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Fifth Annual International Conference on
Innovations and Best Practices in Business, Human
and Other Earth Resources Management
January 15-16, 2015
Organized By
The first B-School of India
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
Management House, College Square West, Kolkata – 700073
Tel: +91-33-22413756, Fax: +91-33-22413975
Email:, Website:
About the Conference
Modern world is witnessing developmental activities at a very fast pace. The impact of this process had led to many
crises globally, thereby raising fundamental questions on the sustain-ability of structural discourses and models of
management. This conference theme processes to focus on contemporary perspectives of management science in
general and management of more social welfare issues in particular.
Brief Programme Schedule
January 15, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 11: 30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. – 12 noon
12 noon - 01:30 p.m.
01:30 p.m. - 02:30 p.m.
02:30 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.
04:00 p.m. – 04:15 p.m.
04:15 p.m. – 05:45 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
12 noon - 01:30 p.m.
01:30 p.m.- 01 45p.m.
01:45 p.m. - 02:45 p.m.
Registration of Delegates (Ground floor Reception)
Inauguration of the Conference
Technical Session – 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D
Technical Session – 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D
Technical Session – 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D
January 16, 2015
Technical Session – 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D
Technical Session – 5A, 5B, 5C
Valedictory Session
Technical Session – 1A, Time: 12 noon - 1:30 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Corporate Social Responsibility
Chairperson: Dr. Konika Chatterjee
Room No: 302 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Dr. Soubarna Pal
Green Investing - trends and determinants thereof Rashmi Narayanswamy
in Indian context (CSR-1)
Bharti Vidyapeeth Deemed University,
A Comparative Study on Board Diversity and Amit Majumder
Corporate Governance Practices of Selected Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, Kolkata
Major Listed Companies in India (CSR-2)
Sudipti Banerjee
University of Calcutta
The Dialectic of Sustainability: Envisaging The Mousumi Guha Banerjee
Question of Ethics as a Business Imperative Central University of Tibetan Studies,
Implication of Corporate Governance:
Poushali Das
A Feminist Perspective in context to Indian Shree Agrasain College, Howrah
Companies (CSR-4)
Impact of Corporate Governance on the Dipanwita Chakrabarty, Wendrila
Profitability of Indian Banking Sector (CSR-5) Biswas
Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia
The Place of Aesthetics in Business (CSR-6)
Shikharini Majumdar
IISWBM, Kolkata
Technical Session – 1B, Time: 12 noon - 1:30 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Marketing
Chairperson: Dr. Nabinananda Sen
Hall Manager: Ankan Banerjee
Inclusive Marketing: A strategic marketing tool
to attain High Industrial Growth and achieve
High Market Share in Service Industry (MRKT1)
Sustainable development through green practices:
An exploratory study on selected hotels of
Kolkata city (MRKT-2)
Room No: 303 (3rd Floor)
Tanuja Singh, M.S. Khan
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University,
R. P. Sharma
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata
Namrata Maheshwari
Pacific University, Rajasthan
A Study on Customer Buying Behaviour towards Biswajit Roy
Different Brands of Laptops (MRKT-3)
Future Business School, Kolkata
Sudin Bag
Vidyasagar University
Audience Feedback Study on Marketing of
Leagues (MRKT-4)
Way Forward Innovative Green Purchasing in
Value Chain– For A Sustainable Future (MRKT5)
Kisholoy Roy, Sayan Sahabuddin,
Pratyusha Mallick
Globsyn Business School, Kolkata
Rabi Narayan Padhi
Centre for Research in Materials
Management, Kolkata & Indian Institute of
Materials Management
Identifying the choice motives underlying the Doel Mukherjee, Sandip Ghosh
selection of green tea by consumers in Kolkata IISWBM, Kolkata
Technical Session – 1C, Time: 12 noon- 01:30 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Human Resource Management
Chairperson: Dr. Sudipti Banerjee
Room No: 308 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Manjit Sarkar
Work-life Balance Initiatives in Indian Public Shefali Nandan
Sector Banks: Employees’ Perspective (HR-1)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of
Technology, Allahabad
Effective Talent Acquisition - Experience from Arunava Narayan Mukherjee, Ishika Das
Manufacturing Industry (HR-2)
Globsyn Business School, Kolkata
The Effect of E-Recruitment on the Traditional Arunava Narayan Mukherjee, Nikita
Recruitment Process: Evidence from An SME Chatterjee
Globsyn Business School, Kolkata
HR Analytics: A Cutting-Edge Tool for Human Weena Yancey M. Momin, K. Mishra
Resource Management (HR-4)
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University,
The Glass Ceiling to Women Leadership in Ragini N. Mohanty, Archana Rathod
Corporate Hospitals (HR-5)
Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of
Management Development and Research,
Paths To Achievement Motivation Of College Paromita Ghosh
Women In India: Is Autonomy Important? (HR- Department of Home Science, University of
Technical Session – 1D, Time: 12 noon- 01:30 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Decision Sciences
Chairperson: Dr. Sitanath Majumdar
Hall Manager: Anupan Ghosh
Collaborative Filtering of Ideas in Web 2.0 based
Online Communities: A Conceptual Analysis
Are you like me? The Relation between
Diversity and Outcome in Large Scale Software
Development (DS-2)
Debasish Dutta
NIT Silchar, Assam
Innovative TQM practices in Establishing
Quality for Management Education – A Review
and Proposal of a Framework (DS-3)
Impact of Digital Technology on Retail Strategy
Goutam Sengupta, Sanjib Biswas,
Kankana Mukhopadhyay
Calcutta Business School, Kolkata
Roopam Chandra, J. N. Bhargava
University of Allahabad
Room No: 309 (3rd Floor)
Subhajit Datta
Singapore University of Technology and
Technical Session – 2A, Time: 2:30 p.m. - 04:00p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Economics
Chairperson: Dr. S.K. Mallick
Hall Manager: Dr Soubarna Pal
Inclusive Growth in India: A paradigm shift
Integrated Water Resource Management:
Theoretical Proposition, False Prescription
Migration in quest of livelihood: A comparative
study of two different agro-climatic regions,
Ranchi district in Jharkhand and Nadia district in
West Bengal (ECO-3)
From Crops to Rubber: A Study on the Shift of
Agricultural Management in Rural Tripura
A journey towards Indian rural banking- a study
Room No: 302 (3rd Floor)
Reshmi Nandi
Administrative Training Institute (ATI),
Government of West Bengal
A. K. Nandi, Subhadip pal
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya,
West Bengal
Koustab Majumdar, Tapati Bhadra
(Banerjee), Pritam Chanda
University of Kalyani, West Bengal
Samrat Goswami, Manish Sarkar
Department of Rural Management and
Development, Tripura University
Dhananjoy Chakraborty, Madhumita
Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, West
Benefit delivery mechanism of the rural Suchismita Paul
development schemes: an analytical study in the Department of Commerce, Gauhati
Sonitpur district of Assam (ECO-6)
Technical Session – 2B, Time: 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Marketing
Chairperson: Dr. Kalyan Sengupta
Room No: 303 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Ankan Banerjee
Sales Force Management –The Pharma Way Ragini Mohanty, Richa Shah
Welingkar Institute of Management
Development & Research, Mumbai
Green Marketing Efficiency Measurement: A Dipa Mitra
Data Envelopment Approach (MRKT-8)
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute
Management Science, Kolkata
Employees’ Role in Service Delivery and Priyanka Guha, Debraj Datta
Integrated Service Marketing Communication: Globsyn Business School, Kolkata
An Exploratory Study on Front-line Service
Employees at Reliance Trends (MRKT-9)
Consumer reviews for market structure analysis: Subhasis Dasgupta
A text mining approach (MRKT-10)
School of Management, RK University,
Kalyan Sengupta
IISWBM, Kolkata
Rural Marketing in India: Issues and Challenges
Subhajit Basu Chowdhury, Avik Sanyal
JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani
A Study on Strategy Development of Rural Udit Chawla
Tourism Using Customer Satisfaction & Service School of Management, RK University,
Quality (MRKT-12)
Kalyan Sengupta
IISWBM, Kolkata
Technical Session – 2C, Time: 2:30 p.m. - 04:00 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Human Resource Management
Chairperson: Dr. Sankar K Sengupta
Hall Manager: Manjit Sarkar
Organizational Stress among the Employees of
Public and Private Sector Bank with Special
Reference to North 24 Parganas District (HR-7)
Women Empowerment in Indian Inc.: a study
Room No: 308 (3rd Floor)
Rajat Ghosh
WBUT, Kolkata
Sumanta Dutta, Surabita Roy
Dinabandhu Andrews Institute of
Technology and Management, Kolkata
Talent Management- potency and success: An Mahuya Dutta
Indian perspective (HR-9)
Elitte Institute of Engineering and
Management, Kolkata
Strategic Human Resource Management: Ajit Dhar Dubey
Integrating the Universalistic, Contingent, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, UP
Configurational and Contextual Perspectives
Quality of Work- Life-A Fulcrum to Employer- Mandira Dey (Dutta), P.K.Tripathy
Employee Relationship (HR-11)
Burdwan University
Madhumita Roy
Institute of International Trade
A Study on Different Generations of Employees Sujata Bose
in Kolkata with Their Work Attitudes in NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata
Perspective (HR-12)
Durba Pal
Department of Management Studies,
NIT, Durgapur
Technical Session – 2D, Time: 2:30 p.m. - 04:00 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Environment
Chairperson: Dr. Basab Choudhury
Hall Manager: Anupam Ghosh
Studies on Hydrochemistry, Heavy Metals and
Bacteriological Contamination of Groundwater
in Bardhaman District, West Bengal, India
Capacity building to mitigate arsenic pollution in
groundwater of western Bengal Basin (ENV-2)
Room No: 309 (3rd Floor)
Ankita Mukherjee, Asit Kr. Batabyal
Central Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute, Durgapur
U. Ghosal, P. K. Sikdar
IISWBM, Kolkata
J. M. McArthur
Department of Earth Sciences, University
College London, UK
in Surajit Chakraborty, P. K. Sikdar
Groundwater: A Geostatistical Approach (ENV- IISWBM, Kolkata
Climate Change: Implications For Informal Neepa Banerjee, Surjani Chatterjee and
Sector Human Resources (ENV-4)
Ayan Chatterjee
Department of Physiology, University of
Sarbani Mitra and K M Agrawal,
Shankarashis Mukherjee
IISWBM, Kolkata
A Study on Recent Global Approaches towards Barnini Chakraborty
Green Business for Healthy and Sustainable Institute of Business Management, Jadavpur
Future (ENV-5)
Technical Session – 3A, Time: 4:15 p.m. - 05:45p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Finance
Chairperson: Dr. Malayendu Saha
Room No: 302 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Dr Soubarna Pal
Ranking of Companies Based on Discrminant Ashoke Mondal
Scores: A Study (FIN-1)
Department of Commerce and
Management, West Bengal State University
Role of Behavioral Finance in Investment Vinay Kandpal, P C Kavidayal
Decision- A Study of Investment behavior of University of Petroleum & Energy Studies,
Faculty members in Uttarakhand, India (FIN-2)
P C Kavidayal
Kumaun University, Nainital
The Greens, The Grays And The Global Stock Gagari Chakrabarti
Market (FIN-3)
Presidency Univerisity, Kolkata
A Comparative Study on the Solvency and Joy Chakraborty, Partha Pratim
Financial Performance of the Selected Life Sengupta
Insurers in India (FIN-4)
Alliance University, Bangalore
NIT, Durgapur
Integrated Water Resource Management: Jayita Bhaduri
Theoretical Proposition, False Prescription (FIN- The Bhawanipur Education Society
College, Kolkata
Jita Bhattacharyya
Department of Commerce, University of
Technical Session – 3B, Time: 04:15 p.m. - 05:45 p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Marketing
Chairperson: Dr. Jita Bhattacharya
Room No: 303 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Ankan Banerjee
Level of awareness and psycho-social barriers in Ishita Chatterjee, Dishari Gupta
consuming organic products - An exploratory Dept. of Applied Psychology, University of
study on young female adults (MRKT-13)
Exploring and Restoring Distribution Value Rohit Bhoot, Mahua Datta
Chain - A study on FMCG in rural markets Unitedworld School of Business, Kolkata
Sudin Bag
Consumers’ Buying Behaviour towards Branded
Vidyasagar University
Sports Equipments in Kolkata (MRKT-15)
Biswajit Roy
Future Business School, Kolkata
Vinamrata Akash, K. Mishra
An Analytical Study of Online Business School for Management studies, Babasaheb
Transactions and its impact on Rural Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow.
Entrepreneurship in India (MRKT-16)
Pester power: A Key to Marketers Success Vijita S Aggarwal, Shefali
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
Matching Student Expectations with Industry P. R. Sandilyan
Offerings for fresh Hospitality Graduates: A NSHM School of Hotel Management,
study of Kolkata, West Bengal (MRKT-18)
Sutheeshana Babu S
National Institute of Water Sports, Goa
Technical Session – 3C, Time: 04:15 p.m. - 05:45p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Human Resource Management
Chairperson: Dr. Kumkum Mukherjee
Room No: 308 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Manjit Sarkar
Impact of Motivational Incentives on Employee Sumit Kumar Biswakarma, Sonia
Attrition in Luxury Hotels of Kolkata (HR-13)
Sharma Indira Gandhi National Open
University, New Delhi
Integrating employee with the business process Rana Bandyopadhyay
by fostering individual sustainability and proper W.B. State Electricity Transmission Co.
work-life balance – A new approach (HR-14)
The Workplace: A Breeding Ground For Rajinder Aurora, Kavitha Venkatachari
Romance? (HR-15)
IBS, Mumbai
Occupational Stress and “Locus of Control” of Madhumita Mohanty
Substance Abusing Employees of Call Centers of IISWBM, Kolkata
Eastern India (HR-16)
Om Prakash Chowdhury
Department of Business Management,
Calcutta University
Impact of Spiritual Intelligence on The Jisna N
Personality Traits of Professional Students (HR- Calcutta University
Madhumita Mohanty
IISWBM, Kolkata
Role of Motivation on Employees’ Performance Krishnendu Hazra, Prosenjit Ghosh
In Two Catering Sectors of Hospitality Industry: NSHM College of Management &
A Comparative Study (HR-18)
Technology, Durgapur
Partha Pratim Sengupta
NIT, Durgapur
Technical Session – 3D, Time: 4:15 p.m. - 05:45p.m., Date: 15.01.2015
Sub-theme: Health
Chairperson: Dr. Soma Bhattacharjee
Hall Manager: Anupam Ghosh
Room No: 309 (3rd Floor)
Childhood Immunization Depends on Mother’s
Education – A Case Study in a Village of North
24 Parganas
How Good Marketing Can Add Value to A
Hospital (HLTH-3)
Poverty and Child Health - How They Are
Interlinked? (HLTH-4)
Disease of Addiction – it’s no exception in case
of Health Professionals (HLTH-5)
Reform in Private Education - the Need of the
Nation (HLTH-6)
Moutrisha Ganguly
Management, University of Kalyani
Sushmita Das
College of Medicine, JNM, Kalyani, Nadia,
West Bengal
NSHM College of Management and
Technology, Kolkata
Bipasha Das, Debjit Ganguly
NSHM College of Management and
Technology, Kolkata
Amrita Ray, Sayantan Haith
NSHM College of Management and
Technology, Kolkata
Debanjan Banerjee
Department of Media & Communication
Studies, NSHM Knowledge Campus,
Technical Session – 4A, Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Date: 16.01.2015
Sub-theme: Corporate Social Responsibility
Chairperson: Dr. Dulali Nag
Room No: 302 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Dr Soubarna Pal
What they Do? How They Do? A Study on Yuvaraj Vyas, Neeta Pathak
Content Analysis of CSR Programs of Top 100 S.V. Institute of Management, Gujarat
Companies in India (CSR-7)
A Study on the HR Dimensions of Corporate Asha Pachpande, Esrafil Ali
Social Responsibility (CSR-8)
University of Pune
Innovation in Implementing Corporate Social
Responsibility: A Case Study of a Maharatna
Public Sector Enterprise of India (CSR-9)
CSR philosophy: From philanthropy to market
development (CSR-10)
Corporate and NGOs: Mutual Expectations and
Experiences in the context of CSR (CSR-11)
Pulak Dhar
Assam University, Silchar
Madhupa Bakshi
NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata
Roma Puri
Eastern Institute of Management, Kolkata
Subhashree Chander
Tega Group of Industries
Technical Session – 4B, Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Date: 16.01.2015
Sub-theme: Marketing
Chairperson: Dr Archana Sharma
Hall Manager: Ankan Banerjee
Attitudinal Impact of Cause Related Marketing
on Brand Equity and Consumer Purchase
Intention: An Exploratory Analysis (MRKT-19)
Green Marketing in India And Foreign Countries
– A Critical Analysis of Research Works
Word and imagery cross responses for projecting
the unconscious conflicts - A case study
approach (MRKT-21)
A study on the brinjal marketing system of West
Bengal (MRKT-22)
Room No: 303 (3rd Floor)
Shaunak Roy, Shivaji Banerjee
St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata
Ziliya K.P
Department of Management Studies,
Kannur University
Suparna Sengupta
Indian Psychoanalytic Society, Kolkata
Chandan Gain, Kalyan Sankar Sengupta
IISWBM, Kolkata
Technical Session – 4C, Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Date: 16.01.2015
Sub-theme: Human Resource Management
Chairperson: Dr. Madhumita Mohanty
Room No: 308 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Manjit Sarkar
A Study on Team Processes and Team Susweta Guha Thakurta
Performance (HR-19)
All India Management Association
Sumati Ray
IISWBM, Kolkata
The Impact of Leadership Style on employee’s
job behaviour and commitment: A Comparative
Study in Service Sector and Manufacturing
Industry (HR-20)
Susmita Bose Sarkar
Department of Business
University of Calcutta
Kumkum Mukherjee
IISWBM, Kolkata
Factors influencing Employee Turnover in
Sumit Kumar Biswakarma, Sonia
Budget and Luxury Hotels (FHRAI listed) of Sharma
Kolkata (HR-21)
School of Tourism & Hospitality Services
Sectoral Management,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
New Delhi
Refining Selection Process Using Differentiating Anindya Basu Roy
Competencies (HR-22)
Prime On-Line Pvt. Ltd.
Sumati Ray
IISWBM, Kolkata
The Changing role of Trade Unions in India: A Kaushik Banerjee
Socio legal approach towards organizational Brainware Group of Institutions,
change and development (HR-23)
Department of Management Studies
Best Practices for Female Talent Retention In Ruchika Agarwal
The Global Scenario (HR-24)
Sheth P.T. Mahila College of Arts and
Home Science, Surat (Gujarat)
Affiliated to S.N.D.T Women’s University,
Technical Session – 4D, Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Date: 16.01.2015
Sub-theme: Decision Sciences
Chairperson: P. P. Sengupta
Room No: 309 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Anupam Ghosh
Internet - Integration with Innovation, Business, Partha Banerjee
Human and Other Earth Resource Management – Institute of Business Management, National
Case Studies (DS-5)
Council of Education, Bengal
Jadavpur University
Big Data Analytics accelerates Customer Swapna Datta Khan
Relationship Management (DS-6)
Army Institute of Management, Kolkata
A Goal Programming Approach to Cellular Barnali Chaudhuri, R.K. Jana, P.K. Dan
Manufacturing System (DS-7)
IISWBM, Kolkata
Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering
Entrepreneurship, IIT Kharagpur
Assessment of Delivery Standards and Training Amitabh Dey, NSHM School of Hotel
Orientation of Employees: Study of Selected Up- Management, Durgapur
scale Restaurants of Kolkata
Sutheeshna Babu, Institute of Water
Sports Management, Goa
Bullwhip effect in Supply chain Management: A Partha Ghosh, Centre for Research in
case study in Indian Pharmaceuticals Company
Materials Management
P.P Sengupta, IISWBM Kolkata
Samarjit Kar, NIT Durgapur
Technical Session – 5A, Time: 12 noon - 1:30 p.m., Date: 16.01.2015
Sub-theme: Human Resource Management
Chairperson: Dr. Goutam Sengupta
Hall Manager: Dr Soubarna Pal
Emotional Intelligence a predictor of Managerial
Effectiveness: A Study of Public and Private
Sector Bank Managers in West Bengal (HR-25)
New Framework of Job Redesign for Lean (HR26)
Room No: 302 (3rd Floor)
Binay Krishna Halder, Madhumita
IISWBM, Kolkata
School of Management Studies, Techno
Technology Leading the Way Towards HR Best Sandeep Ray Chaudhuri
Practices (HR-27)
School of Management Studies, Techno
Anupam Basu
MTPL Groups Pvt Ltd
Impact of Generation Gap on Reward And Sahil Sharma, Parveen Ahmed Alam
Recognition Programs (HR-28)
Army Institute of Management, Kolkata
Social Media and its Effectiveness in HR N. Srividya, Rita Basu
Functions (HR-29)
Institute of Business Management, National
Council of Education, Bengal
Jadavpur University
Technical Session – 5B, Time: Time: 12 noon- 1:30 p.m., Date: 16.01.2015
Sub-theme: Environment
Chairperson: Dr. S. P. Sinha Roy
Hall Manager: Ankan Banerjee
Rainwater Harvesting - a step towards
sustainability and water security to the
community (ENV-6)
Getting a Hold on Quicksilver- Mercury Isotopes
as Tracers of Environmental Pollution (ENV-7)
Room No: 303 (3rd Floor)
S. P. Sinha Ray
Centre for Ground Water Studies
Reshmi Das, NTU, Singapore
Bijayen Srivastava, IISWBM, Kolkata
Bahareh Khezri, NTU, Singapore
Subhajit Datta, Singapore University of
Technology and Design
P. K. Sikdar, IISWBM, Kolkata
Mou Mukherjee-Das
Journalism and mass communication,
Aliah University, Kolkata
Paulami Sahu
School of Environment and Sustainable
Development, Central University of Gujarat
P. K. Sikdar, IISWBM, Kolkata
Debdas Ray
Asutosh College, Kolkata
business-A critical analysis of the role of Indian
media (ENV-8)
Understanding arsenic migration in the
Quaternary aquifer of Rajarhat, New Town, West
Bengal, India: A numerical modeling approach
Rio+ 20, the Future We Want in terms of
Environmental Policies, Issues and Ethics” as a
platform for Environmental Governance in terms
of Global Sustainability, as seen from Indian
Perspectives (ENV-10)
Optimization of bioreactor performance for S. Ray Chaudhuri
waste water treatment (ENV-11)
Department of Biotechnology, West Bengal
University of Technology, Kolkata
Technical Session – 5C, Time: 12 noon - 1:30 p.m., Date: 16.01.2015
Sub-theme: Human Resource Management
Chairperson: Dr. Swaha Bhattacharya
Room No: 308 (3rd Floor)
Hall Manager: Manjit Sarkar
Human Resource Practices – A study of P. R. Sandilyan, NSHM School of Hotel
approved non star category hotels in Kolkata Management, Durgapur
Sutheeshana Babu S
National Institute of Water Sports, Goa
Does Employee Spirituality Affect Their Dipankar Saha
Innovative Thought & Creative Action in the University of Calcutta
workplace? A Study on Service Industry Kumkum Mukherjee
Professionals in Kolkata (HR-31)
IISWBM, Kolkata
Managing Human Resources for Universalizing Toorban Mitra
Education (HR-32)
Indian Maritime University – Kolkata
Empowerment and Status of Women in Sriparna Guha
Information Technology Industry (HR-33)
Innovation and Best Practices in Human Capital Shuchi Parashar Carville
Hospitality IILM Institute for Business and Management,
Industry (HR-34)
Tania Shaw
Ansal University, Gurgaon