Second Circular 3 r d RAJASTHAN SCIENCE CONGRESS Ve nue : M anipal U nive r sity Ja ipur F e b r u a r y 2 8 - M a r c h 2 , 2 0 15 Sponsored by: Highlights Focal Theme: Science, Technology & Innovation for FEW (Food, Energy & Water) Security in the Next Decade National Science Day (February 28, 2015) on the theme “Science for Nation Building” Activities: Public Lectures, Keynote Addresses by Eminent Scientists; Children Science Congress; Exhibition; Invited talks; Oral and Poster presentations Awards: Rajasthan Science Congress Award, Dr. R.S Paroda Best Innovation Award, Manipal Award for innovation, REIL Award for Energy Research, Vaigyanik Drishtikon Society Samman First brochure of 3rd RSC was released on October 15, 2014 by Dr. Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan. Advisory Council Meeting held on December 2, 2014 Chief Patron Dr. Ram Das Pai Chairman Manipal University Jaipur Patron & Chairman Prof. Sandeep Sancheti Patron President RSC Dr. R.S. Paroda President MUJ & RSC III Chairman TAAS Keynote Speakers Dr. R. S. Paroda, Former DG, ICAR, Chairman TAAS Prof. Govardhan Metha, National Research Professor, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Dr. S Ayyappan, DG Indian Council of Agricultural Research Prof. V. Prakash, Director JSS Centre for Management, Mysore Prof. M.M. Sharma, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai Prof. V. M. Katoch, DG Indian Council of Medical Research Dr. S.K. Malhotra, Head PAD, DAE Prof. Anil Gupta, IIM Ahmedabad Invited Speakers DEADLINES Submission of Abstract January 15, 2015 Submission of Full Paper February 08, 2015 Early Registration January 30, 2015 Abstracts must be mailed to Peer reviewed papers shall be published in the proceedings of Vaigyanik Drishtikon (ISSN 2278-2486) Organizing Secretary Prof. B.K. Sharma, Dean FoS, R&I, MUJ Dr. Banwari Lal, Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology Division The Energy and Resources, New Delhi Dr. J.S. Samara, CEO National Rain fade Area authority planning Commission, New Delhi Dr. P. Poddar, Sr. Scientist, NCL Pune Dr. R.S. Sharma, Emeritus Processor, Jaipur Dr. S.R. Vadhera, Director DRDO, Jodhpur Er Yoki Vijay, Dy Director, CBC New Delhi Prof. M K Pandit, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Prof. P. Ghosh, Director, BISR, Jaipur Prof. Rajendra Singh, Expert Water Resource Management Prof. R. T. Pardasani, Dean FoS, Central University of Rajasthan Prof. S. L. Kothari, Director, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Jaipur Prof. S. R. Vadhera, DRDO, Jodhpur Shri. Aditya Vyas, Director Smart Technologies Ltd., Jaipur Shri. Anirudh Batwara, CTO, Logisure Solutions, Jaipur For detailed information visit at Coordinator Prof. Lalita Ledwani, Dept. of Chemistry, MUJ Convener Shri Tarun K Jain, Editor, VDS +91-8003897112, 0141-3999100-130 +91-7073650383, 0141-3999100-227 +91-9414052453 Manipal University Jaipur, Dehmi Kalan, Near GVK Toll Plaza, Jaipur-Ajmer Express Highway, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303007. Registration Form Name Designation & Affiliation Address for Communication City: State: Country: Zip Code: Mobile: Email Whether contributing paper If ‘YES’ please tick the area of your paper YES NO Physical Science including Material Science Chemical Science and Chemical Technology Mathematics & Statistics Animal, Veterinary and Fisheries Engineering and Technology Science Communication Health Science Water and Environment Bio-science and New Biology Food, Agriculture and Forestry Energy Any Other Corresponding Author Presenting Author(s) Category Research Scholar / Academician / Industrial Participant / Student (PG) / Student (UG) Details of draft enclosed* Draft No.: Amount: Issuing Bank: * In favour of “Vaigyanik Drishtikon Society” payable at Jaipur Early bird registration fee: Student registration fee: Late or Spot registration fee: Registration fee details Date: Place: Rs. 1500 Rs. 1000 Rs. 2000 Signature
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