Volume Number 65 • January 2015 www.carmelfoundation.org Philanthropic Foodies FOUNDATION EVENTS WE CAN’T DO IT ALONE Thanks to the Carmel Garden Club for the beautiful holiday plants delivered to 60 homebound members as well as plants to deck our Foundation dining room tables. Thanks to Friends of the Sunset Foundation for your generous gift of tickets for the Smuin and Nutcracker Ballets. Thanks to the Carmel Music Society for your support of our senior residents with discounted tickets to the recent shows. EXPLORE NEW TECHNOLOGY IN 2015 See the Activities, Events and Programs insert for a list of technology classes offered for the new year. THE ARTIST’S WAY Based on Julia Cameron’s First & Foremost CreativityUnblocking Book. Three class sessions begin January 8. see page 2 for details COFFEE WITH THE CARMEL POLICE CHIEF Monday, January 12, 10:30am-11:30am Field Café Join us at 6:00pm on Wednesday, January 28 at La Playa Carmel where Executive Chef Brian Shaner will prepare a 4 course exquisite dinner paired with local wines. Tickets are $110 per person; seats are limited. Please contact Leanne Leonard for reservations for this elegant food and wine extravaganza. 620.8702 or lleonard@carmelfoundation.org. On the Menu Reception Holman Ranch 2012 Estate Grown Pinot Gris Carmel Valley Amuse Quartet Seafood Quartet, Caviar Veloute Blair Estate 2012 Pinot Gris Meador Vineyard First Course Roasted Swank Farms beets, pomegranate hazelnut vinaigrette, Parmigiano-Reggiano panna cotta Pelerin Wines 2011 Pinot Noir Santa Lucia Highlands Main Course Duo of Colorado lamb. Roasted rack and braised shoulder with grilled polenta and bella cerignola olive salsa Scheid Vineyards 2011 50/50 Dessert Crème Caramel, macerated blood orange, St. Germaine reduction California Pizza Kitchen On Wednesday, January 21, dine at California Pizza Kitchen located at the Del Monte Shopping Center in Monterey, present them with our flyer (available at reception and on our website), and 20% of your bill will come back to support The Carmel Foundation. JANUARY HOLIDAY CLOSURE SCHEDULE The Carmel Foundation will be CLOSED on the following dates January 1 New Year’s Day January 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday Bazaar Dr. Ingrid Matson Wekerle (left) has been a member for 13 years. She enjoys shopping at the Foundation Bazaar and having an opportunity to meet the actual volunteers who knit the beautiful handmade sweaters, scarves and blankets year after year. Dr. Wekerle is pictured with Eva Hlasny (center) and Programs & Volunteers Director Melissa McKenzie. The Holiday Bazaar was well received and the success of this event is due directly to ALL of our volunteers who work very hard at making the Bazaar sensational! Thank you to all who hosted tables this year. Did you know that our volunteers work the entire year to benefit the Foundation with the Bazaar? The Carmel Foundation wins Business of the Year Don’t Forget to Renew Your Membership! We value you as a member! If you have not already renewed your membership for 2015, please do so in order to keep your membership active. Mail in your tax-deductible membership contribution to P.O. Box 1050, Carmel, CA 93921 or renew online at www.carmelfoundation.org. Thank you! The Carmel Foundation is honored to receive the Carmel Chamber of Commerce’s Business of the Year award. Voted on by Chamber of Commerce members, the Foundation was presented with the award in December. An Adventure in Neighborliness: the concept remains fresh and the spirit of our organization continues. www.carmelfoundation.org 2 FOCUS ON ON THE THE FOUNDATION FOUNDATION FOCUS National Philanthropy Day Each year, non-profit organizations throughout the United States gather locally to honor and recognize those that make their charitable work possible. Each year, each participating non-profit has the opportunity of selecting one supporter to recognize. The Carmel Foundation had the pleasure of honoring Gerda Rayne, a long-time supporter of both The Carmel Foundation and Monterey Bay Village, at the National Philanthropy Day luncheon held November 21, 2014. Charitable Gift Annuities How would you like to make a gift to The Carmel Foundation and in return receive a guaranteed fixed income for life? In conjunction with the Community Foundation for Monterey County (CFMC), The Carmel Foundation is pleased to offer charitable gift annuities to our donors. This is where age has an advantage with annuity rates that can exceed interest rates currently offered by CDs at banks. For example, a 65-year old donor can receive a 4.7% income, a 75year old 5.8%, and a 90 year-old a whopping 9.0%. There is a charitable deduction at the time the gift is made, and if a gift annuity is funded with appreciated stock, there are additional tax savings. We recommend that you confer with your accountant or tax advisor about your individual situation. At the end of your lifetime, the principle remaining in the gift annuity would be placed into an endowment for The Carmel Foundation that is managed by the CFMC and The Carmel Foundation would receive revenue from the endowment in perpetuity. A gift annuity for The Carmel Foundation is backed by the assets of our partner, CFMC (total assets $180 million). Gift annuity rates for charities are set by the American Council on Gift Annuities, and nonprofits that offer them in California are licensed by the state. Gift annuities are a win-win for the donor and for The Carmel Foundation. The minimum amount to establish a gift annuity is $25,000. For further information please contact Kimberly Willison, Director of Development at 831.620.8701, kwillison@carmelfoundation.org. WORKSHOPS & SERVICES The Artist’s Way Be Renewed...Not Retired The Art of Orchid Maintenance Based on Julia Cameron’s First & Foremost Creativity-Unblocking Book Facilitator: Cathy Jean Cole Thursdays, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Blanchard A Session 1: January 8 –January 29 Session 2: February 12 –March 5 Session 3: March 19-April 16 Please register at reception, 624.1588. $40/per session or $110/3 sessions if paid prior to January 8th ($10 savings) Payment made to instructor: Cathy Cole. Book & full-sized journal is required “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron is available at The Pilgrim’s Way, The Mindshop & Amazon.com. “The Power of the 3R’s of the Creative Retirement Process” Instructor: Gloria Valentino Saturdays, January 17, 24, 31 10:00am-12:00pm, Seideneck Room 3 Series Session for $30 Payment required at time of registration at reception 624.1588. Call Gloria for details, 708.890.5885. Monday, February 2 1:00pm-2:30pm, Craft Room Free, register at reception, 624.1588. The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity is a self-help book by American author Julia Cameron. The book was written to help people with artistic creative recovery, which teaches techniques and exercises to assist people in gaining self-confidence in harnessing their creative talents and skills. These sessions will focus on supporting relationships in removing artistic blocks and fostering confidence. Each member will have an opportunity to share each week, we will utilize Morning Pages, weekly Artist’s Dates and many other fun & insightful tasks. Begin the creative retirement process which leads to deep fulfillment and happiness. Whether you are planning to retire, are newly retired or looking for a life change, join instructor Gloria Valentino on a journey exploring the 3R’s of a Renewed Spirit…Reclaiming, Recreating and Repotting. Brown Bag with Brian Ellinoy, Pharm. D. Tuesday, January 27 12:30pm-4:30pm, (8 appts. available) Blanchard B $15/30 minute appt. (payable at appt.) Free, register at reception, 624.1588. Bring your medications & herbal supplements and Brian will review them with you to make sure that there are no possible contraindications. Past president, John O’Connell & current president Kathie Ritter of the Carmel Orchid Society will speak about the culture of orchids, the many varieties, care & management, as well as some valuable tips to encourage your orchids to re-bloom. They will also demonstrate how to properly re-pot cymbidiums! Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about these beautiful plants. Memorial Gifts Isaline Sedan; Janet Sedan Hoehn Sylvia Hartman; Gail Weisbaum Leland Peterson; Peterson family Tribute Gifts Illia Thompson; Joe & Marjorie Longo An Adventure in Neighborliness: the concept remains fresh and the spirit of our organization continues. www.carmelfoundation.org 3 ACTIVITIES • EVENTS • PROGRAMS Wednesday Programs 2:30pm, Diment Hall Refreshments Served Carmel Host Lions Club What’s in store for 2015? There are many new and exciting classes that will be offered along with continuing courses in 2015! Please look at the new schedule for classes that pique your interest. Try something new and add a bit of creativity to your life. Need help writing your memoirs? We have a class for that. Ukulele anyone??? Or, perhaps join the Foundation Kitchen Band! Have you made a New Year’s resolution to get in shape? Why don’t you sign up for Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga, Awareness Thru Movement- Feldenkrias or Mary Ann Rousseau’s Low Impact Aerobics?! We have an exercise class that will fit into your schedule. Curious about how to play Bridge? That’s right; we have a class for you! AARP Driving AARP Drive Safety Program will be offered on Monday, February 2 and Friday, February 6, 12:00pm-5:00pm (2 part class) in the Seideneck Room. Although it is designed for motorists aged 50 and older, it can be taken by any driver. Cost is $15 for AARP members $20 for non-members. Register at reception. From the Bookshelf Celtic Noir: The Magdalene Martyrs from the Jack Taylor novels of Ken Bruen. At the direction of Dan Goth, the class will discuss Ken Bruen’s novel, “The Magdalene Martyrs”, and compare it with the film version (book and film rated R) on Fridays, February 20 March 13, 10:00am-12:00pm in the Seideneck Room. Additionally, they will explore the history of the infamous Magdalene Laundries including the ethics and power of the Catholic Church in Ireland from its introduction in 400 A.D. to the present day. Since all good mystery novels need good in-depth settings, we’ll also explore Galway, on Ireland’s West Coast, where Jack Taylor plies his trade. Additional films and videos viewed as needed. Christmas dinner at the Foundation was wonderful! Thank you to the Carmel Host Lions Club for faithfully delivering Christmas meals to our homebound members! Also, we are grateful to the Carmel-by-the-Sea Rotarians for serving our members dinner on Christmas Day. What a special day to be shared with friends! Additionally, we are grateful to the Carmel-by-the Sea Garden Club for donating the topiaries that decorated our lunch room and that were delivered to our homebound members. Total Beginning Bridge Opportunity If you haven’t played bridge for years or never played at all, this is your opportunity to learn from the very beginning with Jill Leach. Jill’s classes are progressive so this opportunity does not come up often. Total Beginning Bridge is offered on Fridays, January 16 February 20, 9:30am-11:30am in the Craft Room. Fee is $48 for the six week session. Register in advance with Jill at 625.4421. January 7 - Member Orientation: All new members and returning members are invited to learn about the variety of classes, support services, and volunteer opportunities available through their Foundation membership. The Carmel Foundation Directors will provide an overview of programs and services, including Monterey Bay Village membership. Raffle prizes! January 14 - The Underwater World of Point Lobos – Jerry Loomis was a ranger, diver and docent coordinator at Point Lobos for 22 years. He is currently the Director of the Point Lobos Summer Adventures program which he started five summers ago as a retired ranger turned interpreter. Jerry has also been a State Park Diver and through the years assembled a collection of photos showing the underwater world of Point Lobos. January 21- Looking Ahead Wellness Series: Inflammation – The Root Cause of Common Illness. Dr. Margaret Gold, a board-certified family physician and 5-Element Acupuncturist, will discuss inflammation as the root cause of chronic illness and how 21st century medical science can be used to treat the whole person, body, mind, and spirit, enhancing health and promoting longevity. An Ounce of Prevention January 28 - National Velvet, The Ghost & Mrs. Muir, Play Misty for Me, One-Eyed Jacks, A Summer Place, and a host of other movie classics have brought the gorgeous scenery of the Monterey Peninsula to the silver screen. Doug Lumsden, owner of Monterey Movie Tours will bring this era of Monterey’s movie-making magic back to life with a lecture and video presentation titled the “Movie-Making Magic of the Monterey Peninsula”! Carlos Correa, The Carmel Foundation Facilities Manager, organized a full blown fire drill on the Foundation property with police and fire response. The drill included evacuating the property of all staff and members. We are prepared! February 4 - The Golden State Theatre is known for its unique architecture. Designed by the Reid brothers who also designed such buildings as the Fox Theatre, the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, the Hotel Del Coronado and others, the Golden State is a local Monterey treasure. Come learn about the vision of the Reid Brothers, the history of the Golden State Theatre and the plans for future use by Lori Lochtefeld, the new owner. Enjoy Volunteering? Are you interested in volunteering to drive members grocery shopping in Carmel? Please call Melissa at 620.8703. It’s a fun way to give back or pay forward! An Adventure in Neighborliness: the concept remains fresh and the spirit of our organization continues. www.carmelfoundation.org 4 ARTIST OF THE MONTH “THE VIEW FROM ELKHORN RANCH” “I Hope you enjoy it.” Marion J. Von Talley JANUARY • LUNCH • PROGRAMS • MOVIES • 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thur 1 Prices 6 7 Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Bread Pudding Chicken Marsala Egg Noodles Vegetables Peach Cobbler 8 Wednesday Program Member Orientation 2:30pm Diment Hall Refreshments Sat 2 3 Closed in observance of NEW YEAR’S DAY Hot Entree $4.00(Salmon $5) Large Hot Entree $7.00(Salmon $8) Salad Entree/Du Jour $4.00 (Chicken Caesar, Shrimp, Chinese Chicken) Cup of Soup $1.25, Bowl of Soup $2.00, Fruit Cup $1.25 Large Green Salad $3.00, Small Variety/Fruit Salad $1.75, Jello $1.00 Dessert $1.50, Sides $1.00, Beverages $.50-$1.00 5 Fri Chile Relleno, Fiesta Corn Refried Beans Flan 10 9 Pork Chop Applesauce Red Potatoes Vegetables Strawberry Shortcake Cinema And So It Goes **** PG-13, 2014 Drama 94 minutes Michael Douglas 1:00pm, Blanchard A Salmon Fillet with Mango Salsa Brown Rice Vegetables Ice Cream Weekly Salad Special Greek 13 12 14 Chicken Fresca Quinoa & Vegetables Apple Pie Lasagna Caesar Salad Ice Cream Weekly Salad Special Flat Iron Bring a friend to lunch, pay membership price 20 19 21 Trout Almondine Rice & Vegetables Olallieberry Pie Closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day Weekly Salad Special Shrimp 26 27 Beef Bourguignon Mashed Potatoes Blueberry Pie Weekly Salad Special Sesame Chicken Wednesday Program The Underwater World of Point Lobos 2:30pm Diment Hall Refreshments Wednesday Program Looking Ahead Wellness Series: InflammationThe Root Cause of Common Illness 2:30pm Diment Hall Refreshments 28 BBQ Chicken Baked Beans Ice Cream Wednesday Program Movie-Making Magic of the Monterey Peninsula 2:30pm Diment Hall Refreshments 15 16 Mixed Grill Steak, Chicken & Sausage & Potatoes Birthday Cake 17 Sole Florentine; Fillet of Sole with Spinach & White Sauce Lemon Meringue Pie 23 22 Chicken Cordon Bleu Brown Rice & Vegetables Chocolate Cream Pie 29 Cinema Jersey Boys **** R, 2014 Music 134 minutes John Lloyd Young 1:00pm, Blanchard A 24 Roast Turkey Dinner Stuffing Cranberry Sauce Gravy Pumpkin Pie 30 Pork Osso Buco; Pork Shank in Sauce, Mashed Potatoes & Vegetables Apricot Custard Tart Cinema 3 Days to Kill **** PG-13, 2014 Action 117 minutes Kevin Costner 1:00pm, Blanchard A Cinema Life of Crime **** R, 2014 Comedy 101 minutes Jennifer Aniston 1:00pm, Blanchard A 31 Salmon Fillet with Hollandaise Brown Rice & Vegetables Cheesecake Cinema The Hundred Foot Journey PG, 2014 Drama 122 minutes Helen Mirren 1:00pm, Blanchard A Philanthropic Foodies - An event to be savored Wednesday, January 28, 2015, La Playa Carmel Reception 6:00pm, Dinner 6:45pm, $110 per person For reservations, contact Leanne at 620.8702 lleonard@carmelfoundation.org or www.carmelfoundation.org E x e c u t iv e C h e f B r ian S h an e r o f L a P lay a C ar m e l an d T h e C ar m e l F o u n d at io n c o r d ially in v it e y o u t o P h ilan t h r o pic F o o d ie s, an e x c e pt io n al g o u r m e t d in n e r pair e d w it h fin e w in e s fr o m lo c al v in t n e r s t o b e n e fit se r v ic e s fo r ar e a se n io r s. An Adventure in Neighborliness: the concept remains fresh and the spirit of our organization continues. www.carmelfoundation.org 5 Volume Number 65 • January 2015 www.carmelfoundation.org TOUR PROGRAM All Tours Leave from The Crossroads For Tour Information: contact the reception desk at 624.1588. Payment must be received to reserve a space and can be made at the reception desk or by sending a check including a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: The Carmel Foundation Tours, PO Box 1050, Carmel, CA, 93921. Telephone reservations may be made with a credit card— VISA or MasterCard (plus $3 bank fee). Tour is subject to cancellation if minimum number of reservations are not received. January 6, Tuesday • San Francisco Express to Union Square. Take some time for yourself and make it a day on your own in SF! Leave the Crossroads at 9:00am. Arrive Union Square at 11:30am. Depart Union Square at 5:00pm. Arrive Carmel at 7:30pm Cost: $49. January 15, Thursday • Legion of Honor Museum. Step into Houghton Hall, the English country house reminiscent of Highclere Castle as seen on the popular PBS television drama Downton Abbey. With stunning displays of its spectacular interiors, rarely exhibited treasures, and exquisite furniture that have survived through the centuries features paintings by Thomas Gainsborough & Sir Joshua Reynolds to name a few-- Houghton Hall evokes the elegance of aristocratic life in an English country house from the 18th through the 20th centuries with its distinguished collections of silver, sculpture, and more. Enjoy Tea Time at the Legion. Visitors can enhance their visit and enjoy a world of British traditions by enjoying an English tea service at the Legion of Honor Café, complete with mini scones with marmalade and clotted cream, a pot of tea, and more. Reservations are not required. Pricing starts at $2.50. Leave the Crossroads at 9:00am. Depart Legion at 4:00pm. Arrive Carmel at 7:00pm. Cost: $62. February 12, Thursday • San Francisco Express to Union Square. Got the winter blues? Take a day trip up to the city to lift your spirits! Leave the Crossroads at 9:00am. Arrive Union Square at 11:30am. Depart Union Square at 5:00pm. Arrive Carmel at 7:30pm Cost: $49. February 28, Saturday • NEWSIES. Direct from Broadway comes NEWSIES Orpheum Theater San Francisco, the smash-hit, crowd-pleasing new musical from Disney. Winner of the 2012 Tony Awards® for Best Score and Best Choreography, NEWSIES has audiences and critics alike calling it “A MUSICAL WORTH SINGING ABOUT!” (The New York Times). Filled with one heart-pounding number after another, it’s a high-energy explosion of song and dance you just don’t want to miss. Based on true events, NEWSIES tells the captivating story of a band of underdogs who become unlikely heroes when they stand up to the most powerful men in New York. Lunch in Union Square OYO- 2:00pm Matinee. Running Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes including a 15 minute intermission. Leave the Crossroads at 9:30am. Depart Theater at 4:45pm. Arrive Carmel approx. 7:30pm. Cost: $155. March 3, Tuesday • San Francisco Express to Union Square It’s time to take a run up to “the City!” Visit a museum with a friend, go shopping, or dine at one the fabulous restaurants in this bustling city! The bus will leave the Crossroads at 9:00am for Union Square. Depart the city at 5:00pm. Arrive Carmel 7:30pm. Cost: $49. March 18, Wednesday • San Francisco Flower & Garden Show, “Gone Wild.” It will be the 30th consecutive show and will have a lot to offer. Stroll through gorgeous designer gardens, with artfully arranged plants, trees and flowers in full bloom. See the designs and watch the demonstrations by worldclass floral designers. Discover how to create your own remarkable garden with hands-on demonstrations and inspiring seminars. Meet professional gardeners and nursery owners who can answer all your questions…and help solve those nagging problems. Browse a wide selection of specialty shops featuring unique flowers, plants, gifts, tools and more. Learn how to grow and prepare fresh home-grown foods. Feel free to bring your own lunch or grab a bite at the Expo! The bus will leave the Crossroads at 9:00am for San Mateo Event Center. Depart Expo at 5:00pm. Arrive Carmel 7:00pm. Cost: $65. April 16, Thursday, • Bouquets to Art, de Young Museum The Bay Area welcomes spring each year with this popular week long exhibition featuring unique art and floral mash-ups where floral designers create arrangements that pay tribute to and draw inspiration from the works in the de Young’s permanent collections. Added bonus- see special exhibit: Botticelli to Braque: Masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland. The bus will leave the Crossroads at 9:00am. Depart the museum at 4:00pm. Arrive Carmel 7:00pm. Cost: $TBD May 5, Tuesday • Legion of Honor - The Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection Explore the glamour and sophistication of one of the world’s preeminent costume collections, whose fashions worn by American women reflect the nation’s tastes and transformations over the course of the 20th century. High Style, presented exclusively on the West Coast at the museum, provides a rare opportunity to view the evolution of fashion from 1910 to 1980 through more than 60 stunning costumes, 30 costume accessories, and an array of related fashion sketches from the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection. High Style captures the key points of 20th-century fashion design with rare pieces from French couture houses, including pieces by Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel and Hubert de Givenchy. In addition, the presentation features pioneering American designers of the 1930’s and 1940’s such as Charles James, Elizabeth Hawes, Sally Victor, and Gilbert Adrian, among others. The selection of haute couture and ready-to-wear garments showcases the stunning craftsmanship and flamboyance of fashion in this era. The bus will leave the Crossroads at 9:00am. Depart the museum at 3:30pm. Arrive Carmel 6:30pm. Cost: $65. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 440 CARMEL, CA The Carmel Foundation P.O. Box 1050, Carmel, CA 93921 www.carmelfoundation.org Address Service Requested ONGOING SERVICES PARTNERING AGENCIES Homebound Meal Program offers four complete frozen meals delivered to your home by volunteers every other week. The cost is $6.00 per meal. Blood Pressure Check Every Tuesday from 11:00am– 12:00pm in Member Services. No appointment necessary. Free. Medical Equipment Loans Borrow free medical equipment. Caregiver Support Group facilitated by Von Rilling, MSN, 2nd & 4th Monday, 1:30pm–3:00pm in Blanchard A. Information and Referral Staff is available to help you navigate the complex world of services and resources, by phone or drop in. Notary Public Available by appointment. $10 per signature. Call Kari at 620.8706 Call Support Services at 620.8705/8706 Legal Services for Seniors Each Tuesday from 10:00am–12:00pm in Blanchard B. Call 899.0492 to make an appointment. HICAP: Alliance on Aging Questions about Medicare or supplemental insurance. Call 800.431.0222 or 655.4245 to make an appointment; available every Tuesday, 1:00pm-3:00pm and the third Thursday of the month, 9:00am-4:00pm in Blanchard B; plus additional hours during “open enrollment season”: 11/15-12/7. Memory Works A program for people with memory loss due to Alzheimer’s or a related disorder. Co-sponsored with the Alzheimer’s Association. Call 647.9890 for more information. VNA Life After Loss - Grief Support Group Facilitated by Mick Erickson, Chaplain and Bereavement Counselor for the VNA; 2nd & 4th Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Nimmons Room, Norton Court, NW Corner 5th & Dolores, Carmel. Independent Transportation Network(ITN)Monterey County offers rides to seniors in Monterey County, call 233.3447. THE CARMEL FOUNDATION An Adventure in Neighborliness since 1950. Board of Directors 2014–2015 Published by The Carmel Foundation Editor: Jill Sheffield Asst. Editor: Gilda Soulé P.O. Box 1050 Carmel, CA 93921 SE Corner of 8th & Lincoln 831.624.1588 831.620.8720 Fax Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Sat 9:00am-4:00pm TAX ID #94-1225368 Officers Don Reilly, Chairman Jean Rasch, Vice Chair Governance Dave Wilsey, Vice Chair Treasurer Jennifer Hollingsworth, Vice Chair Development Scott Bray, Secretary Directors Katherine Bucquet Joan Crenshaw Mary Crowe Janie Franklin Tom Gaspich Shirley Kiatta Michael Kirch Gary LaMar Pamela Walters Oliver “Chips” Wood Staff Jill Sheffield, President/CEO 620.8700 jsheffield@carmelfoundation.org Programs & Volunteer Services Melissa McKenzie, Director 620.8703 mmckenzie@carmelfoundation.org Support Services Anne Albano, Director 620.8705 aalbano@carmelfoundation.org Business Office Beth Bates, Director 620.8704 bbates@carmelfoundation.org Development Kimberly Willison, Director 620.8701 kwillison@carmelfoundation.org Monterey Bay Village Nettie Porter, Director 620.8717 nporter@carmelfoundation.org Facilities Carlos Correa, Manager 620.8707 ccorrea@carmelfoundation.org Reception 624.1588 The Carmel Foundation Activities • Events • Programs • January 2015 Creative Arts & Self Expression Acrylic Art Class 1:00pm-4:00pm, Wed: 12/3-3/4 Instructor Melissa Bispo; Seideneck Room $110, register w/Bispo, melissabispo@montereybay.com Drumming Circle 3:45pm-4:45pm, 1st & 3rd Thurs Facilitator Lee Lotz; Seideneck Room No fee, drop-ins welcome Fine Arts Lab 1:30pm-4:00pm, Tues Leaders Carol Harrison, Darlene Berry; Seideneck Room No fee; register w/Carol or Darlene at class Needlecraft Group 1:00pm-3:00pm; Tues Leader Connie Georis; Craft Room No fee; drop-ins welcome Photography, Darkroom Denizens 9:00am-5:00pm, Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm, Sat Co-managers Arabella Colton, 622.7748 Jack Savage 372.8464 No fee, open, call in advance Photography Group 1:00pm-2:30pm, Thurs Leader Joyce Tarter Rideout; Seideneck Room $10/annual, guests welcome, Sharing/Guest Speakers www.cfphotographers.org Watercolour Painting: Glorious Flowers 1:00pm-4:00pm, Fri 1/9 - 2/20 (no class 2/6) Instructor Julia Harnett-Harvey. Seideneck Room $110/3 hr. course/ $80/2 hr. course; drop-ins $20/class Register w/reception, 624.1588 Wood Carving 9:00am-11:30am; Tues Leader Phil Hawthorne; Seideneck Room 9:00am-11:45am; Thurs No Leader; Seideneck Room; 6:00pm-8:00pm; Wed Leader Steve Davalos; Seideneck Room No fee; drop-ins welcome Discussion Group Current Events Discussion Group 10:00am-11:30am, 1st & 3rd Tues Leader Peter Powles; Craft Room No fee; drop-ins welcome Great Minds Online (edX & TEDTalks) 10:30am-12:00pm, 2nd & 4th Wed, 1/14 - 3/25 Leader Joan Beller; Blanchard A No fee; register w/reception Men’s Discussion Group 10:30am-11:45am, Mon Leader Herb Stern & Rick Strano; Seideneck Room No fee; drop-ins welcome Women’s Discussion Group - FULL 1:00pm-2:30pm, 1st & 3rd Mon Leader Anne Albano; Blanchard A No fee; call Anne 620.8705 Driving AARP Safety Driving 12:00pm-5:00pm, Mon, 2/2 & Fri, 2/6/15 (2 part class) Instructor Curt Tipton, Seideneck Room $15 for AARP members, $20 for non-members, payment must be received 1 week prior to secure a spot register w/reception 624.1588 Games Bingo 1:00pm-3:00pm, 1st & 3rd Mon Facilitator Carol Schneider, Craft Room No need to register Bridge, Duplicate 12:00pm-4:30pm, Fri Leader Richard Klein; Craft Room $2/per session, open room, register at 624.5461 Bridge, Beginning, Total 9:30am-11:30am, Fri, 1/16-2/20 Instructor Jill Leach, Craft Room $48/session register in advance w/Leach 625.4421 Bridge, Intermediate, Basic (wait list only) 9:30am-11:30am, Thurs, 1/15-2/19 Instructor Jill Leach, Craft Room $48/session; register in advance w/Leach 625.4421 Chess 2:00pm-4:30pm, Thurs Leader Chet Lowney; Field Café No fee, open room Games: Bridge, Mah Jongg, Scrabble, etc. 12:00pm-3:00pm, Wed; 1:00pm-4:00pm, Thur No leader; Craft Room No fee, open room Scrabble with Susan 1:00pm-4:00pm; Mon Leader Susan Sailow, Field Café No fee, open game Texas Hold’em 1:00pm-4:00pm; Thurs Facilitator Anthony Pagano, Craft Room $5/per class; register at class Health & Wellness Chi Gong 10:15am-11:15am, Weds Instructor Walter Mih; Diment Hall No fee; register w/reception 624.1588 Feldenkrais Method for Seniors 9:30am-10:30am, Thurs. Instructor Patric Zito; Diment Hall $10/class (1st class free); sign-up w/reception, 624.1588 Line Dancing 10:00am-11:00am, Sat Instructor Belle James; Diment Hall $5/class; sign-up at class Meditation with Patricia Wolff 3:30pm-4:30pm, 3rd Tues Instructor Patricia Wolff, Craft Room $5 donation, drop-ins welcome Personal Fitness, Lo-Impact 9:00am-10:00am; Mon, Weds, Fri Instructor MaryAnn Rousseau, Diment Hall $5/class or $50/mo suggested donation, register at class Pilates 1:00pm-2:00pm; Sat Instructor Deberra O’Brien, Diment Hall 1st class free, $5/class, prepay for 10, 11th class free register w/reception, 624.1588 Serene Body Stretch 11:30am-12:30pm, Weds Instructor Jacquie Adams; Diment Hall, sign-up at class $6/class w/prepaid 10 class card; $8 single Tai Chi, Intermediate 10:00am-11:00am, Sat Instructor Eleanor Lallaman, Craft Room $48/6 week session, $10 drop-ins make payments to Eleanor Lallaman register w/reception 624.1588 Tai Chi for Skills 10:15am-11:15am, Weds, 1/14 - 2/25 Instructor Liana Olson, Diment Hall $48/6 weeks, $10/drop-in; register w/reception 624.1588 Walking Group, The Carmel Foundation 2:30pm-4:00pm, Tues Leader Kari Martorella; local paths, beaches & parks No fee; register w/Martorella 620.8706 Fun with iPads 1:00pm-3:00pm, Mon, 1/12 Instructor Jeff Fisher, limited to 10 students No fee, no drop-ins, register w/reception, 624.1588 Yoga, Gentle 8:30am-9:30am; Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor Lynn Geisen (M&F), Jody Quintana (W) Blanchard A $8 per class; register w/Geisen 625.1253 Fun with iPads - Beyond the Basics 1:00pm-3:00pm, Mon, 1/26 Instructor Jeff Fisher, limited to 10 students Prerequisite: previously attended Fun w/iPad class/classes No fee, no drop-ins, register w/reception, 624.1588 Yoga, Gentle Motion 4:00pm-4:45pm, Tues & Thurs Instructor Mary Lee Sunseri, Diment No fee; drop or register w/reception, 624.1588 How to Write a Resume 10:00am-12:00pm, Thur, 1/29 Instructor Roy Hilts, limited to 3 students Fee: $5/class, register w/reception, 624.1588 Horticulture iPhone/iPad - 1 on 1 Sessions Carmel High School students help navigate Apple technology. Free, 45 minute sessions, register w/reception, 624.1588 Garden Group 12:00pm-3:00pm, Tues,Thurs, 10:00am-12:00pm, Wed, Fri Leader Carolyn Thomas; Garden Center No fee; drop-ins welcome Literature From the Bookshelf: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco 10:00am-12:00pm, Wed, 1/7 - 28 Instructor: Arlene Tarantino; Seideneck Room No fee; register w/MPC 646.4058 From the Bookshelf: Celtic Noir: The Magdalene Martyrs from Jack Taylor Novels of Ken Bruen 10:00am-12:00pm, Fri, 2/20 - 3/13 Instructor: Dan Gotch; Seideneck Room No fee; register w/MPC 646.4058 Non-Fiction Reading Discussion 10:30am-12:00pm, Thurs Leader Jim Emery; Blanchard A Out to Lunch but Not Over the Hill Reading Group 10:00am-12:00pm; Weds Leader Wayne Kelley, Nimmons Room, Norton Ct No fee; drop-ins welcome Music Guitar Instructor Terrence Farrell, Blanchard B $25/class, register w/Farrell, 241.6062, by appt. only Introduction to the Piano 1:30pm-5:30pm, every Wednesday, also by appointment Instructor Lori Lewis, Blanchard B $35/class, register w/Lewis 624.1353 Jazz Appreciation 10:00am-12:00pm, 1st & 3rd Fri Instructor Don Newmark, Blanchard A No fee, drop-ins welcome The Foundation Kitchen Band 2:30pm-3:30pm, Tues, starting 1/6 Leader: Serena Underwood, Diment Hall No fee, drop-ins welcome Topics in Music 10:00am-12:00pm, Sat, 12/6-3/7 Instructor Scott MacClelland, Blanchard A $50/series, check payable to Scott McClelland register w/reception, 624.1588 Ukulele Class for Beginners 11:00am-12:00pm, Fri, starting 1/2 Instructor Laurie Ballard, Blanchard B First class free, $25/4 week session Technology Center Corel Painter 1:00pm-3:00pm, Fri (one sessions classes) Instructor Roy Hilts, limited to 10 students Fee: $3/class, register w/reception 624.1588 Open Session w/Instructors 10:00am-12:00pm, Thurs, 1/15 No fee, drops ins welcome, bring in your tech equipment Printshop 10:00am-12:00pm, Thur 1/8 & 22 (one session classes) Instructor: Roy Hilts, limited to 10 students Fee: $5 register w/reception, 624.1588 Open Lab (except for scheduled classes, see above) 10:00am-3:00pm, Mon-Thurs - sign in at reception PLEASE NOTE: Tech Center will be closed Tues & Weds Feb 3 - Apr 15 Writing Gone Writing 1:00pm-2:00pm, Wed, starting 1/7 Instructor Phyllis Entis; Blanchard A No fee; drop-ins welcome Keys to Unlock Writer’s Block 1:30pm-2:40pm; Fri Leader Susan Cantrell, Blanchard A Fee: $15/class register w/reception, 624.1588; questions call Susan 372.2231 Poetry Writing 2:00pm-3:00pm, Mon Instructor Rex Pryer; Blanchard B No fee; register w/reception, 624.1588 Writing Memoirs (two separate classes) 10:00am-12:00pm, Mon 9:30am-11:30am, Weds Instructor Illia Thompson; Craft Room $35/monthly; register w/Thompson 659.5210 Workshops/Local Tours The Artist’s Way 2:00pm-3:30pm, Thurs Session 1: 1/8 - 1/29; Session 2: 2/12 - 3/5 Session 3: 3/19 - 4/16 Facilitated by: Cathy Jean Cole $40/session or $110/3 sessions if paid prior to 1/8 register w/reception, 624.1588 Be Renewed...Not Retired “The Creative Retirement Process” 10:00am-12:00pm, Sat, 1/17, 24, 31 Instructor Gloria Valentino, Seideneck Room $30/series, 3 class series, register w/reception, 624.1588 For details, call Gloria 708-890-5885 Brown Bag with Brian Ellinoy, Pharm D. 12:30pm-4:30pm, Tues, 1/27 (8/30 min appts. avail) Facilitator Brian Ellinoy, Blanchard B Fee: $15/30 min appt. payable at time of appt. Register with reception 624.1588 The Art of Orchid Maintenance 1:00pm-2:30pm, Mon, 2/2 Presenters John O’Connell & Kathie Ritter, Craft Room No fee, register with reception 624.1588 SE Corner Lincoln & 8th, Carmel • 831.624.1588 • www.carmelfoundation.org
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