Program HIGHLIGHTS Welcome to the 2015 Professional Development Seminar. I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to the Professional Development Committee for their efforts in putting this years program together. Year in, year out they outdo their previous efforts and have done so again, ENJOY! ~ Chief Jack Grant, President FCAM ~ Chief Jack Grant, President FCAM Tuesday, Feb 3, 2015 7:00 am - 8:30 am SC HEDU LE OF E VE NTS: Registration - Continental Breakfast (Parade Exhibit Area) Exhibit Area OPENS 8:00 am 8:30 am - 9:30 am Conference Opening Ceremony - Federal Room • Information on Conference Posting of Colors (Color Guard(s) • Pledge of Allegiance • Invocation Opening Comments ~ Chief Jack Grant, President FCAM • Chief Keith Bryant - President International Association of Fire Chiefs 9:30 am - 10:00 am BREAK - Exhibitor Area - Parade Room 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Critical Knowledge ~ Cyndi Childs Ventricular Assist Devices Cotillion Room Professional Management Coaching ~ James Rowan Federal Room Seminar Room USCG Risk Communications ~ Kimberley Smith Colonial Room LUNCH - Court Yard 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Taming Your Chaos: Better Management & Organization ~ Lorena Prime Critical Knowledge ~ Cyndi Childs Ventricular Assist Devices Cotillion Room Professional Management Coaching ~ James Rowan Federal Room Taming Your Chaos: Better Management & Organization ~ Lorena Prime Seminar Room USCG Risk Communications ~ Kimberley Smith Colonial Room 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Vendor Area • Exhibit Hall • Parade Room 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm U.S. Firefighter Grant Program Update ~ Chief David Parr, Ret. Federal Room Exhibit Area CLOSES 5:00 pm 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Yarnell Fire Presentation ~ Dave Celino Cotillion Room 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Public Relations through Social Media ~ Chief Stephen Coleman Seminar Room 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Informal dinner, cash bar and networking prior to evening presentation - Federal Room 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm OPERATION PHOENIX - 7 & 8 May 2014 ~ Chief Michael Mansfield & Chief Kevin Nord Federal Room 7:30 pm - 12:00 am Hospitality Room • Board Room ~ Chief David Parr, Ret. ~ Dave Celino ~ Chief Stephen Coleman Dave Parr has over 42 years in the fire service with 15 years as Wakefield MA Fire Chief. He is the Fire Program Specialist assigned to the FEMA Boston Regional Office, covering the 6 New England states for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. Chief Celino has 28 years in the fire service, which began as a volunteer fire fighter and emergency medical technician with the Town of Cummington. He was a member of Colrain Fire Department where he was appointed Assistant Fire Chief in 1999 and Chief in 2003. He is member of the Massachusetts Wildfire Crew where he has engaged in numerous national assignments. As Chief Warden, he manages the state forest fire program, comprising of 13 fire districts, 42 fire towers, and a forest fire prevention program. Chief Stephen Coleman, Public Relations through Social Media - In this session we will discuss the importance of public relations in your community and how to utilize different platforms of social media to spread your message. We will also discuss how to use social media as a communications platform during emergency situations. Professional Management Coaching Taming Your Chaos: Increasing Effectiveness w/ Better Management & Operation presented by: ~ presented by: ~ James Rowan Lorena Prime There’s a lot expected of you, but you can manage your day so that you’re still in control. In this seminar, you’ll learn tips and techniques to help you prioritize, handle emails and papers, get organized, as well as learn other practical, tactical information to help you be more productive and get done what needs to be done. Over 20 years of helping organizations find their future by developing their leaders. James is passionate about being an effective catalyst in helping your organization develop its people and achieve its goals faster! Together they will build you a stronger bench as you prepare your department for its future. Lorena Prime has worked for several Fortune 500 companies in Sales, Marketing, Training, and Information Technology. Shifting gears after 17 years in Corporate America she started her own company to focus on her love of efficiency and employee productivity. Through her experience, she teaches life-long time management and organizing skills to help people get more out of every day. USCG Critical Knowledge: Ventricular Assist Devices Risk Communications presented by: presented by: ~ Cyndi Childs This 2-hour CEU program explains the basics of VAD implementation, discusses the functions of the pump, controller, driveline, and power supply as well as how to troubleshoot the electrical supply, power pack and batteries. Participants will review the Massachusetts Statewide Treatment Protocol for Ventricular Assist Devices (7.8) and learn what to do in an emergency (and why AEDs are good and why chest compressions could be fatal). DPH-OEMS approved for 2 credits at all levels. Cyndi Childs is a Massachusetts DPH Instructor/Coordinator and is the Director of Critical Knowledge, Inc., a healthcare training and consulting company based in Boston, MA. In addition to her background in emergency services operations, she has more than 20 years experience as a nationally registered paramedic. She is the author of the “CKI: The National Continued Competency Requirements Program” text as well as a nursing text, “Learning EKGs for Life.” ~ Kimberley Smith The U.S. Coast Guard Public Information Assist Team offers risk communication training covering basic theories, strategies and tactics. The curriculum is designed for public information professionals and anyone who may need to communicate in a risk or crisis situation. The training is a mix of lecture, class discussion and case studies. Theories of risk communication Skills and tools for risk communication - Risk communication case-studies - Role of media in risk situations - Stakeholder outreach- Using community input - Communication implications for risk management. Chief Warrant Officer Kimberly Smith, Public Information Assist Team Supervisor, is a 17-year Public Affairs practitioner with the Coast Guard. As the supervisor of the Public Information Assist Team, she currently travels widely teaching Risk Communication principles, as well as staffing the PIO role in various incidents around the country. Operation Phoenix Operation Phoenix exercise was a simulated F3 tornado that tore through Edwards, a simulated small town in Western Massachusetts, with a population of 5,600. The tornado caused extensive damage to the downtown village area, factory, a manufacturing plant and church. These venues were staged for continuous operations by all the county teams participating. To add realism many mannequins were used to simulate deceased victims and volunteers were used as live victims. This sequence of events ran for 24 hours continually with squads rotating in and out of the collapse sites. ~ Chief Michael Mansfield Involved in the fire service for the last 35 years. Co-Chair of the FCAM Tech Rescue Committee. Asst. Chief of Special Operations for Nashua Fire Rescue for several years. Served as the Technical Rescue Program Coordinator for the NH Fire Academy for 8 years and was a member of the USAR MA TF-01 for 10 years as a Rescue Specialist. ~ Chief Kevin Nord Chief Kevin M. Nord has 36 years in the fire service and presently serves as Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director for the Town of Duxbury. He currently serves as Co-Chair of the FCAM Technical Rescue Committee. He has extensive background in Technical Rescue and was a founding member and Director of the Plymouth County Technical Rescue Team, he currently serves as a Chief liaison. He also served as a Rescue Specialist for FEMA USAR/MATF-1. He has dedicated much of his time to the development of Statewide Technical Rescue Teams and served as Exercise Director last Spring for Operation Phoenix a 24 MOBEX. K EY N OT E S PEA KER Jim Morris’ Cinderella story is testimony to the power of dreams and their ability to inspire and transform human life. His story is the subject of the blockbuster film from Walt Disney, “The Rookie,” starring Dennis Quaid. Originally a top prospect, Jim Morris’s career in baseball was derailed by injuries and immaturity at the age of 24. He got married, raised a family and eventually became a high school physics teacher and baseball coach in southwest Texas. At the age of 35, Jim made a bet with his struggling high school baseball team: If they won the district championship, then he would go try out for a major league team. Miraculously, his team won the district championship and Jim went to a tryout, where he threw twelve consecutive pitches at 98 mph. Three months later, Jim realized his long-lost dream of becoming a major league player when he struck out All Star Royce Clayton in his first major league appearance in front of family and friends back in Texas. Jim Morris uses his story in combination with fire service goals to inspire and motivate. Wednesday, Feb 4, 2015 S C HEDU LE OF E VE NTS: 8:00 am Pledge of Allegiance Federal Room • Registration • Continental Breakfast - Parade Room 8:00 am - 8:35 am Exhibit Area OPENS Worcester County Retirement Board ~ Kevin Blanchette Federal Room Mentor Presentation Seminar Room 8:30 am - 10:30 am 10:30 am - 10:45 am BREAK - Exhibitor Area - Parade Room 10:45 am - 12:30 pm Monthly General Membership meeting of the Association - Federal Room 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch - Federal Room • Awards (Public Fire Ed. Leadership Award et. al.) 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Keynote Speaker ~ Jim Morris, Jr. - Federal Room Break - Vendor presentations in the Vendor Area 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Announcement for the day - raffle winners FCAM Past Presidents & Executive Board meeting - Director’s Room 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm American Arbitration Association 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm ~ Arbitrator Harvey Shrage Cotillion Room 5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Chief Officer Professional Development ~ Deputy Chief John Salka Federal Room Step Up & Lead ~ Deputy Frank Viscuso Seminar Room Fire Dynamics and Suppression Techniques ~ George Healy Colonial Room BREAK - Exhibitor Area - Parade Room Exhibit Area CLOSES 5:15 pm 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm End of Session for day two Dinner on your own (see restaurant information in your registration packet) 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Hospitality Room • Board Room Worcester County Retirement Board presented by: ~ Kevin Blanchette Kevin Blanchette is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Worcester Regional Retirement System, one of the largest public retirement systems in Massachusetts. Kevin previously served as the Deputy Executive Director of the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC) the state regulatory agency with oversight of the 105 public retirement systems in Massachusetts. He is considered one of the leading experts in the field of public employee retirement. American Arbitration Association presented by: ~ Arbitrator Harvey Shrage Introduction to Arbitration Advocacy - How to prepare for and handle grievances at Arbitrations. Exploring the key aspects of handling a grievance from preparation to advocacy before the arbitrator through the use of lectures, discussion and small group exercises. A member of the Massachusetts Bar, Arbitrator Harvey M. Shrage, has been a Professor at Western New England University, College of Business for twenty-six years. Professor Shrage teaches courses in Labor-Management Relations, and Employment Law. He has served as a labor arbitrator in private and public sector cases since 1988. He is the author of numerous trade journal articles and a frequent presenter at conferences. Step Up and Lead Chief Officer Professional Development presented by: ~ Deputy Chief John Salka This workshop provides first responders with tools and strategies to support children experiencing loss and/or stressful life events. John Salka (ret) served with the FDNY for over 33 years, the past 15 years a battalion. He has presented at the Firehouse Expo in Baltimore, the FDIC in Indianapolis, the NY State Association of Fire Chiefs show. John served as the co-lead instructor for the H.O.T. Firefighter Safety and Survival program at FDIC for over ten years, serves on the FDIC advisory board. John is the author of the best-selling books “First In Last Out Leadership Lessons from the New York Fire Department” and “The Engine Company”. John travels extensively training firefighters throughout the 50 states and Canada in tactics, strategy, leadership and safety & survival. Fire Dynamics and Suppression Techniques presented by: presented by: ~ Deputy Frank Viscuso ~ George Healy There is a reason why people relate the fire profession to words like courage, brotherhood, service, and respect. That reason is a clear cut mission and decades of strong leadership. Most corporations in America would love to emulate two things that are deeply instilled in the fire service – the brotherhood, and the respect of their customers. Step Up and Lead was written to serve three purposes: 1. To introduce you to the essential traits and skills that every effective fire service leader must possess. 2. To teach you the secrets of effective leadership from one of the most respected organizations in the world. 3. To help prepare motivated individuals who are serious about advancing their careers and improving their lives. Frank Viscuso is a fire service instructor and the author of five books, including the best-selling tactical textbook Fireground Operational Guides. Frank works as a Tour Commander in Hudson County, NJ and the co-creator of Tactical considerations on the fire ground based on experience and testing. Chief Healy has been involved with NIST and UL for close to 10 years validating tactics for the fire ground. After numerous large scale tests and implementation of new tactics on the fire ground he will present the testing and discuss how the changes that are being adapted are working on the fire ground. This class will draw from his 24 years of experience as well as the numerous tests of which he has been a part. A 2014 FDIC keynote speaker- George Healy is a battalion chief and a 22-year veteran of the Fire Department of New York (FDNY), assigned to Division 11 in Brooklyn. He was Operations Section chief for the Governor’s Island burn - testing alternate strategies for combating wind-driven fires and ventilation and suppression exercises in 2012. He is on the Technical Review Panel for Underwriters Laboratories on horizontal ventilation and vertical ventilation. Chief Healy is a frequent speaker on the continually changing fire environment, modern fire dynamics and its impact on fire operations. Mentor Presentation This presentation has two parts—a panel presentation and interactive workshop. The panel will talk about the history and future of the FCAM Mentoring Program, including how to access mentoring using the new web site, a successful mentoring experience, and opportunities for mentoring training. The interactive workshop will provide opportunities to “mentor” each other related to potential problem situations chiefs encounter and write a mentoring report. There will be significant time allotted for input on the mentoring program and what will make the web site even more valuable to FCAM and its member Chiefs. ~ Mentor Program Coordinators Chief George Rogers, Bridgewater, Chief Kevin Robinson, Marshfield, and retired Chief Rich Rochon, Westford are Program Coordinators for the FCAM Mentoring Program. Chiefs Rogers and Robinson are Past Presidents of FCAM. The three Chiefs have served a combined 40 years as Fire Chiefs as well as actively participating in mentoring other Chiefs in Massachusetts. Callie Gargiulo McDowell has been in the organizational development and training field for over 30 years. Her experience at the National Fire Protection Association was the beginning of a long working relationship with the Fire Service; her latest effort was with FCAM establishing the Mentoring Program. Thursday, Feb 5, 2015 8:00 am - 8:45 am 9:00 am - 1:00 pm SC HEDU LE OF E VE NTS: Continental Breakfast ~ Deputy Chief Frank Viscuso Seminar Room “Mayday” ~ Deputy Chief John Salka Federal Room 10:15 am - 10:30 pm BREAK - Promenade 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm LUNCH - Courtyard 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ~ Dr. Hayden Duggan ~ Rev. James Tilbe ~ Commissioner Joseph Conant Fire Dynamics and Suppression Techniques ~ George Healy Colonial Room American Arbitration Association ~ Mr. Harvey Shrage Colonial Room Firefighter Behavior Health ~ Commissioner Joseph Conant, Dr. Hayden Duggan, Rev. James Tilbe, Veteran Federal Room Hayden A. Duggan, Ed.D. is the President and Founder of the On-Site Academy in Gardner, Massachusetts, a residential trauma treatment and training program for Public Safety Personnel. He is the Team Clinician for the Boston Police Stress Support Unit CISM Team and is the Chief Psychologist for the Boston EMS Peer Support Team. He is the Chief Clinician for the Fitchburg Police Department Peer Support Team. He is the author of two books on crisis intervention and empathy. He is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (earning his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and Public Practice from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1977) and a Designated Forensic Psychologist (inactive) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Rev. James Tilbe served as a Volunteer Firefighter / EMT beginning in 1985 with the Russell Fire Department and served as a Call Firefighter / EMT since 1991 with the Raynham Fire Department. He has also served during that time as a fire department Chaplain, and has served as the Chief Chaplain of the Massachusetts Corps of Fire Chaplains since 2009. Behavioral Health Program : With all the internal and external stressors placed on our firefighters, we need to manage the emotional and psychological health of all our members. This program will focus on Suicide Prevention strategies and provide information on the resources available so all of our firefighters go home safely and enjoy a long healthy career. S TAY I NG OVER N IGHT: WHERE: HOLIDAY INN BOXBOROUGH 242 Adams Place • Boxborough, MA 01719 Reserve by 1/17/15 to guarantee rates. Call 978.263.8701 - state that you are with the FCAM Professional Development Conference. ROOM JR. SUITE SUITE SINGLEDOUBLE TRIPLEQUAD 79.00 79.00 89.0099.00 99.00 99.00 109.00119.00 109.00 109.00 119.00129.00 Paid directly to hotel. CON FER ENCE PA CK A GE S: Full 3 Day Package Seminars, continental breakfast, lunches, dinner on Wed. & access to vendor area & entertainment. Tues. Feb. 3 All Day Continental breakfast, lunch & dinner, access to vendor area & evening entertainment. Wed. Feb. 4 All Day Continental breakfast, lunch, access to vendor area & network session at the end of day. Thur. Feb. 5 All Day Continental breakfast, lunch, choice of program track. GENERAL MEETING ONLY Wed. Feb. 4 General membership meeting & lunch. After the Keynote speaker from 1-2 pm, the room will be cleared prior to afternoon session. The Conference is open to all fire service personnel and we encourage Chiefs to promote the conference throughout their department. CON F ER ENCE PR ICIN G: PER PERSON Please submit a separate form for each attendee - copy this form if needed. Name: Department: Address: City/Town: State: Zip Code: (If submitting a P.O. please attach it with this form) Register by 12/31/14 for reduced price: Full 3 Day Package FCAM Members Non-Members Tues. Feb. 3 All Day $175.00 $185.00 -$15.00 Wed. Feb. 4 All Day $175.00 $185.00 -$15.00 Thurs. Feb. 5 All Day $175.00 $185.00 -$15.00 Wed. Feb 4 Life Members GENERAL MEETING ONLY $275.00 $30.00 Early Registration Discount TOTAL $300.00 Active Members $40.00 -$25.00 Associate Members Guests $40.00 Return this form with payment or municipal purchase order to: FCAM P.O. Box 97 North Andover, MA 01845 or FAX: (978) 682-2668 or email: Federal Tax ID #04-2635753 $40.00 TOTAL FCAM also accepts visa credit card payments. If you need an invoice prior to payment, we can provide one and you can pay online with a credit card. COMSTAR THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL AMBULANCE BILLING EXPERTS SINCE 1984! • • • • • • Customized Ambulance Billing Solutions to over 200 Ambulance Services. Proven, Documents Return Rate Success. Robust Financial and Clinical Reporting. NAAC Certified Ambulance Coders on Staff. Fully HIPAA, OIG, and SOC I Compliant. Hosted ePCR Solutions Available. For more information, please contact: Jeff Tassi, Director of Business Development (800) 488-4351 A special thanks to our sponsors SUPPLIERS TO PROTECTORS OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY FIR 03, LAW09, LAW14 Jean M. Cole 1(800)472-7747 (508)758-3758 FAX(508)758-9758 CENTRALEQUIPMENT@VERIZON.NET
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