COURSE NUMBER: MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE: TERM: HACS 1891 Catholic Social Teaching February 2-April 10, 2015 INSTITUTION: INSTRUCTOR CONTACT: CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS: Holy Apostles College and Seminary in partnership with the Adler-Aquinas Institute. Dr. Cynthia Toolin 860-632-3022 The time to complete this certification is estimated at 38 clock hours of faculty instruction and 75 clock hours of homework. 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This MOOC will articulate basic Catholic social teaching as found in the following magisterial documents: Leo XIII, On the Condition of Labor, 1891 (Rerum Novarum); John XXIII, On Establishing Universal Peace in Truth, Justice, Charity, and Liberty, 1961 (Pacem in Terris); Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, 1965 (Gaudium et Spes); Paul VI, On the Development of Peoples, 1967 (Populorum Progressio); John Paul II, On Human Work, 1981 (Laborem Exercens); John Paul II, The Splendor of Truth, 1993 (Veritatis Splendor); John Paul II, On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life, 1995 (Evangelium Vitae); John Paul II, On the Twentieth Anniversary of Populorum Progressio, 1987 (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis) Part I John Paul II, On the Twentieth Anniversary of Populorum Progressio, 1987 (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis) Part II, and Benedict XVI, On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth, 2009 (Caritas in Veritate). The MOOC will involve ten lessons dealing with fundamental principles and concepts; their application to particular circumstances; and their development over time. 2. LEARNING OUTCOMES Participants will demonstrate an understanding of basic principles and concepts in Catholic social teaching. Participants will demonstrate an awareness of the major points found in each of the magisterial documents. Participants will demonstrate the ability to recall important aspects of the social environment current with the writing of each document. 3. LESSONS In addition to the reading assignments under each Lesson, read the appropriate parts of your McKenna text. For instance, for Lesson 1, McKenna writes about Rerum Novarum in Chapters 2 and 5. Lesson 1: Leo XIII, On the Condition of Labor, 1891 (Rerum Novarum) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 2: John XXIII, On Establishing Universal Peace in Truth, Justice, Charity, and Liberty, 1961 (Pacem in Terris) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due by TBD 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due by TBD 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 3: Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, 1965 (Gaudium et Spes) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 4: Paul VI, On the Development of Peoples, 1967 (Populorum Progressio) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 5: John Paul II, On Human Work, 1981 (Laborem Exercens) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 6: John Paul II, The Splendor of Truth, 1993 (Veritatis Splendor) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 7: John Paul II, On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life, 1995, (Evangelium Vitae) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 8: John Paul II, On the Twentieth Anniversary of Populorum Progressio, 1987 (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis), Part I Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 9: John Paul II, On the Twentieth Anniversary of Populorum Progressio, 1987 (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis), Part II Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Lesson 10: Benedict XVI, On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth, 2009 (Caritas in Veritate) Listen to Lecture posted in the course site. Required Reading Assignment: USE THIS TRANSLATION! Discussion Posts: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Quiz: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Final Exam: Due TBD by 11:59 pm Eastern Time 4. REQUIRED TEXT Fr. Kevin McKenna, A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching. Ave Maria Press, 2013. Available on Amazon. List price $14.53. Revised edition. ISBN 5. EVALUATION Watch the slide show Complete required readings Post on the Discussion Board – 30% Complete quizzes – 30% Complete the final exam – 40% At the end of each lesson, you will find a short objective quiz about the material in that lesson. The quiz must be completed by Friday, 11:59 pm Eastern Time, for each Lesson. At the end of the MOOC, you will find a final exam about the material in the course. The exam must be completed by Saturday, 11:59 pm Eastern Time, of Lesson 8. 6. ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY Avoiding Plagiarism In its broadest sense, plagiarism is using someone else's work or ideas, presented or claimed as your own. At this stage in your academic career, you should be fully conscious of what it means to plagiarize. This is an inherently unethical activity because it entails the uncredited use of someone else's expression of ideas for another's personal advancement; that is, it entails the use of a person merely as a means to another person’s ends. Participants: Should identify the title, author, page number/webpage address, and publication date of works when directly quoting small portions of texts, articles, interviews, or websites. Students should not copy more than two paragraphs from any source as a major component of papers or projects. Should appropriately identify the source of information when paraphrasing (restating) ideas from texts, interviews, articles, or websites. 7. ABOUT YOUR PROFESSOR Dr. Cynthia Toolin, Professor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology at Holy Apostles College and Seminary, holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and an S.T.L. from Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. She has published articles in numerous periodicals and is a regular conference presenter. Dr. Cynthia Toolin ATTENDANCE Registrants can move through the course at their own pace but will be permitted to complete their MOOCs by TBD. Powered by Catholic Education Online at
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