2015 APS Journals Catalog EXCELLENCE COMMITMENT VALUE American APS Journals 2015 Physical Society 1 APS Headquarters One Physics Ellipse College Park, MD 20740-3844, USA Tel: +1-301-209-3283 APS Editorial Office 1 Research Road Ridge, NY 11961-2701, USA Tel: +1-631-591-4000 APS Subscription Services P.O. Box 41 Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0041, USA US/Canada: +1-888-339-9655 International: +1-301-617-7809 Fax: +1-240-757-4289 Email: subs@aps.org Online Visit the Librarians Portal at librarians.aps.org View our journals at journals.aps.org Impact Factors and Immediacy Index Data obtained from the 2013 Journal Citation Reports Healthcare & Science Division of Thomson Reuters Image on the cover, page 5, 21, and 25: “Accurate Optical Detection of Amphiphiles at Liquid-Crystal-Water Interfaces” [Piotr Popov et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 1, 034003 (2014)] 2 © 2014 American Physical Society APS Journals 2015 2015 APS JOURNALS CATALOG Contents Founded in 1899, the American Physical Society (APS) strives to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics. In support of this objective, APS publishes primary research and review journals. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 2 Letter from the Editor in Chief .............................................................................. 3 JOURNAL DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................. 5 Editors’ Suggestions, Kaleidoscope, Creative Commons .................................... 6 Physical Review Applied.........................................................................................7 Physical Review Letters......................................................................................... 8 Reviews of Modern Physics .................................................................................. 9 Physical Review A .................................................................................................10 Physical Review B ..................................................................................................11 Physical Review C................................................................................................. 12 Physical Review D.................................................................................................13 Physical Review E ................................................................................................. 14 Physical Review X................................................................................................. 15 Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams .................................16 Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research ........................... 17 PROLA ..................................................................................................................18 Physics ..................................................................................................................19 BAPS & APS News................................................................................................ 20 PUBLICATION SERVICES................................................................................... 21 Librarians Portal, Usage Statistics ....................................................................... 22 CD-ROMs, Giving Credit to Your Library............................................................. 23 Link Manager, RSS Feeds, Email Alerting Service, Saved Search ...................... 24 INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS.................................................................... 25 Site License/Online Access, 2015 Online Subscriptions .....................................27 APS Tiers, IP Policy............................................................................................... 28 International Orders ............................................................................................ 29 2015 Institutional Prices, 2015 Print Add-On Prices ........................................... 30 2015 CD-ROM Prices ............................................................................................31 Price-Per-Page, Price-Per-Article for PR-ALL+PRL...................................................32 APS Journals 2015 1 Introduction The journals of the American Physical Society embody the mission of the Society to “advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics.” We strive to produce journals of the highest quality, and keep our journals accessible to researchers and students at institutions of all types and sizes, everywhere in the world. The 2015 Journals Catalog provides valuable information about each of the APS journals, along with an overview of the various services and resources available to librarians, subscribers, and readers. “Quantum-path control and isolated-attosecond-pulse generation using H2+ molecules with moving nuclei in few-cycle laser pulses” [Xin-Lei Ge et al., Phys. Rev. A 89, 023424 (2014)] 2 APS Journals 2015 Letter FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF Each year, the American Physical Society’s journals catalog provides useful information about the APS journal collection: Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, the Physical Review series, two open access Special Topics journals, and our newest journal—Physical Review Applied. This catalog highlights each journal’s scope, features, and editorial staff, along with a selection of colorful and intriguing images from APS published research. The catalog also includes information detailing PROLA, the Physical Review Online Archive; our free online publication Physics, comprised of original news and commentary about noteworthy APS journal articles; and all of the other valuable publication services offered. We are proudly watching the development of our newest journal, Physical Review Applied, which commenced in December of 2013. Since its launch, we have seen a steady stream of high-quality papers both submitted and published from authors who may not have previously had a clear place to publish within the APS family of journals. APS also recently launched completely new, mobile-friendly journal web pages offering a high-quality experience across a range of devices. The interactive design broadens the site’s utility across media platforms and lays the groundwork for future enhancements. I’ve been accustomed to sharing these introductory pages with Joe Serene, who served as APS Treasurer/Publisher for the last eight years through August of 2014. Joe ably managed the Treasurer and Publisher positions, either of which could have been a full time job. Among Joe’s contributions were the idea and implementation of providing APS journals at no cost to public libraries and high schools throughout the United States. He was also a founder of CHORUS, the consortium of publishers working together to design and propose a response to the US government mandate to make federally funded research publicly available. Everyone at APS will miss Joe’s dedication to the organization and his commitment to providing the best journals at the lowest and most equitable prices possible. I would also like to thank two representatives from the librarian community, Christopher Erdmann of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Joy Painter of the California Institute of Technology for their contributions to APS. Both Christopher and Joy were appointed, in consultation with the Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics Division (PAM) of the Special Libraries Association (SLA), to serve as advisors to APS and attend our Publications Oversight Committee meetings. We look forward to providing you with another year full of exceptional research and thank you for your commitment to the APS journal collection. Gene D. Sprouse Editor in Chief American Physical Society APS Journals 2015 3 4 APS Journals 2014 Journal Descriptions APS Editorial Office Gene D. Sprouse, Editor in Chief Daniel T. Kulp, Editorial Director Hernan D. Rozenfeld, Assistant Editorial Director APS Journals 2015 5 SUGGESTIONS Look for this indication KALEIDOSCOPE Look for this indication Editors’ Suggestions Included in the Physical Review journal collection, Editors’ Suggestions highlight select papers of particular interest, importance, or clarity. APS Editors choose these exceptional papers weekly to encourage the exploration of other areas of physics. Editors’ Suggestions can be found on the respective online journal page. Kaleidoscope Many Physical Review articles contain images that are both scientifically important and visually appealing. A selection of these images appears in Kaleidoscope to promote interest in the aesthetics of physics. Images are selected solely for their artistic appeal. Images from recently published papers appear on our main page and in an online archive. Creative Commons Authors in most Physical Review journals may pay an article-processing charge whereby their accepted manuscripts are available barrier-free and open access on publication. These manuscripts are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC-BY), the most permissive of the CC licenses, granting authors and others the right to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work, provided that proper credit is given. This alternative is in addition to traditional subscriptionfunded publication; authors may choose one or the other for their accepted papers. More information about the APS article-processing charges can be found online at journals.aps.org/author-information. 6 APS Journals 2015 Physical Review Applied journals.aps.org/prapplied Physical Review Applied is APS’s newest journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research at the intersection of physics and engineering. Physical Review Applied welcomes papers in conventional applied physics, including research into materials science, surface and interface physics, device physics, condensed matter physics, and optics. Beyond the conventional description, we especially invite papers by physicists working on problems in engineering, and by engineers investigating systems involving physical mechanisms. We believe the combination of the best in physics with the best in engineering will strengthen both disciplines as well as provide new insights, foster new approaches, and promote new collaborations in a forum not available elsewhere. Topics Include: 7ffb_YWj_edie\gkWdjkcc[Y^Wd_Yi_dYecfkj[hi" electronics, and nanocrystals 8_ef^oi_Yi"X_e[d]_d[[h_d]"WdZX_ec[Z_YWbcWj[h_Wbi :[l_Y[f^oi_Yi ;d[h]oj[Y^debe]o"_dYbkZ_d]h[d[mWXb[[d[h]o" energy storage, and energy generation >_]^#fh[iikh[WdZ][ef^oi_Yi CW]d[j_YiWdZif_djhed_Yi CWj[h_WbiiY_[dY[WdZ[d]_d[[h_d]"_dYbkZ_d] polymers, semiconductors, superconductors, interfaces and surfaces, and metamaterials Cehf^e][d[i_iWdZfWjj[hd\ehcWj_ed_ddWjkh[WdZ in manufactured materials DWdeiY_[dY[WdZdWdej[Y^debe]o Efj_Yi"efje[b[Yjhed_Yi"f^ejed_Yi"WdZbWi[hf^oi_Yi Ie\jcWjj[hf^oi_Yi"_dYbkZ_d]Ȉbk_Z"]hWdkbWh"WdZ colloidal dynamics, jamming and glasses, complex fluids, and active matter “Induction Theorem Analysis of Resonant Nanoparticles: Design of a Huygens Source Nanoparticle Laser” [Iñigo Liberal et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 1, 044002 (2014)] 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 250 Number of pages: 2,000 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volume 3, 4 (12 issues) ISSN 2331-7019 (online) CODEN: PRAHB2 SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/prapplied/highlights EDITOR Troy Shinbrot Rutgers University APS Journals 2015 MANAGING EDITOR Julie Kim-Zajonz American Physical Society 7 Physical Review Letters journals.aps.org/prl Physical Review Letters (PRL) is the premier APS journal for current research, providing rapid publication of short reports of important fundamental research in all fields of physics. As the most cited physics journal, PRL provides its international readership with weekly coverage of major worldwide advances in physics and cross-disciplinary developments. PRL recently reaffirmed its standards (detailed in an editorial published online October 29, 2013) and cut its acceptance rate by about 30%. PRL is a high-profile publication broadly supporting the full spectrum of current physics research. A full list of topics covered is available in the Table of Contents online. Abstracting/Indexing: Chemical Abstracts, Computer & Control Abstracts, Current Physics Index, Electrical & Electronics Index, Energy Research Abstracts, GeoRef, INSPEC, International Aerospace Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, Medline, Metal Abstracts, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Physics Abstracts, World Aluminum Abstracts “Gravitational Waves from the Sound of a First Order Phase Transition” [Mark Hindmarsh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 041301 (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 7.728 Immediacy Index: 2.143 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 3,250 Number of pages: 16,400 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volume 114, 115 (51 issues) ISSN SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/prl/highlights The PRL Editors choose about one Letter in six for a Suggestion of unusual importance, interest, and clarity. PRL Editors’ Suggestions are downloaded and cited about twice as often as the average Letter and are covered by the press substantially more often. 0031-9007 (print) 1079-7114 (online) 1092-0145 (CD-ROM) CODEN: PRLTAO COVER IMAGES journals.aps.org/prl/covers EDITORS Pierre Meystre University of Arizona Robert Garisto American Physical Society Samindranath Mitra American Physical Society Reinhardt B. Schuhmann American Physical Society 8 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Brant M. Johnson Brookhaven National Laboratory Mu Wang American Physical Society CONSULTING EDITORS Stanley G. Brown American Physical Society George Basbas American Physical Society APS Journals 2015 Reviews of Modern Physics journals.aps.org/rmp Reviews of Modern Physics (RMP) brings the broad fundamental physics literature in established topical areas together and places it within the context of current trends in research and applications. Its review articles offer in-depth treatment of a research area, survey recent work, and provide an introduction aimed at graduate students and nonspecialists. The journal’s shorter Colloquia describe recent work with a broad appeal, especially at the frontiers of physics, which may impact several different subfields. RMP serves students, engineers, and physics researchers in a range of fields. Abstracting/Indexing: 9^[c_YWb7XijhWYji 9ecfkj[h9edjheb7XijhWYji 9khh[djF^oi_Yi?dZ[n ;b[Yjh_YWb;b[Yjhed_Yi?dZ[n ;d[h]oH[i[WhY^7XijhWYji ;nY[hfjWC[Z_YW =[eH[\ ?DIF;9 ?dj[hdWj_edWb7[heifWY[7XijhWYji CWj^[cWj_YWbH[l_[mi DkYb[WhIY_[dY[7XijhWYji F^oi_Yi7XijhWYji “Colloquium: Perspectives on core-collapse supernova theory” [Adam Burrows, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 245 (2013)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 42.86 Immediacy Index: 8.333 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 45 Number of pages: 1,700 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volume 87 (4 issues) ISSN 0034-6861 (print) 1539-0756 (online) 1538-4527 (CD-ROM) CODEN: RMPHAT COVER IMAGES journals.aps.org/rmp/covers EDITOR Achim Richter Technische Universität Darmstadt (Emeritus), Germany APS Journals 2015 COLLOQUIA EDITOR Antonio H. Castro Neto Boston University ASSOCIATE EDITORS Available via journals.aps.org/rmp/staff SENIOR ASSISTANT EDITOR Debbie Brodbar American Physical Society 9 Physical Review A journals.aps.org/pra Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Physical Review A (PRA) publishes worldwide developments in the areas of atomic, molecular, and optical physics, as well as quantum information. Sections Include: <kdZWc[djWbie\GkWdjkcC[Y^Wd_Yi GkWdjkc?d\ehcWj_ed 7jec_YWdZCeb[YkbWhIjhkYjkh[WdZ:odWc_Yi 7jec_YWdZCeb[YkbWh9ebb_i_ediWdZ?dj[hWYj_edi 7jec_YWdZCeb[YkbWhFheY[ii[i_d;nj[hdWb<_[bZi CWjj[hMWl[i Efj_Yi"Xej^GkWdjkcWdZ9bWii_YWb Abstracting/Indexing: 9ecfkj[h9edjheb7XijhWYji 9khh[djF^oi_Yi?dZ[n ;b[Yjh_YWb;b[Yjhed_Yi?dZ[n ?DIF;9 F^oi_Yi7XijhWYji “Nonlinear quantum dynamics in a -symmetric double well” [Daniel Haag et al., Phys. Rev. A 89, 023601 (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 2.991 Immediacy Index: 0.858 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 2,830 Number of pages: 23,000 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volumes 91, 92 (12 issues) ISSN 1050-2947 (print) 1094-1622 (online) 1538-4446 (CD-ROM) CODEN: PLRAAN SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/pra/highlights KALEIDOSCOPE journals.aps.org/pra/kaleidoscope EDITORS Gordon W.F. Drake University of Windsor, Canada Margaret Malloy American Physical Society MANAGING EDITOR Thomas Pattard American Physical Society 10 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dirk Jan Bukman American Physical Society Lee A. Collins Los Alamos National Laboratory Franco Dalfovo Universita di Trento, Italy Mark Hillery Hunter College Keith B. MacAdam University of Kentucky Frank Narducci Naval Air Systems Command Mark Saffman University of Wisconsin Barry Sanders University of Calgary, Canada APS Journals 2015 Physical Review B journals.aps.org/prb Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Physical Review B (PRB) is the largest and most comprehensive international journal specializing in condensed matter and materials physics. PRB is ranked number one in total citations in condensed matter physics. Features: HkdXo\kbb#j_c[[nf[h_[dY[Z[Z_jehiZ[Z_YWj[Zje high editorial standards and a quality review process ;Z_jehiXWYa[ZXoWbWh][_dj[hdWj_edWb;Z_jeh_Wb8eWhZ of active well-known condensed matter scientists :[jW_b[Z\[[ZXWYafhel_Z[ZXoh[\[h[[ije[dikh[ the highest-quality papers J^[HWf_Z9ecckd_YWj_edii[Yj_edYedjW_di\ekh# page papers of highest caliber and considered by the editors and referees to be of high importance J^[fh[#[c_d[djiekhY[\ehZ[jW_b[ZYecfh[^[di_l[ regular articles that are the mainstay of scientific communication J^ehek]^Xkjj_c[bofheZkYj_edfheY[ii /&e\fWf[hiWh[fkXb_i^[Zm_j^_d()ZWoie\ acceptance PRB publishes papers on a wide range of condensed matter topics, including multiferroics, magnetism, alloys, phase transitions, structure, superconductivity, superfluidity, electronic structure, topological insulators, graphene, mesoscopic systems, nanoscience, photonics and plasmonics, semiconductors, and surfaces. PRB also publishes papers in many other fields that relate to condensed matter. “Chiral d-wave superconductivity in SrPtAs” [Mark H. Fischer et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 020509(R) (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 3.664 Immediacy Index: 0.994 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 4,600 Number of pages: 38,500 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volumes 91, 92 (48 issues) ISSN 1098-0121 (print) 1550-235X (online) 1538-4489 (CD-ROM) CODEN: PRBMDO SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/prb/highlights KALEIDOSCOPE journals.aps.org/prb/kaleidoscope EDITOR Laurens W. Molenkamp Universität Wurzbu ¨ rg, Germany APS Journals 2015 MANAGING EDITOR Anthony M. Begley American Physical Society ASSOCIATE EDITOR Alexios Klironomos American Physical Society Robert M. Konik Brookhaven National Laboratory 11 Physical Review C journals.aps.org/prc Nuclear Physics Physical Review C (PRC) publishes leading research articles that report experimental and theoretical results in all aspects of nuclear physics. PRC publishes approximately 75% of all the nuclear research found in peer-reviewed, international, archival journals. Sections Include: DkYb[ed#DkYb[ed?dj[hWYj_ed <[m#8eZoIoij[ci DkYb[WhIjhkYjkh[ DkYb[WhH[WYj_edi H[bWj_l_ij_YDkYb[Wh9ebb_i_edi >WZhed_YF^oi_YiWdZG9: ;b[Yjhem[Wa?dj[hWYj_edi Iocc[jh_[i DkYb[Wh7ijhef^oi_Yi Abstracting/Indexing: 9^[c_YWb7XijhWYji 9ecfkj[h9edjheb7XijhWYji 9khh[djF^oi_Yi?dZ[n ;b[Yjh_YWb;b[Yjhed_Yi?dZ[n ;d[h]oH[i[WhY^7XijhWYji ?DIF;9 ?dj[hdWj_edWb7[heifWY[7XijhWYji “Non-equilibrium phase transition in relativistic nuclear collisions: Importance of the equation of state” [Jan Steinheimer et al., Phys. Rev. C 89, 034901 (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 3.881 Immediacy Index: 0.989 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 1,100 Number of pages: 10,400 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volumes 91, 92 (12 issues) ISSN 0556-2813 (print) 1089-490X (online) 1538-4497 (CD-ROM) SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/prc/highlights CODEN: PRVCAN KALEIDOSCOPE journals.aps.org/prc/kaleidoscope EDITOR Benjamin F. Gibson Los Alamos National Laboratory MANAGING EDITOR Christopher Wesselborg American Physical Society 12 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Iraj R. Afnan Flinders University, Australia Simon Capstick Florida State University Richard F. Casten Yale University Bradley W. Filippone California Institute of Technology William R. Gibbs New Mexico State University Joseph I. Kapusta University of Minnesota D. John Millener Brookhaven National Laboratory APS Journals 2015 Physical Review D journals.aps.org/prd Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology Physical Review D (PRD) publishes leading research in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, and cosmology. Content Includes: ;nf[h_c[djWb>_]^#;d[h]oF^oi_Yi F^[dec[debe]_YWbboEh_[dj[ZJ^[eho of Particles and Fields 9eic_Y#HWoF^oi_Yi ;b[Yjhem[Wa?dj[hWYj_edi 7ffb_YWj_edie\G9: BWjj_Y[=Wk][J^[eho =[d[hWbH[bWj_l_jo GkWdjkcJ^[ehoe\=hWl_jWj_ed 9eicebe]o FWhj_Yb[7ijhef^oi_Yi <ehcWb7if[Yjie\J^[ehoe\FWhj_Yb[iWdZ<_[bZi =[d[hWbWdZ<ehcWb:[l[befc[dj_d=Wk][<_[bZ Theories and String Theories Abstracting/Indexing: 9^[c_YWb7XijhWYji 9ecfkj[h9edjheb7XijhWYji 9khh[djF^oi_Yi?dZ[n ;b[Yjh_YWb;b[Yjhed_Yi?dZ[n ;d[h]oH[i[WhY^7XijhWYji ?DIF;9 ?dj[hdWj_edWb7[heifWY[7XijhWYji CWj^[cWj_YWbH[l_[mi DkYb[WhIY_[dY[7XijhWYji F^oi_Yi7XijhWYji SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/prd/highlights “PAMELA and AMS-02 e+ and e− spectra are reproduced by threedimensional cosmic-ray modeling” [Daniele Gaggero et al., Phys. Rev. D 89, 083007 (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 4.864 Immediacy Index: 1.594 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 3,380 Number of pages: 41,500 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volumes 91, 92 (24 issues) ISSN 1550-7998 (print) 1550-2368 (online) 1538-4500 (CD-ROM) CODEN: PRVDAQ KALEIDOSCOPE journals.aps.org/prd/kaleidoscope EDITORS Erick J. Weinberg Columbia University Urs M. Heller American Physical Society APS Journals 2015 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Robert D. Pisarski Brookhaven National Laboratory CONSULTING EDITOR Dennis L. Nordstrom American Physical Society 13 Physical Review E journals.aps.org/pre Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics Physical Review E (PRE), broad and interdisciplinary in scope, focuses on collective phenomena of manybody systems, with statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics as the central themes of the journal. Sections Include: IjWj_ij_YWbF^oi_Yi =hWdkbWhCWj[h_Wbi 9ebbe_ZiWdZ9ecfb[n<bk_Zi <_bci"?dj[h\WY[i"WdZIeb_Zi B_gk_Z9hoijWbi Feboc[hi 8_ebe]_YWbF^oi_Yi D[jmehaiWdZ?dj[hZ_iY_fb_dWhoF^oi_Yi Dedb_d[Wh:odWc_YiWdZ9^Wei <bk_Z:odWc_Yi FbWicWF^oi_Yi 9bWii_YWbF^oi_Yi 9ecfkjWj_edWbF^oi_Yi Abstracting/Indexing: 9^[c_YWb7XijhWYji 9khh[djF^oi_Yi?dZ[n =;EH;< ?DIF;9 CWj^IY_D[j C[Zb_d[ F^oi_Yi7XijhWYji fkXC;: 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volumes 91, 92 (12 issues) ISSN 1539-3755 (print) 1550-2376 (online) 1538-4519 (CD-ROM) CODEN: PLEEE8 KALEIDOSCOPE journals.aps.org/pre/kaleidoscope MANAGING EDITOR Dirk Jan Bukman American Physical Society ASSOCIATE EDITORS Alex Arenas Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain 14 IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 2.326 Immediacy Index: 0.548 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 2,530 Number of pages: 22,800 SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/pre/highlights EDITOR Eli Ben-Naim Los Alamos National Laboratory “Interfaces with internal structures in generalized rock-paper-scissors models” [P. P. Avelino et al., Phys. Rev. E 89, 042710 (2014)] Ralf Bundschuh The Ohio State University Ronald Dickman Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Bruno Eckhardt Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany Henrik Flyvbjerg Technical University of Denmark-DTU Antal Jákli Kent State University Brant M. Johnson Brookhaven National Laboratory Margaret Malloy American Physical Society Julian D. Maynard Pennsylvania State University Thomas Pattard American Physical Society Antonio Politi University of Aberdeen, UK Alexander Wagner North Dakota State University APS Journals 2015 Physical Review X journals.aps.org/prx Physical Review X (PRX) is APS’s online-only, fully open access journal that is broad in scope. It is a highly selective peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish, as timely as possible, exceptional original research papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics. PRX’s mission is to bring innovative and important results to the broad science and engineering communities under its open-access publishing model. Features: >_]^boi[b[Yj_l[ijWdZWhZiYecfWhWXb[jej^ei[ of the top journals in physics If[Y_WbWjj[dj_edjeYheii#jef_Y"Yheii#Ȉ_[bZ"WdZ cross-discipline research of wide impact >_]^#gkWb_jo[Z_jeh_WbWdZf[[h#h[l_[mfheY[ii0 - Actively engaged and responsive editorial team - Substantive referee reports and editorial decisions - Scientific oversight by a distinguished, international, and topically broad Editorial Board <b[n_Xb[Whj_Yb[b[d]j^ If[Y_Wbi[Yj_edii^emYWi_d]Ykhh[djWdZ[c[h]_d] fields and topics >_]^l_i_X_b_joWdZXheWZZ_ii[c_dWj_ed0 - Global free access to all content - Frequent highlighting of exceptional PRX papers in Physics and in the popular press ;d^WdY[ZYedj[djZ[b_l[ho0 - Attractive key images; non-technical popular summaries - In-article live video links; topic-based browsing “Three-Dimensional Fluid Motion in Faraday Waves: Creation of Vorticity and Generation of Two-Dimensional Turbulence” [N. Francois et al., Phys. Rev. X 4, 021021 (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 8.385 Immediacy Index: 2.304 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 210 Number of pages: 2,000 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volume 5 (4 issues) ISSN 2160-3308 (online) CODEN: PRXHAE EDITOR Jorge Pullin Louisiana State University APS Journals 2015 MANAGING EDITOR Ling Miao American Physical Society 15 Physical Review Special Topics Accelerators and Beams journals.aps.org/prstab Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams (PRST-AB) is a peer-reviewed, online-only, open access journal funded by contributions from domestic and international laboratories and other partners. PRST-AB covers the full range of accelerator science and technology: IkXioij[cWdZ9ecfed[djJ[Y^debe]_[i 8[Wc:odWc_Yi :[i_]d"Ef[hWj_ed"WdZ?cfhel[c[dje\ Accelerators Used in Science and Industry 7YY[b[hWjeh7ffb_YWj_edi 7YY[b[hWjehi\eh>_]^;d[h]oWdZDkYb[WhF^oi_Yi IodY^hejhed#HWZ_Wj_edFheZkYj_ed IfWbbWj_edD[kjhedIekhY[i C[Z_YWbJ^[hWfo ?dj[di[8[Wc7ffb_YWj_edi A full list of PRST-AB sponsors can be found online: journals.aps.org/prstab/sponsors Abstracting/Indexing: ?DIF;9 “Enhanced stability of laser wakefield acceleration using dielectric capillary tubes” [M. Hansson et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 031303 (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 1.517 Immediacy Index: 0.403 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 185 Number of pages: 1,870 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volumes 18 (12 issues) ISSN 1098-4402 (online) CODEN: PRABFM SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/prstab/highlights KALEIDOSCOPE journals.aps.org/prstab/kaleidoscope EDITOR Frank Zimmermann CERN, Switzerland SENIOR ASSISTANT EDITOR Debbie Brodbar American Physical Society 16 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jean Delayen Old Dominion University and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Brant M. Johnson Brookhaven National Laboratory Kazuhito Ohmi KEK, Japan APS Journals 2015 Physical Review Special Topics Physics Education Research journals.aps.org/prstper Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research (PRST-PER) is a peer-reviewed, onlineonly, open access journal covering the full range of experimental and theoretical research related to the teaching and/or learning of physics. PRST-PER is financed by article-processing charges to the author or to the authors’ institution to defray editorial, hosting, and archiving expenses. The criteria for acceptance of articles include the high scholarly and technical standard of our other Physical Review journals. Authors may submit review articles, replication studies, and descriptions of the development and use of new assessment tools. Presentations of research techniques and methodology comparisons/critiques will be considered. Abstracting/Indexing: ?DIF;9 ;H?9 “Visualizing changes in pretest and post-test student responses with consistency plots” [Michael C. Wittmann and Katrina E. Black, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 10, 010114 (2014)] IMPACT AND IMMEDIACY DATA (2013) Impact Factor: 1.573 Immediacy Index: 0.071 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 55 Number of pages: 650 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volume 11 (2 issues) ISSN 1554-9178 (online) CODEN: PRSTCR SUGGESTIONS journals.aps.org/prstper/highlights EDITOR Charles Henderson Western Michigan University SENIOR ASSISTANT EDITOR Debbie Brodbar American Physical Society APS Journals 2015 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Paula Heron University of Washington, Seattle EDITORIAL BOARD Andrew Heckler The Ohio State University Cedric Linder Uppsala University, Sweden Manuela Welzel-Breuer Heidelberg University of Education, Germany Eugenia Etkina Rutgers University John R. Thompson University of Maine, Orono Edit Yerushalmi Weismann Institute of Science, Israel 17 Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) journals.aps.org/prola Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) ensures the immediate and long-term accessibility of journal content published by APS. 2015 PROLA, APS-ALL, and PR-ALL package subscribers will receive online access to the complete archive of all publications, including: Physical Review Series I and II, in their entirety (1893–1969) Physical Review A–D from 1970–2011 Physical Review E from 1993–2011 Physical Review Letters from 1958–2011 Reviews of Modern Physics from 1929–2011 At the end of each calendar year, PROLA adds another year of content. Features: FHEB7WdZj^[Ykhh[dj\kbb#j[njYedj[dj_dZ[n[Z in Google and Google Scholar 7bbF:<iYedjW_d[Z_dj^[iYWdd[Zfehj_ed of PROLA have been refreshed using better compression and adding searchable text 2011 2000 1990 PRA 1970–2011 PRB 1970–2011 PRC 1970–2011 PRD 1970–2011 “Optical analog of spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by tachyon condensation in amplifying plasmonic arrays” [A. Marini et al., Phys. Rev. A 89, 023840 (2014)] A subscription to PROLA gives you access to all journal content from 1893 to 2011. PRE 1993–2011 PRL 1958–2011 RMP 1929–2011 1980 1970 1960 1950 APS JOURNALS ARCHIVE SERIES 1883–1969 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1893 18 APS Journals 2015 physics.aps.org Spotlighting Exceptional Research Physics provides daily online-only news and commentary about a selection of papers from the APS journal collection. Written for readers that want to keep up with highlights of physics research, Physics provides clear and informative explanations that don’t rely on jargon and technical detail. Physics publishes several types of articles: L_[mfe_dji09ecc[djWh_[iedfWf[himh_jj[dXo prominent experts in a given field <eYkiijeh_[i0;nfbWdWj_edie\h[i[WhY^fWf[hi geared toward students and non-experts Iodefi[i08h_[\d[miikccWh_[iWXekjfWf[hi Dej[i\hecj^[;Z_jehi0:_iYkii_edie\jef_Yi relevant to the physics community, but not necessarily covered in the APS journals Features: Physics content available without a subscription D[mYedj[djkfZWj[ZZW_bo 7hj_Yb[i\[Wjkh[Z_dL_[mfe_djiWh[cWZ[\h[[bo available through the Physics website Ed[e\7FI¿iceijl_i_j[Zm[Xi_j[im_j^ceh[j^Wd 160,000 visits per month H[]kbWhfeij_d]iWdZYedl[hiWj_edied7FIieY_Wb media outlets EYYWi_edWb^_]^b_]^j_d]e\YbWii_YfWf[hi\hecj^[ APS online archive “Dynamics of a Two-Dimensional Quantum Spin Liquid: Signatures of Emergent Majorana Fermions and Fluxes” [J. Knolle et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 207203 (2014)] 2015 PUBLICATION PROJECTIONS Number of articles: 300 2015 PUBLICATION FREQUENCY Volume 7 (daily) ISSN 1943-2879 (online) CODEN: PHYSGM As a service to authors, Physics also provides weekly tip sheets about forthcoming papers to credentialed journalists. EDITOR Jessica Thomas American Physical Society FOCUS EDITOR David Ehrenstein American Physical Society CONTRIBUTING EDITOR David Voss American Physical Society DEPUTY EDITOR Matteo Rini American Physical Society APS Journals 2015 19 Bulletin of the American Physical Society (BAPS) www.aps.org/meetings/baps Bulletin of the American Physical Society contains advance information about the Society’s scientific meetings, including abstracts of papers to be presented and transactions of past meetings. BAPS is freely available online. APS News www.aps.org/publications/apsnews Published 11 times a year, (August/September is a combined issue), APS News contains the latest information on the operations and governance of the Society and its units. APS News also features editorials, letters to the editor, commentaries, and other op-ed pieces. APS News is freely available online. 20 APS Journals 2015 Publication Services COMMITMENT APS Journals 2015 21 Librarians Portal librarians.aps.org APS hosts its own journals as part of an initiative to integrate all reader, author, referee, and member services. The unified platform allows for personalized service and more comprehensive features. Librarians can verify their subscription information, update IP ranges, and update contact information using the APS Librarian Portal for subscriptions to Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, and Reviews of Modern Physics. Librarians who need to register may contact help@aps.org. For assistance with invoicing, renewals, print fulfillment, or online subscriber agreements, please email APS Subscription Services at subs@aps.org. Usage Statistics Library administrators at institutions with a current subscription will have access to COUNTER 3.0 compliant usage statistics on the APS server. Usage statistics conform to the Code of Practice developed by Project COUNTER. To access your institutional APS usage statistics, please visit the APS Journals-Librarians Portal at librarians.aps.org or counter.aps.org. 22 APS Journals 2015 CD-ROMs librarians.aps.org/cdroms APS produces a PDF collection of all articles published each year for institutional subscribers that want to maintain electronic copies of their subscriptions on their own servers as a permanent record (“electronic shelving”). The files, distributed on CD-ROMS, can be mounted on your institution’s local server and made accessible using standard internet browsers. See page 29 for additional details and pricing. Giving Credit to Your Library Users accessing APS journals and PROLA content via an institutional subscription can now see a message on each abstract page informing them that access is through their paid library subscription. The name of the library is featured as part of the message. If the library name printed in the message is incorrect, you can either change the display name through the librarian portal or request a change by sending an email to help@aps.org. Please include your institutional account number, the account administrator’s email address, and the preferred online display name. APS Journals 2015 23 Link Manager APS’s link manager technology makes it convenient and easy to provide links to individual articles in APS journals. More information can be found at link.aps.org. RSS Feeds APS provides content using RSS feeds as a convenience to our readers. RSS feeds are updated several times a day and are an ideal way to stay current on a range of topics. A list of all available feeds is provided at journals.aps.org/feeds. Free Email Alerting Service A free email alerting service is available for each APS journal. By subscribing to this service, you will receive table of contents alerts as journal issues are complete. You can also choose to receive other occasional APS related news. Sign up for email alerts through your APS journal account at journals.aps.org/signup. Saved Search Saved Search allows you to receive daily updates based on any search criteria available in our search engine. Use them to track: If[Y_Ȉ_Ya[omehZi FkXb_YWj_edie\oekhYebb[W]k[iWjoekh_dij_jkj_ed D[mfkXb_YWj_edij^WjY_j[Wif[Y_Ȉ_YWhj_Yb[ Updates are available via email or RSS feeds. To save a search, first log in using your APS Journal Account, do a search, and then simply save it on the search results page. 24 APS Journals 2015 Institutional Institutional Pricing Subscriptions VALUE APS Journals 2015 25 Physics Site License/Online Access To gain online access, subscribers should complete the APS Online Institutional Agreement and provide IP addresses. A copy of the agreement can be found at librarians.aps.org/files/sitelicense.pdf. Site licenses should be sent to: APS Subscription Service P. O. Box 41, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0041, USA Fax: +1-240-757-4289 Email: subs@aps.org 2015 Online Subscriptions All APS journals are hosted on the APS platform. This unified and simplified configuration provides a consolidated set of personalized services for readers, authors, and referees. The online journals are the definitive versions of the APS publications: Physical Review Applied 2014–2015 Physical Review Letters 1958–2015 Reviews of Modern Physics 1929–2015 Physical Review A–D 1970–2015 Physical Review E 1993–2015 Physical Review X 2011–2015 Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 1998–2015 Physical Review Special Topics—Physics Education Research 2005–2015 With a PROLA subscription or an APS-ALL or PR-ALL package, usage statistics will also include: Physical Review Series I & II 1893–1969 APS Journals 2015 27 APS Tiers APS continues its efforts to achieve a fair distribution of costs between major research subscribers, small undergraduate institutions, and those in between. The APS Council supports the philosophy that the cost of research activity should be distributed to reflect the way different institutions utilize the literature. In particular, it should reflect both the value of the product to the reader (students, researchers, etc.) and the value of the journal as a distributor of research information (authors, institutions). Policies for tier designations are set by APS Members who serve on the APS Publications Oversight Committee. The Report of the APS’s Task Force on Journal Pricing was accepted by the APS Council. IP Policy APS online institutional subscribers are recognized and authorized by their Internet Protocol (IP) address. APS will only accept IP ranges owned by the subscriber or that are for the sole use of the subscriber. APS does not allow IP sharing across multiple institutions or accounts. If an IP is submitted in conflict with a pre-existing IP address in the APS system, both institutions will be notified to resolve the conflict. Systematic or programmatic downloading via granted IP access is prohibited. A more detailed explanation of the APS IP Policy is available online at librarians.aps.org/institutional.html. 28 APS Journals 2015 International Orders Institutions in Japan must order directly through APS’s exclusive agent, Kinokuniya. Email journal@kinokuniya.co.jp for more information. Institutions in Korea must order directly through APS’s exclusive agent, Shinwon Datanet. Email info@shinwon.co.kr for more information. Institutions in Australia, Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam must order directly through APS’s exclusive agent, iGroup. Email orders@igroupnet.com for more information. 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APS Journals 2015 29 2015 Institutional Prices To request a subscription price quote, please contact the APS Subscription Service, subs@aps.org, with the titles or subscription packages of interest in addition to the following information: Contact Name Contact Phone Number Contact Email Address Institution or Company Name Full Mailing Address Phone Number Fax Number Website Home Page 2015 Print Add-On Prices Any online subscriber may also order print add-on journals for their respective subscription. APS-ALL and PR-ALL package subscribers may order single print add-on journal titles for any of their respective online subscriptions. Print must be delivered to the same address and same account as the online subscription. Orders and payment for the online and print add-ons must be made at the same time. There is only one price for print add-ons (no tier designation). Prices are as follows: DOMESTIC INTERNATIONAL Physical Review A $1,725 $2,575 Physical Review B $3,700 $4,950 Physical Review C $1,000 $1,320 Physical Review D $2,775 $4,020 Physical Review E $2,100 $2,900 Physical Review Letters $1,625 $2,725 Reviews of Modern Physics APS-ALL Package $300 $400 $13,225 $18,890 Domestic: U.S. and Possessions International: All other Countries 30 APS Journals 2015 2015 CD-ROM Prices Each APS Journal CD-ROM is a hybrid HTML/PDF CD-ROM that allows for “electronic shelving” of that journal. The discs contain PDFs of the year’s journals to allow the transfer of the information onto the subscribing institution’s server, thus “shelving” the information contained in the printed journals. The disc is the functional equivalent of a bound volume. This product provides the opportunity for users to secure their own archival copy of the annual issues. The root directory contains an HTML document that links to each issue’s table of contents, also in HTML format. Each issue has its own directory, which includes the HTML table of contents and PDF files of the articles. These files may be read with any conventional web browser and appropriate PDF viewer (such as Adobe Reader). Access is limited subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the current journal subscription. APS online journals and their content, including abstracts, are copyrighted by the APS and are subject to all applicable copyright, database protection, and other rights of the APS as copyright owner and publisher under the laws of the United States and other countries. Prices are as follows: Physical Review A $280 Physical Review B $840 Physical Review C $140 Physical Review D $420 Physical Review E $420 Physical Review Letters $420 Reviews of Modern Physics Physical Review Applied Complete Set $70 $70 $2,265 The APS 2015 Volume Year CD-ROMs will be available in March 2016. For more information, please email subs@aps.org. APS Journals 2015 31 Price-Per-Page and Price-Per-Article For PR-ALL + PRL 2013 MANUSCRIPTS RECEIVED 2013 MANUSCRIPTS PUBLISHED 22% 30% 28% 31% 3% 4% 38% 44% YEAR MANUSCRIPTS RECEIVED MANUSCRIPTS PUBLISHED PAGES PUBLISHED TIER 1 TIER 4 Online only Price-Per-Page ($US) TIER 1 TIER 4 Online only Price-Per-Article published ($US) 2001 25,225 14,631 104,379 0.113 - 0.806 - 2002 25,809 16,418 119,885 0.105 - 0.768 - 2003 27,274 14,867 106,785 0.118 0.170 0.858 1.236 2004 28,687 16,067 117,719 0.112 0.169 0.819 1.239 2005 30,323 17,843 132,564 0.096 0.149 0.715 1.110 2006 31,566 17,442 130,296 0.095 0.155 0.710 1.158 2007 32,991 17,384 131,038 0.092 0.159 0.691 1.197 2008 34,388 18,660 143,981 0.083 0.149 0.644 1.149 2009 35,052 18,322 141,809 0.078 0.153 0.603 1.182 2010 32,523 18,760 149,520 0.075 0.156 0.595 1.241 2011 33,985 19,023 150,300 0.075 0.164 0.592 1.297 2012 34,092 19,260 159,104 0.072 0.164 0.597 1.358 2013 34,109 18,125 152,036 0.077 0.182 0.647 1.530 2014* 36,327 17,669 151,859 0.079 0.195 0.683 1.677 2015* 36,920 17,690 152,600 0.079 0.194 0.682 1.675 * estimated 32 APS Journals 2015 APS Journals 2015 33 )!.%*Ǝ$5/%(Ǝ+%!05ƎēƎ*!Ǝ$5/%/Ǝ((%,/!ƎēƎ+((!#!Ǝ.'ĎƎƎù÷þû÷ĨúÿûûĎƎ 34 APS Journals 2015
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