upcoming events - Housing • Dining • Hospitality

A s s o c i at e d R e s i d e n t i a l C o m m u n i t y H o u s i n g
1/2 Shortened Office Hours,
1/14 New Year Fitness Workout,
Coast Community Room,
Mesa & OMS
1/2 Shortened Office Hours,
1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31
Walking Club, Café Vita,
Mesa Continental Breakfast,
Community Room 3875,
OMS Continental Breakfast,
Building 4 Community
Room, 7:30am–8:30am
Town Hall Meeting,
Location TBA, 6pm–8pm
Nutrition Workshop,
Community Room 9264,
Rita Atki n s o n
R e sid en c e s
1/13 Rita Continental Breakfast,
Rita Lobby, 7:30am
1/25 Supporting San Diego
Neighbors, 4th Floor
Community Room,
1/29 Nutrition Workshop,
Grill Area, 12pm–1pm
S i n gl e G rad ApTs
1/10 SGA Winter Trivia Challenge,
Bates Lounge, 12pm–1pm
1/21 SGA Breakfast,
Bates Lounge, 8am
1/25 Supporting San Diego
Neighbors, Brown Lounge,
Jan 2015
Happy New Year!
1/1 All ARCH Offices
Closed – New Year
1/9 GSA Social, Café Vita,
1/19 All ARCH Offices
Closed – Martin Luther King
Jr. Day
m o n t h ly n e w s l e t t e r upcoming events
@coast ApARtMENTs
New Year, New Habits!
Attention Coast Residents! Did you know we have
added exercise equipment to your Community
Room, including stability balls, medicine balls, a bosu
ball, resistant bands and yoga mats?! Come out on
January 14 at 5pm to learn how to maximize use of
this fitness equipment and apply it to a work out you
can fit into your daily life! It’s time to form healthy
habits for the New Year!
@Mesa & @OMS
Walking Club
Is one of your resolutions to get more exercise this
year? We are here to get you off to a good start!
Introducing the Mesa and OMS Walking Club. We will
meet at 9am at Café Vita every Saturday this month.
Walkers of all ages and skill are welcome. Bring a
bottle of water, and be sure to wear comfortable
walking shoes.
Town Hall Meeting
A Town Hall information session will be held on
Tuesday, January 13th from 6-8pm to provide
information on the new housing community that will
be constructed in North Mesa and the progress the
Strategic Residential Living and Learning workgroup
has made. An email will be sent out with the location
of the venue prior to the event. Food and adult
beverages will be served.
Nutrition Workshop
Get a healthy start to your New Year! Join your
neighbors to learn about healthy eating habits from
a UCSD dietician and dine on some nutritious food.
Start your New Year off right on Thursday, January
15 at Mesa Community Room 9264 from 12-1pm.
Illegal Pathway
Please be advised that the pathway behind Building
2 of OMS is not safe, and therefore its use is
prohibited. Because it is not an authorized walking
path, the fence blocking passage from it to La Jolla
Village Drive will remain in place. This fence is the
property of Cal Trans and cutting it is prohibited.
Thank you for your cooperation, as the safety of our
residents is the highest priority.
OMS Mail Room Hours
During the winter quarter, Mail Services will be
extending the mail room hours for your convenience.
The mail room will be open for package pick up
Monday through Friday 11am-6pm with a lunch
closure from 12-12:30pm each day.
maintenance updates
Here is the latest about maintenance projects around
the community:
• Water Conservation Project
Maintenance will be visiting each apartment to install
valve flowmeters on all apartment sinks and showers.
These valves will contribute to more than 13 million
gallons of water conserved annually. A notice will be
posted on your door indicating when maintenance will
The Grounds crew has been super busy spreading
mulch along the parking lot islands in North Mesa.
By turning off the backflows on two islands we have
closed 54 sprinklers. This will save 421,200 gallons
of water annually!
• Parking Lot Repairs
Parking lots at 9146, 9156, 9176 and the street side
of 9230 Mesa are being repaired, resurfaced, and
re-striped. Please abide by signage to make this
process go smoothly.
@ the rita
Rita breakfast
Kick off your Wednesday with a hot cup of
coffee and food with your neighbors at the
Rita! Counseling and Psychological Services
will share resources regarding student health
and well-being. Join us Tuesday, January 13
at 7:30am in the Rita lobby.
Supporting San Diego
Neighborhoods in Need
Give back this New Year by supporting
your community! Join us on Sunday,
January 25 at 7pm–8pm at the Rita 4th
Floor Community Room. Bring a new and
unopened hygiene item such as toothpaste,
shampoo, soap, hand sanitizer, or other item
for a local shelter. You will receive a ticket
for a campus treat for supporting your San
Diego neighbors.
Nutrition in the New Year
Have a healthy start to your New Year! Join
your neighbors to learn about some healthy
eating habits from a UCSD dietician and
dine on some nutritious food. Start your
New Year off right on Thursday, January 29
at the Rita Grill Area from noon-1pm.
Package Pick-up
Packages can be picked up at the office
during regular business hours. Look for
updates soon about the former package
@single grad
SGA Winter Trivia Championship
Who will win the Winter SGA Trivia Trophy?
Find out Saturday, January 10 from
12pm-1pm in the Bates Lounge. Join us for
snacks and some friendly trivia competition!
OMS Residents
ky l e &
A n to in e t t e
Co n way
Kick off your Wednesday with breakfast with
your neighbors at SGA! Counseling and
Psychological Services will share resources
regarding student health and well-being.
Join us Wednesday, January 21st at 8am in
the Bates Lounge.
Supporting San Diego
Neighborhoods in Need
Give back this New Year by supporting your
community! Join us on Sunday, January 25
at 7pm–8pm at the Brown Lounge. Bring a
new and unopened hygiene item such as
toothpaste, shampoo, soap, hand sanitizer,
or other item for a local shelter. You will
receive a ticket for a campus treat for
supporting your San Diego neighbors.
community news
gSA Social at Café Vita
Join the Graduate Student Association on
Friday, January 9 from 5pm-8pm for their
Roaming Social Hour at Café Vita. Stop by
to hang out with your friends and relax while
you enjoy free food and drinks. All grads are
invited, see you there! Keep up with all GSA
activities by liking them on Facebook.
safety & security central
This year, make a resolution to make safety
a priority. Keep these safety tips in mind:
• Secure and lock your windows and doors.
• Be aware of your surroundings.
• Don’t leave valuable items in your car.
• Register your bike, and use a strong
u-lock to secure it.
• Utilize Campus Escorts to get home from
campus after dark.
Residential Security Officers (RSOs) are
here to assist you in the evenings when our
offices are closed. If you have a noise or
safety concern in the community, you may
contact Campus Police at 858-534-4357.
An RSO will be dispatched to respond to
the concern. Send your safety questions to
klabow@ucsd.edu and we will post the
answers in the newsletter.
Updated Housing Preference
ARCH (Associated Residential Housing
Community) will be sending an email out
this month providing all current waitlist
applicants and residents with an opportunity
to update their gender preference options
for future roommates and housing needs. If
you would like to update your preferences
now, click here. Select the “Login to the
ARCH RMS Portal” option at the bottom of
the page.
Town Hall Meeting
A Town Hall information session will be held
on Tuesday, January 13th from 6-8pm to
provide information on the new housing
community that will be constructed in
North Mesa and the progress the Strategic
Residential Living and Learning workgroup
has made. An email will be sent out with
the location of the venue prior to the event.
Food and adult beverages will be served.
Kyle and Antoinette Conway are two lovebirds who when
not nesting lead very different lives. Kyle is a third year
student at the School of Medicine. His favorite memory
at UCSD is playing table tennis with his classmates on
campus. After a long day at the hospital, Kyle enjoys sitting
down with a bottle of Moscato to some computer games
and Frasier reruns on Netflix. Antoinette works with various
mediums of art - photography, writing, dancing, singing, and
painting. The Conways enjoy fine dining, such as Denny’s,
the diverse tastes of Mexican/Southern fusion at combined
Taco Bell and KFC establishments, and to top it off, Krispy
Kreme when the “hot light” is on. When feeling athletic, they
enjoy playing tennis together at the Mesa tennis court. New building update
You may have heard that the University is in the early stages of planning a new community for
graduate, professional and parent students. In this new section of the newsletter we will work to
keep you up to date on the latest info. You may also visit:
The Graduate and Professional Student Mixed-Use Housing (GPSMH) project received initial approval
by the UCOP Regents on November 18, 2014. The final selection of a Design/Build team was made
on December 11th and the project was awarded to Mithun/Hensel Phelps.
Mithun is an architectural firm based in San Francisco with experience in Campus Planning,
Academic Facilities and Student Life & Housing. You can see some of their work at http://mithun.
com/projects/type/higher_education/. Hensel Phelps will act as General Contractor and has an office
right in our backyard on Genesee Avenue. They have constructed many educational facilities which
you can see at http://www.henselphelps.com/about/locations.
Working group meetings will commence in January to refine design, identify amenities and finalize
the construction schedule. Student representatives will be included in these meetings.
Currently construction is scheduled to commence in approximately 1 year with demolition projected
to begin in September 2015.
The project will be located in North Mesa and will include approximately 1,100 new units:
850 - micro-apartments 40 - 1 bed/1 bath apartments
150 - 2 bed/1.5 bath apartments 40 – 3 bed/2 bath apartments
This new community will require the demolition of 11 buildings (3803 thru 3891) with 3 additional
buildings (3899-3911) being vacated, reducing the number of units in the community by 112. Through
the addition of the new property ARCH will net an estimated 1,000 additional units to accommodate
students on the Waitlist.
An email went out on 11/20/14 to all affected residents advising them of the relocation plan and
about two thirds of those residents have already been in contact with us. A reminder email will be
sent in January. All affected residents will be offered another apartment within an ARCH community
and ideally within North Mesa if that is still their preference.
A Town Hall information session will be held on January 13, 2015 from 6pm – 8pm in conjunction
with a presentation by the Strategic Residential Living and Learning workgroup. An email will be
sent out with details about the venue prior to the event. Food and adult beverages will be served.
We welcome your questions and/or suggestions for how to ensure that this project provides the
best for new residents and the current surrounding community! Feel free to send an email to
archinfo@ucsd.edu or directly to the Graduate Student representatives Brandon Stevens and Cory
Stevenson at housingbac@gsa.ucsd.edu.
office hours & contact information
C o as t Apart me nt s
M-F: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: 858.822.7607
Fax: 858.558.7136
Email: archinfo@ucsd.edu
Leasing Consultant:
Phyllis Asaro
MESA a pa rtme n ts
& O ne M i r a mar
M–F: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: 858.822.3291
Fax: 858.534.6189
Email: archinfo@ucsd.edu
Resident Relations
Leasing Consultants:
Sandy Barbosa, Evelyn Lanahan,
Adriana Pereira
Leasing Supervisor:
Beka Douglas
Senior Custodians:
Arcelia Iniguez, Claudia
Sean Flood
General Manager:
Malia Mahi
Newsletter Submissions:
Ri ta Atk i n son
Re si d e n ce s
M-F: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: 858.534.6990
Fax: 858.534.6103
Email: archinfo@ucsd.edu
Leasing Consultant:
Carlos Solorzano
Si n gl e Gra d Ap ts
M-F: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: 858.534.4723
Fax: 858.534.4565
Email: archinfo@ucsd.edu
Leasing Consultant:
Crystal Camarda
OMS Community Assistants:
Lauren Mastro 858.967.2843
Gary Sahota 858.967.4696
RAR Community Assistants:
Keith Wallace
David White
SGA Community
Akshay Bharadwaj
Jerry Zhou
Resident Relations
Kyle Fridell, Kimberly Labow
Resident Relations
Katie Knoll, Amanda Urena
Resident Relations
Katie Knoll, Amanda Urena
Housing Coordinator:
Judy Williams
Leasing Supervisor:
Nathan Maselli
Leasing Supervisor:
Nathan Maselli
Leasing Supervisor:
Daniela Theus
Senior Custodians:
Arcelia Iniguez, Gloria Rivera
Senior Custodians:
Elsa Paneza Jaramillo
Senior Custodians:
June Ilano, Rosa Meza, Dalila
Padilla, Tomas Pineda
Assistant Custodial
Services Manager:
Cesar Gonzalez-Barajas
General Manager:
Malia Mahi
Assistant Custodial
Services Manager:
Cesar Gonzalez-Barajas
Frank Montoya
Amanda Urena
Scott Hostler
Newsletter Submissions:
General Manager:
Malia Mahi
Newsletter Submissions:
Amanda Urena
General Manager:
Ramona Ferreira
Newsletter Submissions:
Kimberly Labow
24-hour customer service center:
ar ch i n fo o n li n e
Want to add a roommate, submit a rent deferment or check a policy in your community handbook? Are you moving out
soon? Make sure that you turn in your notice at least 30 days in advance! Visit hdh.ucsd.edu/arch/forms.asp to get these
and other important forms and information.