Thursday, January 29, 2015 TIME: 2:00—3:00 p.m. Registration/Vendor Showcase 3:00—4:30 p.m. Forecast Meeting 4:30—6:30 p.m. Vendor Blender/Cocktail Reception WHERE: Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel 2800 South Potomac Ave. Arlington, Virginia 22202 NORTHERN VIRGINIA CHAPTER 77 DATE: p.o. box 3035 gaithersburg, MD 20885 IREM INDUSTRY FORECAST MEETING THIS IS A JOINT IREM CHAPTER EVENT FOR IREM CHAPTERS 8, 77 & 92 Join IREM Chapters 8, 77, & 92 at the IREM Industry Forecast Meeting Thursday, January 29, 2015 *parking discounted to $10 COST: $75.00 Members/Guests $150.00 Industry Partners In the case of inclement weather, we will follow Federal Government guidelines. If the event is cancelled due to Federal Government closure or early closing on 1/29/15, we will work to reschedule the event but no refunds will be given. DRIVING DIRECTIONS: For GPS use 2900 Crystal Drive, Arlington as the address. The hotel is to the right of this building. From the District and Points North: Take I-495 to George Washington Parkway toward Washington, DC. Take I-395 South toward Richmond; take quick left exit 8C for US-1 South toward Crystal City. Go 1 mile and turn left onto 23rd St. Take an immediate right onto S. Clark St.; travel .4 mi and turn left onto 27th St. South. The road changes to Potomac Avenue. If you reach 29th Street you’ve gone too far. Park in the hotel; rate will be discounted to $10 with voucher from the meeting. Metro: The Crystal City Station is located .8 miles from the hotel. Chapters 8, 77, 92 IREM Industry Forecast Meeting ...what do the experts predict will happen in the markets and how will it affect your properties? registration... To register, complete the information below for each person attending. Payments or cancellations must be received by 1/23/15. REGISTER ONLINE AT and RECEIVE A RECEIPT IMMEDIATELY! $75 $150 IREM MEMBERS/GUESTS—which chapter? (circle please) 8 77 92 INDUSTRY PARTNERS—which chapter? (circle please) 8 77 92 Name IREM Member Industry Partner Guest Company Don’t miss IREM’s Industry Forecast Meeting for 2015! Why rely on speculation when you can hear from industry experts about the impact the economy will have on your properties and the local real estate market? Speakers with expertise in each market will share what they know and discuss how YOU should prepare for 2015 and beyond! Registration begins at 2:00pm with a mini-tradeshow of Industry Partners showcasing their products and services. The meeting begins promptly at 3:00pm with an overall industry forecast followed by a panel discussion. When the meeting ends at 4:30pm, the networking continues with a vendor blender and cocktail reception until 6:30pm. payment... IREM Member Industry Partner Guest Company Name IREM Member Industry Partner Guest Company Total # of Members attending ______ X $75 = $____________ Total # of Partners attending ______ X $150 = $____________ CHECK ENCLOSED FOR (made payable to IREM 77) $____________ CREDIT CARD CHARGED FOR $____________ MasterCard Visa American Express Credit Card: ____________-___________-___________-___________ Exp. Date : ________ /________ Signature: _______________________________________________ Tel# M A I L : IREM 77, PO Box 3035 Gaithersburg, MD 20885 (CHECK) F A X : 1.301.948.7962 (CREDIT CARD) DATE: Thursday, January 29, 2015 TIME: FOUR EASY WAYS TO REGISTER BY 1/23/15 Name meeting info... 2:00-3:00pm Registration/ Vendor Showcase 3:00-4:30pm Forecast Meeting Presentations 4:30-6:30pm Vendor Blender/ Cocktail Reception E - M A I L : (CREDIT CARD) O N L I N E : (CREDIT CARD) Email WHERE: Renaissance Arlington Questions? Call Carol Walker at IREM77 at 301.948.6234 speakers... Capital View Hotel 2800 South Potomac Avenue Arlington, VA 22202 OVERALL ECONOMIC RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TAX FORECAST FORECAST FORECAST FORECAST Scott Homa Tracie Leonard John Germano Ross Litkenhous Di rect o r, Rese a rc h VP of O p erat i ons Ex ec utiv e S eni or Di rect or J on es L a ng L aS al l e M il l Cre ek Resi d e nti al T rust, Mi d-At la nt ic M anaging Di rect or A lt us G roup CB RE parking discounted to $10 COST: $75.00 Members/Guests $150.00 Industry Partners *Industry Partners interested in sponsoring a table ($550) at the vendor blender should contact IREM 77 offices at 301.948.6234 or The first 30 PAID REGISTRATIONS will receive a spot! Table spaces are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
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