Tier: : ___________________ Insert all coach/mgr names here that are on the bench Coach or Mgr Insert coach/mgrs card #’s here. If applicable. SCORE Coach or Team Official’s Signature: Sign prior to start of game Coach/Mgr must sign game sheet Card # Card # Insert Ref Liaison name here (it is (Mandatory) group letter AWAY TEAM ______________________________________ Away Team Name Card # Coach. Ref Liaison Girls Bench Parent: mandatory that one is provided) Player’s Full Name (no initials) Jersey # First Name Last Name Infractions Player Card # 1. 2. Insert all jersey numbers of players in this column Goals Yellow Card Insert bench parents name here if applicable Red Card 3. 4. 5. 6. Insert all players first and last names in this column (no initials). 7. Insert all player card numbers (if applicable) in this column. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Insert all trialists names in this area. Please be sure to give trialist permission forms to the referee to hand in with the white copies of the game sheets. 20. TRIALIST – Print name here Trialists do not need player cards but permission forms TRIALIST – Print name here TRIALIST – Print name here are required and must accompany white copies of game sheets. - 25 - This book is an excerpt of our rules, regulations and policies. For the complete listing of EMSA Rules & Regulations please visit: www.emsamain.com - 26 - Salute to Soccer! Nov 14 @ 7pm Come join EMSA and the Oil Kings at the 2nd Annual Salute to Soccer Night at Rexall Place on November 14th!!! Group tickets are only $18 per seat. Support EMSA by purchasing your 50/50 tickets & chuck-a-pucks at the game! Create a positive, memorable team bonding night for your players! Have your players wear their soccer jerseys to show their team and soccer pride! The first 100 teams to book their spot will receive a souvenir Edmonton Oil Kings Soccer bag. A High Five or Honour Guard Experience for the players of the first 20 teams to book their spot. Please contact Derek Perchaluk at dperchaluk@edmontonoilers.com or 780.409.5909 for ticket information. - 27 -
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