January 11, 2015 † The Baptism of the Lord Saint Francis of Assisi Est. 1950 San Francisco de Asís A PARISH OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE ● Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, J.C.D., Bishop 862 Yadkinville Road ● Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 336-751-2973 ● Fax: 336-751-9929 ● Pastor’s Cell: 704-576-6420 (Medical/Sacramental Emergency Only) Email: office@stfrancismocksville.com ● Website: www.stfrancismocksville.com Parish Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday-Friday 9am-2pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vesperal Liturgy: 5pm (Rosary said at 4:30pm) Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (en Español) Daily: 8am Monday, Wednesday-Friday, 10:30am Saturday ● First Friday: 12pm with Adoration until 1:30pm Holy Day Masses: Vigil 7pm, 8am Daily, 7pm (unless otherwise scheduled) 1st Saturday Eucharistic Adoration 7pm-7am ● Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration: 6:30pm-8:30pm The Baptism of the Lord History: The Baptism of the Lord has historically been associated with the celebration of Epiphany. Even today, the Eastern Christian feast of Theophany, celebrated on January 6 as a counterpart to the Western feast of Epiphany, focuses primarily on the Baptism of the Lord as the revelation of God to man. After the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) was separated out from Epiphany, the Church in the West continued the process and dedicated a celebration to each of the major epiphanies (revelations) or theophanies (the revelation of God to man): the Birth of Christ at Christmas, which revealed Christ to Israel; the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles, in the visit of the Wise Men at Epiphany; the Baptism of the Lord, which revealed the Trinity; and the miracle at the wedding at Cana, which revealed Christ's transformation of the world. (For more on the four theophanies, see the article on Christmas.) Thus, the Baptism of the Lord began to be celebrated on the octave (eighth day) of Epiphany, with the miracle at Cana celebrated on the Sunday after that. In the current liturgical calendar, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the Sunday after January 6, and, a week later, on the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, we hear the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana. STAFF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Rev. Fr. John Starczewski, extension 2 Faith Formation Classes (September – May) Rev. Mr. John Zimmerle, Deacon/Home Visitation Kindergarten—6th Grades Sundays 11am—12:15pm David Taylor, Business Manager extension 3 ● Cell (336-406-1089) 1st & 2nd year Confirmation—Sundays 6:30pm—8pm Sister Susie Dandison, RSM, Hispanic Ministry RCIA – Wednesdays 7:00pm—8:30pm Sister Martha Hoyle, RSM, Music & Nursing Ministry NEW PARISHIONERS Renee Hoke, Coordinator of Religious Education extension 4 Welcome! You may register as a member of our parish Agnes Lipnicki, Facilities Housekeeper family after the weekend Masses by filling out a Jay Niland, Webmaster & IT engineer registration card found on the hallway table in the foyer webmaster@stfrancismocksville.com of the Church. You may also register at the church office SACRAMENTS during regular office hours. Reconciliation—First Fridays after the 12 noon Mass, Saturdays 4-4:45 pm, Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am, 12pm or by appointment. Baptism—First Saturday monthly at 11:30am. Contact the Parish Office at least one month prior to date of baptism. Marriage—Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to date of wedding. Care of the Sick—Anytime, day or night, please call (704) 576-6420 when someone is seriously ill or in the hospital. JANUARY 11, 2015 † THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD † MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK † Please keep the following in your prayers: Annie Askew, Audrey Bollero, Loretta Campbell, Betty Clement, Morgan January 10—January 18 Clement, Ezequiel Cortes, David Cozart, Sister Susie Dandison, SATURDAY NO DAILY MASS Kirk Deal, Jim Dietrich, Aldora Gaither, Simona Grasmuck, Dave 5:00PM † Mike & Ruth Coffey & Lynn Johnson (Brian Coffey) & Donna Guest, Mary Kronner, Jose Manuel Lopez, Jorge Arturo SUNDAY 8:00AM Intention of Bonnie Starr (Joann Kohl) Paulin Martinez, Al & Margaret Mondlak, Bruce & Jean Muzia, 10:00AM People of the Parish Lucille Phifer, Paul Poirier, Nathan Rybak, Ron & Jane Semple, 12:30PM † John & Karen Ferguson Family Butch Sprinkle, D Spry, Ed Stasko, Jr., Ardena Wyrick, Rita MONDAY NO DAILY MASS Wright, John & Ladi Zimmerle TUESDAY NO DAILY MASS Saint Peregrine - Patron Saint of Cancer Paents Prayer List WEDNESDAY 8:00AM † Mike & Ruth Coffey & Lynn Johnson (Brian Coffey) Ronald Bodamo, Jack Burke, Patricia Chulick, Benjamin THURSDAY 8:00AM † Ruth Coffey (David & Sheri Taylor) Crowe, Tom Cunningham, Joseph Dean, Phil Diehl, John FRIDAY 8:00AM Intention of Dorothy Newbern (Joann Kohl) Drum, Kay Epperson, Riene Evans, Donna Falk, Patty SATURDAY 10:30AM † John & Karen Ferguson Family Falk, Mark Freeze, Sara Garcia, Joseph Gerstemeier, 5:00PM † John & Marilyn Waitowitz (Cathie Bacher) Sandy Glock, Maria de Jesus Gonzalez, Ruth Gonzalez, SUNDAY 8:00AM † Ruth Coffey (Joann Kohl) Chris Headley, Maggie Hullett, Linda Knight, Carol Kra10:00AM People of the Parish mer, Tanner Ladd, Kim Lakey, Ronnie Lomastro, William Mar12:30PM † John & Karen Ferguson Family shall, Juana Martinez, Heather McClamrock, John McCloskey, Steve Miller, Jimmie Mullis, Jim Murphy, Judy Myles, Margaret Weekly Calendar of Events O’Connor, Joseph Palozzolo, Nicholas Palozzolo, Ron Reynolds, January 10—January 18 Berta Santos, Teci Schultz, Ginny Seay, Becky Sinclair, Darlene Saturday Food For The Poor Weekend Slater, Neal Smith, Peter Solomon, William Sorrosa, Denise Spors, 10:00am Young Ladies With Christ—PH Sylvia Steele, Paula Varona, Lee Wilson Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Food For The Poor Weekend 11:00am Faith Formation Classes resume 6:30pm Confirmation Classes resume 6:30pm Shamrock Run Meeting—PH 9:00am Prayer Quilt—PH 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—PH 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—C Raleigh March For Life Combined Mission Second Collection Weekend 11:00am Faith Formation Classes resume 6:30pm Confirmation Classes resume UPCOMING EVENTS January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 28 January 29 January 30 February 1 Office Closed 7:00pm Parish Council Meeting—CCR 6:00pm Prayer Quilt—PH 6:30pm Adoration—C 7:00pm RCIA—CCR National March For Life in Washington DC 9:00am Prayer Quilt—PH 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—PH 6:00pm Marriage in Christ—PH 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—C 6:00pm Assisi Bunch @ Bacio’s Restaurant 11:00am Faith Formation Classes 6:30pm Confirmation Classes 6:30pm Finance Committee meeting—CCR 6:30pm Adoration—C 7:00pm RCIA—CCR 9:00am Prayer Quilt—PH 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—PH 6:00pm Hispanic Music Ministry—C Strengthen Our Future Second Collection 11:00am Faith Formation Classes 6:30pm Confirmation Classes C—Church CCR—Church Conference Room FFB—Faith Formation Bldg PH—Parish Hall Are you suffering from cancer? This prayer to St. Peregrine can give you hope! St. Peregrine, whom Holy Mother Church has declared Patron of those suffering from Cancer, I confidently turn to you for help in my present sickness. I beg your kind intercession. Ask God to relieve me of this sickness, if it be his Holy Will. Plead with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, whom you loved so tenderly and in union with whom you have suffered the pains of Cancer, that she may help me with her powerful prayers and loving consolation. But if it should be God’s Holy Will that I bear this sickness, obtain for me courage and strength to accept these trails from the loving hand of God with patience and resignation, because he knows what is best for the salvation of my soul. St. Peregrine, be my friend and patron. Help me to imitate you in accepting suffering, and to unite myself with Jesus Crucified and the Mother of Sorrows, as you did. I offer my pains to God with all the love of my heart, for his glory and the salvation of souls, especially my own. Amen. PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY Thomas Bailey—Marines Bryan Boggs—Air Force Chris Braniff—Army James Buchanan—Navy Phillip Chandler —Army Stephan Church—Air Force Adrian Crumpton—Navy Christopher Davino—Air Force Jason P. Donnelly—Army Brittany Dykes—Coast Guard Michael Egan—Marines Angelo Eury—Marines Richie Gassett—Navy Nick Goughnour—Army James Hattenbach—Marines Christan Hodnett—Navy Brian Jackson—Army Delaney Jackson—Army Erik Jackson—Army Robert Jackson III—Marines Nick Jones—Marines Brent Lead—Army Adam Low—Air Force Tyler Luckey—Navy Justin McEwen—Army Josh Mullis—Marines Bill Page—Air Force Billy Page—Air National Guard Kaleb Page—Army John Parker—Coast Guard Eric Prin—Air Force Andrew Mark Sales—Marines Michelle Scholl—Navy Jonathan M. VanLew—Army Christopher Veal—Marines Jonathan Waddell—Air Force Stephen Wedderburn—Army James Wilson —Navy JANUARY 11, 2015 † THE B APTISM OF THE LORD Entrance Antiphon MATTHEW 3:16-17 After the Lord was baptized, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended upon him like a dove, and the voice of the Father thundered: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. First Reading ISAIAH 55:1-11 When the Judeans returned home after two generations in exile, rebuilding was distressingly slow. The prophet responded with images of hope: good food and drink, a worthy king, prestige among the nations; then a description of the power of the word of God. Responsorial Psalm ISAIAH 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation. Second Reading 1 J OHN 5:1-9 For a community divided by false teaching, the writer gives a clear teaching that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. He asserts that holding the correct faith makes it possible for believers to love each other properly. Gospel MARK 1:7-11 Saint Mark's gospel begins not with a nativity, but with the adult John the Baptist, preaching in the desert yet drawing great crowds from the cities. They wanted his baptism that "led to the forgiveness of sins." Communion Antiphon J OHN 1:32, 34 Behold the One of whom John said: I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God. ——————————————————————————–—————————————————————————————————————————-——— The final Pick 4 numbers selected Friday night was 64 & 23 making David Merritt and Keiner Solis the winners of week 10 for the 10-week raffle. Congratulations to our winners! Thanks to both Chuck Murray and Keiner Solis who donated their winnings back to the church. Thanks to all who participated in this fundraiser and to the Parish Council for sponsoring it. ——————————————————————————–—————————————————————————————————————————-——— Don't miss the news! Get all the news from across the Diocese of Charlotte with the Catholic News Herald, free to every registered family. In each issue of the Catholic News Herald, mailed every other Friday, you'll get Catholic news from the 92 parishes and missions of the Charlotte diocese, as well as Catholic news from the around the U.S. and the world. To take advantage of this free subscription, please register at your parish. Contact your parish office for details. If you are already registered but not receiving the Catholic News Herald in your mail every other Friday, please call Erika Robinson at the Catholic News Herald at 704-370-3333. Thank you for reading the Catholic News Herald! ——————————————————————————–—————————————————————————————————————————-——— The Combined Mission Collection will be taken at all Masses next weekend. Your contribution to the good work of these organizations will give you an opportunity to participate in the missionary activity of the Church on both a local and world level. Please take the time to read the brochure sent to you by Msgr. West, give prayerful thought to your level of participation and respond with a generous contribution. The envelope for this collection can be found in your parish envelope packet. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD NEXT WEEK’S READINGS: SECOND SUNDAY IN O RDINARY TIME 1 ST READING, 1 SAMUEL 3:3-10, 19; 2 ND READING, 1 CORINTHIANS 6:13-15, 17-20; GOSPEL, J OHN 1:35-42 Stewardship Thought for the Day Stewardship involves a change of heart, embodied not just in a single action, nor even a series of actions, but in one's entire life. ——————–————————-————————————————— Collection amount for the weekend of 1-4-15 Average weekly expenses Surplus/ (Shortfall) $ 3,102.00 $ 3,610.15 ($ 508.15) STRENGTHEN OUR FUTURE (SOF) January payment of $4,086.00 (interest $145.25, principal 3,940.75) leaves a balance of $79,057.78 January SOF 2nd collection was $4,716.00 January collection to date is $4,716.00 Please join us in welcoming Rev. Albert F. Cerezo as he speaks this weekend about a ministry providing direct relief to the poor throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Father Cerezo will share personal witness about Food For The Poor’s mission to care for the destitute as a means of living out the Gospel mandate to love one another. From the Pastor’s Desk: Baptism of the Lord - The Lord in the reading from the prophet Isaiah invites us to come to him for whatever we need. As we hear the Lord’s invitation, sometimes we can be tempted to think that we are not worthy of the Lord’s goodness to us. We do not believe that we are holy enough to come to the Lord, but that is exactly why he invites us to receive his gifts. We call the Lord our Savior because that is his purpose in coming to us and inviting us to come to him. He wants to save us from our sinfulness and he wants to help us to be better persons. It’s why he gives us the example of his own Baptism in the Gospel today, so that we learn that it is he who makes us worthy. He is willing to give us his forgiveness and a fresh start each time that we confess and repent of our sins. Through the grace of Baptism and Reconciliation we receive the grace to be better in the practice of the virtues and to be stronger against temptation. An as the Lord bestows is grace upon those who answer his invitation he is preparing us to hear the Words of God the Father, “You are my beloved son (or daughter); with you I am well pleased. Join us every Saturday for the recitaon of the Rosary at 4:30pm in the church before the mass. JANUARY 11, 2015 † THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Faith Formation News Classes will resume this Sunday, January 11, 2015. Have a Blessed Christmas Season and Joyous New Year! Shalom, Renée Hoke CRE Raleigh March For Life Bus trip to March for Life Washington, DC A Holiday Tours bus will pick up marchers at Holy Family in Clemmons at 12am January 22nd for the March for Life. Trip includes Mass at Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Rally, March and Silent No More testimonies, as well as opportunity to visit with NC political representatives. Cost is $60 per person. To reserve a seat, please contact Toni Buckler at 336-9951451. Make checks payable to Holy Family. Youth welcome and encouraged! The Hispanic Music Ministry will be selling chicken tamales, nacho's and atole (hot drink made from masa or corn) on Sunday, January 18th im- Since it is the beginning of the Awards Season, I would like to thank Bob &Sue Sinclair of Davie Fumediately after the 10am mass and 12:30pm mass. neral for sponsoring the annual church calendars. I also want to thank Bob for donating money towards the purchase the back door of the hall. KNIGHTS CORNER I would like to thank Paul Nice of Mr. Sandless for the work that was done on the church restroom %loors and the parish hall %loors. Upcoming Schedule: - Tuesday, January 20—Officer’s meeting@6pm—GH Tuesday, January 20—General meeting@7pm—GH Sunday, February 1—KofC Rosary @7:30am—Church Saturday, February 7—Squires meeting @ 9am—Parish Hall Vivat Jesus, Grand Knight Bernie Gerstemeier I would like to thank Jay Niland for his donation of two deadbolt lock sets for the Assisi Rectory House. I would like to thank Tony Palozzolo for doing the patchwork on the driveway next to the sidewalk.
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