PRARA NEWS ESTABLISHED 1937 January 2015 IN THIS ISSUE... Monthly Columns President’s Page Nancy’s Notes General Counsel Corner 2015 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jeff Decker 1ST VICE PRESIDENT DENNIS BUDZYNSKI 2ND VICE PRESIDENT GAUTTAM PATEL SECRETARY TREASURER Ray Moore BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jesse Huey Dinesh Mittal Kamlesh Shah John Listak OFFICE STAFF Executive Director Nancy Maricondi Secretary Clara Peters 3 2 Articles of Interest New Members Rack Prices Legislative Update Legislative Update Advertising Rates AB Operator Training class Lobbying Day Washington DC CCAC West Hill Class Schedule Re-cert Class Member to Member Services Classifieds Used Tire Pickup/ Used Oil 2 2 6 7 9 11 12 14 15 16-17 19 19 Happy New Year 78 YEARS OF SERVICE TO PETROLEUM RETAILERS AND AUTO REPAIR DEALERS IN PENNSYLVANIA January NANCY’S NOTES WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Happy New Year Everyone! No New Members On December 11th I attended the USTIF Meeting in Harrisburg. Once again we ended the year on a positive note. The Fund Balance- $245,458,683. Total Claims open- 1187 RACK PRICES Brand BP b* Citgo b* Exxon b* Gulf b* Shell b* Reg. 1.4707 1.4975 1.510 1.5035 1.5042 12/31/14 Mid. 1.5737 1.6005 1.610 1.602 1.5943 Prem. 1.7617 1.7935 1.795 1.8025 1.8022 * 10% ethanoll Tax of .606 cents per gallon and .011 cent indemnification fund & .0012 cent Oil Spill Tax are not included in rack price. Superfund tax eliminated Total New Claims- 179 Total claims closed- 171 Total claims denied- 52 Average cost per claim $319,612.52 All closed claims- $35,012,214.60 No additional fees will be assessed for 2015. PRARA ADVERTISERS Attorney Insurance Law Office of Harry F. Klodowski Jr..................... .....5 Bulava & Associates.................................................. 13 Convenience Store Wholesalers Jobbers / Distributors A.J. Silberman & Co................................................ 18 Bradigan’s...................................................................4 Liberty USA......................................................... .... 3 Reed Oil......................................................................8 Turner Dairy...............................................................10 PPC Lubricants............................................................8 Environmental Service Signs Flynn Environmental..................................................18 JTB Sign Service.........................................................6 Groundwater Environmental Service Inc......................5 Moody & Associates Inc............................................4 Waste Management Presise Tank Modifications...................................... 12 . Environmental Specialists, Inc......................................9 2 PRESIDENT’S PAGE by Jeff Decker January HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ? We hope that it is a prosperous year for you and your business. Those of you that deal with the tire industry, we are joining the Tire Dealers of Western PA for a legislative update on January 14, 2015 at the Hilton Garden Inn Southpointe. Pre dinner speaker is Dave Harrington-Eastman Tire Supplies the topic is TPMS Training. Then Roy Littlefield IV on Government Affairs. Anyone that sells tires needs to know what is happening, please try and attend. Give Nancy or Clara a call at the office and they can set you up. Keep in mind the 2015 Prara Charity Golf Outing, a date will be announced shortly. /LEHUW\86$LVD:+2/(6$/(',675,%8725ORFDWHGLQ:HVWHUQ3HQQV\OYDQLD 6HUYLQJVWDWHVLQFOXGLQJ3HQQV\OYDQLD2KLR:HVW9LUJLQLD0DU\ODQG 'HODZDUH1HZ<RUN.HQWXFN\ 5HWDLOHUVIDFHPDQ\FKDOOHQJHVLQWRGD\·V PDUNHWDQGZHKDYHWKH´62/87,216µ WRKHOSWKHPEHVXFFHVVIXO QUALITY SOLUTIONS PROVIDED BY LIBERTY USA: 7HFKQRORJ\ )RRG6HUYLFH 0DUNHWLQJ 0HUFKDQGLVLQJ &XVWRPHU6HUYLFH ,QYHQWRU\0DQDJHPHQW '6'5HSODFHPHQW 3URILW(QKDQFHPHQW &DWHJRU\0DQDJHPHQW 6DOHV*URZWK ® 7R/HDUQPRUHDERXW/LEHUW\86$DQGKRZZHFDQRIIHU “SOLUTIONSIRU\RXUSUCCESS” 3OHDVH&RQWDFW: Liberty USA Sales ,UZLQ5XQ5RDG:HVW0LIIOLQ3$3)VDOHVPDUNHWLQJ#OLEHUW\ 3 January Experience• Efficiency • Effectiveness Sample of Services Moody’s Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management services range from tank removal through Services site characterization, full scale remidation, and closure of contaminated sites. Our certified OSHA trained licensed professional geologists and staff can assist you through the PA DEP Storage Tank Program’s regulations with the end result being an Environmental Release of Liability for your site. Underground Storage Tank Contamimated Soil and Ground Water Remediation Environmental Assessments Site Characterizations Brownfield Site Assessments USTIF’s philosophy is moving towards Pay for Performance (PFP) type contracts for their UST sites. Moody’s is working with our clients and USTIF on PFP contracts and we are ready to help you at your UST site. Meadville PA 800-836-5040 Houston PA 866-336-0000 Canton OH 877-636-4448 4 Waverly NY 877-602-3120 January Law Office of Harry Klodowski, Esquire Betts, Hull & Klodowski Wexford, PA 724-940-4000 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE “Environmental,Commercial,Litigation” Storage Tank Litigation Buying/Selling Contaminated Properities $39.95 ********************************* WE NOW HAVE: RVP Labels Safety Inspection Manuals Drive Off Labels 2012 Labor Law Posters Stage II Decals Low Sulfar Diesel Labels Spill Containment Kits Emission Signs Keystone Ins. signs/number plates Safety Ins MV-431’s & Motorcycle Kit contains: 5lb. Lite Dry 2 48” socks 8 absorbant pads 2 pair gloves 2 hazardous waste bags 5 January SSDA Legislative SITUATION When the next Congress convenes January 5 , there will be eleven new Republican senators and possibly twelve, depending on the outcome of a run-off in Louisiana on December 12th. At this point, next year’s Senate will consist of 54 Republicans, 43 Democrats, and 2 Independents, with the Louisiana seat remaining to be decided. Both Independents have said they will continue to caucus with Democrats. This Republican near-sweep is weighing heavily on the lame duck session which begins Tuesday, November 12th. Even though Democrats will continue to control the Senate till January, the fact that a tax bill is coming up—meaning the extenders bill—is causing Republicans to think about including some of their priorities in that bill. The Republican list of possible add-ons to an extenders bill are repeal of the medical device tax in Obamacare, changing the definition of “full-time work” in Obamacare from 30 to 40 hours per week, passing the “Hire More Heroes Act” (H.R. 3474) allowing employers to exclude veterans when determining if they are a large employer under Obamacare, and making permanent the ban on taxing internet access. We can look for Republicans to try to raise these items in talks on an extenders package, but such talks would delay the extenders when there’s a need for urgency so as not to disrupt the tax filing season. For Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the tax extenders aren’t top priority but he recognizes they are first in urgency. His top priority is to pass on Omnibus Appropriations Bill to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year. He also wants to get a new Attorney General and more judges confirmed while Democrats are still in power. We are working with both Senator Reid and Senator McConnell to move quickly to pass EXPIRE so WOTC and other extenders aren’t held up by wrangling over other issues. th Given the floor time needed to negotiate and pass Omnibus, Defense, trade, and remaining bills and confirm a new AG and several judges, the Senate could find itself running out of time when the Continuing Resolution expires on December 12th. At that point, the option would be to combine everything into a single bill and hope it passes—it may not. For this reason, we want to get EXPIRE passed by both houses before Thanksgiving. In sum, Republicans and Democrats will come out slugging this Tuesday, each party with its own agenda but both parties committed to making a deal rather than shut down government on December 12th. WOTC could be drawn into deal-making between Senate, House, and White House, but those negotiations are risky and will likely go down to the wire—it’s not something we should chance. Action Required In House of Representatives Our goal is to get WOTC enacted in the EXPIRE bill early-on in the lame duck session so as not to be drawn into talks on the budget and the rest. We have grounds to press this because a delay to December will undoubtedly impact and delay the IRS tax filing season. We have the White House supporting WOTC and other extenders in the EXPIRE bill. We have Senate Majority Leader Reid and Republican Leader McConnell as long-time supporters of the extenders who voted for the EXPIRE bill. But there’s still no extenders bill akin to EXPIRE in the House. The House can point to a number of limited extenders bills, but none that covers 57 extenders of EXPIRE, and none that includes WOTC. This would be okay if House leaders let the Senate take the lead on EXPIRE and pass the bill when it comes over from the Senate. However, House leaders have given no assurance this is their intention. House leaders haven’t said they’ll accept EXPIRE and haven’t said what they want in an extenders bill. We don’t want to discover in these final days that they want an “EXPIRE light” that drops parts of EXPIRE— rather, we want the Leaders to support quick action on EXPIRE and use their influence to see that the bill passes. 6 January This means we must swing into action to get this message to every House Republican: “It’s imperative that you urge Speaker Boehner and other House leaders to quickly enact the Senate’s bi-partisan tax extenders bill, S.2260, “Expiring Provisions Improvement Reform And Efficiency Act (EXPIRE)” as soon as possible to support job creation and prevent delay of the upcoming tax filing season.” TAX EXTENDERS What happens to WOTC and other tax extenders now is up to Senator McConnell and Speaker Boehner— we’ll know their minds soon because they can’t duck a decision at this date. McConnell and Boehner need to get the extenders out of the way so they can start the new Congress with a big push on tax reform and other Republican priorities Senior staffs are still assuring everyone an extenders bill will be top priority when Congress returns on November 12th. That’s a frail basis for optimism because the two leaders who count haven’t decided the route they’ll take to get an extenders bill through the House. It isn’t a slam-dunk because many House conservatives oppose extenders as “special interest” carve-outs adding $700 billion to the deficit over ten years. The fastest route is for the House to pass the Senate EXPIRE bill—this works best for WOTC, but House leaders will have to corral Republicans who object to the Senate package as crony capitalism and a deficit raiser. Another route is for McConnell and Boehner to negotiate a package the House will agree to. This poses a danger—the House might insist on passing only a handful of “must-do” extenders like the mortgage relief exclusion, state sales tax deduction, R&D, etc, and defer the remainder to a tax reform bill that won’t be voted till July at the earliest. If they start negotiating, we’ve got to assure WOTC is on their “must-do” list. Senator McConnell has always voted for the full package of EXPIRE extenders and went to the floor not long ago to support them publicly. On the other hand, Speaker Boehner and Chairman Camp support some extenders and not others—they’ve already passed bills making permanent fifteen extenders they support, and WOTC isn’t one of them. The political difficulty is that Speaker Boehner has to placate members who complain regularly that extenders are a boondoggle, crony capitalism, and a drain on Federal revenue. He won’t chance a split in his caucus after a successful election and leadership contests ahead in January, so culling the list of extenders, lowering their cost, and telling his members, “This tax extenders bill will be the last” (due to tax reform) could happen. In sum, we have to work plenty hard starting now to get Senate Republicans to join with Democrats to pass the bi-partisan EXPIRE bill when they return, and House Republicans to pass the Senate bill when it comes before them. By going all-out to press the case for passing EXPIRE “as is” in both houses, we’ll have the best chance of forestalling a negotiation that might not turn out in our favor. Marta Gates-Jones Director of Operations WMDA Service Station & Automotive Repair Association 1532 Pointer Ridge Place, Suite G Bowie, MD 20716 301-390-0900 ext. 115 7 January . Quality GASOLINE and TRANSPORT Service Since 1972 Celebrating 25 Years of Dependable Service to Independent Gasoline Retailers in Western PA Great Reputation, Competitive Pricing Branded/Unbranded Gasoline, E85, Bio Diesel, On Road/Off Road, Kerosene Contact Ron Rotolo 724-333-5964 Email: PPC Lubricants & PRARA are proud to announce a new OIL PROGRAM specifically to help put thousands of dollars back in your pocket. Quarterly rebates , advertising,and excellant products. Call Dave Ondik Today! 412-719-0063 8 January Environmental Specialists, Inc. ¾ Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management Services ¾ Wastewater Treatment ¾ Used Oil and Used Antifreeze Recycling Services ¾ Aqueous and Solvent Based Parts Washing Technologies ¾ EPA and OSHA Compliance and Reporting Services ¾ Industrial Maintenance and Vacuum Truck Services ¾ Used Oil Fuel Sales and Used Oil for Re-refining Sales ¾ Windshield Washer Fluid, Recreational Antifreeze, and Diesel Exhaust Fluid(DEF) Sales ¾ Complete Transportation Services Serving Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, Northern West Virginia, Southeast Michigan and Maryland Phone: 888-331-3443 y Fax: 330-746-8175 y 1000 Andrews Avenue y Youngstown y Ohio y 44505 NEW Advertising Rates We have made some changes to the format of the monthly advertising. The prices for a yearly advertisement is as follows: 1/2 page $600 1/4 page $450 1/8 page $330 Insert (one mailing) $100 9 January 10 January PETROLEUM RETAILERS & THE TIRE DEALERS OF W. PA ARE HAVING A JOINT MEETING JANUARY 14, 2015 HILTON SOUTH POINT PRE DINNER SPEAKER DAVE HARRINGTON--EASTMAN TIRE SUPPLIES “ON YOUR SITE TPS TRAINING” GUEST SPEAKER ROY LITTLEFIELD, IV Government Affairs Manager Tire Industry Association Find out all you wanted to know about tire legislation Reservation Deadline January 7th, 2015 Cash Bar 6:30 Dinner 7:15 $31. Per person RSVP Required Contact: Nancy 412-241-2380 or Jack Greiner 724-834-8164 11 January Precise Tank Modifications, Inc. PO Box 274, Madison, PA 15663 Donald J. Maughan, President James R. Preisach, Project Manager Phone: (724) 446-3516 Fax: (724) 446-0175 Quality Petroleum Contractors & Distributors DEP Certified: Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland > Underground & Aboveground Storage Tanks > Storage System Installations & Removals > Helium Detection Service > Site Inspections > C-Store Installations > Car Wash Installations > Design Consultation > Remediation Coordination > Permitting & Project Management > Fuel System Electrial Systems > Site Preparation & Restoration > Storm Water Management Systems > Hydrostatic Testing > Factory Direct Fueling Components & Equipment MARK YOUR CALENDARS! SSDA-AT members from across the nation are invited to Washington, DC to meet and speak directly with members of Congress and Committee staff about this important topic at our Federal Lobby Day on February 5th. In 2015, Congress will have to address transportation funding and it is more important now than ever we come together with our members to host a Federal Lobby Day. SSDA-AT’s Federal Lobby Day will include a luncheon with Congressional leaders, meetings with members of Congress and Committee staff, followed by a reception on Capitol Hill. SSDA-AT is working collaboratively with a number of other automotive and highway-user industry groups including the American Highway Users Alliance, and the Tire Industry Association (TIA) on the Lobby Day. The more attendees we have, the stronger our message becomes. The next transportation bill could include tax provisions that would affect the automotive industry adversely for the next decade. With transportation funding being addressed in the spring of 2015, the timing could not be better to have our voices heard in front of the decision makers in Washington. We are asking our membership to attend this event and support the association in their efforts to oppose unfair taxes aimed at the tire industry! FREE transportation will be provided on February 5th, as well as a FREE lunch, FREE cocktail reception, and most importantly the PRICELESS opportunity to have your voice heard in the halls of Congress. Members of Congress and their respective staff appreciate the input provided from business professionals, and on February 5th we have this opportunity. We ask that you RSVP as soon as possible for this event! More information is included in the attached pdf. 12 January Consultants / Insurance Brokers Join the growing number of PRARA members who insure with Bulava & Associates. Bulava & Associates values our professional affiliation with the Petroleum Retailers and Auto Repair Association -- and the opportunity to provide business insurance protection to members like you. If your business is already insured through our agency, we thank you and pledge to continue working hard to earn your trust! If you’re not currently insured with us, why not join the growing number of your PRARA associates who place their confidence in Bulava & Associates to protect their hard-earned assets? For more information, contact us today. XXXCVMBWBJOTVSBODFDPNtt'BY 13 January CCAC WEST HILLS CENTER 1000 MCKEE ROAD OAKDALE, PA 15071 412-241-2380 EMISSION Re-Certification Course Schedule Emission Inspector Safety Inspector 1 14 January 1/5/2015 SIGN UP NOW Emission Re-Cert Class Being held at the PRARA office January 5,2015 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (412) 241-2380 $79.00 per person You may take this class up to 6 months before the expiration date so take advantage of the location. Limited seating. Non Members $85. 15 January Member-to-Member-Services Accountants RobinsonYoung & Associates Oakmont , PA 412-423-1093 ATM ATM Cash World Tom Ranallo--Pittsburgh, PA 800-937-5169 Attorney Albert G. Feczko Pittsburgh, PA 412-833-5554 Inventory Service Strangis & Swaney 724-493-4090 C-store Distributors A.J. Silberman & Co. Indianola PA 412-455-1011 Liberty USA West Mifflin PA 412-461-2700 PetroSopft Office C-Store Back Office Program John Vlasic (412-306-0640x2017 Clean Hands LLC Pgh Pa 412-961-1207 Computers Automotive Inspection Systems MVIRS-Motor Vehicle Inspection Reporting System Pete Kipe / Rick Dunmire 1-866-376-8477 Computer Solutions Dick Norchi--Allison Park, PA 412-369-8896 Consulting S.I.S. J R Bachor Tarentum , Pa 724-224-1220 Environmental-Tanks-Upgrades Petroleum Technical Service Mike Gifford--Butler, PA 724-287-4148 Environmental- tanks & upgrades Precise Tank Modifications Inc. Waste Oil/ Contamined product pick-up Environmental Specialist Ron Blinsky-McDonald, OH 1-888-3313443 Flynn Environmental, Inc. Michael Flynn--Pittsburgh, PA 1-800-690-940 Groundwater & Environmental Srv Inc. Jon Agnew--Cranberry Twp, PA 800-267-2549 ext 3636 Letterle & Associates, LLC Lou Letterle--Allison Park, PA 412-486-0600 Moody & Associates Mark Miller 814-724-4970 Steel City Fueling Systems William Brandenstein-Pittsburgh, PA 412--327-7030 Donald Maughan--Madison, PA 724-446-3516 S.I.S. J R Bachor Tarentum, PA 724-224-1220 Steel City Fueling Systems William Brandenstein-Pittsburgh, PA 412--327-7030 The Weavertown Group John Lavezoli- Carnegie 724-746-4850 Shockey Excavating, Inc George Shockey 724-282-3669 Financial Services Shockey Excavating, George Shockey 724-282-3669 Financial Transactions Services LLC Credit Card Processing Hal Treelisky 412-720-8345 George I Reitz & Sons Sandy Crawford East Pittsburgh PA 412-824-9976 Advanced Fire Company Ron Cruder--Greensburg, PA 724-834-6550 McRo Construction Inc. Donald Rothey Jr.--Elizabeth, PA 412-384-6051 Views expressed in editorials and text are not always the opinion of PRARA. Furthermore, PRARA is not liable for any claims/promises made by advertiaers. Fire Supression Insurance Bulava & Associates Joe Bulava--Greensburg, PA 724-836-7610 Pinnacle Group LLC Kirk Haldeman--Pittsburgh, PA Jack Bonus Insurance Mark Bleier- Pittsburgh, PA 412-452-8722 If you have a service that would be useful to your fellow PRARA members, give us a call at (412) 241-2380 and we will list your name and product/service in our future monthly issues. 16 January Member-to-Member-Services Gas Island Restoration & Concrete repair Simon Surfaces Rich Serignese 1-866-201-3541 Parts/Petroleum Equip. George I Reitz & Sons, Inc. Sandy Crawford--E Pittsburgh, PA 412-824-9976 Don Parker Sales Inc. Pam Pitell 1916 Babcock Blvd 412-821-4085 Petroleum Technical Services Mike Gifford Butler, PA 724-287-4148 PartsCleaner Petroleum Purvis Brothers Inc. Mack Purvis-Mars, PA 724-625-1566 PPC Lubricants Dave Ondik 412-719-0063 R & W Oil Products Richard Smith--McKeesport, PA 412-678-6121 Reed Oil Company Ron Rotolo--New Castle, PA 800-922-5454 Superior Petroleum Don Bowers-Pittsburgh, PA 412-576-2601 American Agip 1-800-922-9243 Bulk Oil Programs Parts Cleaners Kleen-Line 412-466-6277 Petroleum Bolea Oil Products Robert Bolea--Coraopolis, PA 412-264-1130 Bradigan’s Inc. Tom Bradigan --Kittanning 724-548-7654 Glassmere Fuel Service Dell Cromie--Tarentum, PA 724-265-4646 Guttman Oil Company Kevin Forsythe-Belle Vernon, PA 724-483-3533 Kehm Oil Company George Kehm--Oakdale, PA 412-921-5200 Remodeling McRo Construction Inc. Donald Rothey Jr.--Elizabeth, PA 412-384-6051 S.I.S.J.R. Bachor Tarentum, PA 724-224-1220 Site Inspections & Technical Services Petroleum Technical Services Butler, PA Mike Gifford 724-287-4148 George I Reitz & Sons, Inc Sandy Crawford- East Pittsburgh PA 412-824-9976 S.I.S JR Bachor Tarentum PA 724-224-1220 Taxes Robinson Young & Associates 412-423-1093 Tires Keystone Tire & Auto Supply Inc. Mark Greenwald--Braddock, PA 412-271-1989 Uniforms Arrow Uniform Carrie Weber 724-417-8500 Signs JTB Sign Service Jim Rahe--Pittsburgh, PA 412-279-3360 Grease Traps Steel City Grease Traps Mark Kuss 412-583-0206 Underground Storage Tank/Line Testing George I Reitz & Sons, Inc.- Testing Sandy Crawford--E Pittsburgh, PA 412-824-9976 Petroleum Technical Services Butler, PA 724-287-4148 Gulf Oil LLC Doug Storch-Pittsburgh, PA 724-333-5964 If you have a service that would be useful to your fellow PRARA members, give us a call at (412) 241-2380 and we will list your name and product/service in our future monthly issues. 17 January 18 January CLASSIFIEDS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT ESP SYSTEM ONE 4000 Machine (Bad Board) possible OBDI Free for Parts 412--672-7982 USED OIL PICKUP FOR SALE ENVIRONMENTAL C-STORE, RESTAURANT SPECIALISTS,INC APARTMENT 1-888-331-3443 GARAGE 2/BAYS PETRO MAX GAS & DIESEL 412-279-9040 CHAMPION, PA Contact Denny or Sandy USED TIRE PICKUP 724-593-7760 or 7788 1-888-868-0097 LIBERTY TIRE FOR LEASE BAY STATION W/GAS WASHINGTON ROAD BRIDGEVILLE PA JOE 724-941-5995 19 January Calendar of Events January 2015 January 5, Re-cert class (PRARA office) January 14, Tire Dealer Meeting Upcoming Events PRARA Charity Golf Outing (TBA) PETROLEUM RETAILERS & AUTO REPAIR ASSOCIATION 1051 Brinton Road Suite 304 Pittsburgh PA 15221 20
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