ffielhi Technological University Established under GoW. of Delhi Act 6 of 2009 (lrormerly Delhi College of Engineering) Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi . l'i,.; i i l-l-1/ l-ii )t)/ Rag g in g/05i20 1 rru" r,;fp fl x;J' Dated ff-f .rf {V ir: iri;r-suance of ihe decision of Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia in Writ Petition ',ir iC)656r'1998 artd subsequent guidelines issued by UGC on curbing the menace of ;:1!;(irni] ir: hicher educational lnstitute vide Notification No.F.1-1612007(CPP-ll) dated 17th ,,i:nr:, 2009, tire Pn: Vice Chancellor, DTU is pleased to constitute the following Depaftment i i:v*l Anii itagging Squads for the academic session 2014-15:it-rrti itagf{illE Squad ttn' Cornputer Engineering Department Nr;. l\*nt,,: S. No. Name .*1. , &CE) 3. 4 Prol. l)io{ 0 P Vcnrra. HoD. (l.T l)r i(lllil Shanrra- Assoc. r,;rii tr,{augiurs Squacl {br Fl}eclr"onic . l',.i\ti:,. i, t ,ri : & Communication Engineering Department S. Sir In li. (llraudlran'.r\sstt. Prol'(Li(l) lt, (l\r1r 1 R. Pairdq'- Asstt. Prol. ri i li,zr ggIrun, :.iq u :rd io -', l''.1,,;" ldianir: r H lectrical No. 3 4. Nami: Dr. (Ms) Neeta Pandey. Asstt. Prof Ms. Sudipta Mazumdar, Asstt. Prof Department En ginecrin g No. -]. -1. S. I'roi. Nticrrcicr Krrmar. Prol (EI:) i)i l',i lVl 'i'r'ii.r;rihr- Assoc. Pro{ ' I. l.litinc Sh. Vinod Kurnar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. R.K. Yadav, Asstt. Prof. Name Dr. Alka Surgh. Assoc. Prof Dr Dheeraj Joshi. Assoc. Prof r;i li:igi1iu5: :irliitd ior lrr{brmatiolr l'echnologv Department No. ' S. i i'r''i ) 'i \ ,rrr.tii tiOI). (l'l-I !,i, i,ril .lirruli l)arihlr. ,\sstt i)r't>l' I Name Mr.Ralrul Katana. Asstt. Prol' Ms. RitLr Agaru.al" Asstt. Prof i,,rli i{agi1ini,. :-iqu;rtl iil'('ivil & Environmental Engineering Department ': :-t{} S. !'r r i' ', I'r-ir t:rii" I ;ol) ((' E ) i .rr .,r.,,i!,:,iir jrui'l'lrlr. \s-sr:c ]it.ol + -: ',i ii.,i:,i;sii \rlii j.,r:nr;ir ,r\s,itt ,i iriii1l,l.;rirg :r;rn:rli \'i:1ll,l. S. i;;.,i \lr r.:uri lilruiilr. I loD (1\{L. i ,, i.. , l.,i;.rril,- ;\:sti. i'rr-ti'. .,rr.ltli Ms. Geeta. Asstt. Prof. Sh S AnbLr Kuntar. Asstt Prol. tlrr i\iellrlurical & Ploduction Engineering Department i i tl i;: r1 Name i)r'ol' i.,i. . No. \ii !Iii- No. + i Name Prof. Reeta Wanal. Prol Slr. I{aght.enclra GanLam.,,\sstt. Prol' ij- :\:-Sli. Itt-rrl. i,rtr {i,itggi*g }{ltrird ior Biotech and DSM De;rartment :. i'i,j,ti- i\ilifil (irpai :iirarmu- ,,\ssoc. I)roi. ; )i )";11;iix Ii;rsij"r" ,\ssil Proii..li,l.lli,}iltI'iIt[rci.a./tsstt.Pr.ol' !.rr . r .l;rr S.No. .l .. .ri:ti !(ugEin.* "..iqrrttl fiu.science Blor:k ' , I ,'i,. . i\:r,ri. ir'rr:i \ i) iiul;ta.l'}rol ti\Cl) Pii;i i'i i, lihiirnra. Pro[ ili,-:1 :-- i , I.ililrinl" l)rol S. -t -i ir No., Name Sh Vikas Gupta. Asstt. prof. Dr'. Narteeta Bhardu'aj. Asstt. proi. Name Dr. Mohan Surgh Mehta. Asstt. Prof Dr. Parvan KtrrnarTr,agi. Asstt Prof, Dr, Naokant Deo. Assoc. Pro{ ,,'ri,ii i{.augirtg Stluatl fbr Computer Center :,. r\l,;. Nitrtl*: Sil l"l i'i il.agiiava- Assoc Prof i,\i :'l i'' tiassena- Prollammer .i,iii ., i S. NO. 4. Dr. Rachna Garg, Assoc. Prof. Sh. Manoi Sethi, Prograrlrrer. S.NO. Name 3' Sh. Vishwa Kamal, Assoc. Prof. 4 Sh. Naresh Kumar. Asstt. Prof. 3 i.i;lgitirii,, Squad i-or [,ibrarv ',!lr1,) l\]n*'rrI \{lrrr( ' Sh i{ li S1i. [{.]r. Sliirkla" ,i,,rir ritauginq Seluiirt! ;i" i''lc;. i'"lairili: i : i (ME) L,ibrarian \4isl-rra. Prof ltir Main Crrnteen/Kiosk S. No. i( Singlh. lloD (Environ) Ilr. Vt llizu'an" Asstt. Prof. Sir j N Rai. Asstl. Prof. l)i-oi.5 . t,rli H.agSlirrg Squatl fbr P/T :,, .ii'. I'tlti 6. Dr. Praveen I(umar. Asstt. Prof. Dr. Qasirn Murtaza, Asstt. Prof Sh. Raghvendra Gautam, Asstt. Prof S.No. Name 4. _i. Class lrl* !]roi'. liuta Nlngia" Proli (EE) ilr N4Lrlihtir,ar Singh. Assoc Prol' Dr. Raiesh Brok, Asstt. Prof. rtg lrrrti tlargging Squad will make surprise raids on hostels, and other places ,i,.,ri'tr,)railjto u-, inr:rdr:rriiotl and having potential of, ragging and will be empowered to inspect I ,i;icrl Dlaces,. Tlre Anti Ragging Squad will conduct an on the spot enquiry- into any incident of ,i:iJqlng reterrerl to rt by In"e l-teaO of the University or any member of the faculty or any ,,,irlrtlcr ol rhc.: staff or iny student or any parent or guardian or any employee of a service i)i'ovrder cr llv illy other person, as the case may be and the enquiry report along with ;ili)oilirncr)(iatrons wili be subrnitted to ihe Anti Ragging Committee for action under clause ,i,i iiiiir) g. ; .ri rt-re l;GC Itegulations on Curbing the Menace of ragging in higher educational tiisiiiLiriols 20t19. Tne Anti Ragging Squad will conduct the enquiry obseruing a fair and iiiln$pareni procedure and the- principles of natural justice and after giving adequate o;.tlpi)i-iuniiil t3 the student or students accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before ii ilre facis, documents and views concerning the incident of ragging and considering such i):i]'Ji rele\,,ilni in{orrnation. The squads shall work under the overall guidance of Anti-Ragging l-t Nbt (Dr. K. SingH) Joint Registrar, (Admin ) ,' -,.. *. ,. 4* ,r., i l i.(; j, - i St) to VO lor kinrl in{ormation of the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor. of the Pro Vice Chancellor 3 Ali the Deans/Heads of the Departments for information and necessary action ,,i Fiegistrar 5 Chairman, Eloard of Discipline lLlbrarianl OIC (Hostels)' S Aii rncnrl;i:rs of the Squad. ,' (.lrrer Projrlt;l Officer/DDO/All l\ssistant Registrars/OlC (GA) '.). ilA to Irro VC tor kind information FhrL (Dr. K. Singh) Joint Registrar, (Admin)
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