January 12, 2015 Volume 61, Number 100 The Mississippi Contractor Introducing our 2015 Sponsors 5165 Old Brandon Road Pearl, MS 39208 t: 601.944.0421 f: 601.944.0450 10480 Corporate Drive, Suite 2 Gulfport, MS 39503 t: 228.897.1711 f: 228.897.2711 www.msabc.net www.msabcplanroom.net Calendar of Events January 13th Board Meeting January 13th Executive Meeting January 14th CPR/First Aid Course January 15th Fork Lift Train-the-Trainer Course January 20th Rigger and Signalperson Training January 21st Aerial Lift Course GOLD SILVER BRONZE Carr Riggs & Ingram A&B Electric ABC Merit Choice Horne LLP Alliant Insurance Services Aladdin Construction Co., Inc. Benson Construction & Masonry Ivey Mechanical Company BancorpSouth Insurance Services MMC Materials Bottrell Roy Anderson Corp Craft Croswell Bracken Construction Co., Inc. T. L. Wallace Construction Eagle Construction Bradley Arant Boult Cummings F. L. Crane & Sons, Inc. W. G. Yates & Sons Construction Company Matthews Cutrer & Lindsay Metro Mechanical Regions Insurance Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. The MABC Sponsor Program began in 2007 with 23 companies. With three levels available, the program provides a pre-determined amount of exposure and expense for you at a greatly discounted price. Various level benefits include complimentary on-line plans subscription, complimentary teams in golf tournaments, complimentary convention sponsorship and much more. Bring your company’s name to the forefront and become a 2015 sponsor. For more information, contact the MABC office at 601-944-0421 and ask for Kay Wise. Or, check out the sponsor brochure on the MABC web site: www.msabc.net. BKD, LLP CPAs & Advisors Bobcat of Jackson/ Hattiesburg Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC Brunini Law Firm Builders Mutual Insurance Company Commercial Flooring, Inc. Daniel Coker Horton & Bell Galloway Chandler McKinney Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith Gipson Steel, Inc. Glass, Inc. Gregory Construction Services H & E Equipment Services HUB International JESCO, Inc. Kline Mechanical Systems RC Construction Co., Inc. Robinson Electric Co., Inc. Ross & Yerger Insurance, Inc. Roy Collins Construction Co. Southeastern Contracting Tull Brothers, Inc. White Construction Company Williams Equipment & Supply 2 PERSONALIZED SOLUTIONS. PERSONAL SERVICE. Introducing C Spire Business Solutions. C Spire has greatly expanded our portfolio of communications solutions for business to include Wireless, Phone and Internet. To ensure that you get the most out of this new portfolio of options, we have deployed dedicated teams who live and work near you so they can not only help All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2013 C Spire Business Solutions. All rights reserved. you quickly, but also understand your business, your market and your challenges. Save 10% on IP Voice Phone System when you sign up for Wireless. Get Personalized. Contact your Client Account Executive or Assist for Business. 1-855-CSPIRE2 (277-4732) | cspirebusiness.com | assistforbusiness@cspire.com 3 Summary of Construction Projects 01/12....... Pascagoula.....................Base Repair, Leveling and Hot Mix Overlay - Joe Batt Road...... Bin #GP-11.....................................................................................7 01/13....... Hazlehurst......................Milsaps Hotel Building Renovations............................................ Bin #JX-19.....................................................................................7 01/13....... Tupelo............................Tupelo Aquatic Center Storage Building...................................... Bin #GP-18.....................................................................................7 01/13....... Eupora...........................Webster County School Renovation............................................. Bin #JX-04.....................................................................................8 01/13....... Canton...........................Agape Educational Center............................................................ Bin #JX-38.....................................................................................7 01/13....... Hazlehurst......................Hardy Wilson Memorial Hospital Replacement Facility.............. Bin #JX-Table 16, GP-03...............................................................8 01/15!...... Ferriday, LA...................Ferriday Housing Authority - Comprehensive Improv (REBID).Bin #JX-32.....................................................................................9 01/15....... Diamondhead.................Hazard Mitigation Improvements - Diamonhead City Hall......... Bin #GP-16.....................................................................................9 01/15....... Ridgeland.......................MS Crafts Center Repairs (REBID)............................................. Bin #JX-16.....................................................................................9 01/15....... Jackson..........................Lewis Building Demolition........................................................... Bin #GP-23, JX-10.........................................................................9 01/16....... Magnolia, MS................Gateway Industrial Park Wardlaw/Holden Roads Transmission.. Bin # JX-02....................................................................................9 01/19X.... McComb........................Building Addition - Centenary United Methodist Church............ Bin #JX-53.....................................................................................10 01/20!...... Covington, LA...............Chiller System Replacement and Associated Renovations........... Bin #JX-11......................................................................................11 01/20!...... Natchez..........................Highland Boulevard Surcharge Bypass Lift Station..................... Bin #JX-20.....................................................................................10 01/20X.... Gulfport.........................Aircraft Hangar Facility Fuel Farm - Stennis (REBID)................ Bin #GP-2C....................................................................................11 01/20....... Purvis.............................Renovations to OGMS Gym and Band Hall................................. Bin #JX-08, GP-13.........................................................................11 01/20....... Jackson..........................Data Center Improvements - Repair Roof Leaks.......................... Bin #JX-07.....................................................................................10 01/21!...... Gulfport.........................DuPont Ilmenite Facility Conveyor Package................................ Bin #GP-3B....................................................................................12 01/21!...... Gulfport.........................DuPont Ilmenite Facility Civil Package....................................... Bin #GP-02.....................................................................................12 01/21!...... Hattiesburg....................Dairy Fresh Water Main - Rawls Springs Water District.............. Bin #JX-25.....................................................................................12 01/21....... Southaven......................Drainage Improvements Southaven High School......................... Bin #JX-09.....................................................................................12 01/22!...... Magnolia, MS................Pike County Central Maintenance Facility................................... Bin #JX-34.....................................................................................13 01/22!...... Jackson..........................N424 Renovation - UMMC.......................................................... Bin #JX-33.....................................................................................14 01/22!...... Tupelo............................Bancorp South Arena Dining Hall Renovations........................... Bin #JX-22.....................................................................................13 01/22!...... Tupelo............................NMMC - Women’s Hospital Surgery Suite Renovations............. Bin #JX-41.....................................................................................13 01/22....... Louisville.......................Winston Plywood and Veneer - APG Piles................................... Bin #JX-21.....................................................................................12 01/27!...... Benton, MS....................1-MDOT-NH-007-01082)............................................................. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................14 01/27!...... Vicksburg.......................2-MDOT-NH-0009-02(080)......................................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................14 01/27!...... Hancock County............3-MDOT-IM-0010-01(142) / 106407301..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 01/27!...... Lincoln County..............4-MDOT-NH-0015-01(130 / 106925301...................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 01/27!...... Lafayette County...........6-MDOT-STP-0019-02(050)........................................................ Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 01/27!...... Jackson..........................7-MDOT-BR-0020-01(192) / 105022301..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 01/27!...... Jones County.................8-MDOT-STP-0022-01(079) / 106950301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 01/27!...... Philadelphia...................9-MDOT-STP-0024-04(025) / 106927301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 01/27!...... Harrison County............10-MDOT-HSIP-0064-01(029) / 105293301............................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 01/27!...... Lauerdale County..........11-MDOT-BR-0075-01(010) / 102482301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 01/27!...... Scott County..................12-MDOT-BR-0333-00(013) / 102362301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................14 01/27!...... Newton County..............13-MDOT-BR-0472-00(015) / 102367302................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................15 01/27!...... Newton County..............14-MDOT-STP-1436-00(002) / 106929301................................. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................17 01/27!...... Lincoln County..............15-MDOT-BR2175-00(010) / 101840301.................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................17 01/27!...... Clinton, MS...................16-MDOT-BWO-5222-25(001) / 502891301............................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 01/27!...... Gulfport.........................Fire Suppression System............................................................... Bin #GP-3A....................................................................................14 01/28!...... Pascagoula.....................Installation of Fiber Communications System - Jackson Cty....... Bin #GP-08.....................................................................................17 01/29!...... Brookhaven...................Kitchen/Cafeteria Remodel - Enterprise Attendance Center........ Bin #JX-05.....................................................................................17 01/29!...... University, MS...............NCPA Primary Building - New Roof............................................ Bin #JX-23.....................................................................................17 02/02!...... Jefferson County............State Aid Project No. SAP-32(8)M............................................... Bin #JX-17.....................................................................................18 02/03!...... Canton...........................Biomedical Collaboratory Madison County Economic................ Bin #JX-39.....................................................................................18 02/03!...... Jackson..........................Geneerator Addition - PERS......................................................... Bin #JX-24.....................................................................................18 02/03!X... Tupelo............................Tupelo Police Headquarters.......................................................... Bin #JX-58.....................................................................................19 New Project ! X-Bid Date Extended Just In-Plans arrived too late for publication JX is the Jackson Bin number, GP is the Gulfport Bin number If a specific plan room is listed, plans are available in that plan room only BUT can be made available in either or both planrooms. Just let me know which job you need. Apparent Low Bidders ........................................................................................ Page 20 4 ARCHITECT RELEASE OF PROJECT PLANS TO ABC PRIME CONTRACTOR MEMBERS A. The architect/engineer will record issue of set(s) of project plans and specifications, without requirement of plan deposit, to ABC Members by name. B. C. This procedure shall apply to the bidding phase of a project only and has no application to issuance of plans to the successful bidder. D. The architect/engineer will call upon the ABC to honor plan deposit guarantee should one of its contractor members: 1 It shall be the responsibility of the ABC member to identify himself to the architect/engineer at the time plans are issued to be entitled to terms of this agreement. Not return plans and specifications to architect/engineer within ten (10) days after bids are received without prior agreement of architect/engineer. 2. Return plans and specifications not in reusable condition, i.e., defaced, mutilated, sheets missing, etc. Discretion will be used to determine whether entire plans or certain sheets thereof need to be replaced. 3. Not submit a bid after receiving plans under the provisions of this program, unless the contractor should return said plans to the architect at least (3) days prior to the bid opening date. 5 Future Projects Information & Dates Listed Subject to Change Bid Date Location Project Name MISSISSIPPI - Requested Projects Arch/Eng (Notes) If you have an upcoming project you would like to see listed in the “Future Projects” section of The Mississippi Contractor, contact us by Thursday of each week at 601-944-0421/800-806-7222. To Verify Membership with MABC go to www.msabc.net and click on “Member List”. Contact us for your username and password. 6 Index Advertisements Do you have equipment to sell or a salaried position to fill? Our weekly publication reaches over 800 contractors and can be a valuable tool for you to use selling equipment or filling a position in your company. Run your Index Advertisement here for the unbeatable rate of $25 for 4 weeks! To place an ad in this weekly newsletter, please call 601-944-0421 or email: joyce@msabc.net 7 01/12/2015 Bidding: 1/12/2015 at 1:00:00 PM Base Repair, Leveling & Hot Mix Overlay - Joe Batt Road Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 12/11/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Structure Removal / Obstruction Disposal / Agricultural Limestone / Portland Cement / Traffic Conctrol Plan / Granular material / Bids To: Terry Miller, Clerk of the Jackson County Board of Supervisors, Jackson County Services Bldg, Suite R, 2915 Canty Street, Pascagoula, MS Plans From: Batson & Brown Engineers Lucedale, MS / Phone (601) 947-8619 / Fax (601) 947-6662 Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-11 Est. Cost: requisted Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/11/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 01/13/2015 Bidding: 1/13/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Agape Educational Center Canton,MS / Madison Co (in 12/9/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,6,7,89,10,13,15,16 Desc: Site Clearing / Removal of Obstructions and Structures / Removal and Restoration of Improved Surfaces / Soil Erosion and Sediment Control / Excavation and Embankment / Excavation and Backfill for Conduit and Structures / Geotextile Fabric / Rock Riprap and Slope Paving / Establishment of Vegetation / Solid Sodding / Concrete Curbs and Walks / Asphalt Paving / High Density Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (C.P.P.) / Concrete Storm Drain Pipe and Precast Box Culverts / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Finishing / Unit Masonry Assemblies / Rough Carpentry / Exterior Architectural Woodwork / Interior Architectural Woodwork / Building Insulation / Siding / Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Manufactured Roof Specialties / Through-Penetration Firestop Systems / Joint Sealants / Entrances and Storefronts / Windows / Door Hardware / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Acoustical Lay In Ceiling / Sheet Vinyl Floor Coverings / Painting / Impact-Resistant Wall Protection / Signs / Fire-Protection Specialties / Toilet and Bath Accessories / Exterior Fencing Requirements / Fire Suppression / Mechanical / HVAC Requirements / Electrical / Electrical Requirements Bids To: School Building located at 315 Garrett Street, PO Box 502, Canton, MS 39046 Plan Contact: Jackson Blueprint Phone: (601) 353-5803 Plans From: Benchmark Design, PC Flora, MS / Phone (404) 405-8662 / Fax (000) 000-0000 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-38 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/7/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Barnard & Sons Construction Mendenhall,MS Phone (601) 847-2420 Fax (601) 847-0110 Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059 Paramount Construction Group Madison,MS Phone (601) 427-5454 Fax (601) 427-5456 Prier Construction Birmingham,AL Phone (205) 380-7247 Fax (000) 000-0000 *Ralph McKnight & Son Construction Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6923 Fax (662) 289-1507 Richard Womack Construction, LLC Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-5675 Fax (601) 849-4966 Roby & Roby Construction Raymond,MS Phone (601) 951-7525 Fax (000) 000-0000 __________ Bidding: 1/13/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Milsaps Hotel Building Renovations Phase 1 Hazlehurst,MS / Copiah Co (in 12/16/2014) Divisions: 2,4,6,7,8,9 Desc: Asbestos Containing Material Survey / Asbestos Abatement / Selective Demolition / Mortar / Masonry Cleaning / Rough Carpentry / Shingles / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Caulking and Sealants / Wood Doors / Wood Window Restoration / Finish Hardware / Glazing / Painting Bids To: The Owner in the Board Room of the Copiah County Economic Development Office, 201 Downing Street, Hazelhurst, MS Plans From: Carl Freiler Nobles Architect Hazlehurst, MS / Phone (601) 894-1584 / Fax (601) 894-3222 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-19 Est. Cost: $225,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/5/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Cal-Mar Construction Co., LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 932-5409 Fax (601) 939-3566 George Harris Constr Hazlehurst ,MS Phone (601) 894-1001 Fax (601) 894-4309 *Huntington Lumber & Supply Co., Inc. Hazlehurst,MS Phone (601) 894-3171 Fax (601) 894-3174 *Mayrant & Associates, LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 354-2461 Fax (601) 354-2471 Pike Construction McComb,MS Phone (601) 684-6181 Fax (601) 684-3638 *S & L Commercial Builders, Inc. Madison,MS Phone (601) 214-4340 Fax (601) 510-9060 WHR Construction Streator,IL Phone (815) 674-3148 Fax (815) 516-0677 __________ Bidding: 1/13/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Tupelo Aquatic Center Storage Building Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 12/16/2014) Divisions: 3,7,8,9,13,31,32,33 Desc: Concrete Forming and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Formed Metal Wall Panels (Perforated and Non-Perforated) / Joint Sealants / Overhead Coiling Doors / Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts / Exterior Painting / Metal Building Systems / Site Clearing / Earth Moving / Earthwork for Structures / Termite Control / Concrete Paving / Turf and Grasses / Storm Utility Drainage Piping Bids To: City of Tupelo, City Hall - 2nd Floor - City Council Room, 71 East Troy Street, Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: JBHM Architects, PA Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-1822 / Fax (662) 844-0971 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-18 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/5/2015) 8 * Indicates Membership in ABC *Murphy & Sons Southaven,MS Phone (662) 393-3130 Fax Roberts Builder Ripley ,MS Phone (662) 837-7835 Fax (662) 837-4549 *Southland Construction, Inc. & Southland Glass Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-0140 Fax (662) 844-5702 *Timbo’s Construction, Inc. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 719-6291 Fax (888) 629-2975 *Worsham Brothers, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 286-8446 Fax (662) 287-4416 __________ Bidding: 1/13/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Hardy Wilson Memorial Hospital Replacement Facility Hazlehurst,MS / Copiah Co (in 11/24/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16 Desc: Clearing and Grubbing / Grading / Selective Site Demolition / Pipeline Excavation and Backfill / Stripping and Excavation / Embankment and Fill / Subgrade Preparation / Clay Gravel Base Course / Riprap / Silt Fence / Temporary Erosion Checks / Earthwork / Geotextile Fabric / Soil Treatment for Termite Control / Water Utility Distribution / Sanitary Sewerage Utilities / Bituminous Plant Mix Courses / Concrete Pavement Courses / Concrete Sidewalk / Drainage Pipes and Culverts / Storm Drainage Structures / Water Transmission and Distribution Mains (Ductile Iron Pipe and PVC Pipe) / Asphalt Paving / Crushed Limestone Base / Wastewater Gravity Mains and Appurtenances / Pavement Markings / Concrete Pavers / Site Amenities / Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching / Seeding and Fertilizing / Solid Sodding / Mulching / Concrete Formwork – Structural / Concrete Formwork – Site Work / Concrete Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Placement / Self-Leveling Underlayment / Unit Masonry Assemblies / Structural Steel / Steel Joists / Steel Deck / Cold Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Handrails and Railings / Wood Blocking and Curbing / Architectural Woodwork / Solid Polymer Fabrications / Board and Batt Insulation / Weather Barriers / Corrugated Metal Wall Panel System / Metal Roof and Wall Panels / Single-Ply TPO Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Gutters and Downspouts / Manufactured Roof Specialties / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Steel Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Access Doors and Panels / Double-Acting Traffic Doors / Metal-Framed Storefronts / Manual Sliding Doors / Automatic Sliding Doors and Operators / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tile / Suspended Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Carpet / Wall Covering / Paints and Coatings / Solid Plastic Toilet Compartments / Cubicle Curtains / Wall Louvers / Rooftop Equipment Screens / Handrails / Wall Guards / Corner Guards / Signage / Fire Extinguishers, Cabinets and Accessories / Protective Covers / Extruded Aluminum Canopy Covers / Exterior Sun Control Devices / Toilet Accessories / Dock Bumpers / Laboratory Work Surfaces / Roller Shades / X-Ray Radiation Protection / Radiation Shielding Requirements / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Requirements / Mechanical Submittals and Shop Drawings / Mechanical Systems and Equipment Warranties / Mechanical Close-Out Requirements / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Pipes and Pipe Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Supports and Anchors / Electrical Requirements / Mechanical Identification / Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control / Mechanical Seismic and Wind Restraints / Mechanical Insulation / Sprinkler System / Plumbing Specialties / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim and Accessories Bids To: Carrolll Hood, President of the Board of Hardy Wilson Memorial Hospital - Board of Trustees - 233 Magnolia Street, Hazlehurst, MS 39083 Plans From: Dean & Dean/Assoc. Architects Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 939-7717 / Fax (601) 939-3420 Prebid Conference: 01/06 @2 PM, Hard Wilson Mem Hosp Cafeteria Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: Table 16, GP-3 Est. Cost: $12,000,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/5/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax *ArCon Group MS, LLC Madison,MS Phone (601) 707-7057 Fax (601) 707-9179 *Birdsong Construction Co., Inc. Clinton,MS Phone (601) 924-4220 Fax (601) 924-4984 *Chris Albritton Construction Laurel,MS Phone (601) 425-9100 Fax (601) 425-3974 Coleman Hammons Construction Pearl,MS Phone (601) 932-7581 Fax (601) 932-7583 *Flagstar Construction Company, Inc. Brandon,MS Phone (601) 824-4646 Fax (601) 824-3929 Fountain Construction Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 373-4162 Fax (601) 373-4300 *Hanco Corporation Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 583-6500 Fax (601) 583-6503 *Larry J. Sumrall Contrs., Inc. Laurel,MS Phone (601) 649-4490 Fax (601) 426-9622 Thrash Commercial Contrs Brandon ,MS Phone (601) 825-8967 Fax (601) 825-0950 *W. G. Yates & Sons Construction Company Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-7396 Fax (601) 353-3050 Wharton-Smith Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 284-2068 Fax (228) 284-2117 __________ Bidding: 1/13/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Webster County School Renovation Eupora,MS / Webster Co (in 12/15/2014) Divisions: 3,6,7,8,9,12, Desc: Non-Shrink Grouting / Rough Carpentry / Building Insulation / Firestopping / TPO Roofing (Alternate #1) / Joint Sealants / Steel Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Door Hardware / Glazing / Non-Load Bearing Steel Framing / Gypsum Board / Ceramic Tile / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Tile Flooring / Painting / Roller Window Shades Bids To: Superintendent of Education of the Webster County School District Conference Room, 95 Clark Avenue, Eupora, MS Plans From: The McCarty Company-Design Group, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-4400 / Fax (662) 844-0500 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo Bin #: JX-04 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/5/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC *CIG Contractors, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-8079 Fax (662) 287-4789 *Conerly Construction, Inc. Clinton,MS Phone (601) 922-8700 Fax (601) 922-2080 *Gregory Construction Services Columbus,MS Phone (662) 328-2225 Fax (662) 328-2202 *JEM Contracting, LLC Macon,MS Phone (662) 386-4373 Fax (662) 726-4700 *Ralph McKnight & Son Construction Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6923 Fax (662) 289-1507 *West Brothers Construction, Inc. Columbus,MS Phone (662) 328-2438 Fax (662) 328-2746 __________ 9 01/15/2015 Bidding: 1/15/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Ferriday Housing Authority - Comprehensive Improvements 2012 REBID Ferriday,LA / Concordia Co (in 1/7/2015) Divisions: 2,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,16 Desc: Selective Structure Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Blanket Insulation / Vinyl and Polymer Siding / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Security Screen Doors / Aluminum Windows / Heavy Vandal Resistant Screen / Door Hardware / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Resilient Tile Flooring / Painting and Coating / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Residential Appliances / Mechanical / Common Piping Requirements / Domestic Water Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Electrical / Wiring Methods / Wiring Devices / Panel Boards / Lighting / Telephone Service and Distribution Bids To: Office of the Ferriday Housing Authority, 27393 Hwy. 15, Ferriday, LA 71334 Plans From: Waycaster & Associates Architect Natchez, MS / Phone (601) 442-3649 / Fax (601) 442-7741 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-32 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/7/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/15/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Lewis Building Demolition Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 12/9/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Asbestos Abatement / Tree Removal / Clearing / Grubbing / Erosion Controls / Sedimentation Controls / Site Demolition / Building Demolition Bids To: Bureau of bldg Grounds & Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401 B, Jackson, MS Plans From: Eley Guild Hardy Architects, PA Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 594-2323 / Fax (228) 594-2223 Prebid Conference: 1/6 @ 10am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-23, JX-10 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax __________ Bidding: 1/15/2015 at 2:00:00 PM MS Crafts Center Repairs (REBID) Ridgeland,MS / Madison Co (in 12/16/2014) Divisions: 5,8,9,15,16 Desc: Miscellaneous Metals / Metal-Framed Storefront / Glazing / Paints and Coatings / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Mechanical Insulation / Refrigerant Piping / Electrical / General Provisions / Codes and Standards / Electrical Equipment/ Material Submittals / Raceways and Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Low-Voltage Conductors / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding and Bonding System / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Lighting Control System / Equipment Electrical Services Bids To: Office of the Bureau of Buildings, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Durrell Design Group, PLLC Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 708-4788 / Fax (601) 488-4717 Prebid Conference: 01/06 @9 AM, MS Crafts Ctr. MANDATORY Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-16 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/7/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Cal-Mar Construction Co., LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 932-5409 Fax (601) 939-3566 Richard Womack Construction, LLC Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-5675 Fax (601) 849-4966 *Total Electric, LLC Flowood,MS Phone (601) 939-7877 Fax (601) 939-7133 __________ Bidding: 1/15/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Hazard Mitigation Improvements - Diamonhead City Hall Diamondhead,MS / Hancock Co (in 12/16/2014) Divisions: 2,4,6,7,8,9 Desc: Structural Demolition / Cast Stone Masonry / Rough Carpentry / Liquid Applied Roofing Membrane / Metal Roof Panels / Fiber Reinforced Cement Siding / Sheet Metal Flashing / Sheet Metal Trim / Polyurethane Flashing System / Manufacutred Copings / Manufactured Edge System / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors / Hollow Metal Frames / Aluminum Framed Entrances / Aluminum Framed Storefronts / Glazing / Gypsum Board / Painting / Coating Bids To: City Hall Council Chambers, 5000 Diamondhead Circle, Diamondhead, MS Plans From: Eley Guild Hardy Architects, PA Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 594-2323 / Fax (228) 594-2223 Prebid Conference: 01/06/15 @ 10am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $350 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-16 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/16/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 01/16/2015 Bidding: 1/16/2015 at 9:00:00 AM Gateway Industrial Park Wardlaw/Holden Roads Transmission Magnolia,MS / Pike Co (in 12/11/2014) Divisions: 2,3,6,11,15,16 Desc: Clearing and Grubbing / Excavation and Backfill / Slope Protection and Erosion Control / Riprap / Cased Crossings / Horizontal Directional Drilling / Precast Concrete Manholes / Sanitary Sewage Piping / Pressure Utility Sewage Piping / Monolithic Manhole Surfacing System / Crushed Stone and Gravel / Fences and Gates / Topsoil / Grassing / Medium Weight Structural Concrete / Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Fabrications / Submersible 10 Sewage Pumps / Mechanical / Exposed Piping Installation / Ductile-Iron Pipe / Stainless Steel Pipe / Valves and Appurtenances / Hangers, Supports and Restraints / Electrical / General Requirements / Codes and Standards / Electrical Systems Schedule / Basic Materials and Methods / Conduit and Fittings / Wire and Cable / Wiring Devices / Cabinets and Enclosures / Grounding and Bonding / Equipment Wiring Systems / Supporting Devices / Electrical Identification / Control Panel / Automatic Transfer Switch / Emergency Generator Bids To: Pike County Board of Supervisors in the Annex Board Room, 265 S. Cherry St. Magnolia, MS 39652 Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Mccomb, MS / Phone (601) 684-4564 / Fax (601) 684-0526 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-02 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/7/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC Baird Contracting Company, Inc Birmingham,AL Phone (205) 942-1095 Fax (205) 942-1174 *Coburn’s Supply Richland,MS Phone (601) 932-3668 Fax (601) 936-8102 Cycle Construction Kenner,LA Phone (504) 467-1444 Fax (504) 467-1222 Delta Constructors, Inc. Flowood,MS Phone (601) 939-8732 Fax (601) 939-0867 Greenbriar Digging Service Brookhaven ,MS Phone (601) 833-0975 Fax (601) 833-0986 *HD Supply Waterworks Jackson,MS Phone (601) 960-7012 Fax (601) 960-7022 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Hensley P. R. Lee Contracting Picayune,MS Phone (601) 799-1335 Fax (601) 799-1336 Hughes Plumbing & Utility Contractors Mobile,AL Phone (251) 476-5002 Fax (251) 476-0051 Insituform Technologies Inc. Hammond,LA Phone (985) 345-4474 Fax (985) 345-4487 J. Bearden Construction Richland,MS Phone (601) 939-4292 Fax (601) 939-4246 John Plott Company Tuscaloosa ,AL Phone (205) 345-5678 Fax (205) 752-3245 Layne Inliner, LLC Tucker,GA Phone (678) 735-0033 Fax (678) 935-5090 Magnolia Construction Company, LLC Baton Rouge,LA Phone (225) 355-7787 Fax (225) 356-6026 Miller Pipeline New Smryna Beach,FL Phone (386) 423-6621 Fax (386) 423-6627 *T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 Underground Eyes Blocton,AL Phone (205) 938-1266 Fax Utility Constructors Inc. Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 922-9355 Fax (601) 922-5827 Wharton Smith, Inc. Baton Rouge,LA Phone (225) 754-0550 Fax (225) 854-0578 __________ 01/19/2015 Bidding: 1/19/2015 at 12:00:00 PM Building Addition Centenary United Methodist Church Mccomb,MS / Pike Co (in 12/3/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,14,15,16 Desc: Subsurface Investigation / Demolition / Site Preparation / Earthwork / Termite Control / Drainage / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Forms and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Precast Concrete / Mortar / Masonry Accessories / Brick Masonry / Concrete Unit Masonry / Structural Steel / Steel Joists / Steel Deck / Metal Fabrications / Steel Stairs / Expansion Control / Rough Carpentry / Wood Decking and Sheathing / Finish Carpentry / Waterproofing and Dampproofing / Insulation / Exterior Insulation and Finish System / Shingle Roofing / Membrane Roofing / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Joint Sealants / Metal Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Wood Windows / Hardware / Glazing / Metal Support Systems / Lath and Plaster / Gypsum Wallboard / Ceramic Tile / Acoustical Treatment / Resilient Flooring / Carpet / Painting / Specialties / Elevators / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Requirements / Mechanical Submittals and Shop Drawings / Mechanical Systems and Equipment Warranties / Mechanical Close-Out Requirements / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Pipes and Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Supports and Anchors / Electrical Requirements / Mechanical Identification / Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control / Mechanical Insulation / Plumbing Specialties / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim and Accessories / Domestic Water Heaters and Accessories / Packaged Air Conditioners / Fans / Air Cleaning/Treatment / Ductwork / Ductwork Accessories / Controls and Instrumentation / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Electrical / General Provisions / Codes and Standards / Electrical Equipment/Material Submittals / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Raceways and Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Conductors (600V) / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding and Bonding Systems / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunication System / Special Systems / Fire Detection and Alarm System Bids To: Lamar Murreel, Presidet Board of Trustees, Centenary United Methodist Church, 500 Delaware Ave, McComb, MS 39648 Plans From: Cox Architecture McComb, MS / Phone (601) 684-6181 / Fax (601) 684-3638 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-53 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/3/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 01/20/2015 Bidding: 1/20/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Data Center Improvements - Repair Roof Leaks Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 12/15/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,9 Desc: Site Preparation / Demolition / Self-Leveling Underlayment / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Waterproofing / Weather Barriers / Standing Seam Metal Roof, Wall and Soffit Panels / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Painting and Coating Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Sanders Engineering Inc Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 924-0047 / Fax (601) 924-6812 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-07 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/15/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/20/2015 at 4:00:00 PM Highland Boulevard Surcharge Bypass Lift Station Natchez,MS / Adams Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling for Utility Systems / Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe / Sanitary Sewers, Gravity / Sewage Lift Station / Street 11 and Driveway Repairs / Crossings and Casings, Bored and Open Cut / Polyethylene Pipe for Sewer Force Main / Mobilization / Clearing and Grubbing / Ground Preparation and Fertilizer / Seeding / Structural Concrete / Reinforcing Steel / Riprap and Slope Paving Bids To: Natchez Water Works Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Natchez, office of Natchez Water Works, 150 North Shields Lane, Natchez, MS Plans From: Natchez City Engineer Natchez, MS / Phone (601) 445-7520 / Fax (601) 445-7523 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-20 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/20/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Chiller System Replacement and Associated Renovations-Rebid Covington,LA / Saint Tammany Co (in 12/22/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,22,23,26,28,31,32,33 Desc: Demolition / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Structural Steel Framing / Cold-Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Thermal Insulation / Foamed-In-Place Insulation / Weather Barriers / Metal Wall Panels / Modified Bitumen Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Fiberglass Doors / Door Hardware / Common Work Results for Flooring Preparation / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Painting and Coating / Signage / Aluminum Walkway Covers / Sprinkler Systems / Sleeves for Fire-Suppression Piping / Identification for Fire-Suppression Piping and Equipment / Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems / Mechanical / Mechanical – General Requirements / Basic Materials and Methods / Sleeves and Sleeve Seals for Plumbing Piping / Valves / Hangers and Supports / Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Pipe Insulation / Facility Water Distribution Piping / Domestic Water Piping / HVAC General Requirements / Basic Materials and Methods / Enclosed Controllers (Motor Starters) / Variable Frequency Controllers / Sleeves and Sleeve Seals for HVAC Piping / Meters and Gages for HVAC Piping / Valves for HVAC Piping / Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Vibration Controls for HVAC / Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / Duct Insulation / HVAC Equipment Insulation / HVAC Piping Insulation / HVAC Functional Check Out / Direct Digital Control System / Facility Natural Gas Piping / Hydronic Piping / Hydronic Pumps / HVAC Water Treatment / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Power Ventilators / Air Terminal Units / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Breechings, Chimneys and Stacks / Condensing Boilers / Air Cooled Water Chiller / Modular Indoor Air Handling Units / 100% Outside Air Units / Electrical / Electrical General Provisions / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Low Voltage Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Identification for Electrical Systems / Lighting Control Devices / Relay-Based Lighting Controls / Switchboards / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Fuses / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Fluorescent Interior Lighting / LED Interior Lighting / Digital, Addressable Fire Alarm System / Earthwork for Building / Earth Moving / Termite Control / Concrete Paving / Storm Utility Piping Bids To: St. Tammany Parish School Board, C,J. Schoen Administration Complex, Reception Desk, 321 N. Theard St, Covington, LA 70433 Plans From: MSH Architects, LLC Covington, LA / Phone (985) 898-0303 / Fax (985) 898-0304 Prebid Conference: 01/06 @ 330PM, Covington HS, 73030 Lion Dr, Coving Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-11 Est. Cost: 6533170 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/5/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC Airtrol Baton Rouge,LA Phone (225) 383-2617 Fax Bernhard Mechanical Contractors Metarie,LA Phone (504) 456-1103 Fax (504) 456-1170 Blanchard Mechanical Roseland,LA Phone (985) 748-5153 Fax (985) 748-5154 Gootee Construction Metairie,LA Phone (225) 201-8826 Fax (225) 201-8829 Gottried Corporation Covington,LA Phone (985) 893-3773 Fax (985) 892-5238 Industrial & Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Jefferson,LA Phone (504) 733-9141 Fax (504) 733-9144 J. E. Franke Constructors, LLC , Phone (985) 893-8280 Fax (000) 000-0000 Kent Design Build, Inc. Mandeville,LA Phone (985) 626-9964 Fax (985) 626-5434 Steele-R Development, LLC Covington,LA Phone (985) 234-0621 Fax (985) 234-0611 Volute, Inc. Houma,LA Phone (985) 876-6187 Fax (985) 876-6251 __________ Bidding: 1/20/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Renovations To OGMS Gym and Band Hall Purvis,MS / Lamar Co (in 12/17/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,16 Desc: Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast In Place Concrete / Brick and Concrete Unit Masonry / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Waterproofing / Insulation / Sprayed Foam Insulation / Retro-Fit Insulation System / Insulated Metal Wall Panels / Joint Sealers / Steel Door and Frames / Wood Doors / Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glass and Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Porcelain Tile / Acoustical Ceiling Asbestos Abatement / Selective Demolition / Termite Control / / Resilient Flooring, VCT, Wallbase, Etc. / Textile Modular Flooring / Painting / Toilet Partitions / Specialty Signs / Canopy Cover System / Toilet Accessories / Mechanical / General Requirements / Basic Materials and Methods / Insulation of Mechanical Systems / Plumbing / HVAC Equipment / HVAC Piping / HVAC Air Distribution / HVAC Controls and Instrumentation / Electrical / General Requirements / Basic Materials and Methods / Raceway Systems / Wire, Cable and Devices / Service and Distribution / Lighting / Communications Bids To: Office of the Superintendent located at 424 Martin Luther King, Purvis, MS 39475 Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects Hattiesburg, MS / Phone (601) 271-7711 / Fax (601) 271-7712 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-08, GP-13 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/17/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Casablanca Construction, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677 __________ Bidding: 1/20/2015 at 11:00:00 AM Aircraft Hangar Facility Fuel Farm - Stennis (REBID) Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 12/9/2014) Divisions: 9,13 Desc: Painting / Jet Fuel System / Existing Fuel Tank Modification 12 Bids To: Hancock County Board of Supervisors Office, 854 Hgwy 90, Suite A, Bay Saint Louis, MS Plans From: Digital Engineering & Imaging Waveland, MS / Phone (228) 463-0130 / Fax (228) 463-0160 Bid Bond: 10% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-2C Est. Cost: not releasing Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax __________ 01/21/2015 Bidding: 1/21/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Drainage Improvements Southaven High School Southaven,MS / De Soto Co (in 12/15/2014) Divisions: 31,32,33 Desc: Earthwork / Clearing and Grubbing / Erosion, Sedimentation and Dust Control / Asphaltic Concrete Paving / Crushed Aggregate Base Course (CR-610) / Concrete Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks / Chain Link Fence and Gates / Lawns and Grasses / Sodding / Storm Sewer System Bids To: DeSoto County School District, 5 East South Street, Hernando, MS 38632 Plans From: Allen & Hoshall, LLC Ridgeland, MS / Phone (601) 977-8993 / Fax (601) 977-8924 Prebid Conference: 01/13 @ 2PM, DeSoto CSD, 5 East South St., Hernand Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-09 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/15/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/21/2015 at 10:00:00 AM Dairy Fresh Water Main Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 12/29/2014) Desc: Water Systems / Restoration of Roads, Driveways, Fences / Lawns and Other Grassed Area / Seeding and Sodding Bids To: Board of Directors of the Rawls Springs Utility District Office located at 39 Archie Smith Road, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc. Hattiesburg, MS / Phone (601) 544-1821 / Fax (601) 544-0501 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-25 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/29/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/21/2015 at 11:00:00 AM DuPont Ilmenite Facility Civil Package Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 12/30/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5 Desc: Demolition / Select Bedding / Foundation Material / Site Earthwork / Grading / Granular Base Course / Geogrid Base Reinforcement / Stormwater Reinforcement / Hot Bituminous Pavements / Reinforced Concrete Pavement / Curb / Gutter / Painted Traffic Markings / Water Distribution / Steel Casings / Cast in Place Concrete / Concrete Culvert Pipe / Stormwater Trench Drain / Sewage Force Mains / Grinder Pump Station / Force Main / Traffic Maintenance / Flowable Concrete Fill / Steel Bollard Guard Post Bids To: 14th St, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 865-4300 / Fax (228) 865-4335 Bid Bond: 10% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-2 Est. Cost: not releasing __________ Bidding: 1/21/2015 at 10:00:00 AM DuPont Ilmenite Facility Conveyor Package Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 12/30/2014) Divisions: 5,9,14 Desc: Structural Steel / Fabrication / Erection / Painting / Conveyors / Conveyor Drive Assemblies / Chutes Bids To: 14th St, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 865-4300 / Fax (228) 865-4335 Bid Bond: 10% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-3B Est. Cost: not releasing __________ 01/22/2015 Bidding: 1/22/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Winston Plywood and Veneer - APG Piles Louisville,MS / Winston Co (in 12/18/2014) Divisions: 2,3 Desc: Augered Cast Grout Piles / Concrete Reinforcing Bids To: City Hall, 200 South Church Avenue, P O Box 510, Louisville, MS 39339 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Columbus, MS / Phone (662) 327-8990 / Fax (662) 327-8991 Prebid Conference: 01/13 @ 2PM, Louisville City Hall Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-21 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/22/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 13 Bidding: 1/22/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Bancorp South Arena Dining Hall Renovations Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 12/23/2014) Divisions: 6,8,9,10,21,22,23,26 Desc: Rough Carpentry / Interior Finish Carpentry / Hollow Metal Doors aand Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Door Hardware / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Paver Tiling / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Interior Painting / Dimensional Letter Signage / Fire-Suppression Piping / Fuel Gas Piping / Mechanical / Basic HVAC Materials and Methods / Meters and Gages for HVAC Piping / Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / Duct Insulation / Instrumentation and Control for HVAC / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Packaged Air Conditioners / Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Conductors and Cables / Raceways and Boxes / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Interior Lighting / Electrical System Commissioning Bids To: City Hall, Second Floor Finance Department (Purchasing), 71 East Troy Street, Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: The McCarty Company-Design Group, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-4400 / Fax (662) 844-0500 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-22 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/23/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/22/2015 at 10:00:00 AM NMMC - Women’s Hospital Surgery Suite Renovations Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 12/22/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,22,23,26,27,28,31 Desc: Structural Demolition / Selective Demolition / Concrete Forming and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Light Weight Insulating Concrete / Non-Shrink Grouting / Structural Steel Framing / Steel Decking / Cold-Formed Exterior Steel Stud Framing / Metal Grating Stair / Pipe and Tube Railings / Rough Carpentry / Sheathing / Interior Architectural Woodwork / Thermal Insulation / Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems – Class PB / Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing / Applied Fireproofing / Penetration Firestopping / Fire-Resistive Joint Systems / Joint Sealants / Expansion Control / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Sliding Automatic Entrances / Finish Hardware / Glazing / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Resilient Sheet Flooring / Exterior Painting / Interior Painting / Louvers and Vents / Wall and Door Protection / Fire-Protection Specialties / Fire-Suppression Piping / Mechanical / Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods / General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Vibration and Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Plumbing Piping Insulation / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Plumbing Specialties / Medical Gas Piping and Alarms / Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment / Variable Frequency Drives / Basic HVAC Materials and Methods / Meters and Gages for HVAC Piping / General-Duty Valves for HVAC Piping / Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Vibration and Seismic Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Duct Insulation / HVAC Piping Insulation / Commissioning of HVAC / Instrumentation and Control for HVAC / Airflow Sensors and Transmitters / Room Pressure Control System / Hydronic Piping / Hydronic Pumps / HVAC Water Treatment / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / HVAC Power Ventilators / Air Terminal Units / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Particulate Air Filtration / Modular Indoor Air Handling Units / Propeller Unit Heaters / Humidifiers / Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Raceways and Boxes / Isolation Panel / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Interior Lighting / Electrical Systems Commissioning / Owner Furnished Communications System / Addressable Fire Alarm System / Site Clearing / Erosion and Sediment Control / Earth Moving / Earthwork for Structures / Termite Control Bids To: The McCarty Company - Design Group Conference Room Located at 533 West Main Street, Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: The McCarty Company-Design Group, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-4400 / Fax (662) 844-0500 Prebid Conference: 1/13 @10AM, NMMC Women’s Hospital Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-41 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/22/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/22/2015 at 9:00:00 AM Pike County Maintenance Facility Magnolia,MS / Pike Co (in 1/8/2015) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 Desc: Subsurface Investigation / Demolition / Site Preparation / Termite Control / Excavation and Backfill / Erosion and Slope Protection / Public Sanitary Utility Sewer Piping / Precast Concrete Manholes / Storm Utility Drainage Piping / Bituminous Paving / Fences and Gates / Topsoil / Grassing / Concrete Forms and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Mortar / Masonry Accessories / Brick Masonry / Concrete Unit Masonry / Metal Fabrications / Steel Stairs / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Waterproofing and Dampproofing / Insulation / Preformed Roofing and Siding – See Section 13120 / Flashing and Sheet Metal – See Section 13120 / Joint Sealants / Metal Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Overhead Doors / Entrances and Storefronts / Aluminum Windows / Door Hardware / Glazing / Metal Support Systems / Gypsum Wallboard / Ceramic Tile / Acoustical Ceiling / Resilient Flooring / Painting / Specialties / Fabric Awnings / Equipment / Furnishings / Special Construction / Pre-Engineered Structures / Conveying Systems / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Requirements / Mechanical Submittals and Shop Drawings / Mechanical Systems and Equipment Warranties / Mechanical Close-out Requirements / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Pipes and Pipe Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Supports and Anchors / Electrical Requirements / Mechanical Identification / Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control / Mechanical Insulation / Special Piping Systems / Plumbing Specialties / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim and Accessories / Domestic Water Heaters and Accessories / Packaged Air Conditioners / Heating/Cooling Terminal Units / Fans / Air Cleaning/Treatment / Ductwork / Ductwork Accessories / Controls and Instrumentation / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Electrical / General Provisions / Codes and Standards / Electrical Equipment/Material Submittals / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Raceways and Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Conductors (600V) / Secondary Electrical Service System / Stand-By Emergency Electrical Power System / Grounding and Bonding Systems / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunication Raceway System / Special Systems / Fire Detection and Alarm System Bids To: Pike County Board of Supervisors, Courthouse Annex, Magnolia, MS 39652 Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Mccomb, MS / Phone (601) 684-4564 / Fax (601) 684-0526 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-34 14 Est. Cost: $800,000 - $900,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/8/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/22/2015 at 2:00:00 PM N424 Renovations - UMMC Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/8/2015) Divisions: 2,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16 Desc: Demolition / Asbestos Abatement / Interior Architectural Woodwork / Firestopping / Sealants and Caulking / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Plastic Laminate Doors / Access Doors / Finish Hardware / Glass and Glazing / Gypsum Wallboard/Metal Framing / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Painting / Wall and Corner Guards / Toilet and Bath Accessories / Window Blinds / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Hangers and Supports / Mechanical System Identification / Mechanical Insulation / Valves / Piping Specialties / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Heating and Cooling Piping / Fan Coil Units / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Electrical / Electrical Systems / Telephone Cabling System / Structural Cabling System Bids To: In the Office of Construction, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson MS Plans From: Mark S. Vaughan, Architect Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 925-6111 / Fax (601) 925-6112 Prebid Conference: 01/13 @ 10AM, Conf RM @ Office of Planning Design Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-33 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/8/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 01/27/2015 Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 12-MDOT-BR-0333-00(013)/102362301 , / Scott Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Bridge replacement on SR 501 over the Leaf River, known as Federal aid Project No. BR-0333-00(013)/102362301 in Scott County Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Fire Suppression System Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 1/5/2015) Divisions: 2,3,6,7,9,21,23,31,32 Desc: Structure Demolition / Cast In Place Concrete / rough Carpentry / Firestopping / non Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Tile / Painting / Coating / Fire Protection / Facility Piping / Mechanical / Termite Control / Flexible Pavement / Turf / Grasses Bids To: Maintenance, Transportation & Technology Services Center, Perkinston Campus, MGCCC, Perkinston, MS Plans From: Eley Guild Hardy Architects, PA Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 594-2323 / Fax (228) 594-2223 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-3A Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/5/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 1-MDOT-NH-0007-01(082) Benton,MS / Yazoo Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Mill & Overlay approximately 12 miles of US 72 from Benton Co. Line to Alcorn Co. Line, know as Federal aid Project No. NH-000701(082)/106945301 Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 2-MDOT-NH-0009-02(080) Vicksburg,MS / Warren Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Mill 7 Overlay approximately 6 miles of US 61 from North of Redwood to Issaquena co. Line, known as Federal Aid Project No. NH-000902(080)/106957301 in Warren Co. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 15 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 3-MDOT-IM-0010-01(142) / 106407301 , / Hancock Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Mill 7 Overlay approximately 3 miles of I-10 at Jordan River Bridge, known as Federa Aid Project No. IM-0010-01(142) / 106407301 in Hancock County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 13-MDOT-BR-0472-00(015) / 102367302 , / Newton Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Bridge Repair on US 80 between Newton & chunky, Bridge Nos. 119.2 & 119.5, known as federal Aid Project No. BR-0472-00(015) / 102367302 in Newton County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $100,000-$250,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 6-MDOT-STP-0019-02(050) , / Lafayette Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Mill & Overlay approximately 9 miles of SR 7 from 9W to Exit Ramp of SR 30, known as Federal Aid Project No. STEP-0019-02(050) / 106922301 in Lafayette Co. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 7-MDOT-BR-0020-01(192) / 105022301 Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Bridge Replacement on I-20 EB at Bridge No. 31,5 Over Railroad West of Norrell Rd., known as Federal Aid Project No. BR-0020-01(192) / 105022301 in Hinds County. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $10,000,000-$15,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 8-MDOT-STP-0022-01(079) / 106950301 , / Jones Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Widen & Overlay approximately 6 miles of SR 15 North of Jones Co. Line, known as Federal Aid Project, No. STEP-0022-01(079) / 106950301 in Jasper Co. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 16 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2017) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 9-MDOT-STP-0024-04(025) / 106927301 Philadelphia,MS / Neshoba Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Mill & Overlay on SR 16 from the Leake County Line to BIA Rad 22, known as Federal aid Project No. STP-0024-04(025) / 106927301 Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-9 Est. Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 11-MDOT-BR-0075-01(010) / 102482301 , / Lauerdale Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Bridge replacement on SR 19 between Alabama State Line and SR 496, known as Federal Aid Project No. BR-0075-01(010) / 102482301 in Lauderdale County Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $5,000,000-$10,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 4-MDOT-NH-0015-01(130) / 106925301 , / Lincoln Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Overlay approximately 8 miles of USD 84 from SR 184 East to Lawrence co. Line, known as Federal Aid Project No. NH-0015-01(130) / 106925301 Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 16-MDOT-BWO-5222-25(001) / 502891301. BWO-5223-25(001) / 502891302, BWO-5224-25(001) / 502891303, Clinton,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Construct Maintenance Area Headquarters & Various Support Structures at clinton, known as State Project Nos. BWO-5223-25(001) / 502891301, BWO-5223-25(001) / 502891302, BWO-5524-25(001) / 502891303, bwo-5225-25(001) / 502891304, bwo-5226-25(001) / 502891305, LWO5052-25(002) / 502891306, & bwo-5228-25(001) / 502891307 IN Hinds Co. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 10-MDOT-HSIP-0064-01(029) / 105293301 , / Harrison Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Intersection Improvements on SR 53 at canal Road & County Farm Rd., known as Federal Aid Project No. HSIP-0064-01(029) / 195293301 in Harrison Co. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 17 Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000-$5,000,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 15-MDOT-BR-2175-00(010) / 101840301 , / Lincoln Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Bridge Repairs on six bridges on US 51 between the Pike co. Line and US 84, known as Federal Aid Project no. BR-2175-00(010) / 101840301 in Lincoln Co. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 1/27/2015 at 10:00:00 AM 14-MDOT-STP-1436-00(002) / 106929301 In Newton Co. , / Newton Co (in 1/6/2015) Desc: Mill & Overlay approximately 1 mile of SR 883 from US 80 to the EOM, know as federal Aid Project No. STEP-1436-00(002) / 106929301 in Newton Co. Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Additional Info: Proposals must be purchased from Contract Admin 601-359-7744/Plans may be purchased from Plans Print Shop 601-359-7460. Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 01/28/2015 Bidding: 1/28/2015 at 1:00:00 PM Installation of Fiber Communications System - Jackson County Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 12/30/2014) Divisions: 2,13,16 Desc: Demolition / Communications Conduit Installation / Excavation / Backfill / Slope Protection / Erosion Control / Horizontal Directional Drilled Crossings / Grassing / Fiber Optic Cable / Service Conduit / Fittings / Pull Boxes Bids To: Chancery Clerk, 2915 Canty Street, Suite R, Pascagoula, MS Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Pascagoula, MS / Phone (228) 696-2649 / Fax (228) 696-2802 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-8 Est. Cost: requested __________ 01/29/2015 Bidding: 1/29/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Kitchen / Cafeteria Remodel - Enterprise Attendance Center Brookhaven,MS / Lincoln Co (in 1/6/2015) Divisions: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,22,23,26,27,28 Desc: Selective Structure Demolition, Renovation and Restoration / Cast-In-Place Concrete and Reinforcing / Unit Masonry / Rough Carpentry / Insulation / Exterior Insulation and Finishing System / Vapor Retarders / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Joint Protection / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Overhead Coiling Doors / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tiling / Ceilings / Resilient Wall Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Painting and Coating / Signage / Toilet, Urinal and Shower Compartments / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Metal Lockers / Residential Appliances / Mechanical / General Provisions for Plumbing / Basic Materials and Methods for Plumbing / System Testing and Balancing for Plumbing / Plumbing Insulation / Plumbing / Water Supply / Waste Water Disposal / Storm Drainage / Natural Gas Piping/Distribution / General Provisions for HVAC / Basic Materials and Methods for HVAC / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / Mechanical Insulation / Temperature Controls for HVAC / Commercial Kitchen Hoods / Air Distribution for HVAC / Air Conditioning for HVAC / Electrical / Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Lighting / Voice Communications / Access Control and Alarm Monitoring Systems Bids To: Lincoln County School District, 233 East Monticello Street, Brookhaven, MS 39601 Plans From: Waycaster & Associates Architect Natchez, MS / Phone (601) 442-3649 / Fax (601) 442-7741 Bid Bond: 85% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-05 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***No Plans Out , Phone Fax __________ Bidding: 1/29/2015 at 2:00:00 PM NCPA Primary Building - New Roof University,MS / Lafayette Co (in 12/23/2014) Divisions: 2,5,6,7,8,9,15,16 18 Desc: Selective Demolition / Minor Demolition for Remodeling / Ecisting Utilities / Disposal of Material / Portland Cement Concrete / Job Site Fencing / Lawns and Grassing / Metal Fabrications / Expansion Joint Assemblies / Rough Carpentry / Wood Blocking and Curbing / Wood Decking / Roof Deck Insulation / Modified Bituminous Sheet Roofing / Preparation for Re-Roofing / Standing Seam Sheet Metal Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Gutters and Downspouts / Roof Specialties and Accessories / Joint Sealers / Aluminum Framed Skylight / Painting / Mechanical / General / Electrical / Basic Materials and Methods Bids To: University of MS, Office of the Director of Purchasing, 164 Jeanette Phillips Dr., P O Box 8750, University, MS 38677 Plans From: Shafer & Associates, PLLC Starkville, MS / Phone (662) 323-1628 / Fax (662) 324-8239 Prebid Conference: 01/16 @ 2PM, Physical Plant Conf Rm, 700 Hathorn R Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo Bin #: JX-23 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Accurate Roofing Co., Inc. Potts Camp,MS Phone (662) 333-6300 Fax (662) 333-6389 B Four Plied Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 366-1544 Fax (901) 797-8428 *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 G & G Sheetmetal & Roofing LLC Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 842-5858 Fax (662) 842-5857 *Graham Roofing, Inc. Saltillo,MS Phone (662) 869-0012 Fax (662) 869-7800 *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 *Mandals, Inc. Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 864-1474 Fax (228) 864-1408 __________ 02/02/2015 Bidding: 2/2/2015 at 10:00:00 AM State Aid Project No. SAP-32(8)M , / Jefferson Co (in 12/17/2014) Desc: Edge and Base Repair / Leveling / Reseal / Sign and Stripe Bids To: Board of Supervisors of Jefferson County, MS at the Jefferson County Courthouse, Fayette, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-17 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 12/17/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 02/03/2015 Bidding: 2/3/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Biomedical Collaboratory Madison County Economic Development Authority Canton,MS / Madison Co (in 12/29/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,21,22,23,26,28,31,32 Desc: Demolition / Underslab Vapor Barrier / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Cold-Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Architectural Wood Casework / Thermal Insulation / Metal Composite Material Wall Panels / Thermoplastic-Polyolefin Roofing (TPO) / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / AluminumFramed Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tiling / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Tile Carpeting / Painting and Coating / Signage / Plastic Toilet / Compartments / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Lockers / Countertops / Fire Suppression Systems / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Compressed Air Piping / Plumbing Specialties / Fuel-Fired Commercial Water Heaters / Plumbing Fixtures / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Motors and Controllers / Piping Specialties / Valves / Hangers and Supports / Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control / Mechanical System Identification / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Mechanical Insulation Controls Installation / Fuel Gas Piping / Ducts / Duct Accessories / Fans / Air Outlets and Inlets / Air Cleaning Devices / 100% Outdoor Air Package Unit / Electric Steam grid Humidifiers / Electrical / General Provisions / Codes and Standards / Electrical Equipment/Material Submittals / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Raceways and Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Conductors (600V) / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding and Bonding Systems / Panelboards / Dry-Type Transformers / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Lighting Control System / Equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunications Raceway System / Safety/Security System / Equipment/Material Submittals / Fire Detection and Alarm System / Grading / Excavation / Fill / Termite Control / Concrete Paving Bids To: Madison County Economic Development Authority at 625 Highland Colony Pkwy, Suite 202, Ridgeland, MS 39457 Plans From: J H & H Architects/Planners/Interiors, PA Flowood, MS / Phone (601) 948-4601 / Fax (601) 355-6200 Prebid Conference: 01/22 @ 2PM, 152 Watford Dr., Canton, MS Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-39 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/5/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC Coleman Hammons Construction Pearl,MS Phone (601) 932-7581 Fax (601) 932-7583 Fountain Construction Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 373-4162 Fax (601) 373-4300 __________ Bidding: 2/3/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Generator Addition - PERS Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/6/2015) Divisions: 3,22,26 Desc: Cast-In-Place Concrete / Facility Natural Gas Piping / Electrical / General Provisions of Electrical Systems / Basic Materials and Methods / Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems / Conduit / Boxes / Identification for Electrical Systems / Low-Voltage Electrical Service Entrance / Engine Generators / Transfer Switches Bids To: Cooke, Douglas Farr & Lemons, Architects and Engineers, PA., 3100 North State Street, Suite 200, Jackson, MS 39216 Plans From: Cooke Douglass Farr Lemons Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 366-3110 / Fax (601) 366-3181 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-24 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 19 Bidding: 2/3/2015 at 2:00:00 PM Tupelo Police Headquarters Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 12/30/2014) Divisions: 3,4,5,6,7,8,910,11,12,13,14,21,22,23,26,27,28,31,3 Desc: Concrete Forming and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Post-Tensioned Un-bonded Tendons / Unit Masonry / Concrete Unit Masonry / Cast Stone Masonry / Structural Steel Framing / Cold-Formed Exterior Steel Stud Framing / Metal Fabrications / Metal Stairs / Pipe and Tube Railings / Ornamental Metals / Rough Carpentry / Sheathing / Interior Finish Carpentry / Wood-Veneered-Faced Architectural Cabinets / Plastic-Laminate-Faced Architectural Cabinets / FRP Archepox Texture Finish / Bituminous Dampproofing / Self-Adhering Sheet Waterproofing / Thermal Insulation / Composite Wall Panels / Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Roof Specialties / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Overhead Coiling Doors / Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glazing / Mirrors / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Cement Plastering / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Acoustical Tile Ceilings / Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Resilient Athletic Flooring / Resinous Matrix Terrazzo Flooring / Tile Carpeting / Wall Coverings / Exterior Painting / Interior Painting / Plaques / Dimensional Letter Signage / Panel Signage / Toilet Compartments / Operable Partitions / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Extinguisher Cabinets / Fire Extinguishers / Canopies / Flagpoles / Residential Appliances / Projection Screens / Roller Window Shades / Plastic-Laminate-Clad Countertops / Simulated Stone Countertops / Bullet Resistant Glazing with Non-Secure Framing System / Bullet Resistant Arch Window Assembly / Bullet Resistant Composite (Fiberglass) / Bullet Resistant Steel Door Frame Assembly / Machine Room-Less Hydraulic Elevators / VOLUME 2 / Fire Suppression / See Corbett Legge Index of Mechanical Specifications / Facility Water Distribution Piping / Facility Sanitary Sewers / See Corbett Legge Index of Mechanical Specifications / Mechanical / See Corbett Legge Index of Mechanical Specifications / Electrical / See Corbett Legge Index of Electrical Specifications / Communications / See Corbett Legge Index of Electrical Specifications / Electronic Safety and Security / See Corbett Legge Index of Electrical Specifications / Site Clearing / Erosion and Sediment / Earth Moving Geotechnical Report / Earthwork for Structures / Aggregate Pier Soil Reinforcement / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Paving / Concrete Paving Joint Sealants / Securfold Trackless Bi-Folding Speed Gate / Chain Link Fences and Gates / Planting Irrigation / Turf and Grasses / Plants / Storm Utility Drainage Piping / Fire-Suppression Piping / Mechanical / Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods / Meter and Gages for Plumbing Piping / General-Duty Valves For Plumbing Piping / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Vibration Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Plumbing Piping Insulation / Domestic Water Piping / Domestic Water Pumps / Natural Gas Distribution / Fuel Gas Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Storm Drainage Piping / General-Services Compressed-Air Piping / General-Service Packaged Air Compressors and Receivers / Condensing Commercial Gas Water Heaters / Plumbing Fixtures / Plumbing Specialties / Pressure Water Coolers / Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment / Variable Frequency Drives / Basic HVAC Materials and Methods / General-Duty Valves for HVAC Piping / Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Vibration Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Duct Insulation / HVAC Equipment Insulation / HVAC Piping Insulation / Field Verification of HVAC Systems / Instrumentation and Control for HVAC / Airflow Sensors and Transmitters / Hydronic Piping / Factory Preinsulated Piping / Hydronic Pumps / Refrigerant Piping / HVAC Water Treatment / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Louvers and Vents / HVAC Power Ventilators / Air Terminal Units / Diffusers, Grilles and Registers / Particulate Air Filtration / Breechings, Chimneys and Stacks / Condensing Boilers / Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Units / Modular Indoor Air Handling Units / Ductless Split-System Air-Conditioning Units / Fan Coil Units / Propeller Unit Heaters / Electrical / Command / Community Room A/V / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding / Raceways and Boxes / Cable Trays / Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems / Lighting Controls / Low-Voltage Transformers / Switchboards / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Enclosed Controllers / Packaged Engine Generator / Transfer Switches / Lightning Protection System / Surge Protection Device (SPD) / Interior Lighting / Exterior Lighting / Electrical System Commissioning / Owner Furnished Communications System / Addressable Fire Alarm System Bids To: City of Tupelo, City Hall - 2nd Floor - City Council Room, 71 East Troy Street, Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: JBHM Architects, PA Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-1822 / Fax (662) 844-0971 Prebid Conference: 01/14 @ 10AM, City Halll, 2nd Floor, 71 E. Troy St Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-58 Est. Cost: 10000000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/6/2015) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059 CIG Contractors Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-8079 Fax (662) 287-4789 *JESCO, Inc. Fulton,MS Phone (662) 862-3121 Fax (662) 862-3120 Murphy & Sons Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 393-3130 Fax (662) 393-8111 The McCarty Co. Construction Group Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-4400 Fax (662) 844-0590 *Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447 *West Brothers Construction, Inc. Columbus,MS Phone (662) 328-2438 Fax (662) 328-2746 *Worsham Brothers, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 286-8446 Fax (662) 287-4416 __________ 20 ABC - Bid Results For Bid Dates From 12/25/2014 To 1/8/2015 * Indicates Membership in ABC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/30/2014 Mccomb, MS - Pike PEARL RIVER AVENUE - WATER LINE REPLACEMENTS Estimate: 1/5/2015 1/8/2015 Greenbriar Digging Service Madison, MS - Madison CANE CREEK ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Estimate: W. S. Construction Caledonia, MS - Monroe CALENDONIA GAS DISTRICT NEW CONSTRUCTION Estimate: ***Requested Information From Arc/Eng $366,000 21 Experienced Qualified 22 Why don’t ABC Members worry about managing their employee benefits? Because we do — every day. Why don’t ABC Members worry about managing their employee benefits? Because we do — every day. Why choose employee benefits coverage that doesn’t cover your needs? At ABC Merit Choice®, Time Time To sorT To sorT Through insurance opTions? no WaY! no WaY! you’ll find quality solutions for your traditional insurance needs—plus the knowledge, personal Why choose employee benefits coverage that doesn’t cover your needs? At ABC Merit Choice®, attention, and special ABC member perks you can’t find anywhere else. We work with you as an you’ll find quality solutions for your traditional insurance needs—plus the knowledge, personal extension of your staff, solving issues, answering HR questions, and saving you time, money, attention, and special ABC member perks you can’t find anywhere else. We work with you as an and peace of mind. It’s this focus on a higher level of non-traditional service that makes ABC extension of your staff, solving issues, answering HR questions, and saving you time, money, Merit Choice® your first choice. and peace of mind. It’s this focus on a higher level of non-traditional service that makes ABC Merit Choice® your first choice. Through insurance opTions? Exclusive to ABC Members ABC Merit Choice® ABC Merit ✔ 4 Choice® Extension Consultation Extension of of Staff/HR Staff/HR Consultation Exclusive to ABC Members Construction Benefits Specialists Specialists Construction Industry Industry && Benefits Extension of Staff/HR Consultation Construction research specific Construction industry industry research specific Construction Industry & Benefits Specialists to to ABC ABC members members ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ Construction industry research specific Customized Wage –Customized Prevailing Prevailing Wage Plans Plans to ABC members ABC Merit Choice® DollarBank Bank ABC Merit Choice® Dollar Insurance P&C Insurance Broker/ Insurance Carrier Agent Agency Direct Insurance P&C Insurance Broker/ Insurance Carrier No No No No No No Agent Agency Direct ???? ? ? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No ✔ 4 No No No No No No Customized Time Time savings savingsPrevailing Wage Plans – ABC Merit Choice® Dollar Bank Medical PPO, POS) POS) Medical Insurance Insurance (HMO, (HMO, PPO, Time savings Dental, Group Life Life Insurance Insurance Plans Plans Dental, Vision, Vision, Group Medical Insurance (HMO, PPO, POS) Short-term/Long-term Short-term/Long-term Disability Disability Dental, Vision, Group Life Insurance Plans HRAs/HSAs/FSAs Virtual HR Assistant Short-term/Long-term Disability ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ??? No No No Employee Benefits Legislative Guides 4 HRAs/HSAs/FSAs ? ? ? ? ? ? ✔ 4 ? ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ? ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ? ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ???? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ✔ We make it as easy as ABC Ask us for more info and help. Call, fax or e-mail — whatever works best for you — we’ll take We make it as easy as ABC care of the rest. Ask us for more info and help. Call, fax or e-mail — whatever works best for you — we’ll take Be assured you’re getting the best possible options and service. We’ve done the homework and care of the rest. we’ll do the legwork on your behalf — because it’s a service our members need and value, not Be assured you’re getting the best possible options and service. We’ve done the homework and another insurance sales pitch. we’ll do the legwork on your behalf — because it’s a service our members need and value, not Certainly you can relax and enjoy the rewards of membership. another insurance sales pitch. Certainly you can relax and enjoy the rewards of membership. Insurance and benefits. Exclusively for ABC members. For more information, contact Laurie Williams at 800.441.2185 or or visituswww.abc.org/meritchoice Forlswabc@att.net, More inForMation, ContaCt at 800.621.2993 or visit www.ABC.org/MerItChoICe Insurance and benefits. Exclusively for ABC members. For More inForMation, ContaCt us at 800.621.2993 or visit www.ABC.org/MerItChoICe 23 Calhoun Fence, Inc. ng vi f r Se ll o ppi A ssi i iss M Phone: 601-932-4445 l Fax: 601-932-4479 All types of fence for your commercial & industrial needs • Security Fencing • Temporary Fencing • Recreational Fencing • Access Control • Materials Sales 100 Old Hwy 49 South, Richland, MS www.calhounfenceinc.com Insurance and Bonding Solutions for more than 75 years. P.O. Box 1490 Jackson, MS 39215-1490 601-960-8200 www.fbbins.com NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION Core Purpose:To enhance the success of women in the construction Industry Jackson, Mississippi – Chapter #28 Contacts: Dianne Richardson 601-594-9971 • Peggy Harthcock 601-954-9446 Insurance Products are: Not FDIC Insured Not Bank Guaranteed Not Bank Deposits Not Guaranteed by Any Government Agency Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance, Inc. is a subsidiary of Trustmark National Bank. Build Your Future with NAWIC Your Aerial Professional Cranes Material Handling Boom Lifts Scissor Lifts Construction Equipment * 24/7 Service * Annual Equipment Inspections * Strong Focus on Safety To become part of the NES Rentals team, log on to our web site at www.nesrentals.com. NES Rentals is an Equal Opportunity Employer www.nesrentals.com Columbus, MS (888) 327-5438 Jackson, MS (800) 748-9154 Gulfport, MS (228) 831-3947 Memphis, TN (800) 221-9061 Tupelo, MS (800) 438-6832 AD SPACE AVAILABLE 24 MABC STAFFED OFFICES & PLAN ROOMS: Jackson Plan Room 5165 Old Brandon Road, Pearl, MS 39208 800-806-7222 • (601) 944-0421 • Fax: (601) 944-0513 Tupelo Plan Room c/o Tull Brothers 104 Airpark Road, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 407-0888 • Fax: (662) 407-0884 Presorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE PAID JACKSON, MS PERMIT NO. 761 Gulfport Plan Room 10480 Corporate Drive, Suite 2, Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 897-1711 • Fax: (228) 897-2711 Dated Material, Prompt delivery requested PLAN ROOMS HOSTED BY MABC MEMBERS: Cleveland Plan Room c/o Robinson Electric 825 N Chrisman, Cleveland, MS 38732 (662) 843-3978 • Fax: (662) 843-6217 Columbus Plan Room c/o American Glass Company 2206 Short Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 327-4874 • Fax: (662) 328-7316 Hattiesburg Plan Room c/o Smith Painting & Contracting 652 West 4th St., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 583-8157 • Fax: (601) 544-3508 Mississippi Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. Publication Editor: Effie Adams HeiDen & GarlanD, inc. Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. is a full service mechanical/plumbing contractor that has been in business for over 40 years. With offices in Greenwood, Mississippi, Jackson Mississippi and Gulfport, Mississippi we serve the South-Eastern United States. insurance & Bonds With over 300 dedicated employees our company is one of the largest mechanical contractors in Mississippi and combined with our excellent payment and performance bonding capacity we are continually expanding our market and service areas. John Heiden Doug Garland Graham Fairly Victor Smith Since 1945 548 Keyway Drive, Flowood, MS 39232 601-932-5700 1-800-382-8595 www.heidengarland.com Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. provides complete plumbing, mechanical and service work from renovation through new construction as well as design-build and design-assist services. Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. has built it’s reputation on quality work and on-time delivery. 2606 Baldwin R, Greenwood, MS (662) 453-6860 Fax: (662) 453-6201 email: mike@upchurchplumbing.com Our staff and management are committed to providing the highest quality work possible. Service is not only a slogan, it is our way of conducting business. Call us at (662) 453-6860.
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