
17th international congress and exhibition for
customer service, communication and call centre business
Dialogue at eye level
❯ New service economy
KEYNOTES including:
The customer as “prosumer”
Christina Gänzler
Robert Bosch GmbH
❯ Using big data intelligently
Optimisation of the conversion rate in the contact centre
Dean Polic
Mammut Sports
Group GmbH
❯ From call centre to omni-channel centre
New paths to the customer
❯ Customer service that creates trust
Antje Karsch
❯ Customer touchpoints
Martin Sachse
Deutschland GmbH
Sustaining customer loyalty and enthusiasm
360 degree service
❯ Low budget dialogue
How much does good service cost?
Simultaneous English
Translation for our
international guests!
Anne Schüller
Touchpoint expert:
Meeting the needs of
our customers
Innovation Day
23rdFebruary 2015
Congress 24th – 25th February
Workshop Day 26 February 2015
Exhibition 24th – 26th
Estrel Convention Centre
Cooperation partners:
Welcome to the 17th CCW
Participant profile
Don’t miss the leading European event for the customer service
and call centre industry in Berlin from 23rd to 26th February 2015.
Share business ideas and industry expertise in an international
• C ongress: Best practice ideas from more than 50 speakers
Exhibition: More than 250 exhibitors from over 15 countries
demonstrate a huge range of products and services
Networking: Superb opportunity to establish and maintain
international high level contacts
Attend the congress as a delegate or present your own
products and services in our exhibition area.
We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!
Sylke Doerr
Head of Exhibition
+49 6196 4722-662
On e time
Susanne Klinger
Congress Manager
+49 6196 4722-654
Enthusiastic comments about CCW 2014:
“Rousing and motivating, a dialogue with like-minded individuals.”
M. Werner, ESET Deutschland GmbH
“It is always exciting to find out more about the trends in the
U. Christen, UBS AG, Zurich
“...inspiring and great for networking opportunities!”
J. Wiek, Autostadt GmbH
“Another successful event! Many interesting conversations, very good talks.”
H. Osterkamp, Maincom Telemarketing Services GmbH
The agenda at a glance
Innovation Day
Monday, 23rd February 2015
Fit for the future: Smart ideas for innovative customer service
from 8:30 registration and welcome
9:15 – 18:15 Experience up close the innovative use of technologies and methods!
With live viewing!
Deutsche Bank
Real-time communication: From email to chat
Dialogue in the virtual contact centre
What does our voice reveal about us – smart voice recognition on the telephone
1st Congress Day
Tuesday, 24th February 2015
From call centre to omni-channel centre: New paths to the customer
from 8:30 Registration and welcome
Simultaneous translation into English
9:30 Opening of CCW 2015
9:40 Pioneering: Customer care – how do we reach the customers of tomorrow?
11:00 Coffee and networking break
12:30 Business lunch (buffet from 1:30 – 2:00 pm)
15:00 Social media and content marketing: Integrated strategies for new dimensions of communication
16:30 Coffee and networking break
CAt award ceremony for the Call Centre Manager of the Year – from 17:45
2nd Congress Day
Wednesday, 25th February 2015
Positioning – managing – shaping: Moving your contact centre towards your goals
from 9:00 Introduction to the 2nd congress day
9:15 Change management: Developing companies and employees for the future
10:45 Coffee and networking break
11:15 Customer experience management: Service that inspires
13:00 Business lunch (buffet from 1:00 – 2:30 pm)
14:30 Podium discussion: Legal minimum wage and the consequences for the CC industry
15:30 Parallel specialist forums
Forum 1: Digital strategies in customer service
Forum 2: Sustained personnel development and process optimisation
17:45 Final session in the plenum Living leadership – leading right brings success!
CCW party – from 19:00
Workshop Day
Thursday, 26th February 2015
Your personal timetable for intelligent practical implementation
from 8:30 Registration and welcome
Dialogue in flux:
125 years of regional publishing business
Visiting the newspaper Märkische Allgemeine
Discover the Data Potential of
your Contact Center
Explore the role of today’s CC and identify
the key value-added insights
Working from home as an alternative:
A solution to increase the appeal of the call
centre as a workplace for the long-term?
----- or -----
Call centre
Referral marketing –
the highway to new customers
Distribution training with Klaus J. Fink
----- or -----
----- or -----
9:00 – 16:30 Choose two of the five workshops
Carry out the “transformation of the workplace” with
the customer experience lab:
Enabling you to gain new perspectives
on a level playing field
Innovation Day
With live
Fit for future: Smart ideas for innovative customer service
Innovations are your capital – not just in difficult times. At the Innovation Day you will learn about smart ideas that
will shape your customer service with the future in mind. „Don’t kill ideas!“ How you securely integrate innovations into services and
procedure. Experience contact centres in existential crisis that have implemented new business models and processes. Customer service in
the face of extreme challenges. Our experts are looking forward to sharing their recipes for success with you!
Rainer Wilmers, Managing Director of Sales and Customer Service, CosmosDirekt, Saarbrücken
from 9:15
Registration and welcome
Opening of the Innovation Day
eeing customers, understanding customers: Start-up sales of the new generation
• Neuro-marketing in combination with current research findings for direct success
• Profitably using facial expression, gesture and body language for you and your audience
• Active sales-orientated impetus through the personal real-time analysis of the customer
•Interactive exercise
Andrea Reischmann, Trainer and Speaker, REISCHMANN TRAINING, St. Wendel
Disruptive move: From email to chat
• Don’t wait, chat! Win-win situation for customers and company
• Interlocking of chat and online shop – flanking not cannibalising
• Using chat as sales channel
Regina Lange, Head of Telesales Inhouse & Renewals, Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Nuremberg
Relations without media discontinuity: The paths to the digitalisation of service processes
• Create perfect interfaces – simplifying web processes using the web & apps
• Integrating customers into business processes easily and in real-time
• Customer retention in the digital revolution
Marius Gerwinn, CEO & Co-Founder, FILEEE GMBH, Münster
Coffee & networking break
Innov er
11:30 High-end working environments in the global provision of services: Strategic basis for service excellence
• The peculiarities and challenges of the IT service desk at Hannover Rück SE
rocess-orientated spatial design as an important factor of working efficiency
• The outcome – valuable, profitable, visionary
Bettina Hische, General Manager of IT Service, Hannover Rück SE, Hanover
hat our voice reveals about us: Smart voice recognition for “healthy” customer service –
big data makes it possible
The ear to the market: The voice check with actimonda
Using big data to become the health coach of the future
Revolutionary offering of services in health care management
Innovative burden screening for employees
Using artificial intelligence to recognise individual voice patterns
Harald Lavric, Revision & Organisation Director, actimonda krankenkasse and
Dr. Dirk C. Gratzel, Managing Partner, Psyware GmbH, Aachen
Monday, 23rd February 2015
ugmented Reality – new forms of dialogue in virtual worlds
• Virtual working environments – the hype of generation Y or the communication standard of the future?
• How could your individual sales, consultation and training concepts for this look?
• How virtual may/must customer service and consultation become in the future?
Stefan Wentzel, Senior Manager Executive of Briefing & Strategy, Avaya Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt am Main.
13:00 Business lunch
Transfer (meeting point in the hotel lobby)
Live viewing at Deutsche Bank
Find out all about customer service and sales at Deutsche Bank. Experience
innovation and corporate culture in customer contact, as well as the shaping of working
processes in one of the largest in-house call centres in Berlin.
Michael Hohenbild, Managing Director, Head of Call Centre, PBC Banking Services,
Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG, Berlin
Stefan Schick, Director, Member of Company Management at DB Direkt,
Telefon-Servicegesellschaft der Deutschen Bank mbH, Essen
14.30 Live viewing arrival and welcome
14:45 Be inspired in Ullstein House
16:00 Coffee and innovation break
Transfer (meeting point in the hotel lobby)
16:45 Experience the bank of the future: At visit to branch Q110
• C ontemporary service
• Innovative – relaxed – barrier-free
Transfer to the Estrel Convention Centre
Station 1
• Call centre inbound/outbound
• Handling of email and social media
• Recruitment and personnel management
• Qualification and professional training
• Corporate health management
Ullstein House
– Deutsche Ba
Station 2
utsche Bank
Branch Q110 –
CCWine & Talk – from 18:00
See out the end of the day in dialogue...
English Workshop
Thursday, 26th February 2015
Our special offer for our international guests
from 13.30 to 16.30 pm
Discover the Data Potential of your Contact Center
Doug Overton
Head of Consulting & Analysis
WDS, A Xerox Company, Poole/UK
Today’s contact centers are rich in data. The ability to use this data to deliver transformational insight that can drive brand reputation, profitability and customer service
excellence can be challenging. Few customer care operations have the tools, disciplines, mechanisms and processes to facilitate the extraction of this intelligence.
Are you looking to improve data analytics in your contact center? Is your contact center being asked to deliver customer experience intelligence? In this workshop
we will explore the role of today’s contact center and identify the key value-added insights that can be drawn from your care data. We will also explore the practicalities of extracting these insights, and define key technological and process oriented milestones.
Join us for intense hours of working the possibilities of:
T he value-added contact center: what insights does your business demand / expect of its care operation?
What can you really do with traditional call center metrics?
Insight ‘recipes’ – capturing data point ‘ingredients’ and preparing ‘recipes’ for insight delivery
Valuation and prioritization of ‘Insight’
Introducing ‘local’- what does the impact of your customer’s location have?
Getting to the root-cause: Understanding and mapping the data points required for effective problem prevention
Mapping knowledge management relationships – A highly collaborative workshop!
1st Congress Day
From call centre to omni-channel centre: New paths to the customer
Verena Fink, Director of Customer Focus, QVC Deutschland Inc. & Co. KG, Düsseldorf
Robert Sluka, Call Centre Director, ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG, Deputy Chairman,, Vienna
from 9:30
Registration and welcome
Opening of CCW 2015
Forward-looking: Customer care – how do we reach the customers of tomorrow?
F rom customer to fan – inspiring people!
• Quality and performance are no longer sufficient – customers want to be inspired!
• Inspiration – a game of strategy with expectations
• Between laughing and crying in the customer relationship: The vast ocean of boredom
• How you emote and retain customers even more purposefully
Paul Johannes Baumgartner, Smart Selling Expert, Speaker, Publicist, Managing Director, PJB Kommunikation, Munich
10:30 World
class service: How AIDA networks its call centre with the new digital world
• Customer dialogue at the same wave length – evoking emotions and inspiring the customer
• The blurring of lines between distribution channels – new demands of systems solutions and requirement profiles of employees in the
contact centre
• Intelligent IT solutions – seamless transition between the digital world and the CC agent
• From the anonymous website to the personal customer conversation
Wolfhart Krischke, Managing Director, Interactive Intelligence GmbH, Frankfurt am Main and
Thomas Pfitzer, Chief Technology Officer/Vice President, Costa Group (Aida Cruises and Costa Crociere), Genoa, Italy
Coffee break – time for networking, communication and visiting the exhibition
Customer service as an integral component of a sustainability strategy
• To what extent must an integrated corporate strategy be reflected in customer communication?
• Selected tools and methods for sustainable customer service
• Compatibility of qualitative and economic objectives
Antje Karsch, Customer Dialogue Director, ENTEGA GmbH & Co. KG, Mainz
Emotions in customer service: How much may a good marketing strategy cost?
Christoph Waffenschmidt, Chair of the Executive Board, World Vision Deutschland e.V., Friedrichsdorf
12:30 Business lunch – time for networking, communication and visiting the exhibition
• Creating inspiration: how customers become committed patrons
• The truly social network – digital points of contact that connect people
• How a non-profit company generates real profit
Big data
– smart analytics: How you tame floods of data and optimise business processes
in customer contact
• Transform data in value: Recognising the hidden potential of data and engaging it intelligently in customer dialogue
• How Ströer successfully implements the transition to digitalisation in the media landscape
• Data specification on the web: Using synergy effects – enabling you to reach your customers with even greater purpose
• The customer online – user-centric optimisation via qualitative real-time analysis
Pablo Metz, Founder and Managing Director, mbr targeting (Ströer Digital Group), Berlin
Tuesday, 24th February 2015
ffline wholesale goes online retail: The successful path to online retail
• From stationary retail to top online shop – how to implement successfully?
• Best practices and innovative features
• Business insights: Mobile, payment, multi-channel
Nicolas Speeck, Managing Director, CBR eCommerce GmbH (Street One/Cecil), Celle
Social media and content marketing: Integrated strategies for new
dimensions of communication
15:00 Successfully initiated social media strategy – a dialogue with experts of the Bosch Bob Community
• Concept and history
• In constant dialogue with users
• Customer retention in the Bosch Bob Community
• Social media community as a B2B referral platform
Christina Gänzler, Director of Brand Management for Europe & Asia Pacific Professional Power Tools Industrialised Markets,
Robert Bosch GmbH Power Tools, Leinfelden-Echterdingen
15:45 How digital infrastructure creates seamless customer communication!
• Social media apps in customer service – connecting digital shop and store concept
• The hybrid customer – from “either or” to “both as well as”
• Changes in media usage behaviour
• Augmented reality – emotional perceptibility of brands, products and lifestyle
Dean Polic, Head of Marketing Germany, Mammut Sports Group GmbH, Wolfertschwenden and
Dominik Heinrich, Creative Director of Innovation, MRM//McCANN GmbH a citizen of McCANN Worldgoup, Frankfurt am Main
Coffee and tea break – time for networking, communication and visiting the exhibition
Touchpoint management: Meeting the needs of our customers
• The old and new “moments of truth”
• The customer in online-offline touchpoint mix
• How does that impact on the suppliers of today
Anne M. Schüller, Management Thinker and Bestselling Author, Munich
And the winner is – the CAt Award Ceremony 2015
C At award ceremony for the Call Centre Manager of the Year
from Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Simone Fojut, Chief Editor, Call Centre Expert, Wiesbaden
17:50The top performers - world class and up close!
Celebrate the end of the first congress day with get-together
and flying buffet
Our VIP package for congress visitors:
✔ Free WiFi access
✔ VIP lounge
✔ Unwind – relax – network
2nd Congress Day
Positioning – managing – shaping: Moving your contact centre towards your goals
Verena Fink, Director of Customer Focus, QVC Deutschland Inc. & Co. KG, Düsseldorf
Robert Sluka, Call Centre Director, ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG, Deputy Chairman,, Vienna
from 9:00
Introduction to the 2nd congress day
Change management: Sustainably developing the company and employees
Brand ambassador
in customer service – Corporate identity as an approach to employee retention
• Controlling customer service experiences using corporate behaviour
• Training employees to become brand heroes and integrating them in the company
• Freedom or boundaries – Corporate communication in individual service communication
Kai Loddenkemper, Head of Customer Care, Immobilien Scout GmbH, Berlin
9:45 How will
outsourcing look in the future? An integrated strategy for standardisation and
long-term quality improvement
• Sustainably developing strategic partnerships
• End-to-end service – more responsibility via integrated process development and achievement of goals
• Challenges of the implementation phase
Dirk Moritz, Managing Board of Operations Customer Care, 1&1 Telecommunication AG, Montabaur
hen knowledge retires: Structured knowledge transfer
• The systematic transfer of knowledge – successfully enabling qualified staff turnover
• Culture of learning in the company: Experience-based knowledge – behaviour – blunders
• The employee as an individual: Shaping orientation periods more effectively
Lutz Lütkenhöner, Personnel Development of Company in Germany, Deutsche Post DHL, Bonn
Coffee and tea break – time for networking, communication and visiting the exhibition
Customer experience management: Service that inspires
Discover business solutions – from the product to added value!
• The added value of the customer – Nespresso coffee as a profit earner
• Proactive service with neslink – reaching the customer via Bluetooth
• Progress based on information
Martin Sachse, Commercial Director of B2B, Nespresso Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf
How the
Austrian national railway makes its service audible – an integrated concept
using multi-sensory brand perception
• Corporate voice as part of corporate brand strategy
• Audio marketing – more than just jingles
•The success factor of sound
Dr. Kristin Hanusch-Linser, Head of Corporate Communication, ÖBB-Holding AG, Vienna
I nnovative thinking in healthcare
• Smart partnerships – new ways of interacting with suppliers and patients
• Innovative solution finding and idea development: Culture change via the innovation lab
• The quality-gate-service concept
• The person as an individual: Birds of a feather flock together – how you analyse and communicate needs more precisely
Stefan Herzberg, Executive Advisor to the Board of FH, Florida Hospital Innovation Lab,
former Chief Executive Officer of Business Development, General Electric, Orlando, Florida
Business lunch – time for networking, communication and visiting the exhibition
Wednesday, 25th February 2015
Podium discussion: The legal minimum wage and the consequences for the CC industry
Presentation: Kai-Werner Fajga, Managing Director, telepublic GmbH & Co. Medien KG, Hanover
Anette Kramme, Parliamentary State Secretary Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs), Berlin
Harry Wassermann, Chair of the Executive Board, SNT Deutschland AG, Potsdam
Ulf D. Posè, President of Akademie des Senats der Wirtschaft e.V. and former President of Ethikverband der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., Bonn
Christian Butzin, Vice President of Operation Support, Unity Media Kabel BW GmbH, Bochum
Thomas Schmidt, Chair of the Management Board, ENTEGA GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt
Parallel expert forums
15:30 – 17:45
Digital strategies in customer service
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Sustainable personnel development
process optimisation
media comes social sharing –
the services sector in the digital age
∙ T he sharing economy – the next big trend?
∙ When giants and dwarfs get together: Swisscom cooperates with the start-up Mila
∙ Applying sharing economy principles to
optimise customer service
ulti-channel management – design freedom,
flexibility and cost efficiency, how does that work?
ueue optimisation – technical solutions
for greater customer satisfaction
obile apps – better service, call avoidance &
intelligent routing with service apps
After social
Manuel Grenacher, Managing Director and Founder,
Mila Europe GmbH, Berlin and Lukas Peter, Innovation
Manager, Swisscom AG, Zurich
ocial Media and law - what to consider in
dialogue with today’s customers
∙ Copyright law and the right to one’s own image
∙ The imprint and data protection
∙ Particulars relating to work and competition law
in the use of social media
Christian Solmecke, Lawyer, Cologne
360 degrees
Martin Wild, Managing Board, sogedes AG, Mannheim
∙ Why management fails – the false rivalry between
company success and fair relationships
∙ The powwer of trust – how competence, reliability and
suitability succeed
∙ Work life balance – can that even be achieved? –
The power of integration
the hare becomes the tortoise and
what the young hare learns: The path from
management to management personality
of customer service:
Are you still calling or are you communicating
Ulf D. Posè, Coach, Management and Sales Trainer,
President of Akademie des Senats der Wirtschaft e.V.,
∙ Where does your contact centre stand today? –
the interactive check for your customer service
∙ Love at first click – the journey of the customer and
how you can leave a good impression
∙ Best practice – the specific use of integrating
digital channels
17:15 Multi-dimensional
Friedbert Schuh, VP Sales and General Manager
The region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland,
Genesys, Munich
experience technology – what
opportunities does the service cloud offer?
Coffee and tea break – time for networking, communication and visiting the exhibition
remuneration models –
motivators in the change of time
erformance key figures in the CC – increasing transparency
and measurability
∙ C reating individual target agreements and long-term
performance incentives
∙ Successful implementation of the model
Stanislav Vrcan, Group Director of Inbound,
DIREKTE Service Management GmbH, Stuttgart
Living leadership – right leading for success!
• People need role models – how you consciously exemplify leadership
• Value creation is based on value appreciation – motivating and unifying employees behind each other
• How you create a sustainable culture of trust and secure the success of the company
Peter Baumgartner, Author & Leadership Expert, Gmunden am Traunsee, Austria
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Markus Rebitzky
Managing Director, Maincom Telemarketing Services GmbH
(F.A.Z. Group), Frankfurt am Main
Kai-Mario Abel
Managing Partner,
DIALOGMINDS GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt am Main
The ear
to the mark
End of the 2nd congress day
Meeting, networking and entertainment – the CCW Party 2015
from 19:00 – like every year, this party is not to be missed!
The exhibition
Innovation, information & networking
Dear visitors,
the pressure for companies to innovate is increasing, new technologies are changing service policy and – perhaps more importantly –
customers have become significantly more demanding with their expectations.
You have to face these challenges and respond to the change with new, innovative concepts and services. One of the most important
places for an all-embracing overview is, of course, the CCW – as international, leading trade fair for customer communication and call
centres, it is the platform for the customer service trends and concepts of tomorrow.
Be there when companies from all relevant industries come together and present the latest products and solutions! Look forward to 250 international exhibitors, a great range of exciting content, as well as to discussing ideas, networking and making
valuable new contacts.
We look forward to meeting you!
Why you should take part – comments from visitors in 2014:
“I have had some profound conversations, taking home new innovations and inspiration, too.“
Jörg Buchty, AachenMünchener Versicherung AG
“A compact congress and exhibition, now more than just the call centre. It encompasses UC through to ACD and the design
of processes.” Christian Lehmann, DVPT e.V.
“A very successful event.”
Hartmut Osterkamp, Maincom Telemarketing Services GmbH
“The industry highlight par excellence. It is always interesting to see what is new.“
Detlef Bonner, intelligent administration
“A fascinating experience with inspiring insights into the very specific work of commercial telephony.“
Christian Weisker, EKD – Evangelical Church in Germany
“Very well organised and professionally executed. Keep it up; I’m looking forward to next year!“
Daniel Krabbe, Dotzlaff Consulting GmbH
Stay tuned:
24th – 26th February 2015
Customer touchpoints Live
This year the LiveCallCenterdesign by HCD proves itself with the live partner Würth TeleServices
GmbH & Co. KG (WTS). Experience how WTS makes customer dialogue a consistent
dialogue experience across all communication channels. WTS is a company of the Würth
Group, the world market leaders for fixture and mounting technology.
In well-lit hall 5, a future-proof contact centre emerges with a sophisticated layout and
use of suitable software and hardware.
How does multi-channel customer communication work in practice?
The quickest comparison
The following topics are on the agenda:
• Complete solutions
• Quality and workforce management
• Self-service / automation
• Email, SMS and chat
• Cloud services
• Social media
• Future customer service
High information density and an optimal overview of suppliers in ten minute intervals –
the TeleTalk-Demoforum offers a direct comparison to topics that keep the software world
in motion. Under the moderation of the TeleTalk editorial team, leading suppliers present
the effectiveness of their products.
Knowledge on the move
Follow our expert guides and perhaps get one or two insider tips along the way.
Tours are planned for the following topics:
• Quality management
• Social media
• Unified communications
Guided Tours
The exhibition reflects the whole variety of the industry. So where to begin in order
to give an overview? We offer you the perfect introduction to industry topics with our
guided tours.
• Call centre service providers
• Tour for international guests
• Tour for trainees (on the 3rd day)
Knowledge presented concisely
Innovative products, new service concepts – the complete industry know-how
presented concisely for you.
Exhibition forums
An extensive programme awaits you in both exhibition forums in hall 3 and hall 4
on all the exhibition days. Here, market leading companies present their innovations,
give practical tips and show, using examples, how you can optimise your customer
The exhibition
Newcomer Boulevard
Young Professionals
Talent in competition
We are looking for the best! At the CCW, aspiring sales representatives and service personnel
for dialogue marketing enter the competition and show what they are made of.
Meanwhile, more than 120 trainees with the most creative ideas compete for one of the
coveted places. That is because only the 20 best are invited to the competition in Berlin each
training year. With lots of dedication, fun and incredible expertise, the young professionals
take part in the competition, the winner of which is rewarded with attractive prizes.
Start-ups and specialists
In order to show the whole spectrum of the industry, we want to present more than just the
market leaders. A wide range of small companies and start-ups await with innovations that
could soon revolutionise the industry.
With the Newcomer Boulevard we have created an inspiring venue for these companies.
In hall 3, trendsetters demonstrate the potential of their solutions and present their ideas
and visions to the market.
meet & seat areas
The networking zones of the exhibition
Along with all the information and impressions you can gather at the exhibition, there also
have to be places where you can pause and take a break. With the meet & seat areas we
have set up such zones for you.
Here you’ll find space to reenergise, plan further meetings and, of course, also to network
and continue conversations.
Informed earlier
Are you already looking for information and innovation in advance of the CCW? Use our
exclusive webinar offering before and after the exhibition. Easy and online, saving time
and travel expenses. We provide you information to your computer – concisely, quickly
and up-to-date.
In December the CCW webinar series begins, from and with
dtms converting communication GmbH
eGain Deutschland GmbH
D+S communication center GmbH
Telekom Deutschland GmbH
• G
enesys Telecommunication
Laboratories GmbH
• CreaLog GmbH
The exhibition
24th – 26th February 2015
It is worth the visit!
The CCW is the highlight of the year for all decision makers in the contact centre sector.
93% of visitors and exhibitors rated this year’s event as very good and good respectively.
Be there when the 17th CCW invites you back to Berlin in February this coming year –
it’ll be worth it.
As the largest exhibition for customer service and communication in Europe, the CCW
offers a variety of options for all service and solution providers in the industry.
Enabling you to present yourselves adequately to the professional audience.
You can take your first steps in the world of the CCW exhibition at Newcomer Boulevard.
A complete package with everything you need at a small price offers you the perfect
start for your exhibition.
Choose from various stand sizes: exhibition stands from 6sqm to 30sqm are available
and stands with ready-erected modular displays are available upon request. Furthermore, you can also call on exclusive extra services to enhance your exhibition stand
even further.
No one will get past you this way. Individual sponsoring packages offer an exclusive
appearance at the exhibition, which is guaranteed to be noticed by all visitors. We are
happy to help you make a lasting impression.
Use the opportunity now and plan your appearance at the CCW 2015!
All information regarding the services offered and prices can be received upon request. We look forward to
hearing from you!
Sylke Dörr
Head of Exhibition
Tel.: + 49 6196 4722-662
Carsten Langensiepen
Team Leader Sales
Tel.: + 49 6196 4722-607
This is why you should exhibit – comments from exhibitors in 2014:
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“It continues to
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meeting point.”
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Highlights 2015
(Halls 1-5)
(Estrel Saal)
The whole spectrum of customer dialogue topics compactly
found in one place. 250 national and international exhibitors
present innovations and new features for their business of
✔ Interactive
Make contacts, network and exchange what is new – at the
exhibition stands, in the meet & seat areas or also at lunch
or at the party. And you are right in the middle of it all.
Customer touchpoints live – Germany’s traditional company,
Würth TeleServices, demonstrates in the LiveCallCenter the
full array of multi-channel telephony.
✔ Informative
Webinars, talks in the exhibition forums, product comparisons in the TeleTalk-Demoforum and Guided Tours – at the
CCW you are guaranteed to find the right information format.
✔ Innovative
New business models and innovative ideas for the
customer service of the future.
✔ Individual
Your personal roadmap through the CC world.
✔ Communicative
Networking as equals. Exchange ideas
with industry experts.
❮ Practical
Successful strategies and concepts on the pulse of the times.
✔ Exclusive
As a congress visitor, you can enjoy the benefits of free Wi-Fi
access and exclusive access to our VIP lounge during the
congress and exhibition. Use the opportunity to reenergise
and relax.
Not only do the large companies present their
innovations. The newcomers of today are perhaps the
market leaders of tomorrow and naturally present at the CCW.
CCW app:
✔ Connected
What is happening when and where at CCW? Follow us on your favourite
channel and keep up to date with all the latest goings on:
Guide – Exhibition and Congress at a glance
Estrel hall
HALL 2.1
Congress entrance
Exhibition entrance
Your registration
by Fax: + 49 6196 4722-999
If undeliverable, please return to 69906 Mannheim
Surname/First name  
Position/Department 
Surname/First name 
Position/Department 
Surname/First name 
Position/Department 
Registration/customer service
Telephone: + 49 6196 4722-700
Fax: + 49 6196 4722-999
Postal address: Management Circle AG
P.O Box 56 29, 65731 Eschborn/Ts.
Switchboard: + 49 6196 4722-0
Event location
Estrel Convention Centre, Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin
Tel: + 49 30 6831-0, Fax: + 49 30 6831-2345
Booking accommodation
A limited number of rooms are available for participants at the congress hotel
at a special reduced rate. Please make the reservation directly with the hotel
in good time, making sure to mention CCW when booking.
Street/P.O. Box
Contact person in the administration office
Please send confirmation of registration to the 
Department 
Please send the invoice to 
Department 
No. of employees:
❍ BIS 100 ❍ 100 – 200 ❍ 200 – 500 ❍ 500 –1000 ❍ ÜBER 1000
✔ Yes, I (we) will take part:
Travel to the CCW with Deutsche Bahn from €99.
More information:
❏ 23rd – 26th February 2015 – Complete Package CCW 2015
❏ 23rd February 2015 – Innovation Day
❏ 24th – 25th February 2015 – Congress
❏ 26th February 2015 – Workshop Day
You will receive confirmation of your registration and an invoice following
your registration. The cost of participation for the two day congress,
including business lunches, refreshments, documentation and entry to both
evening events, is € 2,095. The participation fee for three-day bookings
(Innovation Day + Congress or Congress + Workshops) is € 2,790. The cost for
the whole four-day CCW 2015 (Innovation Day + Congress + Workshops) is
€ 3,385. The participation fee for one day (Innovation Day or Workshops)
is € 1,295. Booking cancellations can be made free of charge up to two weeks
prior to the event. Cancellations made after this date, or failure to attend
will be charged at the full participation fee. Cancellations mustbe made in writing. It is of course possible to send another person to represent the
registered participant. All quoted prices are exclusive of VAT.
Data protection notice
Management Circle AG and its suppliers (e.g. Lettershops) will use the information
collected at the time of registration to provide services and to send you information by
post regarding further training opportunities from Management Circle Group partner
companies. We also keep our customers informed by telephone and email about our
interesting range of training opportunities, which are similar to those you have already
participated in. You can of course object to or withdraw the consent for your data to be
used for advertising purposes at any time by contacting: Management Circle AG, PO Box
56 29, 65731 Eschborn, at, or by telephone at +49
6196 4722-500.
Please send me/us
❑Information about exhibition and sponsoring opportunities
❑ Information about visiting the exhibition
❑ Information about the CAt-Award
Register online
Terms of registration