WILLISTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 STUDENT RESIDENCY VERIFICATION Student's Name:_________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian's Name:__________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number:___________________________________________________________________ Student’s Physical Street Address: ____________________________________________________ (not applicable to homeless students as defined below): Name of adult caretaker with whom student is currently residing:____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Relationship to student:_____________________________________________________________ Adult caretaker’s phone number:_____________________________________________________ To be completed by the parent/guardian or adult caretaker if parent/guardian cannot be reached: 1. Reason the student listed above has moved into the Williston Public Schools: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Is this the student’s only home? If no, explain:___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ □ I certify that my child meets the following definition of homeless and is living in the Williston Public School District. Sharing the housing of other district resident due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds within the District due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations Living in emergency or transitional shelter in the District Awaiting foster care placement Residing in a nighttime residence that is a public or private place in the District not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings in the District OR □ I certify that my child is a resident of the Williston Public School District as evidenced by one or more of the following documents (PO Box numbers are not acceptable verification of residency). NOTE: Attach documentation to this form. A valid North Dakota issued Driver's License with current residential address. A valid North Dakota issued State Identification Card (non-Driver's License) with current residential address. A valid federally issued identification card with current residential address. Passport with current residential address. A valid Tribal Government issued Identification Card with residential address. A valid United States Military Identification Card with current residential address. Utility bill or rent receipt that includes the name and residential address of student's parent/guardian. A lease or property purchase agreement that includes the name and residential address of student's parent/guardian. Change of Address Verification Letter from US Postal Service. A letter from the student’s custodial parent explaining why the student has moved into the school district and with whom the student shall reside. The District may request that the adult caretaker named in this letter verify residency using one of the methods listed above. Should the District determine that a student is not a resident of the Williston Public School District or does not meet the above definition of homeless, the Williston Public School District shall notify the school district of residence and the student's parent/guardian and may withdraw the student from Williston Public Schools (unless an exception under the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Act applies) or may explore other enrollment arrangements with the school district of residence. Upon receiving notice of withdrawal from Williston Public Schools, students must immediately enroll in their district of residence. Under North Dakota law, the district of residence is obligated to comply with compulsory attendance reporting requirements, which mandate that administrators report compulsory attendance violations to local law enforcement agency. I certify that the information that I provided on this form and in conjunction with this form is accurate. I understand that providing false information on this form or in conjunction with this form may result in the Williston Public School District withdrawing my child's enrollment in the Williston Public Schools. _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature __________________ Date Williston Public Schools Elementary Admission Form Do Not Fill Out or Mark Office Use ONLY Student ID# ___________________ Entry Date____________________ Teacher______________________ Student Records: Date Requested _______________ Today’s Date: Grade Entering: Student Information Student Full Name: (Last, First, Middle) Physical Address: (Apt. #) Mailing Address: Name, address and city of school student most recently attended (other than Williston) Did your child attend preschool? Name and City of Preschool: Date of Birth: Yes No Birthplace: Immunization Records Present: Yes No My child receives the following: Check all that apply. Title EMH Speech TMH LD ED Birth Certificate Present: Yes No Is your child on an IEP? Yes Has student previously attended Williston School? Yes No Where: Female Male Ethnicity: White Native American Hispanic Black Asian Other No Parent Information Mother’s Name: (Last, First) Father’s Name: (Last, First) Physical Address: (Apt. #) Check One: Legal Parent Guardian Check One: Legal Parent Guardian Mailing Address: Foster Parent Step Parent Other Foster Parent Step Parent Other Home Phone Number: Mom’s Cell Phone: Dad’s Cell Phone: Mom’s Work Place: May we call you at work? YES NO May we call you at work? YES NO Mom’s Work Phone Number: Dad’s Work Place: Marital Status: Check one: Single Married Divorced May we contact you by email? Please list email addresses here: Dad’s Work Phone Number: Separated Other Siblings (include all children in home) Child’s Name: Age: School: Child’s Name: Age: School: Child’s Name: Age: School: Child’s Name Age: School: Copies of report cards, school reports, etc. can be mailed to: Non – Custodial Parent: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Person to Notify, other than Parents, in case of Emergency: (Please inform this Person that they may be called by the School) Relationship to Child: Work Place: Work Phone Number: Home Phone Number: Cell Phone Number: Health Information Health Concerns Check all that apply: Life Threatening Allergies to________________________________________________________ Allergies (What kind?)_____________________________________________________________ Epi-Pen (Does your child have one in school?) Yes No Asthma Inhaler (Does your child have one in school?) Yes No Heart Seizures Diabetes (Does your child take insulin?) Yes No (If yes, please explain)_______________________________________________________________________ Other ____________________________________________________________________________ Doctor: Doctor’s Phone Number: Please complete the following: 1. Submit immunization records (may already be included in previous school records). 2. Provide a copy of student’s birth certificate. I certify that this information is true and correct. ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian) NEW STUDENT INFORMATION STUDENT_____________________________________________________ GRADE_____________________ DATE____________________ How many different elementary schools has your child attended?__________ Please check all that apply: My child: _____ has glasses or had glasses _____ has had many ear infections _____ has had hearing problems _____ has received special education services _____ has received speech or language help _____ has been in a Resource Room _____ has worked with a school counselor, school psychologist or school social worker _____ has received extra help in reading or math _____ has been retained (held back a grade) _____ has been tested for possible special education Is there anything we should know that will help us select a teacher for your child or plan for your child? ____________________________________ Your name and relationship to child ************************************************************************* Assigned to:_____________________________________________________ Dear Parent, Williston Public Schools will be using ALERT SOLUTIONS, an automated computer system, to notify you in case of an emergency, such as school closings due to weather. Please complete the following information so our records are accurate. Please print Child/Children’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Father’s Name:_______________________________________ Cell Number May we text? Yes No Home Number E-Mail Address Mother’s Name:_______________________________________ Cell Number May we text? Yes No Home Number E-Mail Address Which phone number would you like to be your primary number? Primary 1 : _______________________________________ Primary 2: _______________________________________ Thank you for your assistance! If you have any questions, please contact your principal. NOTICE OF DIRECTORY INFORMATION The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Williston School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child's education records. However, Williston School District may disclose appropriately designated "directory information" without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with district procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Williston School District to include this type of information from your child's education records in certain school publications. Examples include: 1. A playbill, showing your student's role in a drama production; 2. The annual yearbook; 3. Honor roll or other recognition lists; 4. Graduation programs; and 5. Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members. Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent's prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require school districts receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories--names, addresses and telephone listings--unless parents have advised the school district that they do not want their student's information disclosed without their prior written consent. If you do not want Williston School District to disclose directory information from your child's education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing within ten calendar days of enrollment. Williston School District has designated the following information as directory information: 1. Date and place of birth 2. Dates of attendance 3. Degrees, honors, and awards received 4. Electronic personal identifier 5. Grade level 6. Institutional electronic mail address 7. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports 8. Photograph 9. Student's name 10. Telephone listing 11. The most recent educational agency or institution attended 12. Weight and height of members of athletic teams Please do not release the following part or parts of directory information: (check all that apply) Name Telephone Photograph Other (specify): _______________________________________ Please do not release directory information to: Military Recruiters Colleges & Universities Other (specify): _______________________________________ Student’s Name: ______________________________________________ School: ______________________________________________________ Grade: ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________ NOTE: If the student is a high school senior or is otherwise scheduled to graduate, this opt-out request will continue to remain effective after the student has graduated from high school. Williston Public School District is required to have a Home Language survey in every student file. Please take a few minutes to complete and return to the school office. Thank you! Williston Public School District #1 (revised 10/28/10) Home Language Survey Student Name: _________________________________ Student School: _____________________ Student’s Grade:___________________ The US Office of Civil Rights requires that schools identify possible English Language Learner students during enrollment. This Home Language Survey will be used as a tool to determine if your child is eligible for language support services (ELL). If a language other than English is used by your or your child and your child meets the Limited English Proficient definition, the school may give your child an English Language Proficiency Assessment. The school will share the results of the assessment with you. What language(s) are spoken at home? ________________________________________________ What language(s) do you use the most to speak to your child? ________________________________________________ What language(s) does your child use the most at home? ________________________________________________ What language(s) did your child learn when he/she first began to talk? ________________________________________________ List other language(s) that your child has used with a grandparent or caretaker: ________________________________________________ If available, in what language would you prefer to receive information from the school? ________________________________________________ Yes Has your child ever been in an English as a Second Language (ESL or ELL) Program? No Put an X in the boxes on the top line to show the grades your child has gone to school in the United States. Put an X in the boxes on the bottom line to show the grades that your child went to school in another country. School Grade level attended school inside of the US Grade level attended school outside of the US PreK PreK K K 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Grade 5 6 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 If your child has gone to school outside of the United States: In which country or countries did your child go to school?______________________________________________ Which language or languages did your child learn in school?________________________________________ (over) This form also asks for information used by other programs to help your student in school. You are not required to answer these questions, but if you circle yes or no for questions 1-4, your student may qualify for additional services. Refugee Student: NDDPI applies for a Refugee School Impact Grant to provide services for newly arrived refugee students. A refugee student left their home country due to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion and has fled to another country to be resettled. Newly arrived is defined as within the last three years. 1. Would your child be considered a newly arrived refugee student? Yes No Immigrant Student: Immigrant students are mentioned specifically in the LEP definition and may qualify for LEP services. Additionally, students who have attended schools in the US for three years or less may qualify for additional services. 2. Would your child be considered an immigrant student? Yes No If yes, please fill in the Country ________________________ and US entry date (mm/dd/yy) _____/_____/_____ (For refugee students, this is the country that you originally fled, not the country that you lived in most recently.) Native American or Alaska Native student: Native American and Alaska Native students are mentioned specifically in the LEP definition and may qualify for LEP services. 3. Would your child be considered Native American or Alaska Native student by any definition above? Yes No Migrant Student: Migrant students are mentioned specifically in the LEP definition and may qualify for LEP services. A migrant student has a parent who is a migratory agricultural worker and in last 3 years, has moved from one school district to another, in order to work (temporary or seasonal) in agricultural activities. 4. Would your child be considered a migrant student? Yes No If yes, what is the date that you moved to this area? (mm/dd/yy) _____/_____/_____ If your family moved to this area for agriculture (temporarily or seasonally) in what area(s) do you work: (please check all that apply) Sugar Beet Industry Potato Industry Bee Keeper/Honey Processing Turkey Farm/Processing Egg Production Meat Processing Plant Chicken Farms/Processing Plant/Cultivate Trees General Dairy Farm Work Transportation of Agricultural Products Trimming Trees Raw Cheese Production Custom Combining Landscaping, laying Sod or Planting Grass Williston Public School District #1 McKinney-Vento Student Residency Questionnaire IMPORTANT: Return completed form to Students in Transition Liaison PLEASE PRINT NEATLY and complete ALL sections on this form – information is confidential. These required questions are intended to address the law known as the McKinney-Vento Act (Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act). Your responses will help determine if your child is eligible for specific educational services under this federal law. Circle ONE - who is filling out this form - Parent Legal Guardian Foster Parent Unaccompanied Youth PRINT Name(s):___________________________________________________________________________________ Primary Phone: _________________________________ Secondary Phone: ___________________________________ Current Physical Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address (if different from above) ________________________________________________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Name PLEASE PRINT Gender 1 M F 2 M F 3 M F 4 M F 5 M F Date of Birth Names of Younger Children NOT enrolling at WSPD #1 1 2 3 Grade Last School Attended/Last Date Attended DATE OF BIRTH AGE Please check ONE box below that best describes your current living situation: Own or rent apartment or home Doubled Up with more than one family in a house, apartment or trailer In a hotel/motel Name of hotel/motel_____________________________________________________ In a car, camper/5th wheel or public place such as: parking lot, well site, construction site, truck yard, private yard, park, abandoned/building Name of Campground/RV Park_________________________ Moving from place to place In an emergency shelter or transitional housing (including awaiting foster care) With an adult that is not my parent or legal guardian, or alone without an adult Signature ___________________________________ _____________________________ Date_________________ Presenting a false record or falsifying records is an offense under Section 37.10, penal code, and enrollm ent of the child under false docum ents subjects the person to liability for tuition or other costs. TEC Sec. 25.002(3) (d).
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