call for posters - European University Association

EUA Annual Conference 2015
“European Universities in Research and Innovation:
People, policies and partnerships”
Conference: 2015 EUA Annual Conference
Date and Location: 16-17 April 2015 at the University of Antwerp, Belgium
Deadline for Abstract Submission: Friday 16 January 2015
Deadline for Acceptance Notification: Monday 2 March 2015
The Poster Session in Brief
The Poster Session will be part of the “The Impact of Science in Society” plenary session,
which will take place in the morning of the second day of the conference. The plenary session will
comprise a speech from a keynote speaker, followed by the Poster Session, which will last 90
minutes. The objective of the Poster Session is to showcase a number of posters demonstrating key
contributions to the progress and application of scientific knowledge, conducted by researchers in
European universities, either individually or in partnership with other universities. The posters should
illustrate research outcomes in any field of knowledge, as well as demonstrable impact in society
within the last 10 years.
The Poster Session will start with oral presentations of up to 10 posters, in which poster
presenters will briefly introduce their research project (one presenter per poster, 3-minutes per
presentation). Following this, conference participants will have the opportunity to walk around the
poster area and interact with poster presenters (one hour). Presenting a poster will thus provide you
with a unique opportunity to share your research and its impact with a large audience composed of
university leaders and will offer significant networking opportunities.
Eligibility Conditions for Posters
o Research must refer to university-based findings, open to any area of knowledge
(natural sciences, engineering, technology; biomedical, life-sciences; economics,
social sciences and humanities).
o The research findings must have had a demonstrable impact in society within the last
10 years (e.g. from scientific discovery/concept formulation to technological devices
or solutions; social, and/or organisational transformation).
o The research findings must have been published in peer-reviewed journals, from
2003 onwards.
o Abstracts must be in English and be submitted electronically, using the electronic
form, by 16 January.
o At least one of the poster authors (or on person representing them) must be a
registered participant at the conference, and present the work during the Poster
Session, including the 3-minutes poster pitch and subsequent presence next to the
poster display to interact with participants.
o The lead university of the research work should be a member of EUA.
o Each poster participant can present a maximum of one poster.
 Criteria for Assessment of Poster Applications
Posters must clearly show the link between the research findings or discoveries and their
subsequent application and impact in society within the last 10 years. The findings can be from
any field of research. A maximum of 10 posters will be selected for presentation at the EUA
Annual Conference. Abstracts for posters will be assessed according to the following criteria:
o Significance of the research impact in society within the last 10 years
o Research collaboration involving several universities
o Research collaboration involving several disciplines
Abstract Submission Guidelines
o Abstracts should clearly summarise the purpose, methods, results and societal
impact of an original (in its time) piece of research.
o Posters are intended to convey research results and should not be advertisements
with a commercial purpose.
o Poster titles and authors will be included in the Conference Booklet and accepted
abstracts may be published on the conference website.
Assessment Committee
The Assessment Committee will be the EUA’s Research Policy Working Group (RPWG),
chaired by Professor David Drewry, EUA Vice-President. RPWG serves as an advisory body to the EUA
Board and Council in research and innovation matters. The RPWG members hold leadership
responsibilities for research and innovation activities in their respective universities and have
significant experience in academia and expertise across different disciplines, combined with
substantial knowledge of European policy developments.
Acceptance Notification
Authors will be notified by email of the outcome of their poster proposal (i.e. acceptance or
otherwise) by Monday 2 March 2015.
Registration Fee Waivers
The presenter of each accepted poster will be awarded a registration fee waiver for the EUA
Annual Conference (limited to one person per poster, excluding travel and accommodation costs).
We therefore advise the presenters of the posters to wait until they receive the results of the
assessment exercise before registering for the conference. Notifications of results will be sent by
Monday 2 March 2015 (Early bird registration is scheduled to close on 9 March 2015).