IEEE BlackSeaCom 3rd International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking 18-21 MAY 2015 • CONSTANTA, ROMANIA CALL FOR PAPERS The IEEE BlackSeaCom series of conferences are held in the countries surrounding the Black Sea. The goal of the IEEE BlackSeaCom is to bring together visionaries in academia, research labs and industry from all over the world to the shores of the Black Sea. Here they will address many of the outstanding grand challenges that exist in the areas of communications and networking while having an opportunity to explore this exciting and dynamic region that has a rich history. Following the first two editions of the conference in Batumi, Georgia in 2013 and in Chisinau, Moldova in 2014, the third edition of the conference will take place on May 18-21 2015 in Constanta, Romania - a beautiful major port city and resort on the Eurasian Crossroad. We seek original, completed and unpublished technical papers not currently under review by any other journal, magazine or conference. Besides the regular technical papers, the conference welcomes the submission of poster papers which present work in progress, with preliminary results. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: • Communication and Information theory (channel capacity, adaptive modulation and coding, coding theory, single- and multi-carrier transmissions, channel modelling, estimation and equalization; adaptive antennas and beamforming) • Mobile and Wireless Communications and Networking (Space-Time coding, MIMO (massive, Multiuser), Radio resource management, UWB, Radar, Protocols, Cross-layer design, and QoS issues) • Signal Processing for Communications: fast and Low-Complexity Algorithms for Communications, VLSI/ASIC/FPGA processing for Communications, Adaptive signal processing • Optical Networks and Systems, Radio over Fiber (coding and modulation for high-capacity optical point-to-point transmission systems; performance, monitoring, impairments management and failure localization; optical networks architectures and protocols for core and access networks) • Recent and Next Generation Communication Systems (LTE, LTE-A, WiMax Mobile, 5G, DVB, DAB, Satellite communications) • Cooperative and Cognitive Radio and Networking (Cooperative and Relay-assisted, COMP, distributed antenna techniques Wireless Network Coding, Cognitive radio, Dynamic spectrum access, Sensing, Learning • Internet of Things, Ad-Hoc and, Sensor Networks, Smart Grids, Machine-to-Machine and Vehicular Communications and Networking, reliable and delay tolerant networks, opportunistic networking, protocols, architectures and applications) • Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications (metrics and strategies for QoE management of MM services, image, voice and audio processing for MM services) • Security for Communications Systems (Authorization and access control, Authentication techniques, key distribution and management, firewalls, intrusion detection and avoidance) PLEASE NOTE: To be published in the IEEE BlackSeaCom 2015 Conference Proceedings (both regular technical papers and poster papers) and to be eligible for publication in the IEEE Xplore (only for regular technical papers), an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (IEEE member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 3 papers. Accepted and presented regular technical papers and poster papers will be published in the IEEE BlackSeaCom 2015 Conference Proceedings, while only accepted and presented regular technical papers will submitted to IEEE Xplore. COMMITTEE General Co-Chairs Alexander D. Gelman, Netovation, USA Hikmet Sari, Supelec, France TPC Co-Chairs Hanna Bogucka, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland Vasile Bota, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania IMPORTANT DATES For submission information, visit Regular technical papers submission deadline: January 16, 2015 Poster papers submission deadline: March 29, 2015 Regular technical papers notification of acceptance: March 15, 2015 Poster-papers notification of acceptance: April 12, 2015 Camera-ready regular technical papers (and authors registered) due by: April 3, 2015 Camera-ready poster-papers (and authors registered) due to: April 19, 2015 For more information, visit:
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