Ente En terr ag age e di divi vis sion and alll sp s ecialty awards at the S Su upe p r Saver rate te e on or before 1 0.00 on n or aft f err January 31 for $100.00, on or before February 22 for $11 March 15 for $130.00. 2015 Crowned Princess Charm National Pageant Application Fee nonrefundable Returning Contestant Discount $30.00 ($25.00 discount) Super Saver Crowned Princess Charm Rate (Before January 31, 2015) Early Bird Rate (Before February 22)) Late Bloomer Rate (After March 15) Optional Fee $100.00 $110.00 $130.00 $20.00 each Six or more optional $15.00 each Overall Supreme Title Qualification $50.00 Overall Novice Supreme Title Qualification (4 or less pageants) $50.00 Daddy, Me & Pageantry Competition must be preregistered $30.00 per parent/child Mommy, Me & Pageantry Competition must be preregistered $30.00 per parent/child Family Optionals Most Photogenic Family $10.00 Most Photogenic Pet $10.00 Prepaid Tickets (tickets and monies must be turned in by April 1 to receive this rate) $12.00 each Pizza Party Scores After Competition ( 3 weeks) $12.00 each $15.00 each Scores After Competition( 1 week) Door Decorating Contest $25.00 each $10.00 Name: D O.B: D. Addres Ad ess: s City: State: E-mail: Z p: Zi Phone: e: The 2015 Crowned Princess Charm Pageant will be held at the Ram ma ad ada d In nn Hurs H stbou urne, 9700 ur urn Bluegrass Parkway, Louisivlle, KY 40299. Contestants ages 3 monthss tto o 4 ye y ars will co ompe ompe ete in n onstage personality, casual and formal wear. Contestants ages 4 years an and up will co ompe ete in interview, casual and formal wear. A winner and four runners up plus six sp peci ec alty aw wards wil w l be give ve en in each age division. Specialty awards includ: Best Bio/Resume, Rising Star,, Dire i ctorr ’s A Awarrd, d Pa Pa ag gean ean ea nt Awareness Award, Most Pre-paid Ticket Sales, and Best Personality. In addition on n three e Overalll Su up pre pr rem e es, s s, one Novice Supreme, one Overall Ad Sales Queen, Humanitarian Queen and One ne e Ultimate Grrand an nd d Supreme. Supreme winners will receive cash, huge crowns, large trophies modeling ng g scholarshiips ps and many more! ~ Cash award based on 40 or more contestants Optional Categories: Optional categories are designed to give the contestant additional opportunities too sh howc wcase their wc talents. Optionals are not tabulated in a contestant’s overal score. However, one perce enta age po poin ntt ,is deducted from contestant’s overall score if they choose to not compete in an option nal cat attego ate e ry. egory ryy Overall optional winners are awarded in the following age brackets - Tiny Miss -Tiny To ot, You ung g Miss - Preteen, Young Teen - Teen, Ms. - Plus. Contestants may compete in: Western W W Wear ~ 1950’s ’ W Wear ~ Prettiest Eyes ~ Prettiest Hair ~ Prettiest Smi miilile ~ Derbyy Wea ear ~ Academic Award ~ Glamour ~ Photoge enic n ~ Most Beautiful ~ Speech ~ Essayy ~ Co C mmu uni nity Serrrvvic ice ce ~ ce 1980’s ’ W Wear ~ Patriotic W Wear ~ Contes estan t ts outfit of choice ~ Hollywood Glam mour ~ Wha at I W Wan nt To Be When I Grow Up, and the Roaring 1920 920’’s Wea W r. r Scoring: Contestants are judged d on beauty,, pois poise and nd appearance in interview, casual wear wear and for orrm mal ma all we wear. Contestants may wear ou outfits of th heir ow own n choo choosin sing. g. A flower girl dress, pagean nt dress,, lo lon ng or shor ho h ot or ort in length, (short pageant dres re ses ar a e only nl allowed d for th the e Tiny Miss - Tiny Tot divi i sio ons) ns) iss ac accce cep ep e tab ta a le. lle e. Contestants in the Tinyy Mi Miss ss thr throug ough h Tiny T T t divisio To sions wilill b be judg dged dg ed on onstage e persso on ona nalit na lliiitty in casu asu a ssu ua all and formal wear in lieu off intervie ew. How to Enter: ~ Fill out entry form ~ Send in a recent photo fo forr tthe 201 0 5 Crowned Princess Ch harm Souve enir n pr pro og og ogr ogra grram am boo bookk. ~ Send $30.00 non-refund nda nd able appl able pplica i tio tion n fee wiithin three e we eeks ek to be be offic fic iccia ial allly a ally ly regist stere st tere ed. Ch Che h ckks orr money orders to be made payabl ab e to Cro rowned d Princes ess Ch ha arm rm Pagea ants ntts ss,, LLC. L ~ Visa, Master Ca Card and American a Exp pres resss are also accepte ed by by listing ing g tth he numb ber er on n the he h e form form fo m or or by by calling the pageant office at (859)49 92-3025 5. Within thr hree weeks of receiving your applicattion, you hre u wi will re will ecceiv e ceivve the he offi officia of f cia ciall Crow ow wned d Pr Princ i ess inc ss Char Ch arm packet with a detailed agenda, a list ar st off pot potent ent ntial nt ial al in nter tervie iew que ie ues u e tio tions nss jud dg ges ge e es ma may ask ask and nd d detailed information about categories thatt ar are e jjud udg ud dg ged ed. d.. Mail Co Ma ompl pllete ted ed Ap Appl p ic pl i at atio ion on to o: o: Parent Par ent/Gu /Guard ardian ian Name (Print): Crrow Cro wne wn n d Prin rinces ce ces esss C Char h m Page ha har ea ants, LLC ant C c/o o Karen a en Blackkwe well Mucc M ci ci 16 6 She Sheffi effifie fi ld d La Lane Frankf Fra nkffo ort rrtt, KY 40 060 601 01 Pho ho one: n 85 ne 59~4 9~ ~492~ ~492~ 92~302 25 Website it : w w w. w d i s t i ncc t-im mpressions.net E-m E-m mail ail:: kare are re e n @ d i s t i n c t-im -im m p r ess s i o n s .n net Parent/Guard Pa r ian an Si Signa gnatur ture: e: How would you like to be lilisted? (i.e. Daughter or son s of) Method of Pa ayme yment: n Check Money Order Visa Master Card Pay aypal p via kkaren@distinct--imp impressions.net American Express V Code: Credit Card # Exp. Date: Signature: *** By signing this document,, I have re read a and d unders derstand a all of the rules rul es a and nd regul regu atio ations ns o off th the e pagean geant. t t. How did d you u hea hearr about Crrow owned ed Pr Princ in ess Ch harm Pa P geants? Pagean Pag ean nt Cent nter Pagean Pag eantry tr Ma Mag gazzin ine Intern ne ett Patsy’s ’ Referred by: Social Networking Site e @ copyright 2014 Crowned Princess Charm Pageant, LLC.
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