Winter, 2015 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NYC HOUSING POLICE SILVER & GOLD LODGE # 997 Volume 18, Issue 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Thanks for your vote of confidence in electing me for another term to serve our organization. My pledge is to continue the forward progress in building a stronger Lodge with your help. The Winter Luncheon was a homerun with a lot of new faces. I must express my thanks to members: Richie Diana, Tony Milo, Tim Nickels, Joe Keeney, and Ira Furman for donations. Special thanks to Michael and Melisa Stasko of Audemars M&M Inc., manufactures of law enforcement watches, for the gracious donation to the door prize raffle. Check out their web site WWW.AMERICASFINESTPOLICE.COM, you might see something you like. These are very tough times for our Brothers and Sisters who are still active in the department. Please be careful and safe out there on patrol. Our prayers go out to the families of Officers Liu and Ramos gunned down during this Christmas season. We must continue to support and celebrate each other and utilize our organization to bridge the gaps. On a lighter note, we need some volunteers to help plan our 2015 reunion. If you want to join the committee contact Anna Tortorici or myself and get on board. There are less than 270 days until October 8th (smile)…at Antun’s Catering in Queens, but who’s counting? Farewell to board members Moe Leon and Laura Shechter for your dedication and service. Enjoy the warm weather! Welcome to our two new board members, Dewey Fong and Anna Tortorici; thanks for stepping up. Remember mark your calendar; get the word out Thursday, October 8, 2015. Hope to see you there. Any member of the Lodge or guest, law enforcement or civilian, can attend the event. Inviting others into our midst reflects our Mission Statement – Stronger, Bigger, Better Connected – spread the word. Fraternally, Bob HOLIDAY LUNCHEON: Left to right - Bill Fisher, Fred Auriana, Nick DeStefano, John Kurz, Bob Katz, Tom Grippo, Mike Lagiovane, Ron Hochberg, and Jerry Brienza. HOLIDAY LUNCHEON: Our new Membership Chairman Dewey Fong with some of our new Associate Members at the Holiday Luncheon. 2 RECORD RUMORS RECORD RUMORS visit our website at BOB NERO PRESIDENT ZACHARY SLAVIN 1st VICE PRES IDENT BRUCE RAHEB 2nd VICE PRESIDENT JAMES ROSS DIRECTOR HENRY LAVAN DIRECTOR GORDON NASH DIRECTOR NICHOLAS CAPEZZA DIRECTOR DEWEY FONG MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN ANNA TORTORICI TREASURER PASQUALE CIRINCIONE SECRETARY NYS TRUSTEE PAT FLATLEY RECORDING SECRETARY GILBERT PRINCE SPECIAL ADVISOR ANDY MELILLO IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT RABBI LEONARD BLANK CHAPLAIN MSGR. NICHOLAS SIVILLO CHAPLAIN BARTON L. SLAVIN Lodge Counsel ANGEL O N MY SHOULDER By Moe Leon While at the gym I belong to, I met a lifeguard named Lauren who gives swimming lessons to children at the pool. In conversation with her, she told me she was a school teacher in South Jamaica, Queens and works at the gym part time. I told her when I was promoted to sergeant I was assigned to the area. She asked me if I knew a cop named Tom Begley. I told her he was my Lieutenant and was a great boss as well as a great person. Tom was her grandfather. A couple of weeks later I found in one of our newsletter's a picture of Tom, me and other officers at a luncheon. I gave the picture to Lauren's supervisor as Lauren was working evenings and normally I would not see her. A couple of days later her supervisor told me that after seeing the picture Lauren began crying hysterically. When I next saw Lauren she told me she was going through a difficult time and received good news prior to going to the gym. After seeing the picture she felt it was message from Tom who was watching over her. As the poet Robert Browning wrote in Pippa’s Song: “God's in His heaven, all’s right with the world”. So is Tom. 2015 FOP PASSWORD The National FOP President Chuck Canterbury has chosen the 2015 password as "CENTENNIAL". This password represents the founding of the FOP in Pittsburgh in 1915 by Delbert H. Nagle and Martin L. Toole of the Pittsburgh Police Department. These officers would be proud of what the FOP has evolved into during the ensuing 100 years. BJ’S Wholesale Club Renewel It's that time of year again. Yes, it's the Holiday Season, but it's also BJ's renewal time. Members are reminded that they cannot renew their membership on their own - all renewals (and new members joining our club) must be done by the Lodge. Therefore, all Lodge members are reminded that all renewing and new BJ's members must submit their renewal/ membership fees to the Lodge by Feb. 11TH, 2015. The cost is $28.00 (this includes tax) for each membership card, and "yes" you can have only one card. Any questions regarding BJ's should be directed to Gil Prince (631) 231 8116. Those joining or renewing are directed to please print your name and address clearly and make your check payable to FOP LODGE #997, and send it to FOP Lodge #997, C/O Gil Prince, at 241 Medford Street, Brentwood, NY 11717. COURTESY CARDS Note: With all our new members we felt we should reprint this article.) In your packet you will find a Grand Lodge FOP Courtesy Card (sorry, only Active Members). Each active member receives just one card and it can be given to anyone - a family member, a friend, etc. The purpose of the Courtesy Card is for you to request that the courtesies of the organization be extended to the person to whom you have given the card. Please fill out the card as follows: On the front put in the name of the person to whom you are giving the card. On the back where it says, "Presented By" put your name. Where it says "Title" put Member of NYS FOP Housing Police Lodge #997. The bottom of the card is then signed by the person to whom you gave the card NOT YOU! That's it. Hopefully, the person never needs to use the card, however, they have it if they do need it. Please, everyone remember that there are no guarantees, and that a little respect and courtesy goes a long way when dealing with anyone. Good luck - Pat C. RECORD RUMORS RECORD RUMORS visit our website at NEW MEMBERS Chung Poon Linda McLean George Rowan Ruben Beltran Oscar A. Figueroa Mauro R. Miranda Jr. Aubert A. Modeste Douglas M. White Rudolph Wilson Ronald C. Rybicki Douglas M. Diarra Dara M. Hellman Nathan G. Hellman Yesefa S. Hellman Desmond P. Miller Kidert N. Jean-Mary Rodney J. Jackson Kenneth L. Dodson Lawrence Bonevita Suzanne Cicero Elwood J. Thornton III Jacqueline Thornton Joi Thornton Donna Elam Lawrence Berwitz Zachary Chen HPD FLORIDA REUNION DINNER Minh Luong Xiong Lin Zi Zhang Wei-Qun Zhang Raymond Chan Han-Jun Li Howard Kung Ho Yung Anna Oi Ling Lee Jonathan Yung Randall Shu Steve Shu Anne Shu Clifton A. Sewell Rowena Grady James Hursala Dartray Belk Inez S. Cofield Jeanne Woods TO ALL OUR NEW MEMBERS, AND MEMBERS WHO HAVE REJOINED, WE SAY, “WELCOME ABOARD" DEATHS REPORTED This year’s reunion dinner is set for Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM. The location is the Miccosukee Resort & Casino in Miami, 500 S.W. 177th Avenue, Miami, FL 33194. The dinner will feature an all you can eat buffet and desert bar. The dinner is FREE to those staying at the hotel Sat. evening. $15.00 PP if just coming for the dinner. A special rate for the Housing Police Reunion of $119.00 per room (plus tax) has been arranged for those requiring lodging. That rate includes dinner and breakfast for 2 Sat morning. For those going on the cruise, the resort will supply complimentary transportation from Miami airport to the resort and also to the cruise terminal Sunday morning. For room reservation call (305) 925-2555 and use code GNY0228. Please contact Gordon Nash at if you if you plan to attend the dinner. The resort requires the number attending the dinner by February 25, 2014. See you at the dinner! YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE GOING ON THE CRUISE TO ATTEND THE DINNER. ALL WELCOME NYC Housing Police Reunion Cruise Frank Amore Thomas DelGiudice The HPD Reunion Cruise is scheduled for March 1, 2015 for a 7 night cruise. If you would like to come along its not too late to John Hughes book your cabin. We’re set to sail aboard the Carnival Ship SplenAugust "Augie" Karlquist dor leaving from the Port of Miami. Ports of call: Miami; Nassau Thomas Woods (Bahamas), St. Thomas (US Virgin Islands); San Juan, (Puerto RiSheila Renehan co), Grand Turk. If you are thinking about going on a cruise with Edward Gruskin old friends, now is the time. There will not be a HPD reunion Walter Tanner cruise in 2016. John Moore Constantine "Gus" Brown Philip Leggio Charles Autry John Bailey Robert Kelly REST IN PEACE Friends and Family Welcome! For additional information or to make a reservation contact our travel agent Laurie at 954-577-3004 or Gordon Nash at 3 RECORD RUMORS RECORD RUMORS 4 visit our website at NEW STATE FOP EXECUTIVE BOARD On Nov. 9th & 10th, the NYS FOP held its biennial state conference. Our Lodge was well represented with seven delegates. The main business conducted at this conference was the election of State Executive Board Officers. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate those individuals elected and introduce them to you. The New State Board: President - Michael Essig Executive VP - Brendan Joe McGarry 2nd VP - William Connor Secretary - John Fitzpatrick Treasurer - Thomas O'Brien Recording Secretary - Lauren Lolz National Trustee - Michael Nied Sgt-At-Arms - George Marsh Sgt-At-Arms - Brian Flaks VP Zone 1 - Paul Curtin VP Zone 2 - Frank Graniero VP Zone 3 - Stephen Palermo VP Zone 4 - Richard Clifford VP Zone 5 - Michael Kutzma VP Zone 6 - William Woodworth Chairman of Trustees Richard Bermudez CONGRATULATIONS FROM ALL THE MEMBERS OF LODGE #997! WE WISH YOU WELL! NEW LODGE #997 EXECUTIVE BOARD On Dec. 3rd, at our Holiday Luncheon, we held elections for our Lodge Executive Board. See below results of the election. President - Robert Nero 1st VP - Zachary Slavin 2nd VP - Bruce Raheb Director - James Ross Director - Henry Lavan Director - Gordon Nash Director - Nicholas Capezza Treasurer - Anna Tortorici* Membership Chairman - Dewey Fong Secretary - Pasquale Cirincione Recording Secretary - Patrick Flatley Special Advisor - Gilbert Prince CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW BOARD! *Anna Tortorici was appointed by President Nero, and will be confirmed at our next general membership meeting The following is reprinted from the National FOP. NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT APPRECIATION DAY JAN 9, 2015 "The National FOP has partnered with C.O.P.S. and law enforcement associations across America on a National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day scheduled for Jan. 9th, 2015. Please share this information with members in your state. In light of recent negativity directed toward law enforcement nationally, there is a need to show law enforcement officers that our citizens recognize the difficult and sometimes impossible career they have chosen, in public service to us all. Can you imagine going to work each day and wondering if you'll survive your shift and see your family that night? Most people can't. But in law enforcement, this is a fact of life. Each day 780,000 police officers across our country put a badge on and go to work knowing they may face extremely dangerous situations. Yet, they go to work anyway. Being a law enforcement officer is not just a job, it's a calling. The pay is low, the hours can be terrible, and there is sometimes little appreciation for what you do. Yet, they do it anyway. What the public doesn't see is the lengths law enforcement takes to keep our communities safe. On average, between 105 and 203 officers die in the line of duty each year, 50,000 officers are assaulted in the line of duty each year, 14,000 officers are injured in the line of duty each year, and over 300 officers commit suicide each year. There is no other profession in the world , except possibly the military, where you will find these kinds of statistics. Being a law enforcement officer truly is an impossible job. You must be professional, courteous, caring and yet be ready to protect the public at all times. You must be prepared to make life and death decisions at a moments notice. You take an amazing amount of abuse at times, but have to view this abuse as just "part of the job." You do not have the liberty to express your emotions during many situations. Law enforcement officers play such an integral part in our society, without them, chaos would reign. Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were in trouble - a car accident, a home invasion, an assault - and you did not have someone to call for help? No matter how much abuse law enforcement takes, they continue to do their job, and do it well. They are the guardians of our way of life and they deserve our support. On Jan. 9th, we call our nation's citizens to action in support of law enforcement. Those citizens who appreciate law enforcement and are discouraged about the negative attention being given, are encouraged to take time on Jan. 9th to show their support." Among other things, citizens can show their support of law enforcement by wearing blue clothing, or by displaying a blue light in your home window or on your property. THE ABOVE IS FROM THE NATIONAL FOP WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM OUR EXECUTIVE BOARD SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT!!! 5 RECORD RUMORS RECORD RUMORS visit our website at Holiday Greetings From The Members Of Lodge 997 Jennifer Abramowitz Andres Acevedo Manuel A. Acosta Glenn Adelson Robert Agnetti John P. Agosta Richard Agosta Daniel T. Agostinelli Deborah C. Agosta Felix Agosto Vincent Agosta Anthony Aguliaro Patricia Agugliaro Henry Ahearn Sixto Alamo Frederick Albano Anthony Aliano Deborah M. Allen Robert Allen Darryle Alleyne Andrew Amalfitano Ralph V. Ambrosio David N. Amonds George Amonds Steven Andersen George W. Anderson Michael T.Anderson Craig Blakeney Rabbi Leonard Blank Lawrence Boatwright Ciro Bocchetti Angela Bordies Calvin Boyce Anthony Boyer Kevin T. Boyle Ricky Bradford Adolphus Brathwaite Ernest Bridgeforth Andrew Brigida Gerald Brienza Larry Brooks Brendan T. Brophy Albert J. Brown Benjamin Brown Fred L. Brown James Brown Richard Brown Ronald Rene Bryan Leslie A. Buckner Henry Bukowski Michael Bunyan James L. Burgess John M. Burke Thomas A. Burke Emanuel Andrews, Jr. Samuel Burwell Charles Aniano Richard Bylicki Joseph J. Aniano Henry Byrd Arthur Annecelli Paul Byrd Philip J. Archdeacon Frank J. Cabra Patrick J. Armstrong John Caime Richard Armstrong William Caldwell William R. Arons Michael J. Califano Charles A.Ashby James D. Callahan Eugene C.Assencao Tammie M. Campbell Frank Capezza Paul P. Attardo Nicholas Capezza Fred Auriana Mauro Capobianco Jose Ayala Joseph R. Cardinale Richard F. Babst Alfred Carrozza Stephen Bailey Orlando Case Joe Bakhshi Angel Castillo Gerald Balzano Archie M. Cauley Joseph L. Balzano Reuben C. Bankhead Jeffrey Cea Daniel E.Barbaro Daniel Cecchetti Robert Barbieri Maurice Cecchetti Hilton Barker Raymond Cecora Thyrone Barrett Nickolas V. Cervelin Lennon Bass Peter J. Cestare Daniel Begy Gil Chamorro Michael Begy Laura Chan Michael A. Begy Richard L. Chan Nicholas A. Begy Wilfredo Charon Martin Beksinski Robert Chavis Clarence E. Benion Jr. Yi-I Chen Roy Bennett John E. Christian Michael Bergin Chung Fong Chu Cleo Bethune Louis Ciavarella Omar Bholat Carolyn Ciccone Ira Bishop, Jr. Pasquale Cirincione James R. Blake Sandra Cirincione Rocco Citeno Joseph Clarino George Clouden Andrew C.Cohen Charles C. Collins Frank S. Colonna Victor M. Conde Glenn Condon Alfred L. Dunklin Winston Dunlop Donald M. Durando John P. Durkin Robert Edmonds Arturo Edwards Donald Edwards Donn Edwards Robert E. Connell, Sr. Junior Edwards Gary N. Connellis Robert J. Edwards Wilma Contreras Yves-Rose Edwards Jeff Cooperstock Steven D. Epps Sylvester Cotto Steven Eschen Malachy P. Cox James V. Esposito Patrick T. Coyne Richard Eustace Anthony Cracchiolo Jose M. Faria Peter Crescenzo Renee Farrell Paul J. Crymes Shirley Felder Charles Cullen Anthony J. Felice, Jr. Calvin O. Cummings Salvador Feliu Donna Cummings Anthony R. Ferraiola Rhonda I. Cutter Carl A. Ferrigno Leroy Cuttino Thomas Ferro Joseph F. D"Amico John R. Fewell John D'Adamo John F. Fields Dominica Davanza Alfredo Figueroa Angel Davila Arthur Fisher Sally Gerber Davis Fredrick H. Fisher William J. Davis William Fisher Joseph Debiasi Gerald Fitzpatrick Eliezer Decote Robert Fitzpatrick Michael G. DeLorenzo Mary Flaniganl Frank DelRossi Patrick Flatley John DeMatteo John Fodera Robert Dembowski Gerald Fodera Peter DeMonte Thomas P. Foley Conrad F. DePinto Dewey Fong Andrew J. Derr Dik K. Fong Thomas F. DeSane Tommy Fong Nicholas DeStefano Yim B. Fong Richard Diana Rosemary Forkin Barry A. Dickerson Galen Frierson JoAnne DiGiorgio Russell V. Freirson Michael A. Dikun Fred Frigel Kim M. DiMartini Michael J. Fucito Frank DiMartini, Jr. Ira J. Furman John Dineen Joseph Gagliardo Salvatore DiPace, Jr. Janos Gagovits Ernest Dix, Jr. Vincent (Jim) Galluzzo Sheldon K. Dixon Luis B. Garcia John Doherty Stephon Garland Naima Dominguez Dr. Philip Giammarino Alfred E. Gibson James Donato Rodrick Giddens Matthew Donnelly Thomas J. Donohue James L. Gilliard Thomas R. Ginocchio Evelyn J. Doolan Theodore E. Dowie Richard A.Girardi Peter J. Dowling Thomas Glenn Anthony W. Drake William Gloffke Philip J. Duffy Wilfred Goodison Robert Dunbar, Jr Robert Goldman Henry A. Dubro. Robert Goldson George Dunham Herman Gooden Adrain Goodwin Neal L. Gossett Bruce A. Gorneault Dahrehn Grady Terry H. Grady Bruce Granatstein John Gravina Jerry M. Green John Green Joe L. Greene Noel Gregorwich Philip W. Grella Jr. Thomas L. Grippo Lester H. Grissom Charles Guria Stanley A. Hackett Charles T.Hager, Jr. Dave Halpern Yuseff Hamm Edward K. Harley Walter Harper William L. Harrigan Johnnie Lee Harris, Jr. Thomas J. Harris Dock Harvey Paul M. Hayes Devin M. Hazel Lawrence Hellman Richard N. Hellman Samuel Hellman Stanley Hellman Leroy A. Hendricks Clayton C. Henman Jeffery Hershman George Higgins Robert Hillard Frank N. Hines Michael J. Hinphy Ronald C. Hochberg Clyde Holland John Hollwedel Fred Horman Drew J. Howard Craig Huber Dorian Hunter Ira Hyman Miguel A. Iglesias Anthony F. Ingui Anita Jackson Maceo Jackson Trina R. James Deborah Jamie Roman Jamrosyk Tom Jeans St. Clair N. Jeffers William Jenkins, Jr. Conrad Johns Darryl K. Johnson James Johnson Jr. Michael Joyce Charles Kammerdener Robert Katz Harry Katz Thomas Kavanagh Michael T. Keating Michael Keenan Joseph D. Keeney Sean G. Kelly Jerry Kempf Rajiv R. Khurana George King Raymond F. King Mark Kirshner Richard N. Koenig Marvin Krivitzky John Kurz Earl Lacondre Michael Lagiovane Thomas Laietta Christopher T. Laietta Gregory Lane Todd A. Latchford Manuel Laureano Randolf Laurel Richard Lauria Nolan J. Lauterborn Terrence Lavan Henry T. Lavan John Lawless Robert Lawlor Rufus Lawrence Sheldon Lax Albert Layne Thomas Leahy Brian Leddy Deborah Iemmiti Alan Lenox Salvatore Lentine Moe Leon Rufus Lester Eddie Lewis Marion L. Lewis Richard Lewis Haiming Li Stewart A. Lieber Vincent Licitra Gary Likeness Peter J. Linarello Lamont Littlejohn Anthony Loffredo David Lombardi Thomas Lombardo Clinton Long Edward Ip Angel T. Lopez Jr Edward Lopez Michael J. Losardo Michael A. Lubrano Oscar E. Lugo Willie Lugo Richina Lukes-Milledge (Continued on Next Page) 6 RECORD RUMORS RECORD RUMORS visit our website at John H. Lutterloh Nicholas M. Lutzky Gary M. Lyons Leonard Macaluso Susan Macinick Connie L. Magnus Brian Maguire Erik Mahany Edwin J. Maher William L. Maillard Richard S.Mallazzo Alexander Malloy Rocco Mancuso, Sr. Steven Mandelbaum Michael Manfredo Sal A. Manna James A. Marcus Michael J. Marinello Martin A. Marino Christopher Markevick James Martes Gene L. Martin Milton Martin, Jr. Patricia E. Martin Harold Massy Thomas Mauro Eddie May Maurice Maynard William Maynard Jerry Mazzella Theron McCabe Owen C. McCaffrey Mary McCann Linda McClean Shaun McColgan Sheryce McCollough Charles McCray Michael A. McFarlane Roger McGhee Edward McGreal Dana M. McGriff William P. McGuire Vincent McHugh Vincent T. McHugh Richard McInnis Eddie McLendon Latoya N. McLeon Thomas V. McLoughlin John David McKee Dennis McKenna William C. McKinney Thomas McLaughlin Charles McLiverty William McNamara Michael McPhillips John McSweeney Nelson Means Charles W. Mears Andrew Melillo Angelo Melillo William R. Menendez Saturno Mercado Keisha Mickens Marcus W. Miller John Miller Jr Milton Miller John T. Odermatt Franklin Ogaard Myatt Oo Abraham Oquendo Victor H. Ortega James W. Osgood Lawrence J. Otto, Jr. Wilbert Owens Eugene Pacinella Karen Padgett Sonia M. Pagan Michael L. Paglia Karen Paholek Joseph Palau Michael Panaro Augustine Papay Jr. Waltis Ramsey John Re Bruce Reddock Michael V.Reddy, Sr. Joseph F. Reek William M. Rega Alan Regan Franklin D. Reid Joseph T. Ribaudo John F. Miller, Jr Angelo Ricci Derrick Milligan Michael Rice Samuel A. Millman Joseph Richardson Anthony Milo Anthony Richburg Mark Mkwanazi George L. Rivera Elton Mohammad Vincent Rivera Jr. Andrew J. Monahan John J. Roach Jr. Paul Molloy Stephen Mondesir Michael K. Pappas John H. Robinson Gilbert Rodriguez Denise I. Moore June Pappas Melinda Rodriguez Edward P. Moore Stephen J. Parone Melvin Rodriguez James H. Moore Ralph Pascullo William Rodriguez John Pawilikowsky Michael Moore Robert V. Rogers Gustave Moorehead Bill Pearson Michael Romano Robin A. Pearson Gary D. Morgan Joseph Rossetti Leon Pedigo Irving E. Morgan James D. Ross Lewis B. Perry Robert L. Morgan William Rostkowski Richard W. Petrone James Mullen Lawrence T. Phillips Gerald J. Roth Bill Murray George R.Rowan, Sr. Walter Pierce Sean K. Murtha Raymond Pietranico Joseph Royall Calvin Myers Charles Rubin John T. Pinard Ronald Myles James T. Pinder, Sr. Frederick Ruff Arthur Nappo John Ruiz Derek A. Pinnock Gabriel Narvaez Martha Ruiz John F. Pinto Gordon Nash Roseann Russo Linda Pitone Tracy Nazario Rostislav (Steve) RuVincent Pizzo Gerald Nelson vinskiy Gwendolyn Plummer Barbara A. Nero Robert R. Salerno Julian Podgorsky Davina Nero Paul M. Sanderson Thomas A. Polizzotto Kenneth M. Nero David Santiago John A. Polk Mike Nero Donato Santo Edward R. Polstein Monique O. Nero Pedro Sapia Rocco Pompa Robert V. Nero James Pooser Jr Rosemary Sawyer Robert Nero, Jr Michael A. Scala William Popper Walter Nero Kerry J. Schacht Arthur F. Newcombe Francis Porcelli Kenneth J. Schaeffer Chermaine Porter Harold R. Newman Gerald C. Schembri Anthony Powers Eugene Newsome Michael Schmitt Theresa I. Primus Timothy L. Nickels Gerald C. Schmotzer Gilbert D. Prince, Jr. Anthony Nicoletti Robert Schulman Ephraim Nierenberg Anthony Priolo Charles F. Schroeder Jean M. O'Gallagher Stephen J. Puglisi David J. Schwarz Juan R. Quinones Thomas O’Gara Anthony Scialdone Stephen P. Radacinski Anna O’Hara Dervora Sconiers Richard Raheb Charles O’Hara Philip Seblano Bruce Raheb Sean O'Keeffe Jeffrey A. Seeley Michael Raheb George J. O'Neill Danielle N. Segarra Robert Raheb Brian O'Rourke Kimberly Segarra Dilson Ramirez Stacey Ann O'Rourke Michael Segarra David Seigerman Haile Selassie Stanley L. Seldon Herbert A. Sellers Robert Sens-Castet Charlotte Sewell Dr. Gerald Shaftan Larry Shannon Michael Shannon Laura Shechter Billy Sheperd Billy A. Shepherd James E. Sikorski Justin T. Sikorski Thomas Sileo Howard Silver Michael J. Silvertri, Sr. Carl Silverstein Billy W. Simmons Howard Simmons David Sin Msgr. Nicholas Sivillo Brian Slattery Barton L. Slavin Zachary A. Slavin Robert M. Smith C. Andrea Smith George H. Smith Karl E. Smith Shirley Smith George Singleton Daniel Sosnowik Raul E. Soto Annette L. Spellen Raymond Spinella Barbara Spinelli Thomas Spordone John Stack Tommie Stanfield Morton Stern Rue Stewart Donna J. Stout Frank Strommer Michael Suppes Jeremiah S. Suppes William E. Thornton Bert G. Tobiason Charles B.Tolbert Sr. Michael Torre Anna Tortorici Tom Townsend Charles A. Trento Martin Tribble Melvin Tribble James Tuller Pierre Turner Dr. Elias Tzanides Frank C. Valenti Nelson Varona John Vasek Gamaliel Vasquez Frank Vignone John J. Viscusi Scott Wagner Edward Walker Edward Walz Robert Ward Steven M. Warren Selvin Watts William C. Watts, Jr. Frank M. Weber Leonard Z. Weilgus Jason D. Wexler Joseph Whalen Isaac White James White, Jr. Kenneth White Douglas R. Whitfield Christopher Williams Edgar A. Williams Franklin Williams Jessie Williams Larry Williams Lisa C. Williams Ronney Williams Wade Williams Wade J. Williams Peter Willie Marshall Winston James F. Witcher Kenneth G. Sutherland Nicholas M. Witkowich Anna T. Swanson Leroy Swinney Victor Swinton Arlene Sykes Vernon C. Taylor Mitchell Teitelbaum Odell Terry William Thomas Umberto Thomas Matthew Woods Alexander Thompson Harold J. Thompson Christopher J. Thornton John W. Wortham, Jr. Russell Wroblewski John P. Young Peter J. Zarrella Douglas Zeigler William Zenda Anthony Zeo Anthony Ziniti Albert Zurita
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