Financial Times rankings 2012, 2013 & 2014 IN OPEN P R O G R A MS WORLDWIDE ® IMD is ranked in executive education worldwide (Financial Times 2008–2014) and in open programs worldwide (Financial Times 2012, 2013 & 2014). The IMD Difference ® REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING IMD is a top-ranked business school. We are the experts in developing global leaders through high‑impact executive education. Why IMD? FURTHER INFORMATION »We are 100% focused on real-world executive development »We offer Swiss excellence with a global perspective »We have a flexible, customized and effective approach For more details, or contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or at FOLLOW US ON Chemin de Bellerive 23 P.O. Box 915 CH-1001 Lausanne Switzerland IMD, IMD INTERNATIONAL, IMD INTERNATIONAL REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING and MOBILIZING PEOPLE are trademarks of IMD – International Institute for Management Development. Concept and design: Magic Pencil; Photography: Régis Colombo, Nate Henderson, Richard Juilliart, Oliver O’Hanlon, Thierry Porchet, Yves Ryncki, Jean Scheim (Black and White) ©IMD 2014 IMD’s executive programs help you perform better in your current job and move to the next stage of your career, by strengthening and developing the four key global leadership capabilities – strategic, execution, stakeholder and personal leadership. 2015 CALENDAR PROGRAMS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING Central tel: +41 21 618 01 11 Central fax: +41 21 618 07 07 VISIT OUR INTERACTIVE PROGRAM FINDER AND EXPLORE YOUR RECOMMENDED PROGRAMS: PROGRAMS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS All IMD programs and services focus on real-world challenges faced by executives. A FOCUS ON GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES Drawing heavily on IMD thought leadership and research, our portfolio of programs for individuals and teams emphasizes the development and strengthening of different global leadership capabilities to address today’s complex business issues. We attract outstanding Faculty members who combine thought leadership and practical experience. We provide comprehensive global leadership programs, which address the whole range of these capabilities: strategic, execution, stakeholder and personal leadership. The essence of these programs is about improving long‑term business results by creating a strategic direction, translating it into actions, engaging internal and external stakeholders in organizational change, and driving these changes to a personal level. Consistently at the top of rankings, we are intellectually and culturally diverse with no single dominant nationality and no one world view. These core global leadership programs are supported by our portfolio of focused programs which provide depth in these four specific areas. IMD’s strategic and execution leadership programs focus on the hard or rational side of global leadership. IMD’s stakeholder and personal leadership programs focus more on the soft or emotional side of global leadership. All together, IMD’s programs for individuals and teams are essential building blocks for executives to grow and excel throughout their careers. VISIT OUR INTERACTIVE PROGRAM FINDER AND EXPLORE YOUR RECOMMENDED PROGRAMS: PROGRAMS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS All IMD programs and services focus on real-world challenges faced by executives. A FOCUS ON GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES Drawing heavily on IMD thought leadership and research, our portfolio of programs for individuals and teams emphasizes the development and strengthening of different global leadership capabilities to address today’s complex business issues. We attract outstanding Faculty members who combine thought leadership and practical experience. We provide comprehensive global leadership programs, which address the whole range of these capabilities: strategic, execution, stakeholder and personal leadership. The essence of these programs is about improving long‑term business results by creating a strategic direction, translating it into actions, engaging internal and external stakeholders in organizational change, and driving these changes to a personal level. Consistently at the top of rankings, we are intellectually and culturally diverse with no single dominant nationality and no one world view. These core global leadership programs are supported by our portfolio of focused programs which provide depth in these four specific areas. IMD’s strategic and execution leadership programs focus on the hard or rational side of global leadership. IMD’s stakeholder and personal leadership programs focus more on the soft or emotional side of global leadership. All together, IMD’s programs for individuals and teams are essential building blocks for executives to grow and excel throughout their careers. GLOBAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Building on Talent (BOT) Developing the next generation of leaders For high-potential young managers early in their career n Deepen your understanding of business fundamentals n Gain a solid foundation in the principles of leadership and a unique opportunity for self‑development n Consolidate your learning through an “action learning” integrative project Comprehensive integrative programs – addressing the whole range of global leadership capabilities – that help executives transition to their next career stage. Specific programs are offered for each level of management responsibility NEW Transition to Business Leadership (TBL) Turning functional managers into business leaders For experienced functional managers moving into business leadership positions n Understand your strengths and areas of development relative to leading a business n Formulate and implement a business strategy n Design and structure businesses to deliver results n Build and lead cross-functional teams NEW Foundations for Business Leadership (FBL) Accelerating mastery of cross-functional capabilities For experienced functional managers aspiring to move into business leadership positions n Strengthen your knowledge and understanding of key business functions n Become aware of how value is created by integrating functions n Master the application of these new and enhanced capabilities to complex business issues n Get ready for IMD’s Program for Executive Development or Executive MBA Advanced Strategic Management (ASM) Driving sustainable business results For leaders at business unit, region, division, function or country level encountering a specific business challenge or moving into significant leadership positions n Broaden your understanding of the global business environment you operate in n Sharpen your analytical skills and learn how to structure your thinking n Strengthen your leadership and communication skills n Get challenged by Faculty and peers on how to best address your strategic business challenge n Develop a strategy to address your business challenge and a solid action-plan for execution Program for Executive Development (PED = FBL + TBL) Transforming emerging global leaders For experienced functional managers moving into business leadership positions n Acquire the key concepts and capabilities needed to manage the difficult and challenging transition to business leadership n Understand how to provide a guiding vision, how to pull together various functions, businesses or country teams to create value n Leverage the strengths of the different members of your team n Earn a Program for Executive Development Diploma Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives (BPSE) High impact strategy and leadership For senior managers at executive committee, group or divisional level n Look at your business from a different perspective n Remain a relevant and key business influencer n Identify new opportunities in your business to create exceptional value n Build the momentum necessary to deliver breakthrough change n Benefit from real take-home value: a personal agenda and action plan for personal and organizational breakthrough Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) The global business program for individuals and teams For individuals and teams from all types of organizations n Get exposed to the latest management thinking and to practical and innovative solutions for your business n Anticipate global business trends n Boost your performance, broaden your perspectives and expand your global network n Design the program that suits you and your team n Become a complete executive NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Leading Strategic Initiatives (LSI) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives responsible for leading and implementing strategic initiatives within their organization n Gain insights into drivers of successful execution n Link your initiative to your company’s overall strategy n Create a compelling vision for your initiative n Assess and manage crucial stakeholder relationships n Build momentum for change n Establish a rigorous 60-day execution plan FEE JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 2016 MODULE 1 16.3–27.3 MODULE 1 20.4–1.5 MODULE 2 1.6–12.6 MODULE 2 31.8–11.9 MODULE 1 26.10–6.11 MODULE 2 TBC Building on Talent (BOT) CHF28,000 NEW Foundations for Business Leadership (FBL) CHF25,000 24.1–12.2 CHF30,000 MODULE 2 25.1–5.2 MODULE 1 MODULE 1 MODULE 2 MODULE 2 MODULE 1 2.3–13.3 23.3–3.4 20.4–1.5 18.5–29.5 13.7–24.7 MODULE 2 MODULE 1 19.10–30.10 16.11–27.11 Sao Paulo, Brazil IMD, IMD, Tuck School Singapore Switzerland Switzerland of Business, Hanover, USA IMD, IMD, Switzerland Switzerland 18.4–7.5 8.8–27.8 24.10–12.11 2016 NEW Transition to Business Leadership (TBL) Program for Executive Development (PED = FBL + TBL) IMD, Switzerland CHF55,000 PED comprises two parts, Foundations for Business Leadership (FBL) and Transition to Business Leadership (TBL), each of which can also be taken as stand-alone programs. Advanced Strategic Management (ASM) CHF31,000 Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives (BPSE) CHF30,000 Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) CHF12,000 CHF9,5002 2.3–20.3 1.6–19.6 26.4–8.5 26.10–13.11 6.9–18.9 22.11–4.12 NEW For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same company and IMD alumni 1 1 21.6–26.6 15.11–20.11 IMD, Switzerland Singapore IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Leading Strategic Initiatives (LSI) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit GLOBAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Building on Talent (BOT) Developing the next generation of leaders For high-potential young managers early in their career n Deepen your understanding of business fundamentals n Gain a solid foundation in the principles of leadership and a unique opportunity for self‑development n Consolidate your learning through an “action learning” integrative project Comprehensive integrative programs – addressing the whole range of global leadership capabilities – that help executives transition to their next career stage. Specific programs are offered for each level of management responsibility NEW Transition to Business Leadership (TBL) Turning functional managers into business leaders For experienced functional managers moving into business leadership positions n Understand your strengths and areas of development relative to leading a business n Formulate and implement a business strategy n Design and structure businesses to deliver results n Build and lead cross-functional teams NEW Foundations for Business Leadership (FBL) Accelerating mastery of cross-functional capabilities For experienced functional managers aspiring to move into business leadership positions n Strengthen your knowledge and understanding of key business functions n Become aware of how value is created by integrating functions n Master the application of these new and enhanced capabilities to complex business issues n Get ready for IMD’s Program for Executive Development or Executive MBA Advanced Strategic Management (ASM) Driving sustainable business results For leaders at business unit, region, division, function or country level encountering a specific business challenge or moving into significant leadership positions n Broaden your understanding of the global business environment you operate in n Sharpen your analytical skills and learn how to structure your thinking n Strengthen your leadership and communication skills n Get challenged by Faculty and peers on how to best address your strategic business challenge n Develop a strategy to address your business challenge and a solid action-plan for execution Program for Executive Development (PED = FBL + TBL) Transforming emerging global leaders For experienced functional managers moving into business leadership positions n Acquire the key concepts and capabilities needed to manage the difficult and challenging transition to business leadership n Understand how to provide a guiding vision, how to pull together various functions, businesses or country teams to create value n Leverage the strengths of the different members of your team n Earn a Program for Executive Development Diploma Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives (BPSE) High impact strategy and leadership For senior managers at executive committee, group or divisional level n Look at your business from a different perspective n Remain a relevant and key business influencer n Identify new opportunities in your business to create exceptional value n Build the momentum necessary to deliver breakthrough change n Benefit from real take-home value: a personal agenda and action plan for personal and organizational breakthrough Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) The global business program for individuals and teams For individuals and teams from all types of organizations n Get exposed to the latest management thinking and to practical and innovative solutions for your business n Anticipate global business trends n Boost your performance, broaden your perspectives and expand your global network n Design the program that suits you and your team n Become a complete executive NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Leading Strategic Initiatives (LSI) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives responsible for leading and implementing strategic initiatives within their organization n Gain insights into drivers of successful execution n Link your initiative to your company’s overall strategy n Create a compelling vision for your initiative n Assess and manage crucial stakeholder relationships n Build momentum for change n Establish a rigorous 60-day execution plan FEE JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 2016 MODULE 1 16.3–27.3 MODULE 1 20.4–1.5 MODULE 2 1.6–12.6 MODULE 2 31.8–11.9 MODULE 1 26.10–6.11 MODULE 2 TBC Building on Talent (BOT) CHF28,000 NEW Foundations for Business Leadership (FBL) CHF25,000 24.1–12.2 CHF30,000 MODULE 2 25.1–5.2 MODULE 1 MODULE 1 MODULE 2 MODULE 2 MODULE 1 2.3–13.3 23.3–3.4 20.4–1.5 18.5–29.5 13.7–24.7 MODULE 2 MODULE 1 19.10–30.10 16.11–27.11 Sao Paulo, Brazil IMD, IMD, Tuck School Singapore Switzerland Switzerland of Business, Hanover, USA IMD, IMD, Switzerland Switzerland 18.4–7.5 8.8–27.8 24.10–12.11 2016 NEW Transition to Business Leadership (TBL) Program for Executive Development (PED = FBL + TBL) IMD, Switzerland CHF55,000 PED comprises two parts, Foundations for Business Leadership (FBL) and Transition to Business Leadership (TBL), each of which can also be taken as stand-alone programs. Advanced Strategic Management (ASM) CHF31,000 Breakthrough Program for Senior Executives (BPSE) CHF30,000 Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) CHF12,000 CHF9,5002 2.3–20.3 1.6–19.6 26.4–8.5 26.10–13.11 6.9–18.9 22.11–4.12 NEW For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same company and IMD alumni 1 1 21.6–26.6 15.11–20.11 IMD, Switzerland Singapore IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Leading Strategic Initiatives (LSI) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit DEGREE PROGRAMS Rigourous MBA degree programs for executives at different stages of their careers ® ® LEARNING REAL WORLD. REAL REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING Master of Business Administration (MBA) Focus on creative leadership For young “fast track” professionals with strong leadership potential n A world-class MBA offering exceptional learning for exceptional individuals n Develop your future corporate leaders in this selective, cutting-edge, intense, one-year international program focused on leadership and general management n Add to your management talent by hiring experienced IMD MBA graduates ready to contribute to your business Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Never stop learning For fast-rising, internationally experienced executives n Join a rigorous, diverse and global program for experienced executives n Sharpen your leadership skills, drive your learning into your organization and fulfill your potential n Focus on turning ideas into action n Earn a world-class MBA on-the-job NEW Two sessions offered per year NEW IMD – CKGSB Dual Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Lead the way between China and the world For high-potential executives who want to take advantage of the increasing trade opportunities between China and the rest of the world n Develop the business skills and capabilities to work effectively with China n Master Eastern and Western business concepts and practices n Succeed in diverse and very different cultural settings n Apply multiple perspective expertise to the most important business issues of the 21st century n Strengthen essential leadership, strategy and general management skills FEE Master of Business Administration (MBA) JAN. CHF85,000 MAR. APR. MAY JUN. APR. MAY JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 8.1–4.12 2015 JAN. FEB. 2016 FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)* CORE MODULE 1 JUNE GRADUATING CLASS 15.6–19.6 AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. CHF105,000 DISCOVERY EXPEDITION DISCOVERY CORE MODULE 2 EXPEDITION DISCOVERY EXPEDITION CORE MODULE 3 13.9–18.9 11.1–15.1 17.1–23.1 17.4–23.4 6.6–10.6 CORE DISCOVERY MODULE 1 EXPEDITION DISCOVERY EXPEDITION CORE MODULE 2 DISCOVERY EXPEDITION CORE MODULE 3 17.4–23.4 13.6–17.6 11.9–16.9 7.11–11.11 MODULE 4 MODULE 5 NOVEMBER GRADUATING CLASS 11.1–15.1 17.1–23.1 *Benefit from our EMBA’s highly flexible and modular program design composed of a Foundation Stage and a Mastery Stage. You can join the Mastery Stage twice a year (see dates above). Visit to view the full range of options for completing the Foundation Stage. NEW IMD – CKGSB Dual Executive MBA (CKGSB–EMBA) 1 CHF115,000 / USD 127,5001 / RMB 772,5001 Exchange rate end January 2014 INTRODUCTORY MODULE FBL WEST FBL EAST MODULE 1 MODULE 2 DISCOVERY EXPEDITION MODULE 3 23.2–3.4 18.4–7.5 7.9–25.9 8.11–14.11 17.1–23.1 11.4–16.4 6.6–10.6 19.9–23.9 Distance Learning Lausanne, Switzerland Beijing, China London, UK South Africa Shanghai, China Lausanne, Switzerland Beijing, China IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit DEGREE PROGRAMS Rigourous MBA degree programs for executives at different stages of their careers ® ® LEARNING REAL WORLD. REAL REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING Master of Business Administration (MBA) Focus on creative leadership For young “fast track” professionals with strong leadership potential n A world-class MBA offering exceptional learning for exceptional individuals n Develop your future corporate leaders in this selective, cutting-edge, intense, one-year international program focused on leadership and general management n Add to your management talent by hiring experienced IMD MBA graduates ready to contribute to your business Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Never stop learning For fast-rising, internationally experienced executives n Join a rigorous, diverse and global program for experienced executives n Sharpen your leadership skills, drive your learning into your organization and fulfill your potential n Focus on turning ideas into action n Earn a world-class MBA on-the-job NEW Two sessions offered per year NEW IMD – CKGSB Dual Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Lead the way between China and the world For high-potential executives who want to take advantage of the increasing trade opportunities between China and the rest of the world n Develop the business skills and capabilities to work effectively with China n Master Eastern and Western business concepts and practices n Succeed in diverse and very different cultural settings n Apply multiple perspective expertise to the most important business issues of the 21st century n Strengthen essential leadership, strategy and general management skills FEE Master of Business Administration (MBA) JAN. CHF85,000 MAR. APR. MAY JUN. APR. MAY JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 8.1–4.12 2015 JAN. FEB. 2016 FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)* CORE MODULE 1 JUNE GRADUATING CLASS 15.6–19.6 AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. CHF105,000 DISCOVERY EXPEDITION DISCOVERY CORE MODULE 2 EXPEDITION DISCOVERY EXPEDITION CORE MODULE 3 13.9–18.9 11.1–15.1 17.1–23.1 17.4–23.4 6.6–10.6 CORE DISCOVERY MODULE 1 EXPEDITION DISCOVERY EXPEDITION CORE MODULE 2 DISCOVERY EXPEDITION CORE MODULE 3 17.4–23.4 13.6–17.6 11.9–16.9 7.11–11.11 MODULE 4 MODULE 5 NOVEMBER GRADUATING CLASS 11.1–15.1 17.1–23.1 *Benefit from our EMBA’s highly flexible and modular program design composed of a Foundation Stage and a Mastery Stage. You can join the Mastery Stage twice a year (see dates above). Visit to view the full range of options for completing the Foundation Stage. NEW IMD – CKGSB Dual Executive MBA (CKGSB–EMBA) 1 CHF115,000 / USD 127,5001 / RMB 772,5001 Exchange rate end January 2014 INTRODUCTORY MODULE FBL WEST FBL EAST MODULE 1 MODULE 2 DISCOVERY EXPEDITION MODULE 3 23.2–3.4 18.4–7.5 7.9–25.9 8.11–14.11 17.1–23.1 11.4–16.4 6.6–10.6 19.9–23.9 Distance Learning Lausanne, Switzerland Beijing, China London, UK South Africa Shanghai, China Lausanne, Switzerland Beijing, China IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Focused programs which help executives develop or strengthen their strategic mindset from a function, process or context point of view in order to set their strategic direction for the future ® REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING Strategic Marketing in Action (SMA) Winning in tough markets For mid-level to senior managers with strategic, marketing or commercial responsibilities n Boost your strategic thinking about the evolving competitive landscape and understand how to create and capture more value n Gain insights into drivers of customer value, behavior and choice and align different stakeholders to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty n Co-create outstanding customer experiences: improve them, differentiate them and take them “from good to great” n Meet the challenge of driving change as a marketer, make critical decisions and follow through with execution Driving Strategic Innovation (DSI) Achieving high performance throughout the value chain For senior executives and entrepreneurs who develop innovation strategies and put them into action n Manage the fuzzy front-end of the innovation process more effectively n Speed up market commercialization of innovative ideas n Navigate the dynamics of increasingly unpredictable value chains n Heighten the probability of achieving a more innovative organizational culture n Engage in business model innovation n Reconsider your own personal approaches to being an effective leader of innovative activities FEE JAN. NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Being Innovative (BI) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For leaders who are struggling to think strategically in a fast moving world and need to find innovative solutions to new and evolving scenarios n Understand why traditional and familiar business models are no longer reliable in today’s business context n Master new approaches to thinking about innovation, to craft better strategy in the face of great uncertainty n Identify partners who will be influential in creating the future you will be competing in n Hone your personal idea hunting skills n Maximize the talent contributions of those around you NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Strategic Thinking (ST) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives who are taking over increasingly significant strategic responsibilities within their organization and who are grappling with the challenges of thinking strategically n Conduct a thorough analysis of your business arena n Segment your customers in a meaningful manner n Diagnose your organization’s strategic readiness n Formulate strategic alternatives to win in your chosen battlefield n Analyze the gaps between your strategic choices and execution capabilities FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. Strategic Marketing in Action (SMA) CHF11,000 23.3–27.3 Driving Strategic Innovation (DSI) CHF11,5001 USD11,5002 15.3–20.3 20.9–25.9 IMD, Switzerland MIT, Sloan At IMD 2 At MIT Sloan 1 OCT. NOV. DEC. 28.9–2.10 IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Being Innovative (BI) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Strategic Thinking (ST) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Focused programs which help executives develop or strengthen their strategic mindset from a function, process or context point of view in order to set their strategic direction for the future ® REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING Strategic Marketing in Action (SMA) Winning in tough markets For mid-level to senior managers with strategic, marketing or commercial responsibilities n Boost your strategic thinking about the evolving competitive landscape and understand how to create and capture more value n Gain insights into drivers of customer value, behavior and choice and align different stakeholders to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty n Co-create outstanding customer experiences: improve them, differentiate them and take them “from good to great” n Meet the challenge of driving change as a marketer, make critical decisions and follow through with execution Driving Strategic Innovation (DSI) Achieving high performance throughout the value chain For senior executives and entrepreneurs who develop innovation strategies and put them into action n Manage the fuzzy front-end of the innovation process more effectively n Speed up market commercialization of innovative ideas n Navigate the dynamics of increasingly unpredictable value chains n Heighten the probability of achieving a more innovative organizational culture n Engage in business model innovation n Reconsider your own personal approaches to being an effective leader of innovative activities FEE JAN. NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Being Innovative (BI) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For leaders who are struggling to think strategically in a fast moving world and need to find innovative solutions to new and evolving scenarios n Understand why traditional and familiar business models are no longer reliable in today’s business context n Master new approaches to thinking about innovation, to craft better strategy in the face of great uncertainty n Identify partners who will be influential in creating the future you will be competing in n Hone your personal idea hunting skills n Maximize the talent contributions of those around you NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Strategic Thinking (ST) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives who are taking over increasingly significant strategic responsibilities within their organization and who are grappling with the challenges of thinking strategically n Conduct a thorough analysis of your business arena n Segment your customers in a meaningful manner n Diagnose your organization’s strategic readiness n Formulate strategic alternatives to win in your chosen battlefield n Analyze the gaps between your strategic choices and execution capabilities FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. Strategic Marketing in Action (SMA) CHF11,000 23.3–27.3 Driving Strategic Innovation (DSI) CHF11,5001 USD11,5002 15.3–20.3 20.9–25.9 IMD, Switzerland MIT, Sloan At IMD 2 At MIT Sloan 1 OCT. NOV. DEC. 28.9–2.10 IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Being Innovative (BI) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Strategic Thinking (ST) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit EXECUTION LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Leading the Global Supply Chain (LGSC) Growth through agility and efficiency For senior supply-chain, sourcing or operations executives n Understand and manage global supply-chain complexity and risks n Protect sales and revenue growth through efficient execution n Anticipate surprises and avoid problems within your global material, information and financial flows n Explore collaboration and various forms of integration that allow you to take advantage of uncertainty Focused programs for executives who need to develop or build on specific execution capabilities in order to translate strategic direction into actionable results Strategic Finance (SF) Creating value through financial excellence For senior financial and business executives n Complete a strategic review of your financial capabilities and share best practices for immediate action n Benchmark your financial skills n Participate in a mergers and acquisitions simulation n Apply new strategic tools to create value for your company Organizational Learning in Action (OLA) Executing strategy through world-class learning and development For senior learning leaders n Learn how to align your learning strategy with your organization’s strategy n Enhance your ability to influence multiple stakeholders n Discover leading practices in program and portfolio design and delivery n Establish a learning brand for your organization and market it NEW Program now available in Singapore FEE JAN. Leading the Global Supply Chain (LGSC) CHF11,000 Strategic Finance (SF) CHF11,000 Organizational Learning In Action (OLA) CHF9,000 FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. 27.4–1.5 20.4–24.4 NOV. DEC. 16.11–20.11 14.9–18.9 NEW 1 Special team offer: fourth participant from the same company free At IMD In Singapore, full residential package 3 In Singapore, non-residential package * Exchange rate end June 2014 1 2 CHF8,5002 SGD11,500* 26.1–30.1 16.3–20.3 5.10–9.10 Singapore CHF7,6003 SGD10,650* IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit EXECUTION LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Leading the Global Supply Chain (LGSC) Growth through agility and efficiency For senior supply-chain, sourcing or operations executives n Understand and manage global supply-chain complexity and risks n Protect sales and revenue growth through efficient execution n Anticipate surprises and avoid problems within your global material, information and financial flows n Explore collaboration and various forms of integration that allow you to take advantage of uncertainty Focused programs for executives who need to develop or build on specific execution capabilities in order to translate strategic direction into actionable results Strategic Finance (SF) Creating value through financial excellence For senior financial and business executives n Complete a strategic review of your financial capabilities and share best practices for immediate action n Benchmark your financial skills n Participate in a mergers and acquisitions simulation n Apply new strategic tools to create value for your company Organizational Learning in Action (OLA) Executing strategy through world-class learning and development For senior learning leaders n Learn how to align your learning strategy with your organization’s strategy n Enhance your ability to influence multiple stakeholders n Discover leading practices in program and portfolio design and delivery n Establish a learning brand for your organization and market it NEW Program now available in Singapore FEE JAN. Leading the Global Supply Chain (LGSC) CHF11,000 Strategic Finance (SF) CHF11,000 Organizational Learning In Action (OLA) CHF9,000 FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. 27.4–1.5 20.4–24.4 NOV. DEC. 16.11–20.11 14.9–18.9 NEW 1 Special team offer: fourth participant from the same company free At IMD In Singapore, full residential package 3 In Singapore, non-residential package * Exchange rate end June 2014 1 2 CHF8,5002 SGD11,500* 26.1–30.1 16.3–20.3 5.10–9.10 Singapore CHF7,6003 SGD10,650* IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit STAKEHOLDER LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS NEW Negotiating for Value Creation (NVC) For executives who wish to sharpen their negotiation skills n Sharpen your negotiation skills n Manage complex and challenging negotiations n Prepare to deal with different types of negotiation situations n Drive value creation in your organization n Gain further real world experience through negotiation simulations Designed to boost the performance of executives, each of these programs looks at how to engage with and manage specific stakeholder groups Sustainability Leadership in Action (SLA) Integrating sustainability at the heart of your business strategy For mid-level to senior managers from various business functions n Gain a clear understanding of which sustainability issues are relevant and a priority for your business n Develop and implement new sustainable business models n Improve your ability to successfully lead change n Acquire sustainability concepts and methodologies to create and measure sustainable performance n Learn how to successfully engage with different stakeholders Leading the Family Business (LFB) Assuring the continuity of family-owned enterprises For all members of business-owning families as well as senior non-family executives and board members n Navigate specific challenges and critical issues in your family business n Probe key issues facing family businesses: growth, governance, succession and culture n Benchmark best practices to broaden your understanding of successful family businesses NEW Program now available in Singapore NEW The Next Generation (TNG) Developing young leaders in family business and governance For young people who will lead and ensure the success of their families and family businesses in the future n Get ready to move into an active role in your family business, family office, or in any of their governance functions n Develop your leadership skills n Explore best practices in the world of management n Understand how global businesses operate n Relate what you learn to your own business context n Feel confident of your contribution to your own family business Leading the Family Office (LFO) Creating it, governing it, preserving it For all members of business-owning families exclusively n Create a sustainable platform with the capacity to preserve and pass along your family business wealth, values, philosophy and history to future generations n Gain insights on how to make informed and educated choices regarding the structure and objective of your Single Family Office n Develop competencies and know-how to manage your wealth in a sustainable and preserving manner n Build family unity through a shared vision and jointly develop long-term objectives for the family, the wealth and the business assets Leading for Business Impact (LBI) For senior executives with significant responsibilities n Enhance your capacity to resolve conflicts, motivate and inspire others, diagnose and resolve performance problems, and build a winning culture n Gain tools and skills for leveraging and aligning organization resources n Strengthen your ability to diagnose the need and readiness for change in your organization – and then lead successful change n Gain personal insights into your own leadership development needs NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Leveraging Strategic Partnerships (LSP) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives responsible for setting up or managing strategic partnerships or alliances in their own organization n Strategize strategic partnerships n Search for strategic partnerships n Structure strategic partnerships n Start strategic partnerships n Steer strategic partnerships High Performance Boards (HPB) How board directors make a real difference For supervisory board members and chairpersons n Identify what makes best practice boards n Evaluate and mitigate risk, and maximize opportunities, through strategic board involvement n Learn how to drive positive board culture, manage a board in crisis and ensure successful succession plans n Develop an action plan to address your board challenges FEE NEW Negotiating for Value Creation (NVC) CHF6,000 Sustainability Leadership in Action (SLA) For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same organization, for IMD alumni and for CSL Learning Platform Members For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same team and for IMD alumni 1 FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. 28.4–30.4 29.9–1.10 IMD, Switzerland IMD, Switzerland CHF9,5001 CHF8,5002 1 Leading the Family Business (LFB) JAN. For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same family and for IMD alumni 1 CHF11,0001 CHF9,7502 NEW The Next Generation (TNG) CHF30,000 Leading for Business Impact (LBI) CHF11,500 Special company offer: third participant from the same company free High Performance Boards (HPB) Special team offer: fifth participant from the same board free CHF11,500 DEC. 16.11–20.11 LFB CHF10,5001 9,2502 OWP/LFB CHF12,0001 9,5002 Leading the Family Office (LFO) NOV. NEW OWP/LFB OWP/LFB LFB 21.6–26.6 25.10–29.10 15.11–20.11 IMD, Switzerland IMD, Singapore Switzerland 18.5–20.5 2016 2015 MODULE 2 18.4–29.4 Singapore MODULE 1 7.9–18.9 IMD, Switzerland 4.5–8.5 7.9–11.9 IMD, Switzerland Singapore 18.5–21.5 5.10–8.10 IMD, Switzerland IMD, Switzerland IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Leveraging Strategic Partnerships (LSP) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit STAKEHOLDER LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS NEW Negotiating for Value Creation (NVC) For executives who wish to sharpen their negotiation skills n Sharpen your negotiation skills n Manage complex and challenging negotiations n Prepare to deal with different types of negotiation situations n Drive value creation in your organization n Gain further real world experience through negotiation simulations Designed to boost the performance of executives, each of these programs looks at how to engage with and manage specific stakeholder groups Sustainability Leadership in Action (SLA) Integrating sustainability at the heart of your business strategy For mid-level to senior managers from various business functions n Gain a clear understanding of which sustainability issues are relevant and a priority for your business n Develop and implement new sustainable business models n Improve your ability to successfully lead change n Acquire sustainability concepts and methodologies to create and measure sustainable performance n Learn how to successfully engage with different stakeholders Leading the Family Business (LFB) Assuring the continuity of family-owned enterprises For all members of business-owning families as well as senior non-family executives and board members n Navigate specific challenges and critical issues in your family business n Probe key issues facing family businesses: growth, governance, succession and culture n Benchmark best practices to broaden your understanding of successful family businesses NEW Program now available in Singapore NEW The Next Generation (TNG) Developing young leaders in family business and governance For young people who will lead and ensure the success of their families and family businesses in the future n Get ready to move into an active role in your family business, family office, or in any of their governance functions n Develop your leadership skills n Explore best practices in the world of management n Understand how global businesses operate n Relate what you learn to your own business context n Feel confident of your contribution to your own family business Leading the Family Office (LFO) Creating it, governing it, preserving it For all members of business-owning families exclusively n Create a sustainable platform with the capacity to preserve and pass along your family business wealth, values, philosophy and history to future generations n Gain insights on how to make informed and educated choices regarding the structure and objective of your Single Family Office n Develop competencies and know-how to manage your wealth in a sustainable and preserving manner n Build family unity through a shared vision and jointly develop long-term objectives for the family, the wealth and the business assets Leading for Business Impact (LBI) For senior executives with significant responsibilities n Enhance your capacity to resolve conflicts, motivate and inspire others, diagnose and resolve performance problems, and build a winning culture n Gain tools and skills for leveraging and aligning organization resources n Strengthen your ability to diagnose the need and readiness for change in your organization – and then lead successful change n Gain personal insights into your own leadership development needs NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Leveraging Strategic Partnerships (LSP) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives responsible for setting up or managing strategic partnerships or alliances in their own organization n Strategize strategic partnerships n Search for strategic partnerships n Structure strategic partnerships n Start strategic partnerships n Steer strategic partnerships High Performance Boards (HPB) How board directors make a real difference For supervisory board members and chairpersons n Identify what makes best practice boards n Evaluate and mitigate risk, and maximize opportunities, through strategic board involvement n Learn how to drive positive board culture, manage a board in crisis and ensure successful succession plans n Develop an action plan to address your board challenges FEE NEW Negotiating for Value Creation (NVC) CHF6,000 Sustainability Leadership in Action (SLA) For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same organization, for IMD alumni and for CSL Learning Platform Members For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same team and for IMD alumni 1 FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. 28.4–30.4 29.9–1.10 IMD, Switzerland IMD, Switzerland CHF9,5001 CHF8,5002 1 Leading the Family Business (LFB) JAN. For the first participant 2 For each additional participant from the same family and for IMD alumni 1 CHF11,0001 CHF9,7502 NEW The Next Generation (TNG) CHF30,000 Leading for Business Impact (LBI) CHF11,500 Special company offer: third participant from the same company free High Performance Boards (HPB) Special team offer: fifth participant from the same board free CHF11,500 DEC. 16.11–20.11 LFB CHF10,5001 9,2502 OWP/LFB CHF12,0001 9,5002 Leading the Family Office (LFO) NOV. NEW OWP/LFB OWP/LFB LFB 21.6–26.6 25.10–29.10 15.11–20.11 IMD, Switzerland IMD, Singapore Switzerland 18.5–20.5 2016 2015 MODULE 2 18.4–29.4 Singapore MODULE 1 7.9–18.9 IMD, Switzerland 4.5–8.5 7.9–11.9 IMD, Switzerland Singapore 18.5–21.5 5.10–8.10 IMD, Switzerland IMD, Switzerland IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Leveraging Strategic Partnerships (LSP) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit PERSONAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Focused programs to help executives develop or strengthen selfawareness, ethical, interpersonal and team leadership capabilities in order to shape and drive change at a personal level Strategies for Leadership (SL) Empowering women executives For upper mid-level to senior female executives nImprove performance and lead more effectively nPrepare to take on top-level management roles and board positions nBuild a network of colleagues to serve as mentors and role models Mobilizing People (MP) Leading with impact For experienced managers nExperience leadership situations and experiment with your role as a leader nReceive intense individual feedback and coaching nRenew your energy and learn to mobilize people toward key business goals High Performance Leadership (HPL) Listen, influence, impact For experienced executives nBoost your capacity to change and move to the next level of your leadership performance nDiscover your leadership roots and foundations, diagnose your leadership tasks, advance your leadership skills, and develop a personal leadership path that ensures inspiration and resilience nDevelop your own leadership style: learn effective dialogue, revitalize your vision and build on your strengths Advanced High Performance Leadership (AHPL) A unique retreat for HPL alumni nContinue on your path towards leadership excellence nRefocus your “mind’s eye” on updated goals nGain new insights to implement your vision of high performance leadership nEnsure you are playing to win versus playing not to lose NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Learning Leadership (LL) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives who are taking on greater leadership responsibilities and need to work through others to build personal and team success nUnderstand your individual leadership strengths and weaknesses nImprove interactions with your team members by building strong bonds nMaster new ways of approaching challenges and overcoming obstacles nManage conflicts through successful leadership transactions nCoach your team members to help them develop their potential FEE Strategies for Leadership (SL) CHF10,000 Mobilizing People (MP) CHF23,000 High Performance Leadership (HPL) CHF13,500 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY 2.6–5.6 4.5–13.5 8.2–13.2 8.3–13.3 12.4–17.4 10.5–15.5 IMD, IMD, Santa Cruz, IMD, Switzerland Switzerland USA Switzerland Advanced High Performance Leadership (AHPL) CHF8,500 JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 22.9–25.9 25.8–3.9 28.9–7.10 13.9–18.9 4.10–9.10 18.10–23.10 6.12–11.12 IMD, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Switzerland China Brazil IMD, Switzerland 17.5–21.5 Gstaad, Switzerland IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Learning Leadership (LL) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit PERSONAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Focused programs to help executives develop or strengthen selfawareness, ethical, interpersonal and team leadership capabilities in order to shape and drive change at a personal level Strategies for Leadership (SL) Empowering women executives For upper mid-level to senior female executives nImprove performance and lead more effectively nPrepare to take on top-level management roles and board positions nBuild a network of colleagues to serve as mentors and role models Mobilizing People (MP) Leading with impact For experienced managers nExperience leadership situations and experiment with your role as a leader nReceive intense individual feedback and coaching nRenew your energy and learn to mobilize people toward key business goals High Performance Leadership (HPL) Listen, influence, impact For experienced executives nBoost your capacity to change and move to the next level of your leadership performance nDiscover your leadership roots and foundations, diagnose your leadership tasks, advance your leadership skills, and develop a personal leadership path that ensures inspiration and resilience nDevelop your own leadership style: learn effective dialogue, revitalize your vision and build on your strengths Advanced High Performance Leadership (AHPL) A unique retreat for HPL alumni nContinue on your path towards leadership excellence nRefocus your “mind’s eye” on updated goals nGain new insights to implement your vision of high performance leadership nEnsure you are playing to win versus playing not to lose NEW IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD Learning Leadership (LL) Exclusively for corporations Soon available for individuals For executives who are taking on greater leadership responsibilities and need to work through others to build personal and team success nUnderstand your individual leadership strengths and weaknesses nImprove interactions with your team members by building strong bonds nMaster new ways of approaching challenges and overcoming obstacles nManage conflicts through successful leadership transactions nCoach your team members to help them develop their potential FEE Strategies for Leadership (SL) CHF10,000 Mobilizing People (MP) CHF23,000 High Performance Leadership (HPL) CHF13,500 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY 2.6–5.6 4.5–13.5 8.2–13.2 8.3–13.3 12.4–17.4 10.5–15.5 IMD, IMD, Santa Cruz, IMD, Switzerland Switzerland USA Switzerland Advanced High Performance Leadership (AHPL) CHF8,500 JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 22.9–25.9 25.8–3.9 28.9–7.10 13.9–18.9 4.10–9.10 18.10–23.10 6.12–11.12 IMD, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Switzerland China Brazil IMD, Switzerland 17.5–21.5 Gstaad, Switzerland IMD GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN THE CLOUD NEW Learning Leadership (LL) Exclusively for corporations, soon available for individuals IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location and fee at any time. For further information, contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or visit IMD’s executive programs help you perform better in your current job and move to the next stage of your career, by strengthening and developing the four key global leadership capabilities – strategic, execution, stakeholder and personal leadership. 2015 CALENDAR Financial Times rankings 2012, 2013 & 2014 IN OPEN P R O G R A MS WORLDWIDE PROGRAMS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING in executive education worldwide (Financial Times 2008–2014) and in open programs worldwide (Financial Times 2012, 2013 & 2014). The IMD Difference ® REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING IMD is a top-ranked business school. We are the experts in developing global leaders through high‑impact executive education. Why IMD? »We are 100% focused on real-world executive development »We offer Swiss excellence with a global perspective »We have a flexible, customized and effective approach FURTHER INFORMATION For more details, or contact a Program Advisor at +41 21 618 07 00 or at FOLLOW US ON Chemin de Bellerive 23 P.O. Box 915 CH-1001 Lausanne Switzerland Central tel: +41 21 618 01 11 Central fax: +41 21 618 07 07 IMD, IMD INTERNATIONAL, IMD INTERNATIONAL REAL WORLD. REAL LEARNING and MOBILIZING PEOPLE are trademarks of IMD – International Institute for Management Development. Concept and design: Magic Pencil; Photography: Régis Colombo, Nate Henderson, Richard Juilliart, Oliver O’Hanlon, Thierry Porchet, Yves Ryncki, Jean Scheim (Black and White) ©IMD 2014 ® IMD is ranked
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