Winter 2015 and December Term* SNL BA COURSE SCHEDULE Updated: January 8, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Course Descriptions ………………………………………………. 2 Degree Completion Major courses ……………………….. 5 December Term Loop Campus ………………………………………….. 7 Naperville Campus ………………………………….. 8 Oak Forest Campus …………………………………. 9 O’Hare Campus ……………………………………….. 10 Online Campus ………………………………………… 11 Loop Campus courses…………………………………………….. 12 Naperville Campus courses…………………………………….. 15 Oak Forest Campus courses……………………………………. 16 O’Hare Campus courses………………………………………….. 17 SNL Online courses………………………………………………….. 18 Faculty Designed Independent Studies……………………. 24 HOW TO REGISTER To Register, log in to – then go to Add/drop a class in the Student Center. Enter the five digit number for each competence you wish to register. You can register for two competencies in most SNL courses. By University policy, all registrations incur the DePaul Athletic Fee. You must use a paper registration form to register for a Guided Independent Study, Advanced Project and Externship when taken as a project with your mentor. Submitting a paper registration form can only be confirmed using Campus Connect and not by telephone. See registration form at IMPORTANT INFORMATION: See updates at Ready for Advanced Project? There are 2 options to satisfy F11 and F12: FA 303 Independent Advanced Project and FA 304 Advanced Project Course. If you intend to take FA 304, you should have the majority of your focus area competencies completed, or Academic Committee approval that verifies such completion is forthcoming. Your Academic Committee should review and approve your proposal for your intended AP prior to starting the class. If you prefer to take Advanced Project as an independent study with your mentor, register for FAL 303 and contact your mentor. ArtShares ILP Project: Interested in presenting creative work for an Independent Learning Pursuit in a supportive group assessment session? See Continuing Activity Status: Register for this status if you are not planning to take any courses this quarter to remain an active student. Use registration number: 21833 Course Descriptions: See Courses in Other DePaul Colleges: If you plan to register for a course in another DePaul college, check with that college office for registration information and pre-requisites, then register, noting the right quarter and using the 5 digit code for the course and the SNL registration form at *December Term: Courses meet either: Mondays and Wednesdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays or Saturdays. NOTE: when registering or searching for a December Term course in Campus Connect, please choose the Winter term, not the December Term. The search results will specify “DEC SESSN” when a course is being offered in the December Term. Focus Area Competencies: Completing F1 is a pre-requisite to registering for any other FX competencies. Please contact your faculty mentor or academic committee if you have not yet completed F1. Incomplete Grades are not automatic, and must be negotiated with an instructor before the end of the quarter. See Incomplete Contract at Incomplete grades not resolved within two quarters are converted to an "F" and may not be re-opened. SNL Scholarships: See Summit Seminar: Summit Seminar is for students who have had or will successfully complete their Final Committee Meeting no later than the seventh week of the current quarter. Your registration confirms that you have successfully completed all Lifelong Learning area competencies, including current enrollment or successful completion of the Externship and the Focus Area Advanced project. . Your current registration reflects the last competencies you need in order to graduate. If you are unsure of your eligibility discuss your readiness with your academic committee. If you are cleared by your academic committee, register by Campus Connect. After Campus Connect registration closes, use a registration form at Registration numbers: On-campus section, note this is a hybrid class that begins online at on January 21. Seminar held on-campus Feb 22, from 9-4pm: 21834. Online sections (course runs Feb 9 – Mar 15): 21835, 21836, 21837. See also Tuition: See Withdrawals: SNL students who need to withdraw from courses should consult DePaul's Academic Calendar regarding important dates and deadlines. Additionally, students who withdraw from 10-week late-starting classes within the first two weeks after class has started should contact for a tuition adjustment and students who withdraw from 5-week classes within the first week after class has started should contact for a tuition adjustment. IMPORTANT DATES See and Descriptions of New Courses for December Term Oak Forest FA 116 - Get to Work! Communication and Job Search Skills for a Successful Career – (Tues/Thurs) How can adults enhance their employability in today’s business world long term? This course will provide strategies for participants to design and navigate a successful job search in today’s competitive market. The course will focus on the development of communication skills, both written (online applications, resumes, and cover letters), verbal (interviewing), and non-verbal (body language, presenting one’s self as a professional) in order to provide a foundation for a lifetime of career development and success. Competencies: FX, H1X. Can only be taken for one competence. Faculty: Karen Marvinac. Meets Tues/Thurs 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16, 6:15-9:30pm Descriptions of New Courses for Winter Term Loop SW 249 – Animal Science and the Role of Modern Zoos – (Mon.) LATE START. Begins 2/9 The main objective of this course is for students to increase their love and understanding of animals!!! It will be a fun and interactive course where you will gain a general understanding of the animal kingdom and how animals are classified. You then will be able to identify animals as an individual organism, describe their natural habitat and better understand their role or ecological niche as it relates to its environment. Students will discover the importance of zoos and how they have become leaders in providing the knowledge needed to preserve the natural world. You?ll learn what zoos do with that information and 2 how they make a difference with regards to environmental issues such as habitat destruction and the importance of species preservation. Students will investigate different zoological institutions and compare how each are unique in their animal collections, the way they support and conduct research, and convey that knowledge to the scientific community and the general public. Competencies: S2D, S1B, S3C, A3C. Faculty: Dominic Calderisi. LATE START. Meets 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9. Can only be taken for one competence. HC 211 – Engaging a Local Nonprofit to Solve a Global Problem – (Mon). LATE START. Begins 1/12 Global Problem, Local Solution. This phrase has been overused by many a community organization addressing a wide variety of issues including health crises, global warming, fair labor issues, sustainable agriculture, illiteracy, water sanitation, education reform, overpopulation, access to technology, poverty, food waste, trafficking, and much more. What does it actually mean to implement a local solution to a global problem? To fully understand the attempt to affect global social change at a community level, students will meaningfully involve themselves in a local nonprofit with a minimum of ten hours of field service experience in a six week period. Through nonprofit engagement, readings, writings, classroom discussions, classroom presentations, guest speakers and more, students will explore a range of topics from the fundamentals and design of nonprofit organizations to their regulation and abuse. They will learn how to measure the effectiveness of a nonprofit as well as design a nonprofit to effect a change they find important. And they will explore what meaning charity has in their own lives. And why the dating metaphor? Dating is an excellent metaphor for just about everything in life. The way this metaphor applies to nonprofits is… Join us, and you’ll learn how. It promises to be an engaging experience. Competencies: L3, H2A, H5, FX. Faculty: Bonnie Tunick SW 262 – The Happiness Project – (Tues) What is happiness? How do we know that we are happy? How can we become happier in our lives? In recent years, there have been an increasing number of college courses dedicated to the study of happiness, positive psychology, life satisfaction, etc. This course will be an introduction to how various fields and disciplines are examining topics relevant to the nature of happiness and well-being, while providing an opportunity for students to examine their own ideas and expectations for happiness. Using Gretchen Rubin’s popular book, The Happiness Project, as a guide, we will review the latest theories and research in psychology, the sciences, religion, and the arts, as well as ancient wisdom and popular culture, to determine what is known and assumed about happiness. Participants in the course will develop and assess their own happiness project during the last several weeks of the course. Competencies: H3A, H3X, A3X, S2X, S3X, L7, FX negotiable (for focus areas related to psychology, counseling, wellness, etc. Faculty: Derise Tolliver Atta HC 222 - Facilitative Dialogue – (Wed) Verbal communication is an essential component in virtually every aspect of our interpersonal lives. The focus of this course is to study those situations and settings where we need to facilitate appropriate dialogue in order to arrive at a solution in the face of potentially emotional volatility. As examples, these conversations can include: confronting an uncooperative coworker, assessing alleged wrongdoing by a student, addressing resistance in a patient, or meeting the needs of a disgruntled customer. In these situations, our own behavioral and verbal actions are important determinants in the direction, duration, and consequences of the interaction. Given the potential for us to be verbally accosted, hostilely confronted, and/or be inappropriately blamed, we often have to manage our own emotions in addition to trying to engage in facilitative dialogue. Students will examine the processes involved in emotionally volatile situations including how our emotional and physiological state work in these situations. Students will learn a framework to more effectively manage the situation in order to arrive at an acceptable outcome. This course is appropriate for those in human resources, patient- and service-oriented industries, counseling, education, leadership development, and other settings where facilitative dialogue is necessary. Competencies: H3D, H3X, S2A, FX. Faculty: Joseph Chen SW 233 – Applied Information Management Systems – (Thurs) This course introduces students to the key concepts in the field of Management Information Systems (MIS) and enhances understanding of the issues that business organizations face when developing and managing information systems. In this course, students will be presented with a broad overview of the field to first examine the increasing impact of information technology in business organizations, and second, in preparation for more advanced courses in data analytics and information systems. Specifically, the three major topics covered include (1) e-businesses and networks, (2) databases, as well as (3) enterprise resource planning (ERP) and process models. These topics are designed to prepare students for further inquiry on web analytics, data mining, project management, supply chain management, as well as business in general. By completing the course, students should be better equipped to apply IT skills to solve business problems, to participate in IT projects, and to communicate more knowledgeably with IT professionals. Competencies: S1D, S5, FX. Faculty: Ben Yeo 3 HC 154 – Race and Ethnic Relations – (Alt. Sat.- Truman Bridge Course) Truman Bridge Course. Meets at Truman College: 1/24, 2/7, from 10am-4pm; Meets at Loop Campus: 2/21, 3/7*, 3/28*, 4/18, 5/2, from 10am-4pm. *NOTE: No classes on 3/21 and 4/4 – University closed. Can be taken for up to 3 competencies. Competencies: H2A, H4, H5, A3C, FX. Faculty: Anghesom Atsbaha (SNL) and Abra Johnson (Truman) AI 234 – Visualizing Latin America – (Alt. Sat/HYBRID – Wright Bridge Course) Wright Bridge Course. This course is an introduction to modern Latin American visual arts, literature, music, philosophy, and other performing arts through the study of selected works. This course also introduces methods of engagement with different forms of informational literacy, including digital discourse. In the context of learning about modern Latin American humanities, you will also develop skills in new modes of digital communication and research; this includes some techniques of digital humanities such as at a visualization, data mining, elemental GPS mapping, creating simple webpages, and remote reading. Meets at Wright College: 1/17, 1/31, from 9am-2pm. Meets at Loop Campus: 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, from 9am-2pm. Can be taken for up to 3 competencies. Competencies: A5, H5, A1X, S5. Faculty: Michael Reynolds (SNL) and Polly Hoover (Wright) Online LL 250 – Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals This special section of Foundations of Adult Learning is available for students who wish to enroll in a learning community that will work on the Lifelong Learning competences together with a team of faculty and students over the next year. Contact Susan Reed for more information. Competencies: L2F1. Faculty: Susan Reed Offcampus LL 302 - Externship: Mindfulness Meditation Retreat at Starved Rock State Park (Spring, 2015) th th This unique hybrid course involves a four-day retreat (Thursday, April 16 through Sunday, April 19 , 2015) at the beautiful Starved Rock Lodge and Conference Center in Utica, IL (1.5 hour drive from Chicago). Starved Rock Lodge sits high atop a wooded bluff overlooking the Illinois River in the magnificent Starved Rock State Park. Every student will have a private guest room in the lodge. There is a fee of $650 for the retreat, in addition to the 4 credit hours of tuition for the L-10 and L-11 competencies. All the other pre- and post-retreat learning activities will take place online during the Spring, 2015 quarter. See the syllabus for more details. The pre-requisites for the course are completion of Foundations of Adult Learning and the L-4 and L-5 competencies. The course will fill early. You must pre-register for the course by contacting the instructor, Michael Skelley, directly at Mindfulness meditation practices are simple, relaxing, yet powerful ways of developing your mind so that you can to be more fully and freely engaged in your daily experiences. The approaches to mindfulness meditation that you will learn in this course are related to Buddhist traditions, but also draw from contemporary insights in neuroscience, psychology and philosophy. No prior experience with meditation is necessary for this course. Study Abroad South Africa and the Quest for Change: 25 Years and Counting Deadline: November 1, 2014 This course seeks to give students a thorough grounding in that recent history, with emphasis on the evolution of South Africa’s Constitution, on the features that have made the country one of the most advanced economies in the whole of Africa, and on its struggles with the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Students will visit relevant historical sites, attend lectures, and interact with academics and experienced professionals in the areas of South African history, law, politics, economic development, and public health in both Johannesburg and Cape Town. Sites include the Apartheid Museum and the Constitutional Court in Johannesburg; the Union Building and Freedom Museum in Pretoria; Soweto Township; Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years; and the District Six Museum in Cape Town. Also planned are excursions around Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope. There will also be opportunities for service learning. Students will register for 3-4 competences chosen from the following: L10, L11, E1, E2, H1X, H2X, S3X, H5, FX. Credit hours will be spread out over Winter Quarter 2015 and Spring Quarter 2015. Questions about the program should be directed to Fred Wellisch ( or Ludovic Comeau ( 4 December Term and Winter Quarter Degree Completion Major Courses at SNL Courses for the Degree Completion Majors (DCM) are designed to complete requirements for two specific degrees: the BA in Leadership Studies and the BA in Applied Behavioral Sciences. SNL DCM students are SNL students but they are not competence-based, individualized focus area students. They are SNL DCM students. SNL Individualized Focus Area students are, however, welcome to take selected DCM classes only if they offer competencies students can use. There are no negotiated competencies in DCM courses. DCM students should register using the Class Nbr for DCM. All other SNL students should register using the Class Nbr assigned to a competence. All online DCM courses are held in Desire2Learn, the university’s learning management system. To access them, use your Campus Connect userID and Password to log in at: December Term Courses This select group of courses meets for only five sessions from Dec. 1- Jan. 2 and each satisfies one competence, unless otherwise stated. Tuition is due Nov. 24 with grades posted in early January. December Term 12/1/14 – 1/2/15 Subj Course # Course Campus Instructor Credit hours Kosiarek, Renee 4 – DCM 2 – FX 2 – H3A Online Gilmore, Greg 4 – DCM 2 – FX 2 – H3A Online Kosiarek, Renee 4 – DCM 2 – FX 2 – H1X Amador, Elly 4 – DCM 2 – FX 2 – H1X Class Nbr DCM 21757 FX 21758 H3A 21759 DCM 22361 FX 22362 H3A 22363 DCM 21752 FX 21753 H1X 21754 DCM 21749 FX 21750 H1X 21751 NOTES 303 Leadership Models for Strong Organizations 303 Leadership Models for Strong Organizations 307 Analyzing Human Behavior 307 Analyzing Human Behavior DCM 314 Learning and Transformation Online Dix, Mary Jane 2 – DCM DCM 21763 Meets Online: DCM admission required. DCM 319 Creativity and Innovative Thinking Online Prusik, Amelie 2 – DCM 2 – A5 DCM A5 21766 21767 Meets Online DCM 319 Creativity and Innovative Thinking Online Komornick, Janine 2 – DCM 2 – A5 DCM A5 21755 21756 Meets Online DCM DCM DCM DCM Online Online Meets Online. Meets Online. Meets Online. Meets Online. Winter Term 1/3/15 – 3/20/15 Subj DCM DCM Course # Course 308 Introduction to Statistics 306 Productive Applications of WorkBased Technology Campus LOOP Instructor Khananu, Zaya Stokes, Vincent LOOP 5 Credit hours 4 - DCM 2 - S2X 2 - FX 4 – DCM 2 – FX 2 – S1D 2 – S5 Class Nbr DCM S2X FX DCM FX S1D S5 21974 21975 21976 21966 21967 21968 21969 NOTES Meets at the Loop Campus, Tuesdays, 5:45-9pm, 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 Meets at the Loop Campus, Tuesdays, 5:45-9pm, 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 Winter Term 1/3/15 – 3/20/15 Subj DCM Course # 308 Course Introduction to Statistics Campus Instructor Hemmerling, John 4 - DCM 2 - S2X 2 - FX NAPERVILLE Mirza, Zoaib DCM 306 Productive Applications of WorkBased Technology Credit hours NAPERVILLE Class Nbr DCM S2X FX 4 – DCM 2 – FX 2 – S1D 2 – S5 DCM FX S1D S5 4 – DCM DCM NOTES Meets at the Naperville Campus, 21977 Tuesdays, 6:1521978 9:30pm, 1/6/15 – 21979 3/17/15 Meets at the 21970 Naperville Campus, 21971 Tuesdays, 6:1521972 9:30pm, 1/6/15 – 21973 3/17/15 Stevens, Cynthia DCM 309 Applied Research ONLINE 21980 Stevens, Cynthia DCM DCM 321 324 Capstone Planning Effective Group and Personal Dynamics ONLINE 2 – DCM Mirza, Zoaib ONLINE 4 – DCM 2 – FX 2 – H2X DCM 21957 DCM 21983 FX 21984 H2X 21985 Magree, Janet DCM DCM DCM 315 330 320 Exploring the Field Professional Communication in the Workplace Professional Portfolio Development ONLINE 2 – DCM Wozniak, Kathryn ONLINE Stevens, Cynthia ONLINE 6 4 – DCM 2 – H2X 2 – FX 2 – H3X 2 – DCM 2 – FX DCM DCM H2X FX H3X DCM FX 21981 21986 21988 21987 21989 Meets Online. DCM admission required. Meets Online. DCM admission required. Meets Online. Meets Online. DCM admission required. Meets Online. 27030 27031 Meets Online. December Term Courses This select group of courses meets for only five sessions from Dec. 1-19 and each satisfies one competence, unless otherwise stated. Tuition is due Nov. 24 with grades posted in early January. December Term at the Loop Campus 14 East Jackson Blvd, Chicago 312/362-8001 Classes meet from 5:45-9pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Monday/Wednesday AI 232 Theater Improvisation Starrs, John A2A 21790 A2X 21791 A5 21792 Tuesday/Thursday AI 170 Creativity and Entrepreneurship Acerra, Patrizia A5 21793 FX 21794 L7 21795 Meets Mon/Wed 12/1, 12/3, 12/8, 12/10, 12/15. Can only be taken for one competence Meets T/TH 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16, 12/18. Can only be taken for one competence HC 228 Women in China: images and roles Kwong, Jennifer H1X 22312 S3X 22313 H5 22314 SW 361 Introduction to Computer Productivity Khananu, Zaya S5 21777 FX 21778 Meets Tues/Thur 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16. Can only be taken for one competence. Meets Mon/Wed 12/1, 12/3, 12/8, 12/10, 12/15. Can only be taken for one competence FA 270 Starting Up and Running Your Own Business Nowak, Thomas FX 21798 H1X 21799 Meets Tues/Thur 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16. Can only be taken for one competence. 7 Saturday AI 168 Art and Memory II: The Art Journal LoSardo, Betta & Sandy, Pamela A2X 26013 A5 26014 A1X 26015 HYBRID. Meets 12/6 & 12/13, from 9-4pm, with one field trip and one online discussion. Can only be taken for one competence. December Term at the Naperville Campus 150 W. Warrenville, Naperville 630/548-9378 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Monday/ Wednesday HC 105 All About Me: Understanding Oneself Through Journaling Jackson, Tranita H3C 21800 FX 21801 A1X 21802 Meets 12/1, 12/3, 12/8, 12/10, 12/15, 6:15-9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. FA 198 Financial Planning for Retirement Lewis, E. Pete H4 21805 L7 21806 FX 21807 Meets 12/1, 12/3, 12/8, 12/10, 12/15, 6:15-9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. Tuesday/Thursday HC 101 The Art of Negotiation: Realizing Opportunity Ziolkowski, Amy FX 21803 H3D 21804 A3X 22403 Meets 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16, 6:15-9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. 8 December Term at the Oak Forest Campus 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest 708/633-9091 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Monday/Wednesday Tuesday/Thursday SW 338 Ancient Wisdom Versus Modern Science Lawrence, Elvrid A3G 26016 H2X 26017 S3A 26018 S3E 26019 Meets Tues/Thurs, 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16 6:30 9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. FA 116 Get to Work! Communication and Job Search Skills for a Successful Career Marvinac, Karen FX 26402 H1X 26403 Meets Tues/Thurs, 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16 6:30 9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. NEW COURSE HC 102 Holiday Economics Gesiakowsa, JoAnn H5 21814 FX 21815 L7 21816 Meets Tues/Thurs, 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16 6:30 9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. 9 Saturday HC 199 Manifestations of Belief: Religion vs. The Constitution during the Holidays Richine, Jean A1X 21826 H2X 21827 H3X 21828 H4 21829 Meets Saturdays, 12/6 & 12/13 9-4pm. Can only be taken for one competence AI 113 Urban Community Ethics Milsap, Cynthia A3X H1H 21830 21831 Meets Saturdays, 12/6 & 12/13 9-4pm. Can only be taken for one competence December Term at the O’Hare Campus Triangle Plaza, 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago 312/476-3600 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Monday/Wednesday Tuesday/Thursday HC 164 Roles and Responsibilities of Organizational Leaders Lockerby, Mary Lou H2X 21808 FX 21809 Meets Tues/Thur 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16, 6:15-9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. SW 235 Yoga and Well-Being Russell, Rebecca A3B 21810 H3F 21811 S1X 21812 S2C 21813 Meets Tues/Thur 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11, 12/16, 6:15-9:30 pm. Can only be taken for one competence. 10 December Term for SNL Online st th The following courses start December 1 and end on December 19 , unless otherwise noted. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Subject Area & Course Number DCM 307 Course DCM 307 Analyzing Human Behavior DCM 319 Creativity and Innovative Thinking Creativity and Innovative Thinking Analyzing Human Behavior Competence and Class Nbr Notes Kosiarek, Renee Course runs until 1/2/15 Amador, Elly Course runs until 1/2/15 Prusik, Amelie Course runs until 1/2/15 Course runs until 1/2/15 AI 115 The Culture of Christmas DCM FX H1X DCM FX H1X DCM A5 DCM A5 H1E A1X AI 115 The Culture of Christmas H1E A1X 27251 27252 Joachim, Jill FA 105 Essentials of Compensation Management Essentials of Project Management H3B FX 21771 21772 Kahdeman, Tyler H2X FX 21773 21774 Bascaran, Eduardo Essentials of Training and Development Introduction to Computer Productivity Leadership Models for Strong Organizations FX H2X 21779 21780 Snyder, Deborah S5 FX 21775 21776 Ottaviani, Diane DCM FX H3A DCM FX H3A H3F 21757 21758 21759 22361 22362 22363 21781 Kosiarek, Renee H3F 27401 Leavy, Elizabeth S1A S2D 21782 21783 Martin, Akilah S1D FX 21786 21787 Kasprzak, Erin DCM 319 FA 260 FA 110 SW 361 DCM 303 DCM 303 Leadership Models for Strong Organizations AI 282 Leisure for WellBeing Leisure for WellBeing Science for Citizens AI 282 SW 153 SW 250 Widgets, Clicks and Tweets: Essentials of Applied Web Technology 21752 21753 21754 21749 21750 21751 21766 21767 21755 21756 21769 21770 Instructor 11 Komornick, Janine Joachim, Jill Gilmore, Greg Can only be taken for one competence. Can only be taken for one competence. Can only be taken for one competence. Can only be taken for one competence. Can only be taken for one competence. Can only be taken for one competence. Course runs until 1/2/15 Course runs until 1/2/15 Olison, Shannon Can only be taken for one competence. Can only be taken for one competence. Winter Quarter at the Loop Campus 14 East Jackson Blvd, Chicago 312/362-8001 Classes meet from 5:45-9pm, unless otherwise stated FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 1/5/15 – 3/16/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Wellisch, Fred L1 22134 LATE START. Meets 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16 Tuesdays 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 Wednesdays 1/7/15 – 3/18/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Strohschen, Gabriele L1 22135 LATE START. Meets 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals LoSardo, Betta L2F1 21733 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals McGury, Susan L2F1 21734 LATE START. Begins 1/14 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals McGury, Susan L2F1 21735 LL 140 Writing Workshop Cummings, Kamilah H3J 22176 LL 260 Writing to Competence Gaddam, Amanda L4 22138 LATE START. Begins 1/15 LL 270 Critical Thinking Luma, Tania L5 26102 LATE START. Begins 1/15 LL 205 Quantitative Reasoning Thor, Eric L6 22139 LL 300 Research Seminar Udoh, Isidore LL 260 Writing to Competence Hayes, Nicholas L4 22137 LL 270 Critical Thinking Stone, Charles L5 22177 LL 300 Research Seminar Davis, Nancy L8,9 22178 (LRS) HYBRID OPEN TOPIC LL 302 Externship Lindsay-Ryan, Elisabeth L10, 11 21703 (LEX) Topic: Making Change IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar Steele, Donna E1 26093 E2 26094 Topic: Social Responsibility Thursdays 1/8/15 – 3/19/15 L8,9 22179 (LRS) OPEN TOPIC HC 203 Living and Working in a Global Environment Gilmore, Greg H5 22210 E1 22211 E2 22212 FX 22213 Can be taken for any two competences. 12 Saturdays 1/3/15 – 3/14/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Stanford, Ann L1 22136 LATE START. Meets 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21. Meets from 9-12:15pm Mondays 1/5/15 – 3/16/15 SW 365 Addiction Studies Mills, Robert A3X 22140 H2A 22141 H3F 22142 S2C 22143 S3B 22144 Tuesdays 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 SW 262 The Happiness Project Tolliver, Derise H3X 26129 A3X 26130 S3X 26131 L7 26132 FX negotiable for Focus Areas related to psychology, counseling, wellness, etc Wednesdays 1/7/15 – 3/18/15 FA 304 Advanced Project Course Comeau, Ludovic F11, 12 26704 (FAP) HC 233 Christianities: Ancient, Modern, Global Buckley, Kevin A3X 22195 H2X 22196 H5 22197 A4 22198 Thursdays 1/8/15 – 3/19/15 FA 304 Advanced Project Course Paulson, Ed F11, 12 26401 (FAP) SW 233 Applied Information Management Systems Yeo, Ben S1D 26749 S5 26750 FX 26751 NEW COURSE NEW COURSE SW 249 Animal Science and the Role of Modern Zoos Calderisi, Dominic S2D 27509 S1B 27510 S3C 27511 A3C 27512 LATE START. Meets 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9. Can only be taken for one competence. NEW COURSE HC 211 Engaging a Local Nonprofit to Solve a Global Problem Tunick, Bonnie L3 26098 H2A 26099 H5 26100 FX 26101 NEW COURSE LATE START. Begins 1/12 FA 112 Exploring Success Techniques for Enhancing Career Skills Weggeman, Jennifer H3X 22401 FX 22402 LATE START. Meets 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9. Can only be taken for one competence. AI 396 Introduction to Art Therapy Cantwell, Joan A2A 22180 A5 22181 H3X 22182 S3B 22183 HC 222 Facilitative Dialogue Chen, Joseph H3D 26140 H3X 26141 S2A 26142 FX 26143 SW 275 Body, Mind, Spirit: Yoga and Meditation Dolan, Maureen H3F 22229 S2C 22230 A3B 22231 S3B 22232 NEW COURSE DCM 308 Introduction to Statistics Khananu, Zaya DCM 21974 S2X 21975 FX 21976 HC 365 Jazz and Chicago Cunniff, Joe A1A 22207 A1C 22208 H1X 22209 LATE START Meets 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11. Can only be taken for one competence. FA 237 Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Client Relations Forster, Peter H2X 22233 H3D 22234 L7 22235 FX 22236 DCM 306 Productive Applications of Work Based Technology Stokes, Vincent DCM 21966 FX 21967 S1D 21968 S5 21969 HC 201 Negotiating Contracts: Strategic, Legal, Ethical, and Modern Technology Rocco, Patricia A3X 22214 H1D 22215 H3D 22216 FX 22217 S3X 22218 SW 345 Creating Presentations in PowerPoint, Word, and Publisher Szczerba, Patricia A2X 22237 S5 22238 FX 22239 S1D 22240 13 Saturdays 1/3/15 – 3/14/15 HC 154 Race and Ethnic Relations Atsbaha, Anghesom & Johnson, Abra H2A 22331 H4 22332 H5 22333 A3C 22334 FX 22335 Truman Bridge Course. **See page 3 for meeting dates and times. AI 234 Visualizing Latin America Reynolds, Michael & Hoover, Polly A5 27161 H5 27162 A1X 27163 S5 27164 Wright Bridge Course.**See page 3 for meeting dates and times. NEW COURSE Sundays 1/4/15 – 3/15/15 LL 390 Summit Seminar Holton, Deborah L12 21834 HYBRID class that begins online at on January 21. Seminar held oncampus Feb 22, from 9-4pm Mondays 1/5/15 – 3/16/15 HC 223 Money, Finance, and Crises Comeau, Ludovic H1X 22150 H2X 22151 H5 22152 S3X 22153 FX 22154 AI 247 Stage Improvisation and Game Playing Starrs, John A1X 22169 A2A 22170 A3D 22171 A5 22172 Tuesdays 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 AI 143 Rooted in the City: Writers & Writing in Chicago Stanford, Ann L3 22317 A2A 22318 A5 22319 H4 22381 A1B 22399 LATE START. Begins 1/13 Wednesdays 1/7/15 – 3/18/15 SW 282 Nutrition: Basics and Beyond Wall, Elizabeth S2A 22219 S2C 22220 S4 22221 Thursdays 1/8/15 – 3/19/15 SW 269 Energy and Health Orlando, Gina S3D 22241 S4 22242 S2X 22243 H2F 22244 HC 289 Psychology from an Africancentered Perspective Tolliver, Derise A3E 26146 H1F 26147 H3A 26148 H4 26149 H5 26150 AI 215 Film Noir Kimsey, John A5 26125 A1X 26126 A1D 26127 LATE START. Meets 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12. Can only be taken for one competence. HC 171 Organizational Culture in Action Balabanos, Dorothy L7 26250 H4 26251 FX 26252 H2C 26253 FA 300 Project Management Nowak, Thomas L7 22254 H2X 22255 S1D 22256 FX 22257 AI 285 Work, Play and Rest: Integrating the Fragments Kisiel, Caroline L7 22191 H3F 22192 S3X 22193 A5 22194 14 Saturdays 1/3/15 – 3/14/15 Winter Quarter at the Naperville Campus 150 W. Warrenville, Naperville 630/548-9378 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 1/5/15 – 3/16/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Gabbert, Scott L1 22269 LATE START. Meets 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16. Tuesdays 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Kimsey, John L2F1 21736 Wednesdays 1/7/15 – 3/18/15 FA 196 Managing a Successful Business Paulson, Ed L7 26292 H2X 26293 FX 26294 A5 26295 AI 252 Today’s Successful Business Manager Ratza, Cliff A3C 26287 A4 26288 H4 26289 FX 26290 DCM 308 Introduction to Statistics Hemmerling, John DCM 21977 S2X 21978 FX 21979 LL 260 Writing to Competence Jackson, Tranita L4 22276 DCM 306 Productive Applications of Work Based Information Technology Mirza, Zoaib DCM 21970 FX 21971 S1D 21972 S5 21973 SW 356 Database Design and Implementation for Small Business Todd, Kurtis A5 22277 S1D 22278 S3E 22279 FX 22280 S5 22281 15 Thursdays 1/8/15 – 3/19/15 LL 140 Writing Workshop Gaddam, Amanda H3J 22275 Saturdays 1/3/15 – 3/14/15 LL 300 Research Seminar Neblung, Lori L8,9 22274 (LRS) OPEN TOPIC LATE START. Begins 1/10. Meets from 9 – 12:15pm SW 235 Yoga and Well-Being Russell, Rebecca A3B 26306 H3F 26307 S1X 26308 S2C 26309 LATE START. Meets 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Winter Quarter at the Oak Forest Campus 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest 708/633-9091 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 1/5/15 – 3/16/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Grooms, Kenya L1 22300 LATE START. Meets 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2 Tuesdays 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 LL 140 Writing Workshop Cummings, Kamilah H3J 22302 AI 255 Self Exploration: Inside Ourselves, Outside with Others Skorupa, Kenn L7 22165 A3X 22166 H3X 22167 S3X 22168 SW 246 Pharmacology and Health Stifter, Patricia S3B 26347 S2C 26348 S2D 26349 S2A 26350 Wednesdays 1/7/15 – 3/18/15 HYBRID. LATE START. Meets 1/12, 2/9, 3/9, 6:15pm to 9:30pm, CDT, Either Online or Oak Forest Campus 16 Thursdays 1/8/15 – 3/19/15 Saturdays 1/3/15 – 3/14/15 FA 312 Financial Literacy Mahan, Bridgette S1D 22307 FX 22308 H1X 22309 H2X 22310 LATE START. Begins 1/10. Meets from 9 12:15pm Winter Quarter at the O’Hare Campus 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, 312/476-3600 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 1/5/15 – 3/16/15 Tuesdays 1/6/15 – 3/17/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Jackson, Tranita L1 22299 LATE START. Meets 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17 Wednesdays 1/7/15 – 3/18/15 LL 270 Critical Thinking DiCola, Chuck L5 27024 LL 140 Writing Workshop H3J 26315 Triller Fry, Steffanie HYBRID Meets on-campus: 1/12, 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/9. Meets Online: 1/5, 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16 LL 300 Research Seminar Comeau, Ludovic L8,9 26324 (LRS) LL 205 Quantitative Reasoning Khananu, Zaya L6 22282 LATE START. Begins 1/14 LL 264 Writing to Competence/ Pride and Prejudice an Innovative Approach to Academic Writing L4* 22320 A1X 22321 Wagoner, Jane HYBRID. Meets on-campus: 1/5, 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2. Meets online: 1/12, 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/9, 3/16. SW 356 Database Design and Implementation for Small Business Todd, Kurtis A5 26325 S1D 26326 S3E 26327 FX 26328 S5 26329 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Stanford, Ann L2F1 21737 LAT E START. Begins 1/12 *Students must register for L4 and may register for the additional competence. LL 302 Externship Donnelly, Barbara L10, 11 21656 (LEX) L3 21657 Topic: Caring for Our Vulnerable Youth OPEN TOPIC FA 304 Advanced Project Course Downing, Kevin F11, 12 (FAP) 26708 SW 160 Climate and Climate Change Heltne, Paul S4 22288 S2D 22289 S3C 22445 S2X 26336 S3X 26337 LATE START. Begins 1/14 FA 109 Tax-Planning for a Secure Retirement Lewis, E. Pete FX 26339 S2X 26340 LATE START. Meets 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11. Can only be taken for one competence. 17 Thursdays 1/8/15 – 3/19/15 HC 141 Coaching for Personal and Professional Effectiveness Weggeman, Jennifer L7 22294 FX 22295 LATE START. Meets 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12. Can only be taken for one competence. AI 147 Ethics: How Good People Make Tough Choices Hayda, Christine A3C 26341 A3X 26342 A4 26343 FX 26344 HC 358 Professional Speaking and Presentation Skills McKay, Don H3E 22296 FX 22297 A2X 22298 Saturdays 1/3/15 – 3/14/15 Winter Quarter SNL Online Courses Accessing Your Online Course Enter your Campus Connect username and password at If you do not have your Campus Connect login credentials, please call the Technology Support Center (TSC) at 312-362-8765. The TSC will be able to reset your Campus Connect login credentials. You can also contact the TSC with any other technical issues that you may experience with Desire2Learn. Beginning The Quarter Expect to receive an email from your instructor by end of the day on the previous Friday. Login to D2L several days before your course begins to preview your course. Note you may not see course information posted yet: it will be there by the first day of the quarter. Your Email Address You will be receiving important information via email at your preferred email address listed on Campus Connect. If your email address has recently changed, you must update your email address under the HOME and then check the Preferred field on Campus Connect. Log into Campus Connect at, and update your email address. Please note AOL, MSN, Yahoo and Hotmail are not recommended as they may prevent you from receiving emails from your instructor. If you use one of these email clients, we recommend that you lower the spam filter as much as possible. Books and Syllabi You can order your books at Books for SNL online courses are not available at the on-campus bookstore. See your course syllabus at Technical Requirements See Contact Information Technology For problems related to Desire2Learn, please contact the Technology Support Center at 312-362-8765. You can also submit a ticket by logging on to Campus Connect at, Student Services For general online student support questions, please email us at Advising For academic advising questions, please contact 312-362-5445 or email 18 Winter Quarter for SNL Online FX competencies must be appropriate to the students focus area Subject Area & Course Number FA 363 Course HC 302 Active Citizens: Making a difference in the community, workplace, world L3 L7 H4 FX 21993 21994 21995 21996 Richine, Jean IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar E1 E2 21997 21998 Enenbach, Mark Topic: Health Care Options IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar E1 E2 21999 22000 LoSardo, Betta Topic: Money, Power and Art in the Italian Renaissance FA 304 Advanced Project Course Advanced Project Course Advanced Project Course African Spirituality and Education 26705 Martin, Akilah 26706 Robinson, Mark 27528 Stone, Charles 22001 22002 22003 22004 Mosha, Raymond FA 304 FA 304 HC 370 Achieving Your Work and Life Goals Competence and Class Nbr H3X 21990 L7 21991 FX 21992 F11, 12 (FAP) F11, 12 (FAP) F11, 12 (FAP) A1H A3B H5 FX Instructor Trondsen, Norene AI 153 The Art of Speechmaking FX A2B 26714 26715 Acerra, Patrizia HC 299 Assessing and Managing Conflict FX H3D L7 22005 22006 22007 Delgado, Mary AI 185 The Beatles and the Creative Process A5 A1X A3X S3F 22356 22357 22358 22359 Kimsey, James AI 185 The Beatles and the Creative Process A5 A1X A3X S3F 22008 22009 22010 22011 DiCola, Charles AI 185 The Beatles and the Creative Process A5 A1X A3X S3F 22404 22405 22406 22407 Kimsey, James FA 368 Compassionate Business: Stress Reduction in the Workforce Connecting Thought and Behavior in the Workplace, the Community and your Personal Life Creating Original Digital Art A3B H2X FX 22017 22018 22019 H1I H3A S3X FX 22020 22021 22022 22023 Skorupa, Kenn A2D A2X FX A2A 22024 22025 22026 22027 Schmidgall, Dee A1C A2A A5 22028 22029 22030 Goushegir, Ezzat FA 325 AI 181 AI 176 Creative Writing 19 Notes Khalsa, Japa LATE START. Course runs 2/9-3/15/15. Can only be taken for one competence. Subject Area & Course Number Course AI 315 Creativity and Imagination LL 270 Critical Thinking LL 270 Critical Thinking SW 329 Database Development for Managing Information HC 144 Democracy in Everyday Life AI 167 Competence and Class Nbr Instructor A3X A5 H3X S3X 22031 22032 22033 22034 Simpson, David L5 22035 Richine, Jean L5 22036 Spellers, Regina S1D S3X H2B FX 22038 22039 22040 22041 Hover, Todd H3G H4 FX 22042 22043 22044 Stein, Hartwig Digital Photography A5 A1X A2D A2X 22045 22046 22047 22048 Stein, Hartwig AI 167 Digital Photography A5 A1X A2D A2X 22365 22366 22367 22368 Gitelson, Jon HC 157 Economics for Decision-Making H5 FX H1C H2E 22053 22054 22055 22056 Toussaint, Maude DCM 324 Effective Group and Personal Dynamics FA 105 Essentials of Compensation Management H3B FX 22060 22061 Kahdeman, Tyler FA 260 Essentials of Project Management H2X FX 22062 22063 Trondsen, Norene FA 110 Essentials of Training and Development FX H2X 22064 22065 Whitmore, Roy FA 359 Ethical Business Behavior A4 H2X FX 22066 22067 22068 Cowin, Halina SW 256 Everyday Ecology 26030 26031 26032 26033 Ridd, Barbara LL 302 Externship S1C S3C S4 FX L10,11 (LEX) LL 302 Externship DCM FX H2X 21983 21984 21985 21655 L10,11 (LEX) 21654 20 Notes LATE START. Course begins 1/12 Mirza, Zoaib Course runs 1/52/8/15. Can only be taken for one competence. Course runs 1/52/8/15. Can only be taken for one competence. Course runs 1/52/8/15. Can only be taken for one competence. Olison, Shannon Topic: The Role of Fitness in the Examined Life Dix, Mary Jane Topic: Balancing One’s Demanding Life Subject Area & Course Number HC 253 Course LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Globalization: Winners, Losers and Social Justice L2F1 21730 Matamonasa, Arieahn LATE START. Course begins 1/12 L2F1 21731 Reed, Susan *See page 3 for specific details about this section before enrolling. L2F1 21732 Martin, Akilah H5 H1C FX 22069 22070 22071 Szczerba, Patricia SW 337 The Human Genome and its Impact S1E S2A S3D S4 26038 26039 26040 26041 Ben-Yoseph, Yoav LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar L1 22072 Spellers, Regina LATE START. Course runs 1/19-2/22 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Independent Learning Seminar Infectious Disease: A Global Challenge L1 22073 Gannon Cook, Ruth L1 26991 Grooms, Kenya LATE START. Course runs 1/19-2/22 LATE START. Course runs 1/19-2/22 H5 S2D S3B 26042 26043 26044 NiBhuachalla, Siobhan LL 250 LL 250 HC 239 LL 103 SW 328 Family Life: The Past, Present and Future of Families Competence and Class Nbr H4 26034 A3A 26035 FX 26036 H2F 26037 Instructor Sims, Cynthia SW 361 Introduction to Computer Productivity S5 FX 22074 22075 Hover, Todd SW 361 Introduction to Computer Productivity S5 FX 22076 22077 Morgan, Ashanti SW 208 Issues in Science and Religion S3D S2X H1F A3X 22078 22079 22080 22081 Opitz, Donald AI 282 Leisure for Well-Being H3F 22083 Oleniczak, Kate AI 282 Leisure for Well-Being H3F 22084 Leavy, Elizabeth SW 367 Leisure, Recreation and Health A3D H3F H4 S1X 22085 22086 22087 22088 Olison, Shannon SW 367 Leisure, Recreation and Health A3D H3F H4 S1X 26046 26047 26048 26049 Paden, LoriKay HC 118 Making Social Change H4 L3 26050 26051 Kasprzak, Erin 21 Notes Course runs 1/52/8/15. Can only be taken for one competence. LATE START Course runs 2/93/15/15. Can only be taken for one competence. Course runs 1/52/8/15. LATE START Course runs 2/93/15/15 LATE START. Course runs 2/9-3/15/15. Can only be taken for Subject Area & Course Number Course HC 118 Making Social Change H4 L3 27551 27552 DiCola, Chuck FA 113 Managing Change for Organizational Leadership H2C FX 27253 27254 Joachim, Jill FA 288 Marketing for the Social Good FX A3C H5 A1I 22092 22093 22094 22095 Hinton, Christa AI 322 Problems and Issues in Contemporary Ethics A4 A3C A3E FX 22100 22101 22102 22103 Simpson, David AI 322 Problems and Issues in Contemporary Ethics A4 A3C A3E FX 27499 27500 27501 27502 Alderson, Sue DCM 330 Professional Communication in the Workplace DCM H2X FX H3X 21986 21988 21987 21989 Wozniak, Kathryn DCM 320 Professional Portfolio Development DCM FX 27030 27031 Stevens, Cynthia LL 205 L6 22105 Prusko, Mary Jo L6 27503 Johnson, Kathryn LL 300 Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Research Seminar LL 300 Research Seminar LL 300 Research Seminar SW 153 Science for Citizens SW 360 Society and Information Technologies AI 219 LL 205 Competence and Class Nbr L8,9 LRS L8,9 LRS L8,9 LRS S1A S2D Instructor Notes one competence. LATE START. Course runs 2/9-3/15/15. Can only be taken for one competence. Course runs 1/52/8/15. Can only be taken for one competence. Udoh, Isidore OPEN TOPIC Benedetto, Corinne OPEN TOPIC Gilbert-Levin, Renee OPEN TOPIC 21784 21785 Mogerman, Jo-Elle LATE START. Course runs 2/9-3/15-15. Can only be taken for one competence. H2G S3A S3F FX 22108 22109 22110 22111 Lash, David Space, Spirituality, and Human Identity A1E A1G H1F H2E 26055 26056 26057 26058 Zurybida, Catherine SW 244 Statistical Reasoning: Understanding and Using Statistics H3X S2X S3X FX 22112 22113 22114 22115 Hemmerling, John LL 390 Summit Seminar L12 21835 Murphy, Doug LL 390 Summit Seminar L12 21836 DeAngelis, Michael LL 390 Summit Seminar L12 21837 DeAngelis, Michael SW 217 Understanding and Measuring Intelligence H3A S3D A3C 22106 22107 26053 22116 22117 22118 22 Snyder, Deborah Course runs from 2/9 – 3/15/15 Course runs from 2/9 – 3/15/15 Course runs from 2/9 – 3/15/15 Subject Area & Course Number Course AI 197 What Was God Thinking When He Invented the Universe A3G A4 H5 22120 22121 22122 Nash, Kyle SW 250 Widgets, Clicks and Tweets: Essentials of Applied Web Technology Workplace Law: Harassment, Discrimination and Civil Rights Writing to Competence Writing to Competence Writing to Competence Writing Workshop S1D FX 22123 22124 Koenig, Melissa FX H4 H1D 22127 22128 22129 Berger, Jana L4 22130 Kutty, Nina L4 22132 Cummings, Kamilah L4 22131 Dow, Tom H3J 22133 Schmidt, Kathleen HC 267 LL 260 LL 260 LL 260 LL 140 Competence and Class Nbr FX 22119 23 Instructor Notes LATE START. Course runs 2/9-3/15/15. Can only be taken for one competence. LATE START. Course begins 1/12 Winter Quarter Faculty Designed Independent Studies Prerequisite: You must be registered for or have completed LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning. An FDIS satisfies only 1 competence & carries 2 hours of tuition credit unless otherwise stated. Subjec Area & Course Number IN 363 Course IN 231 Exploring Chicago Politics IN 345 IN 352 Externship: Animals in Contemporary Life Eyes on the Prize: A Television History of the American Civil Rights Movement (Video-based course) IN 238 Chicago Art and Literature Competence and Class Nbr A1A 26070 A1C 26071 Instructor Hill, Timothy L3 26059 A3X 26060 H1C 26061 H4 26062 LEX: 22412 (L10, 11) H1B 26067 H1F 26068 L3 26069 Sautter, R. C. The Juvenile Court System H1X H2X 21745 21746 Donnelly, Barbara IN 368 Learning History at the Museum H2B H4 26074 26075 Davis, Nancy IN 249 New York: An Historical Overview H1F H1H H1B A3G FX 21624 21625 21626 21627 21628 Davis, Nancy IN 261 The Parent Role E1 E2 21629 21630 Heath, Harriet IN 364 Planning, Design and Development A2C H1I 26072 26073 Hill, Timothy IN 243 Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome and Its Effects H4 H1B H1I A3A A2C FX 21631 21632 21633 21634 21635 21636 Davis, Nancy IN 266 Women’s Issues E1 E2 26065 26066 Marienau, Catherine 24 Notes LoSardo, Betta Sautter, R.C. Can register for both competencies. Can register for both competencies.
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