NEW FOR 2015 Pricing Bulletin 2015 • 2D Materials • Materials Research Express • Japan Society of Applied Physics Archive Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin 1 Institutional subscription rates for 2015 All institutional subscription rates include access to a 10-year full-text archive (2005–2014 inclusive, where applicable). Contact your regional representative for multi-site licence rates. ISSN (print) ISSN (online) volume frequency print with free electronic access electronic only - 2053-1583 2 E O - £750 - 2043-6262 6 E O O A - Biofabrication 1758-5082 1758-5090 7 E O - £512 Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 1748-3182 1748-3190 10 E O - £623 Biomedical Materials 1748-6041 1748-605X 10 E O - £731 Chinese Physics B 1674-1056 - 24 12 £1116 £1023 Chinese Physics C 1674-1137 - 39 12 £771 £705 Chinese Physics Letters 0256-307X 1741-3540 32 12 £764 £701 Classical and Quantum Gravity 0264-9381 1361-6382 32 24 £3081 £2826 Communications in Theoretical Physics 0253-6102 - 63–64 12 £643 £589 Computational Science & Discovery - 1749-4699 8 E O - - Environmental Research Letters - 1748-9326 10 E O O A - EPL 0295-5075 1286-4854 109–112 12 £2680 £2128 European Journal of Physics 0143-0807 1361-6404 36 6 £723 £661 Fluid Dynamics Research 0169-5983 1873-7005 47 6 £746 £683 Inverse Problems 0266-5611 1361-6420 31 12 £1425 £1307 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1755-1307 1755-1315 - - O A - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1757-8981 1757-899X - - O A - Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 3 † 0021-4922 1347-4065 54 12 + 13 Applied Physics Express 1882-0778 1882-0786 8 12 £1413 £1400 1752-7155 1752-7163 9 E O - £364 - 1475-7516 13 E O - £1251 1742-2132 1742-2140 12 6 £1044 £958 - 1748-0221 10 E O - £746 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 0960-1317 1361-6439 25 12 £923 £846 Journal of Neural Engineering 1741-2560 1741-2552 12 6 £550 £504 Journal of Optics 2040-8978 2040-8986 17 12 £1007 £923 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1751-8113 1751-8121 48 50 £5548 £5085 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 0953-4075 1361-6455 48 24 £4053 £3714 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 0953-8984 1361-648X 27 50 £7725 £7081 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742-6588 1742-6596 - - O A - Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 0022-3727 1361-6463 48 50 £3180 £2661 2D Materials NEW Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1 2 † Journal of Breath Research Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1 Journal of Geophysics and Engineering Journal of Instrumentation 2 Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin KEY NOTES E O Electronic-only titles are continuously updated throughout the publication year. O A Open access. 1 Partially funded by SCOAP3. Please note that any reductions as a result of SCOAP3 will be deducted from your invoice. The relevant journal discount applied to the 2015 prices is in accordance with the percentages agreed with the SCOAP3 consortia. For further information, go to ISSN (print) Non-package subscriptions only available from EDP Sciences at http://epljournal.edpsciences. org/. Publishing 24 online issues per year (with 12 printed journals containing two issues each). Combined subscription with Applied Physics Express. Also includes 13 special issues. 4 Combined subscription of the print magazine Physics World (publishing 12 print issues per year) and the electronic-only Physics World Archive. † Includes access to the full archive. 2 3 ISSN (online) volume frequency print with free electronic access electronic only Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 0954-3899 1361-6471 42 12 £2375 £2177 Journal of Radiological Protection 0952-4746 1361-6498 35 4 £458 £421 Journal of Semiconductors 1674-4926 - 36 12 £925 £846 - 1742-5468 12 E O - £966 Laser Physics 1054-660X 1555-6611 25 12 £2163 £1947 Laser Physics Letters 1612-2011 1612-202X 12 12 £1366 £1187 - 2053-1591 2 E O - £1050 0957-0233 1361-6501 26 12 £1513 £1387 - 2050-6120 3 E O - £608 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment Materials Research Express NEW Measurement Science and Technology Methods and Applications in Fluorescence Metrologia 0026-1394 1681-7575 52 6 £801 £733 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 0965-0393 1361-651X 23 8 £756 £693 Nanotechnology 0957-4484 1361-6528 26 50 £3037 £2784 - 1367-2630 17 E O O A - Nonlinearity 0951-7715 1361-6544 28 12 £1297 £1188 Nuclear Fusion 0029-5515 1741-4326 55 12 £1199 £1098 Physica Scripta 0031-8949 1402-4896 90 12 £1627 £1491 Physical Biology 1478-3967 1478-3975 12 E O - £641 Physics Education 0031-9120 1361-6552 50 6 £363 £332 Physics in Medicine & Biology 0031-9155 1361-6560 60 24 £2254 £2067 Physics World 0953-8585 - 28 12 £369 - - - - E O - £701 - - - - - £856 New Journal of Physics Physics World Archive Physics World combination 4 Physiological Measurement 0967-3334 1361-6579 36 12 £894 £819 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 0741-3335 1361-6587 57 12 £2335 £2139 Plasma Science and Technology 1009-0630 - 17 12 £789 £722 Plasma Sources Science and Technology 0963-0252 1361-6595 24 6 £705 £523 Reports on Progress in Physics 0034-4885 1361-6633 78 12 £2087 £1912 Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 1674-4527 - 15 12 £711 £653 - 1878-5514 16 E O O A - Semiconductor Science and Technology 0268-1242 1361-6641 30 12 £2213 £2028 Smart Materials and Structures 0964-1726 1361-665X 24 12 £1160 £1063 Superconductor Science and Technology 0953-2048 1361-6668 28 12 £1066 £979 - 2051-672X 3 E O - £608 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties Prices for all products and services are in pounds sterling (GBP) and exclude VAT. UK customers are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. EU customers outside the UK who provide their VAT/TVA/MwSt etc number are not subject to UK VAT, however, such customers may be required to account for local VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc under the EU reverse charge mechanism. EU customers who do not provide their VAT/TVA/ MwSt/etc number are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin 3 Packages IOPscience extra™ is an electronic-only subscription package providing access to our complete journals portfolio, partner titles (excluding AAS titles), the complete journal archive (every article published since 1874) and the Physics World Archive. NEW FOR 2015 – now includes 2D Materials and Materials Research Express. Prices are tailored to your institution. Please contact your regional representative for details. The following packages are available in print and electronic or electronic-only format and include a 10-year full-text archive (2005–2014 inclusive, where applicable). PACKAGE Z All journals (excluding AAS titles, Izvestiya: Mathematics, Russian Chemical Reviews, Russian Mathematical Surveys and Sbornik: Mathematics), plus the print magazine Physics World® and the electronic-only Physics World Archive. NEW FOR 2015 – now includes 2D Materials and Materials Research Express. Print and electronic package price (includes 22.5% package discount) £64,915 Electronic-only package price (includes 22.5% package discount) £59,542 PACKAGE A Package A subscribers can receive 50% discount on Package F 19 research and review journals • Applied Physics Express • Chinese Physics C • EPL • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics • Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics • Journal of Instrumentation • Journal of Physics A, B, D & G • Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter • Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment • Laser Physics • Laser Physics Letters • Measurement Science and Technology • Nonlinearity • Reports on Progress in Physics • Semiconductor Science and Technology • Superconductor Science and Technology Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) £36,049 Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) £32,761 PACKAGE B Package B subscribers can receive 50% discount on Package F 24 professional, research and review journals • Applied Physics Express • Chinese Physics C • Classical and Quantum Gravity • European Journal of Physics • EPL • Inverse Problems • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics • Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics • Journal of Instrumentation • Journal of Optics • Journal of Physics A, B, D & G 4 • Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter • Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment • Measurement Science and Technology • Nonlinearity • Physica Scripta • Physics Education • Physics–Uspekhi (Turpion) • Reports on Progress in Physics • Semiconductor Science and Technology • Superconductor Science and Technology Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) £42,469 Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) £38,782 Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin PACKAGE C Two professional educational journals plus the magazine Physics World (print only) and the online Physics World Archive. • European Journal of Physics • Physics Education Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) £1833 Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) £1754 PACKAGE D Two medical journals • Physics in Medicine & Biology • Physiological Measurement Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) £2675 Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) £2453 PACKAGE D+ Nine journals in medical and biological science • Biofabrication • Bioinspiration & Biomimetics • Biomedical Materials • Journal of Breath Research • Journal of Neural Engineering • Journal of Radiological Protection • Physical Biology • Physics in Medicine & Biology • Physiological Measurement Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) £5971 Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) £5679 PACKAGE F Six journals in applied science and technology • Fluid Dynamics Research • Nanotechnology • Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering • Plasma Sources Science and Technology • Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering • Smart Materials and Structures OPTION 1 (stand-alone) Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) OPTION 1+ (with Russian Chemical Reviews) Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) £6227 £5603 £7743 £6967 OPTION 2 (Package A or B subscribers only) Print and electronic package price (includes 50% package discount) Electronic-only package price (includes 50% package discount) £3296 OPTION 2+ (with Russian Chemical Reviews) Print and electronic package price (includes 50% package discount) Electronic-only package price (includes 50% package discount) £3663 £4554 £4098 Continues on p6... Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin 5 Continued from p5... PACKAGE I 10 journals with industrial applications • Applied Physics Express • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics • Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering • Journal of Optics • Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics • Measurement Science and Technology • Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering • Nanotechnology • Semiconductor Science and Technology • Smart Materials and Structures Print and electronic package price (includes 15% package discount) £12,920 Electronic-only package price (includes 15% package discount) £11,716 The price for all products and services is in pounds sterling (GBP) and exclude VAT. UK customers are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. EU customers outside the UK who provide their VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc number are not subject to UK VAT, however, such customers may be required to account for local VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc under the EU reverse charge mechanism. EU customers who do not provide their VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc number are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. American Astronomical Society journals All subscriptions to AAS titles include electronic access to a rolling one-year back file. All older content is available free of charge. AAS subscription fees are charged in US dollars ($) only and must be made payable to: IOP Publishing Ltd Account: 69704329, Sort Code: 40-05-15, IBAN: GB08 MIDL 4005 1569 7043 29, BIC: MIDLGB22. Bank Address: HSBC Plc, London International Branch, EC3M 4BA. ISSN (online) volume electronic only The Astronomical Journal 1538-3881 149–150 $530 The Astrophysical Journal* 1538-4357 798–815 $1825 * Electronic access to The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series and The Astrophysical Journal Letters is included with a subscription to The Astrophysical Journal. Prices for all products and services are in pounds sterling (GBP) and exclude VAT. UK customers are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. 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ISSN (print) ISSN (online) volume frequency print and electronic including archive electronic only including archive Izvestiya: Mathematics 1064-5632 1468-4810 Physics–Uspekhi 1063-7869 1468-4780 79 6 £1167 £1051 58 12 £1786 £1607 Quantum Electronics 1063-7818 1468-4799 45 12 £2575 £2318 Russian Chemical Reviews 0036-021X 1468-4837 84 12 £1783 £1605 Russian Mathematical Surveys 0036-0279 1468-4829 70 6 £778 £700 Sbornik: Mathematics 1064-5616 1468-4802 206 6 £1470 £1323 TURPION ARCHIVE 1958–2004: One-time purchase price £6039 Prices for all products and services exclude VAT. UK customers are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. EU customers outside the UK who provide their VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc number are not subject to UK VAT. EU customers who do not provide their VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc number are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. 6 Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin IOP ebooks is an award-winning book programme that brings together leading voices from across physics with an innovative digital publishing approach to create the leading collection of physics books for a digital world. The programme is made up of two collections, IOP Expanding PhysicsT M and IOP Concise PhysicsT M . Collections institutional ebook price Release 1 (2014–2015) Release 2 (2015–2016) IOP Expanding Physics £1500 (10 books) £3000 (20 books) IOP Concise Physics £1875 (25 books) £3000 (40 books) £3038 £5400 IOP ebooks package* (includes 10% package discount) * Purchase the IOP Expanding Physics and IOP Concise Physics collections together for a 10% discount and save £600. Prices for all products and services are in pounds sterling (GBP) and exclude VAT. UK customers are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. EU customers outside the UK who provide their VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc number are not subject to UK VAT, however, such customers may be required to account for local VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc under the EU reverse charge mechanism. EU customers who do not provide their VAT/TVA/MwSt/etc number are subject to UK VAT at the prevailing rate. IOP Journal Archive The IOP Journal Archive is a historic collection of important papers by leading researchers in the sciences from 1874–2004. Nobel laureates have contributed to this valuable collection and all of the articles have been preserved digitally, making the IOP Journal Archive easy to search, easy to store and easy to maintain. Contact your regional representative for details. Image: CMS: Higgs boson decays to four muons © 1997 CERN. Photograph: Lucas Taylor, Oct 1997. r e w fo as No ble rch la u ai p av time e- on The Japan Society of Applied Physics archive Unlock the collections of the past to inspire the research of the future. A one-off purchase offers perpetual access to: • more than 63,000 articles • more than 50 years of content • the definitive collection of applied-physics content from leading experts in the field The Japan Society of Applied Physics As part of the expanding IOP materials journal portfolio Three new materials-research titles have been added to our journal publishing programme. Editorially unique, the three journals will enable us to respond to author and reader demand across the materials-research community, and will build on IOP’s broader physical-sciences remit and our established materials programme. w le on No ilab ipti a r av ubsc rs fo IOP Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin 7 The digital collection for the modern library • Fully integrated platform • E-reader compatible • MARC records • Permanent and continuous access • High-quality research • No Digital Rights Management IOP Publishing contacts France, Austria and Switzerland Ian Sutton Tel: +44 (0)117 930 1268 E-mail: India, Korea, Middle East, Pakistan, Iran, Northern Africa and Turkey Patrick Doogue Tel: +44 (0)117 930 1261 E-mail: Germany and Eastern Europe Lukas Piasecki Tel: +48 (0)71 337 29 76 E-mail: Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain Kathryn Zerboni Tel: +44 (0)117 930 1152 E-mail: Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and UK Helen Ellis Tel: +44 (0)7802 263 099 E-mail: Europe, Middle East and Africa Corporate Sales Carsten Erdmann Tel: +49 (0)170 414 2012 E-mail: Australia and New Zealand Neil Byrne Tel: +61 (0) 403 228 897 E-mail: China, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, Southeast Asia and Taiwan Rick Liu Tel: +86 (010) 6568 1962 E-mail: Japan Masaaki Osanai Tel: +81 (0)3 3245 6826 E-mail: China IOP Publishing Room 1804, The Exchange Beijing B-118 Jianguo Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100022, China Tel: +86 (010) 6568 1962 Japan IOP Publishing 9th Floor Buyo Building Nihonbashi 3-8-16 Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0027, Japan Tel: +81 (0)3 3245 6826 Sub-Saharan & South Africa (and all eIFL and INASP participating countries) Rhys Freshwater Tel: +44 (0)117 930 1221 E-mail: IOP Publishing offices Headquarters, UK IOP Publishing Temple Circus Temple Way Bristol BS1 6HG, UK Tel: +44 (0)117 929 7481 NEW FOR 2015 • 2D Materials • Materials Research Express • Japan Society of Applied Physics Archive Pricing Bulletin 2015 Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific Cover image: inspired by contour plot of emissivity phantoms reflecting the distribution of a plasma, from the article “Tomography feasibility study on the optical emission spectroscopy diagnostic for the negative ion source of the ELISE test facility” F Bonomo, M Agostini, M Brombin, U Fantz, P Franzen, R Pasqualotto, D Wünderlich and the NNBI Team 2014 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 015006. 8 Journals 2015 Pricing Bulletin
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