Conference Registration - Curriculum Revitalization, Career

85th Annual IACTE Conference and Annual Meeting Registration Form
February 12-13, 2015 ● PAR-A-DICE Hotel & Conference Center ● East Peoria, IL
Name _____________________________________________________
Name Preferred on Name Badge ________________________________
Title ______________________________________________________
Employer’s Name ___________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________
City __________________ State _______________ Zip _____________
Phone ____________________________ Fax _____________________
E-Mail ____________________________________________________
Spouse/Guest Name (if applicable) ______________________________
Please check one primary affiliate: ❑IAVAT ❑IBEA ❑ICTA ❑IFACSTA ❑IHOA ❑ILAVESNP ❑INRS ❑TEA of IL
Please check one or more (if appropriate): ❑First-Timer ❑Retired ❑Student ❑IACTE Past-President
IACTE 2015 Individual Registration Rates
Includes Lunch, Networking
Payment After
Reception & Awards Dinner
Due By:
Jan. 15
Jan. 15
on 2/12, Breakfast & Lunch
on 2/13 and all sessions
IACTE Active Member
Retired/Student Member
Non Member
Guest (meals only)
You must (X) Yes or No for each meal. Meals are included
in registration fee. IACTE must pay for the number
guaranteed regardless of the number served.
❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No
February 12 Opening
❑Yes ❑No
❑Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No
February 13 Breakfast
IACTE 2015 Student Registration Rates - No Meals
Includes all sessions
(no meals)
IACTE Student Member
Student Non Member
Due By
Jan. 15
Jan. 15
IACTE 2015 Pre-Session Registration Rates
Payment Due
Jan. 15
Jan. 15
IACTE Member
$ 25
Non Member
$ 40
Wednesday Pre-Session Tour, 2/11/15
❑ Caterpillar Industry Tour – 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Thursday Pre-Sessions, 2/12/15, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Includes continental breakfast
Select ONE of the five sessions below.
❑ Unpacking the CCSS, Implementation, and How
to Assess in a CTE Classroom
❑ Data is the New Natural Resource and Coding is
the New Literacy
❑ Measuring Student Growth in Illinois, PERA and
the Student Learning Objective (SLO) Process
❑ Your Digital Footprint: Who's Following You,
When and Why?
❑ CTE Curriculum Resources - Supporting
IACTE Membership (Attach Form)
Requires both IACTE and Affiliate Membership
Total Amount Due
List Special Dietary Needs: ___________________________ ___________________________________________________
Method of Payment:
❑Check ❑Purchase OrderEarly Registration payment is due by January 15, 2015.
Purchase Order # _________
Invoice to be paid no later than February 12, 2015.
A check or P.O. must accompany registration. Please make all
checks payable to the Illinois Association for Career and
Technical Education.
Return this registration form with your check or P.O. number to:
Connie Campbell, 9524 Roanoak Drive, Rockford, IL 61107.
Forms can be faxed to Connie Campbell at 815-654-4064 or
E-mailed to Connie at
Refund requests must be in writing and will be honored until
January 30, 2015. A $50.00 handling fee will be assessed.
Questions, contact Connie Campbell:, or cell phone 815-978-0839
Conference Hotel Information:
PAR-A-DICE Hotel, 7 Blackjack Blvd., East Peoria, IL 61611,
800-547-0711 or 309-699-7711. Ask for the IACTE Conference
special rate using the code: 0211EDU.
Conference Rate - $99.00
Reservation Deadline – January 11, 2015
Continuing Professional Development Units will be available
for all sessions. An opportunity for five CPDU’s will be available
for the conference pre-sessions while the conference itself will
provide an opportunity for nine additional CPDU’s.