Founded in 2001 – Affiliated to the Worcestershire Football Association since 2002 – Members of the Mercian Fortis Junior Football League since 2002 – Members of the WFA County Junior League since 2014 – Members of the WFA County Veterans League since 2014 - An FA Charter Standard Club since 2004 & Community Club since 2009 Worcestershire FA's - Charter Standard Community Club Of The Year - 2009/10 Malvern Hills District Council's - Junior Club Of The Year - 2009/10 Malvern Hills District Council's - Club of the Year - 2012/13 The Badgers' Scene The Official Monthly Newsletter of Leigh & Bransford Badgers FC First Issued In October 2001 – Latest Issue Number: 159 - Date: Jan 2015 Current Email Circulation – 532 Addresses The Editor’s Introduction Neil Coleman, Newsletter Editor, th Happy New Year and welcome to our 159 edition. In this issue we spotlight on our U13's County squad, we have news of a JFL Course, a Football Remembers feature, plus WCFC's latest FA Cup exploits, CYL Review, and much, much more! At L&BBFC, we are very keen to involve our staff, members, and parents in the activities of the club, and that includes contributions for this newsletter! So if anyone has any articles, features, or reports from games attended, or photos and action Game, snaps, please let me know so that it can be included in future issues of this newsletter. You can email items to me on or or. Please note that details need to be received by the Editor before the end of the month prior to the relevant edition! This If anyone wishes to be included on our email circulation list of this newsletter, please get in touch giving your email details! Also, please let me know if any of you change your email address or wish to be removed from our circulation list. Match Ball Sponsors Our thanks go to… Yvonne Chapman & Roger Cumberley, Badger’s Supporters - Maria Medakovic, Badger’s Supporter – Cyril Chapman, Badger's Supporter - Melvyn & Margaret Hawthorn, Badger’s Supporters – Bob & Barbara Larrett, Badger’s Supporters Linda Williams, Badger’s Supporter - Nick & Tina Benson, Badger’s Supporters - Trophies Direct, 7 Trinity Street, Worcester. Tel 01905 612525 - Equine Resources, Sandlin Cottage, Sandlin, Worc’s. Tel 07739104287 - Gary Collins, Badger’s Supporter - Myron & Carol Lawrence, Badger’s Supporters - Steve & Lesley Blewitt, Badger’s Supporters - Paul Childs, Badger’s Supporter - Bransford Services, Bransford, Worc’s. Tel 01886 833838 - Alan & Janet Soley, Badger’s Supporters - Bosko & Sharon Medakovic, Badger’s Supporters – The Alfrick & Lulsley Show, Badger’s Supporters – The Royal Oak Clay Pigeon Shooting Club, Badger’s Supporters – Gill & Andrew Rankin, Badger’s Supporters – Den Smallman, Badger’s Supporter – Jack Smith, Badger’s Supporter - Heather Brinkworth, Badger’s Supporter – Tina & Geoff Dodd, Badger’s Supporters – Mike Griffin, Badger’s Supporter – Franco Adorisio, Badger’s Supporter – Bransford Trust, Badger’s Supporter To sponsor a match ball please email the Editor! News & Views In And Around The Club Read all about it! Midweek Happy New Year: We wish everyone connected with L&BBFC a Happy New 2015 Year! 1914: Along with many other teams across the nation, our U9's City squad took the time to join in the FA's Football Remembers project. To find out what they got up to… see the feature further herein. Review: Check out the WFA County Youth League mid-season review. Sponsors: Our thanks go to parent Adam Jones of Climate Control Solutions for sponsoring a new kit for our U13's County Squad. See feature further herein. We are always interested to hear from sponsors and can offer team kit, match ball, ground advertising boards, newsletter, and website sponsorship packages. Interested persons are asked to contact Bosko Medakovic on 07979725196. We have around 400 parents at our club and if folk made a conscious effort to check with employers and local businesses about possible deals, then we are sure it would prove beneficial! Just £350 sponsors a team for two/three seasons! JFL Course: See the feature herein on a coming JFL course for would-be young leaders. Book direct now! Welcome: This month we welcome two new volunteer coaches, Kevin Williams & Joshua King to L&BBFC. If you are interested in joining us, then contact our Senior Coach - Development, Bosko Medakovic, 07979725196. We are always keen to welcome few faces and helping hands! Club FA Cup: See the latest feature on Worcester City FC's heroic and eventual record breaking 2nd Rd FA Cup games against Scunthorpe United FC. WFA: Our thanks go to the Worcestershire FA who, after a 'spring clean' at their HQ, offered local clubs items of kit and equipment for free. L&BBFC was one of the grateful recipients. Condolences: It is with great regret that we advise you of the death of Bill Allsopp. Bill was secretary of the Mid West Counties Female Football League formerly known as H&W Women’s County League and a Life Member of the WFA. Because of his passion for helping and nurturing referees, he received an FA Carlsberg Referee Award at Wembley Stadium in 2013 in recognition of his services. Bill was a popular and well respected influence in local footballing circles and will be missed by all who knew him. We understand that a letter of condolence has been sent to his family on behalf of the MFJFL. Who’s Who? Current Club Staff & Other Useful Contacts At L&BBFC, we gratefully acknowledge the contributions made in the name of our club, by our dedicated group of volunteer staff listed below. This page is updated on a regular basis, but if any of the information listed is incorrect, please advise the Editor. Any persons interested in joining our team of staff are asked to check out our website Join Us page for more information, as well as our Admin page for job descriptions! Club Officers Chairman – Pat Lewis 07771723833 Vice Chairman – Rob Shipton 01905 831047 or 07767225894 President – Bosko Medakovic 07979725196 Club Secretary – Steve Dallow 07758257071 Safeguarding Administrator – Morven Smith 01905 830787 Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, & Promoter – Neil Coleman 01886 832904 Club Web Site Manager – Greg Evans 07946461624 or 0844 544 7020 Senior Coaching Staff Senior Coach - Girls, Futsal, & Community (FA Level 2) – Pat Lewis 07771723833 Senior Coach – Boys Mini Football & Development (FA Level 2) – Bosko Medakovic 07979725196 Senior Coach – Boys Youth Football – Vacancy Senior Coach – Men's Football (Level 1) – Steve Dallow 07758257071 Senior Coach – Women's Football – Vacancy Senior Coach – Goalkeeping (FA Level 1) – Neil Grimshaw 01684 541391 Senior Coach – School Links – Vacancy Squad Coaching Staff Girls Development Squad Coach (FA Level 2) – Pat Lewis 07771723833 Boys Development Squad Coach (FA Level 2) – Bosko Medakovic 07979725196 U7's Forest Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Laszlo Trungel 01684 301306 U8's Thistle Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Rich Thick 01886 880116 U9's City Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Andy Sankey 07799888874 U10's Alexandra Team Coach – Graham Bradbury 01684 572898 U11's Borough Team Coach (FA Level 2) – Richard Davies 01905 831065 U11's Orient Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Sean Egan 07828648512 U12's Hornets Team Coach (FA Level 2) – Oscar Hooper 01684 566190 U12's Vale Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Steve Dorrofield 01684 575995 U13's County Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Paul Burgess 07773817902 U13's Girls Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Rob Shipton 01905 831047 U15's Girls Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Rob Shipton 01905 831047 U16’s Rangers Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Matt Martin 01905 22359 Legend's Team Coach (FA Level 1) – Steve Dallow 07758257071 Assistant Squad Coaching Staff Assistant Coaches (FA Level 1) – Jack Coleman (Boys DS), Rob Hooper (Hornets), Andy Whitton (Rangers), Rob Deakin (Orient), Mark Davies (Alexandra), Dave Makranczy (Rangers), Paul Weaver (County) Bongumusa Malevu (Boys DS), & Sam Edmondson (Boro) Adult Volunteer Assistants Ian Goddard, Sam Dorrofield, Clara Bell, Angie Harding, Richard Goode, Mark & Dionne Battin, Kevin Williams, Joshua King, Melissa Edwards, Sharon Medakovic, & Lynn Coleman Young Volunteer Assistants Chris Medakovic, Becky Barber, Toby Coleman, & Liam Sinclair-Preece Events Committee Members Steve Dallow, Bosko & Sharon Medakovic, Pat Lewis, Neil & Lynn Coleman, Andy & Nisha Sankey, Richard & Amelia Davies, Rob & Hayley Shipton, and Alison & Kevin Oliver Other Useful Contacts Leigh & Bransford Badgers Football Club Web Site - The FA Child Protection Department – 0207 745 4909 The FA Reporting Racism Campaign – 0800 085 0508 The FA/NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000, Text Phone 0800 056 0566 The Worcestershire Football Association – 01905 827137 The Mercian Festival Junior Football League – 01684 572704 Malvern Hills District Council, Sports Development – 01684 862151 Worcester City FC – 01905 23003 Revised Jun 14 L&BBFC Corporate & Team Directory… We very much wish to express our thanks to everyone who has generously supported our Club, and in doing so, we would also like to remind our staff, members, & parents that by supporting our sponsors, you support L&BBFC! We offer all kinds of sponsorship arrangements, ranging from Team Kit to Match Ball, as well as advertising in our website, monthly newsletter directory, and any match day programmes we produce. We can also accommodate ground advertising board requirements at our Ralph’s Field Stadium! Please contact us as we are always keen to hear from any interested party whether you are an individual, a company, or self-employed! L&BBFC Sponsors Directory Actemium – Andrew's Hair Studio Ltd, Malvern, Worc's A R Thomas - Landscaping & Agricultural Contractor - Tel: 01886 832330 Alfa Tech Car & Commercial Ltd - Allen, Sheppard & Partners - Bldg Surveyors & Architects - 01452 857193 Bon Air Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd - Tel 01905 726112 Bromyard Tae Kwon Do - Climate Control Solutions UK - 07900912040 County Security Limited – Crescent Interiors – Suppliers Of Fine Furnishings Dance with Deb – Dream Doors Worcester – New for Old Kitchens – CW Travel (Worcester) - Tel: 01905 423048 GMB - Britain's General Union - Grove Property Developments – Guinness Park Farm Equestrian Centre - Tel: 01886 833384 Harry James – Earthworks & General Building - Tel: 01684 567774 Hawthorn Electrical - Tel: 01886 833703 or Mob: 07786325221 Herefordshire and Worcestershire Cardiac and Stroke Network – F.A.S.T. Campaign Heritage Independent Financial Services - Tel: 07966195097 IDS-Indata – Interkey - Internal Slotting & Splines - Tel/Fax: 01886 830222 IMAX Engineering – 01886 880588 John King Services – Tel: 07974937611 Keystone Roofing Services Malvern – 01684 572068 Leigh Sinton PO & Stores - Leigh Sinton, Worc’s - Tel: 01886 832201 Leon Building Services (Evesham) Ltd - Tel: 07973702548 Mailes Skips - Tel: 01886 832590 Michael G Robinson - Painter & Decorator - Tel: 01886 832845 MooD International – Smarter Decisions Pippins Electrical – Tel: 01886 884177 Print & Design – Worcester City Digital - Tel: 01905 480120 Rabjohns LLP – Accountants – 01905 732100 RMD Joinery - Tel: 01886 832488 or Fax: 01886 833033 SCR Associates - Tel: 01905 352882 St Peters Garden Centre – Tel: 01905 357595 Teckserv LLP – Tel: 0044 1905 831996 The Cross Keys Pub, Malvern, Worc's – Tel: 01684 572945 The Football Foundation - The Fox & Hounds Restaurant – Lulsley, Worc’s - Tel: 01886 821228 The Royal Mail Sports Foundation The Royal Oak Pub & Restaurant - Leigh Sinton, Worc's - Tel: 01886 832664 Toolmaster Precision Limited - Malvern Universal Display Ltd - Upton Glass & Glazing - Tel: 01684 591138 or (24hr) 07974783472 Vinci Construction UK Limited WNT (UK) Ltd – Total Tooling, Quality & Service ZigZag Coaching – For inclusion, or if these details change, or are incorrect, please contact the Editor! Comments From The Coach Bosko Medakovic, Senior Coach – Boys Mini Football & Development (FA Level 2) 'No Respect, No Referee = No Game' – Get The Message And Support The FA’s Respect Campaign! Welcome to yet another new calendar year. Let's hope 2015 is as enjoyable as the previous year! Answering the 'call to arms' is grandparent, Kevin Williams. With his grandson Ethan Williams-Wright playing for the BDS, Kev stepped forward and has agreed to help run our new U7's from next season. He will be joining colleagues Paul Burgess and Melissa Edwards in readiness of these proposed two new squads. Kev will be looking to undertake the FA Level 1 coaching course in the coming months that when added to his experiences gained in playing football for the RAF and Malvern Town FC, this will no doubt give him a fantastic base from which to draw upon. Also joining us as a volunteer is Josh King. Josh currently plays for local club Malvern Town FC and is also keen to assist our newly formed U9's Hibernian squad. Like Kev, Josh will be looking to achieve FA L1 coaching status. I certainly hope they both have a long and enjoyable stay at L&BBFC. We are still in need of volunteers to help us expand and maintain a growing number of teams from next season. In particular we are keen to attract support at current U6's, U7's, and U8's levels. Numbers are such here that two teams are possible at each level, but this can only be sustained if we can get another volunteer in for each proposed new side. L&BBFC will support the appointed volunteer providing them with the necessary kit, equipment, resources, and training. All we ask is that you get involved and help us make football happen for our youngsters! Interested persons are asked to contact me ASAP. I note that the WFA is holding a JFL course later this month and I would urge our older youngsters (over 14's) to take a look at it and apply if you want to be more than just a playing club member. Oscar Hooper, Jack Coleman, Nick Medakovic, Josh Newman, Leon Hughes, Luca Adorisio, Jo & Ash Dallow, and Sam Edmondson are just a few of our players (past & present) who have progressed off the field and gone on to become either FA qualified coaches and/or referees. Believe it or not, you do not have to give up playing football… you can do both! In addition, there is the opportunity of earning some money through officiating at football matches. It is not uncommon for some young referees to earn as much as £50 over a week end! Interested youngsters are asked to contact me! What an exciting time for all concerned at local giants, Worcester City FC! Along with several other L&BBFC faces, I was in the nd 2,236 strong City travelling support at their FA Cup 2 Round tie at Scunthorpe United. It was a long day, but well worth the trip as the Blue Dragons held their hosts to a 1-1 draw, after going a goal down. The passion within the travelling 'Blue Dragon Army' was clearly evident as they chanted, cheered, and applauded their team's every move from start to finish. Such was their support that City manager, Carl Heeley, used it as a catalyst for a more spirited second half revival that saw City draw level within a minute of the restart, then look to outplay their hosts for much of the second period. A seemingly low 'official' gate of 5,606 (more like 7000!) witnessed a 'nail-bitter' of a finish as both sides looked to wrap up the tie at the first attempt, but as it was, a draw seemed a fair outcome. The replay at Aggborough Stadium took place 10 days later with both sides knowing that a likely home tie against Chesterfield rd FC or MK Dons awaited the winners in the 3 round. The game was a home side 'sell out' with a crowd of over 4,000 City followers travelling up the A449 to Kidderminster, the temporary 'home' of Worcester City FC. Sadly, out of around 600 tickets allocated to the visitors, only some 60 or so supporters made the trip down from their North Lincolnshire base, and apart from their cheering their goal, they remained silent throughout. Sat amongst another partisan crowd of City supporters, I got chatting to the older guy next to me, and he told me he was a 'born again' City fan, and that he would be making regular visits to watch them, now that he had seen what a good side they were. Not since the great days of Nobby Clark in the 1970/80's era had he bothered to follow them, recanting the names of his City heroes then. I am sure that there were a great many more supporters at the game who perhaps fell in this category of supporter, but if it takes a good team to rouse a passion in support, then clearly WCFC have surely awoken a 'sleeping giant' in this respect! Admittedly, not for a long time has such a City game as this replay been seen by me, and the extended penalty drama for me was a sad way in which the better footballing side over the two games did not progress. But that is cup football for you! I felt that City were capable of winning this tie and on the back of this belief, perhaps that is what left me feeling disappointed at our exit, but that is not to take anything away from a tremendous effort by the Blue Dragons in getting this far. These exploits have got the local football scene 'buzzing', so here's to another decent Cup run next time round! Finally, just before Xmas the Boys Development Squad had a match against a team of Santas, and held their opponents to a fine 11-11 draw. With a 'Magic Santa' in their ranks, the BDS put together some great moves that saw them score some fantastic goals! The youngsters worked hard and made up in attack what they lacked in defence as they battled their way back from 4-0 at one stage. They showed good movement, passing and striking ability to score some really good team and individual goals that demonstrated their progress over the months since joining L&BBFC. The after-match donuts were all the more sweeter! Join the L&BBFC Girls Development Squad Are You A Girl Interested In Playing or Learning To Play Soccer? Are You a Parent Interested In Coaching Girls Soccer? If The Answer Is Yes, Then… At Ralph’s Field Stadium, Hereford Road, Leigh Sinton, Worc’s Every Saturday Morning, 9 am till 10.15 am For Girls Aged 4 and upwards For Enquiries Call: Pat Lewis, GDS Coach (FA Level 2) On 07771723833 Football Can Be Fun – So Please Get Involved! The L&BBFC Mini Girls Development Squad Is Sponsored By… 'No Respect, No Referee = No Game' – Get The Message And Support The FA’s Respect Campaign. Visit the L&BBFC… At Ralph’s Field Stadium, Hereford Road, Leigh Sinton, Worc’s. WR13 5EQ Hot & Cold Refreshments Available Official Club Merchandise Available Nearly New Boots & Football Garments Available Open Most Saturday Mornings During Match & Session Days From 8.45am Helpers Wanted – See Situations Vacant Herein For Details New Facility Now At Powick Playing Field! L&BBFC’s… As we grow, running a successful junior soccer club such as L&BBFC can only continue if there are dedicated, volunteer staff in place to oversee and deliver the aims of the club. At L&BBFC, we are fortunate to have many such folk in post, holding key positions. However, there is always room for more which is why we are interested to hear from people who would be prepared to help out, particularly in the following urgently needed voluntary roles: Team & Assistant Coaches Events Co-Ordinators Grounds Person(s) Catering Staff Many of our members have come up with great ideas and activities for our club, but all too often things don’t happen because we haven’t got the staff available to ensure they can, or because existing staff are already stretched covering other important duties! This is where you can help! Interested persons are asked to contact Pat Lewis, Club Chairman. Check out our website – - for job descriptions and volunteer application forms. Please note that in the interests of child protection, club staff are required to undergo the FA CRB process. Football can be fun – so please get involved! 'No Respect, No Referee = No Game' – Get The Message And Support The FA’s Respect Campaign. Calling All Budding Young Soccer Volunteers Over 14 Years Old! You may be wondering where you go to continue developing as a coach after completing your school leadership award. The Football Association has launched the F.A ‘Football Futures' Scheme in which young coaches get rewarded for the hours that they complete within a local junior football club. As a young coach you can take part in this rewarding programme for ‘FREE’ by completing the relevant application form found on the FA’s website, use the link via the Links Page on the L&BBFC website! You could also potentially be selected to attend a National F.A Young Leadership Camp! Coaching experience can be gained through L&BBFC, but before 'Football Futures' application forms are submitted to the WFA, you are asked to contact Bosko Medakovic, Club Senior Coach - Development, in order to ensure that your request can be accommodated. At L&BBFC, we want to continue to encourage such participation & development, and consequently, we currently do have some of our more senior players helping out with coaching sessions for our younger ones. This initiative is a great way in which relevant members can receive formal recognition for their efforts in this respect, and for such youngsters to be able to move on up through to the next stage in the soccer coaching ladder! Again, interested applicants are asked to visit our website – - for more details about this fantastic initiative. Applicants need to be 14 years old or over. 'No Respect, No Referee = No Game' – Get The Message And Support The FA’s Respect Campaign. Comments From The Coach Pat Lewis, Senior Coach – Girls, Futsal & Community (FA Level 2) 'No Respect, No Referee = No Game' – Get The Message And Support The FA’s Respect Campaign. I hope you all had a great break and Happy New Year to you all! I know like me some of our volunteers have had to renew their CRB no it's not called that any more it's a DBS, confused?? Yeah me to, Disclosure and Barring Service. Apparently various Government departments have merged to form this service! To be honest I can't see much difference and the very fact that Herefordshire Council have given me DRB certificate in the last few months and now the FA want another, just seems mad, no joined up thinking from anyone at all and of course there is a cost, minimal if you're a volunteer but I have been charged for 3 CRB/DRB checks in the last two years! Anyway it's a fair bit of grief filling all this in and getting your various bills, licence etc. to our child welfare officer. I have to admit I was slow at doing this, so my apologies go to Morven but thinking about it Mo now has about 15 of these things to fill in..... and I thought doing mine was a pain!!! Hopefully you have all been better than me and filled it all in, but I can't help thinking it was better when we filled out a form!!! At a Christmas party I spent some time speaking to a volunteer from a local Hockey Club, again I think we have a lot to be grateful for in football. They always have to have a Level 2 Coach on site, but they struggle to get volunteers let alone people who are willing to give up enough time and effort to take a level 2 course and assessment, this is whilst also having level 1 coaches on site! Hockey clubs also pay massive amounts for their courses, we take it for granted that football courses are cheap! In football we have to have a level 1 coach with each team which is fair enough, but as a club we could always do with more people willing to do a a level 2 course or better still start the Youth awards, which are so relevant when your coaching kids! So please speak to myself or Bosko if you're interested, in any football course, the club will support you through whatever path you choose, we have 3 FA qualified Mentors on the Club staff and if Course we have our own FA mentor in Ted, so plenty of help is always available! Also don't forget Child protection and First Aid courses Bosko is currently sorting some dates out! Pat COME AND JOIN THE… All participants must… Wear suitable footwear and shin pads. Be aged 16+ Conduct themselves within the spirit of 'Fair Play' and comply with all club and FA codes, rules, and regulations, together with those of any competition in which the club may participate. Pay the £20 annual Club Membership Fee (excluding serving club staff) and the £2 session fee (all participants). CASUAL KICK ABOUT Every Thurs (Term Time Only) 2nd Oct 2014 to 26th Mar 2015 From 7.30pm to 8.30pm At Dyson Perrins CE Academy (Floodlit ATP) Yates Hay Road, Malvern, Worcs. WR14 1WD Contact: Steve Dallow, Senior Coach – Adults Football On 07758257071 Or Email: Recent Club Squad Fixtures & Results December 2014 For More Results, Fixtures, & Tables visit… As is often the case, December tends to see fewer games played as folk take time out to celebrate Christmas… and this year is no different! Added to this is the move by the MFJFL to remove competitive play at the lower ages up to U10's, which means that there are even fewer games to report upon this season. Our Division Two U13's County were sent crashing out of their respective MFJFL cup competition following a 3-0 defeat against higher graded Division One visitors, Oldbury Park Tigers Bengals. Despite a spirited performance, the County were unable to cause an upset, leaving L&BBFC with only one cup representative remaining across all ages this season… our U16's Rangers. Meanwhile, December proved a difficult month for our competing club sides with only one drawn game providing our sides with any points. This element of pride fell to our U12's Hornets who drew with neighbours, Newtown Sports Colts, 0-0, in what was a close encounter between two sides who are separated in the table by just one point, although the lower placed Hornets have two games in hand! Without any fixtures this month have been our U11's Orient and our U16's Rangers. Such has been the MFJFL fixture programme that the O's last played on 22 nd November and are not scheduled to play again until 10th January, 2015! The Gers' however, haven't played since 23rd November, 2014 and are next due to play on 3rd January, 2015. Dec-14 Badgers Squad Opponents Venue Result Competition 6th U11's Borough Newtown Sports Juniors H L 7-0 MFJFL 6th U12's Vale Kidderminster Athletic Saints H L 8-2 WFA CYDL 7th U12's Hornets Newtown Sports Colts A D 0-0 MFJFL 7th U13's County Westbury Celtic Wizards A L 4-0 MFJFL 13th U11's Borough Feckenham Village Boys A L 4-2 MFJFL 13th U12's Vale Meadow Park Youth H L 6-2 WFA CYDL 14th U13's County Oldbury Park Tigers Bengals H L 3-0 MFJFL Cup Rd 2 MFJFL - Mercian Festival Junior Football League MFJFL Cup - Mercian Festival Junior Football League Cup MFJFL DH - Games Were Played As MFJFL 'Double Headers' WFA CYDL - Worcestershire FA County Youth Development League WFA CVL - Worcestershire FA County Veterans League WFA Cup - Worcestershire FA County Cup The 'Blue Dragons' FA Cup Dream Ends In Record… Scunthorpe United 1 Vs Worcester City 1 A goal in the first minute of the second period from City striker, Daniel Nti (Green No 7 in the first picture) proved enough to earn his side a second bite of this FA Cup Round Two tie against League One side Scunthorpe United. The Blue Dragons were more than worth their share of the spoils and gave their travelling 2,236 army of fans a treat with a commanding second half performance that sent the 'Blue Dragon Army' back down the M1 motorway full of pride and relishing the rd fixture replay as well as knowing that their side would be in the 'hat' for the 3 round draw. Furthermore, the bumper replay gate receipts and TV revenues added a much needed cash injection to a club looking to build a new ground back in the city of their name! Who from L&BBFC can you spot in the crowd above? th Trailing to a Scunthorpe opener in the 36 minute, Worcester were a more inspired team after the break and at times the parttimers from the Conference North outplayed their full-time professional hosts from League One, prompting the 'Iron's' manager, Mark Robins (the former Man Utd player) to comment that the visitors were the better footballing side on the day! (Replay) Worcester City 1 Vs Scunthorpe United 1 (AET) A home sell out Aggborough crowd of 4,339 witnessed Worcester City again outshine their opponents, but alas, eventually fall nd in a record FA Cup 2 Round penalty shoot-out. Again trailing to a first half stoppage time Scunthorpe opener, the Blue Dragons hit th back with a 69 minute leveller from Sean Geddes (right) to send the 'City Faithful' into monumental rapture. Even 30 minutes of extra time failed to separate the sides, despite the home team having the edge, and so penalties were used to determine the outcome. Even then, it took 16 penalties from each side to finally see the League One visitors through with a 14-13 outcome, and with it bag £27k prize money and a shot in round three against fellow League One sides, either Chesterfield FC or MK Dons, at home. What a great performance from the City! Well done! The story this season… Worcester City 3 Vs Rugby Town 1; Leamington FC 1 Vs Worcester City 1; (replay) Worcester City 2 Vs Leamington FC 0; Worcester City 2 Vs Greenwich Borough 1; Coventry City 1 Vs Worcester City 2: Scunthorpe United 1 Vs Worcester City 1: (replay) Worcester City 1 Vs Scunthorpe United 1 (AET)… Scunthorpe won 14-13 on penalties! C'mon You Blue Dragons! Spotlight On Our… Our U13's County were initially formed as a shadow side to our now defunct Olympic squad at U10's age, debuting in the MFJFL at U11's age in the following season of 2012/13. At the helm since they were first formed has been the experienced due of Team Coach, Paul Burgess and Assistant Coach, Paul Weaver. Both of whom are FA qualified and have lads, Alfie and Danny, playing in the squad, also from the outset. This latest team photo was sent to us by Paul Burgess and shows the side posing in their newly acquired strip, courtesy of team sponsor Climate Control Solutions. Our thanks again go to parent Adam Jones of CCS for his generous support! Meanwhile, the players lined up as follows… back row (left to right): Korban Gardiner, Frank Wajzer, Alex Welch, Jack Sheen, Gianluca Carl, Danny Weaver, Alfie Burgess and Josh Jones. Front row (left to right): Ed Wajzer, John Hume, Rowan Blakely, Joe Owen, Nathan Bradley, Joe Grantham, and Billy Adams. The squad has improved immensely over the few years since being formed and last season notched their first ever competitive win. Currently playing in the MFJFL Division Two, so far this season, the County are continuing to improve and perhaps their most recent impressive performance came in a 4-4 draw against second in the table Westbury Celtic Wizards FC! So far, their only win of the season has been over current basement side, St John's Colts Reds FC, 3-0. Their league record to date reads… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OLDBURY PARK TIGERS SIBERIANS WESTBURY CELTIC WIZARDS WILDEN VILLAGE YOUTH WORCS LIONS COLTS WORCS LIONS RANGERS L & B BADGERS COUNTY ST JOHNS COLTS REDS P8, W8, D0, L0, Pts 24 P9, W5, D1, L3, Pts 16 P6, W4, D0, L2, Pts 12 P7, W3, D0, L4, Pts 9 P8, W2, D0, L6, Pts 6 P7, W1, D2, L4, Pts 5 P7, W1, D1, L5, Pts 4 To find out how the side has performed since being formed, visit the L&BBFC website – – and check out the Final Places link! To feature in our newsletter, website, and the local press, please send your photo to the Editor! Calling all Junior Football Leaders… Saturday 24th January 2015 Worcestershire FA is looking to support young leaders on their journey to leading and inspiring others by offering a Junior Football Leaders Course (JFL) This JFL course is available for those who are aged 14-16 and would like to be involved in volunteering within football. The course will be held on Saturday 24th January 2015, between 9am-3.30pm at KGV, Brickfields, Worcester, WR4 9TL and will last for 6 hours. During this time we will look to give young leaders the chance to experience various aspects that are involved with volunteering in football. N.B. There will be another course later in the year for younger volunteers! In order to obtain a certificate of completion, those who attend the JFL will need to volunteer for 4 hours at which time their certification will be signed off. This may be completed as part of the Football Futures Programme - another way to be rewarded for completing your voluntary hours! For more information on this please visit the WFA website. For more information on the course or to book your place please contact Martin Collier, Football Development Officer by email: Read more at Editor's Footnote: At L&BBFC we wholeheartedly support our JFL youngsters offering opportunity for them to develop their interests in other aspects of the game as well as being able to continue to play. We boast a fine record of supporting many club youngsters who have played for L&BBFC and have gone on to becoming fully qualified FA Level 1 and 2 coaches and FA Referees, as well as being recognised for their achievements at various sports awards. L&BBFC fully recognises the importance of getting our youngsters involved in all areas of football as the future of our club as well as the local game is very much reliant on their getting involved! To find out more about this… please see the Football Futures feature herein. Young Badgers Join In As… From the Battle Fields of Ypres (Belgium), 25th December 1914… The First World War was sparked by the shooting of Austria-Hungary heir Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914, with war officially declared a month later. It drew in all the world's major economic powers. The war ended at 11am on 11th November 1918 as an armistice was declared. More than 9 million combatants had died. Yet amidst this dreadful carnage perhaps the greatest ever 'international' football match took place… The pictures above and below shows British and German frontline troops having a friendly chat with each other during that famous Christmas Day Truce of 1914 on what were to become the killing fields of World War One. The exact details of the 'No Man’s Land' football played on December 25, 1914, are sketchy. Some say there was one game and the Germans won it 3-2 (no surprise there!) whilst others claim there was more than one game. Meanwhile there are other reports that there was just a general knockabout. However, what is not in dispute is that football during that brief moment united a common foe! The Premier League, the Football Association and the Football League have been remembering the First World War for most of the year. And over the weekends before Christmas, many matches were preceded by a photograph of teams joining together to remember the Christmas Truce. Also, the Premier League held its annual under-12 international tournament on a pitch that was laid in Ypres. The boys visited preserved trenches and war graves and lay wreaths at the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate… cont'd… They visited the grave of Jimmy Spiers, who scored the winner for Bradford City in the 1911 FA Cup Final and was killed in the Battle of Passchendaele in August, 1917. Just as those British and German soldiers came together on Christmas Day, 1914, so too did these youngsters. It’s so important that football remembers… and never forgets. …To the Playing Fields of Eckington (England), 13th December 2014! On Saturday 13th December, 2014 Leigh and Bransford Badger's Under 9s City and their MFJF League opponents, Eckington Juniors FC, took time at the end of their match to join in with the mass participation project of marking the centenary of the Christmas Day 1914 truce. Team Administrator, Simon Secretan said, 'In 1914, soldiers who met in no man’s land and played football took photos of one another, to celebrate the spirit of the truce. The 'Football Remembers' project has been supported by many grass roots junior football teams across the country, as well as those in the professional game. From the local FA all the way along to the top of the English game to include the Premier League, many have been acting in a similar way to our City squad in coming together for the sake of football, and commemorating this famous occasion with joint photographs.' He added, 'In an U9's MFJFL game at Eckington, played throughout with a truly friendly spirit that paid homage to those inspirational soldiers of 1914, the L&BBFC U9's City held on to secure a narrow 4-2 victory. The picture above was uploaded to Twitter with over 10,000 others from across the country using #FootballRemembers. It shows players from both Eckington Juniors FC (yellow shirts) and L&BBFC U9's City (stripes) posing for the camera after their MFJFL encounter.' Meanwhile, L&BBFC Chairman, Pat Lewis, said of this poignant gesture, 'Well done! We should never forget that moment! Once again it's something to show how sport, and in this case football, can bridge differences, however wide apart they may be!' MID-SEASON REVIEW – DECEMBER 2014 The second season of the Worcestershire FA County Youth Development League is in full swing as we now see a new group of Under 12 teams playing non-competitive, oneoff matches as part of their ‘league’ provision. Added to this, based on the feedback received from member clubs, last season’s Under 12s have made the step up to form a competitive league with a table at the Under 13 age group. Here is a review of the action so far! Under 12s: Nine teams make up the Under 12 division for the 2014/15 season, with four clubs entering the County Youth Development League for the first time; namely Blakedown Colts, Kidderminster Athletic, Kidderminster Harriers Development Centre and Leigh & Bransford Badgers. Whilst results are published on a weekly basis, it is hoped no record of a league table will allow players to develop without the added pressure of ‘needing a win to move above the opponents’ or similar. Based on the majority of feedback received during last season this was taken on board in a positive manner by players, coaches and club officials alike. Similarly to the 2013/14 season, the Under 12 division has seen a distinct unpredictability on a weekly basis. From Leigh & Bransford just losing out to a well-organised Blakedown Colts side by two goals to one; to Droitwich Spa, Kidderminster Athletic, Kidderminster Lions and Nunnery Wood all being unbeaten at home, there has been an abundance of good quality football played. Meadow Park put a poor run of results to an end when running out 6-2 winners against Leigh & Bransford. Goals have not been hard to come by for Kidderminster Harriers Development Centre, who have recorded a couple of big wins, including a 6-1 victory at Blakedown Colts who have since won at Meadow Park. Despite their three games before the Christmas break being postponed, Westbury Celtic have recorded positive performances against Blakedown, Droitwich and Meadow Park to name three. Under 13s: The 2014/15 season sees ten teams in the competitive Under 13 division, which has introduced a league table for the first time. Three new clubs have joined the league, these being Redditch United, Tewkesbury Town and Nunnery Wood (made up of a majority of the previous season’s Warndon Villages team). Despite the introduction of a published league table, the League Management Committee are keen to maintain the positive attitudes surrounding the 2013/14 season and the noncompetitive, one-off matches that teams completed. This was sure to be testing with the transition from 9v9 to the 11v11 format of football, as well as bigger pitch and goal sizes. Whilst there will always be some teams who gain more winning results than others, the County Youth Development League has once again shown how unpredictable Youth football can be when played in a positive environment. In line with the league vision (creating the best possible environment for young players to develop as footballers), despite sitting tenth at the turn of the year, Nunnery Wood Colts had gained a spirited draw against Worcester Colts, as well as only narrowly losing out against Redditch United, Kidderminster Lions Juniors and particularly Tewkesbury Town in an eight-goal thriller. th th West Hagley and Redditch United occupy 9 and 8 in the table respectively, with highlights to the start of West Hagley’s campaign including a 4-2 win over Tewkesbury Town, and only failing to score in two of their nine games. Redditch on the other hand have struggled to maintain consistency, but impressive performances in a narrow defeat to Kidderminster Lions plus a good victory against West Hagley mean that there is plenty to build on in the second half of the season. th th th Worcester Colts (7 ), Droitwich Spa (6 ) and Tewkesbury Town (5 ) have also struggled with consistency, but form a core body of the mid-table placings so far. Perhaps Colts’ best performance of the season was to hold early pacesetters Kidderminster Lions to a 1-1 draw at home, followed up with a win over West Hagley. Highlighting the competitive nature of the league we focus on another draw as Droitwich Spa travelled to leaders Meadow Park and deserved to come away with a hardfought 0-0 result. Tewkesbury on the other hand have gone goal crazy, finding the net in each of their 9 games so far, and clearly enjoy travelling to Worcester with wins over the Colts from both Worcester and Nunnery Wood. At the top of the table there are a group of four teams threatening to challenge for the title; Meadow Park (currently leading the way unbeaten, including a stunning six clean sheets in nine games), closely followed by Newtown Sports (winning eight of their nine games comfortably) the only blemish coming against Kidderminster Lions (3rd, failing to capitalise on inspiring victories over Droitwich Spa and Newtown Sports by drawing with Worcester Colts, Tewkesbury Town) plus losing out in the Lions th derby, with Kidderminster Lions Juniors (4 ) running out 4-3 winners in a cracker to keep them in the hunt for the title with a long way to go. Ollie Williams, Development Officer, WFA
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