7LFNHWV*RRQ6DOH-DQXDU\WK )HEUXDU\ see page 10 6X[N.aLR]RWP._NW]\,XVRWPRW see pages 8-9 The Derrick January 2015, Vol. 25, Issue 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH ELKS Lodge #1959 www.hbelks.com HUNTINGTON BEACH ELKS Lodge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¶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³0DMRU´%RZOHV 'DQ/<RUN -RKQ1LHOVHQ *HRUJH%HDYHU %RRPHU6WHHPDQ !7RP/HPP %LOO+HUUHO %LOO&ROOLHU :D\QH/D9LJQH 6WHYH*LEEV %RE.HVVRQ :DOWHU%RVNRYLFK !(DUO5RDFK 'DYH1<RUN 6DP/\NLQV 'DYH1<RUN 5REHUW&RROH\ 'DYLG6HHOH\ 'DYH*DPPHOO %LOO:KLWPRUH )UDQN0DODQ 7DPP\%XWOHU %\$I¿OLDWLRQ%RE6WHSKHQVRQ 1HOVRQ0HQW]HU -DFN0LONV 63(&,$/*52836 2IILFHUDW/DUJH 5RQ6KRWZHOO $QH0LOOHU )XQHUDOV0HPRULDOV :DOWHU%RVNRYLFK 5LFKDUG7DQJX\ $VVW(VTXLUH -LPP\+ROVWHLQ 9LVLWDWLRQV 5LFKDUG7DQJX\ 3KRWRJUDSK\ -LP+RENLUN DQHPLOOHU#KRWPDLOFRP (648,5( &LQGHUHOODV $QD/RYHFN\.DUU 3(5$VVQ3UHVLGHQW 6WHYH*LEEV /(&785,1*.1,*+7 'DYH0LOOHU (QWHUWDLQPHQW 7DPP\%XWOHU )ODJ'D\ 'DYH0LOOHU +RRS6KRRW 'DYLG6HHOH\3(5 A7UDQVIHUUHG 'HFHDVHG 3''*(5 !3693 LODGE HOURS 021'$< SP±SP 78(6'$< SP±0LGQLJKW :('1(6'$< SP±SP 7+856'$< SP±SP )5,'$< DP±DP 6$785'$< DP±DP 681'$< DP±SP 6SHFLDOHYHQWVPD\DOWHURSHQKRXUV FROM THE STATION OF FIDELITY EXALTED RULER Here we go the start of 2015; where did 2014 go? Where is this Elk year going? Enough with the questions. January will be a busy month with events and happenings at the Lodge starting with Tuesday January 13th when the tickets for the PER’s Crab Crack go on sale after the regular Lodge meeting. The tickets and tables go fast so plan on attending the regular Lodge meeting. On Saturday January 17th it is the Wacky Night at The Races by our very own Lodge Officers with the help of several PER’s. The Bad Boys will be preparing their famous spaghetti dinner; this is always a fun event. Then on Tuesday January 20th it is “Old Timers Night”, this is an open meeting so bring your friends and spouses to this meeting. Saturday January 24th it is the calendar meeting for the 2015-2016 Elk Year hosted by our Leading Knight Rick Bruce this will be a first look at the upcoming calendar for the Elk Year. Later on that on evening the Surf Club will be hosting Elkabunga with the best spam-carving contest west of the Mississippi. This is also a fun evening and the Surf Club always does an excellent job. I also want to bring everyone up to date on our Elks of The Month. The October Elk of the Month was given to the Pancake Breakfast Crew. There is a bunch of them, some of them have been there since this started seven years ago. Marie Colacchio does a good job keeping the group motivated and going. The November Elk of The Month was Linda Luft, Linda has done an excellent job all year with our Lodge Veteran’s Program. The Veterans Day celebration at our Lodge was an excellent event for the community and us. December’s Elk of The Month was presented to Ken Skolyan, Ken is our Lodge publicity chairmen this year he has done a very good job with getting our press release information out to the community, in the Elk’s state & national publications, getting this information out lets the rest of Elkdom know that we in Huntington Beach are doing our jobs. In November I also spoke for several minutes to the Bingo players and gave them a brief overview of where and what Elk programs the Bingo proceeds are supporting. I also thanked all of the volunteers that make Bingo happen every week; they are a great group of individuals that donate their time every week to make Bingo happen. Happy New Year to all and may 2015 treat all of us well. Fraternally, Greg Neneman Exalted Ruler FROM THE CHAIR OFFICERS ESTEEMED LEADING KNIGHT Here it is January of 2015. Where did 2014 go? Trust everybody enjoyed the Holidays. Well your Charity Committee has been very busy since the last article. For those that may not recall the Leading Night’s last article was October 2014. At that time the Charity Committee had committed approximately $31,000 out of $50,000. Well that number is now closer to $42,000. You can all be proud of the work your Charity Committee has done this year. Let me remind you who makes up the Charity committee. First, while the Exalted Ruler has no vote, he is a member and we are glad for his input and guidance. In addition, in no particular order, the following Elks are members of the Committee: Tom, Brown, Angie Lakin, Rich Jubak, Ane Miller, Sherry Wilson, Rod Wright, Jeanne Barragan, Scott Herron, Jeanette Greer and yours truly. Starting in April the composition of the committee will be changing; that’s because there will be a new Officer Corp. This year the Charity Committee issued a check to the Christmas Basket Team in excess of $12,000. In the interest of full disclosure, not all of that amount came from the Committee. A lot of it came from the generosity of our members. In fact over $7,000.00. In addition during December the annual Children’s Christmas Party took place on December 21st. I am sure all of the kids and grandkids had a great time. This year the Committee also made some donations that not only helped the benefactor but also put the name of Elk in the public view. Two examples, first the donation to the “Light a Light of Love” in downtown Huntington Beach; second the contribution to the Ocean View Girls High School Softball Team. There was also a $1,000.00 donation to the Huntington Beach K-9 Association. That amount was made possible by a Grant that was received from Grand Lodge. As in years past the Lodge continues to support the Boy Scouts and Indian Princesses to name a couple of organizations. And of course as long as there are Veterans we will support them. Hasn’t Linda Luft just done a fantastic job this year as National Veterans Service Chairperson! Way to go Linda!! For you accountant types, year to-date, forty-eight checks have been written from the Charity account. That is an average of $784.00. The smallest check being in the amount of $50.00 the largest, as mentioned above in excess of $12,000.00. All of this charitable work goes to support Youth Scholarships, Drug Awareness, Youth Activities, Community Programs, Americanism, Easter Egg Hunt to mention a few that have not already been mentioned. So once again, don’t forget to THANK a BINGO worker when you see them; for helping to make all of this possible. Until you hear from me again, God Bless Elkdom, God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America. Rick Bruce Esteemed Leading Knight Huntington Beach Elks Lodge #1959 | 3 C A M P E R ' S %2:/,1*&/8% C O R N E R Trailbosses Mike and Mary Glass chose the beautiful Indian Waters RV Resort in Indio for their campout. The weather couldn’t have been better. While Huntington Beach was being soaked by some muchneeded rain, we got to enjoy the scenic wonder of the spectacular cloud formations the desert has to offer this time of year, along with some beautiful sunsets. With all of our regularly planned campout activities and the numerous casinos and restaurants in the area, there was never a dull moment. We still managed to squeeze in some delicious campground meals. They included hot dogs and homemade chili Friday night and a lasagna dinner the next night, with a potluck breakfast Saturday made up of numerous casserole dishes, biscuits & gravy, sausage and bacon just to make certain no one went hungry! There was the fitting Margarita Happy Hour party Friday night (to prepare us for what was to come next that night) and a Pumpkin Martini and Lemon Drop party the next night. Friday night after our dinner, the campground put on quite the event! They threw a costume and karaoke party for all the guests staying at the park. Although I can honestly say we have no vocal virtuosi in our club, we did have some pretty talented costume designers. In fact Don Hewitt was actually a finalist in the contest with his monster, Grim Reaper outfit. Good job Don! Our next campout will be conveniently close on January 9th to 11th at Newport Dunes. Come by for the day on Saturday and see what our camper club is all about. February’s campout will be at Mission Bay RV Resort in San Diego from the 13th toth. March we’ll be parked up the 605 at East Shore in San Dimas from the 13th toth. We’re up to eighty-six members! “Let the good times roll’ Jim Moore Wagon Master I am starting the LAST Bowling Club article with a big THANK YOU to Jim and Kristen Rech, Bill Whitmore, Judie Saaranen also known as the voice, Georgia Ziccardi, Don Green, Glenda Green, Jayson Green and Dan and Janie Hutto. Whats that you say, -”The Last bowling Club Article”? Yup, there is just simply not enough interest in the bowling club to keep it going. I gave it a valiant effort and it looked promising in the beginning. I'm sorry to say there just isn't anyone that wants to Bowl, that's just the simple truth of it. All that being said if by chance there are 8 people out there that want to get together and start a team, that is four on a team that would make two more teams then we would have four teams to Bowl against each other. Then it's back on and you will need to pay $25 to the US Bowling Congress. Fountain Bowl gets it's $16 every Thursday night make it or not. Once again my phone number is 714 26313 and my name is Tim, if you are interested, call me. the Bowling Club was not a flop!!! We had fun with the people that attended!!!, Now, onto the Stock Car Club, that's right cool cars. Looking for Elk members ready to get off to a great start with this one. So far we got a super clean 60 2 door Chevy station wagon, you'll have to see it to believe it, A Pontiac GTO, that is really something, 1 Chevy stepside pick them up truck -pretty cool. A Camaro then I cannot wait to see, and of course my old ford. If any other Huntington Beach Elk member who owns an American made hot rod classic car or truck, come on – join-up. We met on the third Sunday of the month for breakfast at the lodge and have fun. Who knows, hopefully a few of you would like to go back into bowling, I'm ready if you are. January Bingo Worker of the Month FRAN GREEN Our January Bingo Worker of the Month is Fran Green. Each week Fran makes up our bank for bingo and counts the money when we are finished. Although she does not work on the bingo floor, she is a key member of our team. She also keeps track of our bank accounts and prepares monthly reports for bingo management. We are very fortunate to have someone of her caliber on our team. And she has been doing this since bingo started in this Lodge in 1991. 4 | January Derrick 2XW_@a^R0XaN Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! January 2015, wow!.. and what better way to start out the new year than with a Luau in January. Not just any Luau, but Huntington Beach Elks Surf Club, World Famous, Elkabunga! This is a really fun event the club puts on and this year promises not to disappoint. If you have been to this event, you know what a great time we have. If you haven't been to Elkabunga before, maybe 2015 is the year to join us. There is no cost to attend this event and food will be available for a reasonable price. This year we're starting with food at 6:00PM; serving a plate lunch style with pig slow cooked my our members. We have some great live music provided by Cover Story beginning at 7:00PM and lots of fun events like a Hula Hoop contest, Spam carving, Limbo, dancing, and maybe a few other surprises this year through out the night. Oh, and of course this event is about having fun and would not be complete without the Ugly Aloha Shirt and Attire contest. So get creative and put together some crazy aloha attire and get into the spirit of this wacky event. I hope this new year will be a great one for everyone and for our Lodge as well! I hope the Surf Club has a memorable year with lots fun surfing and events with our members. If you would like to meet us to surf, or to join the Surf Club, please contact one of the Club captains and we will be glad to provide you with more information. Hope to see ya on the 24th at Elkabunga! Gus Santos and Scott Herron Surf Club Co-Captains Your HB Elks Gold Medal Champions ART TOCCO & MIKE ROGERS Our Lodge was well represented by a number of great olympians. Art & Mike took home the GOLD medal in the Golf Tournament, Great Job Guys!! Thank you to all who participated. 9HWHUDQV3LSHOLQH 1RYHPEHU 0RQWKO\0HPEHUVKLS5HSRUW 0HPEHUVKLSDVRI ,QLWLDWHG )LBIIQFDđLLCVLRĐBK 'VBIIQFDJDBKPVLRĐBK -KBIIQFDTBVPVLRĐBK -KBIIQFDMIBĐDPVLRĐBK &QBIIQFDQĒJDPVLRĐBK 6LBIIQFDMDLMIDVLRĐBK &PILKđBPDSDOVLRĐBK - John Wesley .ĒJúBOQĒK This month we are spotlighting Jim Martin who was born in Wellington, Kansas. Due to the nature of his father's job as a Kansas Highway Patrolman, his family moved around the state a lot before settling in Topeka, Kansas. At the age of 19 Jim joined the Navy and was off to Boot Camp in San Diego, California. After graduating boot camp Jim attended Fire Control School in Great Lakes, Illinois. The next three years Jim served aboard the USS Gaudalupe AO 32, an oiler. The ship's history included WW II, Korea and finally Vietnam Nam. They operated up and down the Vietnam's coast refueling the ships on the firing line. Along with fuel they also supplied food, ammunition, movies, mail and sometimes transferred personnel from ship to ship via a small chair traveling on a rope. During their underway replenishment they would fly the "ship's flag" "She May Be Old But She Still Puts Out. Jim's job was maintaining the Guads weapons system which consisted of MK 52 director and the main battery's of 2 hand rammed 3 inch 50 caliber guns also WW II vintage. Jim served in the Navy for five years and achieved the rank of 3rd Class Petty Officer. Jim enjoyed his time in the service, traveled and made friends that he is still in contact with today. After his honorable discharge Jim settled in Long Beach and attended Long Beach City College utilizing the GI Bill. Jim is a Quality Control Manager for the past 14 years at Deva Inc in Tustin. Jim met his lovely wife Kathy through mutual friends in 1975 and they were married in 1983. Jim and Kathy have two daughters and three grandchildren and reside in Huntington Beach for the past 36 years. Fun fact, Jim was the birthing coach for both of his children and all three grandchildren. Jim enjoys riding his motorcycle and joined the HB Elks Lodge two years ago. Since joining the lodge Jim is very active in our Veterans events. On December 8, HB Elks along with three fellow Elks Lodges provided a Christmas party for 30 veterans at the Long Beach Veterans Hospital. We had pizza, soft drinks and home made chocolate chip cookies while playing numerous bingo games with cash prizes. It was a fun filled evening complete with a visit from Santa Clause. Thank you to Bev Finnell & Harvey Langham for volunteering and thanks to Wayne La Vigne for the donation of the delicious pizzas. On December 13, we had a terrific fun filled time filling 75 Christmas Stockings, 3 boxes of Beef Jerky and two boxes of various candy for Orange County Veterans who are down on their luck. The veterans and their families will attend a luncheon and be given the Christmas Stockings to help make their Christmas a little brighter. We had 18 volunteers turn-out on a Saturday morning during this busy holiday season and I for one couldn't be prouder. Great job and Thank you everyone! 698 50 $I¿OLDWHG 6 5HLQVWDWHG 3 6XEWRWDO 59 'URSSHG 13 7UDQVIHUVRXW 4 $EVROXWH'HPLWV 0 'HDWKV 8 ([SHOOHG 0 6XEWRWDO 25 'HOLQTXHQF\PRV \HDU 1 33 RYHU\HDU 0 'HOLQTXHQF\WRWDO 'HOLQTXHQWSHUFHQWDJH 7RWDOPHPEHUVKLSWKLVGDWH 34 4.87% MEMBERSHIP DRAWING RESULTS It pays to come to Lodge meetings. 11/5 $ 40 George Beaver PRESENT 11/18 $ 10 Jean Gazzolo ABSENT 11/25 $ 20 Mike Seeley ABSENT Have a safe and Happy New Year! Linda Luft - Veterans Chair Chris Sunbury - Co-Chair Proposal for Life Membership úĒĐFBDI(BCĒIIĒ is requesting Life Membership in our Lodge. Mike meets all the requirements for Life Membership. ĂIHPLEQFDúLKQF April- Surf Club May- Bob Burbage June- Tammy Butler July- Roch Courreges August-Gary Buzzard September- Cal Callaway October-Pancake Breakfast Crew A vote on his request will be taken on January 13, 2015. November- Linda Luft December- Ken Skolyan Huntington Beach Elks Lodge #1959 | 5 January 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday SAL'S NEW OFFERINGS Thursday 1 Friday 2 Starting in January Sal will be serving a buffet for the Tuesday Night meetings Starting on Friday, January 9, Sal will be serving a buffet on the second Friday of each month, there will be a beef & chicken selection for $13.00 3 GREETER LEWIS STAN New Year's Day LR Booked 11:00 AM Lunch Dinner by Sal No Entertainment 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:30 AM Pancake Breakfast HOST OF THE WEEK ERNIE CARDWELL 6:00 PM Charity Committee 11:00 AM Bingo 7:00 PM Investigation GREETER GEORGIA ZICCARDI 7:30 PM Lodge Meeting Saturday 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 10 11:00 AM Lunch Dinner by Sal Music: Generations Duo 11:00 AM DD Clinic here PINEWOOD DERBYLODGE ROOM &$03(5287,1* 11 12 13 14 15 8:00 AM -12:00 PM Breakfast by Sal HOST OF THE WEEK DAVE MILLER 6:30 PM PER Meeting 11:00 AM Bingo 7:00 PM House Committee 11:00 AM -2:00 PM Lunch 7:30 PM Lodge Meeting 11:00 AM M/C Club Meeting Balloting 1:30 PM Line Dancing 6:30 PM Bingo at LB VA Hospital &$03(5287,1* 7:00 PM Boy Scouts CRAB CRACK TICKETS GO ON SALE CHRIS SUNBURY Dinner by Sal 8:00 PM Trustee Mtg. 19 20 21 8:00 AM -12:00 PM Breakfast by Sal HOST OF THE WEEK JOHN NIELSEN 7:30 PM Open Meeting - Old Timer's Night 11:00 AM Bingo 22 Music: Tommy Tassi 23 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Dinner by Sal Music: Jerry Benton LR Booked 30 31 27 28 8:00 AM -12:00 PM Breakfast by Sal HOST OF THE WEEK MARIE COLACCHIO 7:30 PM Lodge Meeting 11:00 AM Bingo GREETER PIERRE LE BRETON 6:00 PM Gun Club 11:00 AM Lunch Initiation Tux 6 | January Derrick 29 11:00 AM Calendar Meeting 6:00 PM ELKABUNGA DINING ROOM 26 DR Booked 24 6:30 PM Orientation 11:00 AM Lunch 25 7:00 PM Boy Scouts WACKY NIGHT AT THE RACES GREETER JIM MARTIN 11:00 AM -2:00 PM Lunch 11:00 AM -2:00 PM Lunch 17 11:00 AM Lunch PINEWOOD DERBYLODGE ROOM 18 Martin Luther King, Jr. B'day 16 GREETER Dinner by Sal Music: Bluez Shadow LR Closed January Birthdays 01 Gayle Winnen 02 Bobbie Caswell 02 Jerry Foster 02 Roy Hodak 03 Larry Goudge 03 Kenton Pope Jr 05 Warren Balfour 05 Josephine Del Pino 05 Lois Fults 05 Kent Olson 06 Nicholas Dilena 06 Clark Johnson 06 Jim Moore 07 Jeanne Barragan 08 Josef Rogers 09 Hugh Miller 09 Denis Sweinhart 10 William Pedigo 11 Michael Dunn 11 Ronald Knievel 12 Venus Collins 12 Donald Greene 12 Angie Lakin 13 Don Deatherage 13 Mike Grandstaff 13 George Tisler 14 Stephan Ballard 14 Buster Cobb 14 Brad Larkins 14 Osman Taban 15 Mike Brisbine 15 Mike Gibson 16 Charles Braker 16 Timothy Cully 16 Max Wry 17 Perry Griffith 18 Rae Buzzard 18 Scott Fleming 19 Richard Goetjen 19 Pierre Le Breton 19 Kenny Phillips 20 Tony Dell 20 Dori Revely 20 Robert Thompson 22 James Marquardt 23 Karen Holvey 23 Phillip McCrea 24 Ray Calloway 24 Phil Lochner 25 Robert Schumacher 26 Noe Roman 27 Myron Martin 28 Moe Migaud 29 Michael Robertson 30 Noe Roman Jr. 30 Steven Spears 30 Michael Stewart 31 Lynne Bianco 31 Robert Ledee The following members will be honored for their years of service at Old Timer’s Night on January 20 This is an open meeting. 5 Years Lance Bell James Bevan Danielle Brugman Chris Cain Vickie Cowin Steven Dailey Chuck Donohoe Michael Dunn Janice Frahm Roger Francis III David Gross Eugene Guynn Matthew Harper Dan Hutto Mark Kavanaugh Brian Keene George Kittredge Denise Leger Alexander Levitin Mark Marley Sr Cameron Mathis David McNeley Scott Mitchell Bill Morehouse Ray Nottingham David Oddo Norm Olson Joi Packer Steve Selby Gloria Sunghera Ronald Talbot Patrick Tone TJ VanDermarlierre Carmen Walter Sherry Wilson Christopher York 10 Years John Baumdraher Bob Beatty W Bowers Charles Braker Mike Brisbine Sam Campolito Chris Carson John Cordaro Michael Galitzen Garrett Hamblin Ron Harford Douglas Havard Scott Herron Shirley Hill Hank Huertas Charles Jacobi, Jr Herb Kleeman Ronald Knievel Harvey Langham Richard Lara Tim Maas Myron Martin Charles McGruder Michael McLarry Moe Migaud Michael Morrell Irene Navarro Michael Orduno Bill Payne Dori Revely Eric Reynolds Scott Sartin Michael Shoulders Geoffrey Snape Robert Spalty Mark Taylor Dann Vail William Whitmore 15 Years Ron Bieber Kent Cowgur Keith Dean Scott Foster Marvin Grimm Clancy Haynes Steve Hedden, Jr Roy Hodak Aaron Jacobs Thomas Jacobs Harlo Lebard Joe Legaspi Clifford Oscarson Gary Pitts Wendell Sparks Kent Tucker Justin Ware Doug Wheeler 20 Years Carl Abend James Barker Michael Bekins Bryan Burnes Ronald Earnest Robert Griffith Richard Igou Thomas Lemm Ralph Marsh Walter Werstiuk 25 Years Ed Gallegos Billy Harbison Tom Harrison Sidney Locke Scott Marzolf John Olson Art Tocco 30 Years Michael Cadilli Frank Cornelia Darrell Foreman John Hamilton, Jr Jack Milks James Wilson 35 Years Paul Garrity Leo Gomez Robert Hime 40 Years Michael Seeley Charles Stevens John Worthington 45 Years Mike Gibson Charles Hughes Earl Roach 50 Years Decatur Dilday Howard Marinier Douglas Merlino Lyle Vonesh 55 Years Richard Botzbach Earl Presson Richard White 60 Years Richard Pavlat 65 Years Roy Hadley H��������� B���� E��� L���� #1959 | 7 Mark Your Calendars 3ROLVK$XFWLRQ Hang Loose Brah with the Huntigton Beach Elks’ Surf Club It’s Elkabunga! Saturday Night January 24, 2015 ntest! SPAM CARVING co (Leading Knight Fund Raiser) @ La Habra Lodge January 10, 2015 cost $20.00 See Rick Bruce for more details / tickets. 1XZ(X,XZ $XX5;_6>59 (Q"ZXS9S>> -XS:S>> Yl. Xk B56 ,XZS;S>> Hula hoop!! Limbo!! Join us for the contests, Games, FUN & MUSIC BY Cover Story!!! Fun Starts at 6 pm in the Dining Room with an Authentic Plate Lunch Music 7-11 pm See Details around the Lodge! XZ X ? It's Back!! Come on down to the Lodge for a hilarious night of in house racing and enjoy a great spaghetti dinner by the bad boys. There will be an owners race, pick six, para mutual, and a lot of fun. So get your tickets now! See Tammy Butler or Marie Colacchio for tickets! $12 until January 10 • after that $15 Bus Ride to Pechanga Leading Knight Fund Raiser February 21, 2015 Two buses will leave from Santa Ana Lodge at 10:00 AM See Rick Bruce for more details 8 | January Derrick WEAR YOUR CRAZY HAWAIIAN SHIRTS! February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 3 Super Bowl HOST OF THE WEEK SCOTT HERRON 6:00 PM Charity Committee Wednesday 4 7:30 PM Lodge Meeting 1st Nomination of Officers 11:00 AM Bingo Thursday 5 7:00 PM Investigation Friday 6 7 GREETER GAYLE WINNEN 11:00 AM Lunch 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Dinner by Sal PER Night Saturday PINEWOOD DERBYLODGE ROOM Music byJussTuss Groundhog Day 8 8:30 AM Pancake Breakfast 9 10 11 HOST OF THE WEEK DARYL BECK 6:30 PM PER Meeting 11:00 AM Bingo GREETER GEORGIA ZICCARDI 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 11:00 AM Lunch 7:30 PM Lodge Meeting 11:00 AM M/C Club Meeting 2nd Nomination of Officers 12 14 Valentine's Day Dinner by Sal Music by Michael Barilla 1:30 PM Line Dancing Lincoln's Birthday Balloting 15 16 17 18 19 8:00 AM -12:00 PM Breakfast by Sal HOST OF THE WEEK LANCE BELL 7:30 PM Lodge Meeting 11:00 AM Bingo 7:00 PM House Committee BPOE Birthday Election of Officers 7:00 PM Boy Scouts &$03(5287,1* 20 21 GREETER JIMMY HOLSTEIN 11:00 AM Lunch 8:00 PM Trustee Mtg. 6:30 PM Orientation Dinner by Sal Music: Stan Zabek Piggy Bank Walk &$03(5287,1* 13 President's Day LR Booked 22 23 24 25 26 27 8:00 AM -12:00 PM Breakfast by Sal HOST OF THE WEEK ROCER FRANCIS 7:30 PM Lodge Meeting 11:00 AM Bingo 7:00 PM Investigation No Music Food in Bar Initiation by PERs Initiation Tux 6:00 PM Gun Club 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 28 CRAB CRACK Washington's Birthday MARCH Installation of Officers 0$5&+ Mark your calendar to celebrate your new incoming Exalted Ruler, First Lady and his Officers Corps. This is an extravaganza that you won’t want to miss! More information to follow! APRIL Wine Tasting, 1:30PM to 5:00PM. Huntington Beach Elks Lodge #1959 | 9 Crab Crack tickets go on sale Tuesday, January 13th. This is open to all HB Elk members and associate members. On Tuesday, January 13th, dinner is served from 5:30 to 7:00. The meeting will start at 7:30. As you enter the meeting, you will be given a raffle ticket. After the meeting, the raffle tickets will be called and you will then be able to HB Members will be called first and purchase your tickets for the Crab then the associate members. If we Crack. have any open seating, those tickets will go on sale on Friday, January 16th. Ticket cost is $35.00 per person. The 23rd Annual Crab Crack will take place on Saturday, February 28th. Entertainment will be provided by the George Fryer Combo. 10 | January Derrick CHILI’S IS PROUD TO SUPPORT $BMJGPSOJB)BXBJJ&MLT.BKPS 1SPKFDU -FU$IJMJhTEPUIFDPPLJOHXIJMFXFTVQQPSUUIF$BMJGPSOJB )BXBJJ&MLT.BKPS1SPKFDUBUUIFTBNFUJNF8JUIFBDIGMZFS QSFTFOUFEPO.POEBZ+BOVBSZ$IJMJhTXJMMEPOBUF PGUIFFWFOUEBZTBMFTCBDLUPUIJTHSFBUPSHBOJ[BUJPOUP)FMQ $IJMESFO8BML5BML4FFBOE1MBZ 5IF$)&.1*(JWF#BDL&WFOUJTPO +BOVBSZ 'SPN".1. "U"MM$BMJGPSOJB$IJMJhT3FTUBVSBOUT We look forward to seeing you at Chili’s! more GIVING BACK happens here Give Back Event flyer required with each check to receive credit for the sale. Sale cannot be included in donation amount with out flyer. Offer only valid on the date and location stated above. Donations will not be given on sales made prior to or past this date. Huntington Beach Elks Lodge #1959 | 11 HUNTINGTON BEACH ELKS 1959 ;(3),9;(=,5<, /<5;05.;65),(*/*( 565796-0;69.(50A(;065 <:76:;(., PAID /<5;05.;65),(*/*( 7,940;56 9,;<95:,9=0*,9,8<,:;,+ DATED MATERIAL - DO NOT DELAY ELKS BINGO WEDNESDAY MATINEE DOORS OPEN 10:00 AM – $15.00 MINIMUM BUY IN 25 TOTAL GAMES ALL GAMES PAY $250.00 **PULL TABS** COLOR MONITORS COMPUTERIZED BINGO VERIFICATION ,(93@)09+¶!(4 ,)65<7 9,.65<7 9,.<3(9¶!(4 3(;,)09+¶-VSSV^PUN9LN\SHY.HTLZ 3)65<7 -66+(5+:6-;+9052:(=(03()3,-697<9*/(:, -9,,!*6--,,¶;,(¶767*695 /<5;05.;65),(*/,32:3VKNL ;(3),9;(=,)36*2:>,:;6-),(*/)3=+/<5;05.;65),(*/
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