If You Are New Here! Newcomer’s Free Gift If you are new here we invite you to pick up a gift (a free book) and a Welcome Packet in the front hall. Connection Cards We invite you to fill out a Connection Card found in the pew by providing as much information as you feel comfortable giving us. Then place the card in the Offering Plates when they are passed around. A Crying Room or Nursery is Available We welcome your children to remain in the church with us, but we also have both a cry room and a nursery available when needed. The nursery is located in the Youth Education wing (follow the signs or ask for directions) and the cry room is located in the hallway near the name tag table. The nursery will give you a pager in case you are needed during the service. Children’s chapel is also available for children ages 4-10 following the children’s sermon during the 11am service. They will return at communion. Coffee and Refreshments After Each Service Join us after church for refreshments in the Parish Hall, just a short walk down the hallway and past the offices. Please Visit Our Web Site Podcasts of our sermons and much more informa5on about St. Timothy’s is available on our web site at www.StTimothysAnglican.com The St. Timothy’s Vision About Us! Rector The Rev. Stan Gerber Assisting Clergy The Rev. Oscar Gallego (Hispanic Ministries) The Rev. Jeff Minshall (Youth Pastor) The Rev. Bill Kotlan (Assistant Pastor) Deacons (Adult and Children’s Education) Larry DiSano, Jennifer Scherzer, John Pegues Lay Pastors Bob Brooke, Gary Burnhauser Staff Altar Guild Directors Carol McBee & Valerie Shepherd Evangelism Director Tracy Pegues Finance Administrator Kris Heeter Music Director Mike Mason Praise Team Director Nicholas Gerber Canterbury Kids Choir Lisa Musick Church Archivist Mary Hargis Sub-Organist Zachary Musick Nursery Administrator Susan Howard Office Administrator Meagan Patton Parish Chef Charlotte Talley Special Events Director Caye Lankford Vergers Kathy Boggs & Ray Waters Vestry We do not offer entertainment— we offer worship. The Rev. Stan Gerber, Kathy Boggs (2017), Sr. Warden, George Vick (2016), Jr. Warden, Patrick Howard (2016), Anne Sundquist (2016), Joe Kenney (2016), Mike Weil (2017), Bob Capps (2017), Tommy Lamb (2017), Martin Bayang (2018), Ed Bock (2018), Chris Greenwood (2018), Jim Medford (2018) We do not teach passing fads-we teach biblical faith. Treasurer We do not trust in ourselves— we trust in Christ Jesus. Mike Weil We do not believe in rules— we believe in tradition. We do not seek members for our club— we seek brothers and sisters at God's Table What’s Happening This Coming Week! 281-255-4111 www.sttimothysanglican.org Sunday, January 11 Rite I Service Rite I Service Sunday School Contemporary Service Coffee Hour after each Service Spanish Service 7:30AM 8:45AM 10:00AM 11:00AM 1:15PM Nursery available 7:30AM-12:00PM & 1:00PM-3:00PM & 4:45PM-7:00PM Monday, January 12 Tuesday, January 13 Vintage Flock Lunch and Games Sit & Stitch Ladies Night Out at Cheddars 11:30AM 1:00PM 7:00PM Wednesday, January 14 Lectionary Bible Study Meditation on Scripture Holy Eucharist STAY Sit & Stitch 10:00AM 5:00PM 6:00PM 6:45PM 7:00PM Nursery available Thursday, January 15 ‘StoryTime’ Joyful Noise Canterbury Choir Rehearsal Friday, January 16 Prayer Shawl Gathering BLIMP Ministry Banquet We Welcome You To St. Timothy’s! We are delighted that you have chosen to worship God with our family. Should you have any questions about the Service, do not hesitate to ask someone sitting next to you. We are very glad to help. Being a church within the Anglican Church in North America, and within the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast, our mission is to remain a faithful part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, as we acknowledge Christ to be her one and only Head. We recognize the Holy Eucharist to be the central liturgical norm of the Church, while we provide quality Christian education for both children and adults as we continue to care for the physical, spiritual and pastoral needs of all our members, and those in the community around us. 7:00PM-8:15PM 10:00AM 6:00PM 7:00PM 10:30AM 7:00PM Saturday, January 17 Band of Brothers Gathering 8:00AM Organ Practice 9:00AM DOH Meeting 9:15AM Wise & Otherwise Car Rally & Dinner 4:00PM Prayer Concerns Please call the church office to inform us if you or a loved one is sick or in the hospital and would like prayers or a visit. CONNECTION CARD PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS Meditate on Psalm 29:3-5 What’s Happening Next Week Next Week Jan 18: Growth Groups Begin Jan 18: Youth Confirma5on 1:00PM Jan 21: Dinners start back up 6:30PM Jan 22: Stephen Ministry Leader’s Mee5ng 10:00AM Upcoming Ac+vi+es Jan 25: Stephen Ministers Commissioning Jan 26: Finance Mee5ng Jan 26: Vestry Mee5ng Jan 27: Vintage Flock Lunch and Games Feb 1: Resolve Prayer Event Feb 1: STAY Super bowl Party Feb 4: Resolve Team Mee5ng Feb 6: Prayer Shawl Gathering Feb 8: Sweetheart Dinner & Dance Feb 10: Vintage Flock Lunch and Games Feb 10: Ladies Night Out Feb 11: Medita5on on Scripture Feb 14: Ultreya Potluck and Gathering Youth Ministry ChrisƟan EducaƟon STAY (St. Timothy’s Anglican Youth) 7th-12th Grades Adult & Youth WEDNESDAY: 6:45-8:30 Bible Study. Saturday 24th: 11:00am-5:00pm Sustainable youth Ministry Mee5ng. SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERING: REGISTER TODAY Today’s class is a Prayer Sta5ons Workshop. Next week will be a shadow drama class. Children ages 4 years to 6th grade are welcome to aIend (10:0010:45am). At our website for the Diocesan Women’s Retreat — She Acts: Uniquely Fashioned for His Purpose on February 27th and 28th at Camp Tejas in Giddings. Space is limited. WEDNESDAY NIGHT WATCHDOGS COUNTDOWN– ONE MORE WEEK OFF!! 6:00PM 7:00PM 11:30AM 3:30PM 7:00PM 10:30AM 5:30PM 11:30AM 7:00PM 5:30PM 12:00PM Hope to see all of you back when classes begin again on January 21st! THANKS TO ALL OUR “STARS” For their par5cipa5on in the Epiphany Pageant. You were great!!! SWEETHEART DINNER SECURITY TEAM SIGN UP: TICKETS ON SALE TODAY! Sunday, February 8th at 5:45pm $18 per person We’re looking for men and women who would like to help keep our campus secure for our children. See the sign up booth in the narthex for more info! Please bring your dish to the kitchen prior to the 8:45 AM and/or 11:00 AM services. If your name begins with: A - M – Fruit, Cheese or Veggie PlaIer and N - Z - Cookies or Cake Thank you for helping with this very important ministry. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Beth Moore’s Children of the Day Bible Study: Find encouragement for living the Chris5an life as we study one chapter a week of Thessalonians beginning Thursday January 22nd at 9:30am. MEDITATION ON SCRIPTURE A simple and ancient form of prayer designed to allow the Holy Word of God to speak to you and draw closer to Jesus.(20 minutes) January 14th in chapel at 5:30pm. Announcements WISE and OTHERWISE! SATURDAY JANUARY 17th PARISH HOSTED COFFEE HOUR!! On Sunday, January 18, we will have a “Parish Hosted Coffee Hour”! Current Coffee Hostesses – You are our guests! Other Ministry Announcements POTLUCK, CAR RALLY AND DINNER Join us on Saturday, January 17, at 4pm for a Car Rally (meet in Parish Hall), Fellowship and Dinner (at the end of the Car Rally). For more informa5on, contact Caye Lankford at eclank@hotmail.com or 281-320-2920. LADIES NIGHT OUT Ladies are invited to Cheddar’s at I-45 and LoueIa for a fun night of fellowship and good food, Tuesday, January 13th at 7pm. Please let Valerie Fennel 281-251-7621 know if you plan to a<end so she can get a head count. CHRISTMAS CARD MAIL BOX GROWTH GROUPS WILL BE STARTING SOON Don’t forget to pick up your Christmas cards! There are still a lot of Christmas cards left in the boxes please get them soon before they are discarded. Baby Boomer and Financial Freedom star5ng the week of January 18th. THE RESOLVE TEAM VINTAGE FLOCK Do you have a burden for the plight of those who are vic5ms of human trafficking? Join us on Sunday February 1st at 3:30pm as we Take Time Out to Tackle Trafficking and gather for a prayer event. We will also have an opportunity to sign up to “pray in place” for the 27 hours leading up to this event beginning Saturday at 12:30pm. AIen5on anyone 50 and up! Vintage Flock will have their Potluck Lunch and Games, Tuesday January 13th at 11:30am. See you there! THE M&M DESIGN TEAM MEETING The Marys and Marthas Design Team (Women’s Ministry) will meet today at 12:45pm in the Blue Cross Room. VINTAGE FLOCK TRIP To Houston Museum of Fine Arts to view “Monet and the Seine: Impressions of a River” on January 20th at 10am. Museum cost $16, lunch is extra. Call Nancy Kison at 281-397-9450 if interested.
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