100 YEARS OF KUNSTSTOFFE A doll’s world created for the Nuremberg Toy Fair in the mid1950s (photo: Roman Graggo) Excursion through a Century of Children’s Bedrooms Toys. A look back to the early years of the 20th century shows toys made of metal and wood. For the most part they are produced at home, very few can afford machines. Celluloid and over the years other plastics change the face of the toy industry. Today many companies produce their articles on automated machines and in large quantities from plastics. STEFANIE WOLF lay is not just a way of passing time, play is also an educational means. Play helped girls in the 19th and 20th centuries learn their domestic obligations and the boys received a foretaste of crafts or engineering in good time. In 1909, Max Schneider described the essence of toys in the Deutsche Spielwaren-Zeitung as follows: “On the one hand we can speak of a natural function of the toy that serves to satisfy the play instinct, but on the other hand the toy can be seen as having a social function whose solution belongs to the P Translated from Kunststoffe 5/2010, pp. 128–133 Article as PDF-File at www.kunststoffeinternational.com; Document Number: PE110393 field of education.” The engineer distinguishes between four types of toy: Dormant (doll), moving (ball), mechanical (steam engine) and physical (model railway, music box). Hereby not only animals and people are imitated in miniature, but also major technical achievements [1]. First Dolls of Celluloid In this period, celluloid is the welcome material. The lightweight material has great elasticity and a high absorption capacity for colors. Dolls’ heads, arms and legs, balls or spinning tops are made from this material. The Rheinische Gummiund Celluloidfabrik (RGCF for short, today: Schildkröt-Puppen GmbH, Rauenstein, Germany) is a well-known repre- 79 Kunststoffe international 5/2010 W 2010 Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany sentative. In 1896 the company produces the first celluloid doll using the “blowthrough” method. Properties such as break proof, washable, color-fast and hygienic help the material achieve a predominant position in doll production [2]. The invention of the first celluloid is attributed to Alexander Parkes in 1856. But it is only John Wesley Hyatt who first really learns how to use the material properly – as a substitute material for ivory. In 1870 he has it registered under the brand name Celluloïd for the Celluloid Manufacturing Company. The main constituents are nitrocellulose and camphor as plasticizer. The material is formed with heat. That significantly increases the degree of freedom for forming – a first step towards mass production [3]. > www.kunststoffe-international.com/archive Not for use in internet or intranet sites. Not for electronic distribution 100 YEARS OF KUNSTSTOFFE By 1913, Germany has an annual production of toys of around USD 32 million. Toys to a value of USD 24.5 million are exported, with the USA as main customer.Almost one-third of the exports go overseas [4]. But the USA is not only the largest customer, but also the strongest competitor. The predominantly – with few exceptions – cottage-industry doll production in Germany does not exist in the USA, everything is immediately implemented on a large scale [5]. In 1859 there are twelve factories in the whole country, by 1914 290 companies are already producing toys. The main customers are Great Britain and Canada [4]. The doll image here is quite different, less lady-like. Furthermore, American “character babies” are visually a true image of the reality [5]. Around 1915, the celluloid balls become stronger competitors for rubber balls in Europe. They are produced in every color and with patterns. Completely new are the delicately painted relief balls and picture balls with characters from fairy tales such as “Max and Moritz” or “Struwwelpeter”. A wide variety of swimming animals and birds is also available, as are animals of different types and sizes with fixed or moving limbs or even walking animals [6]. Fig. 2. Celluloid hollow parts can be produced by blow molding; a blow forging press is used to hold the mold together and to be able to further increase the pressure [15] Fig. 1. Kämmer & Reinhardt develop a new doll, the character doll: The first of their kind were the Babies 700 (left). In the 1920s and 1930s, exotic dolls became modern (right, producer: Bruno Schmidt, 1930s) [3] Character Dolls and Soldiers The idea of a new type of doll comes from the Puppenfabrik Kämmer & Reinhardt in Waltershausen, Germany: The character doll [7]. In 1909 the name is registered as a trade mark. The sculptor, Prof.Arthur Lewin-Funcke, who never appears in any official function, models the first character dolls: The birth of the Babies 100 (made from celluloid: 700 Series, Fig. 1 left). The series of character dolls continues up to 1929 [3]. A large number of companies register their development as utility models. The Bayrische Celluloidwarenfabrik, formerly Albert Wacker, in Nuremberg, Germany, for example, registers a “tubular toy figure with integral voice mechanism”[8] and a “toy spinning top of celluloid” around 1910 [9]. The First World War weakens the German toy industry. War loans, import bans and bankruptcies make their impacts. Nevertheless, the companies try to take advantage of the war events and produce whole regiments of toy soldiers with guns, cannons or pistols. During this period, the production capacities in the USA increase enormously, as imports are reduced, but not the demand for toys [4]. In the 1920s, many German toy producers rebuild their companies and extend their product range: dolls are now produced with a different skin color (producer: Celluloidfabrik Dr. P. Hunaeus, mid1920s and Bruno Schmidt, 1930s; Fig. 1 right) [3]. Two Sheets Form a Hollow Part In particular, however, the production methods become more sophisticated. A 80 W 2010 Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany typical 1920s product is the rattle. In order to manufacture celluloid rattles use is made of the blow molding process, among others. By injecting steam into two mold halves the hollow part is created. Two thin celluloid sheets are placed on top of one another and fixed to the lower half of the heated mold.After fixing the upper part, a blowing tube is pushed between the sheets at the edge. A blow forging press holds the mold together (Fig. 2). The steam (or hot water) flows between the sheets and inflates them, condensing partially. Impact pressure from the outside weld together the edges held by the mold. The handle is made from sticks or strips of celluloid [10]. The molds are generally split into two halves. If the toy geometry is more complex, they can also have more parts. In order that the mold halves do not cool down, both the lower part (platen) of the press and the moving upper part (ram) are hollow. Steam or hot water is admitted to the two parts, cooling is effected with cold water [11]. Thermoplastics Extend the Scope The Second World War brings toy production in Germany to a standstill again. Many companies are transformed into armaments factories. In the USA, plastics continue to expand, particularly the thermoplastic compounds. The vast majority of the toys produced are not mechanical, i.e. they have no spring or other drive mechanism.An advantage of the new material is not only the possibility of mass production. The variety of colors, outstanding hygienic properties, safety (sheet metal toys have sharp edges) and the striving of the department stores not to have © Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich www.kunststoffe-international.com/archive Kunststoffe international 5/2010 Not for use in internet or intranet sites. Not for electronic distribution 100 YEARS OF KUNSTSTOFFE celluloid dolls in their stocks (fire hazard, strict handling for the fire insurance) enhance the use of thermoplastics. Even during the war, England also starts to make toys from injection molding compounds, to be followed a short time later by France, Italy and Japan [12]. At the Toy Exhibition held in New York in March 1946, one in every four toy produced in the USA is made of plastic. And that does not include the toys that are comprised of single parts made of plastic. Observers attribute this to the competition within the branch. No other industry is anywhere near as enterprising in the search for new materials and new toy ideas. Cellulose derivatives and polystyrene (PS) are used in the field of “cheap small toys”. Vinyl polymers are used for doll’s pram hoods, rag dolls and for the production of balls [13]. Celluloid continues to be preferred for blow-molded toys such as dolls and swimming animals. The manufacturers use cellulose acetate (CA) to produce children’s rattles, furniture for doll’s houses or soldiers. Toy cars and trucks are made from phenolic molding compounds (PF) and molded, unbreakable dolls and inflatable animals are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) [14]. The Philosophers’ Stones The toy industry starts to be rebuilt again in Germany after 1945, particularly in the area around Nuremberg and Fürth. Attempts are made to copy American toys, but sales are not particularly encouraging. At the Toy Trade Fair in Nuremberg in March 1952 it is predominantly models of cars and trucks in various shapes and sizes that are on show. But equipment for dolls’ house kitchens of PS (producer: geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co. KG, Zirndorf), dolls’ shops, scales, small telephones, motor boats and ships are also to be seen. “Rocking horses” that run down a slope were presented by the SpritzgussWerk GmbH, Weißenburg [12]. The economic miracle at the end of the 1940s and early 1950s generated an upswing for plastics again. Toy manufacturers everywhere worked on new ideas. Josef Dehm, for example, developed the first plastic building bricks at the end of the 1940s. He named them Idema as a play on his own name. Made from bakelite, they were similar to real bricks; recesses and pins stabilized the bricks. Dehm used roll pins to join the bricks. Later he replaced bakelite with more flexible PS. Furthermore, injection molding is more precise and the bricks hold together without The Fine Fiber, a Tube and New Curves additional parts. In 1952, Dehm patents the bricks [15]. At the same time, Ole Kirk Christiansen was also working on a prototype for a brick in Billund, Denmark (Fig. 3). The planned base material, CA, however, held together very poorly. The insertion of cylindrical geometries between which the existing pins are clamped increases the stability. After a development period of nine years, Christiansen patents the Lego brick in Copenhagen in 1958 (Lego is a combination of the Danish words ‘leg’ and ‘godt’ meaning “play well”). The bricks come onto the market in the same year. The first system is the Lego town. Later wheels (1961), larger bricks for smaller children (Duplo, 1967) and figures (1974, the present-day form dates back to 1978) follow. Since 1963, all the bricks have been made from acrylonitrile- Fig. 4. The Steiff bear Cosy Orsi from the 1950s is produced from the PAN synthetic fiber, Dralon (Fig.: www.teddybaer-antik.de) In the mid-1950s, the synthetic fiber finds its way to the teddy bears. The Margarete Steiff GmbH, Giengen, Germany, produces the first teddy bear from the synthetic fiber, Dralon, and christens him Cosy Orsi (Fig. 4). He is the great-grandfather of hundreds of teddy bear variants that many companies produce until well into the 1970s [17]. The synthetic fiber is made from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and is developed in 1942 by I.G. Farben. From 1950, Bayer AG markets the fibers under the name Dralon. Polyacrylic fabrics are characterized by a soft, woolly touch and have good heat insulation, while at the same time being light and water-repelling. A real hit is another toy – or better leisure accessory – in the early 1960s: The hula-hoop, invented in America in 1958. In Germany, Horst Brandstätter works on a process and machine for the production of the round hoops. He designs a machine that forms a soft, hot “plastic” tube into a hula-hoop. The blow molding process, previously used only for bottles, opens up new possibilities for toy production. In the following years, geobra Brandstätter produces the first completely enclosed racecar, small boats and tractors. The first steerable ride-on tractor for children, a copy of a real Porsche tractor, also comes onto the market [18]. Also at the end of the 1950s, a new type of doll appears on the market, roughly 12 inches tall and with noticeable body proportions [19]. The American Ruth Handler, who together with her husband, Elliot Handler, and Harold Matson founds Mattel in 1945, provided the idea. On a journey through Europe in 1958, she sees in a shop window the doll Lilli that the Spielzeugfabrik Hausser, Neustadt near Coburg, Germany, had brought onto the market three years earlier on the basis of a drawing.The figure was created by the caricaturist,Reinhard Beuthien,who drew her as a stop-gap for the first issue of the German “Bild-Zeitung” (24 June 1952). Back in America, Ruth Handler creates the dress-up doll, Barbie (Fig. 5). Named > 81 Kunststoffe international 5/2010 W 2010 Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany butadiene-styrene copolymer – ABS for short. This matt gloss plastic is very hard and has a scratchproof and bite proof surface. Crucial for the production are the injection molds. The maximum deviation must not exceed one-thousandth of a millimeter [16]. Fig. 3. 1947 in Billund/Denmark: Ole Kirk Christiansen works on a prototype for a building brick; nine years later he patents the ABS Lego building brick (photo: Lego) www.kunststoffe-international.com/archive Not for use in internet or intranet sites. Not for electronic distribution 100 YEARS OF KUNSTSTOFFE applied by tampon printing, Hans Beck, Head of R&D at geobra every color in each individ- Brandstätter (Fig. 8). Patent application is ual motif requiring a sepa- made as early as February 1972. The comrate production step. A co- plete range consists of 95 % plastic, preoperation with the automo- dominantly ABS, but also PS, PA, PE and tive industry permits true- similar (PVC-free). Building workers, to-original licenses in the knights and Indians are the first figures. fields of Formula 1, classic Two dots and a line form the face. In the automobiles or touring cars. early years, information sheets are includSome cars are equipped with ed in the packagings to explain the idea genuine headlights and rear behind the figures. lights, and in many cases can In the following years, plastics are simbe tuned. Since 1999, Car- ply THE materials. More and more toy rera belongs to the Stadl- producers take advantage of the properbauer Spiel- und Freizeitar- ties of resistance to breaking, low weight, tikel GmbH, Nuremberg, easy cleaning and practically unlimited Germany [23]. possibilities in the form and color [27]. In order not to have to The methods, in particular, become more give his customers the nor- and more sophisticated, for example the mal presents every time, multi-color injection molding of figures such as kirsch and dry ham, [28] or microprecision injection moldProfessor Artur Fischer (in- ings for model railways [29]. The materiventor of the fischer dowel als also expand the spectrum. On the one in 1958) develops a slightly hand, more and more engineering plasdifferent type of kit. In 1966, tics are employed, such as polyoxy meththe Kit 400 was presented as ylene (POM) or polybutylene terephthathe first of its kind at the Toy late (PBTP) in model making due to their Fair (Fig. 6). Apart from grey running and wear properties [29, 30], and building blocks, it contains on the other hand technical compounds Fig. 5. If we take it very strictly, Barbie was created as a copy of a stop-gap for the Bild-Zeitung – right the first Barbie from axles, wheels, gear wheels start to be used, for example with 50 % 1958, left fifty years later (photo: Mattel) and building elements that iron powder or ABS filled with glass allow technical motifs to be spheres [31]. after the nickname of her daughter, Bar- copied. Produced by injection molding, bara, the first dolls are presented at the the basic bricks are made from ABS and Under Control American Toy Fair in New York on 9 PA. Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) are March 1959. A Barbie cost three dollars used for wheels or chain links, the hull of The wide variety of plastics applications (at that time equivalent to roughly DM the ship models is made from expandable and the complex design of the toys, however, have brought the topic of safety in12). She has blonde or brown hair, with a polypropylene (EPP) [24]. to the discussion. The greatest points of ponytail and curly fringe in both cases, criticism frequently raised by the superand is made completely of plastic. Her A Red Racecar and Small People visory authorities in relation to chilhead form with closed mouth and modeled eyelashes is a copy of Lilli, also with The 1970s start with a car, with the Bob- dren’s toys are the risk of inhaling or feminine forms and strong makeup. She by-Car to be more precise, manufactured swallowing small parts, and an excessive is followed two years later by Ken, named by the Big-Spielwarenfabrik, Fürth (to- exposure to chemicals, in particular to after the Handler’s son. Over the years, day Burghaslach, Germany) (Fig. 7). phthalates. For example, saliva must not complete plastic worlds are built up Wheels and body are produced by extru- cause any chemical reactions. Furtheraround Barbie, so that the doll becomes sion blow molding of polyethylene (PE-HD), steering wheel a real mass toy [20]. and steering unit are injection molded from polypropylene Formula 1 on Rails (PP). PE-HD is light and Just as popular as Barbie is with girls is weather-resistant, and resistthe Carrera racetrack in the boys’ (men’s) ant to breaking, splintering or world. In 1963, Hermann Neuhierl pres- denting. Furthermore, it is reents the electric powered car racetrack in sistant to perspiration and scale 1:32 (producer: Neuhierl GmbH & saliva. The first of these modCo. KG, Fürth, Germany) [21]. Original el cars rolls off the production racetracks such as Monza or Indiana are line in 1972: 60 cm long, red copied. Production is in China. The chas- with a white steering wheel sis of the matching car is of glass fiber-re- [25]. Two years later, a toy pro- Fig. 6. The inventor of the fischer dowel presents the first Kit inforced polyamide (PA), the body of ABS [22]. The cars are all assembled manual- ducer presents new plastic fig- 400 in 1966, the gray basic bricks are injection molded from ly. The decorative elements and motifs are ures. Playmobil is an idea from ABS and PA (photo: fischertechnik) 82 W 2010 Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany © Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich www.kunststoffe-international.com/archive Kunststoffe international 5/2010 Not for use in internet or intranet sites. Not for electronic distribution 100 YEARS OF KUNSTSTOFFE Fig. 7. 60 cm long, red with a white steering wheel: That is how the first of these children’s racecars rolled off the production line in 1972 (left), today older children start in the Formula BigBobby-Car and achieve speeds of up to 105 km/h with their tuned racers (photos: Big) more, compliance with safety regulations with respect to acoustics, inflammability, electrical and electromagnetic safety is increasingly being demanded. A well-known example of the great importance attached to the subject of safety in the meantime is the huge recall campaign by Mattel in summer 2007. Around 21 million toys of the brands Barbie and Fisher Price produced in China had to be recalled by the company; 2.8 million due to paint with an excessively high lead content, the rest due to the risk of swallowing magnets. Around 65 % of the toys from Mattel are produced in China, in some cases in the company’s own factories, in some cases by sub-suppliers. Mattel is one of the first Western companies to operate factories in China. The first Barbie doll was produced there in 1959 [32]. Safety tests, however, are very timeconsuming and expensive. With a CE symbol – introduced in 1993 – on his product, a toy producer declares at his own responsibility that this product com- plies with the fundamental safety and health regulations of the relevant EU Directives. Although the CE is mandatory, it does not generally presuppose external testing before the market launch. Only when the CE symbol is combined with an additional identification number has the product also been tested by an independent institute. The award of the CE symbol has no time limitation and no interim tests are generally carried out. The GS symbol was developed in Germany in 1977 as a consumer-oriented test symbol. It stands for tested safety and the application is voluntary. An independently approved institute such as the TÜV Rheinland LGA Beteiligungs GmbH, Nuremberg, tests the toy and certifies that it complies with the fundamental safety and health regulations of the German Appliance and Product Safety Act (GPSG). In addition, the product is monitored at regular intervals. The test symbol is granted for a maximum of five years [41]. The European Parliament adopted a new directive on the safety of toys on December 18, 2008. The Directive had last been amended in 1988. A Broad Field Today, in the age of the World Wide Web, whole worlds are created around a single toy. The expectations of the children increase, influenced by the cross-medial world. The one-time educational aid has now made way for a complex and tricky toy. The engineering and development effort that goes in to many of these toys can often not be seen. Plastics with their properties open up a wide field of possibilities, particularly in design. While plastic toys were just a small segment of the market at the beginning of the 20th century, today – 100 years later – they dominate the market. REFERENCES The complete literature reference list can be downloaded free of charge at www.kunststoffe-international.com/A021 Fig. 8. The building worker (left) is one of the first 7.5 cm tall figures from the Playmobil range molded from ABS; in 2010 the company diverts from the trapezoidal form that has existed for many years and becomes more figure-accentuating (right), and a new body form is developed from the neck down (photo: geobra Brandstätter) 83 Kunststoffe international 5/2010 W 2010 Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany THE AUTHORESS DIPL.-ING. STEFANIE WOLF, born 1981, has worked for the editorial department of Kunststoffe since March 2009. Following an apprenticeship as a process mechanic for plastics and rubber technology, she studied mechanical engineering at Technische Universität Dresden. Her particular focus was on lightweight construction. www.kunststoffe-international.com/archive Not for use in internet or intranet sites. Not for electronic distribution
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