January 2015 Growing Faith in Individuals, Families and the Community! Week of Prayer for Christian Unity At least once a year, many Christians become aware of the great diversity of ways of adoring God. Hearts are touched, and people realize that their neighbors' ways are not so strange. Traditionally celebrated between 18-25 January (in the northern hemisphere) or at Pentecost (in the southern hemisphere), the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity enters into congregations and parishes all over the world. Visit www.oikoumene.org/en/resources/week-of-prayer (World Council of Churches). Theme for 2015: Jesus said to her: "Give me to drink" (John 4:7). Our vision is for you to have a dynamic relationship with God, to share his relationship with other believers, and to invite others to join us in making Jesus known Lutheran Church in the Foothills Special Events in January! Congregational Meeting Sunday, January 25, 2015 Consider your future legacy and your Kingdom impact on families who will need LCIF in the future. There are many options to consider where your passion to help can be realized far in to the future. Please see Renee or Pastor Jim. Support LCIF with gifts and bequests! 11:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall Adopt 2015 Budget Workshop to review the proposed budget on Sunday, January 18 at 11:15 AM. Annual Coat Collection! Please bring new or gently used coats, jackets, or sweaters to be distributed to needy folks in our area. Your gifts can be placed in the Narthex/Entry through January 25.. News from LCIF Call Committee The LCIF Pastoral Call Committee (CC) is moving forward! We have a stellar group of nine members and one alternate, To date we have met three times in December. The first organizational meeting elected me, Joe Johnson, as the CC chairperson, and the second was a two-hour orientation/overview session led by Pastor Reg Schultz-Akerson, our Synod rep who will assist us as we go through the process. Our third meeting initiated the congregational survey design process that will assist us in developing our church profile. This will be used by the Synod to match us up with potential pastoral candidates as we move forward in the process. We will keep you apprised on our progress regularly! For more information, please see Joe or any other member of the call committee (Chris, Jeff, Dorothy, Ellen, Yvonne, Anita, Carrie Ann, Rayne). Thank you!! Directory Update LCIF at a Glance Sunday Worship Services: 8 & 10 AM Holy Communion is celebrated at both services; “family-style” at 8 AM Christian Education for adults and youth at 9 AM Children’s Church during the 10 AM service Fellowship/Coffee Hour: after the 10 AM service LCIF is updating our Photo Directory. If you took a picture with your family during the holidays while you were all together, please Church Office Hours: email it to: office@LCIFoothills.org. Pictures will also be taken at 9 AM - 2 PM church January 11 & 18 before and after both services. Monday - Friday God's Work Our Hands Sunday, September 13, 2015 Bob Baldwin Ruth Frain Ty Fleming Gayle Pinto Connie Guritz Anniversaries Phil Drange 1/5 Norma Jean & Dale Zuelow (13 yrs) Susan Fleming Christie Clarkson 1/17 Donna & Bob Fox (56 yrs) 1/22 Liz & Chris Craney (43 yrs) 1/27 Linda & Brian Spengler (53 yrs) 1/29 Linda & Bob Winters (49 yrs) www.womenofthe elca.org/apps Off to a new start - that's what a new year can do for us as a congregation. 2015 gives us a new year to start fresh, starting some new ministries as well as improving some existing ministries. Thank God for His grace that enables us to be off and running for Him in 2015. We are called upon to be Christ's witnesses and ambassadors. As we enter the new year, we need to be open to serving Him more faithfully and with more joyous zeal. We thank the Lord for those who have served so well in the past and who are continuing to do so. But we need new blood to serve in such areas as ushering, communion assistants, altar guild, offering counters, choir, etc. There are many areas of service. We can help you find a way to use your talents. Without new helpers those who serve can become "burned-out" and grow weary. Please be open to the Lord's calling you to help serve others. Let the Lord use 2015 as a year of growth for us - personally in our spiritual lives and corporately as our congregation grows. Yours in Christ, Pastor Jim Birthdays 1/2 1/8 1/14 1/14 1/19 1/20 1/20 1/21 Daily Grace Pastor’ Points Women’s Evening Bible Study! Are you interested in a new evening Bible study for women? Talk to Anita Stoker (anita_i_stoker@hotmail.com; (818) 813-1775) or Lana Norton (nortonllp@charter.net). Free Immigration Workshop Saturday, January 17 @ 3 PM Come and become informed about the new Obama Immigration Executive order. We will have an esteemed lawyer that specializes in immigration, Marie A. Michaud. Discussions will include how to apply, how to qualify and how to choose a good attorney. All are welcome. First Lutheran Church in Inglewood, CA, 600 West Queen Street Inglewood, CA 90301 National Council of Churches Over the years of its existence, the NCC has stood where it counts. This past year has seen some monumental struggles for justice, and we have been proud to stand alongside the churches that have been in the forefront of these struggles. In Chicago, NCC met with an interfaith group addressing the violence that overwhelms certain communities in the city. Meetings like this help improve the ways the NCC’s member communions approach issues of importance. We step out and discover what others are doing to make life for the downtrodden better. This was true also in Ferguson, MO. NCC was proud to know that the pastors and leaders of our own member congregations were passionately preaching and leading in Ferguson. The NCC gathered in November in St. Louis to hear both a sobering assessment of the spirit of the community, and an inspiring vision of how our churches can better engage with the youth of this generation for the sake of justice. In February, NCC will meet in El Paso, Texas, with the local church communities who minister in the midst of the complexities of life on the border. It will be a rich time of engagement with our churches that work on these issues of such importance. I couldn’t be more proud to be standing with the National Council of Churches. As the General Secretary of the American Baptist Churches USA and NCC Chair, I can tell you from my own experience how valuable it is to have the partnerships we have with other member communions of the NCC. Together we can have a greater voice than we can have separately. -Rev. Roy Medley ELCA Advocacy That Congress successfully passed the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act is a monumental success, and the speedy and bipartisan supported passage of this legislation is a clear testament to the strength of the faith community’s voice and to the necessity of the ABLE Act. Advocacy Summary of FY15 Spending Package. The ELCA remains focused on issues that affect our faith communities and neighbors: Nutrition, Environment, Abortion, International Affairs, Immigration, Money in Politics. Learn about the issues at elca.org Council - December 9 Received financial reports and re- ports from staff, committees Next meeting: Tuesday, January 20 @ 7 PM—ALL are welcome! 2 0 1 5 J A N U A R Y L C I F the CHILDRENS Church W I S H I N G E V E RYO N E A H A P P Y & H E A LT H Y N E W Y E A R ! CRAFTS IN CHILDRENS CHURCH The children were very busy learning about traditional Lutheran Traditions in Childrens Church. They made advent calendars, Gingerbread Churches, and Christmas Tree Ornaments. A big thank you to Renee Brandt, Gretel Ujfalusy, and Cathey Seo for helping out when I had knee surgery. My surgery went well and I am blessed to have such support from my church family. Thank you for your get well wishes and prayers. - Lisa Jenks Movie Night Success With over 100 people in attendance, the families had a wonderful time watching the POLAR EXPRESS and eating holiday cookies! Children made ornaments to decorate their Christmas Trees and also remember their time at LCIF. nnn The Childrens Church wanted to thank the Adult Choir for joining with them in singing on December 21st. The children will be busy rehearsing for their next performance in February. So, stay tuned! J A N UA RY 2 0 1 5 LCIF YOUTH NEWS Peace Out Man! Ever felt that sometimes our relationships are less than peaceful? Like with a brother or sister or parent or friend? Too much drama? Does peace mean I just have to get along and do whatever other people tell me? Throughout January and part of February, as a youth group, we are going to study what peace can look like in our lives and in our relationships with ourselves and with others. We will, together, discover God’s dreams of peace for our lives. So, on Wednesday evenings come eat together, study together, and play together (6:30-8:30) Youth Calendar January 4 — No Sunday youth gathering January 7 — No Wednesday youth gathering January 11 — Sunday morning hang-out January 14 — Wednesday youth gathering January 16 — Youth Movie Night (7-9ish) January 18 — Sunday morning hang-out; Detroit Trip Meeting (11:15) January 21 — Wednesday youth gathering January 25 — Sunday morning hang-out Youth Director – Ryan Chaddick Email – youth@lcifoothills.org ts n e v E g n i m o c Up “Youth Movie Night” January 16 Watching a movie, eating delicious food (dinner will be provided), drink sweet and completely unhealthy but fun drinks, and spending time with each other! If that doesn’t sound awesome, who are you? Theme choices for us to decide: - Watch Ratatouille and eat Melissa’s amazing version of the dish. - Watch an Action film and everyone dresses up as their favorite action hero/heroine. - Other themes? We can discuss and vote January 11. Detroit Trip Parents, youths, and all those going to Detroit! We have a very important Sunday morning meeting January 18 in Ryan’s office at 11:15. We need to plan a February Chili Cook-off. Please, please, please do your best to attend. Thanks! Sunday Mornings We are meeting Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:50 Come, hang-out, chat, play games, enjoy donuts or bagels. Youth Band For more information regarding band practice dates see or talk to Linnea Norton or Ryan. “Jingle Bell Rock” is just the beginning! 5 7:30 AM Kiwanis Board Meeting 3:00 PM KAMA Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM COSA 7:30 PM ALANON 12 3:00 PM KAMA Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Christian Education Committee 7:00 PM COSA 7:30 PM ALANON 19 CCNS Closed Martin L. King, Jr. Day 3:00 PM KAMA Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM COSA 7:30 PM ALANON 26 3:00 PM KAMA Choir Rehearsal 4:00 PM Book Club 7:00 PM COSA 7:30 PM ALANON 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Book Study Groups for Adults 9:00 AM NO Youth Group Hangout 10:00 AM Worship/NO Children's Church 11:30 AM La Cañada Korean Church 11 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Book Study Groups for Adults 9:00 AM Youth Group Hangout 10:00 AM Spirit Singers Rehearsal 10:00 AM Worship/Children's Church 11:15 AM Christian Education Meeting 11:30 AM La Cañada Korean Church 18 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Book Study Groups for Adults 9:00 AM Youth Group Hangout 10:00 AM Spirit Singers Rehearsal 10:00 AM Worship/Children's Church 11:15 AM Budget Workshop 11:15 AM Detroit Trip Meeting 11:30 AM La Cañada Korean Church 25 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Book Study Groups for Adults 9:00 AM Youth Group Hangout 10:00 AM Spirit Singers Rehearsal 10:00 AM Worship/Children's Church 11:15 AM Congregational Meeting 11:30 AM La Cañada Korean Church Monday 4 Sunday 7:15 AM Kiwanis 8:30 AM Women's Breakfast 1:00 PM LCIF Knit Together 3:15 PM Lango 5:30 PM ALANON 6:30 PM Youth Group 28 7:15 AM Kiwanis 3:15 PM Lango 5:30 PM ALANON 6:30 PM Youth Group 21 7:15 AM Kiwanis 1:00 PM LCIF Knit Together 3:15 PM Lango 5:30 PM ALANON 6:30 PM Youth Group 14 7:15 AM Kiwanis 3:15 PM Lango 5:30 PM ALANON 6:30 PM NO Youth Group 7 Wednesday Get the latest info at www.lcifoothills.org. 10:00 AM Quilting Group 4:00 PM Lango 7:00 PM CEA 27 7:00 AM Men's Prayer Breakfast 9:00 AM Women's Bible Study 10:00 AM Quilting Group 12:00 PM Quilt Group Bible Study 4:00 PM Lango 7:00 PM CEA 7:00 PM Church Council 20 10:00 AM Quilting Group 4:00 PM Finance Committee 4:00 PM Lango 7:00 PM CEA 13 7:00 AM Men's Prayer Breakfast 9:00 AM Women's Bible Study 10:00 AM Quilting Group 4:00 PM Lango 7:00 PM CEA 6 Tuesday 10:00 AM La Cañada Korean Church Ladies Bible Study 7:15 PM LCIF Youth Band Rehearsal 7:30 PM Anthem Chorale 7:30 PM RCA 29 10:00 AM La Cañada Korean Church Ladies Bible Study 7:15 PM LCIF Youth Band Rehearsal 7:30 PM Anthem Chorale 7:30 PM RCA 22 10:00 AM La Cañada Korean Church Ladies Bible Study 7:15 PM LCIF Youth Band Rehearsal 7:30 PM Anthem Chorale 7:30 PM RCA 15 10:00 AM La Cañada Korean Church Ladies Bible Study 7:15 PM LCIF Youth Band Rehearsal 7:30 PM Anthem Chorale 7:30 PM RCA 8 7:00 PM La Cañada Korean Church Bible Study 30 7:00 PM La Cañada Korean Church Bible Study 23 6:00 PM Youth Group Movie Night 7:00 PM La Cañada Korean Church Bible Study 16 7:00 PM La Cañada Korean Church Bible Study 9 CCNS Closed 7:00 PM La Cañada Korean Church Bible Study CCNS Closed Church Office Closed New Year's Day 10:00 AM La Cañada Korean Church Ladies Bible Study 7:30 PM RCA Friday 2 1 Thursday Saturday 8:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM Lango 10:00 AM Lango 31 CCNS Non-Working Parents' Day 8:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM Lango 10:00 AM Lango 5:00 PM Sons of Norway Potluck 24 8:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM Lango 10:00 AM Lango 17 8:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM Lango 10:00 AM Lango 10 8:00 AM CEA 9:00 AM CEA 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cut or tear here to post on your fridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Don Volger Roger Schulke Donna Volger Office 818-790-1951 office@lcifoothills.org Emilie Wrablicz Annette Ling Brandt Family 7:30 AM Norma Jean & Youth Group Dale Zuelow Andrew Beilfuss Rayne Cumberworth Don Volger Joe Johnson Linda Spengler Brian Spengler Janet Cassidy Christian Gropper Tess Gropper 10:00 AM January 25 Larry Anderson 8:00 AM Linnea Norton Ellen Harrington Susan Fleming Tom Fleming Phil Drange Anne Reinhard Janice Schettini Harley Drange Rianna Reinhard 10:00 AM January 18 2015 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cut or tear here to post on your fridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please check your calendar NOW. If you are unable to serve on the date shown here, please find a replacement and let the office know at office@lcifoothills.org or 818-790-1951. Thank you for your faithful service to the Lord. Don Volger Linda Spengler Jeff Brandt Jim Davies Renee Brandt Donna Volger Dale Zuelow Chris Craney Doris Samuelson Renee Brandt Carole Brown Grant Haxton Miles Haxton 10:00 AM January 11 8:00 AM Liz Craney Janice Schettini 818-248-1371 jumpinalto@yahoo.com Coffee Fellowship 818-952-0104 Communion Servers Ellen Harrington Lectors Office 818-790-1951 office@lcifoothills.org 818-248-0320 Ushers Yvonne Baldwin Yvonne Baldwin Lucille Seeley Frederic Brandt Olivia Brandt 818-790-1951 Altar Guild Office Acolytes 10:00 AM January 4 8:00 AM Worship Servers for Lutheran Church in the Foothills 1700 Foothill Blvd, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011 www.LCIFoothills.org Kogi Chronicle Do not post on a webpage. Include this warning if you share. When the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman … so that he could adopt us as his very own children (Gal 4.4a, 5b) What a joy it is to celebrate in a special way at Christmas the good news that God sent His Son to earth so that we can become His children! May God fill our hearts with the wonder of His great love for us that lead him to send His Son to be our Savior. When the right time came, God’s Word was published in Kogi so that the Kogi people can read about the birth of Jesus and how he was born, lived and died to be their Savior. The boxes of Kogi New Testaments are ready to be distributed at the dedication ceremony on January 15, and the solar powered players with the audio New Testament are due to arrive for the dedication date as well. The Kogis believers are thrilled that the New Testament is now printed and recorded and are making plans to travel to the dedication site to take part in this long-anticipated celebration. Pray as we plan the details of this celebration that it would honor God and lead to the further acceptance of His Word in Kogi. Non-Christian Kogi leaders from several villages also plan to be with us for this celebration. You may remember that the Kogi ancestors taught their descendants that they had had a book from God in their language but fell asleep and lost it, and that the “younger siblings” as they refer to us non-Kogis will return it to them before the world comes to an end. Pray with us that the present day Kogi people will believe that the right time for the fulfillment of this Kogi legend has come and accept the Kogi New Testament as the book from God that had been lost and is now being re-turned to them. As you know the Kogi pseudo “traditional” organization is very opposed to Christianity among the Kogis and seeks to force the Kogi people to reject Jesus. The Kogis and I are excited that a number of those who support the Kogi work will also join us for this celebration. The translation and publication of the Kogi New Testament would not have been possible without the wonderful team of supporters and prayer warriors God has given to us! A photographer is part of the group so we hope you will “join” us in the dedication by video if not in person. A second dedication will be held in Bogotá on January 18 so that we can celebrate with our Spanish speaking friends. We thank God for the strength He gave us over the last year as we worked very hard to prepare the manuscript of the Kogi New Testament for publication and for the many who helped us in this process. When the right time came, I was free to care for my mother in the last months before she left her earthly body to join her Lord Jesus whose birth we soon celebrate. It was very hard to lose my mother, and yet I stand amazed at how God worked out things at the right time for both of us. While checking the final details of the Kogi New Testament, I was able to work remotely from Sacramento and so be with my mother while she was still able to get out so I could take her to church which was her favorite outing, and be with her for her many doctors appointments. Just as we were finishing the preparation of the Kogi New Testament for publication in North Carolina, my mother’s health began to decline rapidly so after the New Testament was sent off for publication, I was able to return to her. She will be with Jesus himself this Christmas though I will certainly miss her. When the right time came I was able to return to Colombia. It took nearly two months after my mother’s death to settle affairs that needed to be dealt with before I returned to Colombia on Oct. 25. I was away from Colombia nearly a year, only the second time I have been away so long during my 41 years in Colombia. I was in the midst of planning surgery when my mother died, so will need to return to the US for a double total knee replacement surgery scheduled for Feb. 18. The recovery time is about six months and during that time I plan to go through my mother’s things and sell her house….a big job and one that is difficult emotionally. After this is done I will return to Colombia. When the right time came I was able to visit the Kogi Christian farm. This was the fulfillment of a dream for me and God opened the way for me to visit. Security was good and as the Kogi New Testament is printed and I have knee surgery scheduled, exacerbating my knee problems by riding a mule on the steep trail was no longer a serious concern. I have written you about the joy of standing in the congregation of Kogi believers and worshipping with them. It was also a privilege to have the Kogi church and elders join together in praying for me. Spending time with each of the 18 families that live on this farm and hearing about their lives was a joy as were the hugs from the precious Kogi children – my grandkids! May your Christmas celebration be full of special memories as we celebrate God’s love for us in sending Jesus to be born as a human baby to be our Savior, Colombia Linda Gawthorne, AA 84804, Bogotá, Colombia, S.A; phone (011-571-533-2357) US after Jan 25: Linda Gawthorne, 6343 Lochinvar Way, Sacramento, CA 95823; phone (916) 429-9227 E-mail: Linda_Gawthorne@sil.org For giving Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862 (account 212941) LUTHERAN CHURCH IN THE FOOTHILLS 1700 Foothill Bl, L a Canada F lintr idg e, CA 91011 (818) 790-1951 (818) 790-8351 fax LCIFoothills.org office@LCIFoothills.org New Year’s Checklist Altar Flowers: 2015 Altar Flower chart is available on the bulletin board outside the church office. You can give flowers in honor of or in memory of a loved one, for a special prayer, or to the glory of God. Communication: Let the office know if you would like to be added/removed/adjustments from the email news group, automatic calling program or newsletter mailing list. The Lutheran Magazine: Each month, LCIF sends The Lutheran magazine to every family. The Lutheran comes to all our households for the benefit of LCIF members. If you don’t currently use it, please open the next issue or check them out at www.thelutheran.org. You may want to consider that The Lutheran is provided as a general church expense paid for by regular offerings. Special offering envelopes are included in your January envelope packet or are available in the pew racks if you consider The Lutheran as a special item that benefits your family and qualifies for the low group rate since it is ordered by LCIF. Let the office know if you would like to make changes to your family’s subscription (we can send to kids at college). Offering Envelopes: (more information about what we do and why will be in the February newsletter.) Don’t forget to *LIKE* us on Facebook! Ministers - All People of LCIF Jim Bullock, Interim Pastor (pastor@LCIFoothills.org) Ryan Chaddick, Interim Youth Director (ryanchaddick@gmail.com) Mark Anzelon, Music Minister (music@LCIFoothills.org) Sun Coe, Pianist/Organist Lisa Jenks, Children’s Worship Coordinator (childrenschurch@LCIFoothils.org) Astrid Hirsch, Nursery Attendant Renee Brandt, Newsletter Editor (newsletter@LCIFoothills.org) Sherry Michel, Secretary (office@LCIFoothills.org) Book Club Join us in the Conference Room at 4 PM on January 26 to discuss Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good, the latest in the Mitford Series by Jan Karon. All welcome! 2-1-15 Thank you to Nancy Bullock for the AMAZING Cookies Galore celebration following the musical celebration on December 21st. Cookies Galore! LCIF collected and delivered 46 gift cards ($15 each for Target) to New City Parish. Here being presented by Olivia and Frederic Brandt and received by Pastor Scott Fritz Thank you for Target Gift Cards! Music at LCIF! The new pictures in the Narthex celebrate music at LCIF. Thank you to Deborah Tocco for this magnificent tribute to the musical artists at LCIF.
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