Skagit Valley and Archdiocesan News

Skagit Valley and Archdiocesan News
Welcome… Immaculate Conception Church, Mount Vernon; Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Sedro-Woolley; and Saint Catherine Mission
Church, Concrete. We are two individual parishes and one mission church ministered to by our Pastor, Fr. Martin Bourke, with the
assistance of Parochial Vicar, Fr. Emilio Gonzalez. In addition to sharing clergy, the churches share Pastoral Assistant for Finance,
Jamie Cline ( or 360-391-7003). Fr. Martin and Jamie have their offices at the Immaculate Conception Parish
Center located at 215 N. 15th St. in Mount Vernon, Fr. Emilio’s office is at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish located at 719 Ferry St.,
If you are new to the area, we invite you to register. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of each church.
If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at the numbers or emails listed on the cover of this bulletin.
Baptism of Our Lord
January 11, 2015
Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The U. S. bishops pastoral on stewardship reminds us that
Baptism gives all of His disciples a share in His priestly work and calls them “to offer up the world and all
that is in it—especially themselves—to the Lord of all.”
From the Pastor’s Desk:
—As the Catholic Church prepares to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations is promoting “Days with Religious” initiatives
and resources to help families learn about the consecrated life of religious men and women. Activities will focus on sharing experiences of prayer, service and community life with those living a consecrated life.
“Our brothers and sisters in Christ living consecrated lives make great contributions to our society through a vast number
of ministries,” said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of USCCB. “They teach in our
schools, take care of the poor and the sick and bring compassion and the love of Christ to those shunned by society; others lead lives of prayer in contemplation for the world.”
Pope Francis proclaimed 2015 a Year of Consecrated Life, starting on the First Sunday of Advent, the weekend of November 29, 2014, and ending on February 2, 2016, the World Day of Consecrated life. The year also marks the 50th anniversary of Perfectae Caritatis, a decree on religious life, and Lumen Gentium, the Second Vatican Council’s constitution on the Church. Its purpose, as stated by the Vatican is to “make a grateful remembrance of the recent past” while
embracing “the future with hope.”
“The ‘Days with Religious’ activities will represent great opportunities for families and adults to look at the many ways
men and women serve Christ and the Church while answering the call to live in consecrated life,” said Bishop Michael
F. Burbidge of Raleigh, North Carolina, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations.
Catholics are invited to join activities that will be promoted in collaboration with the Council of Major Superiors of
Women Religious, (CMSWR), the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the Conference of Major
Superiors of Men (CMSM).
The 3rd annual dinner dance sponsored by the Capital Campaign Committee will be on Saturday,
February 14, from 6:00-10:00 p.m. This year we will be celebrating Mardi Gras since Lent begins the following Wednesday, February 18. We will serve salad, spaghetti with marinara sauce or
spaghetti and meatballs, bread and dessert with a cash bar. Advance tickets are $20 and a limited
number of tickets will be available at the door for $25 each. This year we will have a special raffle item but you must be present to win. Once again we will have “Mike in the Morning” as our
DJ. All churches are invited. Tickets are available at the Immaculate Conception office or contact
Leslie at 848-8707.
Happy New Year. Here are some important dates for the month of January.
January 12, 5:00-8:00 p.m. - ICRS is hosting Called to Protect for Ministries. Register online
Catholic Schools Week begins Satur day, January 24. The school's Liturgical Choir will
sing at Immaculate Conception Church at 5:00 p.m. Mass. The calendar of events are as
Monday, January 26 - Parent Appreciation Day. Parents eat lunch with their students.
Tuesday, January 27 - Adoration at 10:30 a.m. to Thank God for all He has given us. Student Council thanks local
police and fire fighters.
Wednesday, January 28 - Staff Appreciation Day
Thursday, January 29 - Senior Appreciation Day - Mass at 10:30 a.m. followed by lunch. Seniors are invited.
Please call the school to RSVP at 428-3912.
Friday, January 30 - Student Appreciation Day - Assembly and free dress.
Sunday, February 1 - PTO Pancake Breakfast at St. Joseph Center - ALL ARE INVITED.
Farewell Pipe Organ Concert
Immaculate Conception Church will present a special concert on Wednesday, January 14, at
7:00 p.m. in the parish church at 5th and Division streets in Mount Vernon.
This final concert will give everyone an opportunity to hear the pipe organ in the present building environment before it is dismantled and moved to the new church building on 15 th Street.
John Milas, organ student at Westminster College Choir College of Rider University, Princeton, NJ, will be the featured
organist. John, a graduate of Skagit Valley College, began playing the 10 rank Wicks Pipe Organ as a young teenager
and was one of the organists at Immaculate until he moved to New Jersey to continue his organ studies.
The organ was designed and installed in 1979 by the late Charles W. Allen of Seattle. It was custom built by the Wicks
Organ Company of Highland, Illinois.
The community is invited to attend this organ concert. A free-will offering will be taken to help with the cost of moving
the instrument to the new building.
Tour “The Other Holy Land”
July 25-August 6, 2015
Fr. Jim Dalton and Proximo Travel invite you to join them for an “all inclusive” tour of Ireland and a short visit to
Scotland. Daily Mass will be celebrated. Highlights include: Our Lady of the Knock Shrine, Galway, Killarney, Cork,
The Blarney Castle, Dublin, Edinburgh Castle and maybe even a round of golf at St. Andrew’s and more famous sites.
To register, contact (855)842-8001 or (508) 340-9370 for Fr. Jim (425)3-14-1334. There are a few brochures at each
entrance and a notice on the bulletin board.
Living in Love Marriage Retreat
January 17-18
St. Thomas More, Lynnwood
Please treat yourselves to this extraordinary experience for the sake of your community, yourselves, and
your children. Living in Love is a mini retreat workshop designed for married couples to energize the romance and renew the excitement of being in love.
Time Table: Sat 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Sun 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $135 per couple. Includes all materials, refreshments, and a romantic Saturday evening meal.
Full payment is required to secure your reservation (fully refundable or transferable). Do not let finances
stop you from coming. In special circumstances, we will discount or waive the fee.
Accommodations: The retreat will be held in the Renggli Room in Dalton Hall, 6511 176th St. SW,
Lynnwood, WA. Couples sleep at home. Saturday night dinner is provided but we ask that you bring a sack
lunch both days and a snack to share.
Immaculate Conception Parish, Mount Vernon Website:
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 1-877-8DEPAUL (1-877-833-7285)
The New Church: By this time, the r oof
sheathing and the composite (asphalt) roof will
be finished and some of the new windows have
been installed in the towers and entryway so that
the interior can be dried out. Also, the concrete
veneer walls have been poured and the bricks are
going up. The cornerstone from the old church
was removed on Monday, January 5th, and it and
a new cornerstone will be installed in the towers.
The tower domes are to be assembled at Janicki
and will be installed in late January. Permanent
power has been installed. The existing tabernacle
was removed so we could measure it for marble cladding and
inserting it into the new church. Remember, closed circuit TV
cameras help deter criminals, but do not prevent all theft.
You can still order your brick from the Parish Office by filling
out a form and bringing a check, credit card or even cash! All
brick orders need to be in by mid February, since it takes
time to engrave the bricks. Installation is scheduled for mid
Landscaping/Irrigation: We now have two and possibly
three truckloads of chips. We need help spreading them on our
excavated areas. Let’s meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday, January
17th, to spread them. Bring shovels, wheelbarrows and
brooms. We will try to get this done the week before. if possible. Also, we need to keep an eye on the plastic sheeting covering our dirt piles. We have had to move the sand bags three
times to keep it from blowing away.
Meetings: The Building Committee met J anuar y 5th and discussed ordering stone for the altar, ambo, tabernacle and it’s
stand. We have a donor for the St. Joseph statue from Italy and
we have transported the corpus from the Cabrini crucifix to Seattle for restoration. The Capital Campaign Committee met on
January 7th and planned for the Mardi Gras fundraiser, the golf
tournament and other fundraising projects. As always, all committee meetings are open to everyone in the parish and we are
always looking for new ideas.
Tom Ozretich chair of the New Church Building Committee
424-8466 or Cell 206-330-6129
Start the new year out right by going to our ladies lunch. Lunch
is at 1:15 p.m. at RoundTable Pizza on Wednesday, January 21.
Every Life Is A Gift
Take the bus to Olympia on January 20 for the
annual event that shows the legislators in Olympia our support for pro-life issues. A donation of
$10 per person or $25 per family will reserve your spot. The bus
leaves IHM Church in Sedro-Woolley at 8:00 a.m. and stops at
Emmanuel Baptist Church on College Way at 8:30 a.m. and
will return at approximately 5:00 p.m. Bring your lunch, snacks
and water (no other drinks allowed on the bus). To reserve your
seat, contact Doug Dahl at 360-428-2734.
Calendar of Events
Sunday, January 11
10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Faith Formation, All rooms
Monday, January 12
Nothing scheduled for English speaking community
Tuesday, January 13
9:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Principal’s Meeting, Conference
10:00 a.m. Scripture Discussion Group, Meeting
5:30 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul, Library
Wednesday, January 14
12:00 p.m. Rosary Makers, Library
7:00 p.m. Organ Concert, Church
7:00 p. m. Knights of Columbus, Basement CR
Thursday, January 15
8:15 a.m. SacraMentors, Meeting Room
10:00 a.m. Closed Construction Meeting, Trailer
4:00 p.m. Finance Council, Conference Room
5:15-8:00 p.m. RAC/Finance, Conference Room
7:00 p.m. RCIA, Living Room
Friday, January 16
Nothing scheduled for English speaking community
Saturday, January 17
Nothing scheduled for English speaking community
Sunday, January 18
10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Faith Formation, All rooms
Most meeting rooms are located in the Parish Center
at 215 N 15th Street unless otherwise noted. Call
336-6622 to reserve a site.
Status of Parish Finances
July-October Income
$ 132,432
July-October Expenses
$ 163,239
Net Operating Loss
$ (30,807)
Weekly Information
Weekly Goal
Weekly Collection 01/03-01/04 $
Thank you for your continued support!
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Sedro-Woolley
Send bulletin info to
Save the date for the March for Life event on Tuesday,
January 20th. A donation of $10 per person or $25 per
family will reserve your spot on the bus. The bus
leaves IHM at 8:00 a.m. and will return at approximately at 5 p.m. Bring your lunch, snacks, and water.
(Sorry, no drinks allowed on the bus.) To reserve your
seat, please call Mary Johnson (856-6561) or Doug
Dahl (428-2734). Show your support for the unborn.
The St. Martin de Porres Men’s Clothing Collection
continues through January 18th. A collection box is in
the vestibule of the church. Needed are men’s warm
winter clothing as well as the following items from the
shelter’s “Wish List”: caps, sweat shirts, pants and
jeans, bathrobes, underwear, deodorant, disposable
razors, flip flops/shower shoes, travel-sized toiletries
(soap, shampoo, toothpaste, shaving cream), bath
towels, belts, reading glasses, ear plugs, etc.
St. Martin de Porres is a Catholic homeless shelter for
men over 50. They provide beds for over 200 men
each night as well as many meals. The
shelter is located in South Seattle near
the waterfront. They are always grateful
for our generosity.
Weekday Mass Wednesday-Friday 9:00 a.m.
Jan. 14th:
Jan. 15th:
Jan. 16th:
Jan 17th:
In thanksgiving for favors received through
the intercession of Mary
Intentions of Byron Klepper
Repose of the soul of Danica Herak
Repose of the soul of Maureen Bell
Confessions: After 9:00 a.m. Mass on Fridays and
Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m.
The Rosary is prayed after the 9:00 a.m. Mass on
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you for all of the beautiful cards and
goodies that were sent to the church office
and to the priests! We are grateful for the
Christmas greetings.
Weekly budgeted amount needed:
Weekly donations for last 2 weeks:
Amount over our goal:
Thank you for your support!
Saint Catherine’s Mission, Concrete
By Philip Moran
Eucharist Minister - Eileen Renner
January 10 - Jan Brovan
January 17 & 24 David Lang
January 31 Yvonne Eagleburger
Church housekeeping: Langs
COFFEE SATURDAY: Join us after Mass this
morning for our monthly social. Your hosts today
- Yvonne Eagleburger and Nancy Joy.
2015 CALENDARS: Thanks to Lemley Chapel for
again providing the Catholic Extension calendar. The calendar highlights the Feast Days
and Saints. The society provided funds for the
construction of St. Catherine Mission over 100
years ago.
RIP: Father Robert Tompkins who served
at Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Catherine's Mission died December 21,
2014. He entered religious life as an Irish
Christian Brother and served in this capacity for
27 years - including O'Dea High School in Seattle
- his alma mater. In 1988 at the age of 54 he was
ordained a Priest. He retired in 2010. A funeral
Mass was held December 29th at his home parish
of Holy Rosary in West Seattle. May he rest in
you have articles for the drive but were unable to
bring them with you today.
Weekly donations:
Please remember the Church and school in your will.
Comunidad Hispana del Valle de Skagit
El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
11 De Enero del 2015
Hoy celebramos el Bautismo del Señor. La pastoral de los obispos estadounidenses sobre la Administración de
Nuestro Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro como Bienes de Dios nos recuerda que el Bautismo da a todos Sus discípulos una parte de Su trabajo sacerdotal y los convoca a “ ofrecer el mundo y todo lo que hay en el—especialmente
a si mismos– -al Señor de todo.”
Desde el escritorio del Pastor:
Como la Iglesia católica se prepara para celebrar el Año de la Vida Consagrada, la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB) Comisión de Clero, la Vida Consagrada y las Vocaciones, están promoviendo "Días con religiosos" iniciativas y recursos para ayudar a las familias a aprender acerca de la vida consagrada de los religiosos y religiosas. Las actividades se centrarán en el intercambio de experiencias de oración, el servicio y la vida comunitaria con los que viven una vida consagrada.
"Nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo con vidas consagradas hacen grandes contribuciones a nuestra
sociedad a través de un gran número de ministerios", dijo el arzobispo Joseph E. Kurtz de Louisville, Kentucky, presidente de la USCCB. "Ellos enseñan en nuestras escuelas, cuidan de los pobres y los enfermos y llevan la compasión y el amor de Cristo a los rechazados por la sociedad; otros llevan una vida de oración por el
mundo mediante la contemplación.”
El Papa Francisco proclamó 2015 como Año de la Vida Consagrada, a partir del primer domingo de Adviento,
el fin de semana del 29 de noviembre de 2014, y terminando el 2 de febrero de 2016, la Jornada Mundial de la
Vida Consagrada. En este año también se conmemora el 50 aniversario de la Perfectae Caritatis, un decreto
sobre la vida religiosa, y Lumen Gentium, Constitución del Concilio Vaticano II sobre la Iglesia. Su propósito,
según lo declarado por el Vaticano es "hacer un recuerdo agradecido del pasado reciente" mientras abraza "el
futuro con esperanza."
"Las actividades de los 'días con religiosos' representarán grandes oportunidades para las familias y los adultos a mirar las muchas formas en que hombres y mujeres sirven a Cristo ya la Iglesia mientras que contestan
el llamado a vivir en la vida consagrada", dijo el Obispo Michael F. Burbidge de Raleigh, Carolina del Norte,
presidente del Comité de Obispos para el Clero, la Vida Consagrada y las Vocaciones.
Los católicos están invitados a unirse a las actividades que se promueven en colaboración con el Consejo de
Superiores Mayores de Mujeres Religiosas, (CMSWR), la Conferencia de Liderazgo de Mujeres Religiosas
(LCWR) y la Conferencia de Superiores Mayores de Hombres (CMSM).
Padre Martin Bourke
Recordemos siempre incluir en nuestras
oraciones las intenciones de
nuestro Papa Francisco, este
mes de Enero las intenciones
'Para que quienes pertenecen a
tradiciones religiosas diversas y
todos los hombres de buena voluntad colaboren en la promoción de la
La colecta anual de San Martín de Porres de ropa de
invierno para hombres se iniciará el 3 de enero. Las
cajas estarán en las entradas de las
iglesias. Necesitamos ropa de invierno,
calcetines, ropa interior y artículos de
tocador. Este refugio Católico para
desamparados en Seattle es para hombres mayores de 50 años. Se proporciona cama y comida a más de 100 hombres cada noche. Hemos estado haciendo esta colección durante los últimos 17 años.
Favor de recordar a la Iglesia y la Escuela Católica en su testamento.
Comunidad Hispana del Valle de Skagit
El grupo de oración Jesús Divina Misericordia y la Iglesia Inmaculada
Concepción te Invita a un Retiro Matrimonial:
“Parejas sanas en el amor de Jesús”
No apagarán el amor, ni lo ahogarán océanos ni ríos.
(Cantares 8,7)
Nos acompañara en la predicación desde Mexicali: El Sacerdote Ricardo Campos
Los días 23-25 de Enero del 2015
Viernes 23: Apertura con Santa misa a las 6:30pm
Sábado 24: de 8;30am— 4:30, cerrando con Hora Santa
Domingo 25: 8;30am– 3:00pm, Cerrando con Santa Misa.
Alabanza: Coro Emaús de Bellevue
En el Centro San José
215 North 15 St, Mount Vernon, WA. 98273
Contaremos con evangelización para niños de 4-8 años
Para mayores informes comuníquese por favor con
Antonio Velasco al 360-854-8873 o Fidel García al 360– 421-4371
O visita nuestra pagina de Internet
Favor de recordar a la Iglesia y la Escuela Católica en su testamento.
Comunidad Hispana del Valle de Skagit
Feliz Año Nuevo. Estas son algunas fechas importantes para el mes de enero.
12 de Enero, de 5: 00-8: 00 PM - ICRS ofrece la clase (en inglés) de “Llamado para Proteger”
todos los Ministerios por favor de Registrarse en línea (
La Semana de Escuelas Católicas comienza Sábado, 24 de enero. El coro Litúrgico de la escuela cantará en la Misa de la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción a las 5:00.
El calendario de eventos es el siguiente:
Lunes, 26 de enero - Día de Agradecimiento a los Padres. Los padres comen el almuerzo con
sus estudiantes.
Martes, 27 de enero - Adoración a las 10:30 para agradecer a Dios por todo lo que nos ha dado. Agradecimientos al Consejo de Estudiantes, a la policía local y a los bomberos.
Miércoles, 28 de enero - Día de Apr eciación al Per sonal
Jueves, 29 de enero - Día de Agr adecimiento a la Ter cer a Edad - Misa a las 10:30, seguido de un almuerzo. Se invita a todos nuestros feligreses y amistades de la tercera edad. Por favor llame a la escuela para confirmar su asistencia, al
Viernes, 30 de enero - Día de apreciación al Estudiante – asamblea, y vestidura libre.
Domingo, 1 de febrero – Desayuno de pancakes de la mesa directiva de padres de familia, en el centro San José Todos están invitados
Rincón de Raquel
Sanar las Heridas del Aborto Provocado
Si una historia de abuso sexual ha existido antes
del aborto, la mujer probablemente experimente el
aborto simplemente como una continuación de las
violaciones en si misma que fueron hechas antes.
Después del aborto, así como después de los episodios de abuso sexual, ella tiene que prepararse
para esconder su vergüenza, culpa, desesperación, y pena atrás de una mascara pintada de normalidad.
Nosotros podemos ayudarle. Sanación y esperanza le espera en un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™.
Los esperamos todos los viernes en el grupo El retiro confidencial en español se llevará a cabo:
de Oración Carismática Jesús Divina
abril del 2015
Para mayor información, deje un mensaje
Misericordia, venga a alabar, ha orar, a
confidencial: Marisela 206.450.7814
rezar el Santo Rosario, cada semana
¡Con amor eterno te he amado!
tenemos noches de oración, y de
El Proyecto Raquel es un programa de la agencia
Enseñanzas, a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia de la
de Catholic Community Services.
Inmaculada Concepción y los martes a las
7:00 pm en las oficinas parroquiales,
tenemos los crecimientos espirituales y
también charlas espirituales para
matrimonios... los esperamos!! Recuerda
visitar la pagina de internet:
Favor de recordar a la Iglesia y la Escuela Católica en su testamento.
Noticias de la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción ...Continua
Nueva iglesia: Ya par a este tiempo, el r evestimiento del techo y el
compuesto de asfalto debe ya estar terminado y algunas de las nuevas
ventanas se habrán instalado en las torres y la puerta de entrada para el
interior se podrá secar. Además, las paredes de chapa de concreto se
han derramado y los ladrillos se están ya instalando. La piedra angular
de la antigua iglesia se retiró el lunes 5 de enero. Y esta y una nueva
piedra angular serán instaladas en las torres. Las cúpulas de las torres
serán ensambladas en Janicki y se instalarán a finales de enero. La energía permanente ya ha sido instalada. El tabernáculo existente fue removido para que pudiéramos medirlo para el revestimiento de mármol e
insertarlo en la nueva iglesia.
Recuerde, que las cámaras de tv de circuito cerrado ayudan a disuadir a los delincuentes, pero no impiden todos los
Usted todavía puede pedir su ladrillo en la Oficina Parroquial llenando un formulario y trayendo el pago ya sea en un
cheque, tarjeta de crédito o incluso dinero en efectivo! Todas las órdenes tienen que estar hechas a más tardar mediados
de febrero, puesto que se necesita tiempo para grabar los ladrillos. La instalación está prevista para mediados de marzo!
Jardinería e irrigación: Ahor a tenemos dos y posiblemente tr es camiones car gados de vir utas de mader a. Necesitamos ayuda para vaciarlas en nuestras áreas excavadas. Vamos a reunirnos a las 10 am el sábado 17 de enero. Traiga
palas, carretillas y escobas. Vamos a tratar de hacer esto la semana anterior. Si es posible. Además, tenemos que mantener un ojo en las láminas de plástico que cubren nuestros montones de tierra. Hemos tenido que mover los sacos de arena
tres veces para que no se vuelen.
Reuniones: El Comité de Constr ucción se r eunier on el lunes 5 de ener o y discutier on sobr e la piedr a de par a el
altar, ambón, tabernáculo. Tenemos un donante para la estatua de San José, de Italia y tenemos que transportar el corpus
del Caprini crucifix a Seattle para la restauración. El comité de Campaña de Capital se reunió el 7 de enero y se planeó
la recaudación de fondos Mardi Gras en 14 de febrero - el sábado antes de la Cuaresma, el torneo de golf y el próximo
festival de la parroquia. Como siempre, todas las reuniones del comité están abiertas a todos los miembros de la parroquia y siempre están buscando nuevas ideas.
Tom Ozretich, Presidente del Comité de Creación de nueva iglesia 424-8466 o Celular 206-330-6129
SOBRES de mayordomía del 2015
Como medida de ahorro, los sobres de mayordomía para el 2015 se enviarán por correo a su casa cada dos meses. Usted debe de
recibir sus sobres de enero a finales de este
mes. Si solicitó sobres mensuales, recibirá paquetes semanales, ya que no contamos con suficientes feligreses
para poder obtener un descuento en esta categoría.
Todos los miércoles a las 7:00 p.m., en el
sótano de la parroquia. Si usted o un familiar se encuentra enfermo, y siente la
necesidad de recibir la Eucaristía, el grupo de La Legión de María le asiste en
estas circunstancias. Si necesita de alguien
para hacer Rosarios, novenas , también
este grupo le puede asistir , es necesario
avisar con un día de anticipación. Para
contactar favor de comunicarse y dejar
mensaje con:
Regli Wilson: 360-336-6622;
Rosalva Corona: 360-540-4740.
Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento
Que mejor manera de empezar el año
que venir a visitar al Rey de Reyes,
todos los jueves a partir de las 5:00
pm, con oraciones en silencio y a las
6:00pm, el rezo del Santo Rosario, no
dejes pasar esta gran bendición, seguido dela Santa Misa a las 7:00pm
Estado de las Finanzas Parroquiales
Ingresos Actuales Julio-Octubre $ 132,432
Gastos de Julio-Octubre
$ 163,239
$ ( 30,807)
Información semanal
Meta Semanal
$ 7,827
Colecta semanal 1/3-1/4
$ 6,198
Gracias por su continuo apoyo
Favor de recordar a la Iglesia y a la Escuela Católica en su testamento.