May 28 -30, 2015 The Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center, Boston, Massachusetts HIV update Register at REGISTER TODAY! JOIN US MAY 28-30, 2015 Department of Continuing Education P.O. Box 825 Boston, MA 02117-0825 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID No Reading Permit 7500 HIV Update Contemporary Issues in Management May 28-30, 2015 The Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2015 The Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center, Boston, Massachusetts May 28 -30, 2015 NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING SP E C I A L VIRAL HEPATITIS SYMPOSIUM Friday, May 29, 2015 Earn up to 17.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 5.3 credits of Risk Management Study Continuing Education credit is also available for Nurses Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Recognizes this Conference Under the Direction of: Peter F. Weller, MD, FACP Lori A. Panther, MD, MPH Rachel P. Baden, MD Department of Medicine LEARNING OBJECTIVES The challenge we face as health care professionals is keeping current on the latest developments in HIV clinical care, especially issues regarding co-infections with hepatitis B and/or C. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: n Describe current data on preexposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection The HIV Update course is a comprehensive Continuing Medical Education program specifically designed to foster the integration of all aspects of HIV care. The face of the HIV epidemic has become more multifaceted, such that the care of today’s HIV-infected patient may involve management of non-AIDS-defining malignancies, reproductive issues, renal disease and liver disease as well as ensuring adherence to life-long antiretroviral therapy. n Discuss the clinical manifestations of HIV disease n Evaluate the current standards of care in monitoring and treating patients with HIV infection from the asymptomatic stage through the various clinical manifestations. Our outstanding faculty, recognized as leaders in clinical practice and medical education, will challenge, refresh, and enrich your knowledge in all fields of HIV management. Teaching will be through state-of-the-art lectures, question and answer sessions with faculty and case-based workshops involving all course attendees. This will be a critical, well-informed, clinically relevant course. n Integrate into practice the evolving advances in HIV care, including tailoring antiretroviral therapy to genotype and phenotype, appropriate incorporation of newer antiretroviral agents, approach to initial treatment and salvage antiretroviral therapy, management of challenging populations, gender and reproductive issues, and appropriate management of common infections, opportunistic and otherwise. HIV-infected patients regarding antiretroviral therapy adherence and potential longterm complications such as the risk for development of specific malignancies, chronic liver disease, and chronic metabolic issues. Key Topics Include: n n n n Educate n Determine which HIV-infected patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are candidates for HCV treatment with directly acting antivirals, design regimens and assessments of response, and describe drugdrug interactions, especially in HIV/HCV coinfected patients on antiretroviral therapy n Apply the most current knowledge on how to help their HIV-infected patients live longer, healthier lives. n NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING 2015 course description n n n n State-of-the-Art management of HIV-infected patients in both ambulatory and hospitalized settings; The science of HIV replication and its clinical application; Comprehensive review of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the setting of treatment initiation, salvage therapy, and post-exposure prophylaxis; Diagnosis and management of primary HIV infection; Detailed discussions of HIV complications, including opportunistic infections, lymphomas, malignancies, and hepatitis B and C co-infections; Contemporary topics in HIV, including renal issues, HIV and endocrine issues, and the management of HPV-related anogenital infection; Women’s health issues in HIV, including management pre and post partum; Discussions of challenging cases and ample opportunity to ask questions of and interact with the experienced faculty of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, and other prestigious institutions. “Every speaker was exceptional. A remarkably comprehensive overview of HIV infection.” — FROM A PAST PARTICIPANT faculty HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL COURSE DIRECTORS HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL FACULTY Peter F. Weller, MD, FACP William Bosworth Castle Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases Harvard School of Public Health Chief, Infectious Diseases Division Chief, Allergy and Inflammation Division Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Nezam H. Afdhal, MD Professor of Medicine Lori A. Panther, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Associate Medical Director for Clinical Research The Fenway Institute Staff Physician, Division of Infectious Diseases Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center David A. Fessler, MD, MPH Instructor in Medicine Carolyn D. Alonso, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Dan H. Barouch, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine David A. Cohen, MD Instructor in Medicine Marshall Forstein, MD Associate Professor of Psychiatry Camilla S. Graham, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Medicine Rachel P. Baden, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Chief of Clinical Services, Division of Infectious Diseases Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Melanie P. Hoenig, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine GUEST FACULTY Roger L. Shapiro, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard School of Public Health Jon D. Fuller, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Katherine Hsu, MD, MPH, FAAP Associate Professor of Pediatrics Boston University Medical School Douglas S. Krakower, MD Instructor in Medicine Christopher F. Rowley, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Medicine Wendy Stead, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine C. Sabrina Tan, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Amy Justice, MD, MSCE, PhD Professor of Medicine and Public Health Yale University Robin Wigmore, MD Instructor in Medicine Benjamin Linas, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Medicine and Public Health Boston University School of Medicine Please Note: Program changes/ substitutions may be made without notice. Alexander Y. Walley, MD, MSc Assistant Professor of Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Annie L. Vong, PharmD Adjunct Professor Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THIS COURSE? Deciding where and how to spend your continuing education dollars is a very important decision. Here are a few reasons why you should attend this course: A ll of your pressing questions about HIV and co-infection will be answered. nB y utilizing the interactive Audience Response System, you will be aware of areas of strength and weakness. nY ou will leave with an understanding of recent clinically important advances and recommendations for optimal management. nO ur comprehensive syllabus is packed with a wealth of knowledge and will be available to you electronically and in print. nP ast participants have rated this course among one of Harvard’s best! n WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Physicians specializing in Infectious Diseases, Primary Care, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, and Hepatology n Hospitalists n Physician Assistants n Nurse Practitioners n Nurses n Pharmacists n Social Workers n Register at “The entire course was exceptional in content, presentation & enhancing my treatment of HIV disease.” — FROM A PAST PARTICIPANT general information ACCREDITATION The Harvard Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Harvard Medical School designates this live activity for a maximum of 17.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. that you check frequently. Your email address is used for critical information, including registration confirmation, evaluation, and certificate. Refunds, less an administrative fee of $150 will be issued for all cancellations received two weeks prior to the start of the course. Refund requests must be received by postal mail, e-mail or fax. No refunds will be issued should cancellation occur less than two weeks prior. “No shows” are subject to the full course fee and no refunds will be issued once the conference has started. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada recognizes conferences and workshops held outside of Canada that are developed by a university, academy, hospital, specialty society, or college, as accredited group learning activities. INQUIRIES: ACGME COMPETENCIES Harvard Medical School (HMS) adheres to all ACCME Essential Areas, Standards, and Policies. It is HMS’s policy that those who have influenced the content of a CME activity (e.g. planners, faculty, authors, reviewers and others) disclose all relevant financial relationships with commercial entities so that HMS may identify and resolve any conflicts of interest prior to the activity. These disclosures will be provided in the activity materials along with disclosure of any commercial support received for the activity. Additionally, faculty members have been instructed to disclose any limitations of data and unlabeled or investigational uses of products during their presentations. This course is designed to meet one or more of the following Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education competencies: n Patient care n Medical knowledge n Practice-based learning and improvement n Interpersonal and communication skills n Professionalism RISK MANAGEMENT This activity meets the criteria for 5.3 hours of Risk Management credit(s) in Massachusetts. Risk management credit(s) were determined based on criteria outlined by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine. Please check with your individual state licensing board requirements before claiming risk management credit(s). Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. NURSING CREDIT This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the New Hampshire Nurses Association Commission on Continuing Education, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. A maximum of 17.25 nursing contact hours will be provided upon successful completion of this activity. TUITION PAYMENT, CONFIRMATION, AND REFUND POLICY Payment via credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express) or check only. Telephone, fax, and cash-payment registrations are not accepted. Upon receipt of your paid registration, an email confirmation from the HMS-DCE office will be sent to you. Be sure to include an email address By phone 617-384-8600, Monday-Friday, 9AM to 5PM (EST) or by email at: DISCLOSURE POLICY: COURSE LOCATION All sessions for this activity will be held at The Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center, One Seaport Lane, Boston, MA 02210 (Telephone: 1-877-SEAPORT or 617-385-4000) ACCOMMODATIONS AND TRAVEL A limited number of rooms have been reserved at The Seaport Hotel (Telephone: 1-877-SEAPORT or 617-385-4000) until April 27, 2015. Please specify that you are enrolled in this activity to receive a reduced room rate of $258 per night Single/Double. Hotel arrangements can also be made online through the course website at Please do not purchase non-refundable airline ticket(s) until you have received an email from our office confirming your paid registration. For airline reservations contact the HMS Travel Desk toll free 1-877-4-HARVMD (1-877-442-7863) Monday - Friday 9 AM - 8 PM (EST). From outside the U.S., Canada and Virgin Islands, please call 617-559-3764. HIV Update Contemporary Issues in Management HOW TO REGISTER: To register or view activity information online, visit To ensure proper registration, please add the source code found above your name on the address panel. NEW PARTICIPANTS: n Physicians:................................................................................................$775 (USD) n Reduced Fee for Residents, Fellows in Training, and Allied Health Professionals: ...................................................................$575 (USD) PAST PARTICIPANTS (SAVE $50) n Physicians:................................................................................................$725 (USD) n Reduced Fee for Residents, Fellows in Training, and Allied Health Professionals: ...................................................................$525 (USD) All participants will receive a comprehensive syllabus that is available in print and electronically on the course website. Complimentary Wi-Fi access will be available in the meeting room to access the on-line materials. “The presenters are clinicians who have active and intimate knowledge of working with the target population addressed in this conference. They all spoke from personal experiences, which made the whole conference that much more exceptional.” – FROM A PAST PARTICIPANT “CONCISE, EVIDENCE-BASED MATERIAL THAT CLOSELY FOLLOWS CURRENT GUIDE- co u r s e s c h e d u le THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015 7:15am – 8:00am Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00am – 8:15am Introduction and Welcome 8:15am – 8:45am HIV Vaccines 101* Dan H. Barouch, MD, PhD 8:45am - 9:30am PEP/NPEP/PrEP* Douglas S. Krakower, MD 9:30am – 9:40am Question and Answer Session Dan H. Barouch, MD, PhD Douglas S. Krakower, MD 9:40am – 10:00am Refreshment Break 10:00am – 10:45am Primary Care, Including Recognizing and Testing for Primary HIV Infection Robin Wigmore, MD 10:45am – 11:15am Perinatal Transmission* Roger L. Shapiro, MD, MPH 11:15am – 11:45am Opportunistic Infections Carolyn D. Alonso, MD 11:45am – 12:00pm Question and Answer Session Roger L. Shapiro, MD, MPH Carolyn D. Alonso, MD 12:00pm – 1:15pm Lunch (on your own) HIV AND MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES 1:15pm – 1:45pm Addiction Management and Suboxone Programs in HIV Care* Alexander Y. Walley, MD, MSc 1:45pm – 2:15pm Depression and HIV Marshall Forstein, MD 2:15pm – 2:25pm Question and Answer Session Alexander Y. Walley, MD, MSc Marshall Forstein, MD 2:25pm - 2:40pm Refreshment Break COMPLICATIONS OF HIV AND OTHER INFECTIONS 2:40pm - 3:30pm Images of HIV Jon D. Fuller, MD 3:30pm - 4:05pm HPV Related Complications Lori A. Panther, MD, MPH 4:05pm - 4:35pm Peripheral Neuropathy and HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND) C. Sabrina Tan, MD 4:35pm - 4:50pm Question and Answer Session Lori A. Panther, MD, MPH C. Sabrina Tan, MD FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2015 7:30am – 8:00am Continental Breakfast SPECIAL LECTURE 8:00am - 8:45am Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in HIV Infected and at Risk Patients* Katherine Hsu, MD, MPH, FAAP ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY 8:45am – 9:15am New Therapeutic Agents and Their Use In Treatment Experienced HIV Persons* Christopher F. Rowley, MD, MPH 9:15am – 10:05am Starting an Initial Antiretroviral Regimen* Wendy Stead, MD 10:05am – 10:20am Refreshment Break 10:20am - 11:00am Resistance Workshop Rachel P. Baden, MD Camilla S. Graham, MD, MPH Christopher F. Rowley, MD, MPH Wendy Stead, MD Register at www.HIV - HIV update May 28 -30, 2015 VIRAL HEPATITIS SYMPOSIUM 11:00am - 11:30am HCV: Here and Now in 2015 Nezam H. Afdhal, MD 11:30am - 12:00pm Navigating Insurance Coverage and Prior Approvals* Annie L. Vong, PharmD 12:00pm - 12:30pm Cost Effectiveness of HCV Therapy* Benjamin Linas, MD, MPH 12:30pm - 12:45pm Question and Answer Session Nezam H. Afdhal, MD Annie L. Vong, PharmD Benjamin Linas, MD, MPH 12:45pm - 1:55pm Lunch (on your own) 1:55pm - 2:25pm Management and Diagnosis of Liver Disease TBD 2:25pm – 3:05pm Hepatitis C in Special Populations Rachel P. Baden, MD 3:05pm – 3:15pm Question and Answer Session Rachel P. Baden, MD 3:15pm – 3:30pm Refreshment Break 3:30pm - 4:10pm Hepatitis B Camilla S. Graham, MD, MPH 4:10pm – 4:50pm Practical Implementation of HCV Therapy and Scaling Up Your HCV Program Rachel P. Baden, MD Camilla S. Graham, MD, MPH 4:50pm – 5:15pm Question and Answer Session Rachel P. Baden, MD Camilla S. Graham, MD, MPH Contemporary Issues in Management SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015 7:30am – 8:00am Continental Breakfast SPECIAL LECTURE 8:00am – 8:45am HIV and Aging Amy Justice, MD, MSCE, PhD COMPLICATIONS AND CO-MORBIDITIES 8:45am – 9:25am Cancer Screening in HIV Patients David A. Fessler, MD, MPH 9:25am – 9:45am Refreshment Break 9:45am – 10:15am Renal Disease Melanie P. Hoenig, MD 10:15am – 10:45am Endocrine Issues in HIV David A. Cohen, MD 10:45am – 11:15am Question and Answer Session Melanie P. Hoenig, MD David A. Cohen, MD 11:15am – 11:25pm Closing Remarks Peter F. Weller, MD, FACP Lori A. Panther, MD, MPH Rachel P. Baden, MD *Qualifies for Risk Management credit
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