Read the Current Aspire

Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church
30685 NW Scotch Church Road
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Church Office: 503-648-9573
Time-Dated Material
January, 2015
Tualatin Plains
Presbyterian Church
30685 NW Scotch Church Road
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Phone 503-648-9573
FAX 503-640-2561
Office: Tuesday—Friday, 9:00 AM—1:00 PM
Sunday School
Fellowship Hour
Youth Group
9:00 AM*
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM*
Choir Practice
7:00 PM*
See calendar for additional events.
(*summer hours may vary)
Life’s most persistent and
urgent question is,
“What are you doing
for others?”
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968
Tualatin Plains
Presbyterian Church
~ “old scotch” ~
January 2015 Newsletter
Hearing a Prophet
Lent begins this year on February 18, with Easter on April 5, so we have just six weeks between
Epiphany and Ash Wednesday. During the fall, the Adult Sunday School class studied some of the
prophetic traditions, so it seemed appropriate to take a look at one of the minor prophets, Micah.
Micah was active as a prophet to Judah, experiencing the fall of Samaria in 722 BCE and the
Invasion of Judah in 701 BCE. His tenure as a prophet came alongside that of Isaiah, Amos, and
Hosea. He spoke out for the LORD during the reigns of kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. In all,
Micah was an active prophet from 737-696 BCE.
Though the context of Micah's prophecy was focused on Jerusalem, we will hear his words and
themes in our own contexts and enter into the timeless prophetic word to serve the LORD beyond all
else. Like wisdom passed down over centuries, Micah speaks to our world today in more ways than
we would guess, beginning with what is likely the most memorized verse of Micah 6:8:
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
For your reading in preparation for Sundays, here are the texts and themes from Micah:
January 4
Luke 2:40-52
Forget all you know about Jesus as a boy
January 11
Micah 1:1-7
What We Worship; Communion Sunday
January 18
Micah 2:1-5
The Fruitful Life
January 25
Micah 3:1-7
What It Means to Lead
February 1
Micah 4:1-8
The Long Term Plan; Installation Sunday
February 8
Micah 6:1-8
How History Forms Us; Scout Sunday; Communion
February 15 Micah 7:14-20
Who Is Like God?
Annual Congregational Meeting
Finally, thank you for honoring the whole Bullis family with a Christmas card, notes, and gift from the
congregation. We are grateful to be in ministry with you as we walk the journey of faith together.
Grace and Peace,
Did you know the Aspire and weekly sermons are now available online?
You can access them at:
Youth News!
Come join the adventure!
What a fantastic year is has been for the Old Scotch youth group! God has been faithful by
providing us with a supportive congregation, diligent volunteer leaders, and a great group of
youth who have the desire to follow Jesus everyday. As we say goodbye to 2014, we take the
time to celebrate and welcome all the joys that 2015 has to offer.
The youth group ended the year together with a trip to Zoo Lights and our annual white
elephant gift exchange party. We also said goodbye to our volunteer leader, Chris Granat.
Chris has been a faithful volunteer leader, even before I came on staff. He has helped with
many aspects of the ministry, including leading worship at youth group. We appreciate his
volunteer commitment and the many gifts that God has given him as a leader. Please take the
time this month to thank him for his years of service to our youth.
On another note, we have finally figured out our plan for the 2015 youth mission trip this
summer! This year’s trip will provide two separate opportunities for our youth. Our middle
school youth will be teaming up with First Presbyterian Church for a local mission trip in the
Portland area. We will serve our community by volunteering at various organizations in the
area. This trip will take place on July 13 – 17. The high school youth will be teaming up with
Sierra Service Projects – a Christian non-profit organization that provides various mission
trip opportunities for youth. We will travel to Smith River, CA, to help with various
construction based service projects in the community. The date for this trip is set for June
28 – July 4. We are thrilled about these exciting opportunities for our youth!
Brian Gustafson
Upcoming Youth Events Events
Sky High Sports
Saturday, January 17, 3:00 – 5:00 PM. Cost: $10
And, don’t forget…
Youth Group meets at the church every Sunday, 6-7:30 PM, unless listed otherwise!
Mark Your Calendar!
Scout Sunday Is February 8!
Troop 873 is active and energetic in their work with boys and young men as Scouts. Each year, we
celebrate our partnership with this troop on Scout Sunday, where they provide ushering as a ministry
to our congregation. Session has voted to continue the tradition started last year by taking all of the
loose offering (cash) or designated checks for a special gift to our Scout troop, in support of them this year.
If you would like to plan to support our troop, February 8 will be that offering opportunity.
January Deadlines are EARLY THIS YEAR!
As you may know, our office administrator, Jeff Uecker, will be out of the country from the end of
January through early March. Rest assured, capable substitutes will be covering office business during
that time, but January deadlines will be a bit earlier than usual.
If you have information for the February Aspire or if you are turning in Annual Reports,
please submit them by Friday, January 9 at the latest.
Anyone who needs to beg or bribe for an extension can contact Jeff in the church office.
Women's Service Guild Meeting
This month’s meeting will be held the January 13, at 7 PM, at the home of Joan Johannes. We will focus on
preparations for the Annual Women's Retreat and the installation of new officers.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, February 15, following worship. Annual reports
will be presented. We will also review next year’s budget. Save the date!
Don’t Forget!
The Men’s Breakfast meets the first Saturday of each month at Elmer’s restaurant. Come join us for
conversation and a hearty meal. All men are welcome! For more information about Men’s Breakfast,
contact Bruce Waller or the church office.
The knitters meet most Thursdays at 7 PM, usually at Peggy Ploem’s home. Please check the
monthly Aspire calendar for any weeks they may not meet. If you are new to the group, call Peggy
to make sure of the location. All are welcome!
The last Sunday of each month is Cookie Sunday during Fellowship Hour. We invite you to bring
your favorite cookies or healthful snack to share.
Choir meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary to prepare for Sunday worship. All
who are interested in singing with us are welcome!
News of Our Church Family
Dear Friends,
Words of Appreciation
“Your kindness means the world to me.” What does a person say to so many special
people from my Old Scotch Church? God and I know you are the “Best.”
My love to you all.
Elaine Olsen
New Giving Opportunity!
Our church has registered to be a charity with Amazon, which yields us .5% of every purchase you make, at
no cost to you. To use this charity option, please shop at instead of at
Your regular Amazon account will apply, and the prices are exactly the same. For the first time you shop,
select the link “Your Account” and then the “Choose your Charity” link. Search for our church under “Tualatin
Plains Presbyterian Church.” Once our church is selected, we simply receive a quarterly check from all the
purchases of our members who use this site! Please remember us during your Christmas shopping!
January 24 & 25, 2015
Tilikum Retreat Center
Led by Kristen Hamilton-Sutherland
It’s time once again for the Old Scotch Church Women’s Retreat. We would like to invite all women to join us for this
popular event. This is a great time to make new friends, strengthen old friendships, and study God’s word together.
Please come for the day or stay over night both options are great. We look forward to having you join us!
We are excited to have Kristen Hamilton-Sutherland as our retreat leader.
Come join us for a time of connecting with our God and one another. Whether you are feeling burdened by or excited
about life, join us at the feet of our Savior. We will spend time studying scripture, eating great food (with no dishes to
clean), and fellowship with other women of God.
Dietary Needs: If you have dietary needs you must fill a new Medical Diet Request form and turn it in to the office no
later than Sunday, January 11 at 11:30 AM. They say they can not make accommodations if they do not have the
forms on time. Please contact Heather to request your form. Or, you may pick one up in the church office.
Sponsorship: One of our missions is to provide opportunities to attend the Women's Retreat regardless of
finances. Sponsorships are kept confidential so please let us know if you want to attend and need a partial or full
To register, please fill out the form below and return it with your payment to the church office by Sunday, January 11.
Registration form
Name _________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________
Enclosed is:
______ $90 (lodging and 3 meals)
______ $40 (2 Saturday meals-no overnight)
______ I am interested in a spnosorship (or call us)
______ I have special dietary needs. (please explain below)
(Cooks must have this information no later than Sunday, January 11 to accommodate your needs.)
______ I would be willing to drive. I can take up to _____ passengers.
______ I would like to carpool. I live in: ____________________
Registrations and checks are due in the church office by Sunday, January 11, 2015.
For more information, contact Heather McConnell
Adult Sunday School
January 4 and 11, the Adult class will finish our Advent devotional, Watch for the Light, with devotions written
clear up to epiphany. Then they will study passages in Genesis that aren't preached on or discussed by the
church much. This will continue until Lent starts in February. Come to see what you're missing!
Warm Clothes Donations
We are collecting donations of warm clothes and coats for the homeless. Donations go to Sonrise
Church's winter homeless program. Please put donations in the box in the Fellowship Hall by the
elevator. If you have questions , please contact Joan Johannes. Thank you.
Budget News
We were doing an excellent job staying on track with our budget through the month of September. In October
we had a drop in income compared to budget. In November—as can be seen by the below report—we were
behind in income by $19,000.00. It looks like our December giving is high (as expected) and our total
expenses are lower than budgeted. I anticipate we will end the year with a total negative variance to the
budget of $4,000.00. In 2015, we’ll work to be even farther ahead through 3 rd quarter so that we have a
positive variance at the end of 2015.
Thank you for your continued support! Terri Browning, Business and Finance Elder
Reminders in Our Service to God
JANUARY 11 — Peggy McShane, Lois Sterenberg, Russ Sterenberg, Bruce Waller
Alternate Coordinator, Elmer Mays
January 4
Ellen Vanasche and Pete Dunn
January 11 Ann Simmons and Sue Moore
January 18 Elmer and Harriet Mays
January 25 Duane and Sandy Zieman
Alternate Coordinator, Judi Eckersley
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
McFadden Family
Bill and Judi Eckersley
Browning Family
Church Staff
Rev. Tracie Bullis
Children and Youth
Ministry Coordinator
Office Administrator
Choir Director
Session Leadership
Clerk of Session
Matthew Metz
Business Administration
& Finance
Terri Browning
Chris Macfarlane
Worship and Music
Fara Laners
Christian Education
Mike Charles
David Bratton
Outreach & Membership Sue Weinbender
Building & Grounds
Jean Moseley
Peggy Ploem
Brian Gustafson
Jeffry Uecker
Katherine Kinnear
Maurine Granat
Meredith Bach, Judy Charles
K.K. Friar, Kevin Upton
Wedding Hostess
Robi Knox
Kelsey Brown
Haley Knox
Yvonne Arnoldi • Fred Dolsen • Sue Foster • Joan Johannes • Debera Knox • Dolores Fay Laners
Cheryl McFadden • Peggy McShane • Ann Simmons • Nora Stevens • Cindy Uecker
Our Cemetery
Fall 2014 Interments & Inurnments
Robert Louis Alfano — March 29, 1929 - November 19, 2011
Carolyn Blanche Bills — October 19, 1932 - February 8, 2014
Janice Marie Caldwell — December 20, 1941 - October 10, 2014
Max Bruce Hiatt — November 22, 1922 - August 18, 2014
Holder Jones — January 19, 1915 - December 12, 2014
Herbert Frank Jorgensen — February 10, 1933 - June 24, 2014
Patricia Ann Moss — September 18, 1945 - August 13, 2014
Hazel Theresa Riswick — March 15, 1908 - December 28, 1998
Robert Ernest Zurcher — May 17, 1929 - October 11, 2014
Regular, 4’x10’ lot
$1200 (double-depth burial allowed in unoccupied lot)
Infant section, 4’x7’ lot
Cremation, 2’x2’ lot
(*These prices do not include opening of grave or fabrication and installation of marker. A $150 charge for recordkeeping is imposed for each interment.)
Top row
Middle Row
Bottom Row
(**Additional inurnment and shutter fees apply. Additional record-keeping fee of $150 for each inurnment.)
For more information about cemetery policies, please contact the church office or go to:
On a Lighter Note
18—2nd Sunday after Epiphany
February Aspire
Submissions Due
This Month at Old Scotch—January 2015
7 PM - Knitters
7 PM - Knitters
4—2nd Sunday after Christmas Day
7 PM - Choir
7 PM Worship
7 PM - Knitters
7 PM - Scouts
11 AM - Staff
7 PM - Choir
9 AM - Sunday School
10 AM - Worship
11 AM - Fellowship Hour
11:15 AM - Joy & Youth Choirs
6 PM - Youth Group
7 PM - Knitters
7 PM - Choir
7 PM - Knitters
7 PM - Scouts
7 PM - Choir
7 PM - Scouts
11—Baptism of the Lord
9 AM - Sunday School
10 AM - Worship
11 AM - Fellowship Hour
11:15 AM - Joy & Youth Choirs
11:15 AM - Building & Grounds
6 PM - Youth Group
7 PM - Session
7 PM - Scouts
9 AM - Sunday School
10 AM - Worship
11 AM - Fellowship Hour
11:15 AM - Joy & Youth Choirs
6 PM - Youth Group
25—3rd Sunday after Epiphany
9 AM - Sunday School
10 AM - Worship
11 AM - Fellowship Hour
6 PM - Youth Group
Women’s Retreat at Tilikum
8 AM - Men’s Breakfast
@ Elmer’s Restaurant
9:30 AM - Deacons
Women’s Retreat
at Tilikum
3-5 PM - Youth @