Page 1 First Point of Contact - Malcolm Whittaker - League General Secretary (2002-2013) 18 Sherwood Road, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 0HB Mobile : 07896 636 829 - Office : 0121 777 5840 Email: Our league dates right back to the early 1970‘s and was once one of the most sizeable league in Birmingham with a dozen, or more, divisions and more cup competitions than any other of the sort. Several seasons ago the Oakbourne League all but vanished. However, a happy band of folk resurrected the league as a truly competitive but friendly league. During past recent seasons the league has increased to five divisions, with the expected cup competitions, invitational and memorial finals. We are always looking to increase the numbers of teams as the word spreads about the manner in which we operate and the exceptional importance we put in providing what our member teams express interest in. In this day and age, in general, Sunday football seems to be in decline, probably due to the coverage now available on television all through the weekend and more and more Premier matches being staged on Sundays. All similar leagues have suffered through a lack of referees. In keeping the league small, and select, we have been able to maintain a great referee coverage of matches (currently running well over 90%) and, as the behaviour of teams to referees has proved better than average, and shown even more marked improvement, throughout past seasons the league are most hopeful of keeping hold of our existing listings and possibly attracting even more referees for the playing season 2015-16. Handbooks, rules, directives, team details, all the fixtures, results, contact details, current player team appearances, goals scorers, team archives and more is all found at It is generally accepted that our league has the most comprehensive, and speedily updated, web site of any Sunday football league in this area. Check out the league web site at The league Annual General Meeting will be held in June 2015 and a league council will be elected, by existing member teams, for the forthcoming season. At this present time, your main contact will be with the 2003-2015 General Secretary, Malcolm Whittaker, who is currently collating all of the new team applications in preparation for the 2015-2016 playing season. CUP FINALS & SPECIAL EVENTS In the 2013‐14 season, the league forged a new partnership that saw all Cup Finals and special events move to Coleshill Town They has great aspirations for the future of their "grass roots" Football Club, with great plans for advancement and improvements over the coming seasons, and the Solihull and District Oakbourne League are pleased to be associated with them as they themselves take massive steps forward in advancing their own league standing, and reputation, in the local and surrounding areas. The deal spells out good news for, allowing vast improvements of our league structure. Page 2 You may well have expected this section to be at the end of the league presentation, after telling you all about the good things that we can offer, but we don’t work like that, we need you to know the truth and to be fully aware of all the expense you are facing when you set up a new team and join a competitive league. NEW TEAM LEAGUE FEES ………… £125.00 (will be required to be paid at a date set by the ruling league council following team interviews for any specific competitive season) NEW TEAM BOND ……. £75.00 All New teams must lodge a bond with the league which is held until the team leaves the league. The bond is returnable provided that there are no monies owing to the league by the departing team, that their behaviour record throughout the previous season has been acceptable and, also, assuming that they have completed all of there league and cup fixtures. This particular fee must be paid when applying to join the league. Should a teams application, to join the league, be unsuccessful, the bond is immediately refunded. Cheques must be payable to “The Oakbourne Football League” LEAGUE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION FEES ….. Each match played in our league is recorded in a special team behaviour system, where points are awarded to the teams by match officials. The administration fee for this is just £2 per match. The League “Fair Play” system is explained in detail on the league web site together with the resultant benefits and prizes awarded to teams that fair well in the behavioural tables produced. The league administration fees are collected, monthly, at league meetings. COUNTY AFFILIATION .. This particular fee was £70.00 (for new teams for season 2013/14) payable to the Birmingham County Football Association. Existing teams who have already been affiliated to the County pay slightly less than the new teams and existing teams who do not register with the County FA before their deadline pay an additional figure (Usually £20) The affiliation fee is reviewed each season, by Birmingham County F. A., and generally shows a small increase each season. Figures we show are a guideline only. Please note that the league insist that all their member teams pay this affiliation fee earlier than the dates given by BCFA, to assist with BCFA league paperwork, and generally want the receipt / affiliation number forwarded to them by 1st July in any given season. TEAM INSURANCE .. All teams must be insured to the specific level required by Birmingham County FA and, to those ends, an Insurance deal has been made between BCFA & Sportsguard to give all teams the cheapest policies available. These insurance details appear within the County Affiliation forms. REFEREE FEES .. These fees are set by Birmingham County F. A. each season. For season 2013-2014 they were set at £28.00 (In our league the referee fees are shared by the competing teams at every match). COST OF PITCHES – Obviously this is initially down to you, what pitch you find and how much it is worth. If you have your own pitch, all well and good. If you need a parks pitch, you need to contact Sport Birmingham or your local council as quickly as possible. The league do not provide pitches but will try to assist all new teams to find a suitable venue for their first year. Our Fixtures Secretary attends the Midland Leagues Parks Meetings, each year, and is generally successful in finding pitches for teams that have joined the league and have been unable to locate a pitch themselves. However, choices become very limited and you may find that your pitch is a fair way from your desired location. We, therefore, suggest that you make every effort to find your own pitch. The sooner you start looking and making applications the better. Individual team payments for Birmingham based parks pitches are collected by the Solihull and District Oakbourne League and passed on to the hirer. You will see that it is not cheap to set up a new team. On top of all these obvious costs, you will still have kit and basic equipment to provide. It is essential that you prepare for all of your outgoing figures and have a good plan for team member subscriptions. You need your whole team to be committed to the proposal to enter a team into a competitive league. Page 3 The Oakbourne league fixtures normally commence on the first Sunday of September. However, the council have the right to start in August, if they deem it necessary. With the changes in the British climate causing the precipitation levels to increase on a yearly basis, more and more leagues are suffering with called off games due to unfit pitches. It is most generally felt that an August start will be more than necessary to complete all fixtures within the league. Unfortunately, with some teams using parks pitches, we have major problems persuading the local councils to set up their football pitches prior to September. The short term answer will probably be to restrict the numbers in each division to be fairly certain of completing all of the league division and cup competition schedules. The League Council can, again if they feel it to be necessary, stage any of their invitational finals prior to the actual start of the season, although It must be said that this is an unusual occurrence. The actual start date, for each season. is always indicated and agreed upon at the Annual General Meeting of the Solihull and District Oakbourne League, however it is normally as stated above. Fixtures meetings are held once a month, during the time designated as the league football season. They are normally held on the last Monday of each month, but this may be a ruling that is changed at any given AGM. League meeting attendance is mandatory for each club. If any club secretary can not get to any particular meeting, they must ensure that someone is there on their behalf. There is a “very heavy fine” levied against any member team who is not represented at a meeting. (It should be noted that this particular fine was initially suggested and, then, sanctioned by the member clubs themselves !) All of the league meetings are held at the Holy Souls Club, Warwick Road, Acocks Green B27 6RG, the current headquarters of the Solihull and District Oakbourne Football League. League Meetings will commence at 20.00 unless team secretaries are advised to the contrary. The Council expects everyone to be punctual, and all of the team representatives are required to sign in on arrival. Apart from the Annual General Meeting, and any other special meeting that is called for a specific purpose, the league try to make the meetings as open as possible. The Council encourage teams to talk openly about problems they may have encountered, ideas they may have for possible improvement within the league and anything that they need to get off their chests. It is important that the committee is able to deal with all teams in a fair, and caring, manner and, so, the more they are told the better they are able to deal quickly with any problems that may arise. One of the league committee members is designated as a “team liaison” officer, and this person is available to talk “one on one” with team managers or team secretaries about any issues that the team does not wish to be brought up in an open meeting. The officer will then report back to the committee who will discuss the issue and decide on whatever course of action is to be taken. We also have a “Player Liaison” officer to give team members a real voice. The league council expect all their teams, managers and club secretaries to show exemplary behaviour on any, and all, occasions that they attend meetings or any other visits to their headquarters. Why have you been told all about this ? The committee want you to have some insight into the manner in which they run the league for the clubs. k u . o c . e n r u o b k a o . w w w All relevant contact details for each of the current council members can be found on the League Web Site, together with contact details for all listed referees and all of the club officials of our current member teams. Page 4 This trophy is open to all teams in the league and is generally the last final played in any given season. THE OAKBOURNE SUPER CUP THE JOHN SMITH CUP This trophy is played for by teams currently placed in the Premier Division of the league. This trophy is played for by teams currently placed in League Division 2. ALAN WALKER CUP MARLENE ASHLEY CUP This special memorial trophy is played for by teams currently placed in League Division 1. This special memorial trophy is played for by teams currently placed in League Division 3. THE CHALLENGE TROPHY PRESIDENTS TROPHY FAIR PLAY TROPHY The Eaglesfield Trophy is awarded to the team who tops league referee markings for the season in all round fair play. DIVISION SHIELDS These trophies are awarded as a prize in each of the competing divisions that are staged in addition to the Premier League Division. CLUB SECRETARY AWARD A special trophy that is made to the club secretary who has been adjudged to have been the best in any one season. THE WHITTAKER AWARD A special trophy that is awarded to a player, or official, that in the opinion of the General Sec warrants recognition of achievement. This trophy is played for by the “16” teams selected by the markings of league referees. (See Page 6 For details) PREMIER TROPHY The prize on offer for finishing as the leading team in the Premier League Division in any given playing season. EXTRA CUPS The League will add as many extra cups to the schedule as they deem necessary to cover any additional competition that may be included. ARCHIVES & CURRENT DATA There is a vast amount of current data available on the league web site and full archives that show the progress of the league together with specific details requested by teams and players themselves. CHECK IT OUT AT Page 5 HOW DO YOU REGISTER YOUR PLAYERS ? The Solihull & District Oakbourne League were the first “open age” Sunday league to move into the world of identity registration cards for players, that show a current photo of that player, in an attempt to cut out all possibilities of cheating within the game. This was brought in to the league quite a few seasons ago and has proved to be extremely effective. Other Sunday leagues, having originally taken note of what the Oakbourne were doing, have now followed the same pathway, although their systems are not exactly foolproof. With our computer methods of checking player signatures, our ID card system still remains at the top of the pile. When registering players, there is a standard registration form to be filled in that shows name, address, date of birth etc: Passport sized, and quality, colour photograph must accompany application for registration. (This photograph must be current and of “head and shoulders” form. It can not be a scanned image. The registrations secretary will accept digital photographs by email) Once it is accepted, by the registrations secretary, a player identity card will be issued. (See example below) Members of teams can not play in any game if their ID card is not available for inspection. For 2014/15 may register up to a maximum 24 players. Pic. left is a sample 2014-2015 identity card. (Actual Size) When established, a team may have players whose features do not alter much. These specific players can then be then re-registered without another photo. Younger players are not so lucky ! With the league fixtures generally starting at the beginning of September, the BULK of each teams player registrations must be in by mid-August to ensure that they are available in time for the first matches. Each season, the registrations secretary will advise teams of all relevant deadline dates. During the season itself, if a team requires a player to be eligible to play on a particular Sunday, the specific registration forms (with an acceptable photograph) must be delivered to league registrations secretary by the preceding Wednesday. It should be noted that teams will need to arrange to collect identity cards, so prepared, on the Friday in any given week, in order to ensure that they are then available to be played in games as required by the team. We suggest to teams that they invest in a “business card” book to hold the player identity cards. That way they stay drier and don’t get lost ! ID CARD SYSTEM and PHOTOGRAPH REQUIREMENTS Full details of the system used, and full procedures at league match fixtures, with respect to Player ID cards can be found within the “directives” section of the League Web Site, as can details that show the actual requirements of the pictures that teams need to supply. REGISTRATION OF CLUB OFFICIALS There are also registration forms for club officials. These are supplied as the new teams are accepted into membership and will need to be completed and returned quickly as some information shown on these forms is transferred to the teams own club details page of the League Web Site and are also circulated to all of the ruling Council Members. Page 6 Throughout the season, every referee that you have will mark your team. When joining the league you will be given a full breakdown of categories that marks are awarded for. All teams have to pay individually for this referee marking system. (explained below) These marks add up through the season and the top team is adjudged the winner of the league fair play award. (The Eaglesfield Trophy – pictured left ) That is not all ….… The marks given by the league referees also determine the teams that compete in the Challenge Cup Competition. At the beginning of January, the top sixteen teams in the “referees marking” list will be placed into the Challenge Cup Competition. (Challenge Trophy .. pictured right) That is not all … The marks given by the league referees and the resultant places of the league member teams allows the league to award prizes of varying nature to the teams at the top of the lists. This can be FREE LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP for the season ahead, some smaller reduction in league fees, equipment prizes and much more. At the conclusion of season 2012-2013, THIRTY TEAMS had cash amounts awarded totalling over £1360 which were deducted from their league fees for the 2013-2014 season. Our team marking system, being the league “Fair Play System”, was introduced into the league in conjunction with, and in support of, the “RESPECT” programme initiated by the FA. In the first seasons of this “marking system” there has been a marked downturn in abuse and decent to referees and the teams, knowing what is at stake, have been performing “off pitch” and “on pitch” at a much higher standard than in previous years. The provision of a full compliment of referees has always been a major problem in Sunday football and, when there is obvious lack of respect being shown, keeping them is even harder. The new system is working well ... TEAM PAYMENTS TO THE MARKING SYSTEM. All teams pay a set figure per referee that marks them, to cover basic administration of the system, throughout the season with all data and results within the system being kept and administered by Mr Malcolm Whitehouse. Team payments are collected at each fixtures meeting by the league treasurer. It is expected that the payment for this, as per late 2014-2015, will be £2 per match. Further comprehensive details of the system will be made available to teams as they join the league and are also available, in depth, on the league web site. The Solihull and District Oakbourne Football League Benevolent Fund was introduced to provide a safety net that can be kept in place to give support to anyone within the league deemed to be deserving of financial assistance. Full details of this fund are shown on the League Web Site. Teams pay just £1 or £2 per month into this fund, with payments being made at the league fixtures meetings. The actual payment figure is set at the League Annual General Meeting that is held prior to the start of any given season. Annual General Meetings. New teams are not awarded a vote in the AGM pertinent to the season prior to them actually joining the league but are invited to attend. It is a good opportunity to meet other secretaries, and team managers, and there is always a crash course in league paperwork given to all of the new team officials. Page 7 At the end of the 2012-2013 season, the Oak Rep Team took on the might of Birmingham City All Stars in a special Charity game and came away with a more than respectable 2-2 draw. With current manager, Chris Earp, working hard in selecting the players that deserve the honour of being part of the squad, the plans are being formulated to increase the number of games to be played throughout the seasons. This is an ongoing aim of the league who have planned carefully to set up, run and keep the Rep Team as an integral part of the League schedules. The initial application form to join the Solihull & District Oakbourne League is within this booklet. If you print out pages 9 & 10, you should fill it in and return it, with the bond/deposit fee, to the League General Secretary – Malcolm Whittaker, 18 Sherwood Road, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 0HB. You will then be notified of a date, and time, to come to meet the league committee. Team secretaries / managers will be interviewed as to the team’s suitability to join the league, the playing standard of the team to decide which division they should be entered into and that the league rulings are completely understood. The meeting is also used as a tool to give you an insight into registrations, match forms, referee assessment and general running of the league. In some cases, the committee will be able to accept or decline a team at this interview stage. However, if this is not the case (if certain members of the council are not in able to be in attendance) you will, then, be advised of the decision within 7 working days. Whatever you query, you should contact the current League General Secretary – Malcolm Whittaker who will willingly discuss matters with you regarding the league. Address for post is as above and all phone and email contacts are shown on page one. If you are not sure about something, it is better to ask than ignore it. We only have limited spaces each season and all the applications are dealt with on a ‘first come first served’ basis. It follows, then, that the sooner you apply the more chance you have of securing a place in the Solihull & District Oakbourne League for the oncoming season. Page 8 INTERVIEW APPLICATION FORM Season 2015-2016 Please fill in form in BLOCK letters TEAM NAME TEAM SECRETARY NAME ADDRESS POST CODE HOME PHONE MOBILE PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS TEAM MANAGER NAME ADDRESS POST CODE HOME PHONE MOBILE PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS PREVIOUS TEAM NAMES PREVIOUS LEAGUES PLAYED IN COUNTY CLUB NUMBER (if known) Page 9 INTERVIEW APPLICATION FORM Season 2015-2016 Please fill in form in BLOCK letters TEAM 1st COLOURS TEAM 2nd COLOURS SHIRTS SHIRTS SHORTS SHORTS SOCKS SOCKS If you have not decided on kit already, please leave clear HOME PITCH NAME / ADDRESS AZ Ref: If you have not arranged a pitch already, please leave clear ANY OTHER INFORMATION YOU WISH US TO HAVE (Sponsor names etc:) DOCUMENT TO BE SIGNED I the undersigned, on behalf of _______________________________________________________________ F. C. apply for a team membership of the Solihull and District Oakbourne Football League for season 2015-2016. I enclose the bond fee required (£75) and understand that if the application is unsuccessful this will be returned. Please remember to make your cheques payable to “The Oakbourne Football League” SIGNATURE DATE NAME (Capitals) POSITION HELD WITH CLUB Page 10
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