Fatty Acid Composition Normal in and G. ANDREW P has it REVIOUSLY, been acid composition different sites, both the same subject However, Specific sence of exist M.D., tissue was male subjects in adipose to sex This fatty group in , dence of of adipose normal male with the and with results are Obesity. of were AND weight presented subjects with were METHODS whose regard investigated. to They normal and fatty were abnormal, diets were acid composition, divided similar, into according to par- certain groups, group healthy people. evidence or was comprised None of coronary heart hypothyroidism There eight seventeen to eight to in were and was sixty years obese, and of the subjects, fifty-three female sixteen defined subjects, ranging (average 39.8 no had patients eight in age from twenty A the years). This group heart was comprised disease, hypothyroidism. in all There (fourteen of diabetes male and patients mellitus, were twenty-six twelve female). with coro- obesity and biopsy were known subjects From * of Hospital Fellow Medicine, the Institute of Clinical Medical in Medicine. The Johns Research, The Middle- Hopkins Hospital, et .4nzerican Baltimore, area Journal of Clinical Nutrition the 5 to fat and recorded of sixty- was obtained by subject, and was samples The the method stearic as those of chromatographic retention time of an acid was the peak retention with similar using described.’ the acids de- needle of analysis been comparing under of each age to of each already fatty of on study. years). by the the started of the The of these identified area been time chromatography. that case iodine forty-three have run and had the buttock unknown acid The angulation Maryland. the were clinical In each at 56.5 identified Also, who radioactive from liquid acids al.4 years on patients employed relative and School, London, England. Present address: Department by composition gas the conditions. acid sex subgroup. from technic of sub- fifty-two patients this chromatography Peaks female subcutaneous acid times of these hypothyroidism. of by gas age to confirmed ranged by computed pv23 The therapy (average fatty standard tables hypothyroidism pituitary termined weights the Insurance obese. of the years biopsy nary of with whose above to the Four sample needle Subjects Abnormal Un- absence treated patients seventeen replacement None from years); be have was None mellitus 31.6 being cent Life to comprised studied. (average or years). diagnosis studies. diabetes in age years were presence according from grounds, subjects ranging years was seventy-three were per to 40.1 thyroid apparently there whose patients the female 35 considered ranged these disease, any male of patients height considered Subjects This All hypothyroidism. criteria. Normal or Metropolitan (average were two to of mellitus These control than for the jects Forty-two thirty-five Eight more by MATERIALS cvi- insulin. diseases disturbances 54.4 consisted diabetes years). complications. fe- (average subgroup with from to subranged electrocardiographic This patients as years and this ages infarction. 54.4 selected in whose sixty-eight iiellitus: ranged Included patients, clinical myocardial (average ex- male to with male ages ab- was subjects associated acids or composition in metabolism; fatty Disease. seven forty-four years) seven herein. ticularly heart were from one presence possibility acid and be tissue or the determined to M.SC.* Coronary fatty between Subjects Diabetes disease. The lipid does changes be related known the HEFFERNAN, another. might amined. A. Tissue data was unknown calculated of Farquhar measured a percentage by of the tritotal measured. Vol. 15, July 1964 Downloaded from ajcn.nutrition.org by guest on January 12, 2015 and that Abnormal of adipose tissue from superficial and deep, in is remarkably similar.’ a difference subject shown Adipose of 6 Heffernan Symbols acids are used encountered introduced length of double naming are based by Ahrens to chain number oleic to facilitate and on the et al.’ The the many of nomenclature first of the acid and the bonds; for example figure refers second 18:1 eight to the refers to of oleic (p < 0.02) Seven palmitoleic, fatty account for acids stearic, in the with 15:0, acid fatty acid is male subjects. shows is higher acid subjects of heart disease with in and male < Table ii. In the Sums and Ratios a 0.05) male female of male * of Fatty 7 male 8 obese subjects male subjects patients 8 normal 33.1 with female female coronary diabetes heart disease mellitus subjects subjects 8 normal female 8 female patients fatty acid composi- male patients and seven is male similar to I Distribution from Normal of Fatty Subjects* Acids Normal Subjects Female (8) Male (8) in 7.3 ± as mean 0.7±0.3 3.6±0.9 1.1±0.2 0.6±0.1 20.0±3.9 10.7±1.1 3.4±0.7 53.0±4.5 1.5 7.1 ± 0.9 Values subjects with hypothyroidism expressed ± standard deviation. II Acid Values Saturated Fatty Acids subjects with signifi- seven 0.9±0.1 4.2±0.3 1.1±0.2 0.6±0.07 23.3±3.3 10.1±1.7 4.4±0.8 48.4±3.3 18:2 group subjects subjects are total female in the Normal Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Abnormal Oleic Subjects Palmitoleic Acid Stearic (%) (%) 8 normal acid the 0.05) mellitus Normal Subjects Add 12:0 14:0 14:1 15:0 16:0 16:1 18:0 18:1 the ratios and Comparison 8 normal diabetes . Fatty show (p steanic while per in to acid sums of Various 8 normal the coronary Comparison of Per Cent Adipose Tissue TABLE 7 male that with of oleic lower acid in normal shown Comparison 8 normal shows from subjects. various values are 0.02) other male 70 level ratio and over the is stearic in the Comparisons < only difference fatty ni tissue A statistical that (p The for measured. significantly significant < (p un- the to low, of adipose and eight normal it can be seen that account acids however, which acids total and to- 14:1 which the mean per cent nine fatty acids in buttock normal male is compared, palmitic analysis, tissue, as fatty the Downloaded from ajcn.nutrition.org by guest on January 12, 2015 and identified acids significantly tion patients fatty palmitoleic 0.05) TABLE i, in fat from eight female subjects of the total of adipose acids of these cent of the < (p are measured. Table oleic cent samples two were From distribution 97 per subjects, acids high. Table (launic, mynistic, palmitic, oleic and linoleic) which about found gether and cantly RESULTS male fatty saturated acid. acids normal saturated Acid Acid Stearic Acid St 66.8* 11.5t 2. 28.2 71.8 16.2 3.3 33.1 66.8 11.5* 2.5 31.8 68.2 14.4 2.9 33.1 66.8 11.5 2.5 29.0 71.0 16.7 3.2 28.1 71.6 16.2 3.2 28.2 71.7 19.8 3.9 28.1 71.6 16.2 3.2 28.0 72.0 20.3 4.6 * Indicates that the difference between the figures above and below the sign is significant at the level of p < 0.05. t Indicates 0.02. that the difference between the figures above and below the sign is significant at the level of p < * Fatty that of normal male significantly acid in the A fat total ratio of oleic male coronary litus are cant difference oleic shown to the fatty and in is significant tween the of the and to acids, the ratios steanic normal and of acid are abnormal the com- male and lyzed the three major found be- fatty acids. the unsaturated oleic and not significant female subjects, fatty differ in the (Table found this COMMENTS The difference found TABLE Comparison in Adipose of the Tissue the fatty acid com- of Fatty Abnormal Acids Male acids than acid unselected Male Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Subjects (8) Male Subjects with Diabetes Mellitus * Values 0.9 4.2 1.1 0.6 23.3 10.1 4.4 48.4 7.2 expressed ± 0.1 ± 0.3 ±0.2 ± 0.07 ± 3.3 ± 1.7 ± 0.8 ± 3.3 ± 1.5 as 0.7 ±0.3 3.6 ± 0.9 0.9 ± 0.3 0.5 ±0.1 23.5 ± 3.4 10.1 ±2.5 3.6 ± 0.8 50.1 ±4.8 6.8±1.5 mean triglyceride tissue to per be way of influenced cent by not appear tissue though adipose adipose triglyceride. adipose even acids as found from does from those TABLE Comparison of Acids in Adipose ± standard Fatty Acid (7) (7) 12:0 14:0 14:1 15:0 16:0 16:1 18:0 18:1 18:2 the extracted 99 of level These however, fatty resemble in seem level higher subjects. lipid of the normal lower in adipose the Per Tissue Female Fatty Acid in ana- the tissue in a fatty more III Per Cent Distribution from Normal and Subjects* Normal Male each acid of who in which its al.,9 lipids linoleic triglyceride, derive et of blood female other composition significantly the is more the a significantly the from among distribution acids study, simple in the in Kingsbury that and the although tissue to and from Serum II). a acid from sex, acid the Pre- tissue although Lawnie classes of palmitic fraction in subjects fatty but difference influence the would adipose possibility However, arachidonic total palmitoleic fat. male for is obscure. no subjects, might the subjects, this of the sex subhypo- of female than sub- difference in female found mention factors statis- fat composi- female account acid composition eight no fatty workers67 acid older male similar, acid The partially significance vious fatty a decade for a softer from between total make to explain. could The female with regard to this tissue various were about ; fatty distribution and differences fatty of in in were the ratio 0.05) subjects normal diets were obese similar, from whose jects depot differences levels Furthermore, saturated eight tissue with biological signifi- the cent adipose is difficult subjects 7 subjects tion, et al.8 per female of female difference. mel- disease adipose virtually tically < (p the subjects, four thyroidism acids that acids female jects acid heart subjects. patients only in acid the acid diabetes The Tissue 0.5 3.1 1.2 0.6 21.3 9.9 3.6 52.9 ± 0.2 ±0.2 ±0.5 ± 0.2 ± 4.2 ± 2.7 ± 1.4 ± 2.9 7.3 ± 4.3 deviation. IV Cent from Distribution Normal and of Fatty Abnormal Subjects* Normal Female Subjects (8) Obese Females Subjects (8) Female Patients with Hypothyroidism (4) 12:0 14:0 14:1 15:0 16:0 16:1 18:0 18:1 18:2 * Values 0.7±0.3 3.5 ± 0.9 1.1±0.2 0.6±0.1 20.0±3.9 10.7±1.1 3.4±0.7 53.0±4.5 7.1±0.9 expressed as 0.4±0.2 3.2 ± 0.6 0.8±0.2 0.5±0.2 21.1±3.2 10.6±1.9 3.2±1.4 53.4±4.5 7.3±1.7 mean ± standard 0.7±0.4 3.7 ± 0.9 0.9±0.3 0.5±0.02 20.2±5.0 10.9±4.0 3.0±0.3 52.2±4.7 8.1±1.7 deviation. Downloaded from ajcn.nutrition.org by guest on January 12, 2015 normal ii. coronary normal iv shows in male increase steanic with to the Table the and to stearic and in Table is acid patients parison and disease position and fatty acids acid subjects heart the of Adipose particularly saturated fatty palmitoleic for of mynistic subjects. total unsaturated with level diabetic the Composition except lower the of and in normal of from comparison acids, subjects, < 0.02) (p Acid Heffernan 8 TABLE Comparison Tissue with of Fatty Major tn-unsaturated V Acid Composition Serum Lipid Fractions Normal Subject of Adipose from to a the the acids, dienes Fatty Acid Lipid fat Fractions from Tnglyceride Cholesterol Ester . Phospho. lipid iodine atheroma severe 5.2 19.5 10.5 3.4 53.1 8.2 14:0 16:0 16:1 18:0 18:1 18:2 20:4 2.5 26.1 7.0 4.5 43.8 16.1 ... 1.1 10.5 3.8 1.1 21.8 56.5 1.3 24.1 2.9 15.4 15.5 21.6 5.2 19.2 ... and or absence of the esters and phospholipids, classes of trated in Table blood position of normal on male fatty acids lipids. tissue (aged of the illus- infarcts com- had undergone are virtually from one of the years) with the major jects is similar fatty from acid patients similar to with that tissue within heart from with male from The Patients this study and none with was acid operation matous differences in these the ill et al.,8 of normal by gas subjects found between two groups the depot of subjects, of an time increased betes in the studied Lee they adipose phase chroma- of coronary or absence subjects That different in with arterio- of myocardial American the with who fatty normal acids male sub- coronary the fatty heart findings acid coronary of an composition artery and disease from in and myristic diabetes, in the tissue no fatty from patients. with those acid of acid significant composi- patients obese and his co-workers’3 of with dia- These findings Hirsch et biopsy from female subjects only difference palmitic acid in fat composition with the possi- with al.6 the with diabetes’4 biological fatty bears diabetic of without acid out than differences is this subjects those conclusion. from the was those slight probably of in to in are composition compared that tissue diabetes findings by male diabetes. was adipose significance The acid white found These importance. diabetes and they women fatty obtained American with content the tissue North diabetes. plasma when the studied adipose The and of found consistent without significant decrease with adipose higher athero- a small and little concentration vapor patients the who found no significant alterations in the fatty acid composition of adipose tissue from several patients with diabetes and with obesity. and no of needle obtained and by amount serum were tion years. of who changes composition episode, fat depot of chromatography isomenization, exception the of patients whose disease acute at Kingsbury composition from alkaline heart over level when consisting thirty-five coronary patients the subjects to seriously myo- acid, group female long However, fatty in linoleic when keeping for the are dying changes twenty were patients acute normal five in same adi- suffering and a and ranged test. found palmitoleic compared seven male infarcts patterns with Except is the patients and or presence normal difference in the Hirsch et al.,6 who after infarction, of palmitic, of of subcutaneous five days tissue disease subjects aspirate several cardial ble coronary of normal a needle pose at of adipose except for a significant of oleic to steanic acid. studied the composition in tissue fatty the any fatty myocardial no almost find the arteriosclerosis male disease to adipose satu- Scott between autopsy. lipid death, highly unable fifty-seven and artery to were presence fatty serum in The ages in are classes. sex, ratio and acid twenty-nine three sclerosis fatty is compared composition with points the subjects major coronary Furthermore, acid no severe contribute abnormally as determined tography, cholesterol other These adipose diet of the v, in which a random acid the either fat. of of coronary found of relationship composition quantity who a of similar subjects without However, different geo- Downloaded from ajcn.nutrition.org by guest on January 12, 2015 do an ‘ or tissues, than to his acid from subcutaneous cadavers, or of occlusive with correlation of presence subcutaneous compared closely the enough is associated rated relation samples 10 adult that aortic in the number forty-eight disease in patients. the indication Adipose Tissue particularly tnienes atheromatous measured Serum and Fatty graphic areas that are adipose in those dial with compared, tissue oleic a low occurrence infarction than occurrence infarction.’5 Scott tissue fatty significantly acid was subjects North American Comparison ican but adipose tissue and values lower in the with diabetes than in those tissue acid these Lawnie fatty acid composition triglycerides serum ing and to however, tissue fatty of synthesized by patients with mellitus, obesity the fore from proved, and diabetes’9 are in the abnormality. influence the recent fatty metabolic acid state adipose tissue clinical conditions indicate fraction of fatty acid was fatty sex to the with but of whereas patients mellitus, similar same which sex to except may Hospital or may Medical acid A A. and encouragement. my thanks for 1. with important. of A. of human 2. the these for his Middleme to my continued investigate the with to thank ad- J. D. N. Nabarro Dr. me providing I also wish work. Kekwick, allowing HEFFERNAN, 3 Life Height Jnsur. receives his tenure patients. of a Lever- Co., FARQUHAR, A. The tissue. fatty C’lin. Insurance composition 25: 423, Company, Statist. Tables. acid Sc., Bull. 1963. Weight Metrop. Life Co., 23: 5, 1942. Metropolitan Height G. adipose Metropolitan for study for Research The REFERENCES nonesterireflects this vice to level,mo plasma School Clinical Research, a chief seems of the of Clinical in is the tissue. in subjects of are The work was carried out during hulme Research Scholarship. infarction’8 the acids diabetes of the members Institute Professor suggested, considered grateful sponsor, that of adipose I am Committee, tissue fatty bio- ACKNOWLEDGMENT of adipose state nonesterified studies of compared thyroid The fatty disease, differences, to conduct tissue The either manifestations adipose the from significant. facilities metabolism, of the minor tissue is obscure. subjects there- been partial be deterin adipose hypothyroidism might myocardial lipid size stores, has both some not been in of adipose release patients It that disturbance obesity and patients mellitus, subjects. tissue diabetes in pattern these subjects. not fled tissue in the in perculiarity female heart of normal for from demonstrated of of this adipose fat, normal diabetes has was and coronary buttock chromatography. composition obesity those liquid male The from infarction, the syn- important from and disease, significance with of biopsy, subjects difference acid logical of and sources endogenous a more hypothyroidism gas sex normal that increas- hypothyroidism adipose acids normal and or be reflected fatty kny that play needle heart and A esters, diet adipose subjects, thought. female by fatty been derived the body. or endogenous acids, or in fatty acids the are in myocardial exogenous tissue acids those subjects in normal composition by and those Adipose the may acid coronary mined and have toward fatty with saturation. a combination between rela- adipose normal difference suggests obtained male fractions tends sex is generally The previous of cholesterol in hypothyroidism in of with acid were abnormality composition The of fatty obesity showed phospholipid acids than as adipose subjects seems al.,’7 fatty diets composition, SUMMARY diabetes. the No lines et sex. patients mellitus, acid gross compared same small, thesis fatty acid sig- adipose of normal when role subjects without no fatty that diabetes whose to have the although were palmitoleic between to the acid values hypothyroidism along made. any fatty Guatemalan found levels with study the was fatty subjects and regard to study A men- reveal acid hypothyroidism, with tissue diabetes. tissue and similar tissue in this infarction, obesity of Guate- from myocandial tion than North not oleic tissue difference in without higher No American higher adipose linoleic North 9 Tissue is concluded appear examined diabetes did in myocardial who and subjects and Adipose Life 24:6, J. 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